(03/27 14:13:29) Detective Harry Williams: Sorry for my absence in recent months, but I've been doing a lot of work on the surface.
(03/27 14:13:32) Runa'mei: shorah,
(03/27 14:13:34) Detective Harry Williams: Hello, Runa'mei.
(03/27 14:13:37) Cpt.Jericho: Hi Runa
(03/27 14:13:51) Robert Murry: Shorah Runa'mei
(03/27 14:13:59) Kelsei A.T.: its no problem, Detective, it's been quite busy for a lot of us the last few months
(03/27 14:14:09) Kelsei A.T.: Calum didn't reply. i expected him to be here already
(03/27 14:14:26) Runa'mei: hm.
(03/27 14:15:05) Robert Murry: I'm still analyzing the survey reports I did for Doobes on Descent. I hate paperwork.
(03/27 14:15:28) Robert Murry: Can't wait to get back in the field.
(03/27 14:15:38) Kelsei A.T.: paperwork is annoying, that it is.
(03/27 14:15:48) Robert Murry: Hi Dreamer3
(03/27 14:15:58) Kelsei A.T.: shorah, dreamer! we're up in the community room
(03/27 14:16:16) Detective Harry Williams: I've been doing some research on the so-called "Calendar Men" Calum mentioned. But so far I've found dozens of scientists named "August" in New Mexico alone, and that's probably not even his real name.
(03/27 14:16:17) Dreamer3: Shorah, all : - )
(03/27 14:16:41) Kelsei A.T.: it did seem to be a codename, yes,
(03/27 14:17:04) Detective Harry Williams: Hello.
(03/27 14:17:14) Runa'mei: shorah, dreamer
(03/27 14:17:21) Robert Murry: I can't wait to meet the rest of the "Year".
(03/27 14:17:30) Kelsei A.T.: town hall officially starts in about 13 minutes
(03/27 14:17:37) Robert Murry: I was being sarcastic...
(03/27 14:17:48) Runa'mei: if we're lucky, they'll stay quiet and out of the way.
(03/27 14:18:06) Robert Murry: Hi ALotOf
(03/27 14:18:07) Dreamer3: Can I ask a couple of non town hall related questions?
(03/27 14:18:07) Runa'mei: I got the impression January and February were the kind to rather things not be exciting.
(03/27 14:18:22) Kelsei A.T.: sure, we can try to answer some questions
(03/27 14:18:35) ALotOf: Hi peoples...
(03/27 14:18:44) Kelsei A.T.: cant promise we can give a concise answer to everything though!
(03/27 14:18:52) Robert Murry smiles at Runa'mei's statement.
(03/27 14:19:09) Kelsei A.T.: shorah, ALotOf
(03/27 14:19:25) Dreamer3: Cool. 1) Is it true that during the helper stage of Ahnonay, the main player has to swim to the control room, rather than shell linking?
(03/27 14:19:44) Kelsei A.T.: to quote Calum, someone has to swim
(03/27 14:19:50) ALotOf: oh man it is so unfamiliar to play on a laptop with an external keyboard because the internal is broken - but I'll get used to it...
(03/27 14:20:07) Kelsei A.T.: once both the age owner and the helper are in the age, be it through the book or the cloth, someone has to swim either to the island or to the back area
(03/27 14:20:15) ALotOf: Imma techie, I can do that...
(03/27 14:20:37) Kelsei A.T.: and yes, age owner should always be first in and last out
(03/27 14:20:56) Dreamer3: okey doke. 2) What does it mean when I'm trying to link my relto book to someone and I keep getting a weird sort of null sign when I put my cursor on them?
(03/27 14:21:36) Kelsei A.T.: hm...
(03/27 14:21:45) ALotOf: several times I messed up that first in last out (FILO) thing and csahed myself... hope it could be fixed someday...
(03/27 14:21:54) Kelsei A.T.: im assuming you mean the book isnt working for them?
(03/27 14:22:15) ALotOf: *crashed*
(03/27 14:22:18) Kelsei A.T.: not sure whats behind that, sorry. they may want to relink first.
(03/27 14:22:26) Dreamer3: They never see it. It's like my book is telling me it won't show itself to them.
(03/27 14:22:58) Kelsei A.T.: strange, but happens rarely. its one of those 'weirdnesses' that i dont think anyone really understands.
(03/27 14:23:05) Robert Murry: You may need to get closer to the person.
(03/27 14:23:24) Kelsei A.T.: it could be your relto thinks theyre busy looking at their own book! who knows.
(03/27 14:23:33) Kelsei A.T. shrugs
(03/27 14:23:36) Dreamer3: Okay, maybe I'll try again after today's meeting. Thanks!
(03/27 14:23:49) Kelsei A.T.: sorry, wish i had a better answer for you.
(03/27 14:24:02) Kelsei A.T.: calum might know an answer but he's not here.
(03/27 14:24:07) Kelsei A.T.: maybe ask him on discord?
(03/27 14:24:12) ALotOf: on TOC i shouldn't take the cat with me - the detector DOOES count it...
(03/27 14:24:22) Dreamer3: Oh 3rd question. Can you still use the KI to invite people to ages rather than using the relto book?
(03/27 14:24:24) Kelsei A.T.: shorah, lucario,
(03/27 14:24:29) Kelsei A.T.: dependng on the age, yes,
(03/27 14:24:34) Lucario1829: hello!
(03/27 14:24:39) Cpt.Jericho: Hi Luc
(03/27 14:24:43) Kelsei A.T.: some are no in the nexus, so you wont be able to share them, like Relto
(03/27 14:24:44) Dreamer3: Shorah, Lucario : - )
(03/27 14:25:03) Robert Murry: Hi Lucario
(03/27 14:25:30) Robert Murry: Hi Buddy
(03/27 14:25:35) Kelsei A.T.: shorah, buddy
(03/27 14:25:39) Buddy: Shorah all!
(03/27 14:25:48) Cpt.Jericho: Hi Buddy
(03/27 14:26:08) Robert Murry: And here's NoMore
(03/27 14:26:32) NoMore: Hi gamer buddy!
(03/27 14:26:33) ALotOf: Teledahn Tubby!
(03/27 14:26:37) NoMore: Lol!
(03/27 14:27:05) Runa'mei yawns faintly
(03/27 14:27:16) Kelsei A.T. smiles at Runa,
(03/27 14:27:28) Robert Murry ***** and eyebrow.
(03/27 14:27:34) Robert Murry: Tired Runa
(03/27 14:27:47) Runa'mei: just a bit.
(03/27 14:27:53) NoMore: asterisks and eyebrow. cool.
(03/27 14:27:53) Runa'mei: i was up late reading a book.
(03/27 14:27:56) Cindi Dani: Salut everyone!
(03/27 14:28:04) Kelsei A.T.: shorah cindi
(03/27 14:28:08) Robert Murry: Hi Cindy

(03/27 14:28:11) Buddy: Shorak Cindi
(03/27 14:28:17) Cpt.Jericho: Hello Cindi
(03/27 14:28:17) Kelsei A.T.: also, yes, Robert, your KI seems to have auto censored something. probably a typo.
(03/27 14:28:19) Dreamer3: Shorah, Cindi : - )
(03/27 14:28:20) Buddy: *Shorah
(03/27 14:28:24) Robert Murry: Must have been a good book.
(03/27 14:29:25) Runa'mei: it was 'anim-
(03/27 14:29:26) Kelsei A.T.: just a book from my collection!
(03/27 14:29:33) Robert Murry: Raises an eyebrow. Better censors?
(03/27 14:29:51) Robert Murry laughs
(03/27 14:30:07) Detective Harry Williams: hello
(03/27 14:30:14) Runa'mei looks at Kelsei in an 'embarassed' questioning look.
(03/27 14:30:27) Kelsei A.T. just shakes her head and mouths 'later'
(03/27 14:30:28) Buddy: Shorah Harry
(03/27 14:30:45) Runa'mei: i dont understand why animorphs is something to be embarassed about but alright...
(03/27 14:30:48) Kelsei A.T. says DOH!
(03/27 14:31:04) Runa'mei: ah. sorry.
(03/27 14:31:11) Detective Harry Williams looks at his crystal seashell, which has turned into a book.
(03/27 14:31:16) Kelsei A.T.: youre fine,
(03/27 14:31:27) Robert Murry: That should be an interesting conversation.
(03/27 14:31:41) Kelsei A.T.: alright, its now 14:30 and its time for the town hall
(03/27 14:32:15) Dreamer3: Shorah, Sowden : - )
(03/27 14:32:16) Kelsei A.T.: the rules are fairly similar to the AGM, dont press the blue button being the primary thing
(03/27 14:32:30) Kelsei A.T.: still no progress on getting those hood podiums properly working, alas,
(03/27 14:32:31) Sowden: Hey ho there everyone
(03/27 14:32:38) Kelsei A.T.: theyre well and truly busted it seems.
(03/27 14:32:41) Dreamer3: Hey ho
(03/27 14:32:42) Kelsei A.T.: shorah, sowden,
(03/27 14:33:28) Kelsei A.T.: right then, i think the main thing to cover is... seriously, where is Calum, he told me he was going to be here to do this.
(03/27 14:33:32) Kelsei A.T. sighs
(03/27 14:33:38) Lucario1829: oh no
(03/27 14:33:39) Sowden: I just heard about this meeting. I'll just take a seat

(03/27 14:33:41) Kelsei A.T.: i apologize if im a bit flustered,
(03/27 14:33:52) Kelsei A.T.: i am very much improvising off the seat of my pants tonight
(03/27 14:33:59) Buddy: No problem Kelsei
(03/27 14:34:00) Cindi Dani: oO
(03/27 14:34:00) Runa'mei: you're doing fine.
(03/27 14:34:15) NoMore: Hey ALotOf you're the IT nerd could you do something about the podiums...?
(03/27 14:34:16) ALotOf: Nope. D'ni technology is not my field of expertise, NoMore
(03/27 14:34:16) Dreamer3: So say we all.
(03/27 14:34:46) Kelsei A.T.: right, so... testing is going well on restoring Kirel's bookroom, classroom, and meditationroom doors,
(03/27 14:35:03) Kelsei A.T.: though i hear the timers in the meditation rooms arent working just yet,
(03/27 14:35:37) Kelsei A.T.: i dont know what ETA is on them yet but everyone seems hopeful
(03/27 14:35:55) Dreamer3: Are they locked right now?
(03/27 14:36:00) Kelsei A.T.: for now yes,
(03/27 14:36:07) ALotOf: Bookroom has timers? Interesting...
(03/27 14:36:15) Kelsei A.T.: meditation room doors,
(03/27 14:36:19) Kelsei A.T.: like here in the hoods
(03/27 14:36:23) Kelsei A.T.: the eggroom>
(03/27 14:36:30) Kelsei A.T.: the rooms around the seed
(03/27 14:36:30) Cindi Dani: ty

(03/27 14:36:33) ALotOf: ah sorry meditation rooms...
(03/27 14:36:37) Kelsei A.T.: yes,
(03/27 14:37:04) Kelsei A.T.: the book room doors in Kirel were removed by the DRC like they had the Ae'gura museum and library doors, for some reason, back in 2007,
(03/27 14:37:17) Kelsei A.T.: but readding those shouldnt be too much of a problem, im told.
(03/27 14:37:28) Kelsei A.T. glances at her KI, frowning...
(03/27 14:37:52) Buddy: He'll be here
(03/27 14:37:53) Sowden: To my recolectiopn, the doors were removed back then due to them not working properly
(03/27 14:38:07) Sowden: Too many people would come up to the doors and they wouldn't open
(03/27 14:38:16) Sowden: At least, thats what I remember
(03/27 14:38:24) Buddy: Need more stress testing
(03/27 14:38:25) Kelsei A.T.: yes, and since weve recently gotten the doors mostly working since then, and were able to re-activate them
(03/27 14:38:30) Dreamer3: absence of doors will lead to a buildup of cavern dust over time.
(03/27 14:38:41) Kelsei A.T.: i think the only issue we had at the recent st patricks day parade was with the library doors?
(03/27 14:38:53) Robert Murry: Correct.
(03/27 14:38:56) Kelsei A.T.: we just might need to only extend the sensor for the library doors
(03/27 14:39:02) Dreamer3: Shorah, Ural : - )
(03/27 14:39:10) Kelsei A.T.: keep a wider sensor sweep so it knows people are in it for longer.
(03/27 14:39:15) ALotOf: yeah they were mid-range sensor doors...
(03/27 14:40:02) ALotOf: museum is long-range sensor doors...
(03/27 14:40:20) Kelsei A.T.: i think the only other age news is that some structural concerns over Mirtahm were raised. we're hoping to see those addressed before the age can proceed forwards. Calum had some remarks about the flooding, i think.
(03/27 14:40:22) ural: Hello all
(03/27 14:40:39) ALotOf: and Kadish Gallery has buttons...
(03/27 14:40:41) Kelsei A.T.: no update on Varia from Professor Marius.
(03/27 14:41:24) Kelsei A.T.: we also identified an issue with the Guild of Messengers Pub Imager that might prevent imager uploads that we're hoping to get ironed out before it crops up publicly.
(03/27 14:41:48) Kelsei A.T.: we saw a recent case of it with Waynes laptop imager down in the Chiso Basement,
(03/27 14:42:04) Kelsei A.T.: hopefully that will all get sorted out in the coming months.
(03/27 14:42:33) ALotOf: Exciting news!
(03/27 14:42:34) NoMore: Nerd!
(03/27 14:42:36) Kelsei A.T.: oh, Veelay, Im told theres some updates for the journals coming down the line.

(03/27 14:42:40) Dreamer3: lol
(03/27 14:42:49) Kelsei A.T.: more entries to be added...
(03/27 14:43:40) Kelsei A.T.: and Calum did write a book for the Naybree beach, but im not sure where it is. we'll put it out somewhere when we find it.
(03/27 14:43:52) Kelsei A.T. wonders for the tenth time this hour where Calum is.
(03/27 14:44:08) Dreamer3: What kind of book?
(03/27 14:44:16) Kelsei A.T.: Linking Book to the beach
(03/27 14:44:31) Lucario1829: interesting!
(03/27 14:44:35) Buddy: Oh, that would be very nice!
(03/27 14:44:37) Kelsei A.T.: Runa, I think you had something from your cousin?
(03/27 14:44:44) Runa'mei: yes
(03/27 14:44:45) NoMore: a shortcut for the shortcut...
(03/27 14:44:51) Dreamer3: Where will the linking book be?
(03/27 14:45:17) Kelsei A.T.: probably the chiso basement, unless people want it moved upstairs
(03/27 14:45:36) Kelsei A.T.: Runa?
(03/27 14:45:43) Runa'mei: right, hello, everyone.
(03/27 14:46:00) Runa'mei: you may or may not know me!
(03/27 14:46:17) Runa'mei: I am Runa'mei, I'm a visitor from the Age of Rei'schu.
(03/27 14:46:29) Dreamer3: Shorah, Visitor
(03/27 14:46:35) NoMore: Hi
(03/27 14:47:08) Runa'mei: I'm technically a descendant of a D'ni girl, though I was born on Rei'schu and consider it my home.
(03/27 14:47:47) Runa'mei: that girl, Athsheba, was the one who survived in Eder Naybree during the Fall of D'ni, and her family, mine by extension, were the caretakers of Rei'schu during the time of the D'ni,
(03/27 14:48:12) Runa'mei: there's a long story involved there I wont get into,
(03/27 14:48:36) Runa'mei: it'd take up a lot of time and I'm really just going on this preamble to catch the new folks up before I lay out news.
(03/27 14:48:52) Cindi Dani: Merci

(03/27 14:48:59) Runa'mei: my people and yours have been having a sort of cultural exchange the last few years since the redicovery of Rei'schu's Descriptive Book,
(03/27 14:49:26) Runa'mei: as a part of that, my people are renovating an old temple into an apartment.
(03/27 14:49:36) NoMore: wow cool
(03/27 14:49:50) Runa'mei: it's on a small island floating at sea, but i'm hearing that progress on the renovation work is nearing completion.
(03/27 14:50:12) ALotOf: sounds like a big project...
(03/27 14:50:13) Runa'mei: we're all hoping to have it serve as a sort of visitors center.
(03/27 14:50:17) Lucario1829: sounds awesome
(03/27 14:50:43) Cindi Dani: Neat for greetings!
(03/27 14:50:59) Runa'mei smiles
(03/27 14:51:07) Dreamer3: Will we need reserfations?
(03/27 14:51:13) Dreamer3: reservations
(03/27 14:51:29) Runa'mei: im not certain exactly what the visitation access will look like yet,
(03/27 14:51:38) NoMore: You can always check in, but you can never check out

(03/27 14:51:43) Runa'mei: my cousin, Kura'quen, wasn't certain herself yet.
(03/27 14:51:56) Cindi Dani: Lol NoMore
(03/27 14:52:01) NoMore:

(03/27 14:52:28) Runa'mei: I am told, though, that it will serve as a collection hub for artifacts that could be found during certain challenges my people hope to set up.
(03/27 14:53:04) Runa'mei: im not really sure what that all entails beyond atleast one set of wall mounted decoration that was already removed during the renovation process.
(03/27 14:53:23) Runa'mei: which is apparently going to be returned as a reward down the line? somewhere?
(03/27 14:53:30) Runa'mei: im not involved much with that project, truth be told.
(03/27 14:54:08) Runa'mei: I will be donating one of my journals for the bookshelves to be read, though.
(03/27 14:54:47) Runa'mei: I'm still somewhat shaky on my handwriting in your language though so, i apologize in advance for any illegible scrawls.
(03/27 14:54:50) Runa'mei blushes faintly.
(03/27 14:55:04) Cindi Dani:

(03/27 14:55:08) Runa'mei: that's all I really have to say on the matter,
(03/27 14:55:13) Runa'mei bows
(03/27 14:55:17) Cpt.Jericho claps her hands
(03/27 14:55:20) Runa'mei: thank you for listening.
(03/27 14:55:23) Lucario1829 claps his hands
(03/27 14:55:27) ALotOf: Artifacts... sounds like a thing which might interest IndiAHNO Jones,,, though he may believe they belong into a museum and not into a hotel...
(03/27 14:55:43) Kelsei A.T.: I'm also contributing some work to the project
(03/27 14:55:47) NoMore claps his hands
(03/27 14:55:52) ALotOf claps his hands
(03/27 14:55:56) Kelsei A.T.: a translation guide between english and the rei'schuian language
(03/27 14:56:20) Buddy: Runa, does this island apartment of yours have anything to do with the island I saw floating in Naybree's lake?
(03/27 14:56:21) Dreamer3 claps his hands
(03/27 14:56:23) Kelsei A.T.: it will probably undergo some revisions over time as i come to grips with the language better
(03/27 14:56:34) Runa'mei: the one with the statue ontop of it?
(03/27 14:56:54) Runa'mei: no, but that statue is roughly in the shape of the island my grandmother called home before she fled to Naybree,
(03/27 14:57:02) Runa'mei: it seems she carved it in memory of that place.
(03/27 14:57:13) Detective Harry Williams: As I remember, the island was shell-shaped...
(03/27 14:57:23) Buddy: It didn't have a statue on it... it was in tyhe roped off area ner the centyer where the 3 posts are.
(03/27 14:57:49) Kelsei A.T.: oh, i think you mean the raft?
(03/27 14:58:03) Kelsei A.T.: that seems to be the result of one of the long distance imagers we discovered in the mountains.
(03/27 14:58:04) Buddy: Yes, it looked like a raft.
(03/27 14:58:05) ALotOf: oh wow a memory raft...
(03/27 14:58:16) Detective Harry Williams: WHAT?
(03/27 14:58:26) Detective Harry Williams: Imagers can do THAT?
(03/27 14:58:35) Kelsei A.T.: a group of us were led by Calum back in December, to the mountains of naybree for a survey
(03/27 14:59:13) Kelsei A.T.: it wound up being more than we expected, as we discovered a set of D'ni ruins in the age that seem to date back to when the age was first written as a retirement gift for a prominent D'ni Writer
(03/27 14:59:21) Dreamer3: It's easy to get trapped in crevasses in those mountains . . .
(03/27 14:59:30) Robert Murry: That was a fun camping trip...
(03/27 14:59:38) Kelsei A.T.: there was a large room in the mountains set up to house a giant full room imager
(03/27 14:59:49) Kelsei A.T.: think like the cleft's 3d imager except larger scale.
(03/27 15:00:20) Kelsei A.T.: we're not certain quite how it works yet, but it seems like the imager projections interact with mist off of the water to form images,
(03/27 15:00:31) Kelsei A.T.: sometimes solid ones!
(03/27 15:00:39) Cindi Dani: Ooooh O.O
(03/27 15:00:46) Detective Harry Williams: "SOLID IMAGES" -- I *have* to see this thing.
(03/27 15:01:05) Kelsei A.T.: during our trip we were haunted by the ghosts of D'ni past.
(03/27 15:01:10) Kelsei A.T.: it was... something to say the least
(03/27 15:01:15) Runa'mei: I'll say.
(03/27 15:01:24) Robert Murry: Agreed.
(03/27 15:01:34) Runa'mei: I still don't get what all the fuss was about or why that man was so important to warrant that kind of memorial.
(03/27 15:01:36) ALotOf: Mist powered imgers... sounds myst-erious...
(03/27 15:01:45) Buddy: It sounds like interesting things are coming to Naybree.
(03/27 15:01:53) Runa'mei: do we even know what that Writer's name was?
(03/27 15:02:00) Kelsei A.T.: not yet, sorry
(03/27 15:02:18) Kelsei A.T.: ive been digging into the history of the age in my off time, but the initial records of ownership were lost,
(03/27 15:02:25) Kelsei A.T.: and it changed hands so many times...
(03/27 15:02:36) Robert Murry: It may have been your great-grandfather, Runa.
(03/27 15:02:46) Runa'mei: i really doubt it, Robert.
(03/27 15:02:46) NoMore: ah I remember the reports of that exploration... must've been kind of a thrill...
(03/27 15:03:08) Runa'mei: my grandmother's family line was centered more in the artistry of stone rather than words, as I understand it.
(03/27 15:03:21) Robert Murry: Ah...
(03/27 15:03:41) Runa'mei: that's not to say that it couldnt be related to some branch of the family, we know there was a schism, but, i find it unlikely.
(03/27 15:04:12) Runa'mei: how big of a coincidence would it be that my grandmother, as a child, would be ferried to such an age tied to our family by sheer coincidence?
(03/27 15:04:27) Runa'mei: a random bystandard guiding her to a book during the fall and sending her through...
(03/27 15:04:49) Runa'mei: if it was related to my family, somehow, I have to wonder why that happened,
(03/27 15:05:17) Dreamer3: Sounds like an interesting story is in there somewhere . . .
(03/27 15:05:20) Runa'mei: i think it's too unlikely, to be honest. too big of a stretch. but, i can't discount it...
(03/27 15:05:35) Robert Murry nods his head
(03/27 15:05:48) Runa'mei: it really is quite a harrowing story. my family's history is all bound up in the ownership and stewardship of Rei'schu.
(03/27 15:06:26) Kelsei A.T.: as far as we can tell from the scant remaining documents, Athsheba's distant ancestors had a split in the family not long after Rei'schu's great calamity
(03/27 15:06:52) Dreamer3 shivers
(03/27 15:07:01) Kelsei A.T.: Calum thinks that some meddling of the Descriptive Book ended up saving the world from colapse, which... well... given the D'ni rules against such tampering...
(03/27 15:07:17) Kelsei A.T.: it's not a surprise they kept the age well hidden under a layer of cultism and religious metaphor.
(03/27 15:07:52) Kelsei A.T.: if that schism did lead to Naybree's creation, it'd be a wildly improbable coincidence...
(03/27 15:08:15) Kelsei A.T.: but... if the Art really was the cause of the age's salvation, a talented Writer would need to be involved.
(03/27 15:08:35) Kelsei A.T.: its impossible to say at this point. Runa and I have been trying to piece together the history of that time to not much success.
(03/27 15:08:58) Runa'mei: Traumatized people write wildly varrying accounts of a world changing event. It's not surprising.
(03/27 15:09:48) Runa'mei sighs
(03/27 15:09:59) Runa'mei: such is the problem with tragedies happening a very long time ago.
(03/27 15:10:20) Cindi Dani: "the response is 42"
(03/27 15:10:28) Robert Murry: We'll figure it out. I promise.
(03/27 15:10:37) Kelsei A.T.: indeed, we will, someday.
(03/27 15:10:59) Kelsei A.T.: i dont have any other notes on me, Robert, did Calum give you anything?
(03/27 15:11:06) Detective Harry Williams looks down in surprise as the crystal book opens ON ITS OWN before closing again and turning back into a seashell.
(03/27 15:11:14) Dreamer3: The Scooby gang is on the case.
(03/27 15:11:18) Robert Murry: No. And I wish he had.
(03/27 15:11:25) Kelsei A.T.: damn.
(03/27 15:11:39) Kelsei A.T.: alright, i think on that heavy note we should probably call it for the day.
(03/27 15:11:46) Kelsei A.T.: im going to go see if I can track him down.
(03/27 15:11:49) Robert Murry: I would like to return to the cave and search for more clues.
(03/27 15:11:51) Dreamer3: I hope Calum is all right.
(03/27 15:11:57) ALotOf: it's hard to deal with traume... sensitive people even tend to 'collect' trauma during their life...
(03/27 15:12:04) Detective Harry Williams: Before you go, could I ask one thing?
(03/27 15:12:05) Kelsei A.T.: i do too, Dreamer3,
(03/27 15:12:10) Kelsei A.T.: sure, Detective,
(03/27 15:12:39) Robert Murry: I will say this. Skyisblu and I learned something new about firemarbles on that trip.
(03/27 15:12:49) Detective Harry Williams: Could you ask Calum to send me pictures of that imager? How could an imager do stuff like create a raft miles away?
(03/27 15:12:50) Runa'mei: Yes, do not feed them to birds.
(03/27 15:12:57) Robert Murry rubs his shoulder.
(03/27 15:13:11) NoMore: lol
(03/27 15:13:12) Kelsei A.T.: I'll try, if I can find Calum.
(03/27 15:13:37) Kelsei A.T.: as for the how, id liken it to a spotlight, cascading against a layer of mist to serve as a lens
(03/27 15:13:38) Detective Harry Williams: thank you. That's all.
(03/27 15:13:45) Buddy: Thank you Kelsei... you did a great job!
(03/27 15:13:55) Kelsei A.T.: thanks,
(03/27 15:14:09) NoMore claps his hands
(03/27 15:14:09) Kelsei A.T.: thank you all for coming,
(03/27 15:14:10) Cindi Dani: Fully agree, Buddy. Bravo Kelsei

(03/27 15:14:13) Dreamer3 claps his hands
(03/27 15:14:14) Kelsei A.T. bows
(03/27 15:14:14) Robert Murry: Well, back to thedesk and those reports. I guess.
(03/27 15:14:14) Lucario1829 claps his hands
(03/27 15:14:16) ALotOf claps his hands
(03/27 15:14:17) Detective Harry Williams: Still. SOLID images... how is that even possible?
(03/27 15:14:30) Cindi Dani kneels down...
(03/27 15:14:30) Kelsei A.T.: if we can figure it out, id like to know,
(03/27 15:14:38) Cpt.Jericho: Force fields, Harry.
(03/27 15:14:39) Kelsei A.T.: maybe if it chills the moisture into ice?
(03/27 15:14:43) Dreamer3 bows
(03/27 15:14:48) Detective Harry Williams: No wonder those "Calendar Men" were interested in that thing.
(03/27 15:14:51) Kelsei A.T.: still, we know the D'ni had forcefields, Jalak as a prime example
(03/27 15:14:58) Kelsei A.T.: it could be a combination of both.
(03/27 15:15:05) Kelsei A.T.: thank you, cindi
(03/27 15:15:15) Cpt.Jericho: Also, Jalak has solid projections.
(03/27 15:15:32) Kelsei A.T.: now then, if youll excuse me im going to check Calum's home real quick. rule that out before going elsewhere. if im lucky hes just slept in
(03/27 15:15:34) ALotOf: ah yes, the Jalak forcefields are inte4resting... they emanate from the socket from the looks of it...
(03/27 15:15:40) Kelsei A.T.: world knows he deserves the rest
(03/27 15:16:00) Runa'mei: hopefully everything is okay there.
(03/27 15:16:07) Lucario1829: indeed
(03/27 15:16:12) Runa'mei: losing a family member is hard.
(03/27 15:16:16) Robert Murry: I'm off to Chiso.
(03/27 15:16:19) Runa'mei: especially one you're close to.
(03/27 15:16:33) Runa'mei: take care, Robert. I think I'm going to head home and prepare some dinner.
(03/27 15:16:47) Robert Murry: I know how that feels Runa.
(03/27 15:16:51) Dreamer3: Does anyone have a minute to visit my Ahnonay?
(03/27 15:16:54) Robert Murry: Bye all.
(03/27 15:16:54) Cindi Dani: merci folks! ice briefing!
(03/27 15:16:55) Detective Harry Williams: Sure
(03/27 15:17:00) Lucario1829 waves goodbye
(03/27 15:17:09) Cindi Dani: Ok Dreamer
(03/27 15:17:10) Runa'mei waves goodbye
(03/27 15:17:36) ...Chat.log stopped.