(01/15 11:02:27) Calum Traveler: shorah all
(01/15 11:02:30) [X]: calum is here! he knows stuff!
(01/15 11:02:32) ural: Hello
(01/15 11:02:34) Calum Traveler: ah?
(01/15 11:02:38) mafasa: Shorah calum
(01/15 11:02:50) [X]: how's everyone??
(01/15 11:02:52) mafasa: Shorah TK
(01/15 11:02:53) Calum Traveler: what is it im in need of knowing, Kaaja?
(01/15 11:03:05) thoekenem: shorah mafasa
(01/15 11:03:06) Calum Traveler: exhausted, but that's just par the course with surface life these days,
(01/15 11:03:13) [X]: you know if any old content will ever be able to be added now?
(01/15 11:03:22) Calum Traveler: 'old content'?
(01/15 11:03:29) [X]: game ages
(01/15 11:03:41) Calum Traveler: like, the Myst Games? Riven, Exile, Rev?
(01/15 11:04:21) ural: Myst 5
(01/15 11:04:32) Calum Traveler: no, nothing is missing that im aware of.
(01/15 11:04:36) Calum Traveler: Myst V is its own kettle of fish
(01/15 11:04:47) [X]: what about the great tree pub?
(01/15 11:04:50) thoekenem: cyan worlds added a storefront in steam for Riven
(01/15 11:04:55) [X]: and the working parts to it?
(01/15 11:04:58) Calum Traveler: I know Patrick is eager to get the real versions of those ages out to us here, but I have my concerns regarding Noloben and Tahgira,
(01/15 11:05:14) Calum Traveler: if everything shakes out we may get Direbo as Kirel's garden age.
(01/15 11:05:24) Calum Traveler: Watchers Pub, ugh. right.
(01/15 11:05:36) [X]: mhm
(01/15 11:05:37) Calum Traveler: well, all I'll say on *that* is that there's always lots of discussion on what to do with the Pub.
(01/15 11:05:56) Calum Traveler: as it's a significant historical site some folks are hesitant to let a lot of folks tromp through the mechanisms and into the tree
(01/15 11:06:01) [X]: thats good. at least its talked about
(01/15 11:06:19) Calum Traveler: there's also the fact that the few of us who have gone into the tree have found that spiral path doesn't do much of anything when you walk it.
(01/15 11:06:24) [X]: what?? historic sites?? they are OUR sites!
(01/15 11:06:27) Calum Traveler: whatever magic was animating that Link has since dispersed.
(01/15 11:06:36) [X]: hm
(01/15 11:06:42) Calum Traveler: there's... hesitance to let folks in there given that,
(01/15 11:06:50) Calum Traveler: you know how people can get when they feel theyve been cheated of a thing
(01/15 11:06:56) [X]: cuz we'll do what to it?
(01/15 11:07:06) Calum Traveler: walk it, and go nowhere.
(01/15 11:07:21) [X]: i'll take off my birks and wash my feet
(01/15 11:07:28) Calum Traveler: do you know how many reports we get about the Gahreesen doors not opening because people hadn't worn their KI?
(01/15 11:07:41) [X]: no
(01/15 11:07:46) ural: Hard to believe!
(01/15 11:07:47) [X]: how many

(01/15 11:07:49) Calum Traveler: more often than you'd think.
(01/15 11:07:58) [X]: so they leave without a ki?
(01/15 11:08:05) [X]: thats the issue?
(01/15 11:08:14) [X]: can we do that?
(01/15 11:08:19) Calum Traveler: just this month alone we've had one person try to solve Gahreesen without collecting a KI and reporting the doors didnt open for them
(01/15 11:08:22) Calum Traveler: they thought it was busted,
(01/15 11:08:31) Calum Traveler: but no, that's just how the age's security works.
(01/15 11:08:54) Calum Traveler: the main issue with the spiral path not doing anything is, well...
(01/15 11:09:05) Calum Traveler: people are going to walk it and expect it to send them somewhere like it used to.
(01/15 11:09:18) [X]: and it wont
(01/15 11:09:20) Calum Traveler: they'll probably come after us to ask 'why doesnt it work?'
(01/15 11:09:32) [X]: thats with all magic ages
(01/15 11:09:33) Calum Traveler: and we just have to shrug
(01/15 11:09:42) [X]: they dont work. we can just go to them
(01/15 11:09:51) Calum Traveler: because we can't do anything with yeesha/bahro nonsense,
(01/15 11:10:13) Calum Traveler: given my own experiments with the Art, I still can't fathom how they do half the things they do.
(01/15 11:10:27) ural: Wow
(01/15 11:10:29) [X]: find that hard to believe
(01/15 11:10:42) Calum Traveler: i have my theories, but they've never panned out.
(01/15 11:10:59) Calum Traveler: and given the *last* time I played around with dangerous Art experiments I wound up sleepwalking straight into a first contact scenario...
(01/15 11:11:02) [X]: so they keep the secrets from you too?
(01/15 11:11:05) Calum Traveler: i'd rather not repeat anything.
(01/15 11:11:18) Calum Traveler: I don't speek with Yeesha or the Bahro, despite what people may believe.
(01/15 11:11:32) [X]: calum. its ok to say you do
(01/15 11:11:40) Calum Traveler: i really don't.
(01/15 11:11:59) Calum Traveler: do you *think* I'd be able to keep it to myself if I had a sudden enlightenment of how the Art works?
(01/15 11:12:28) [X]: ops hold phone
(01/15 11:12:32) [X]: brb
(01/15 11:12:42) Calum Traveler chuckles faintly,
(01/15 11:13:10) Calum Traveler: anyways, to answer the question about Watcher's Pub, no, we're probably not opening that place any time soon. there's been no consensus about what to do about the path conundrum.
(01/15 11:13:39) Calum Traveler: do we put in a box of jackets? let folks just get a neat clothing reward for getting that far? do we cut off access?
(01/15 11:13:43) Calum Traveler: do we just keep things closed?
(01/15 11:13:52) Calum Traveler: no solutions that make anyone happy at this time.
(01/15 11:14:20) Calum Traveler: for obvious reasons the Myst through Revelation ages and areas are probably out of our wheelhouse on account of reasons of 'we don't have access to the books'
(01/15 11:14:28) Calum Traveler: nevermind Riven.
(01/15 11:14:56) Calum Traveler: and as for Myst V... as I said, there's logistical issues regarding those areas that I have my concerns over.
(01/15 11:15:14) Calum Traveler: Direbo, as far as I'm concerned, is one bad gust of wind away from becoming a toppled over crushing mass of stone dominoes.
(01/15 11:15:33) Calum Traveler: Tahgira is even colder now than it was in 2005, and I wouldn't send anyone in there without a maintainer suit,
(01/15 11:16:21) Calum Traveler: Laki and Todelmer are probably the 'safest' in terms of environment, but Noloben is.... That's getting my no vote no matter what. After what Sharper did there?
(01/15 11:16:32) Calum Traveler: never mind the damned torture lab.
(01/15 11:16:40) Calum Traveler shakes his head in disgust
(01/15 11:17:38) [X]: alrighty.... back
(01/15 11:17:40) Calum Traveler: Noloben is like a grave site and I'd be hesitant to let anyone go there, lest they stir up a hornets nest of angry bahro.
(01/15 11:18:09) [X]: i like Xcitement
(01/15 11:18:19) Calum Traveler: maybe tempers have cooled since then, but i'd rather not risk it.
(01/15 11:18:40) Calum Traveler: we've got other work on the forefront right now, anyways.
(01/15 11:18:50) [X]: such as?
(01/15 11:19:09) Calum Traveler: Patrick's looking at organizing a small revamp of Kirel, and I've been poking at the KI Lattice with Diranda's help, due to certain issues with the Great Zero coordinate system
(01/15 11:19:28) Calum Traveler: ever notice how some areas have the wrong coordinates to what they should be?
(01/15 11:19:42) Calum Traveler: somethings buggy in there beyond needing recalibration.
(01/15 11:19:42) [X]: <.< no?
(01/15 11:19:59) Calum Traveler: let's just say that standing on the great zero floor does something strange involving the coordinates inverting themselves,
(01/15 11:20:20) Calum Traveler: and Kirel, for whatever reason, is a total mirror in X axis coordinates of what it probably should be,
(01/15 11:20:35) [X]: maybe its like being in australia
(01/15 11:20:47) [X]: like an upside down world
(01/15 11:20:49) Calum Traveler: it's just some busted coding in the machinery,
(01/15 11:20:50) [X]:

(01/15 11:21:01) Calum Traveler: signals are warping where they shouldn't.
(01/15 11:21:09) Calum Traveler: yada yada yada
(01/15 11:21:13) [X]: ...warping
(01/15 11:21:23) [X]: does it mess with the game?
(01/15 11:21:42) Calum Traveler: I mean, all the hoods seem to share the same Marker Game Coordinates when they logically shouldn't.
(01/15 11:22:10) [X]: did they always?
(01/15 11:22:18) Calum Traveler: atleast since the restoration began
(01/15 11:22:23) Calum Traveler: so, the last 20ish years
(01/15 11:22:30) [X]: or is this new since the revamp after the wipe
(01/15 11:22:39) [X]: so its not new
(01/15 11:22:42) Calum Traveler: i cant imagine the DRC or the D'ni placed some of the Calibration markers off cliffs or under bridges,
(01/15 11:22:49) [X]: i dont think thats important to repair them
(01/15 11:22:55) Calum Traveler: true,
(01/15 11:23:14) Calum Traveler: but there's concerns that if we don't fix busted coordinates it could start leading to further issues down the line, atleast on my end.
(01/15 11:23:16) [X]: you can get to them under the bridge. thats part of the.... charm?
(01/15 11:23:21) [X]: challenge
(01/15 11:23:28) Calum Traveler: yeah, but who would've *placed* those?
(01/15 11:23:47) Calum Traveler: the DRC certainly wouldnt want folks leaping off of bridges and cliffs in the early days
(01/15 11:23:53) [X]: seems intentional
(01/15 11:24:01) Calum Traveler: and some of these markers would've been utterly inaccessable in the D'ni's day.
(01/15 11:24:16) Calum Traveler: speaks to some greater system wide drift, if you ask me
(01/15 11:24:21) [X]: i know they were in different places for each of my avvies at one point
(01/15 11:24:31) Calum Traveler: as for the GZ coordinate inversion on the floor, it didn't used to be that way,
(01/15 11:24:56) Calum Traveler: sometime in the last, oh... 16ish years?
(01/15 11:25:00) Calum Traveler: 2007ish era
(01/15 11:25:12) Calum Traveler: tells me the Scream messed with the system and the DRC never fixed it.
(01/15 11:25:23) [X]: so before you were born ;p
(01/15 11:25:26) [X]: kidding
(01/15 11:25:28) Calum Traveler: ...no?
(01/15 11:25:32) Calum Traveler: I was very much there for that.
(01/15 11:25:44) [X]: i was not
(01/15 11:25:48) [X]: ...here
(01/15 11:26:12) Calum Traveler: I was in my teens in 2007, when all of that was going down.
(01/15 11:26:22) Calum Traveler: i feel old, some days, yknow?
(01/15 11:26:27) [X]: early teens?
(01/15 11:26:33) Calum Traveler: early teens, yeah.
(01/15 11:26:53) Calum Traveler: was even younger when the First DRC restoration shut down in 04.
(01/15 11:27:02) Calum Traveler: i tell you it broke my heart when i read about it online.
(01/15 11:27:05) [X]: you always seems so.... well... older.
(01/15 11:27:06) Calum Traveler shakes his head
(01/15 11:27:23) Calum Traveler: I'm almost in my 30s you know.
(01/15 11:27:27) [X]: i should really say experienced with the game
(01/15 11:27:41) [X]: i know! you werent even driving when i first met you
(01/15 11:27:51) Calum Traveler: the game of life has been particularly cruel to me, and forced me to mature faster than I probably should have.
(01/15 11:27:55) [X]: maybe you were 16?
(01/15 11:28:04) Calum Traveler: yeah, that about tracks.
(01/15 11:28:12) Calum Traveler: i didnt learn til i was almost 18 or so.
(01/15 11:28:16) [X]: i know
(01/15 11:28:21) [X]: still dont like it?
(01/15 11:28:28) N'Chaka: shorah Sestra
(01/15 11:28:35) Calum Traveler: it's a necessary evil when people have their damned highbeams on all the time
(01/15 11:28:46) Robert Holt: shorah Sestra, N'Chaka
(01/15 11:28:48) [X]: hate that
(01/15 11:28:58) Calum Traveler: so annoying.
[The Conversation trailed off into non cavern related subjects and drifted into silence as Babbel's stream came up.]