Cleft Window

Work is progressing nicely with the window for The Cleft. Had to re make the symbol for the Journey however, the version I had envisioned in my design did not work out as I had expected.

The Cleft Stained Glass Window

I have been having some trouble trying to acquire the pieces I did for Eder Tsogahl and Eder Delin back from the DRC. In the end I decided that I would rather use all new developed windows for the Age and not include the restored windows. Which works for me seeming the new windows take a different approach to resembling the Ages/Areas, instead of being a representational view that was deployed in the Delin and Tsogahl pieces, I am working from actual KI images taken in the various locations.

I think the initial count of 15 windows was incorrect, I have a feeling if all the pieces are made as planned it may be more.

The Journey

  • The Cleft
  • Relto
  • Gahreesen
  • Teledahn
  • Kadish Tolesa
  • Eder Gira
  • Eder Kemo

To D’ni

  • Bevin Neighbourhood
  • Kirel Neighbourhood
  • Great Zero
  • Ae’gura
  • Phil’s Relto
  • Descent

Path of Co-operation

  • Eder Delin
  • Eder Tsogahl

Path of Observation

  • Negilahn
  • Dereno
  • Payiferen
  • Tetsnot

Path in the Stars

  • Minkata

Path of the Shell

  • Watchers Sanctuary
  • Ahnonay
  • Ahnonay Cathedral
  • Er’cana
  • K’veer
  • Myst

There should be 26 windows, maybe more if we included the Quest that Dr. Watson took but I am not sure whether that should factor in or not.

Final Pellet Experiments

I think photo documentation of the Ages is complete, not a 100% sure though, guess I never will be.

Keira stopped by to tell me the materials for the windows has been delivered to Tehren. Need to stop by and take a look to see if everything is there and start working on them.

Last batch of pellets that I have been experimenting with went in to the ovens, need to run them to Ashem’en later and see where they stand with the rest of the pellets. I have a feeling they won’t match up to the pellets I have been using frequently but I guess we shall see.

The Prophetess

Picked up the piece that I am going to be restoring, there is a fair amount of damage, some mold caused by damp from an undetermined source. The frame was damaged too so I had to make up a new one, the text on the frame was fading, the piece was called The Prophetess. Artists name is to faded to make out, and there seems to be no allusion to which Prophetess it actually is.

A quick study indicated that this piece was of a certain art movement, alas records doesn’t confirm what the movement was which is a pain.

I repaired and re-stretched the canvas over the new frame, cleaned up the paint work and the mold. We haven’t discovered any information on the construct of D’ni paint and how it was mixed so I ended up using surface equivalents and matching the colours up, matched them up nicely I think in the end.

The Prophetess

I have a hi res scan of the piece here: The Prophetess.
For those of you who are interested, you can see the worst of the mold in the top left, haven’t managed to remove it all safely yet.

One thing about being in the Cavern so long restoring stuff, we have the processes down pretty well which means we can get things sorted out quickly, at least with smaller items anyway, bigger restoration projects always take longer not surprisingly.

Still got some work to do before I send it off to the SR guys.

New Windows

Still down in the cavern and its Ages, been collecting the images needed, I still have much to do.

The SR have a few projects going too, restoring some portraits seems interesting, might have to take that one up.

An End of a Journey

Been a bit hectic today, finished off my research on the Bahro that I picked up, took the body and gave it a proper burial.

Had a meeting with Rob and Keira to chat about the future. Now I’m in the office tidying things up and securing the area before I meet up with Sophie.

Not sure what research will be done in the future, but I plan to go though the Ages and D’ni and get as much of it recorded through pictures as I can.

It’s been 5 years since I first came down to D’ni, but now, I think it’s time for me to finish my research and move on.

Is that even possible? D’ni is, well, fantastic. A place where one can visit other worlds, how does one walk away from that? Can one walk away from that? Or will it begin to call again like it did 5 years ago?

I shall gather the images I need, and return to the surface, focus on other things and finish my research in my spare time.

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