12/5/24 Explorers' Emporium Thread.

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12/5/24 Explorers' Emporium Thread.

Post by Traveler263 »

[Note: Buddy Messages, and Direct Messages have been edited out- both properly received, and accidentally sent to age chat.]
(12/05 11:31:17) Claidi Song: Shorah Codi
(12/05 11:31:58) IwonK: Doobes! :D
(12/05 11:32:04) Calum Traveler: Shorah, Patrick!

(12/05 11:32:08) IwonK cheers
(12/05 11:32:17) Emor D'ni Lap: No Doobes here!
(12/05 11:32:18) Patrick Dulebohn: Hi everyone!
(12/05 11:32:19) Calum Traveler waves hello
(12/05 11:32:24) Patrick Dulebohn salutes

(12/05 11:32:25) Minasunda: shorah Patrick
(12/05 11:32:27) Calum Traveler: fancy meeting you here ;)

(12/05 11:32:29) Claidi Song: Shorah Patrick
(12/05 11:32:37) TGMChrist: Shorah Patrick
(12/05 11:32:38) *Jodok*: shorah :D
(12/05 11:32:42) Patrick Dulebohn: Figured I'd come in early and hang out with you all.
(12/05 11:32:45) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(12/05 11:32:53) Calum Traveler: that's a mood
(12/05 11:33:05) Patrick Dulebohn: Kinda glad I stress tested that easel before I put it in here.
(12/05 11:33:07) Patrick Dulebohn laughs

(12/05 11:33:13) IwonK passes around special hang-out cookies
(12/05 11:33:28) Calum Traveler: Ami was supposed to be here too, but she had to leave suddenly due to a family emergency. an aunt or something, from what she messaged me. hopefulyl nothing serious.

(12/05 11:33:30) Ro"Jethhe: IwonK has a special cookie for our favorite Developer Patrick
(12/05 11:33:31) IwonK: yep, it has 3-Ro's capacity :D
(12/05 11:33:32) *Jodok*: thx IwonK forthe cookies
(12/05 11:33:57) Patrick Dulebohn: Ah, the cookies...another reason I wanted to come early!
(12/05 11:34:04) Calum Traveler: the cookies are real nice

(12/05 11:34:10) IwonK passes around early cookies
(12/05 11:34:18) Ro"Jethhe: IwonK I was told there is no Limit for ROs
(12/05 11:34:29) IwonK: it was the National Cookie Day yesterday :)
(12/05 11:34:35) Ro"Jethhe: was it?!
(12/05 11:34:39) Patrick Dulebohn: I do hope the reorganization of the Books on the pedestals wasn't too confusing to everyone and that the easel helped with that.

(12/05 11:34:40) IwonK: a Ro'bust easel ;)
(12/05 11:34:53) *Jodok*: oh sad it is not today would be awesome LOL
(12/05 11:34:53) Ro"Jethhe: I ate some Christmas Cookies yesterday
(12/05 11:34:58) Calum Traveler: Maurus keeps telling me we should switch to a clockwise order with the next age release. lol.
(12/05 11:35:03) Patrick Dulebohn: I suppose we could decree it's National Cookie Day on the Age of Chiso Preniv.
(12/05 11:35:05) Calum Traveler: or was it counter clockwise?

(12/05 11:35:06) Edua: I saw some people not realize the bookshelf with Serene existed.
(12/05 11:35:07) Patrick Dulebohn winks

(12/05 11:35:09) IwonK: I updated my Chiso marker game, Doobes ;) it wasn't confusing :D
(12/05 11:35:22) Edua: Hopefully they figured it out eventually.
(12/05 11:35:26) Patrick Dulebohn: Luckily, it's easy to edit the marker text.
(12/05 11:35:26) Calum Traveler: :) hopefully,
(12/05 11:35:29) Calum Traveler: it is well lit!

(12/05 11:35:33) Ro"Jethhe: got look real hard to fine Serene
(12/05 11:35:39) Ro"Jethhe points
(12/05 11:35:51) Calum Traveler: itll be easier to see once there's more books on it
(12/05 11:35:52) IwonK: on behalf of the whole Guild of Cookies, I declare this day to be a National Cookie Day in Moula
(12/05 11:36:01) Ro"Jethhe cheers
(12/05 11:36:03) Calum Traveler: thanks iwonk
(12/05 11:36:07) Patrick Dulebohn: Yes, the late, great Andy Legate's good work has become the first Book to take an honored place on these shelves.

(12/05 11:36:07) *Jodok*: yayyyyyy
(12/05 11:36:14) Maurus: Shorah all!
(12/05 11:36:23) Calum Traveler: ah, Maurus! I was just talking about you!
(12/05 11:36:24) Patrick Dulebohn: Since the D'ni moved everything out anyway.

(12/05 11:36:25) Ro"Jethhe: is that a capital i or a lover case L?
(12/05 11:36:27) Calum Traveler: good timing lol
(12/05 11:36:53) IwonK: "lover case" I love it, Ro :D
(12/05 11:36:55) Calum Traveler: what was it you wanted the book order to go in again, clockwise or counter clockwise?
(12/05 11:37:11) Calum Traveler: i always get those mixed up.

(12/05 11:37:13) Ro"Jethhe: lwonK and IwonK both look alike
(12/05 11:37:20) IwonK: it's
(12/05 11:37:21) Calum Traveler taps hardhat, and mutters 'memory aint what it used to be'

(12/05 11:37:28) IwonK: it's "i" :)
(12/05 11:37:44) Ro"Jethhe: got Part Timers eh Calum?
(12/05 11:37:56) IwonK passes around part-time cookies
(12/05 11:37:58) Claidi Song starts to laugh
(12/05 11:37:58) Patrick Dulebohn: For what gets moved to the shelves? Order of release, meaning Tre'bivdil and Vothol will be next up. The position of the Books will likely be refreshed at that time again.
(12/05 11:38:09) Thumbs up from Calum Traveler

(12/05 11:38:17) Ro"Jethhe: better than passing round All Timers cookies
(12/05 11:38:29) IwonK: those are still at work, Ro ;)
(12/05 11:38:33) Maurus: Heh! Well, Calum Traveler, the books are already in order counter-clockwise; it's just Tre'Bivdil that is a little out of place at the moment. ;) But it's wonderful that we have the directory now!

(12/05 11:38:41) Ro"Jethhe: I'm too young
(12/05 11:38:47) Ro"Jethhe: give me a few more years
(12/05 11:38:53) Calum Traveler: fair enough, Maurus. XD
(12/05 11:39:12) Patrick Dulebohn: Yes, I wanted the latest Book we'll be releasing today to be front and center for this.
(12/05 11:39:14) Patrick Dulebohn smiles

(12/05 11:39:16) Ro"Jethhe: wish enders was here sniff I really miss him
(12/05 11:39:24) Calum Traveler nods
(12/05 11:39:30) IwonK: I wish I met him...
(12/05 11:39:56) IwonK: I heard he was a fun person
(12/05 11:40:02) Claidi Song: He was
(12/05 11:40:03) Calum Traveler: he was.
(12/05 11:40:04) Patrick Dulebohn: Best we can do is immortalize them in various memorials and share our stories about them.
(12/05 11:40:04) IwonK: and a great dancer
(12/05 11:40:15) Calum Traveler: indeed, Patrick, indeed.
(12/05 11:40:33) Claidi Song: Also sang often
(12/05 11:40:33) *Jodok*: hey philip WB
(12/05 11:40:35) Patrick Dulebohn: We continue all this in their honor and spirit.

(12/05 11:40:46) IwonK: and now Bella...
(12/05 11:40:52) philipgr: Thanks Jodok
(12/05 11:41:04) Calum Traveler: this has been a bad year for losing people,
(12/05 11:41:14) Calum Traveler: i know too many folks who have lost someone, Cavern community or not.
(12/05 11:41:18) Patrick Dulebohn: I had heard about Bella too. Once we get more details, we shall add her to the Veelay journals.

(12/05 11:41:29) Ro"Jethhe: Welcome ural... who's watching the Greeter's Hood?
(12/05 11:41:46) ural: No one at moment
(12/05 11:41:56) Ro"Jethhe: not too much or you'll need to pee pee
(12/05 11:42:22) Eternal Seeker leans right
(12/05 11:42:24) Mabe leans left
(12/05 11:42:30) Ro"Jethhe: Thanks Patrick, very thoughtful
Calum Traveler - KI# 34810
-Traveler's Cavern Log-
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Re: 12/5/24 Explorers' Emporium Thread.

Post by Traveler263 »

(12/05 11:42:58) Daniel452: Shorah everyone!
(12/05 11:43:03) Calum Traveler: shorah seeker, Daniel,
(12/05 11:43:04) Patrick Dulebohn: It's mostly getting more to write in there than just her name. Once we assemble that, she'll be added.

(12/05 11:43:07) Eternal Seeker leans left
(12/05 11:43:09) *Jodok*: shorah
(12/05 11:43:14) Claidi Song leans right
(12/05 11:43:18) Calum Traveler nods to Patrick

(12/05 11:43:26) philipgr: Shorah
(12/05 11:43:28) Maurus: I'm so thankful that we have Veelay... I'm glad we have a way to immortalize the folks in the community we've lost. We at the TCT team were devastated when our teammate Jeff Wise passed away. I like to come back to Veelay every so often and just re-read that entry again.
(12/05 11:43:37) Calum Traveler: getting that info is always tough, especially for the people closest to the ones lost.

(12/05 11:43:50) Eternal Seeker leans right
(12/05 11:43:51) Le Cyclope leans left
(12/05 11:44:05) Calum Traveler: I didnt know Jeff personally, Maurus, but I felt his loss too. I remember hearing his music on the TCT podcasts.
(12/05 11:44:10) Patrick Dulebohn: I'm very glad people have found comfort there. Restoring it was quite a task, but well worth it.

(12/05 11:44:28) IwonK: this has always been my safe place
(12/05 11:44:44) Calum Traveler: Veelay is definitely a grand, quiet place for that sort of thing.
(12/05 11:44:54) Calum Traveler: relaxing, in some ways. to relieve the tension of the soul.

(12/05 11:45:25) Ro"Jethhe: how is this for an idea, red candles in Veelay that we could light?
(12/05 11:45:34) Patrick Dulebohn: Some of you may have noticed a new memorial added there recently. A little tribute to my late parents, who both passed this year.
(12/05 11:45:38) IwonK: why red?
(12/05 11:46:03) IwonK: shorah r'Tay :)
(12/05 11:46:06) Calum Traveler: i noticed the new tree and planter as well.

(12/05 11:46:13) Claidi Song: There is a plan to get together and work on Bella's Veelay book entry
(12/05 11:46:18) *Jodok*: shorah r'tay :D
(12/05 11:46:21) r'Tayrtahn: .shorah Iwonk :-)
(12/05 11:46:31) Claidi Song: Shorah r'Tay :)
(12/05 11:46:31) IwonK: did I take your seat, r'Tay? :D
(12/05 11:46:38) Minasunda: shorah r'Tay :)
(12/05 11:46:39) Calum Traveler: i've got a picture of my grandparents i plan on keeping on my desk in Pod 12, once that area's ready.
(12/05 11:46:49) Calum Traveler: some days i miss them so much...
(12/05 11:46:51) Calum Traveler sighs
(12/05 11:46:55) Patrick Dulebohn: Sounds good, Claidi. When those of you that knew her get something together, I'll get it added into the journals.

(12/05 11:46:56) r'Tayrtahn: Nah, you're good, Iwonk. :-)
(12/05 11:46:58) philipgr: Shorah r'Tay :)
(12/05 11:47:01) Ro"Jethhe: I'm not Catholic but don't they use red candles in their churches ?

(12/05 11:47:29) Calum Traveler: im unfamiliar with specific mourning candle colors.
(12/05 11:47:35) Calum Traveler: sorry, wish i could help there.
(12/05 11:47:38) IwonK: we have like yelowish-white candles in churches
(12/05 11:47:39) Patrick Dulebohn: I think so. Red would certainly make them stand out in Veelay given the cooler colors there.

(12/05 11:47:41) Ro"Jethhe: NP
(12/05 11:47:51) IwonK: true
(12/05 11:47:54) Calum Traveler: very true
(12/05 11:47:57) Ro"Jethhe: the flame would be a red fire marble
(12/05 11:48:15) Claidi Song leans right
(12/05 11:48:22) IwonK: in Poland we light those special little candles in decorative glasses on graves
(12/05 11:48:29) Claidi Song: Shorah Sestra :)
(12/05 11:48:30) Sestra leans left
(12/05 11:48:32) Patrick Dulebohn: We can certainly consider it, Ro"Jethhe.
(12/05 11:48:34) Patrick Dulebohn nods

(12/05 11:48:39) Minasunda: shorah Sestra :)
(12/05 11:48:49) IwonK: shorah Sestra :)
(12/05 11:48:58) ShilohOBrien: For other traditions, mabe an incense burner we can light.
(12/05 11:49:07) Sestra: Shorah everyone :))
(12/05 11:49:21) ShilohOBrien: Or a chime we can ring.
(12/05 11:49:24) philipgr: Shorah Sestra :)
(12/05 11:49:32) Daniel452: Shorah, Sestra :)
(12/05 11:49:40) *Jodok*: shorah :D
(12/05 11:49:51) Patrick Dulebohn: These are great ideas. I'll give them some thought after we're done here.

(12/05 11:49:53) Calum Traveler: shorah, sestra,
(12/05 11:50:14) IwonK: and some matches ;)
(12/05 11:50:24) Ro"Jethhe: no matches
(12/05 11:50:27) IwonK: I wonder why Atrus kept matches in a safe on Myst

(12/05 11:50:28) Ro"Jethhe: click on and click off
(12/05 11:50:29) Claidi Song: Aren't there candles floating in the water in Veelay?
(12/05 11:50:35) Ro"Jethhe shakes his head
(12/05 11:50:37) Claidi Song: Shorah N'Chaka :)
(12/05 11:50:43) IwonK: were they so valuable or he was taking it seriously to keep them away from children :P

(12/05 11:50:43) Calum Traveler: shorah, N'Chaka!
(12/05 11:50:56) IwonK: hi Pod :)
(12/05 11:50:56) Patrick Dulebohn: Heh, perhaps Sirrus and Achenar were too fascinated with fire, so Atrus locked them away?
(12/05 11:50:59) ShilohOBrien: Well, when youve got a rocket boosted tree running on natural gas in your home...
(12/05 11:51:00) Patrick Dulebohn laughs

(12/05 11:51:02) IwonK: yeah :D
(12/05 11:51:04) Minasunda: shorah Pod :)
(12/05 11:51:05) Claidi Song: Shorah Pod :)
(12/05 11:51:07) PodHopper: Shorah everyone :)
(12/05 11:51:07) Calum Traveler: i mean... those are all valid reasons,
(12/05 11:51:09) Calum Traveler: Shorah, Pod
(12/05 11:51:22) IwonK: the bottom line: be careful with matches
(12/05 11:51:22) *Jodok*: hi po:D
(12/05 11:51:37) Calum Traveler stifles a yawn.
(12/05 11:51:57) PodHopper: I will start a music stream in 7 minutes, with lots of music from Semjay, while we wait for the opening :)
(12/05 11:52:09) Patrick Dulebohn: Excellent!

(12/05 11:52:12) Calum Traveler: looking forwards to it, though hopefully my connection will hold out.
(12/05 11:52:15) Claidi Song cheers
(12/05 11:52:25) Calum Traveler: if i vanish suddenly, ive gone to kick over my router to get a signal back.
(12/05 11:52:32) PodHopper: Shorah dreamer :)
(12/05 11:52:52) Patrick Dulebohn: I may or may not have to step away temporarily myself, but we'll see.
(12/05 11:53:11) Patrick Dulebohn: Quite sure I put everything in order when coming here. Even took time to hang out on the surface and in Teledahn.
(12/05 11:53:22) Calum Traveler: oh? Why Teledahn?
(12/05 11:53:46) Patrick Dulebohn: It was one of the first Ages I visited when I first came to the cavern. Got a bit nostalgic.
(12/05 11:53:46) Patrick Dulebohn grins

(12/05 11:53:51) *Jodok* leans left
(12/05 11:53:52) PodHopper leans right
(12/05 11:54:01) Calum Traveler: ah
(12/05 11:54:06) Calum Traveler glances to KI

(12/05 11:54:11) Claidi Song: The colors in Teledahn with the rotating sun are beautiful
(12/05 11:54:12) Calum Traveler: oh, I just got a message from Jules,
(12/05 11:54:21) Calum Traveler: unfortunately he cant make it. work's holding him up late.

(12/05 11:54:25) Ro"Jethhe: I count 33 souls so far
(12/05 11:54:36) Ro"Jethhe: long ways from breaking a record
(12/05 11:54:39) IwonK passes around soul cookies
(12/05 11:54:44) Claidi Song: Counting the redundant Ro's?
(12/05 11:54:45) Patrick Dulebohn: Unlike our predecessors in the DRC, we don't shun Yeesha's message or the Ages she and the Bahro offered in defiance of them.
(12/05 11:54:46) Calum Traveler: he says he's giving everyone his best and he'll try to drop in the first chance he gets.

(12/05 11:54:48) Ro"Jethhe: Soul Train
(12/05 11:54:54) Ro"Jethhe does a dance
(12/05 11:55:03) Calum Traveler: i mean, the DRC did lighten up on that over time,
(12/05 11:55:14) Patrick Dulebohn: Oh, I'm sure it'll get a lot busier as we get about a half-hour away or so.
(12/05 11:55:15) Calum Traveler: but yeah, early days DRC were a bit of the sticks in the mud, eh?

(12/05 11:55:36) Dreamer3: I thought about camping out last night to get a good place in line, but that seemed excessive.
(12/05 11:55:38) Patrick Dulebohn: I think it's mostly because they couldn't stop it, so they just said "Eh...whatever.".
(12/05 11:55:39) Calum Traveler: oh yeah, it always gets busier,
(12/05 11:55:40) Patrick Dulebohn laughs

(12/05 11:55:41) ural: yes, from what i read
(12/05 11:55:56) Calum Traveler: probably partially that,

(12/05 11:56:19) PodHopper: :)
(12/05 11:56:33) Calum Traveler: i seem to recall them embracing using Relto Books, though, but that's probably just a cautious reasonable personal security step
(12/05 11:56:49) Patrick Dulebohn: I think nowadays, it's just assumed that going to unauthorized Ages or areas of the cavern is an "at your own risk" situation...but necessary to get others involved with the restoration.
(12/05 11:56:55) Calum Traveler: still, we ought to keep best practices and put in return books where we can.

(12/05 11:57:22) ShilohOBrien: I have to wonder what OSHA thinks about this little operation of ours.
(12/05 11:57:27) Calum Traveler: for sure, Patrick. Never know what you're going to find these days...
(12/05 11:57:29) Calum Traveler: to quote Marie
(12/05 11:57:39) IwonK: shhhhh! not a word to OSHA
(12/05 11:57:39) Calum Traveler: "We just use cones"

(12/05 11:57:50) ural: ages are safe as they can be...
(12/05 11:57:52) Patrick Dulebohn: We'll certainly make sure what's presented here is as safe as we can get it, but everyone is certainly welcome to stake claims on Ages they've found or Written...and on areas of the cavern they've found.
(12/05 11:57:57) Ro"Jethhe: If OSHA had their way they'd shut us down.

(12/05 11:58:17) IwonK: that's why... shhhhh!
(12/05 11:58:18) Ro"Jethhe thanks you
(12/05 11:58:18) Ro"Jethhe: Hopper
(12/05 11:58:32) Calum Traveler: okay, im going to check if my connection can handle music and streaming
(12/05 11:58:39) Calum Traveler: i may brb...
(12/05 11:58:49) Claidi Song: I rebel when someone tells me I can't do something or warns me it is dangerous
(12/05 11:59:03) Patrick Dulebohn: Still, while I have not been to this Emporium yet, I've been assured by Semjay that Ella has put in the work. I trust Semjay's judgment on that too, so here we are.
(12/05 11:59:26) Calum Traveler: ive done the survey works of the physical area, before it got all loaded up with things

(12/05 11:59:42) Dreamer3: OSHA has had a hard time figuring out our exact GPS coordinates. They're leaving us alone until they can make sure that we're not under Navajo land.
(12/05 11:59:44) Ro"Jethhe: Wasn't Semjay suppost to stream her music?
(12/05 11:59:57) Daniel452: Shorah, Mirabay
(12/05 12:00:08) PodHopper: She asked me to do it, that's all I know Ro :)
(12/05 12:00:09) mirabay: .shorah
(12/05 12:00:10) Claidi Song: Podhopper is our music guy today
(12/05 12:00:11) Calum Traveler: emporium's physical layout is structurally sound, as far as the walkable areas are.
(12/05 12:00:28) Calum Traveler: there was one place i told her to lock off from foot traffic, so hopefully nobody will trip across it.

(12/05 12:00:29) Ro"Jethhe: T-Minus one hour before the release of Explorer's Emporium
(12/05 12:00:40) Patrick Dulebohn: Yep, that's what Semjay said too. So as ever, I'm...Cautiously Optimistic.
(12/05 12:00:41) Patrick Dulebohn grins

(12/05 12:00:48) IwonK: ;]
(12/05 12:00:52) Dreamer3: The music just started on Hopper's channel. (I just switched from Fil's channel.)
(12/05 12:00:54) Murry: Shorah mirabay :)
(12/05 12:00:58) Calum Traveler: shorah, ehren,
(12/05 12:01:06) Daniel452: Nice music from Podhopper :)
(12/05 12:01:22) Ro"Jethhe: nothing too relaxing Hopper might put us all to lala land.
(12/05 12:01:28) Ehren: Hello
(12/05 12:01:30) Calum Traveler: music stream is holding out for the moment on my end. sofarsogood
(12/05 12:01:32) PodHopper: :D
(12/05 12:01:34) Daniel452: :))
(12/05 12:01:43) PodHopper: Shorah Ehren :)
(12/05 12:01:48) Patrick Dulebohn: A new Book in less than an hour isn't exciting enough to keep you awake?

(12/05 12:01:49) Ro"Jethhe crosses his fingers and toes
(12/05 12:01:49) Patrick Dulebohn winks
(12/05 12:01:54) Daniel452: Shorah, Ehren!
(12/05 12:01:55) *Jodok*: I like lala land LOL :D
(12/05 12:02:05) ShilohOBrien: That's why I brought a small gong, Ro. To wake ya'll up!
(12/05 12:02:12) Calum Traveler: its enough for me, Patrick, hah
(12/05 12:02:17) Ro"Jethhe: I'll be amazed just to see it pop in.
(12/05 12:02:30) Claidi Song: Plenty of time for a power nap and a little extra
(12/05 12:02:33) Ro"Jethhe: Poof there's the new book
(12/05 12:02:41) Patrick Dulebohn: Shame. I think there was an air horn brought down for work in the Great Shaft. Sadly, I forgot to grab it.
(12/05 12:02:43) Patrick Dulebohn laughs

(12/05 12:02:43) Calum Traveler: amazing what a good ol sylladex can do, eh? :P
(12/05 12:02:49) Calum Traveler roars with laughter
(12/05 12:02:57) Ro"Jethhe wanna link first
(12/05 12:03:06) Calum Traveler: good thing, too, Patrick, my ears wouldnt hear the end of it

(12/05 12:03:06) PodHopper: Actually, I will play the music from some of the previously relesed ages as well...
(12/05 12:03:11) Calum Traveler wants some space!
(12/05 12:03:20) Calum Traveler: Ella will be the first one through.
(12/05 12:03:24) Calum Traveler: she has to unlock to doors,
(12/05 12:03:35) Patrick Dulebohn: Heh, saving your spot in line already, Ro? It's almost like we're releasing a new Playstation or something. Heh.

(12/05 12:03:36) Dreamer3: Ehren's being cautious until the age has shown it can handle this much traffic.
(12/05 12:04:01) Patrick Dulebohn: Yes, the shopkeeper has to actually open the shop, so Ella will be first to Link.
(12/05 12:04:11) Patrick Dulebohn: Plus, she'll have the Linking Book, so there's that too.
(12/05 12:04:16) Calum Traveler: mhm

(12/05 12:04:24) Calum Traveler: shorah, babbel,
(12/05 12:04:44) Claidi Song: Shorah Babbel :)
(12/05 12:04:55) PodHopper: Hoi babbel :)
(12/05 12:04:56) PodHopper leans left
(12/05 12:04:56) Babbeltje.40 leans right
(12/05 12:05:03) IwonK: hi Babbel :)
(12/05 12:05:08) *Jodok*: shorah :D
(12/05 12:05:13) Dreamer3: Welcome Babbel : - )
(12/05 12:05:13) Babbeltje.40: shorah all
(12/05 12:05:29) Ro"Jethhe: Ehren you did not have to dress up for this Event.
(12/05 12:05:41) Daniel452: Shorah, Babbel :)
(12/05 12:05:43) IwonK: excuse me for a while :) I need to do few little things for my homework :) brb :)
(12/05 12:05:49) Claidi Song: Shorah Sally :)
(12/05 12:06:00) Calum Traveler: excuse me as well for a moment. I need check my equipment a bit.

(12/05 12:06:03) Thumbs down from Ro"Jethhe
(12/05 12:06:03) Ro"Jethhe: Homework
(12/05 12:06:04) Patrick Dulebohn: Hey, nothing wrong with being cautious. Never know when a quake might hit the cavern.
(12/05 12:06:15) Ro"Jethhe flinches
(12/05 12:06:38) Daniel452: Shorah, Sally!
(12/05 12:06:39) Sally Rogers: Shorah all
(12/05 12:06:47) Ro"Jethhe: BRB going to get my hard hat from the Takotah Rooftop
(12/05 12:07:01) Babbeltje.40: shorah Sally Rogers
(12/05 12:07:03) Ro"Jethhe: Mustang Sally Ride
(12/05 12:07:04) PodHopper: Shorah Sally Rogers :)
(12/05 12:07:15) *Jodok*: wondering if the statics of the building here holds all those players weight LOL :D
(12/05 12:07:17) Ro"Jethhe: any kin to Roy Rogers?
(12/05 12:07:18) Patrick Dulebohn: Welcome to everyone just Linking in. This event should kick off in about 47 minutes.
(12/05 12:07:44) Patrick Dulebohn: Er, 53 minutes. My math is all messed up today.

(12/05 12:07:45) *Jodok*: maybe the floor collapses and we land in the basement LOL :D
(12/05 12:07:46) Patrick Dulebohn blushes
(12/05 12:07:54) Calum Traveler: i should hope not, Jodok!
(12/05 12:07:57) Ehren: The easel appears to be strong enough.
(12/05 12:07:58) Ro"Jethhe: WB
(12/05 12:08:10) *Jodok*: was only joking
(12/05 12:08:23) Calum Traveler: ive had enough of sudden collapses, tbh, lol.
(12/05 12:08:24) Ro"Jethhe: this easel is just as strong as the Map in the Plaza
(12/05 12:08:27) Patrick Dulebohn: Nah, it's been structurally sound since we got here.
(12/05 12:08:34) Calum Traveler: i believe it's nara reinforced, that map sign :P

(12/05 12:08:35) *Jodok*: oh for real?
(12/05 12:08:42) Maurus laughs
(12/05 12:08:45) *Jodok*: Imean in RL?
(12/05 12:08:51) Patrick Dulebohn: Indeed. I'm curious if someone put adamantium in that wood or something.
(12/05 12:08:53) Patrick Dulebohn laughs
(12/05 12:08:59) Calum Traveler: lol

(12/05 12:09:08) Dreamer3: Appropriate suspenceful music . . .
(12/05 12:09:11) Ro"Jethhe: it hasn't broken yet and Malaclypse stands on it every day
(12/05 12:09:11) Patrick Dulebohn: I think it was from the same stock the DRC used in Ae'gura.

(12/05 12:09:15) Dreamer3: suspenseful
(12/05 12:09:16) Ehren: Granted there is still the skill of balancing on the thin ledge no matter how strong the material is.
(12/05 12:09:18) Calum Traveler: yeah, it probably was.
(12/05 12:09:40) Calum Traveler: youll never catch me walking on such a thin edge perfectly...
(12/05 12:09:44) Dreamer3: Shorah Daniel : - )
(12/05 12:09:57) Patrick Dulebohn: Somehow, I kind of knew people would do that given that's exactly what they do in the city, so...you're welcome!
(12/05 12:10:07) Patrick Dulebohn smiles

(12/05 12:10:08) Daniel452 waves hello to Dreamer
(12/05 12:10:18) Calum Traveler: knowing this community, we do like to sit in strange places...
(12/05 12:10:26) Calum Traveler reflects on many strange childhood hiding places...
(12/05 12:10:48) Calum Traveler: when i was a kid i used to squeeze myself in between a wall and a bookshelf.
(12/05 12:10:56) Calum Traveler: dont know why i did that save that it felt comfy.
(12/05 12:11:13) Patrick Dulebohn: Definitely would keep you hidden.

(12/05 12:11:22) Ro"Jethhe: I'm getting an echo from both Hopper's and Calum's streaming.
(12/05 12:11:47) Calum Traveler: sorry bout that.
(12/05 12:11:51) Ro"Jethhe thanks you
(12/05 12:11:57) Maurus: Sounds fine to me?
(12/05 12:11:59) BIG thumbs up from Ro"Jethhe
(12/05 12:12:29) *Jodok*: it's the coffeine overdose Ro LOL
(12/05 12:12:34) Calum Traveler: i will refrain from messaging the bot.
(12/05 12:12:59) Ro"Jethhe: can the Bot be here in a Public Age?!
(12/05 12:13:07) Calum Traveler: i think that's r'tay's recording bot
(12/05 12:13:23) Calum Traveler: so nothing more complex than a camera.
(12/05 12:13:26) Calum Traveler: with legs
(12/05 12:13:51) Daniel452: Ro, how come I'm seeing three of you? :)
(12/05 12:13:51) Edua: With that name, it sounds like a camera with legs that will break if you whisper near it.
(12/05 12:14:18) Calum Traveler starts to laugh
(12/05 12:14:26) Ehren: Ro''Jethhe... here in three?
(12/05 12:14:34) Babbeltje.40: Ro is a big person:))))
(12/05 12:15:03) Ro"Jethhe: Yes Ehren we are the Three Romenteers
(12/05 12:15:04) Daniel452: He deserves to be I guess: he's been in this a long time ...
(12/05 12:15:12) Daniel452: LOL
(12/05 12:15:26) Calum Traveler: 45 min to go!
Calum Traveler - KI# 34810
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Re: 12/5/24 Explorers' Emporium Thread.

Post by Traveler263 »

(12/05 12:17:13) Dreamer3: I feel like there aren't enough people on the easel yet.
[Calum Remarks to his Twitch Stream about having enough people on the easel]
(12/05 12:17:16) *Jodok*: brb
(12/05 12:17:28) Calum Traveler: shorah ametist'!
(12/05 12:17:44) Maurus: No Calum Traveler we need MOAR PEOPLE ON EASEL
(12/05 12:17:46) Patrick Dulebohn: I'd tell you all to get off the thing, but I doubt that would do any good.
(12/05 12:17:48) Patrick Dulebohn grins

(12/05 12:17:54) arkduin waves hello
(12/05 12:18:17) Maurus laughs
(12/05 12:18:20) Babbeltje.40: shorah arkduin
(12/05 12:18:22) Calum Traveler: XP
(12/05 12:18:29) arkduin waves hello
(12/05 12:18:31) Dreamer3: Shorah Ametist : - )
(12/05 12:18:33) Aaron Prince: only just now noticed there's 3 Ro"Jethhe
(12/05 12:18:35) Patrick Dulebohn: Also, sorry to those just joining us. Was catching up on some messages.

(12/05 12:18:44) skyisblu: Hi everyone!
(12/05 12:18:48) Calum Traveler: sky! shorah!

(12/05 12:18:52) ametist': Shorah Dreamer:)
(12/05 12:18:55) Patrick Dulebohn: Hey there, sky!

(12/05 12:18:56) ametist': sky!
(12/05 12:18:56) skyisblu: Hi Calum :D

(12/05 12:19:01) Babbeltje.40: shorah skyisblu
(12/05 12:19:03) PodHopper: Semjay's music tends to be heavy on the bass, will have to ease that a little...
(12/05 12:19:14) Murry: Hi Sky :)
(12/05 12:19:14) Calum Traveler: welcome, cooking master of the laidback mondays! :D

(12/05 12:19:15) Ro*Jethhe does a dance
(12/05 12:19:15) Ro"Jethhe does a dance
(12/05 12:19:20) Claidi Song: Shorah sky :)
(12/05 12:19:21) Daniel452: Shorah, Calum:)
(12/05 12:19:23) ametist': babbel, shorah!
(12/05 12:19:25) skyisblu: Lol - I love the title, Calum :D

(12/05 12:19:27) Dreamer3: Shorah Blu : - )
(12/05 12:19:32) Calum Traveler: ^^
(12/05 12:19:43) Daniel452: Shorah, Sky :)
(12/05 12:19:54) ametist' waves to everyone
(12/05 12:20:15) Patrick Dulebohn: ametist! Good to see you again!

(12/05 12:20:17) Daniel452: Shorah, ametist :)
(12/05 12:20:17) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(12/05 12:20:26) PodHopper waves hello
(12/05 12:20:30) ametist': Good to be here, Patrick :)
(12/05 12:20:42) Calum Traveler: good to see you again, ametist :)
(12/05 12:20:51) ametist': Ty calum :)

(12/05 12:21:05) ametist': ondine :)
(12/05 12:21:19) Patrick Dulebohn: Got about 39 minutes. Plus, we're waiting for our guest of honor to arrive, I think.
(12/05 12:21:24) Calum Traveler: eyup
(12/05 12:21:24) Patrick Dulebohn searches the crowd

(12/05 12:21:25) Claidi Song: Shorah ondine :)
(12/05 12:21:32) Calum Traveler is checking something out

(12/05 12:21:33) skyisblu leans left
(12/05 12:21:35) ametist' leans right
(12/05 12:21:49) ametist' smiles
(12/05 12:21:54) skyisblu: What an exciting day :D
(12/05 12:21:56) Calum Traveler: i hope everyones bracing themselves

(12/05 12:21:59) Claidi Song: Shorah ametist :)
(12/05 12:21:59) Daniel452: Shorah, Jully1
(12/05 12:22:08) Calum Traveler: we dont want to vibrate out of existence with excitement, now do we?
(12/05 12:22:09) Patrick Dulebohn: That's why I'm sitting down, Cal. Heh.

(12/05 12:22:12) skyisblu leans left
(12/05 12:22:19) Daniel452: Jully! (finger slipped ...)
(12/05 12:22:20) Murry leans right
(12/05 12:22:23) Calum Traveler: myself as well :P

(12/05 12:22:50) Calum Traveler: shorah, ondine
(12/05 12:22:51) Calum Traveler waves hello
(12/05 12:23:05) ondine: Shorah Calum :)
(12/05 12:23:08) Calum Traveler leans left
(12/05 12:23:08) Patrick Dulebohn: That and running and climbing around the area around the caldera and in Teledahn does tend to be exhausting.

(12/05 12:23:10) ondine leans right
(12/05 12:24:03) Calum Traveler: speaking of the Caldera, Patrick, i think we should have a chat later about staging another mass test of the floor elevator,
(12/05 12:24:20) Calum Traveler: not right now, but, sometime over the weekend or next week.

(12/05 12:24:25) ametist': Ehren, are you expecting a stampede or something!
(12/05 12:24:35) Claidi Song: lol
(12/05 12:24:40) *Jodok*: lol
(12/05 12:24:42) Patrick Dulebohn: Given how quirky the thing has been, I certainly agree.

(12/05 12:24:48) Babbeltje.40: shorah Ondine
(12/05 12:24:50) Calum Traveler: indeed.

(12/05 12:25:01) Ehren: I forgot how to take the suit off, sorry.
(12/05 12:25:05) Calum Traveler: i dont want us releasing that area until we know that elevator is not going to jam up.

(12/05 12:25:05) ondine: Shorah Babbel :)
(12/05 12:25:07) Patrick Dulebohn: Elevators could probably use more stress testing too. I have a feeling people will pile into those just like on that easel over there!

(12/05 12:25:07) PodHopper: Shorah Murry :)
(12/05 12:25:11) Ro"Jethhe: Just you wait and see how many show up when the Bus gets here.
(12/05 12:25:12) ural: yes, barrier needs to be removed first
(12/05 12:25:18) ametist': You look nice, no worries :)
(12/05 12:25:20) Mark Gabrielson: where was this event officialy announced? I got it by word of mouuth
(12/05 12:25:28) Calum Traveler: a few places, Mark,
(12/05 12:25:29) Patrick Dulebohn: All over social media.
(12/05 12:25:38) ametist' leans right
(12/05 12:25:44) Calum Traveler: we had posts on Discord, Cyan shared some announcements as well recently, the social medias as well...
(12/05 12:25:47) Daniel452: On the Guild of Messengers' Calendar
(12/05 12:25:47) Edua: Some forums, some Discord servers, soc. med,, aye.
(12/05 12:25:47) Babbeltje.40 leans left
(12/05 12:25:52) PodHopper: We have music while we wait: www.urutunes.com/hopper
(12/05 12:26:01) Murry: Shorah Podhopper ;)
(12/05 12:26:01) Calum Traveler: shorah, cindi
(12/05 12:26:08) Cindi Dani salutes
(12/05 12:26:11) *Jodok*: Shorah Cindy :D
(12/05 12:26:14) ametist' leans right
(12/05 12:26:16) ondine leans left
(12/05 12:26:17) Ro"Jethhe: It was announced on the MYST Facebook Account and Discord
(12/05 12:26:28) Daniel452: Shorah, Cindy :)
(12/05 12:26:32) ametist' smiles
(12/05 12:26:33) Mark Gabrielson: so its discord mainly
(12/05 12:26:42) Calum Traveler: im sure it was also posted in other places. like reddit as well.
(12/05 12:26:57) Ro"Jethhe: ask Minasunda she makes those posts
(12/05 12:27:00) Calum Traveler: only so much we can do to signal blast things if people arent following in the places we signal blast.
(12/05 12:27:03) Murry: Shorah Cindy
(12/05 12:27:04) Calum Traveler shrugs
(12/05 12:27:08) Calum Traveler: i dont use facebook, for example,
(12/05 12:27:17) Calum Traveler: so i leave those blasts to those who use them, like Mina or Patrick,
(12/05 12:27:21) Patrick Dulebohn: Yep. Unfortunately, we have never found an all-encompassing place to announce such things that reaches everyone.
(12/05 12:27:23) Daniel452: Wish I could get the hang of discord. Can't make head or tails of it ...
(12/05 12:27:42) Ro"Jethhe: Did Radio Free D'ni say anything about this Release?
(12/05 12:27:43) skyisblu: hi Prad :D
(12/05 12:27:54) *Jodok*: shorah prad :D
(12/05 12:28:08) arkduin waves hello
(12/05 12:28:13) skyisblu: I don't believe so, Ro"Jethhe
(12/05 12:28:13) Mark Gabrielson: is thhefacebook account run by mini?
(12/05 12:28:36) Calum Traveler: there's a few FBs. I know Cyan has theirs, Patrick has his, Mina has hers...
(12/05 12:28:54) Calum Traveler: and i know other people repost notifs to their own profiles,
(12/05 12:29:12) Calum Traveler: like the branches of a tree, we can only cover so much ground.
(12/05 12:29:15) Patrick Dulebohn: Indeed. We do what we can to spread the word.
(12/05 12:29:16) Minasunda: I posted it in 3 Facebook groups
(12/05 12:29:26) Minasunda: and on discord
(12/05 12:29:34) Ro"Jethhe: All of the Networks broadcasted it NBC CBS ABC Fox News, BBC
(12/05 12:29:39) skyisblu: lol
(12/05 12:29:39) *Jodok*: no idea about fb, i decided to quit with meta apps :D
(12/05 12:29:40) Ehren: Branches aren't supposed to cover the ground lol
(12/05 12:29:42) ametist': There is quite a crowd here already
(12/05 12:29:44) Ro"Jethhe: NewsNation
(12/05 12:29:52) ondine: Shorah Patrick :)
(12/05 12:30:04) Maurus: We've been making sure to post on all the TCT Socials as well
(12/05 12:30:05) Patrick Dulebohn: Hello there!
(12/05 12:30:05) Ro"Jethhe: Everyone please take a seat to help with the Lag
(12/05 12:30:32) Maurus: Which, by the way, I figured out a convenient way of simul-posting to Bluesky, Twitter and Facebook, which should make life a little easier going forward ^^'
(12/05 12:30:35) Patrick Dulebohn: Ella just messaged me. She should be here in about 15 minutes.

(12/05 12:30:46) Ro"Jethhe: Guild of Messengers must of said something
(12/05 12:30:51) *Jodok*: yipeeeee
(12/05 12:30:56) Patrick Dulebohn: She's bringing the Book with her, but don't expect any peeking.
(12/05 12:30:58) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(12/05 12:30:59) Thumbs up from Calum Traveler

(12/05 12:30:59) ametist': Yeaayy!
(12/05 12:31:08) Daniel452: On the Calendar, yes.
(12/05 12:31:26) Daniel452 cheers!
(12/05 12:31:28) Calum Traveler: good, hopefully we wont have any troublemakers trying to cut the line ;)

(12/05 12:31:29) Ro"Jethhe: Even heard Ted Turner spoke about it
(12/05 12:31:36) Calum Traveler eyes the Row of Ro's
(12/05 12:31:45) Ro"Jethhe: good one Calum

(12/05 12:32:02) *Jodok*: hope there is no need to install crowd control belts like in the airports LOL :D
(12/05 12:32:04) IwonK: Ro Ro Ro yer boat...
[Ro"Jethhe approaches the empty book podium and gets almost in Calum's face]
(12/05 12:32:06) Calum Traveler wants some space!
(12/05 12:32:09) Ro"Jethhe wants some space!
(12/05 12:32:13) Ro"Jethhe wants some space!
(12/05 12:32:14) Calum Traveler is a bit upset...
(12/05 12:32:18) Calum Traveler wants some space!
(12/05 12:32:18) Ro"Jethhe taunts you
(12/05 12:32:21) IwonK: FIGHT! :D
(12/05 12:32:25) Calum Traveler is waiting...
(12/05 12:32:28) Patrick Dulebohn: Hey now...you two behave!
(12/05 12:32:29) skyisblu laughs
(12/05 12:32:29) Patrick Dulebohn laughs
(12/05 12:32:31) IwonK: place your bets, everyone :D
(12/05 12:32:38) Calum Traveler taps his foot
(12/05 12:32:41) Daniel452: LOL!
(12/05 12:32:43) Calum Traveler wants some space!
(12/05 12:32:44) <sniffle> Ro"Jethhe is sad
(12/05 12:32:48) Ro"Jethhe cries

(12/05 12:32:48) Dreamer3: There were some Bahro liberation front protestors outside the Chiso front doors. I hope everyone gets in okay.
(12/05 12:32:52) PodHopper: I bet on Ro, after all, there's 3 of him :D
(12/05 12:32:56) Calum Traveler: you can be 2nd or 3rd in line lmao

(12/05 12:32:59) IwonK: there is never a dull moment with you three ;)
(12/05 12:33:10) Murry: @0 down for the 3 Ro's
(12/05 12:33:15) Murry: 20
(12/05 12:33:21) Calum Traveler: much like the Prad siblings, you can never go wrong with multiples...
(12/05 12:33:26) Calum Traveler: except when it comes to cutting in line
(12/05 12:33:28) Calum Traveler: please do not do that

(12/05 12:33:32) IwonK: the more Prads the merrier ;)
(12/05 12:33:38) Dreamer3: Shorah Es.Ster and Buddy : - )
(12/05 12:33:54) Patrick Dulebohn: Yes, Ella gets first dibs as it's her Book. After that, orderly line please.

(12/05 12:33:54) skyisblu: Watch out for the Pradmunks, though
(12/05 12:33:59) Daniel452: Shorah, Es.Ster and Buddy!
(12/05 12:34:01) Ro"Jethhe: but but I was here all night waiting

(12/05 12:34:06) Buddy: Shorah y'all
(12/05 12:34:08) IwonK: Pradmunks are harmless but sometimes they go nuts ;)
(12/05 12:34:12) PodHopper waves hello
(12/05 12:34:13) ametist': LOL
(12/05 12:34:16) skyisblu: HA hA hA
(12/05 12:34:17) Calum Traveler: doesnt mean you get to be first in line, though,
(12/05 12:34:23) Calum Traveler: that's always the person who opens the doors ;)

(12/05 12:34:23) *Jodok*: 3 ro, 3 prads no wonder there is so much lag LOL
(12/05 12:34:28) philipgr: Shorah Buddy
(12/05 12:34:29) Es.Ster: Shorah Dreamer and Daniel :)
(12/05 12:34:31) Buddy kneels down...
(12/05 12:34:37) Ro"Jethhe: I paid for the Lightning Lane.
(12/05 12:34:47) Ro"Jethhe: I have a KI

(12/05 12:34:48) IwonK kneels up and almost falls off the rail
(12/05 12:34:49) PodHopper: We have music while we wait: www.urutunes.com/hopper
(12/05 12:34:50) Dreamer3: It's too bad the Emporium's black friday sale ends at 12:59 KI time
(12/05 12:34:51) Calum Traveler: we dont have a lightning lane
(12/05 12:34:52) Es.Ster: So great to see so many people :))
(12/05 12:34:52) Patrick Dulebohn: Well, need to get into place and stretch my legs too.

(12/05 12:34:54) Buddy kneels down...
(12/05 12:34:56) ondine: Shorah Daniel & Dreamer :)
(12/05 12:35:05) Ro"Jethhe: Fast Pass?
(12/05 12:35:08) Calum Traveler: nope
(12/05 12:35:16) Dreamer3: Shorah Ondine : - )
(12/05 12:35:16) Patrick Dulebohn: Disney hasn't bought the place...yet.
(12/05 12:35:16) Calum Traveler: we dont believe in such things. we just use queues :)

(12/05 12:35:17) Ro"Jethhe: Senior Discount?
(12/05 12:35:18) Patrick Dulebohn laughs

(12/05 12:35:22) Adi: hello there
(12/05 12:35:22) Claidi Song: lol @Dreamer
(12/05 12:35:25) Calum Traveler: shorah adi
(12/05 12:35:26) Ro"Jethhe: AARP?

(12/05 12:35:26) Daniel452 waves at ondine and Dreamer :)
(12/05 12:35:33) skyisblu: hi Adi :D
(12/05 12:35:39) skyisblu: hi Lucario! :D
(12/05 12:35:41) *Jodok*: shorah
(12/05 12:35:44) Calum Traveler: shorah, lucario
(12/05 12:35:49) Daniel452: Shorah, Lucario :)
(12/05 12:35:54) Es.Ster: Shorah Lucario
(12/05 12:35:54) Lucario1829 leans left
(12/05 12:35:56) skyisblu leans right
(12/05 12:35:57) Adi: :):)
(12/05 12:36:08) Claidi Song: I love this music of Semjay's
(12/05 12:36:17) Calum Traveler stands guard
(12/05 12:36:19) Lucario1829: i love that people have already gotten onto the new sign here
(12/05 12:36:31) Calum Traveler: the row of ros have been here all morning, Lucario

(12/05 12:36:34) Claidi Song: Well mostly just Ro lol
(12/05 12:36:42) Buddy kneels down...
(12/05 12:36:43) Lucario1829: true
(12/05 12:36:47) Ro"Jethhe is calling my Lawyer.
(12/05 12:37:07) Maurus: So I gotta say, I'm excited to finally meet Ella Darrington in person! What I've heard about her is pretty fascinating.
(12/05 12:37:24) Calum Traveler: lets not spread rumors now please.
(12/05 12:37:39) Patrick Dulebohn: Definitely an interesting lady...and that was just from one meeting!
(12/05 12:37:51) Emor D'ni Lap: Do tell, Maurus! Spread rumors!
(12/05 12:37:56) Calum Traveler: she's a bit quirky, but i believe she's well meaning enough.

(12/05 12:37:57) Ro"Jethhe: Single or Married?
(12/05 12:38:02) Calum Traveler says DOH!
(12/05 12:38:12) Patrick Dulebohn: I dare say many of us are quite quirky.
(12/05 12:38:14) Claidi Song: She means to make money well, at least
(12/05 12:38:15) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(12/05 12:38:21) Calum Traveler: i dont think anything i say will dissuade rumor talk, i suppose.

(12/05 12:38:28) Ro"Jethhe loves $$$$$$$
(12/05 12:38:50) Claidi Song: Many of us have met Ella already. A character lol
(12/05 12:38:51) Calum Traveler: yes, i hope everyones wallets are prepared for probably pricey artworks :P
(12/05 12:39:16) Murry looks at Robert for signs of reaction and nods his head.
(12/05 12:39:16) Maurus is happy his end of year Bonus is coming soon...
(12/05 12:39:21) TikiBear: It doesn't matter how much you spend it's how much you save that counts!
(12/05 12:39:30) Claidi Song starts to laugh
(12/05 12:39:31) Patrick Dulebohn: You should have seen me in the beginning, Prad. Painfully shy.
(12/05 12:39:38) Patrick Dulebohn: Now look at me!
(12/05 12:39:39) Patrick Dulebohn bows
Calum Traveler - KI# 34810
-Traveler's Cavern Log-
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Joined: Sat Oct 30, 2021 2:25 pm

Re: 12/5/24 Explorers' Emporium Thread.

Post by Traveler263 »

(12/05 12:39:45) Calum Traveler: oh ye gods, you dont want to know past me when i started public speaking.
(12/05 12:39:46) Maurus laughs

(12/05 12:39:46) Emor D'ni Lap: Greetings, Chogon!
(12/05 12:39:50) ural: so was tai and frayers
(12/05 12:39:56) Calum Traveler: i was just such a little teenager in way over his head.

(12/05 12:39:57) Daniel452: Yep, me too!
(12/05 12:39:58) Babbeltje.40: shorah Chogon
(12/05 12:40:00) IwonK: time for some Pole Dancing! :D
(12/05 12:40:00) ural: hello chogon
(12/05 12:40:01) Esto taps Maurus on the shoulder
(12/05 12:40:02) Calum Traveler: shorah, Chogon!
(12/05 12:40:02) IwonK does a dance
(12/05 12:40:07) Lucario1829 leans right
(12/05 12:40:07) Ro"Jethhe: That struk in Humboldt County
(12/05 12:40:08) Chogon: Hello!
(12/05 12:40:10) Patrick Dulebohn: Hello there, Chogon!
(12/05 12:40:12) Patrick Dulebohn salutes

(12/05 12:40:12) Daniel452: Shorah, Chogon!
(12/05 12:40:13) Minasunda: shorah Chogon :)
(12/05 12:40:14) Esto leans left
(12/05 12:40:16) skyisblu: hi Chogon :D
(12/05 12:40:16) Es.Ster: Hello Chogon
(12/05 12:40:16) Claidi Song: Shorah Chogon
(12/05 12:40:17) PodHopper: Shorah Chogon :)
(12/05 12:40:20) Murry: Hi Chogon :)
(12/05 12:40:22) IwonK: shroah Chogon :)
(12/05 12:40:26) ondine: Shorah Chogon :)
(12/05 12:40:28) *Jodok*: shorah :D
(12/05 12:40:33) IwonK passes around welcoming cookies
(12/05 12:40:34) Ro"Jethhe: did Chogon bring the book?
(12/05 12:40:40) Calum Traveler: no, Ella has the book, Ro
(12/05 12:40:42) Patrick Dulebohn: Nope, Ella's brining it.
(12/05 12:40:45) Chogon: Cookies!
(12/05 12:40:45) Ro"Jethhe thanks you
(12/05 12:40:58) Patrick Dulebohn: Er, BRINGING. I hope she didn't brine the Book. Heh.
(12/05 12:41:00) Maurus: Hey Esto! Glad you could make it.
(12/05 12:41:00) skyisblu: Chogon is here for the party, just like the rest of us ;)

(12/05 12:41:02) Ro"Jethhe: Checkbook?
(12/05 12:41:03) Emor D'ni Lap: ONe salty book, that
(12/05 12:41:06) Esto: I heard a rumor that you have to use a linking book to reach the emporium

(12/05 12:41:08) Chogon: @Prad: LOL
(12/05 12:41:12) Calum Traveler: well, yes, Esto,

(12/05 12:41:12) ShilohOBrien: Always brine your book before roasting.
(12/05 12:41:13) Maurus gives Esto a fist bump
(12/05 12:41:14) Es.Ster: i missed the plate with cookies
(12/05 12:41:18) r'Tayrtahn: .shorah Chogon :-)
(12/05 12:41:18) Calum Traveler: it IS a different place than Chiso
(12/05 12:41:21) Patrick Dulebohn: Chogon is an esteemed guest and always welcome at these functions.

(12/05 12:41:23) Esto returns the fist bump
(12/05 12:41:23) Calum Traveler: so you cant exactly walk there

(12/05 12:41:26) IwonK passes around even more cookies
(12/05 12:41:28) Esto: got out of work early for this
(12/05 12:41:30) Calum Traveler: all Cyantists are welcome here :)

(12/05 12:41:33) ShilohOBrien: Shorah, Chogon!
(12/05 12:41:33) Cody Herd: i had a cookie
(12/05 12:41:40) Es.Ster: Thank you Iwonk, nice :)
(12/05 12:41:41) Patrick Dulebohn: Current and former, yes. Cyantists welcome!

(12/05 12:41:56) Ro"Jethhe: I thought the door to the Emporium was in all of the Hoods and Bevins.
(12/05 12:41:57) Esto: what about future Cyantists?
(12/05 12:42:02) Patrick Dulebohn: Them too!
(12/05 12:42:05) Esto: we can't keep out the time travelers

(12/05 12:42:07) Daniel452: IwonK has some of the best cookies! :)
(12/05 12:42:14) IwonK: you know... I like that Cyan's logo is a "C", as we all know, C is for Cookie ;)
(12/05 12:42:19) Ro"Jethhe: no way near 200
(12/05 12:42:23) Claidi Song: But the linking book is required to go through the door, Ro
(12/05 12:42:27) Chogon: And future ones too| Any of them here?
(12/05 12:42:34) Maurus: C is for cookie... that's good enough for me!
(12/05 12:42:35) Ro"Jethhe: Do I count as one or three?
(12/05 12:42:37) Lucario1829: haha, time will tell i suppose
(12/05 12:42:38) Calum Traveler: if any future cyantists are here, i dont know if theyre aware of it
(12/05 12:42:40) Sestra: lol IwonK
(12/05 12:42:41) Patrick Dulebohn: A time traveler from the year 2035...with copies of Obduction 2, Firmament 2 and Myst 8!
(12/05 12:42:46) Patrick Dulebohn laughs

(12/05 12:42:52) Esto: o.o
(12/05 12:42:55) ural: lol
(12/05 12:42:58) Calum Traveler: i know ive asked but they werent hiring at the time.

(12/05 12:43:03) Daniel452: :))
(12/05 12:43:14) Ro"Jethhe: (O^o)
(12/05 12:43:15) Esto: time being the key word there ;)
(12/05 12:43:15) Chogon: Myst8! Yikes!

(12/05 12:43:19) IwonK: I can see some people in this room that would do great in Cyan, Cal ;)
(12/05 12:43:20) Maurus laughs
(12/05 12:43:23) *Jodok*: myst 8 or myst 8D ?
(12/05 12:43:26) Calum Traveler: oh, indeed, Iwonk
(12/05 12:43:31) Calum Traveler: i see many people here who'd be great fits ;)
(12/05 12:43:37) Ro"Jethhe: Happy Happy Joy Joy
(12/05 12:43:42) r'Tayrtahn: Wouldn't that be Myst VIII ?
(12/05 12:43:49) Calum Traveler: 8 for infinity
(12/05 12:43:53) Ehren: Myst 8D? 8 dimensions?
(12/05 12:43:53) Babbeltje.40: Shorah Elous
(12/05 12:43:57) Ro"Jethhe: no nine ate eight
(12/05 12:43:58) Patrick Dulebohn: Heh, it was a joke, everyone.

(12/05 12:43:58) IwonK: you forgot one more "Happy" and "Joy", Ro... remember there is 3 of you
(12/05 12:44:01) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(12/05 12:44:05) *Jodok*: yes in the future maybe 8 dimensional games LOL
(12/05 12:44:06) Murry: Shorah Karel
(12/05 12:44:08) Ro"Jethhe: no nine eat ten
(12/05 12:44:11) Patrick Dulebohn: Ella should be here any minute now.

(12/05 12:44:11) Eolus: Shorah Babbel
(12/05 12:44:13) Babbeltje.40: shorah Karel
(12/05 12:44:26) IwonK: do you guys know why 7 ate 9? ;)

(12/05 12:44:31) Karel: Ha I see you are on your perch Ro :)) LOL
(12/05 12:44:32) Daniel452: Shorah, Karel:)
(12/05 12:44:37) Ro"Jethhe: Anticipation is making me wait.
(12/05 12:44:38) IwonK: because you need to have 3 square meals a day ;)
(12/05 12:44:45) Patrick Dulebohn laughs

(12/05 12:44:46) Ro"Jethhe: Drum Roll
(12/05 12:44:52) Patrick Dulebohn: Ah, math jokes.
(12/05 12:44:53) Esto: I prefer my meals to be tubular in form

(12/05 12:45:05) Daniel452: Because 6 was afraid of 7 ...
(12/05 12:45:07) Esto: burritos ftw
(12/05 12:45:09) Ro"Jethhe: Tube Steaks aka hot dogs
(12/05 12:45:11) Patrick Dulebohn: Taquitos in the New Messengers Pub then?
(12/05 12:45:13) Patrick Dulebohn grins

(12/05 12:45:18) Lucario1829: please
(12/05 12:45:23) Babbeltje.40: shorah philipgr
(12/05 12:45:25) Calum Traveler: making me hungry, guys.
(12/05 12:45:27) IwonK: hey, Doobes, can we get moula cola in the pub? :D

(12/05 12:45:28) Ehren: burrito = small donkey
(12/05 12:45:29) Daniel452: Hang on, shouldn't that be the other way round? :))
(12/05 12:45:30) Calum Traveler grabs a cookie to munch on...

(12/05 12:45:39) Ro"Jethhe: We should of heald a Pot Luck today.
(12/05 12:45:46) Patrick Dulebohn: I'll look into it, IwonK!
(12/05 12:45:49) IwonK: :)

(12/05 12:45:49) Ro"Jethhe: held*
(12/05 12:45:53) philipgr: Shorah Babbeltje.40 :)
(12/05 12:45:56) *Jodok*: aaahhh what a nice crowd
(12/05 12:46:00) Patrick Dulebohn: I've heard that cola is quite tasty.

(12/05 12:46:16) Daniel452: Lol
(12/05 12:46:20) Ro"Jethhe: PSA; Babbeltje.40 your avvie is still on Deep Island
(12/05 12:46:21) *Jodok*: and the music fits perfectly
(12/05 12:46:43) Calum Traveler: sometimes the bubbles get a bit fizzy against the back of your throat though. then you feel like you're chugging a pellet.
(12/05 12:46:48) Daniel452: Yes, great picks, Pod! :)
(12/05 12:46:50) Calum Traveler: XP
(12/05 12:46:52) Patrick Dulebohn laughs

(12/05 12:46:56) Esto: don't chug pellets
(12/05 12:47:03) Patrick Dulebohn: I...really didn't need to know that. Heh.

(12/05 12:47:04) Lucario1829: so many people here, and still joining
(12/05 12:47:09) TOOO: Shorah everyone!
(12/05 12:47:10) *Jodok*: pellets aren't edible
(12/05 12:47:10) Calum Traveler: yeah, i make a joke for the sake of it

(12/05 12:47:12) Peni: Hi Tooo
(12/05 12:47:15) Calum Traveler: dont consume pellets

(12/05 12:47:19) IwonK: pepsi gets out of my nose sometimes :P
(12/05 12:47:22) Calum Traveler: shorah TOOO
(12/05 12:47:23) Lucario1829: dont tell me what to do

(12/05 12:47:25) IwonK: too fizzy :P
(12/05 12:47:27) *Jodok*: they make you hallucinate LOL
(12/05 12:47:33) Ahno: but the soap bubbles on hiccups when having swallowed a pellet are beautiful ...
(12/05 12:47:35) Patrick Dulebohn: You bet, Lucario1829. Events like this always bring in the people.

(12/05 12:47:36) Daniel452: Shorah, TOOO :)
(12/05 12:47:37) Calum Traveler: i will make as MANY safety banners for Kirel's imager as I Can, Lucario!

(12/05 12:47:40) Es.Ster: shorah TOOO
(12/05 12:47:46) Claidi Song: I thought pellets make you glow
(12/05 12:47:49) Ro"Jethhe wonders if any anyone will be here from Second Life
(12/05 12:47:51) Esto: Lucario, you're welcome to chug as many pellets as you want
[Ella Darrington links in.]

(12/05 12:47:56) IwonK: here's Ella :D
(12/05 12:47:58) Lucario1829: yayyyyyy
(12/05 12:48:00) Esto: I'm betting it's a zero amount
(12/05 12:48:03) Calum Traveler: shorah, Miss Darrington!

(12/05 12:48:08) IwonK claps her hands
(12/05 12:48:11) Claidi Song claps her hands
(12/05 12:48:15) skyisblu: Hi Ella! :D
(12/05 12:48:15) *Jodok* claps his hands
(12/05 12:48:16) Patrick Dulebohn: Ah, the guest of honor has arrived! Welcome, Ella!

(12/05 12:48:20) Lucario1829: shorah ella!!!
(12/05 12:48:20) PodHopper claps his hands
(12/05 12:48:20) Claidi Song cheers
(12/05 12:48:22) Babbeltje.40 claps her hands
(12/05 12:48:22) TikiBear claps his hands
(12/05 12:48:24) Calum Traveler: :)
(12/05 12:48:24) ondine claps her hands
(12/05 12:48:25) Daniel452 claps his hands
(12/05 12:48:26) ametist': Ella Darington!
(12/05 12:48:26) *Jodok* claps his hands
(12/05 12:48:26) Es.Ster claps her hands
(12/05 12:48:27) Lucario1829 cheers
(12/05 12:48:27) TGMChrist claps his hands
(12/05 12:48:28) Cody Herd claps his hands
(12/05 12:48:28) philipgr claps his hands
(12/05 12:48:29) Claidi Song claps her hands
(12/05 12:48:29) TOOO claps his hands
(12/05 12:48:30) TikiBear: Huzzah!
(12/05 12:48:30) Chogon: Welcome!
(12/05 12:48:32) Minasunda claps her hands
(12/05 12:48:32) ametist' claps her hands
(12/05 12:48:33) Daniel452 claps his hands
(12/05 12:48:34) Sestra claps her hands
(12/05 12:48:34) Esto claps his hands
(12/05 12:48:36) Ro"Jethhe: ELVIS has entered the building
(12/05 12:48:37) Mabe claps his hands
(12/05 12:48:37) Le Cyclope claps his hands
(12/05 12:48:38) Lucario1829 claps his hands
(12/05 12:48:38) Patrick Dulebohn: We'll give things another 12 minutes for any stragglers.

(12/05 12:48:39) Karel claps his hands
(12/05 12:48:39) Ro"Jethhe claps his hands
(12/05 12:48:40) Aaron Prince: the name pellet would suggest something small, when they're actually about the size of a large jar
(12/05 12:48:41) neurovac claps his hands
(12/05 12:48:42) *Jodok* cheers
(12/05 12:48:42) Nosila claps her hands
(12/05 12:48:43) Murry claps his hands
(12/05 12:48:44) TOOO: and there was much rejoicing! (yay!)
(12/05 12:48:45) Kenny Biber claps his hands
(12/05 12:48:49) *Jodok* claps his hands
(12/05 12:48:55) Ella Darrington: Shorah everyone

(12/05 12:48:56) Daniel452 cheers
(12/05 12:48:58) Buddy claps his hands
(12/05 12:49:07) *Jodok*: shorah mrs darrington
(12/05 12:49:09) Eolus claps his hands
(12/05 12:49:19) TOOO: Shorah Ms. Darrington :)
(12/05 12:49:30) *Jodok* claps his hands
(12/05 12:49:30) Daniel452: Shorah, Mrs Darrington :)
(12/05 12:49:45) Patrick Dulebohn: Ready for a rather large spotlight today, Ms. Darrington?

(12/05 12:49:46) ametist': So nice to meet you Ella :)
(12/05 12:49:49) Patrick Dulebohn smiles
(12/05 12:50:01) Calum Traveler: it is quite the spotlight right here, infront of these books
(12/05 12:50:06) Calum Traveler: that window is quite bright after all. :P
Calum Traveler - KI# 34810
-Traveler's Cavern Log-
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Re: 12/5/24 Explorers' Emporium Thread.

Post by Traveler263 »

(12/05 12:50:09) *Jodok*: yes nice to finally meet you mrs darrington :D
(12/05 12:50:25) Ella Darrington: It's "Miss"
(12/05 12:50:42) Daniel452: ooops, sorry. Miss Darrington

(12/05 12:50:56) Ro"Jethhe is sorta bummed...
(12/05 12:51:00) TOOO: when in doubt, just say Ms.
(12/05 12:51:07) Ro"Jethhe: Mac OS Rules
(12/05 12:51:10) Daniel452: True ...
(12/05 12:51:16) Ro"Jethhe: down with Win11
(12/05 12:51:31) caver1: How many are in here now?
(12/05 12:51:31) IwonK: soon(TM)
(12/05 12:51:34) Ro"Jethhe: when is that?
(12/05 12:51:36) skyisblu: :D
(12/05 12:51:40) Calum Traveler: a lot, caver.
(12/05 12:51:43) Ro"Jethhe: my iPhone?
(12/05 12:51:46) Dreamer3: Ack! I missed the Darrington entrance! Shorah Ella : - )

(12/05 12:51:53) Edua: Aren't all Windows users going to be forced to upgrade to Win11 since Win10's EoLing?
(12/05 12:51:58) ural: hello ella
(12/05 12:52:02) Daniel452: yup.
(12/05 12:52:08) Patrick Dulebohn: Either that or go offline, Edua.
(12/05 12:52:12) Ro"Jethhe: support for Win10 ends next year
(12/05 12:52:14) ural: already on 11
(12/05 12:52:16) ametist': Anticipation grows...
(12/05 12:52:23) caver1: I'm using win7.
(12/05 12:52:23) Chogon: 99 in cavern 9 still logging in
(12/05 12:52:25) Calum Traveler: if their computers can handle the upgrade, im sure theyll handle it. but that's talk for another time i think ;)
(12/05 12:52:26) Daniel452: Towards end of next year ...
(12/05 12:52:28) Patrick Dulebohn: 8 minutes!
(12/05 12:52:28) Dreamer3: Shorah Cave woman : - )
(12/05 12:52:29) Eolus: working great pn linux hehe
(12/05 12:52:32) Angelo Wizard: Shorah everyone!
(12/05 12:52:35) Edua: Well, you're not a Windows user anymore if you're offline, so...
(12/05 12:52:35) Claidi Song jumps up and down
(12/05 12:52:44) Es.Ster: Shorah Angelo
(12/05 12:52:48) Ro"Jethhe: Hold the phone gotta surface
(12/05 12:52:50) Angelo Wizard: :)
(12/05 12:52:58) Ro"Jethhe: only joking
(12/05 12:53:00) Ehren: This is like... the dumbest time to talk about operating systems. Is that what this event was?

(12/05 12:53:01) Daniel452: Shorah, Angelo!
(12/05 12:53:17) Ro"Jethhe: only killing time
(12/05 12:53:31) mistermetropolis: Shorah everyone
(12/05 12:53:31) Patrick Dulebohn: We're just chatting to fill the time, Ehren. We'll get down to business in 7 minutes or so.

(12/05 12:53:36) Claidi Song: How are you, Ella?
(12/05 12:53:40) Angelo Wizard: I told Myst Me? I'd be her, just didn't say when!
(12/05 12:53:41) IndigoMoon: this is a good crowd
(12/05 12:53:58) Ro"Jethhe: 7 minutes feels like an eternity
(12/05 12:54:32) Patrick Dulebohn: I will admit, OS talk can be quite dull, but you can never control the conversation for too long with this large of a group.
(12/05 12:54:35) TOOO: Tick tick tick tick tick tick...
(12/05 12:54:35) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(12/05 12:54:51) Dreamer3: Final jeopardy round music . . .
(12/05 12:55:07) Ro"Jethhe: I can name that tune is 3 notes
(12/05 12:55:07) Patrick Dulebohn: OK, I can see several of you glancing at your KIs every five seconds or so. Stop that!
(12/05 12:55:09) Patrick Dulebohn laughs
(12/05 12:55:21) Patrick Dulebohn: 5 minutes!

(12/05 12:55:42) Dreamer3 checks KI to see if it's really only been 5 seconds
(12/05 12:55:48) skyisblu: lol
(12/05 12:55:50) Ro"Jethhe: Fast Food is bad for you Calum
(12/05 12:55:54) Calum Traveler stands guard and puts on their best 'Intimidating guard' look... unfortunately, it's nowhere near as impressive as Runa'mei's gaze
(12/05 12:56:00) Maurus: Patrick Dulebohn I just think the interface is so beautiful, okay??
(12/05 12:56:05) Maurus laughs

(12/05 12:56:05) Mark Gabrielson: how is the weater in spokane?
(12/05 12:56:13) Patrick Dulebohn: Fair enough, Maurus!

(12/05 12:56:32) Esto: someone already ate all the slow food
(12/05 12:56:39) *Jodok*: lol prad
(12/05 12:56:45) Calum Traveler: all i have are cookies, because cookies are provided.
(12/05 12:56:48) Daniel452: lOL
(12/05 12:56:50) Calum Traveler: im getting proper dinner later.
(12/05 12:56:57) Dreamer3: The line will be forming right behind this desk that I'm sitting on.
(12/05 12:56:59) r'Tayrtahn: lol@Prad
(12/05 12:57:00) ShilohOBrien gets ready to pop the cork on the bubbly.
(12/05 12:57:00) Edua: So that's why we put food in running refrigerators...
(12/05 12:57:05) Calum Traveler: im going to treat myself to pizza,
(12/05 12:57:06) Daniel452: just had mine ...
(12/05 12:57:15) Esto nods
(12/05 12:57:19) Ro"Jethhe is thinking about rushing the podium to link in first.
(12/05 12:57:26) Calum Traveler glares ar Ro"Jethhe

(12/05 12:57:31) Es.Ster: lol
(12/05 12:57:32) TOOO: It's called fast food because either either a) you want to go on a fast afterwards or b) it's so greasy it passes through you reallt FAST!
(12/05 12:57:35) IwonK: another fight? :D
(12/05 12:57:36) Calum Traveler is waiting...
(12/05 12:57:39) Ro"Jethhe groans
(12/05 12:57:45) Patrick Dulebohn: Again...Ella's Book...she gets first dibs at Linking.
(12/05 12:57:48) Patrick Dulebohn winks
(12/05 12:57:50) Calum Traveler: i reiterate

(12/05 12:57:51) mistermetropolis: I've never been to a release before. It's so wonderful to see everyone still here after all these years.
(12/05 12:57:52) Patrick Dulebohn: 3 minutes!
(12/05 12:57:53) Calum Traveler: No. Cutting. The. Line.

(12/05 12:57:57) Claidi Song: I pink a, TTOO
(12/05 12:57:59) Calum Traveler: shorah mistermetropolis!
(12/05 12:58:04) Claidi Song: *TOOO
(12/05 12:58:08) Calum Traveler: we're a small, patient, and persistent bunch :)
(12/05 12:58:09) TOOO: Lol
(12/05 12:58:11) Dreamer3: Ro Jethe 2 gets ready to trip Ro Jethe 1
(12/05 12:58:21) TOOO: we're patient, dammit!!
(12/05 12:58:22) Calum Traveler reiterates, "Patient."
(12/05 12:58:22) mistermetropolis: shorah Calum
(12/05 12:58:33) IndigoMoon: my first release too
(12/05 12:58:34) IwonK: Ro"Jethhe, keep Ro' Jethhe from another fight ;)
(12/05 12:58:46) ametist' waves hello
(12/05 12:58:47) Twilight: my first release also
(12/05 12:58:55) Ehren: Who can be patient faster?
(12/05 12:59:06) Daniel452: And mine ...
(12/05 12:59:09) Aaron Prince: one minute
(12/05 12:59:10) Calum Traveler: i hope it's a good one, Twilight, indigoMoon :)
(12/05 12:59:17) IwonK passes around patience cookies
[A wild Ro' approaches the podium again]
(12/05 12:59:18) Calum Traveler shoos Ro away
(12/05 12:59:19) Patrick Dulebohn: One minute! Cue the excited breathing!

(12/05 12:59:27) IndigoMoon: it will be :)
(12/05 12:59:27) ural: 5th release
(12/05 12:59:30) skyisblu cheers
(12/05 12:59:33) Maurus does a little drumroll with his fingers
(12/05 12:59:38) Calum Traveler: i wish Runa'mei were here. She'd have a better time at this book guarding thing.

(12/05 12:59:40) TOOO: *Rimshot!*
(12/05 12:59:41) Edua: Should've set up a confetti dispenser on the podium tied to the time, really.
(12/05 12:59:51) Dreamer3: Urgent announcement: I've just been informed that some of the "people" here are actually holographic facsimiles trying to fake their way into the Emporium!
(12/05 12:59:57) Calum Traveler: do you want to clean that up, Edua?
(12/05 13:00:05) Patrick Dulebohn: Alright folks...let's do this!

(12/05 13:00:06) IndigoMoon: oh no!
(12/05 13:00:07) Calum Traveler: Dreamer3, lmao,
(12/05 13:00:10) Patrick Dulebohn: Welcome back here to Chiso Preniv, everyone!

(12/05 13:00:13) Claidi Song: Uh, Cal, there's no book to guard yet
(12/05 13:00:14) mistermetropolis: Yaaaaay
(12/05 13:00:15) *Jodok* claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:17) Maurus cheers
(12/05 13:00:17) Edua: I'll get the broom from the one Age that has any, sure.
(12/05 13:00:19) Peni: yaay
(12/05 13:00:20) ametist': w0000T!
(12/05 13:00:21) IndigoMoon claps her hands
(12/05 13:00:21) Calum Traveler nods to Claidi
(12/05 13:00:21) r'Tayrtahn claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:24) mistermetropolis claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:25) skyisblu claps her hands
(12/05 13:00:26) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:28) ametist' cheers
(12/05 13:00:29) Mark Gabrielson: how many are here - stats
(12/05 13:00:29) Daniel452 claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:30) *Jodok* claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:30) Claidi Song claps her hands
(12/05 13:00:30) Cody Herd claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:30) neurovac claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:30) Sestra claps her hands
(12/05 13:00:31) TGMChrist claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:32) Karel claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:32) Eolus claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:33) Le Cyclope claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:34) mistermetropolis: a lot
(12/05 13:00:34) Chogon claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:34) Aaron Prince claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:35) Ashtonia claps her hands
(12/05 13:00:35) Babbeltje.40 claps her hands
(12/05 13:00:36) GooberChilla claps her hands
(12/05 13:00:36) PodHopper claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:36) Mabe claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:37) Massygo claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:37) philipgr claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:38) RicKy claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:38) Dreamer3 claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:39) Twilight claps
(12/05 13:00:39) Nosila claps her hands
(12/05 13:00:39) Es.Ster claps her hands
(12/05 13:00:39) TOOO claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:39) Esto claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:41) ural claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:41) Edua claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:41) ondine claps her hands
(12/05 13:00:42) N'Chaka claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:43) Maurus claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:44) Eolus claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:44) ShilohOBrien claps her hands
(12/05 13:00:44) Kenny Biber claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:45) Dreamer3 claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:46) Cave woman claps her hands
(12/05 13:00:46) Aaron Prince claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:46) Patrick Dulebohn: I know it's been awhile since we've had one of these get togethers, but I'm glad to see the turnout as strong as ever!

(12/05 13:00:51) Murry claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:52) Myown Evil Twin claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:55) Angelo Wizard claps his hands
(12/05 13:01:01) Patrick Dulebohn: 2024 has been a rough year for many of us, and as such, much of the work we've been doing has gone a bit slower.

(12/05 13:01:06) *Jodok*: my compliments to all involved
(12/05 13:01:17) Patrick Dulebohn: Thanks largely to you all and your unwavering support, we press on and continue our goal of restoring D'ni Ages and new areas of the cavern.

(12/05 13:01:28) Daniel452 claps his hands
(12/05 13:01:31) Patrick Dulebohn: It is the latter that brings us here today.

(12/05 13:01:34) Aaron Prince claps his hands
(12/05 13:01:44) Patrick Dulebohn: Our guest of honor is a relatively new face to the restoration, but has been a denizen of the cavern for quite awhile.

(12/05 13:01:46) ShilohOBrien claps her hands
(12/05 13:01:57) Patrick Dulebohn: She is responsible for restoring what you will be seeing today.
(12/05 13:01:59) Robert Murry: HOLD IT, DARRINGTON
(12/05 13:02:09) Calum Traveler: Oi, Robert,
(12/05 13:02:14) Calum Traveler: no line cutting

(12/05 13:02:15) IwonK holds it
(12/05 13:02:19) skyisblu: Robert, calm down
(12/05 13:02:19) Patrick Dulebohn: I've only had the pleasure of meeting her last month, introduced by Semjay, but I'm excited to see what she will present to us...
(12/05 13:02:32) Patrick Dulebohn: ...since I wasn't allowed a sneak peek! Ha!

(12/05 13:02:45) Maurus laughs
(12/05 13:02:45) Patrick Dulebohn: Without further delay, I would like to introduce to you all...Ella Darrington!
(12/05 13:02:51) Ella Darrington: Thank you Patrick.

(12/05 13:02:51) Dreamer3 cheers
(12/05 13:02:52) r'Tayrtahn claps his hands
(12/05 13:02:52) Maurus claps his hands
(12/05 13:02:52) Eolus claps his hands
(12/05 13:02:52) mistermetropolis claps his hands
(12/05 13:02:54) rarified claps his hands
(12/05 13:02:56) Ashtonia claps her hands
(12/05 13:02:56) Chogon claps his hands
(12/05 13:02:56) Lucario1829 cheers
(12/05 13:02:57) neurovac claps his hands
(12/05 13:02:57) Buddy claps his hands
(12/05 13:02:57) IndigoMoon claps her hands
(12/05 13:02:57) Massygo claps his hands
(12/05 13:02:58) TGMChrist claps his hands
(12/05 13:02:58) PodHopper claps his hands
(12/05 13:03:00) Le Cyclope claps his hands
(12/05 13:03:00) ural claps his hands
(12/05 13:03:00) Ro"Jethhe claps his hands
(12/05 13:03:00) GooberChilla claps her hands
(12/05 13:03:00) louisa claps her hands
(12/05 13:03:00) *Jodok* claps his hands
(12/05 13:03:01) Aaron Prince claps his hands
(12/05 13:03:01) Cody Herd claps his hands
(12/05 13:03:01) Es.Ster claps her hands
(12/05 13:03:01) Emor D'ni Lap applauds Miss Darrington
(12/05 13:03:02) Mabe claps his hands
(12/05 13:03:03) Minasunda claps her hands
(12/05 13:03:03) Dreamer3 cheers
(12/05 13:03:03) Nosila claps her hands
(12/05 13:03:03) ondine claps her hands
(12/05 13:03:03) Twilight claps her hands
(12/05 13:03:03) Peni claps her hands
(12/05 13:03:05) Esto claps his hands
(12/05 13:03:05) ShilohOBrien claps her hands
(12/05 13:03:06) Patrick Dulebohn claps his hands
(12/05 13:03:06) Kenny Biber claps his hands
(12/05 13:03:07) Cave woman claps her hands
(12/05 13:03:08) Daniel452 claps his hands
(12/05 13:03:08) TikiBear claps his hands
(12/05 13:03:09) Calum Traveler tenses up, keeping eyes on the audience

(12/05 13:03:09) philipgr claps his hands
(12/05 13:03:09) Claidi Song claps her hands
(12/05 13:03:11) Murinna Mermaid claps her hands
(12/05 13:03:12) Babbeltje.40 claps her hands
(12/05 13:03:14) N'Chaka claps his hands
(12/05 13:03:15) Theo claps his hands
(12/05 13:03:17) Veo2 claps his hands
(12/05 13:03:18) Edua claps his hands
(12/05 13:03:23) Buddy thinks Ella is quite fetching.
(12/05 13:03:33) Myown Evil Twin cheers
(12/05 13:03:37) Ella Darrington: [A Culled 'Dropped to Age Chat' DM, apparently replying wish sarcasm to a comment about if was a fictional creation of Semjay's.]
(12/05 13:04:04) Ella Darrington: Semjay and I are absolutely overwhelmed by the amount of people here! Thank you, everyone!

(12/05 13:04:11) *Jodok*: are you semjay?
(12/05 13:04:21) Ella Darrington: It means a lot to us, knowing that we have your support.

(12/05 13:04:23) Esto: Lisan al gaib!
(12/05 13:04:41) Patrick Dulebohn: Quiet please.
(12/05 13:04:41) Ella Darrington: We would like to thank everyone who has been involved in bringing this new area to MOULa.

(12/05 13:04:47) Buddy: She looks real to me.
(12/05 13:05:10) Calum Traveler: i think we had a sarcastic chat fail there, people.
(12/05 13:05:14) Ella Darrington: Also, thank you in advance, to those of you who are filming this event - it is really interesting to see people play through our creations and to hear their comments as they play.

(12/05 13:05:16) TOOO: Lol
(12/05 13:05:28) Claidi Song: Semjay will be presenting at AGM in two days
(12/05 13:05:31) Calum Traveler: (Yall know what happens when you dm someone who's shut off the KI. It drops to age chat.)
(12/05 13:05:44) Ella Darrington: The Explorers' Emporium is the only retail establishment in the Cavern.
(12/05 13:06:01) Ella Darrington: I have a wide range of goods for sale to the discerning explorer.
(12/05 13:06:19) Ella Darrington: I do not stock cheap rubbish. There are many artisan crafted items - some have been made and supplied by some lovely people here today! (I'll take off my 10 percent commission, of course)

(12/05 13:06:34) skyisblu cheers
(12/05 13:06:38) *Jodok* starts to laugh
(12/05 13:06:40) Claidi Song: :)
(12/05 13:06:40) Dreamer3: Only fair.
(12/05 13:06:47) rarified hopes there are cookies
(12/05 13:06:49) Eolus sneezes
(12/05 13:06:57) Kainereth: um, what currency are we using?

(12/05 13:06:58) TOOO forgot his devit card, darnnit
(12/05 13:07:00) Ella Darrington: All types of currency are accepted - if you can pay by chip and pin.

(12/05 13:07:06) DR CrisGer AH: Hopefully Cake
(12/05 13:07:07) mistermetropolis: bahrocoin
(12/05 13:07:07) TOOO: Debit
(12/05 13:07:08) Esto: d'ni munny
(12/05 13:07:10) Daniel452: Now my mouse won't let me walk at all.
(12/05 13:07:23) r'Tayrtahn readies his pradnureetee...
(12/05 13:07:28) louisa: Bitcoin
(12/05 13:07:30) Emor D'ni Lap: please cut the chatter and let Miss Darrington speak?
(12/05 13:07:36) Ella Darrington: The Emporium is located in some vacant cottages I found in a distant neighbourhood and I have refurbished them in the latest Art-Nouveau style.
(12/05 13:07:39) Calum Traveler shooshes the audience,

(12/05 13:07:48) Eolus: Gotta have my drypto-coins ready
(12/05 13:08:02) Ella Darrington: But it isn't quite finished. There are still some deliveries waiting to be unpacked.

(12/05 13:08:02) TOOO: D'nitos - the crunchy snack that reminds you of ancient stone ruins!
(12/05 13:08:17) IndigoMoon: lol
(12/05 13:08:27) Ella Darrington: Please stay out of my private appartment - unless you are the contractor come to refurbish my bathroom. (The recent plumbing disaster has ruined the floor)
(12/05 13:08:45) Patrick Dulebohn: Oh dear.

(12/05 13:08:45) Eolus laughs
(12/05 13:08:45) Ella Darrington: Oh, and if you go into the cellar, it is at your own risk.

(12/05 13:08:49) fayers leans left
(12/05 13:09:00) Robert Holt leans right
(12/05 13:09:01) fayers leans right
(12/05 13:09:01) Ella Darrington: All breakages must be paid for.

(12/05 13:09:07) Robert Holt leans left
(12/05 13:09:26) Robert Murry: Darrington, I want to talk to you. Where are you hiding those artifacts?

(12/05 13:09:29) Ahno: advebture awaits ... cracked and damaged areas ... :D
(12/05 13:09:30) IwonK gets her superglue ready just in case
(12/05 13:09:35) Ella Darrington: So now... it gives me great pleasure to declare the Explorers' Emporium well and truly OPEN!
(12/05 13:09:35) Calum Traveler: robert, no line cutting

(12/05 13:09:40) mistermetropolis claps his hands
Calum Traveler - KI# 34810
-Traveler's Cavern Log-
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Joined: Sat Oct 30, 2021 2:25 pm

Re: 12/5/24 Explorers' Emporium Thread.

Post by Traveler263 »

(12/05 13:10:01) Dreamer3: Is there a line somewhere?
(12/05 13:10:02) Ella Darrington: Now, if you wouldn't mind, I'll link through first and unlock the front door ready for your arrival!

(12/05 13:10:02) Roland (Mav Hungary) claps his hands
(12/05 13:10:04) Edua claps his hands
(12/05 13:10:05) Eternal Seeker claps his hands
(12/05 13:10:05) Buddy claps his hands
(12/05 13:10:05) Karel claps his hands
(12/05 13:10:06) Ahno: ARTIFACTS?!

(12/05 13:10:07) Eolus cheers
(12/05 13:10:08) Karel claps his hands
(12/05 13:10:08) Kenny Biber claps his hands
(12/05 13:10:08) Lucario1829 cheers
(12/05 13:10:11) RicKy claps his hands
(12/05 13:10:12) Robert Murry: Answer me Ella!
(12/05 13:10:17) Calum Traveler: i know you and Runa have been hunting down those copycat books, but that's no reason to accuse Miss Darrington!
(12/05 13:10:23) Patrick Dulebohn: Yes, let Ella Link first so she can open things up.
(12/05 13:10:33) skyisblu: Robert, we can talke to Ella LATER
[An Unknown Explorer Cuts infront of Ella Darrington and Uses the Linking Book]
(12/05 13:10:34) Calum Traveler: HEY!
(12/05 13:10:40) Calum Traveler: NO LINe-

(12/05 13:10:41) fayers: Shorah Everyone
(12/05 13:10:42) Calum Traveler: ...damn it
(12/05 13:10:42) Ehren: welp

(12/05 13:10:44) r'Tayrtahn cheers
(12/05 13:10:51) Babbeltje.40 claps her hands
[Ella Darrington links through to the Emporium]
(12/05 13:10:57) Calum Traveler: single file, people
(12/05 13:10:58) Robert Murry: I will find those artifacts, Sky.
(12/05 13:11:09) Patrick Dulebohn: Guess there's always that one person that wants to wait outside a locked store. Heh.
(12/05 13:11:11) Calum Traveler: robert, please, let's talk this through rationally.

(12/05 13:11:14) Ehren: Most of us are waiting just fine.
(12/05 13:11:32) Eolus: kind of an american que here
(12/05 13:11:43) Calum Traveler: hey, comeon, now, i know that look in your eyes-! dont you dare go after them!
(12/05 13:11:43) skyisblu: Yeah, this is not the time or place
(12/05 13:11:53) Calum Traveler: Robert-!
(12/05 13:11:54) Patrick Dulebohn: Anyway, I hate to run, but duty calls. Have fun, everyone!
[Robert Links through to the Emporium]
(12/05 13:11:55) Calum Traveler says DOH!
(12/05 13:11:56) Patrick Dulebohn salutes
(12/05 13:12:00) Calum Traveler: take care patrick
(12/05 13:12:05) skyisblu: I'll go get him - maybe I can calm him down
(12/05 13:12:06) Calum Traveler: Sky, go after him,
(12/05 13:12:16) skyisblu: wish me luck, Calum
(12/05 13:12:16) Calum Traveler: yeah, go on. everyone else, line up
(12/05 13:12:19) Calum Traveler: goodluck,

(12/05 13:12:22) Daniel452: go round me, TGM ...
(12/05 13:12:24) Calum Traveler: and tell that line cutter i want to speak to him!
[skyisblu links to the emporium]

(12/05 13:12:25) Chogon: 126 explorers online
(12/05 13:12:30) ShilohOBrien starts handing out glasses of champange to people in line.
(12/05 13:12:30) Calum Traveler: come on
(12/05 13:12:32) Calum Traveler: single file
(12/05 13:12:34) Thumbs up from rarified
(12/05 13:12:35) Calum Traveler: single file
(12/05 13:12:43) mistermetropolis: yay that's a lot
(12/05 13:12:47) Daniel452: My mouse isn't working properly, so I'll have to let the others go first.
(12/05 13:12:48) TOOO: *hic!*
(12/05 13:12:48) Ahno: (not go after them increasing curiosity ... ...)
(12/05 13:12:50) Buddy thank you Ella, Patrick and Calum!
(12/05 13:12:55) Semjay leans right
(12/05 13:12:56) Daniel452: I migt crash ...
(12/05 13:13:06) Calum Traveler: thanks, Buddy.
(12/05 13:13:08) Dreamer3: The traffic light is holding things up . . .
(12/05 13:13:08) Eolus: whoo people trying to take ma place in the line
(12/05 13:13:09) TOOO: Thanks again to all those who made this event possible!
(12/05 13:13:14) Ehren: Rarely has anyone asked for a double file line. It's always single file.
(12/05 13:13:16) Calum Traveler: next up
(12/05 13:13:26) Calum Traveler: if we had two books, thatd be the plan, ehren
(12/05 13:13:27) Calum Traveler: alas, we dont
(12/05 13:13:37) Calum Traveler beckons you
(12/05 13:13:37) IndigoMoon: I think I'm in line
(12/05 13:13:52) GooberChilla: I guess we can rule out sand people
(12/05 13:13:58) Calum Traveler: next up
(12/05 13:14:13) Cave woman: Real money or some other currency?
(12/05 13:14:21) Calum Traveler: go on through, one at a time
(12/05 13:14:33) Calum Traveler: next
(12/05 13:14:34) rarified thinks Calum needs to draw a line on the floor
(12/05 13:14:42) Calum Traveler looks to rarified, and sighs

(12/05 13:14:45) mistermetropolis: there's already a tree on the floor we can follow
(12/05 13:14:56) Calum Traveler: next in line, next in line
(12/05 13:15:18) Theo: One at a time, or share?
(12/05 13:15:35) Calum Traveler: one at a time please
(12/05 13:15:54) Claidi Song: I am so excited to see Explorers' Emporium!!!
(12/05 13:15:58) mistermetropolis: thank you to everyone who made this happen
(12/05 13:16:17) Calum Traveler: enjoy enjoy
(12/05 13:16:24) Semjay: If anyone has any questions, I'll be at my desk downstairs in a while.
(12/05 13:16:41) Tahm: ... at ...
(12/05 13:16:42) Ahno: ... a time ...
(12/05 13:16:43) Calum Traveler: indeed, if anyone has questions, talk to Semjay. :)
(12/05 13:16:50) Calum Traveler: next in line
(12/05 13:17:03) Claidi Song: Shorah Semjay :))
(12/05 13:17:04) r'Tayrtahn: Time for me to take off. Enjoy the new place, everyone! :-)
(12/05 13:17:08) r'Tayrtahn waves goodbye
(12/05 13:17:11) Calum Traveler: later rtay,
(12/05 13:17:18) *Jodok*: ciao r'tay
(12/05 13:17:19) r'Tayrtahn leans left
(12/05 13:17:23) neurovac waves hello
(12/05 13:17:26) ScottMiller: bvye, r'Tay!
(12/05 13:17:28) Daniel452: bye, r'Tayrtahn
(12/05 13:17:28) IwonK leans right
(12/05 13:17:35) Calum Traveler: next through next through :)
(12/05 13:17:37) Sestra: Bye r'Tay
(12/05 13:17:45) Es.Ster: Bye fTay
(12/05 13:17:57) Calum Traveler: i hope everyones prepped their wallets :P
(12/05 13:18:08) rarified: You only need one card.
(12/05 13:18:12) Ashtonia: im glad she said we can use a chip, i dont have any cash on me
(12/05 13:18:12) Edua: Can't window shop?
(12/05 13:18:21) Angelo Wizard checks pockets
(12/05 13:18:22) caver1: I'm just looking.
(12/05 13:18:23) Calum Traveler: i mean...
(12/05 13:18:24) Calum Traveler shrugs
(12/05 13:18:33) Esto: do chocolate chips count?
(12/05 13:18:35) Calum Traveler: sure,
(12/05 13:18:38) rarified: :D
(12/05 13:18:40) Calum Traveler: cookies as well
(12/05 13:18:46) Calum Traveler: next up!
(12/05 13:18:49) Es.Ster: forgot my wallet,
(12/05 13:18:54) TikiBear hides fake artifacts
(12/05 13:18:56) Angelo Wizard: But notnpiant chips
(12/05 13:19:05) Calum Traveler: no, definitely not paint chips
(12/05 13:19:08) Myown Evil Twin: forgot my wallet, maybe nrxt time i will buy something
(12/05 13:19:09) Ashtonia: lol
(12/05 13:19:09) Angelo Wizard: Lol
(12/05 13:20:06) Murinna Mermaid is waiting...
(12/05 13:20:12) caver1: Exploration comes first.
(12/05 13:20:21) Maurus: Hmm... I wonder what that was all about with Dr. Murry...
(12/05 13:20:32) Calum Traveler: ill talk with him, Maurus
(12/05 13:20:38) Calum Traveler: im sure its a missunderstanding.
(12/05 13:20:46) skyisblu: CALUM!!!
(12/05 13:20:51) Calum Traveler: sky??

(12/05 13:21:03) ScottMiller: Shorah Sestra!
(12/05 13:21:08) Calum Traveler: please tell me Robert didnt do anything stupid.
(12/05 13:21:10) skyisblu: Calum - it's all good
(12/05 13:21:16) Calum Traveler: mh?
(12/05 13:21:20) skyisblu: It was all a big misunderstanding
(12/05 13:21:29) Calum Traveler: that's good,
(12/05 13:21:29) rarified: Robert needs a chaperone.

(12/05 13:21:29) ScottMiller: Shorah Karel!
(12/05 13:21:40) Karel: Shorah Scott
(12/05 13:21:40) Calum Traveler: do I still ned to talk with Robert about it?
(12/05 13:21:48) Calum Traveler: or should I focus my ire on that line cutter?
(12/05 13:21:53) Murry loks down and shakes his head...
(12/05 13:21:55) skyisblu: Robert finally caught up with Ella after chasing her all over the apartments
(12/05 13:22:00) Calum Traveler: he- what?
(12/05 13:22:05) Calum Traveler says DOH!
(12/05 13:22:17) Calum Traveler: i am going to have words with him. for sure.
(12/05 13:22:21) skyisblu: It's okay, I caught up with them just in time to help clarify things
(12/05 13:22:25) Calum Traveler sighs
(12/05 13:22:30) Calum Traveler: okay, that's good,
(12/05 13:22:38) skyisblu: Ella ISN"T stealing artefacts at all!
(12/05 13:22:39) Calum Traveler: still, chasing the owner all over the establishment is-
(12/05 13:22:45) Calum Traveler: of course she isnt
(12/05 13:22:54) skyisblu: She's recreating beautiful artisanal facsimiles!
(12/05 13:23:08) Calum Traveler: one look at those fancy light garden lamps was enough to tell me that.
(12/05 13:23:15) Calum Traveler sighs
(12/05 13:23:15) skyisblu: They look so real, they even fooled the great Dr. Robert Murry!

(12/05 13:23:16) Ro"Jethhe: I was a good boy waited my turn in line.
(12/05 13:23:16) Maurus raises an eyebrow
(12/05 13:23:25) Calum Traveler: yes, well, that's the sign of a good product, isnt it?
(12/05 13:23:39) Esto ponders
(12/05 13:23:49) Calum Traveler shakes his head tiredly...
(12/05 13:23:50) Murry rolls his eyes at Great.
(12/05 13:23:57) Calum Traveler: was there anything else I should be aware of, Sky?
(12/05 13:24:13) skyisblu: Absolutely - thankfully, Robert calmed down a bit after that, and they were having a calming talk when I left
(12/05 13:24:18) Calum Traveler glances back at the line to see it's mostly gone now
(12/05 13:24:27) Calum Traveler: okay, that's good to know.

(12/05 13:24:30) *Jodok*: @calum and sky is this part f the show or is this happening really?
(12/05 13:24:39) Murry: So how did Ella produce the copies.
(12/05 13:24:40) skyisblu: So crisis averted :D

(12/05 13:24:52) Calum Traveler looks to Jodok and gives an inscruitable look,
(12/05 13:25:02) skyisblu: And keen observation and a talent hand, Murry :)
(12/05 13:25:15) Murry: And where are the missing artifacts then?
(12/05 13:25:28) skyisblu: Not in the Emporium, that's for sure

(12/05 13:25:32) *Jodok* looks back curious
(12/05 13:25:59) Calum Traveler: well, at any rate, i think that's a different problem to everything else, other Murry.
(12/05 13:26:10) skyisblu nods her head
(12/05 13:26:20) Murry: Hmm... Robert will not give up until he finds them.

(12/05 13:26:26) Ro' Jethhe waves goodbye
(12/05 13:26:27) Calum Traveler: you need to have a chat with your family member about running off half cocked like that.

(12/05 13:26:47) Ro*Jethhe waves goodbye
(12/05 13:26:52) Calum Traveler looks confused for a moment, muttering, 'what was it again, cousin, brother?' then shakes their foggy memory aside.
(12/05 13:26:57) Murry: Good luck. I haven't been able to stop him in the past.
(12/05 13:27:07) Calum Traveler: mmh.
(12/05 13:27:07) skyisblu: For now, I am heading back to the Emporium to see Ella - I promised I'd bring her a box of Victoria Sponge cakes to celebrate the opening :D
(12/05 13:27:14) Calum Traveler salutes
(12/05 13:27:21) Calum Traveler: happy fooding,
(12/05 13:27:23) skyisblu waves goodbye
(12/05 13:27:37) Ehren: drinking drinks, fooding food.
(12/05 13:27:54) Calum Traveler looks quite tired all of a sudden...
(12/05 13:28:11) Murry: I think I'll head to the pub.
(12/05 13:28:24) Calum Traveler: okay. yeah. im gonna save most of my ire for that line cutter,

(12/05 13:29:04) Belford: wave
(12/05 13:29:13) Calum Traveler exhales
(12/05 13:30:21) Calum Traveler: anyone else not yet had a chance to go through?
(12/05 13:30:24) Calum Traveler: queue up!
(12/05 13:30:34) PodHopper: yeah...
(12/05 13:30:44) TheScar: me, but I'll wait
(12/05 13:31:08) TheScar: I'm verifying something ;)
(12/05 13:31:44) Galen Oakmyst: me as well
(12/05 13:31:59) Calum Traveler: shorah, Kor :)
(12/05 13:32:04) [SUBTITLE] Tyion: Okay. We good? We good? Hello again, everybody! It's good to see so many returning faces, along with a handful of new ones who have joined us in the last couple of months.

(12/05 13:32:12) Calum Traveler: annnd someone's hit the podium downstairs!
(12/05 13:32:16) Calum Traveler sighs
(12/05 13:32:18) Maurus laughs
(12/05 13:32:35) Buddy: I like your shirt Semjay!
(12/05 13:32:36) Calum Traveler: im just glad nobody did that earlier.
(12/05 13:32:41) Ehren: Can't hear it up here, good sound proofing
(12/05 13:33:14) Semjay: Thank you. I made the jacket myself from an old curtain.
(12/05 13:33:39) Calum Traveler: yes, excellent soundproofing.
(12/05 13:33:52) Galen Oakmyst: is the line really all the way back here?
(12/05 13:33:56) Calum Traveler: no
(12/05 13:33:58) Galen Oakmyst waves hello
(12/05 13:34:01) Calum Traveler beckons you
(12/05 13:34:06) Calum Traveler: come up to the book
(12/05 13:34:14) Calum Traveler: the line has considerably shrunken
(12/05 13:34:38) Galen Oakmyst: if im not back in 5 mins..send the rescue dog...with the good stuff
(12/05 13:34:45) Calum Traveler: take care, Okenmyst
(12/05 13:34:57) Calum Traveler massages forehead...
(12/05 13:35:03) Calum Traveler: esto, good sir!
(12/05 13:35:07) Calum Traveler: enjoy your trip!
(12/05 13:35:10) Esto: I guess that's my sign
(12/05 13:35:18) Maurus laughs
(12/05 13:35:25) Calum Traveler jokingly hums 'tickets please'
(12/05 13:36:06) Daniel452: Back again. Well, I have comments (good ones) but they would betray spoilers ...
(12/05 13:36:31) TheScar: On discord then. ?
(12/05 13:36:52) TheScar: I meant, "maybe"?
(12/05 13:36:57) Buddy: Darn, I left my wallet on the counter!
(12/05 13:37:07) Daniel452: I think Korov'ev is doing an explore of the Emporium on Sunday ... definitely worth going to that!
(12/05 13:37:11) Buddy: Got to go back
(12/05 13:37:20) Calum Traveler: take care, everyone
(12/05 13:37:22) Calum Traveler: im off to go get food
(12/05 13:37:26) Calum Traveler looks exhausted and hungry
(12/05 13:37:29) Calum Traveler: its pizza time for me
(12/05 13:37:32) Calum Traveler waves goodbye

(12/05 13:37:33) Ehren: bye Cal
(12/05 13:37:40) TheScar: see you cal
[Calum Traveler links out to Relto]
Calum Traveler - KI# 34810
-Traveler's Cavern Log-
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