(05/24 21:37:46) angelmyst: Nerves can make you sick
(05/24 21:37:59) Schiavona: Tell me about it.
(05/24 21:38:18) Jules Lavisham: Mhm. "It do be like that sometimes", as my students say.
(05/24 21:38:27) angelmyst: i dont like it when I have to deal with store managers.
(05/24 21:38:36) Runa'mei: an odd phrase, but appropriate
(05/24 21:39:00) Schiavona: Better than a slightly more vulgar alternative I've heard passed around too.
(05/24 21:39:11) Jules Lavisham: I've stopped trying to keep up with the contemporary vernacular, Runa'mei.
(05/24 21:39:22) Jules Lavisham: Never could stay on the cutting edge of trends.
(05/24 21:39:47) Runa'mei: I'm often out on the edges of civilization, back home, so I never really get much of that connection.
(05/24 21:39:57) angelmyst: me either, I am stuck in the 70's
(05/24 21:40:21) Runa'mei: one time i came home and the local kids had started calling a particular bird "flappy feathers" for some inexplicable reason and refused to explain it.
(05/24 21:40:43) Jules Lavisham: Tell me Runa'mei, on Rei'schu, are the elders of your people always lamenting the state of their youngers?
(05/24 21:40:43) Runa'mei: nobody else knew why they were doing it either.
(05/24 21:41:03) Schiavona: The simplest explanation is probably because it was funny.
(05/24 21:41:10) Runa'mei: probably, Schiavona
(05/24 21:41:34) angelmyst: elders tend to always lament the state of their youngsters
(05/24 21:41:36) Cpt.Jericho: Isn't that part of nature?
(05/24 21:42:20) Cpt.Jericho: Elders want things go their way and youngster have a complete different opinion
(05/24 21:42:27) Runa'mei: that is a complicated question, Jules, truthfully.
(05/24 21:42:28) Cpt.Jericho shrugs
(05/24 21:43:00) Runa'mei: as i said, I've often been outside of civilization for my work, it comes with the territory.
(05/24 21:43:05) angelmyst: true in any civilization
(05/24 21:43:30) Schiavona rests her chin in her hand and listens for a bit.
(05/24 21:43:38) Runa'mei: I think when I was younger I remember some remarks from the older generations about younger children doing things they'd rather we not.
(05/24 21:44:19) Jules Lavisham sips from his glass of Port while listening
(05/24 21:44:25) Runa'mei: but, the only real times I've heard that kind of complaint with any kind of regularity was from the General when she was training me, and others, in the way of hunting.
(05/24 21:44:43) Runa'mei: but in a strange way, it was the reverse
(05/24 21:45:03) Runa'mei: "You have it much harder than we did at your age. The beasts are smarter, and hit harder, and are more vicious than they once were."
(05/24 21:45:48) Schiavona: It almost sounds like they wish things were easier for you.
(05/24 21:45:51) angelmyst: when they start to learn the hunting methods, it gets difficult, and you have to adapt.
(05/24 21:46:15) Runa'mei: given how our animal populations have been slowly depleeting over the generations given the larger beasts overhunting,
(05/24 21:46:43) Runa'mei: the fact we can now start reintroducing animal variants from Earth to replace ones that have gone extinct is a considerable relief.
(05/24 21:46:52) Cpt.Jericho: Similar to training - weapons are more vicious these days than they were 100 years ago
(05/24 21:47:00) Runa'mei: the chickens have been taking well, from what Kura'quen told me when I last visited.
(05/24 21:47:28) Jules Lavisham: Excellent! Population numbers remaining steady?
(05/24 21:47:49) Runa'mei: I believe so, yes.
(05/24 21:47:58) BatPrad: me looking forward to the chicken-hen-first question...

(05/24 21:48:15) Runa'mei: the caretakers are being very proactive at keeping their flocks safe.
(05/24 21:48:53) Schiavona: That's fantastic to hear. Makes me wish I was still keeping birds.
(05/24 21:49:13) Runa'mei smiles
(05/24 21:49:48) Runa'mei: hopefully, we can start rectifying some of the imminent ecological colapses and that will start lifting tension,
(05/24 21:50:02) angelmyst: watch your hen varieties, some breeds are more agressive. Would be a shame to undo your work
(05/24 21:50:19) Runa'mei makes some notes to pass along
(05/24 21:50:35) Schiavona: Oh yeah, definitely watch out for Chicken Drama.
(05/24 21:50:36) Runa'mei: don't I know it, though. seems like every species has its calm ones, and its aggressive ones
(05/24 21:51:02) angelmyst: i grew up on a chicken farm on the surface...many years ago
(05/24 21:51:09) Jules Lavisham nods grimly
(05/24 21:51:20) Salvo Ludus: Hi all
(05/24 21:51:24) Runa'mei: shorah,
(05/24 21:51:27) Cpt.Jericho: Hello Salvo
(05/24 21:51:31) Schiavona: Shorah, Salvo!
(05/24 21:51:31) BatPrad: male hens are good 'biological alarm clocks' too...
(05/24 21:51:37) Jules Lavisham: Shorah, Salvo! Care for some cheese?
(05/24 21:51:43) angelmyst: Roosters
(05/24 21:51:45) Jules Lavisham: Little bit left
(05/24 21:51:48) Salvo Ludus:

what kind?
(05/24 21:51:52) Cpt.Jericho: Prat, there are no male hens
(05/24 21:52:00) Runa'mei: ah, morning shouters.
(05/24 21:52:06) Jules Lavisham: Got some Stilton, some Winslade
(05/24 21:52:18) angelmyst: Females are hens, males are roosters
(05/24 21:52:28) Jules Lavisham: Got some Wenslydale with Mango and Ginger if you're feeling adventurous
(05/24 21:52:42) Salvo Ludus: I swear IRL I'm eating a block of parmesan
(05/24 21:52:48) BatPrad: unless they decided to become lumberjacks and then roosters...
(05/24 21:52:50) Schiavona: Ya know, that might be good with the onion chutney as well.
(05/24 21:52:52) Jules Lavisham: Dash of Port left as well, if I can be restrained
(05/24 21:53:01) Cpt.Jericho: Without any pasta? Heathen!
(05/24 21:53:24) Salvo Ludus: I eat it straight up. Live dangerously
(05/24 21:53:33) Jules Lavisham: Hmm... trying to remember what was on the agenda for introducing next, Runa'mei
(05/24 21:53:47) Schiavona: If I might make a suggestion on that?
(05/24 21:54:01) Jules Lavisham: Of course, Schiavona
(05/24 21:54:17) Cpt.Jericho: Don't introduce rabbits in Raishu...
(05/24 21:54:26) Jules Lavisham laughs
(05/24 21:54:35) Runa'mei: i dont recall either, Jules.
(05/24 21:54:47) Cpt.Jericho: Seriously, those critter survive Australia
(05/24 21:54:48) Schiavona: Goats. they can provide meat, hair, and milk, and if there's bad pasture you can put them there and they'll do pretty well.
(05/24 21:54:48) Runa'mei: I'm sure that's something that will be up for debate at the next meeting
(05/24 21:54:50) BatPrad: It's not as if we were talking about Tribbles...
(05/24 21:55:13) Jules Lavisham: Goats... now there's a notion.
(05/24 21:55:54) Cpt.Jericho: Goats are almost as bad as rabbits. Those buggers eat almost anything.
(05/24 21:56:22) Schiavona: Which means they'd adapt really well to an unfamiliar environment, like another age
(05/24 21:56:32) Runa'mei considers
(05/24 21:56:40) Runa'mei: it'd certainly be something to bring up, I suppose.
(05/24 21:56:42) Cpt.Jericho: Yeah, and eat it down to solid bedrock
(05/24 21:57:05) Salvo Ludus: Did I walk into a private meeting you guys were having?
(05/24 21:57:11) Runa'mei: nope,
(05/24 21:57:12) Cpt.Jericho: Not really
(05/24 21:57:14) Jules Lavisham: Not at all, Salvo!
(05/24 21:57:17) angelmyst: grandkids hijacked my keyboard
(05/24 21:57:21) Salvo Ludus: OK
(05/24 21:57:22) Runa'mei munches on some cheese
(05/24 21:57:24) Schiavona: You're good, dude.
(05/24 21:57:31) Jules Lavisham: Just casual chatting on this and that, feel free to join us.
(05/24 21:57:35) BatPrad: theres something which has made it into german language - the "Eierlegende Wollmiclhsau" ("egg-laying wool milk pig") - we say it about something which is everything but nothing...
(05/24 21:57:40) Cpt.Jericho: Grandkids are bad for eating too
(05/24 21:57:56) angelmyst: Yes, they love to steal food
(05/24 21:57:58) BatPrad: *Wollmilchsau*
(05/24 21:58:04) Salvo Ludus: Thanks. Jules, did I read your name in a book in some age somewhere...?
(05/24 21:58:48) Runa'mei chcukles at that
(05/24 21:59:04) Runa'mei: I wouldn't be surprised. Everyone I've met seems to enjoy keeping a journal of some kind.
(05/24 21:59:04) Cpt.Jericho: The " eierlegende Wollmilchsau" is a synonym for an animal that has everything and can do everything.
(05/24 21:59:10) Jules Lavisham: Hm... possibly. There's a writeup of our trip to Rei'schu in Eder Naybree.
(05/24 21:59:17) Runa'mei: myself included, really.
(05/24 21:59:41) Jules Lavisham: Plus some writing of my own in Chiso Preniv.
(05/24 22:00:00) Schiavona: I've read that writeup! Rei'schu sounds like a fascinating place.
(05/24 22:00:06) Salvo Ludus: Ah! That's where
(05/24 22:00:15) Runa'mei: It is quite a place, I can say that much.
(05/24 22:00:25) angelmyst: Been waiting on the writers to add my adventures to Chiso Library...this quarter hopefully.
(05/24 22:00:33) Runa'mei: though, growing up there all your life, you learn to take opportunities to see other worlds when you can.
(05/24 22:00:47) Runa'mei: i suppose that's true of any 'stay in one place long enough' situation
(05/24 22:00:51) Jules Lavisham: Yes, I did receive your KI message angelmyst, I hadn't forgotten
(05/24 22:01:09) Schiavona: Nothing like a trip away from home to change your perspective on things.
(05/24 22:01:24) Runa'mei: indeed.
(05/24 22:01:30) angelmyst: Yes, al good
(05/24 22:02:05) Jules Lavisham: Agreed. Change of scenery and culture is very necessary where possible.
(05/24 22:02:25) Cpt.Jericho shrugs
(05/24 22:02:28) Schiavona: Keeps the ol' noggin limber, among other things.
(05/24 22:02:34) Jules Lavisham: New experiences, new ideas to add to your own, taking on a whole new life
(05/24 22:02:53) Cpt.Jericho: Can get a girl out of the trailer park, but it takes Chuck Norris to get the trailer park out of the girl
(05/24 22:02:57) Runa'mei: very much so. getting out of your comfort region is sometimes the best thing you can do.
(05/24 22:03:12) BatPrad: love that multi-cultural idea... had a bit of it on this month's EUrovision Song Contest...
(05/24 22:03:21) BatPrad: music unites
(05/24 22:03:35) Runa'mei: indeed it does.
(05/24 22:03:39) Cpt.Jericho: Yeah, such a shame Russia wasn't in it though
(05/24 22:03:45) Jules Lavisham: Oh, the Rei'schu delegation can certainly attest to that, BatPrad.
(05/24 22:03:56) Cpt.Jericho: Would have made Germany the second last
(05/24 22:04:08) Schiavona: Yeah, but sometimes taking that step can be a real challenge, but this is coming from someone who has more than a little challenge with change.
(05/24 22:04:18) Runa'mei nods
(05/24 22:04:28) Runa'mei: upending your life can be scary, in its own way.
(05/24 22:04:54) Runa'mei: having something thrust upon you can be a good way to start leveraging your own life in different directions
(05/24 22:05:09) Runa'mei: but at the same time, it's often better to try and make changes without any external impetus.
(05/24 22:05:21) Runa'mei: i think it really just depends on the situation?
(05/24 22:05:30) Schiavona: And the person, definitely.
(05/24 22:05:35) Runa'mei: and what kind of changes you're making, as well.
(05/24 22:06:54) Cpt.Jericho: In my trade, it doesn't matter who you are.
(05/24 22:07:06) Cpt.Jericho: There are no changes
(05/24 22:07:08) Schiavona: Too many variables1
(05/24 22:07:08) angelmyst: upending for me was major...new...everything. finding out some things aboutmyself I never knew
(05/24 22:07:18) BatPrad: having that 'what did the romans ever...' moment again... "it JUST depends on the situation" - "and the person" - "and the kind of changes"...
(05/24 22:07:44) Runa'mei: really, all kinds of variables can make change a very daunting thing, or something very easy.
(05/24 22:08:08) BatPrad: changes need effort, that's for sure...
(05/24 22:08:29) Cpt.Jericho: Sorry to disagree - chnages usually only lead to the same old things
(05/24 22:08:33) Runa'mei: and a willingness to do them.
(05/24 22:08:40) Jules Lavisham: "Sic transit gloria mundi", as they once said
(05/24 22:09:06) Salvo Ludus: Even if change leads to the same old thing, the change itself can change YOU
(05/24 22:09:17) Cpt.Jericho: Changes make things to look different. But the truth usually stay the same. It's them up there and us down here
(05/24 22:09:32) Cpt.Jericho: Or vice versa
(05/24 22:09:49) BatPrad: the same old things - reminds me on a song from Daniel Merriweather - with lyrics "Nothing's gonna change"
(05/24 22:09:54) Runa'mei: I suppose that's true in grander regards, as sad as it is.
(05/24 22:10:02) Runa'mei: but on a more personal level?
(05/24 22:10:33) Cpt.Jericho: Born in poverty mean to die in poverty
(05/24 22:10:49) Runa'mei: i've seen people in similar situations either change their situations, or refuse to, and it results in different outcomes.
(05/24 22:11:00) BatPrad: I think Daniel was thinking about that poverty-riches thing in societies... that really a thing which can persist for impressive long times...
(05/24 22:11:49) Runa'mei: it really just boiled down to the individuals willingness to improve the things in their own life that they had the control over.
(05/24 22:12:09) Runa'mei: namely, how they treated themselves.
(05/24 22:12:33) Cpt.Jericho: things here are a bit different, Runa. If you're born in some jungle here, you'll stay in the jungle
(05/24 22:12:40) angelmyst: if you are not willing to change your situation no one will do it for you
(05/24 22:13:27) Runa'mei: I suspect our worlds are a lot more similar than you're thinking, Captain.
(05/24 22:13:35) Cpt.Jericho: angel, that's true if you have at least access to a minimum of education
(05/24 22:13:37) Schiavona is listening, but also making a small cheese bite as well.
(05/24 22:13:49) Runa'mei: I've not found much but a surface level difference between our cultures, the longer I look at things.
(05/24 22:14:03) Runa'mei: it's just that our monsters are very very big and have many many sharp teeth
(05/24 22:14:20) BatPrad: metaphorical or physical?
(05/24 22:14:24) Cpt.Jericho: Our monsters live amongst us
(05/24 22:14:46) angelmyst: some have access to a lot of education, but never make anything of themselves. Some civilizations are a lot more "Civilized" with basic life education
(05/24 22:15:41) Runa'mei: the same can be said for us, Captain, for the smaller ones.
(05/24 22:15:42) Cpt.Jericho: angel, outside our "civilised" world you have no chance of improvement.
(05/24 22:15:53) Runa'mei: the ones on two legs and mask their intents with friendly smiles
(05/24 22:16:19) angelmyst: most of the civilizations in my adventures would seem to be simple, but after watching the peoples. they were anything but
(05/24 22:16:37) Cpt.Jericho: An iliterate shoeshine boy in Mumbai will never make it to the top. No matter how hard he tries
(05/24 22:16:37) Runa'mei: Captain, I think you're conflating 'improvement and change' with 'moving up in social rankings,' which isnt what i was talking about at all.
(05/24 22:16:45) Schiavona: Man, who are we to decide what's civilized anyway?
(05/24 22:17:00) angelmyst: Very true that
(05/24 22:17:21) angelmyst: Civilization has little to to do with social rankings.
(05/24 22:17:42) angelmyst: some of the greatest leaders wer nothing short of barberic.
(05/24 22:17:44) Cpt.Jericho: Civilisation is a myth hidden behind two meals
(05/24 22:17:52) BatPrad: lots of education and never make anything successfully of themselves - sounds pretty much like the Prad's gang... having an interesting life on the edge of the surface...
(05/24 22:17:57) Jules Lavisham: There's probably a few moral philosophers out there up for taking a crack at answering that, Schiavona
(05/24 22:18:08) Cpt.Jericho: Anyone hungry enough will become a barbarian in secons
(05/24 22:18:11) Runa'mei: when I speak of change, on a personal level, I'm speaking of the things a person can do for themselves. the way they treat themselves.
(05/24 22:18:24) Runa'mei: for the longest time I thought that my job of hunting monsters was all I would ever have.
(05/24 22:18:51) Runa'mei: and as much as I resented it, as much as I knew it was necessary, I didn't do anything that could change it because I felt that there was nothing to change about it.
(05/24 22:19:22) Runa'mei: people worshipping me as Chezahcen's personal champion as if that made me some unapproachable figure...
(05/24 22:20:00) angelmyst: just getting into the swing of things....and I have to scoot. Obligations on the surface call.
(05/24 22:20:05) angelmyst waves goodbye
(05/24 22:20:09) Schiavona: Later Angelmyst.
(05/24 22:20:11) Runa'mei: later,
(05/24 22:20:17) Jules Lavisham: Take care, Angelmyst
(05/24 22:20:22) BatPrad: seeya angelmyst
(05/24 22:20:36) Salvo Ludus: Bye!
Angelmyst links out.