May 2nd, 2014

Thirteen new Linking Books sit on my desk, along with countless documents relating to the Ages and areas of D’ni that are contained in those Books. They arrived from the DRC in a large crate after spending the last month sorting out and signing all the necessary paperwork in order to be allowed access to these Ages.

But, it is finally done and after so many years of grasping at the intangible I finally have access. It is clear from taking a quick look over the DRC’s restoration notes for these Ages that it is going to be a huge undertaking, there is so much work to be done. We’ve put a team together composed of members of various restoration groups like the CRS, SR to take this on.

The next couple of months are going to be busy, so many places to visit and assess. Tomorrow I shall start with Kalamee, and from there we shall see where it goes. But for now I need to rest for the hour is late.

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