(09/27 14:09:10) Patrick Dulebohn waves hello
(09/27 14:09:11) Tiernan Quinlan waves hello
(09/27 14:09:11) Kelsei A.T.: shorah, tenny,
(09/27 14:09:26) Tiernan Quinlan: Shorah!
(09/27 14:09:31) Patrick Dulebohn: Time to gear up for some question craziness. Hehehe.
(09/27 14:09:39) Kelsei A.T.: ill apologize in advance if i'm not up to my usual energy. it's been... a month.
(09/27 14:09:52) Tiernan Quinlan nods his head
(09/27 14:10:00) Patrick Dulebohn: Eh, I think we've all been there. We'll help each other out with this.
(09/27 14:10:08) Kelsei A.T. nods, tiredly
(09/27 14:10:10) Tiernan Quinlan: Aye.
(09/27 14:10:38) [BUDDIES] To Buddies: it seems we have a special guest for this week's town hall, Patrick Dulebohn!
(09/27 14:10:51) Kelsei A.T.: hello, Norm.
(09/27 14:11:06) Patrick Dulebohn: Norm! /Cheers
(09/27 14:11:24) Tiernan Quinlan laughs
(09/27 14:11:48) Kelsei A.T.: ill be relocating up to the community room to prep the systems... i suppose we'll have to warm up the coffee pots too.

(09/27 14:12:04) Patrick Dulebohn: We brought the good stuff from the Pub, yes?
(09/27 14:12:06) Tiernan Quinlan chuckles
(09/27 14:12:06) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(09/27 14:12:14) Kelsei A.T.: mmmh, i think so,
(09/27 14:12:20) Patrick Dulebohn: Excellent.
(09/27 14:12:37) Kelsei A.T. tries to find an extension cord...
(09/27 14:12:55) Kelsei A.T.: oh, it's all setup already from last week
(09/27 14:13:00) Kelsei A.T.: that's handy.
(09/27 14:13:03) Patrick Dulebohn: Very!
(09/27 14:13:07) Kelsei A.T. puts on the coffee to heat
(09/27 14:13:20) Tiernan Quinlan waves hello
(09/27 14:13:28) Kelsei A.T. says hey
(09/27 14:13:39) Kelsei A.T.: shorah, BatPrad
(09/27 14:13:40) BatPrad gets drawn in by the smell of fresh baken coffee...
(09/27 14:13:49) Patrick Dulebohn: Sorry it's been only now that I've been able to tear myself away to attend one of these. Shows I need to get out more.
(09/27 14:13:50) BatPrad: shorah
(09/27 14:13:51) Patrick Dulebohn laughs
(09/27 14:13:58) Kelsei A.T.: i also snagged some cookies from our resident cookie master. for snacking purposes.

(09/27 14:14:06) Patrick Dulebohn: IwonK!
(09/27 14:14:11) Patrick Dulebohn smiles knowingly
(09/27 14:14:15) Kelsei A.T.: don't worry about it, Patrick, I've missed quite a few myself.
(09/27 14:14:22) Tiernan Quinlan: Ah! Cookies from Iwonk
(09/27 14:14:39) Patrick Dulebohn: Well, I'm certainly up for something a bit informal from the AGMs.
(09/27 14:14:49) Kelsei A.T.: indeed,
(09/27 14:14:53) Tiernan Quinlan: Same. Been ... busy, yes.
(09/27 14:14:55) Patrick Dulebohn: Just some straight up talk from us to the masses.
(09/27 14:15:15) Kelsei A.T.: Calum was going to come but I told him to take it easy. he looked positively ready to collapse this morning when I caught him going over naybree survey reports.
(09/27 14:15:28) BatPrad: what the construction workers been doing down there so far and such...
(09/27 14:15:31) Kelsei A.T.: sometimes you just need a good rest.
(09/27 14:15:44) Patrick Dulebohn: Ugh, I've told him to pace himself! The poor guy.
(09/27 14:16:00) Kelsei A.T.: i think it's less the naybree work and more other things this time, unfortunately.
(09/27 14:16:19) Patrick Dulebohn: Oh, I know how it can add up and take you over. So I'm glad he's taking some time.
(09/27 14:16:21) Tiernan Quinlan: Hopefully we can all find the time to relax a bit now that summer is over.
(09/27 14:16:32) Kelsei A.T.: indeed, indeed.
(09/27 14:16:36) Patrick Dulebohn: Yes.
(09/27 14:16:39) Kelsei A.T. massages at her right shoulder
(09/27 14:16:52) Kelsei A.T.: hopefully my own surface work will let up. it's been a chaotic mess.
(09/27 14:17:33) Patrick Dulebohn: Heh, I hope so. At some point, AgeExplorer and I may have quite a bit more Caltauc translations for you to decipher. Luckily, that'll probably be a ways off though.
(09/27 14:17:40) Tiernan Quinlan: I've been hoping the same.
(09/27 14:17:42) Patrick Dulebohn: So no rush.
(09/27 14:17:51) Kelsei A.T.: hopefully, it'll be good to have something new,
(09/27 14:18:12) Patrick Dulebohn: Yes, it's been an uneven split between surface and getting things ready to open part of the path to D'ni.
(09/27 14:18:26) Kelsei A.T.: ive just been going over the Rei'schu Ascension Myths again and again. It was fun with Runa'mei, but while she's out hunting... well...
(09/27 14:18:36) Kelsei A.T.: i just haven't had the motivation to finalize anything.
(09/27 14:19:01) Patrick Dulebohn: Understood. I've been meaning to read over your findings, but have sadly not had the time. I'm sorry for that.
(09/27 14:19:02) BatPrad: yeah surface things here chaotic recently too - been on visit to mum and sis for some days, celebrated mums birthday and assembled some closets in my sisters flat some months after she moved to another flat... now sis wants to help me with something in return...
(09/27 14:19:23) Kelsei A.T.: oh, happy birthday to her,
(09/27 14:19:40) BatPrad: about 11 days belated now...

(09/27 14:19:40) Patrick Dulebohn: Heh, looking out for the family. Always a good thing. And yes, happy belated birthday to your mum!
(09/27 14:19:43) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(09/27 14:20:03) Kelsei A.T.: i also have some family visiting later this year... or month... next month or this month? I always get confused when it's the end of a month.
(09/27 14:20:34) Kelsei A.T.: shorah, Eresh,
(09/27 14:20:38) Ereshkigal: Hi everyone!
(09/27 14:20:48) BatPrad: shorah Ereshkigal
(09/27 14:20:48) Patrick Dulebohn: It'd probably be easier for me if my phone got some dang signal in most spots down here.
(09/27 14:20:51) Patrick Dulebohn laughs
(09/27 14:21:02) Kelsei A.T.: by the way, Tenny, it's good to see you back. I know I sent a few emails and messages, but it's always nice to see you in person again.
(09/27 14:21:27) Kelsei A.T.: Don't go mentioning that to Calum, Patrick, I'd hate for him to revive that damnable crystal box experiment.
(09/27 14:21:42) Patrick Dulebohn: Agreed. Good to have you back. I know the surface beckons at the most inopportune times.
(09/27 14:21:55) Tiernan Quinlan shakes his head
(09/27 14:21:56) Patrick Dulebohn: Oh, I know! I keep my mouth shut around him when I can.
(09/27 14:21:58) Patrick Dulebohn nods
(09/27 14:21:59) Kelsei A.T. checks on the coffee...
(09/27 14:22:25) Tiernan Quinlan: Definitely, things have been chaotic lately.
(09/27 14:22:29) Patrick Dulebohn: I'll be the taste tester for the first cup. At this point, I'll drink motor oil if it has caffeine in it.
(09/27 14:22:34) Patrick Dulebohn chuckles
(09/27 14:22:44) Kelsei A.T.: well, it'll start your engines either way.
(09/27 14:22:50) BatPrad: lol
(09/27 14:22:52) Tiernan Quinlan laughs
(09/27 14:22:53) Patrick Dulebohn: Heh.
(09/27 14:23:49) Kelsei A.T.: Oh, did you see the update email for Firmament's Physical rewards? The Adjunct Plush is based on the Proof of Concept Adjunct and looks adorable.
(09/27 14:24:15) Patrick Dulebohn: Ha! Name one plushie that isn't at least a little adorable.
(09/27 14:24:17) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(09/27 14:24:42) Kelsei A.T.: that is true!
(09/27 14:24:50) Patrick Dulebohn: Have we gotten any Firmament t-shirts down here? I'm all for supporting our friends at Cyan and that'd be one way to do so.
(09/27 14:25:00) BatPrad: some fan did a great Quab plushie once...
(09/27 14:25:08) Kelsei A.T.: oh, yes, Ace!
(09/27 14:25:20) Ereshkigal: Weren;t there firmament t shirts at the Gome Pub during Mysterium?
(09/27 14:25:20) Tiernan Quinlan waves hello
(09/27 14:25:24) Kelsei A.T.: Calum's friends with him through the Mysterium work. I want one of those plushies so bad
(09/27 14:25:27) Tiernan Quinlan: Hullo there, Eresh!
(09/27 14:25:32) Ereshkigal: Hi Tiernan1
(09/27 14:25:42) Kelsei A.T.: Firmament shirts, not that im aware of...
(09/27 14:25:53) Patrick Dulebohn: Hey, Ereshkigal! No, I don't think we brought any down. At least, not yet.
(09/27 14:25:58) Kelsei A.T.: but it probably wouldnt be too hard to sneak those into a shirt order fulfillment
(09/27 14:26:06) Patrick Dulebohn: Might be thinking of The Cavern Today shirts and gear?
(09/27 14:26:13) Kelsei A.T.: yes, I believe so
(09/27 14:26:26) Kelsei A.T.: Maurus lost the shipment originally,
(09/27 14:26:33) Kelsei A.T.: i'm just glad they showed up somewhere,
(09/27 14:26:40) Kelsei A.T.: even if it was unexpected
(09/27 14:26:50) Kelsei A.T.: after that fright we had with the Kalamee shirts...
(09/27 14:26:51) Patrick Dulebohn: Yes...and down here, no less. That was handy!
(09/27 14:27:08) Patrick Dulebohn: Well, sometimes, one does need to restock.
(09/27 14:27:10) Kelsei A.T.: shorah, Semjay,
(09/27 14:27:14) Kelsei A.T.: indeed,
(09/27 14:27:18) Patrick Dulebohn: Oh, speaking of Kalamee...hello, Semjay!
(09/27 14:27:35) Kelsei A.T.: speak of the restorer, and she will appear!
(09/27 14:27:35) BatPrad: wb semjay
(09/27 14:27:49) Kelsei A.T.: i think the coffee's almost ready
(09/27 14:27:50) Patrick Dulebohn: We apparently summoned her. Heh.
(09/27 14:28:01) Patrick Dulebohn: Oooo, gimme that java!
(09/27 14:28:13) Kelsei A.T. pours a mug and hands it over
(09/27 14:28:14) Semjay: Hello everyone : )
(09/27 14:28:25) Kelsei A.T.: i didnt add anything, so hopefully it's alright
(09/27 14:28:28) Tiernan Quinlan: We have cookies and coffee over here, folks
(09/27 14:28:42) BatPrad: recently had a bit deeper look through some intangible stuff - interesting to learn the original concept of Kalamee and it's metamorphosis into this game...
(09/27 14:28:52) norm7629: Hi again Semjay
(09/27 14:28:53) Kelsei A.T.: yes, come join up by the stage, i dont think we're doing anything officially formal of a recap this week.
(09/27 14:29:25) Tiernan Quinlan: Yup
(09/27 14:29:27) Kelsei A.T.: I had a look at some of the original DRC documents too, a while back. Very interesting times back then, that's for sure.
(09/27 14:29:33) Patrick Dulebohn: Just some chat one-on-one with you all.
(09/27 14:29:48) Patrick Dulebohn: The heady days of the third restoration of D'ni.
(09/27 14:29:55) Kelsei A.T. pours herself a coffee and taste tests- hissing slightly at the temperature.
(09/27 14:30:15) Kelsei A.T.: Achk, make sure to let it cool a little first, dont want to burn your tongues.
(09/27 14:30:29) Patrick Dulebohn: Oh, just hook it to my veins. I'll be fine.
(09/27 14:30:31) Patrick Dulebohn laughs
(09/27 14:30:37) Kelsei A.T. sets out some paper plates and lays out cookies from Iwonk on them
(09/27 14:31:32) BatPrad fills himself a cup of coffee and enjoys the smell of it...
(09/27 14:31:40) Kelsei A.T.: it's about officially time we'd start, so good timing, coffee should definitely be ready now.
(09/27 14:31:55) Tiernan Quinlan: So basically, anyone have any news?
(09/27 14:32:06) Patrick Dulebohn: Yes, I believe that is the official time that any meeting is ready to begin: when the coffee is ready.
(09/27 14:32:12) Kelsei A.T.: only thing I have from Calum was that the quaking in Naybree is simmering down
(09/27 14:32:33) Patrick Dulebohn: The path to D'ni continues to be cleared and safety-checked.
(09/27 14:32:45) Patrick Dulebohn: Hoping to open the first leg by the end of this year. Hopefully sooner.
(09/27 14:32:53) Kelsei A.T.: from what I heard when he was helping Jules and Tyion write up the script for this quarter's kirel script, he thinks the beach will be open sometime in october, probably around when the recording goes live.
(09/27 14:33:05) Kelsei A.T.: ugh, listen to me repeating words...
(09/27 14:33:14) Kelsei A.T. takes a deep draw of coffee
(09/27 14:33:39) Patrick Dulebohn: Yes, and they were asking me to record a handy greeting-slash-orientation for some of the hoods. Sadly, my first take wasn't great, so I'll need to redo it.
(09/27 14:33:44) norm7629 takes a deep draw as well
(09/27 14:34:03) Patrick Dulebohn: Just need to find the time to breeze in and record it.
(09/27 14:34:04) Kelsei A.T.: There's time, Patrick, from what I've gathered the hood podiums are far more broken than the Kirel one was.
(09/27 14:34:18) Patrick Dulebohn: Oof. That's unfortunate.
(09/27 14:34:37) Kelsei A.T.: indeed,
(09/27 14:34:43) Patrick Dulebohn bangs on the podium
(09/27 14:34:49) Patrick Dulebohn: Eh, we'll get there.
(09/27 14:34:50) Kelsei A.T.: i think they're stuck in garbled D'ni message mode,
(09/27 14:34:50) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(09/27 14:35:08) Kelsei A.T.: eventually, slow and steady...
(09/27 14:35:16) Patrick Dulebohn: I see. Similar to some of the "leftovers" in the Gahreesen wall.
(09/27 14:35:28) Kelsei A.T.: probably, yes,
(09/27 14:35:30) Tiernan Quinlan chuckles
(09/27 14:35:34) Patrick Dulebohn: Not to say hearing a native D'ni speaker isn't a thrill though.
(09/27 14:35:41) Kelsei A.T.: oh, for sure,
(09/27 14:35:58) BatPrad: Patrick voice is convincing for giving directions - we know it from Gahreesen wall (and some Mysterium presentation)...
(09/27 14:36:10) Patrick Dulebohn: Yes, I do get around.
(09/27 14:36:11) Patrick Dulebohn laughs
(09/27 14:36:15) BatPrad:

(09/27 14:36:28) Patrick Dulebohn: I just hope my voice isn't TOO grating.
(09/27 14:36:34) Patrick Dulebohn blushes
(09/27 14:36:51) Kelsei A.T.: you? grating? never.
(09/27 14:37:10) Kelsei A.T. glances at her KI for a little bit...
(09/27 14:37:10) Patrick Dulebohn: Heh, I hope not anyway. I try to keep things short and sweet to avoid that.
(09/27 14:37:58) Kelsei A.T. takes a drink of coffee
(09/27 14:38:15) Patrick Dulebohn: In any case, AgeExplorer is going all out as far as exploring Chiso. I've told him to be careful, but he's ambitious. Feels he needs to make up for lost time and whatnot.
(09/27 14:38:27) BatPrad: saw in the intangible files considering descent that there's something labeled 'bug cave' - wondered if that's a large section one does see in the DiRT demo...
(09/27 14:38:44) Patrick Dulebohn: I've told him that's not necessary given he's already done quite a bit for the community in past years.
(09/27 14:38:52) Kelsei A.T.: Bug Caves... is that the one with the fireflies?
(09/27 14:39:24) Kelsei A.T.: yes, the last thing we need is people pushing themselves, Patrick,
(09/27 14:39:28) Patrick Dulebohn: There definitely is a series of caves off the river channel. As for what they were before? I don't think even the D'ni knew. We're checking now for a later opening to the public.
(09/27 14:39:41) Tiernan Quinlan: Hmm...
(09/27 14:39:56) Patrick Dulebohn: Yes. Once again, that can be directed to Calum. Someone who needs to stop pushing themselves too hard.
(09/27 14:39:58) Patrick Dulebohn nods
(09/27 14:40:16) Kelsei A.T.: believe me, I'll be reminding him every chance i get.
(09/27 14:40:36) Patrick Dulebohn: We've found quite a few detours off the beaten path, presumably where the D'ni were doing some study on the way up to the surface.
(09/27 14:40:55) Patrick Dulebohn: As we all know, they were a very curious people.
(09/27 14:40:56) Patrick Dulebohn winks
(09/27 14:41:04) Kelsei A.T.: indeed, even if it makes for some confusing pathways.
(09/27 14:41:30) Patrick Dulebohn: Well, ARE. They're still out there in Releeshahn. Can't forget that, even though we haven't been able to get there yet.
(09/27 14:41:38) Kelsei A.T. adjusts her glasses and then chews on some glasses...
(09/27 14:41:41) Kelsei A.T.: ...
(09/27 14:41:45) Kelsei A.T. blinks
(09/27 14:41:51) Kelsei A.T. realizes she's holding a cookie not her glasses
(09/27 14:41:57) Kelsei A.T. mumbles tiredly
(09/27 14:41:58) Patrick Dulebohn roars with laughter
(09/27 14:42:09) Patrick Dulebohn: You need some rest too, K.

(09/27 14:42:12) Patrick Dulebohn smiles
(09/27 14:42:18) Kelsei A.T.: That I do.
(09/27 14:42:26) Tiernan Quinlan: I think we all probably do, heh.
(09/27 14:42:49) Kelsei A.T.: if there's anything the last few months have felt like, it's the universe grinding down on us and insisting we not do much of anything, it feels like.
(09/27 14:42:51) Patrick Dulebohn: True, but being at the front of all this is sometimes too exciting to sleep. One needs to remind one's self to rest.
(09/27 14:43:11) BatPrad: yeah tanking energy to test the 'download new content from dockersand on Linux' stuff...
(09/27 14:43:20) Kelsei A.T.: where *did* september go to?
(09/27 14:43:30) Kelsei A.T.: feels just like yesterday it was the start of the month, then you blink and-
(09/27 14:43:30) Patrick Dulebohn: Well, there's no obligations here. No deadlines. Best to step back when needed and dive back in when you're recharged.
(09/27 14:43:47) Patrick Dulebohn: That's just time messing with you, K.
(09/27 14:43:51) Patrick Dulebohn nods
(09/27 14:43:53) Patrick Dulebohn: Happens to us all.
(09/27 14:43:58) Kelsei A.T.: true,
(09/27 14:44:13) Kelsei A.T.: i had the strangest dream last night, though,
(09/27 14:44:17) Patrick Dulebohn: Oh?
(09/27 14:44:39) Kelsei A.T.: i was exploring down in some canyon somewhere, and then there was this god-awful chirping like bugs being angry
(09/27 14:44:44) Kelsei A.T.: then there were eyes
(09/27 14:44:51) Patrick Dulebohn gasps
(09/27 14:44:52) Kelsei A.T.: thousands of glowing eyes of all different colors.
(09/27 14:44:54) BatPrad: ... and then there's Hacktober ... and then NaNoWriMo ... and inbetween Halloween ... and - and Don't Panic!....
(09/27 14:44:56) Kelsei A.T.: woke me up with a fright.
(09/27 14:45:09) Patrick Dulebohn: No doubt! Any idea what it means?
(09/27 14:45:26) Kelsei A.T.: probably just the myriad of expectations of my surface life
(09/27 14:45:40) Patrick Dulebohn: Or something you ate. I know I've had that happen before.
(09/27 14:45:42) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(09/27 14:45:51) Kelsei A.T.: feels sometimes that for all I've managed to better my position in my company, i still feel like everyones looking at me waiting for me to screw up.
(09/27 14:46:02) Patrick Dulebohn takes a peek at the cookies...trusts IwonK
(09/27 14:46:41) Kelsei A.T.: the problems of being a natural problem solver i guess...
(09/27 14:46:51) Patrick Dulebohn: Hey, succeed or fail...we're all in this together. Even if there's failure, we can learn from it.
(09/27 14:47:01) Kelsei A.T.: true,
(09/27 14:47:11) Patrick Dulebohn: Regardless, we stand together. United.
(09/27 14:47:15) Kelsei A.T. nods
(09/27 14:47:44) Kelsei A.T.: oh, speaking of united... I heard that Tweek and Christopher's work on that Memorial Island is pretty well near done.
(09/27 14:47:45) BatPrad: Uru Regardless United
(09/27 14:47:54) Tiernan Quinlan: Well, I understand that Diranda is working on setting up some Nanowrimo events for writers for October. That sounds interesting, considerin' we have quite a few authors in the 'classic' sense.
(09/27 14:48:03) Kelsei A.T.: ooh, Nanowrimo
(09/27 14:48:10) Kelsei A.T.: if i weren't busy with other things...
(09/27 14:48:16) Patrick Dulebohn: Yes, I've had a look myself. It's a very fitting and touching memorial to the Fall.
(09/27 14:48:24) Patrick Dulebohn: Ah, sounds interesting!
(09/27 14:48:56) Ereshkigal: I'd love to join the writing again this year!
(09/27 14:48:57) Tiernan Quinlan: Creativity is a great way to relax as well. Heh
(09/27 14:48:58) Patrick Dulebohn: I'll try to drop in. I do need breaks from the various restoration projects I'm tethered to.
(09/27 14:49:18) Patrick Dulebohn: If I just did all that work, I'd likely go mad. Gehn-level mad.
(09/27 14:49:20) Patrick Dulebohn laughs
(09/27 14:49:29) Kelsei A.T. smiles and sips at her coffee
(09/27 14:49:40) Kelsei A.T.: let's not go Gehn-levels of insanity,
(09/27 14:49:42) BatPrad: Memorial there must been much work put into - bit discussions back and forth - memorial to come means much to the donor of that monument...
(09/27 14:49:47) Kelsei A.T.: maybe Catherine or Atrus.
(09/27 14:49:50) Patrick Dulebohn feels his coffee has sufficiently cooled and has a few sips
(09/27 14:49:56) Tiernan Quinlan: From what she tells me, she's done things like that on the Surface, an' folks will get together at libraries and bookstore coffee shops to talk about their stories an' write together.
(09/27 14:50:29) Tiernan Quinlan: Seems like a good way to share creative ideas and writing tips
(09/27 14:50:40) Kelsei A.T.: I've always thought about joining, but I've never really had a good idea for a Nanowrimo story,
(09/27 14:50:41) Patrick Dulebohn: See, we need more of that. Both here and up there. Some community.
(09/27 14:50:47) Patrick Dulebohn nods
(09/27 14:51:00) Tiernan Quinlan: Yup
(09/27 14:51:13) Patrick Dulebohn: Same here, K. I'm more of a chronicler, not a writer...although I have dabbled in the latter.
(09/27 14:51:39) Kelsei A.T. nods
(09/27 14:51:52) Tiernan Quinlan: I think it's kind of funny, actually, we have Writers, but we also have writers.
(09/27 14:51:57) Tiernan Quinlan grins.
(09/27 14:51:59) Patrick Dulebohn: Remind me to tell you of this fella named Lothias someday.
(09/27 14:52:01) Patrick Dulebohn winks
(09/27 14:52:03) Ereshkigal: I've also done editing and translation work for Nanowrimo; I figured it was for writing anything
(09/27 14:52:05) Kelsei A.T.: sounds like a story,
(09/27 14:52:23) Kelsei A.T.: maybe I've always misunderstood the prompt then, Eresh?
(09/27 14:52:32) Kelsei A.T.: i thought it was about writing original stories.
(09/27 14:52:38) Patrick Dulebohn: Can never have enough translators. With this international community, it's more important than ever.
(09/27 14:52:48) Patrick Dulebohn: Just saying.
(09/27 14:52:50) BatPrad: considering stories the artist in me takes over - creativity is a good keyword - music, painting, storywriting...
(09/27 14:52:50) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(09/27 14:53:03) Tiernan Quinlan: Eh, the 'classic' version was writing a novel in a month, but people can use it to do pretty much anythin'.
(09/27 14:53:16) Kelsei A.T.: huh, that's good to know.
(09/27 14:53:19) Kelsei A.T.: maybe then...
(09/27 14:53:26) Kelsei A.T. trails off, humming in consideration
(09/27 14:53:50) Tiernan Quinlan: If I had th' time, I might use it to edit my journals.
(09/27 14:53:54) Patrick Dulebohn: A whole novel, eh? I could see a short story, but a novel takes time and energy. More than a month, I'd say.
(09/27 14:54:05) Kelsei A.T.: like Hacktober then, I suppose? Where the coders do a bunch of stuff in the month?
(09/27 14:54:15) Patrick Dulebohn: Heh, those are just journals. No need to edit, that's just raw thought.
(09/27 14:54:18) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(09/27 14:54:26) Kelsei A.T.: you should speak to Calum, last time I asked him about Nanowrimo, he said he regularly churns out novel length chapters for his fanfic,
(09/27 14:54:34) BatPrad: they have a typical goal of about 17500 words in a month - not a very long novel, but not a short one either...
(09/27 14:54:42) Kelsei A.T.: i asked him where he finds the time and just had this haunted look on his face.
(09/27 14:54:49) Patrick Dulebohn: I've dabbled in that too. I'm not great at it, but it's another hobby, coding.
(09/27 14:54:58) Tiernan Quinlan: Heh. Ach, more editing them so they're a bit more readable, perhaps, Patrick?
(09/27 14:55:10) Patrick Dulebohn: Ha! There's that too.
(09/27 14:55:13) Tiernan Quinlan: My handwriting is... well... messy
(09/27 14:55:18) Tiernan Quinlan chuckles.
(09/27 14:55:23) Tiernan Quinlan: Part of th' job.
(09/27 14:55:23) Patrick Dulebohn: Ah. Join the club.
(09/27 14:55:25) Patrick Dulebohn nods
(09/27 14:55:50) Kelsei A.T.: I had to work hard to not have messy handwriting in my professional documents,
(09/27 14:55:55) Patrick Dulebohn: So we've been chatting a bit here. Anyone have anything they want to ask of this assembled group?
(09/27 14:56:14) Patrick Dulebohn: Note that we may or may not answer to tease you properly.
(09/27 14:56:14) Tiernan Quinlan: Ach, well, tis the sideeffect of bein' a doctor.
(09/27 14:56:16) Patrick Dulebohn laughs
(09/27 14:56:20) Kelsei A.T.: yes, any questions from the audience?
(09/27 14:56:34) Tiernan Quinlan: Yes, please folks!
(09/27 14:56:38) Semjay: What is the date of the next update?
(09/27 14:56:39) Patrick Dulebohn: Don't be shy!
(09/27 14:56:59) Kelsei A.T.: i think the Kirel Podium log update is... sometime in October?
(09/27 14:56:59) BatPrad: 'any questions' is a good way to silence a babbling crowd...

(09/27 14:57:05) Buddy: When will the next update occur?
(09/27 14:57:08) Kelsei A.T.: i dont believe we've set on a firm date yet,
(09/27 14:57:11) Kelsei A.T.: beyond month.
(09/27 14:57:22) Kelsei A.T. looks to Patrick, shrugging faintly
(09/27 14:57:51) Buddy: What is most likely to be included in the update?
(09/27 14:58:18) BatPrad: (beyond bugfixes)
(09/27 14:58:25) Buddy: Yes
(09/27 14:58:37) Patrick Dulebohn: My guess is we'll have something for y'all next month, but it's a fluid process.
(09/27 14:58:38) Semjay: I'm hoping there will be some books added to Kalamee, is that happening?
(09/27 14:58:45) Buddy: Naybree beach, Memnorial Island?
(09/27 14:59:12) Kelsei A.T.: Calum thinks the Beach should be ready by then yes,
(09/27 14:59:20) BatPrad: the big shaft?
(09/27 14:59:22) Patrick Dulebohn: Hopefully more of some Ages will be opened, some new locations will be opened. Needless to say, we've got some good stuff incoming.
(09/27 14:59:24) Kelsei A.T.: I think the Memorial Island is cleared for release pending its final reviews...
(09/27 14:59:31) Kelsei A.T.: the Shaft... I think that still needs some more work.
(09/27 14:59:40) Patrick Dulebohn: Yes, that'll likely be by the end of the year.
(09/27 14:59:41) BatPrad: ah okay...
(09/27 15:00:01) Patrick Dulebohn: And not the complete path from the surface to D'ni, but a small portion. We'll open up more as we go.
(09/27 15:00:03) Kelsei A.T.: gotta make that 2023 promise from Mysterium, right, Patrick?
(09/27 15:00:14) BatPrad: make it safe, make it secure... don't want to get beaten by a loose rock of nara...
(09/27 15:00:14) Patrick Dulebohn: Indeed! No pressure, right?
(09/27 15:00:29) Kelsei A.T.: the only pressure should be air pressure!
(09/27 15:00:30) Patrick Dulebohn wipes his forehead
(09/27 15:00:42) Kelsei A.T.: as long as those fans keep working and don't start pouring out orange fog again.
(09/27 15:01:00) Patrick Dulebohn: That's true, BatPrad! Much like the DRC, safety is our main concern. We're just more transparent about what's going on behind the scenes.
(09/27 15:01:02) Patrick Dulebohn winks
(09/27 15:01:21) Kelsei A.T.: also, a bit more willing to install safety fences to catch people,
(09/27 15:01:33) Kelsei A.T.: i doubt the DRC would ever have dared put in netting in Naybree like we did.
(09/27 15:01:41) Patrick Dulebohn: In this case, the work is ongoing to make sure the whole spiral path from top to bottom of the Great Shaft is safe. Even so, bring your Relto Books!
(09/27 15:01:47) Kelsei A.T.: theyd probably more have just thrown up barricades trying to keep people out.
(09/27 15:02:11) Ereshkigal: I need to head back up, guys. Thanks a lot, and see you later!!! Nice seeing you all again

(09/27 15:02:15) Patrick Dulebohn: True. In our case, barricades just mean it's really, REALLY dangerous.
(09/27 15:02:15) Kelsei A.T.: later, Eresh,
(09/27 15:02:18) Kelsei A.T.: good to see you!
(09/27 15:02:31) Patrick Dulebohn: See ya, Ereshkigal!
(09/27 15:02:37) BatPrad: for 'work in progress' areas barricades aren't the worst - as long as they're just temporal ...
(09/27 15:02:42) Kelsei A.T.: indeed,
(09/27 15:02:58) Kelsei A.T.: i think Calum had some barriers put up on the naybree cliffs for as long as there's quaking
(09/27 15:03:00) BatPrad: Naybree got some at some point of the quaking season...
(09/27 15:03:06) Kelsei A.T.: but those should go down when the quaking stops.
(09/27 15:03:18) Kelsei A.T.: ish, Prad.
(09/27 15:03:27) Kelsei A.T.: very much same thought, same time.
(09/27 15:03:31) BatPrad:

(09/27 15:03:31) Patrick Dulebohn: Yep. Despite the years of work, there's still many areas of the cavern that have yet to be checked. Hence the reason we left those barriers up after the DRC left. Can't let everyone go running wild, as tempting as it is.
(09/27 15:03:46) Kelsei A.T.: Guild Hall entrance, for example...
(09/27 15:03:55) Patrick Dulebohn nods
(09/27 15:03:58) Kelsei A.T.: i dont even want to think about the mess in there.
(09/27 15:04:02) BatPrad: yeah no idea if the elevator shaft is safe...
(09/27 15:04:17) Patrick Dulebohn: That and the common library doors have been quite the trouble.
(09/27 15:04:23) Kelsei A.T.: oh,
(09/27 15:04:30) Kelsei A.T.: i heard Calum and Hazado talking the other night about those
(09/27 15:04:37) Patrick Dulebohn: Oh?
(09/27 15:04:38) Kelsei A.T.: they think they've got those working again privately,
(09/27 15:04:53) Kelsei A.T.: them and the museum door,
(09/27 15:05:05) Patrick Dulebohn: Nice! If anyone could fix them...
(09/27 15:05:15) Kelsei A.T.: if everything goes right then they shouldn't slam shut in people's faces anymore, like they used to back in the day.
(09/27 15:05:23) Tiernan Quinlan: Oh dear!
(09/27 15:05:28) Patrick Dulebohn: Yeah, that was both annoying and dangerous.
(09/27 15:05:40) Kelsei A.T.: i was just a teen then, and i just thought it was rude!
(09/27 15:05:43) BatPrad: they working pretty much the same I've heard... crystal or other things driven approaching sensors...
(09/27 15:05:45) Patrick Dulebohn: Those D'ni doors are built to last, after all.
(09/27 15:05:46) Kelsei A.T.: in retrospect, yes, very dangerous.
(09/27 15:06:02) Patrick Dulebohn: Particularly when Books are involved.
(09/27 15:06:08) Kelsei A.T.: motion sensors are always finnickey things, even on the surface,
(09/27 15:06:26) Kelsei A.T.: i cant tell you the amount of times i've gone to a store and seen someone working on those automated door sensors,
(09/27 15:06:38) Patrick Dulebohn: Heh, I'm sure we've all encountered those fickle automatic doors.
(09/27 15:06:50) Kelsei A.T. motions her hand in a 'use the force' gesture
(09/27 15:07:00) Kelsei A.T.: i said. open. no. Open. I said Open, dang it!
(09/27 15:07:02) Kelsei A.T. grins
(09/27 15:07:16) BatPrad: \\//
(09/27 15:07:22) Patrick Dulebohn laughs
(09/27 15:07:32) GooberChilla: we've all done it
(09/27 15:07:33) Tiernan Quinlan chuckles
(09/27 15:07:47) Patrick Dulebohn: Yes, we certainly have, GooberChilla.
(09/27 15:07:58) Kelsei A.T.: indeed!
(09/27 15:08:09) Patrick Dulebohn: In any case, our knowledge of D'ni tech grows by the day.
(09/27 15:08:31) Kelsei A.T.: maybe someday we'll crack the mystery behind the Marker Games and get some of those more obscure game types working
(09/27 15:08:37) Patrick Dulebohn: At this rate, we may even surpass the DRC on this front...but only because we've had more free time.
(09/27 15:09:00) Patrick Dulebohn: We can only hope. There's quite a few good ones on there that need to come back through.
(09/27 15:09:19) Patrick Dulebohn: Some D'ni-made and some explorer-made.
(09/27 15:09:42) Kelsei A.T. nods
(09/27 15:09:53) Kelsei A.T.: hopefully someday, but I worry about what's been lost to time...
(09/27 15:10:04) Kelsei A.T.: or data crashes, for that matter.
(09/27 15:10:23) Kelsei A.T.: eh, not my department, at any rate.
(09/27 15:10:30) Patrick Dulebohn: Eh, the cavern's been around for ten thousand-plus years. Time is relative compared to that.
(09/27 15:10:47) Kelsei A.T.: it certainly seems so,
(09/27 15:10:54) BatPrad: considering the 'more obscure' game types I've seen something in the files too - labeled Kahlo - some kind of 'capture the flag', only with torches... but I think 'carrying stuff' was Plasma 1 engine stuff...
(09/27 15:11:12) Kelsei A.T.: oh, yes, I think there's a capture the flag marker game type,
(09/27 15:11:19) Kelsei A.T.: how that even works i have no idea,
(09/27 15:11:37) Patrick Dulebohn: Definitely a lot of interesting stuff on Kahlo. Just Linking in is mind-blowing.
(09/27 15:11:49) Patrick Dulebohn: That one will take a lot of time to get properly ready for the masses though.
(09/27 15:11:53) Kelsei A.T.: I've seen the pictures. that place is certainly something.
(09/27 15:12:01) Patrick Dulebohn nods
(09/27 15:12:56) Kelsei A.T. sips at her coffee, finishing her mug...
(09/27 15:12:57) BatPrad: and explorers wear a suit in there too, like for gahreesen wall...
(09/27 15:13:12) Kelsei A.T. frowns at her empty mug, and considers refilling it...
(09/27 15:13:12) BatPrad: ... only different, for that area...
(09/27 15:13:24) Patrick Dulebohn: As a matter of safety, best to wear a suit anywhere to which you've never been
(09/27 15:13:33) BatPrad:

(09/27 15:13:38) Patrick Dulebohn: One of our standards when we Link to a new Age.
(09/27 15:13:44) BatPrad: or at least a helmet....
(09/27 15:13:56) BatPrad: theres sufficient helmets on tokotah rooftop...
(09/27 15:13:58) Kelsei A.T.: never know when you might link into an open pit of lava.
(09/27 15:14:00) Tiernan Quinlan nods.
(09/27 15:14:06) Patrick Dulebohn: Or into open space.
(09/27 15:14:11) Tiernan Quinlan: It's happened before, we know.
(09/27 15:14:22) Patrick Dulebohn: Both to us and to previous restorations.
(09/27 15:14:27) Patrick Dulebohn: DRC and Atrus'.
(09/27 15:14:57) Kelsei A.T.: I think there's always good cause for concern when it comes to--
(09/27 15:15:02) Kelsei A.T. stops, her KI beeping.
(09/27 15:15:10) Patrick Dulebohn looks over
(09/27 15:15:11) Kelsei A.T.: oh!
(09/27 15:15:13) Kelsei A.T. smiles warmly
(09/27 15:15:17) Patrick Dulebohn: Huh?
(09/27 15:15:25) Kelsei A.T.: Runa'mei's messaged me, she's on her way back after her latest trip.
(09/27 15:15:35) Patrick Dulebohn: Ah, fantastic!
(09/27 15:15:44) Kelsei A.T. nods
(09/27 15:16:17) Kelsei A.T.: I probably should get going and do some cleaning... she's been staying at my place when she's not traveling.
(09/27 15:16:47) Kelsei A.T. looks for a place to leave her coffee mug for cleaning
(09/27 15:16:59) Patrick Dulebohn: That's kind of you. On that note, I need to get back to work too if I want to get the Great Shaft ready by end of 2023.
(09/27 15:17:07) Kelsei A.T. nods
(09/27 15:17:18) Tiernan Quinlan: Sounds good.
(09/27 15:17:27) Kelsei A.T.: good luck, Patrick
(09/27 15:17:38) Patrick Dulebohn: Work continues, my friends!
(09/27 15:17:44) Tiernan Quinlan: Thanks f' visiting!
(09/27 15:17:52) Kelsei A.T.: drop in more often,

(09/27 15:17:59) Kelsei A.T.: and thanks for coming.
(09/27 15:18:06) Patrick Dulebohn: I'll try to get in more to keep people up to date here.
(09/27 15:18:14) BatPrad: keep safe patrick - and seeya every once and then

(09/27 15:18:18) Patrick Dulebohn: Until then...I'll see you later!
(09/27 15:18:21) Patrick Dulebohn salutes
(09/27 15:18:24) Kelsei A.T.: take care,
(09/27 15:18:25) Kelsei A.T. waves goodbye
(09/27 15:18:31) Tiernan Quinlan waves goodbye
(09/27 15:18:45) Kelsei A.T.: seriously, good to see you, tenny
(09/27 15:18:49) Kelsei A.T. leans left
(09/27 15:18:54) Tiernan Quinlan leans right
(09/27 15:18:58) norm7629 waves goodbye
(09/27 15:18:59) Semjay: Time for me to go too
(09/27 15:19:03) Kelsei A.T.: take care, all
(09/27 15:19:05) Kelsei A.T.: have a good night!
(09/27 15:19:06) Kelsei A.T. waves goodbye
(09/27 15:19:13) Kelsei A.T.: thanks for coming
(09/27 15:19:14) Tiernan Quinlan waves goodbye
(09/27 15:19:19) BatPrad: the core team