Luminesce Stained Glass Window

Giles has been posting his journal entries recently regarding an Age he is writing called Luminesce. The other day he posted a map he had drawn out for what he hopes the Age will look like when it is finished, in my experience the Ages never quite work out the way you expect them too, but I enjoy the surprise in that, it takes on a life of its own.

The map however inspired me, more specifically the symbol for the Age inspired me, so today I took a break from Kehrahn and worked upon a small project which I have now finished.

Using the left over glass from previous stained glass window projects I constructed a new one based on Luminesce’s symbol.

Luminesce Stained Glass Window

I’m pretty pleased with how it turned out, given that it was rushed, there are some changes I’d like to make, some of the weld spots, some of the glass I used, I think the colours could be tweaked (the blue in the sky is a little too vibrant for my liking). I’m debating hanging this in the gallery on Cass with other works although I am tempted to see what Giles makes of it.

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