(04/29 11:57:21) Kelsei A.T.: shorah, all

(04/29 11:57:22) Kelsei A.T. waves hello
(04/29 11:57:27) ametist': philigr, good to see you

(04/29 11:57:27) nita1 waves hello
(04/29 11:57:30) ondine leans left
(04/29 11:57:46) ondine leans right
(04/29 11:57:46) philipgr leans left
(04/29 11:58:14) philipgr: Shorah Kelsei

(04/29 11:58:26) nita1 leans right
(04/29 11:58:28) ondine leans left
(04/29 11:58:28) ametist': Shora kelsei

(04/29 11:58:30) Kelsei A.T. unpacks a camera from her backpack
(04/29 11:58:48) ondine: Shorah Kelsei

(04/29 11:58:51) philipgr: Good to see you too ametist

(04/29 11:58:51) Kelsei A.T.: don't mind me much, i'll just be recording the reveal

(04/29 11:58:51) Minasunda: shorah Kelsei

(04/29 11:58:56) nita1: shorah Roland
(04/29 11:59:07) ondine leans right
(04/29 11:59:08) Xavi leans left
(04/29 11:59:27) philipgr: 1956 South African time.
(04/29 11:59:54) Cody Herd: hello all
(04/29 11:59:57) nita1: maybe make some friends hee
(04/29 12:00:02) nita1: here
(04/29 12:00:17) ondine leans right
(04/29 12:00:20) Cpt.Jericho: My god Chogon in online!
(04/29 12:00:27) Cody Herd: leanleft
(04/29 12:00:33) Kelsei A.T.: shorah, Cpt.Jericho
(04/29 12:00:55) Minasunda leans right
(04/29 12:00:57) ondine leans left
(04/29 12:00:59) philipgr: Shorah Cpt. Jericho
(04/29 12:02:27) Brigid: Dude, do you have to?
(04/29 12:02:35) Minasunda: shorah Chogon

(04/29 12:02:41) Kelsei A.T.: shorah, chogon
(04/29 12:02:52) nita1: shorah Chogon
(04/29 12:02:52) philipgr: Shorah Chogon

(04/29 12:02:53) Cpt.Jericho: Hi Chogon!
(04/29 12:03:00) ondine: Shorah Chogon

(04/29 12:03:01) ametist': Shorah Chogon

(04/29 12:03:07) Cody Herd: sit
(04/29 12:03:08) nita1: yes
(04/29 12:03:08) Brigid: Shorah, Chogon
(04/29 12:03:17) Cody Herd: sit
(04/29 12:03:34) Kelsei A.T. waves hello
(04/29 12:03:40) ametist': There are a lot of space for more books in here

(04/29 12:03:45) Cody Herd: how do i sit myself
(04/29 12:03:53) Chogon: Need more books!
(04/29 12:03:56) Dulcamara: shorah Chogon
(04/29 12:04:03) Xavi: ctrl+7
(04/29 12:04:04) Kelsei A.T.: always more coming,
(04/29 12:04:06) Cpt.Jericho: type /sit or press ctrl 7
(04/29 12:04:06) philipgr: Plenty more books
(04/29 12:04:19) Stephany: Need more books.
(04/29 12:04:20) Cody Herd: oh okay thank you
(04/29 12:04:37) ametist': I am digging out Uncle Rebus' chest as best i can lol
(04/29 12:05:14) ametist': I bet IwonK has some 'book-cookies' prepared!
(04/29 12:05:27) IwonK passes around fresh book cookies
(04/29 12:05:32) nita1: yummmm
(04/29 12:05:41) Chogon: Cookies!!!!!
(04/29 12:05:47) philipgr thanks IwonK for her book cookies
(04/29 12:05:48) Stephany: LOL!
(04/29 12:05:50) Cody Herd: yuummm
(04/29 12:06:13) ametist': Always a treat at these occasions!
(04/29 12:07:44) Kelsei A.T. gets a few panning shots to test the camera...
(04/29 12:07:45)
(04/29 12:08:16) Cody Herd: how is everybody
(04/29 12:08:32) philipgr: Fine and how are you Cody?
(04/29 12:08:37) Brigid sideeyes the wannabe troll.
(04/29 12:08:49) Cody Herd: im doing FANTASTIC
(04/29 12:09:13) philipgr: @Cody great

(04/29 12:09:23) Claidi Song: Shorah everyone

(04/29 12:09:23) Minasunda: shorah Claidi

(04/29 12:09:28) EMM: Shorah
(04/29 12:09:39) Minasunda leans left
(04/29 12:09:40) Claidi Song leans right
(04/29 12:09:41) Dulcamara: shorah all
(04/29 12:09:57) philipgr: Shorah Claidi

(04/29 12:10:09) Dulcamara leans left
(04/29 12:10:11) Claidi Song leans left
(04/29 12:10:16) Claidi Song leans right
(04/29 12:10:21) ametist': Claidi

(04/29 12:10:46) Kelsei A.T. tries to find a good camera angle...
(04/29 12:10:47)
(04/29 12:11:14) Roland (Mav Hungary) leans right
(04/29 12:11:16) ondine leans left
(04/29 12:11:18) philipgr: There is a book in each observation room that explains how the wall works.
(04/29 12:11:24) Kelsei A.T.: bah, all this back lighting is killer on the lense.
(04/29 12:11:31) nita1: lol
(04/29 12:12:00) ametist': I heard Patrick is exploring more of Chiso
(04/29 12:12:15) ametist': I hope there will be something that can be restored for us to see
(04/29 12:12:23) Kelsei A.T.: yes, keeps me busy with the caltauc language samples he keeps bringing in.
(04/29 12:12:36) Dulcamara: he have to wear a good helmet then
(04/29 12:12:52) Brigid: Has Tieran gotten you all those first aid kits?
(04/29 12:12:53) ametist': Oh, so he is still finding some, cool!
(04/29 12:13:08) philipgr: He may be digging a basement or a wine cellar ... lol
(04/29 12:13:19) Kelsei A.T.: yes, we've been keeping the downstairs door locked just in case the locals notice us poking around
(04/29 12:13:38) Lycaon Alethius: Shorah!
(04/29 12:13:55) Dulcamara: shorah Lycaon Alethius
(04/29 12:13:55) Lycaon Alethius waves hello
(04/29 12:13:56) philipgr: @kelsi yes you cannot have angry local

(04/29 12:14:18) Kelsei A.T.: Patrick has plans to let us off our 'always lock the stairs door' requirement in the next few months,
(04/29 12:14:40) ametist': kelsei, that sounds awesome!
04/29 12:15:05) Kelsei A.T.: all i ask is nobody take anything from my desk once you can find it?
(04/29 12:15:05) Root Beere (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(04/29 12:15:16) Kelsei A.T. grins good naturedly
(04/29 12:15:16) ametist' laughs
(04/29 12:15:48) Brigid: But can we leave you tokens of our appreciation? I'm sure IwonK has a bag of cookies just for you.
(04/29 12:15:48) ametist': kelsei, promise!

(04/29 12:16:00) Kelsei A.T.: im always glad to take cookies.
(04/29 12:16:03) philipgr: I promise too

(04/29 12:16:12) IwonK hands Kelsei a bag of cookies
(04/29 12:16:29) ametist': I think IwonK would need a bakery in a corner here

(04/29 12:16:39) Kelsei A.T. thanks IwonK and places them in her backpack for safe keeping
(04/29 12:16:39) Cody Herd: i want a cookie
(04/29 12:16:48) IwonK: I have a whole Guild of Cookies '_
(04/29 12:17:00) ametist': yes of course lol
(04/29 12:17:01) Kelsei A.T.: fun!
(04/29 12:17:02) Dulcamara: best cookies ever
(04/29 12:17:07) Cody Herd: yyyuuuumm
(04/29 12:17:14) Brigid: Weeeeell, I in theory know how to build a wood fired oven if we can't reverse engineer some of the D'ni kitchens.
(04/29 12:17:14) ametist' laughs
(04/29 12:17:15) IwonK passes around book-shaped cookies
(04/29 12:17:17) nita1: i will take another one
(04/29 12:17:24) philipgr: Iwonk will be t6he head of the Guild of Caterers
(04/29 12:17:32) nita1: good idea
(04/29 12:17:40) Brigid: Ever tried to make cookies with a woodfire oven, Iwonk?
(04/29 12:18:03) IwonK: a firemarble oven, maybe

(04/29 12:18:07) nita1: i havent tried that...lol
(04/29 12:18:27) Brigid: Oooo! A sparkly oven! For sparkly cookies!
(04/29 12:18:29) ametist' enjoy the warmth from the sun, shining through the windows