(11/29 14:07:33) Tiernan Quinlan: Hullo.
(11/29 14:07:48) Kelsei A.T.: '
(11/29 14:08:08) Kelsei A.T. waves hello
(11/29 14:08:23) Tiernan Quinlan waves hello
(11/29 14:08:44) Runa'mei: shorah, all
(11/29 14:08:48) Kelsei A.T.: hello
(11/29 14:14:57) Kelsei A.T.: alright i think i have my notes in order
(11/29 14:17:54) Kelsei A.T.: how is everyone?
(11/29 14:19:11) Runa'mei: im doing alright,

(11/29 14:19:17) Kelsei A.T.: oh shush, you

(11/29 14:19:27) Runa'mei: never!
(11/29 14:19:30) Tiernan Quinlan: Pretty well, considerin'.
(11/29 14:19:39) Kelsei A.T. nods
(11/29 14:19:59) Kelsei A.T.: i think given the holidays we should skip the town hall next month
(11/29 14:20:24) Tiernan Quinlan: Probably best idea at this point.
(11/29 14:20:34) Robert Murry: Annnddd, I'm back.
(11/29 14:20:41) Kelsei A.T.: wb robert
(11/29 14:20:43) Robert Murry: Shorah all
(11/29 14:20:48) Runa'mei: shorah, robert
(11/29 14:20:52) Cpt.Jericho: Hello Robert
(11/29 14:20:59) Kelsei A.T. leans left
(11/29 14:21:01) Robert Murry leans right
(11/29 14:21:24) Robert Murry leans right
(11/29 14:21:26) Tiernan Quinlan leans left
(11/29 14:22:01) Tiernan Quinlan: Doesn't look like we have a whole lot of people t'day. Probably busy w' shoppin' an' all.
(11/29 14:22:04) Tiernan Quinlan chuckles.
(11/29 14:22:16) Kelsei A.T.: probably, yes
(11/29 14:22:21) Robert Murry: Must not press the blue button. Must not press the blue button.
(11/29 14:22:30) Kelsei A.T.: i think Calum was doing some last minute christmas shopping for his parents
(11/29 14:22:43) Tiernan Quinlan: Ah well, folks can always read the transcripts t' catch up!
(11/29 14:22:52) Cpt.Jericho: Last minute shopping in November?
(11/29 14:23:18) Kelsei A.T.: Calum evidently prefers to not have any shopping to do during december, gift wise.
(11/29 14:23:23) Kelsei A.T.: i cant blame him, the crowds ive seen
(11/29 14:23:47) Cpt.Jericho: Ah, yes, the panic in their eyes; sweating dispair....
(11/29 14:24:12) Kelsei A.T.: shorah ural
(11/29 14:24:19) Kelsei A.T.: shorah Graminator
(11/29 14:24:25) Tiernan Quinlan: Shorah!
(11/29 14:24:31) Cpt.Jericho: I like watching them - fearing they have forgotten about some far relative
(11/29 14:24:31) ural: Hello
(11/29 14:24:37) The Graminator: shorah!!
(11/29 14:24:45) Robert Murry: Shorah ural and Graminator
(11/29 14:24:54) The Graminator: i can't turn on the audio because' I'll wake up my son.
(11/29 14:25:15) The Graminator: Thanks all!

(11/29 14:25:37) Kelsei A.T.: we wont be talking in audio
(11/29 14:25:41) Kelsei A.T.: just over the chat

(11/29 14:26:15) The Graminator: thanks!
(11/29 14:26:36) Cpt.Jericho: Yeah, can't have the spooks analysing our voice patterns

(11/29 14:26:55) Runa'mei starts to laugh
(11/29 14:27:21) Runa'mei: i dont know why spirits would want our voice patterns anywyas.
(11/29 14:27:22) The Graminator laughs
(11/29 14:27:40) Tiernan Quinlan chuckles.
(11/29 14:27:51) Cpt.Jericho: You laugh, but in twenty years pranksters will use AI created invites to your wedding
(11/29 14:28:27) Kelsei A.T.: Oh that would be funny.
(11/29 14:28:46) Kelsei A.T.: sad, but also a little funny.
(11/29 14:28:50) Cpt.Jericho: Not if the fiance is Godzilla
(11/29 14:29:22) Kelsei A.T.: huh?
(11/29 14:29:42) Cpt.Jericho: Well, I won'r be Mrs. Jerichodzilla
(11/29 14:30:22) The Graminator: what is this meeting about?
(11/29 14:30:35) Kelsei A.T.: just a monthly recap of recent events in the cavern, Graminator
(11/29 14:30:46) Kelsei A.T.: and as its 1430 we'll now begin
(11/29 14:30:57) Kelsei A.T.: small crowd, but given the time of year i cant complain
(11/29 14:30:58) The Graminator claps her hands
(11/29 14:31:15) Kelsei A.T.: welcome, everyone, to the November 2023 town hall
(11/29 14:31:37) Kelsei A.T.: it's been a hectic month for a multitude of reasons
(11/29 14:31:56) Tiernan Quinlan: Oh aye.
(11/29 14:31:59) Kelsei A.T.: so we'll start with the major thing, and that's the release of the Fall of D'ni Memorial, back on the 18th
(11/29 14:32:42) Kelsei A.T.: we had quite the crowd there, celebrating the release of this place. I think we almost hit 200 people,
(11/29 14:33:09) Kelsei A.T.: the Memorial Island is a small island out on the cavern lake and can be found via a book in Chiso Preniv.
(11/29 14:33:59) Kelsei A.T.: the memorial itself was designed by Christopher Therburg,
(11/29 14:34:10) Kelsei A.T.: and the major restoration work was handled by Keith Lord.
(11/29 14:34:50) Kelsei A.T.: in future area development news, Calum managed to get another look at Varia, though the Professor running the endeavor continued to have many areas locked off.
(11/29 14:35:26) Kelsei A.T.: I got a glimpse at Calum's report. It was rather scathing. I don't foresee the place releasing any time soon due to the concerns over the structural issues Calum spotted.
(11/29 14:36:02) ural: Really??
(11/29 14:36:34) Kelsei A.T.: the foundations in the bay area, for the buildings, were sinking into the ground.
(11/29 14:36:52) Kelsei A.T.: and that was just what was deemed 'safe' to show Calum, it seems.
(11/29 14:37:27) Kelsei A.T.: who knows what else lurks in the corridors that he wasnt able to survey.
(11/29 14:37:33) Kelsei A.T. shrugs
(11/29 14:38:11) Kelsei A.T.: Descent work continues at a slower pace, but I don't have any major updates.
(11/29 14:38:27) Kelsei A.T.: there has been SOME progress at the Overflow Station, finally.
(11/29 14:38:44) Kelsei A.T.: Ami was able to get the maintainer suit chambers functioning,
(11/29 14:39:22) Kelsei A.T.: though from her report it sounds like the issue is just power distribution through the old channels. It might require a heavy amount of wiring work to make anything work properly.
(11/29 14:40:06) Kelsei A.T.: and as I've understood things, there's a possibility the power may have to be reduced to a smaller transmission rate and directed at specific targets rather than everywhere at once.
(11/29 14:40:40) Cpt.Jericho: Can't you just re-route energy from the plasma injectors via the warp-field relays? Seems to work all the time in Startrek
(11/29 14:41:25) Kelsei A.T.: sure, if it were plasma based
(11/29 14:41:42) Kelsei A.T.: it's hard core waterwheel based for the main facility backup power.
(11/29 14:41:53) Kelsei A.T.: like gahreesen's large power gear.
(11/29 14:42:48) Cpt.Jericho: I see
(11/29 14:42:50) Kelsei A.T.: something in the internal cabling from what ive gathered isnt able to handle the original backup power output.
(11/29 14:42:59) Kelsei A.T.: might just be too old and needs replacing.
(11/29 14:43:31) Kelsei A.T.: regardless, it seems Ami is in the mindset of rerouting power to everything at the moment. I'll have more info there when it's available.
(11/29 14:43:49) Kelsei A.T.: speaking of Ami... it seems she had an encounter with Logan Marcus in the Messengers Pub a couple weeks ago.
(11/29 14:44:00) Tiernan Quinlan sighs.
(11/29 14:44:06) Tiernan Quinlan nods his head
(11/29 14:44:22) Cpt.Jericho remembers
(11/29 14:45:13) Kelsei A.T.: i reviewed the chatlogs, it seems like he's... atleast in a somewhat better headspace than he was under the influence of that cold or whatever was affecting him.
(11/29 14:45:25) Buddy: Any problems? Is she okay?
(11/29 14:45:39) Kelsei A.T.: Ami herself seems fine, if a bit more motivated.
(11/29 14:45:54) Kelsei A.T.: the discussion seemed to just be talking, nothing really got damaged except for a dropped coffee mug.
(11/29 14:46:13) Runa'mei: Didn't she punch him?
(11/29 14:46:37) Cpt.Jericho: Unfortunately no
(11/29 14:47:00) Kelsei A.T.: i think she lightly hit him against the chest. not sure if that counts as a punch.
(11/29 14:47:35) Cpt.Jericho: He didn't go to the ground, so no
(11/29 14:47:54) Tiernan Quinlan: From what Logan told me afterwards, he'd only gone there t' look around an' didn't realize there were others there. But he seemed happy he had a chance t' talk with Ami.
(11/29 14:48:11) Kelsei A.T.: She said he left her flowers, after. She seemed happy about that.
(11/29 14:48:45) Runa'mei: well, that's good.
(11/29 14:48:57) Buddy: Maybe peace is returning to the Cavern.
(11/29 14:48:57) Runa'mei: i guess.
(11/29 14:49:08) Runa'mei: hopefully
(11/29 14:49:16) Cpt.Jericho: I don't think so
(11/29 14:49:33) Kelsei A.T.: well, not with Haru'sara still in the wild,
(11/29 14:49:46) Kelsei A.T.: and those two former Seeds who are still MIA.
(11/29 14:49:48) Logan Marcus: Shorah.
(11/29 14:49:54) Kelsei A.T.: ah, speak of the man, Shora,
(11/29 14:50:12) Cpt.Jericho: Hello...
(11/29 14:50:14) Runa'mei: Hello there.
(11/29 14:50:27) Logan Marcus: I understand there's a meeting going here, but I felt it might be appropriate for me to attend.
(11/29 14:50:27) Robert Murry: Er, Shorah?
(11/29 14:50:47) Kelsei A.T.: well, we were just discussing your meeting with Ami, the other day.
(11/29 14:50:49) Cpt.Jericho: Well, it's a free cavern...
(11/29 14:50:50) Robert Murry looks at Tenny.
(11/29 14:50:52) Kelsei A.T.: so good timing, atleast.
(11/29 14:51:09) Robert Murry shrugs
(11/29 14:51:09) Logan Marcus: I have something to say.
(11/29 14:51:20) Kelsei A.T.: well, as long as it's not a declaration of war,
(11/29 14:51:27) Kelsei A.T.: might as well say it.
(11/29 14:51:32) Cpt.Jericho: Please, tell me it is one!
(11/29 14:51:36) Runa'mei keeps her eyes on Logan Marcus.
(11/29 14:51:48) Robert Murry: Tenny, is it okay?
(11/29 14:51:50) Tiernan Quinlan: Logan... I thought we were going to set a meeting up.
(11/29 14:52:15) Logan Marcus: Yeah, I know, Tenny. But this is better.
(11/29 14:52:29) Tiernan Quinlan frowns.
(11/29 14:52:40) Runa'mei hums, considering
(11/29 14:52:57) Tiernan Quinlan: Well... yes, Robert, it's fine if Kelsei has finished what she was plannin' t' talk about.
(11/29 14:53:11) Kelsei A.T.: i was just about to call an end to the meeting, honestly
(11/29 14:53:24) Kelsei A.T.: beyond saying w werent going to do one next month due to holidays.
(11/29 14:53:38) Kelsei A.T.: so by all means, go ahead, Logan.
(11/29 14:53:42) Logan Marcus nods quietly.
(11/29 14:53:45) Cpt.Jericho: Yeah, spill the beans
(11/29 14:54:21) Logan Marcus: I understand there are people in this Cavern who have reasons to dislike me.
(11/29 14:54:33) Logan Marcus: I get that.
(11/29 14:54:34) Cpt.Jericho rolls eyes
(11/29 14:54:38) Robert Murry snorts.
(11/29 14:55:01) Kelsei A.T.: now now, robert...
(11/29 14:55:09) Logan Marcus: However there are also people who have made an attempt to help me and the people who were working with me.
(11/29 14:55:29) Logan Marcus: I appreciate that. Those people, well most of them, were friends.
(11/29 14:55:47) Kelsei A.T.: yes, so i gathered from Ami.
(11/29 14:56:05) Kelsei A.T.: beyond those two who encouraged the outrageous behaviour in everyone...
(11/29 14:56:13) Logan Marcus: I also realize that there are questions that need answers.
(11/29 14:56:25) Logan Marcus: So I am here to answer them.
(11/29 14:56:33) Cpt.Jericho taps her foot
(11/29 14:56:43) Tiernan Quinlan grumbles under his breath.
(11/29 14:56:48) Runa'mei steps forwards
(11/29 14:56:51) Robert Murry: Oh, you have plenty to answer for alright.
(11/29 14:57:08) Runa'mei: Hhello there, I don't believe we've had the pleasure of meeting.
(11/29 14:57:25) Logan Marcus tilts his head towards Runa'mei.
(11/29 14:57:37) Robert Murry: Easy Runa'mei.
(11/29 14:57:37) Logan Marcus: Shorah.
(11/29 14:57:40) Runa'mei: You're Logan Marcus, also known as Rafe Templeton, yes?
(11/29 14:57:54) Runa'mei raises a hand towards Robert, and glances slightly over her shoulder.
(11/29 14:58:00) Logan Marcus: Yes.
(11/29 14:58:01) Runa'mei smiles faintly.
(11/29 14:58:09) Runa'mei: I am Runa'mei. Perhaps you've heard of me?
(11/29 14:58:20) Logan Marcus: I have a bit, yes.
(11/29 14:58:24) Runa'mei looks back to Logan, and smiles.
(11/29 14:58:27) Runa'mei: Enlighten me?
(11/29 14:58:32) Tiernan Quinlan taps his foot
(11/29 14:59:08) Kelsei A.T. looks between Runa'mei and Logan, then looks at Tenny, concerned.
(11/29 14:59:11) Logan Marcus: I understand you are a bookworlder from the Age containing the Naybree garden.
(11/29 14:59:23) Runa'mei: A slight misconception,
(11/29 14:59:43) Runa'mei: I come from the Age of Rei'schu.
(11/29 15:00:02) Runa'mei: My grandmother, Athsheba, survived the Fall of D'ni in Eder Naybree.
(11/29 15:00:06) Logan Marcus: Ah, yes. I recall Tiernan mentioning that.
(11/29 15:00:19) Runa'mei: Rei'schu was her family's Age to keep in stewardship and to keep protected.
(11/29 15:00:34) Runa'mei: In a sense, you could suppose it's become my job to uphold that duty, even if it's in a different sense.
(11/29 15:00:43) Logan Marcus: I think I may have an idea of where you're going with this.
(11/29 15:00:46) Runa'mei: A different meaning, as it were.
(11/29 15:00:54) Runa'mei: Perhaps you do,
(11/29 15:00:56) Logan Marcus nods his head
(11/29 15:00:57) Runa'mei: perhaps you don't.
(11/29 15:01:20) Logan Marcus raises an eyebrow.
(11/29 15:01:39) Runa'mei: I wonder... from what I've gathered, you set out on your disastrous course of action in a misguided attempt to... protect D'ni? The Cavern?
(11/29 15:01:59) Logan Marcus thinks a moment.
(11/29 15:02:26) Kelsei A.T. wonders where the heck Runa'mei is going with this...
(11/29 15:02:36) Robert Murry slowly approaches forward a few steps, just in case.
(11/29 15:02:38) Logan Marcus: The original idea was to protect the Cavern and the relics of the D'ni in it. It got somewhat... -skewed- later.
(11/29 15:02:51) Runa'mei nods
(11/29 15:03:00) Cpt.Jericho: Somewhat, eg?
(11/29 15:03:02) Cpt.Jericho: *eh
(11/29 15:03:05) Logan Marcus: Yes.
(11/29 15:03:15) Runa'mei: And what is your stance on that now?
(11/29 15:03:46) Logan Marcus: Now, I can see for myself what this most recent Restoration has done and is continuing to do.
(11/29 15:04:08) Logan Marcus: These people aren't interested in exploiting what is here. They're protecting it.
(11/29 15:04:30) Runa'mei: A view I find myself concurring with.
(11/29 15:04:52) Logan Marcus: D'ni blood or not, I believe the majority of the people currenly here are trying to care for it.
(11/29 15:05:03) Logan Marcus: *currently
(11/29 15:05:56) Runa'mei: Agreed, I see that as well. There may be arguments here and there over how best to do that, but they all seem to be determined to do the right thing, in the end. Even if some... are a bit more enthusiastic than others.
(11/29 15:06:04) Runa'mei glances at Cpt.Jericho, and smiles faintly.
(11/29 15:06:31) Robert Murry shrugs
(11/29 15:06:34) Runa'mei: what do you intend to do while you're here?
(11/29 15:06:40) Cpt.Jericho: Hey, I left the bear traps in Relto
(11/29 15:06:51) Kelsei A.T. shakes her head to Robert, not sure of what to say.
(11/29 15:07:39) Robert Murry retreats back to the stage.
(11/29 15:07:57) Logan Marcus: Stay. Live. Work. I have no intention of interfering with the work that's going on here. At this point, I expect that even -if- I offered help, it would be viewed with suspicion.
(11/29 15:08:15) Runa'mei hums, considering that...
(11/29 15:08:27) Logan Marcus: I am no scientist.
(11/29 15:08:37) Cpt.Jericho: So, you'renot offering help
(11/29 15:08:48) Logan Marcus: I didn't say that.
(11/29 15:08:56) Cpt.Jericho: I sounded like that
(11/29 15:09:07) Cpt.Jericho: Why else an -if-?
(11/29 15:09:08) Logan Marcus: I said if I offered, I doubt my help would be wanted. At least right now.
(11/29 15:09:33) Runa'mei: Confakarin.
(11/29 15:09:57) Logan Marcus: In an atmosphere like that, it strikes me that offering assistance would be a futile task.
(11/29 15:10:11) Runa'mei: you would be blown about like a leaf on the wind.
(11/29 15:10:40) Logan Marcus: I also don't believe I have any skills that would be needed. I am a scholar, a writer and a spiritual person. I speak D'ni, but I am no translator.
(11/29 15:10:57) Cpt.Jericho: You talk about help but ain't giving a hint what help you could offer, -if- you were inclined to do so
(11/29 15:10:58) Robert Murry: Logan, Tenny explain a great deal of your recovery to us. I believe in giving a person a second chance. If you wish to help and be a part of our community, then I would be willing to accept it. I can't speak for the rest of course.
(11/29 15:11:35) Runa'mei: the Captain raises a point. If your help could be accepted, what would you offer, Logan Marcus?
(11/29 15:11:53) Logan Marcus: I do intend to offer water to the work team that is currently restoring the Descent. I used their water, it is only right that I give it back.
(11/29 15:12:04) Logan Marcus thinks.
(11/29 15:12:45) Runa'mei waits, and ponders, a neutral expression on her face.
(11/29 15:12:45) Robert Murry considers.
(11/29 15:12:59) Cpt.Jericho: You mean, you could stop taking their water
(11/29 15:13:12) Logan Marcus: Well, as I said, I am a writer and scholar, but my knowledge of D'ni doesn't extend to translation, that well. I have studied the histories. I am not sure what kind of help would be required, to be 100% honest.
(11/29 15:13:44) Runa'mei: I don't believe that's what he said, Captain,
(11/29 15:13:50) Runa'mei: you traveled that path, haven't you?
(11/29 15:13:52) Logan Marcus: My 'focus of study' as my father might say, is spirituality. The religion of Yahvo.
(11/29 15:14:18) Runa'mei: Ah, I thought I sensed a familiar tone to your voice.
(11/29 15:14:22) Logan Marcus: Yes, madam, I have. A week ago, about.
(11/29 15:14:31) Runa'mei: You do sound slightly like the Priestesses, the older ones, atleast.
(11/29 15:14:41) Logan Marcus: Heh.
(11/29 15:14:42) Runa'mei: And what did you feel, being there?
(11/29 15:15:08) Logan Marcus: Honestly? Mostly tired and extremely focused on -not falling-.
(11/29 15:15:13) Runa'mei grins
(11/29 15:15:15) Logan Marcus shrugs
(11/29 15:15:19) Runa'mei: a good emotion.
(11/29 15:15:35) Runa'mei: Not falling is always one worth focusing on.
(11/29 15:15:49) Runa'mei hops a landing.
(11/29 15:16:01) Logan Marcus: I've taken one bad fall and had no desire to repeat that experience.
(11/29 15:16:07) Runa'mei: Have you been on Her Journey yet?
(11/29 15:16:13) Runa'mei: properly, I mean.
(11/29 15:16:19) Runa'mei: I'm aware you went through it with a friend once.
(11/29 15:16:19) Logan Marcus: Yes, madam, I have.
(11/29 15:16:31) Logan Marcus: I finished last week, before the holiday.
(11/29 15:16:35) Runa'mei: And your overal takeaway of it?
(11/29 15:16:47) Logan Marcus glances at the others.
(11/29 15:16:57) Runa'mei: Personally, I think that girl overworked herself.
(11/29 15:17:01) Tiernan Quinlan looks interested.
(11/29 15:17:15) Runa'mei: Too much pressure, too much responsibility, foisted onto her by others and herself.
(11/29 15:17:58) Runa'mei: from what I've gathered, she doesn't do much these days. If anything. I can only imagine why.
(11/29 15:18:05) Logan Marcus: In my humble opinion, Yeesha suffered from hubris. At least at the time she created this Journey. Her message is dated.
(11/29 15:18:17) Runa'mei: Oh, indeed. Very dated.
(11/29 15:18:31) Runa'mei: atleast twenty years, if I measure the time correctly.
(11/29 15:18:36) Logan Marcus: I believe she'd changed later, but I haven't enough data to make a determination.
(11/29 15:18:50) Runa'mei: that's the problem with recordings, they don't change.
(11/29 15:18:59) Runa'mei: they forever memorialize a thing as it was forever.
(11/29 15:19:15) Runa'mei: tell me, Logan Marcus, are you a recording?
(11/29 15:19:19) Logan Marcus: However, one can undertake the Journey and find messages that apply to oneself, even now.
(11/29 15:19:29) Logan Marcus: I'm sorry?
(11/29 15:19:32) Runa'mei: have you remained static, or have you changed?
(11/29 15:19:36) Logan Marcus: Ah.
(11/29 15:20:01) Logan Marcus: That is an interesting question. I certainly have changed.
(11/29 15:20:16) Cpt.Jericho: In what way?
(11/29 15:20:30) Logan Marcus: However, if people in this room are wondering if I have 'reformed', I will have to stay silent on that matter.
(11/29 15:20:53) Runa'mei: reformation is different from change.
(11/29 15:21:05) Runa'mei: everything changes. it's a matter of measures.
(11/29 15:21:06) Logan Marcus: True, it is.
(11/29 15:21:28) Runa'mei: I suppose what I want to know is... what path do you walk? That of the rotting tree, or that of a growing seed?
(11/29 15:22:14) Logan Marcus: To say I have changed is to say that I understand the Journey, I have my own opinions of Yeesha as well as her use of the bahro. I have my own opinions regarding their continued presence in the Cavern, but those opinions are just that. Opinions. And my own.
(11/29 15:22:38) Logan Marcus: I believe I have always -been- a seed.
(11/29 15:22:51) Logan Marcus: I was just clouded on what Yahvo required of me.
(11/29 15:23:09) Cpt.Jericho wonders if the seed isn't just a rotting tree in future
(11/29 15:23:23) Runa'mei: Believe you me, sometimes a direct direction from your god isn't the greatest thing you can have.
(11/29 15:23:33) Runa'mei: Sure, you have a purpose, sure you have a duty, a destiny,
(11/29 15:23:36) Logan Marcus: This is true.
(11/29 15:23:41) Runa'mei: but it is a *weight*
(11/29 15:24:02) Runa'mei: it shackles you to a path and deviance of it suddenly becomes a horrid thing, regardless of your reasons for it.
(11/29 15:24:05) Logan Marcus: Ah... I do not agree on the concept of 'destiny', but again, this is an opinion.
(11/29 15:24:23) Runa'mei: neither do i, but frankly, some people hold to it regardless, no matter the world.
(11/29 15:24:29) Runa'mei: and those expectations, those ideas...
(11/29 15:24:30) Logan Marcus: I believe I have a mission, and it is my job at this time to discover that mission.
(11/29 15:24:37) Runa'mei nods, and smiles
(11/29 15:24:43) Runa'mei: then we walk similar paths.
(11/29 15:25:06) Runa'mei: at this time, my duty has loosened, and the restrictions of where I can walk have fallen mostly by the wayside.
(11/29 15:25:14) Logan Marcus: Interesting. Then I should like to speak to you further on philosphy.
(11/29 15:25:26) Runa'mei: that leaves me time to find things about myself that I haven't had the time to indulge before.
(11/29 15:25:52) Tiernan Quinlan tilts his head.
(11/29 15:25:58) Robert Murry: Perhaps the two of you can help one another on your journeys.
(11/29 15:26:05) Runa'mei: perhaps,
(11/29 15:26:18) Logan Marcus: Yes, perhaps.
(11/29 15:26:20) Runa'mei: or perhaps we've been placed on similar rails to prevent eachother from derailing?
(11/29 15:26:29) Logan Marcus laughs
(11/29 15:26:34) Runa'mei: it's hard to say,
(11/29 15:26:36) Logan Marcus: Good point!
(11/29 15:26:53) Robert Murry breathes a sigh of relief.
(11/29 15:26:53) Tiernan Quinlan smiles.
(11/29 15:27:04) Cpt.Jericho grumbles
(11/29 15:27:24) Runa'mei: i think as long as you do not give me reason to interfere in your course, we shall be able to tolerate eachother to some degree.
(11/29 15:27:26) Logan Marcus looks to Jericho. "Were you expecting a fight, perhaps?"
(11/29 15:27:36) Runa'mei: I too, would like to speak to you further on such matters, but...
(11/29 15:27:40) Robert Murry: And no more bear traps hiding aroung the places.
(11/29 15:27:41) Runa'mei looks back towards Kelsei
(11/29 15:27:44) Logan Marcus: That makes sense.
(11/29 15:27:49) Kelsei A.T. gives a weak thumbsup
(11/29 15:27:52) Cpt.Jericho: Logan, you're not in shape to fight
(11/29 15:28:11) Logan Marcus: I beg to differ, but I have no desire to do battle today.
(11/29 15:28:19) Runa'mei: I think I speak for all of us when I say that perhaps it's time we end this talk for the day.
(11/29 15:28:20) Robert Murry rubs his ankle and looks at Cpt.Jericho.
(11/29 15:28:35) Runa'mei: I am satisfied with what I see for the moment.
(11/29 15:28:43) Logan Marcus: Certainly. Were there further questions from anyone?
(11/29 15:28:50) Buddy: Darn! I came to see a knife fight! LOL!
(11/29 15:28:55) Cpt.Jericho: I think I heard enough
(11/29 15:29:00) Runa'mei leans right
(11/29 15:29:05) Kelsei A.T. leans left
(11/29 15:29:19) Cpt.Jericho: You did bring a gun then, Buddy?
(11/29 15:29:42) Kelsei A.T.: i think if nobody has any other questions we probably should call this meeting to a close.
(11/29 15:29:48) Buddy: LOL! I didn't want to escalate things
(11/29 15:29:48) Robert Murry slaps his forehead
(11/29 15:29:49) Kelsei A.T. takes a shaky breath
(11/29 15:29:52) Logan Marcus bows
(11/29 15:30:02) Kelsei A.T.: thank you for coming to speak with us Logan
(11/29 15:30:05) Kelsei A.T.: but, ah, next time?
(11/29 15:30:09) Kelsei A.T.: schedule it first perhaps?
(11/29 15:30:16) Logan Marcus: Thank you for allowing me time to speak.
(11/29 15:30:23) Robert Murry: Reach out to me if you need to, Logan.
(11/29 15:30:40) Logan Marcus: Ah, I will consider that, sir.
(11/29 15:30:42) Buddy: Cheers all... see you in 2 months. Bye.
(11/29 15:31:31) Kelsei A.T.: ....well, this is still a tense standoff, isn't it?
(11/29 15:31:53) Runa'mei: why don't you go get some dinner going? I'll be there to join you in a bit.

(11/29 15:31:57) Tiernan Quinlan: Well...
(11/29 15:32:04) Kelsei A.T.: alright...
(11/29 15:32:14) Kelsei A.T. nods, and gives Runa'mei's hand a squeeze
(11/29 15:32:16) Robert Murry: You okay Tenny?
(11/29 15:32:23) Kelsei A.T. relto's out
(11/29 15:32:26) Kelsei A.T.: later all.
(11/29 15:32:33) Robert Murry: Bye Kelsei
(11/29 15:32:44) Tiernan Quinlan: Aye, aye. I am. I'm just a bit... flummoxed.
(11/29 15:33:05) Tiernan Quinlan: I don't... eh... Logan you continue to surprise me.
(11/29 15:33:23) Logan Marcus shrugs
(11/29 15:33:37) Cpt.Jericho: I wish I could say the same
(11/29 15:33:50) Robert Murry: As well as you Runa'mei
(11/29 15:34:00) Runa'mei: take care, Robert.
(11/29 15:34:06) Logan Marcus: I will take my leave then.
(11/29 15:34:10) Robert Murry: Bye Runa
(11/29 15:34:15) Runa'mei nods
(11/29 15:34:28) Runa'mei: yes, I think that would be for the best.
(11/29 15:34:43) Runa'mei: you take care, tenny,
(11/29 15:34:43) Robert Murry: Tenny, I can meet you for a drink at the pub sometime.
(11/29 15:34:47) Tiernan Quinlan blinks.
(11/29 15:34:52) Runa'mei: and you too, Robert,
(11/29 15:35:03) Robert Murry: Whenever you want to talk.
(11/29 15:35:06) Runa'mei pats Tiernan on the shoulder.
(11/29 15:35:07) Tiernan Quinlan: Yeah... I... yeah. Thank y' Robert.
(11/29 15:35:16) Tiernan Quinlan: I don't get it. I really don't.
(11/29 15:35:20) Tiernan Quinlan shakes his head
(11/29 15:35:25) Runa'mei: He is quite an enigma.
(11/29 15:35:37) Tiernan Quinlan: Huh. Maybe drinks now, perhaps.
(11/29 15:35:44) Runa'mei: I'll go check on Kelsei.
(11/29 15:35:48) Runa'mei: She seemed a bit flustered.
(11/29 15:35:50) Tiernan Quinlan: He is. Moreso now than even before.
(11/29 15:36:00) Robert Murry: First round is on me.
(11/29 15:36:01) Runa'mei: good luck untangling that,
(11/29 15:36:04) Tiernan Quinlan: I have no idea what's going on with him.
(11/29 15:36:11) Runa'mei: He is... finding himself, I suspect.
(11/29 15:36:14) Tiernan Quinlan smiles to Runa'mei.
(11/29 15:36:16) Runa'mei: much as we all are.
(11/29 15:36:27) Runa'mei: the dying tree he was growing into has been shed.
(11/29 15:36:39) Runa'mei: all that's there is new growth, emerging from the old.
(11/29 15:36:45) Tiernan Quinlan: Thank you for speaking to him the way you did. I think it diffused the energy in here.
(11/29 15:36:54) Robert Murry: And the new seed is sprouting?
(11/29 15:37:00) Tiernan Quinlan nods his head
(11/29 15:37:10) Runa'mei: Think nothing of it, Tenny.
(11/29 15:37:22) Runa'mei: I think that was a meeting long overdue.
(11/29 15:37:29) Tiernan Quinlan: Yes.
(11/29 15:37:42) Runa'mei: It's always so handy when the potential targets come to me, and prove why they aren't necessary to take down.
(11/29 15:37:48) Runa'mei smiles.
(11/29 15:37:54) Tiernan Quinlan: After what he's been though, everything, but this year especially, I'm kind of surprised.
(11/29 15:37:59) Runa'mei: I don't see a need to make him my target at this time.
(11/29 15:38:16) Runa'mei: take care, both of you
(11/29 15:38:22) Runa'mei relto's out.
(11/29 15:38:22) Tiernan Quinlan: I don't think he's dangerous. I'm not sure he's ever been. But he's clever.
(11/29 15:38:30) Tiernan Quinlan waves goodbye
(11/29 15:39:05) Robert Murry leans right
(11/29 15:39:11) Tiernan Quinlan leans left
(11/29 15:39:41) Robert Murry: Well, to the pub?
(11/29 15:40:26) Tiernan Quinlan: Aye!
(11/29 15:40:41) Robert Murry: Meet you there.