(08/30 13:36:48) ALotOf: np we being cool to be together here
(08/30 13:37:09) NoMore: super-ultra-cool...
(08/30 13:37:18) ALotOf: don't overdo, NoMore
(08/30 13:37:22) Tiernan Quinlan: So what I thought we could do would be t' just have a kind of general get together, bring each other up t'speed on thin's goin' on with them an' maybe just have some good chat.
(08/30 13:38:17) Thumbs up from blutec
(08/30 13:38:38) Tiernan Quinlan: Nothin' formal. So help y'selves to the tea an' coffee an' snacks! What's been goin' on w' you folks?
(08/30 13:39:46) NoMore: I been playing a bit 'Broken Sword -The Sleeping Dragon' lately ... a game I haven't played through yet...
(08/30 13:40:23) NoMore: first the game didn't want to start - until I switched the desktop screen resolution from 1920x1080 to 1280x1024...
(08/30 13:41:05) NoMore: now being 3/4 through the game... it isn't as bad as I feared... it has kept a bit the humour of the first two Broken Sword games
(08/30 13:41:17) Tiernan Quinlan sips his coffee.
(08/30 13:41:51) ALotOf: and who gave the tip with the screen resolution, NoMore?
(08/30 13:41:58) NoMore: Thanks, ALotOf.
(08/30 13:42:10) NoMore: (blush)
(08/30 13:42:49) Tiernan Quinlan: So, it's definitely been quiet enough lately t' relax and enjoy some gamin' time. I know Dira and her brother were playin' some Minecraft.
(08/30 13:43:22) Tiernan Quinlan: Though, I understan' they've been busy showin' their folks around the Ages.
(08/30 13:43:50) Tiernan Quinlan: Has anyone seen Corey? He's been down here recently.
(08/30 13:44:01) NoMore: me not
(08/30 13:44:15) Tiernan Quinlan: I might see if he can come visit with folks.
(08/30 13:44:40) Tiernan Quinlan: Oh! Almost forgot, if anyone has any questions for me, please feel free t' ask.
(08/30 13:45:13) Ereshkigal: Who's Corey again? Maybe I forgot

(08/30 13:45:16) NoMore: but tbh I'm not down here very often these times... too much else going on - and I still have to beat ALotOfs highscore in 'Teledahn Tubbies'...
(08/30 13:45:28) Tiernan Quinlan chuckles to himself, "Heh, Minecraft in th' Cavern..."
(08/30 13:45:37) blutec: i haven't played broken sword at all <blush> I've put it on my wishlist, ty for reminding NoMore
(08/30 13:45:37) ALotOf: or lets say he 'tries' to do so ...

(08/30 13:45:58) NoMore: I'll get there, ALotOf - I'll get there

(08/30 13:46:07) Tiernan Quinlan: Oh, Dr. Corwin Valerian, he runs Argon Labs. Dira an' I do some research work for them.
(08/30 13:47:47) Ereshkigal: Oooh, nice! I hope we see him around sometime!
(08/30 13:48:43) Tiernan Quinlan checks his journal. "Hmm...."
(08/30 13:49:19) ALotOf: Dr. Corwin - what kind of research?
(08/30 13:50:17) ALotOf: May have forgotten again evein if I caught it up...
(08/30 13:50:28) ALotOf: ... somewhere...
(08/30 13:50:36) Tiernan Quinlan: They're doing historical and archaeological work, cataloging finds for th' most part. An' hopin' t' help out wherever they need to.
(08/30 13:51:57) ALotOf: ah geeky - that kind of stuff Indiahno Jones does too - except he more the 'field work' than the 'cataloging' kind of guy...
(08/30 13:52:14) Ereshkigal: I have to get back to the Surface again, guys. See you later!!!
(08/30 13:52:19) Ereshkigal waves goodbye
(08/30 13:52:23) blutec: bye Ereshkigal
(08/30 13:52:30) Tiernan Quinlan: Let's see... I have a bit from Corey about it...
(08/30 13:52:31) NoMore: bye bud - seeya
(08/30 13:53:34) Tiernan Quinlan: a privately funded, secure organization for the collection, preservation, research and restoration of the D'ni culture, language and history.
(08/30 13:54:41) Tiernan Quinlan: One of the intentions behind it is to keep governmental interest of any kind -away- from New Mexico, the Cavern and the D'ni Restoration Project. They are attempting to take over where the DRC left off, but better, safer, quieter, with better funding and protection.
(08/30 13:54:54) ALotOf: I MAY have strumbled upon that doing an internet research for Indiahno...
(08/30 13:55:10) Tiernan Quinlan: They also want to stay in the background as much as possible, since the DRC's legacy still leaves a bad taste in the mouths of many Explorers. They'd rather send hand-picked people to the Cavern, to do research, assist the ongoing project and offer help when needed, otherwise staying out of daily Cavern life and out of the way of the various teams, groups and individuals working and living in the Cavern.
(08/30 13:55:28) Tiernan Quinlan looks up.
(08/30 13:55:33) Tiernan Quinlan: "Yep, tha's it."
(08/30 13:55:56) Tiernan Quinlan: Just preservation an' help.
(08/30 13:56:19) Tiernan Quinlan: Heh, an' apparently in Dira's case, occasionally fallin' in the Great Zero pool.
(08/30 13:56:45) blutec: a very commendable effort
(08/30 13:56:50) Tiernan Quinlan: Corey's a great guy, met him in college!
(08/30 13:56:51) blutec claps her hands
(08/30 13:57:00) Tiernan Quinlan: He's pretty 'chill'.
(08/30 13:57:35) NoMore: cool - love chill people to hang out with...
(08/30 13:57:58) Tiernan Quinlan: Let's see.... Oooh... didja hear about th' Gahrohevtee tha' fell fell from Riven through the Star Fissure?
(08/30 13:58:26) blutec: yes

(08/30 13:58:34) Tiernan Quinlan: Somethin' about this bein' revealed at Mysterium? I wasn't able t' be there, I was... er... occupied.
(08/30 13:59:19) Tiernan Quinlan looks through his messages.
(08/30 13:59:26) Cpt.Jericho waves hello
(08/30 13:59:28) Tiernan Quinlan: Ah... ok here it is...
(08/30 13:59:38) ALotOf: read about it in a newsfeed... they found something... but nothing official about the meaning of the gahrohevtee
(08/30 14:00:11) NoMore: you mean that friggin plate with that ornament...
(08/30 14:00:26) Tiernan Quinlan: "2023, Rand Miller announced, as part of Cyan's RIVEN remake research, that he and Richard V.W. discovered what is suspected to be a Gahrohevtee that Gehn placed onto a plate of metal that fell from Riven through the Star Fissure. Rand showed this potentially Gehn brand bootleg Gahrohevtee live on stream to the world at large."
(08/30 14:00:35) Tiernan Quinlan: Tha's from Cal's message.
(08/30 14:01:53) Tiernan Quinlan: Cal says tha' anyone doin' Age Writin' shouldn't try to replicate it until we know more about the thin'. I hadn't seen it meself, but apparently it's interestin'. Maybe Corey will be able to get some info on it.
(08/30 14:03:30) ALotOf: 'experimenting' with unknown art symbols is a risk anyway - we know so few about the true nature of the art yet being on research for it for so long now...
(08/30 14:03:43) Tiernan Quinlan: Oh... An' looks like Runa'mei is in Cavern. Lookin for... "crystal thieves believed to be lead by Haru'sara."
(08/30 14:04:03) Cpt.Jericho: Experimenting is always connected to risks
(08/30 14:04:25) Cpt.Jericho: It's its very nature
(08/30 14:04:30) Tiernan Quinlan: Yep.
(08/30 14:04:31) NoMore: I learned tzhat the hard way lol
(08/30 14:05:08) Tiernan Quinlan: I'm not a Writer but it's good advice f' anyone interested in the object. I'd love t' see it of course if someone actually comes across it.
(08/30 14:05:38) ALotOf: what else NoMore you never listen to my warnings - if you would have let me pre calculate...
(08/30 14:05:39) NoMore: ... we never have gotten anywhere!
(08/30 14:05:55) ALotOf: (hrmpf)
(08/30 14:06:11) Tiernan Quinlan: Let's see... Oh, looks like we may be able to see the Descent sometime soon! Seems Patrick an' AgeExplorer are doin' sounding tests.
(08/30 14:06:35) Buddy: Sorry to interrupt, but is this the Town Hall meeting?
(08/30 14:06:46) NoMore: yeah is the townhall meeting
(08/30 14:06:49) Tiernan Quinlan: Err... no tha's not correct. The tests are in Chiso...
(08/30 14:06:55) NoMore: come in and take a seart
(08/30 14:06:56) Cpt.Jericho: Would be nice to have the great shaft open for the public
(08/30 14:06:58) NoMore: *seat*
(08/30 14:07:06) Tiernan Quinlan scratches his head.
(08/30 14:07:18) Tiernan Quinlan: My notes are a bit blurry.
(08/30 14:07:37) Tiernan Quinlan: Descent is bein' worked on, though.
(08/30 14:07:52) ALotOf: I have texture filters for blurry notes...
(08/30 14:07:59) Tiernan Quinlan: Should be accessable near th' end of th' year. Yep. Tha's it.
(08/30 14:08:11) NoMore: ALotOf! these a re physical notes...
(08/30 14:08:14) Tiernan Quinlan: But he's also workin' in Chiso. Yep.
(08/30 14:08:30) Tiernan Quinlan: So that's what he and AgeExplorer are doin'.
(08/30 14:08:35) Tiernan Quinlan chuckles.
(08/30 14:08:38) Tiernan Quinlan shakes his head
(08/30 14:08:45) Tiernan Quinlan: Ah me.
(08/30 14:09:05) Tiernan Quinlan: Got damp when I was out lookin' for ... er... Someone.
(08/30 14:09:43) ALotOf: The descent is an interesting location... has been lots of rubble to shovel aside in the near past, I heared...
(08/30 14:10:09) ALotOf: ... to make the path secure - and it probably still work in progress...
(08/30 14:10:11) Tiernan Quinlan: Oh! Naybree... oh, I see... yeah. Naybree's beachfront is almos' ready.
(08/30 14:10:26) Tiernan Quinlan nods his head
(08/30 14:10:52) Cpt.Jericho: Time to buy some sunscreen?
(08/30 14:11:02) NoMore: man, Naybree beach, that's ultra-cool...
(08/30 14:11:16) Tiernan Quinlan: So... seems that's all I got from Cal thus far. Anythin' else goin' on with folks? New discoveries or gossip?
(08/30 14:11:18) NoMore searches for his freaky sunglasses...
(08/30 14:11:21) Tiernan Quinlan chuckles.
(08/30 14:11:57) Cpt.Jericho: Anyone knows when the GZ gets some love? My KI has been acting up for while now
(08/30 14:12:22) Buddy: When will the laddder in Naybree be available to use?
(08/30 14:12:22) Tiernan Quinlan: Heh. Ask Dira, Captain. She's willin' t' take blame for KI issues.
(08/30 14:12:53) Tiernan Quinlan: When we're not pullin' her out of whatever predicament she finds herself in, she's doin' some solid work.
(08/30 14:13:07) Cpt.Jericho: I don't care who's to blame. I'm more interested in the person who end the issue
(08/30 14:13:07) ALotOf: my disassembly of Tomb Raider 4/tomb Raider Level Editor has come to a point where I have figured out everything obvious so the more sophisticated stuff left over - thinking about putting that project aside
(08/30 14:13:39) ALotOf: instead probably having another look onto the 'this game here on Linux' stuff...
(08/30 14:13:51) Tiernan Quinlan: She's obsessed with this 'door' situation in th' complex. Me, I think the noise of the thing is gettin' to her.
(08/30 14:14:15) ALotOf: ... some buddy I heard has problems playing it on Linux since wine 8.x ...
(08/30 14:14:34) Buddy: When will the ladder in Naybree be available to use?
(08/30 14:15:00) Tiernan Quinlan: Not sure, Cal didn't mention it to me, but he's been busy lately an' hard to reach.
(08/30 14:15:15) Buddy: Maybe not until the beach is ready.
(08/30 14:15:45) Tiernan Quinlan: Oh! Remember we have fresh First Aid supplies an' kits. Stock up before y' go out int' Ages.
(08/30 14:15:54) Cpt.Jericho wonders if there will be pina colladas
(08/30 14:16:08) Tiernan Quinlan: Everyone who volunteers works on them in their spare time.
(08/30 14:16:17) Tiernan Quinlan: So we should have plenty available.
(08/30 14:16:49) NoMore: oh thanks for the hint - comes in handy when one is in trouble (gang rivalties and other stuff)...
(08/30 14:17:01) Tiernan Quinlan: I get people in and out of th' Clinic so if there's no one in, just help yourself.
(08/30 14:17:49) Tiernan Quinlan: An... oh, everyone knows about the books available for Chiso by now, yes?
(08/30 14:18:12) Cpt.Jericho: The saucy ones?
(08/30 14:18:37) Tiernan Quinlan: Stop by the Watcher's Pub an' there should be a box of em' by the regular linking book.
(08/30 14:19:27) NoMore: Just out of curiosity one would have had a closer look at that box - hasn't been always there...
(08/30 14:19:35) Tiernan Quinlan: If not, someone will probably refill the box in short order. That's Patrick's Age, so y'can ask him for more info.
(08/30 14:20:11) Buddy: Take care all. I'm off to go exploring!
(08/30 14:20:12) Cpt.Jericho: Not everybody has been here for eons, NoMore.
(08/30 14:20:13) Tiernan Quinlan: No, it's recent. With me, it almost blended in before I realzed it was new.
(08/30 14:20:38) ALotOf: made by cornucopia
(08/30 14:20:38) Tiernan Quinlan: Heh! Lo-- er, a friend had to point it out t' me.
(08/30 14:21:17) Cpt.Jericho: How is Lo-- er, your friend these days?
(08/30 14:21:22) blutec: indeed, it took me a while to spot it, and to see the box was open and full of books to grab
(08/30 14:21:29) Tiernan Quinlan: He is better.
(08/30 14:21:55) Cpt.Jericho: Well, good for him, I guess...
(08/30 14:22:08) NoMore: yeah, okay, agreed, it may be not so obvious half in the shadows there... so have a closer look at that box when you in watchers pub, explorers...
(08/30 14:22:12) Tiernan Quinlan nods.
(08/30 14:23:11) blutec: an open box is a rarity, it didn't click for me for a while, lol
(08/30 14:23:13) Tiernan Quinlan: If anyone has questions, it's fine. An' if anyone would rather chat about that privately, please let me know.
(08/30 14:23:35) Tiernan Quinlan smiles.
(08/30 14:24:15) Tiernan Quinlan: Ahem, yeah! Always nice t' see new things available! Makes gettin' to my desk much easier an' faster!
(08/30 14:25:12) Tiernan Quinlan: I've been meaning to move some stuff around an' hope to have some more relavant materials set up on it soon.
(08/30 14:26:27) Tiernan Quinlan: I need to get a coffee cup or two down there. Keep missin' coffee. Perhaps I need to get a Pod-Kup machine.
(08/30 14:26:39) NoMore: lol
(08/30 14:27:10) Tiernan Quinlan: (total improvise there. makes sense?)
(08/30 14:27:31) Tiernan Quinlan: (will have to mention that)
(08/30 14:27:48) ALotOf: descent is still an interesting place - heard through the grapevines that the great shaft is one of the first places they might have safened good enough to visit...
(08/30 14:27:49) Cpt.Jericho: Never got used to the taste of coffee. There's no thing like a good adrenaline rush to start the day.
(08/30 14:27:51) Tiernan Quinlan: I live on coffee an' tea. I mean, who doesn't?
(08/30 14:28:01) Tiernan Quinlan: Heh!
(08/30 14:28:35) Tiernan Quinlan: Well, when I was a resident, I think I drank gallons of the stuff each day. Maybe more when I worked ER.
(08/30 14:29:09) ALotOf sips his Club Mate lemonade...
(08/30 14:29:54) Cpt.Jericho: It sure beats a Morris dance in a minefield
(08/30 14:30:21) Tiernan Quinlan: Well folks, I think our scheduled time is comin' to an end. Will probably have a more regular Town Hall next month, once Jules and Cal's timetables synch a bit more.
(08/30 14:31:00) Tiernan Quinlan: Or maybe Kels will be available. Heard from Carl, he's doin' well, busy on th' surface of course!
(08/30 14:31:30) blutec: thank you for the updates & the chillin' time!
(08/30 14:31:38) Tiernan Quinlan: Maybe I'll see if I can get Corey to come say hi at some point an' will let y'all know when that will be.
(08/30 14:31:59) Tiernan Quinlan: Oh! An' maybe m' grandmum can visit again. She'd like that!
(08/30 14:32:16) NoMore: well thatnks for the chill so far
(08/30 14:32:33) ALotOf: super event rendering
(08/30 14:33:07) Tiernan Quinlan: (As always, please feel free to KI mail me or Diranda, or chat me in CyanChat. I do have stuff I'm working on Story wise but it's mostly me stuff and anyone who'd like to run Little Stories with me, let me know)
(08/30 14:33:10) NoMore: whatever that was, ALotOf
(08/30 14:34:07) Tiernan Quinlan: (Nothing 'Big' is planned right now, just mainly focuses on getting Cal's things up and running and so forth)
(08/30 14:34:30) Tiernan Quinlan: (But please check Beneath Forums for more informal Story and News)
(08/30 14:34:43) Thumbs up from blutec
(08/30 14:35:07) ALotOf: (that okay - Mysterium was in between, has delayed some of the good work)
(08/30 14:35:27) Tiernan Quinlan: (Oh! And for more Storytelling Fun, please check out the Unwritten Channels and News on CC and Storytellers Discords)
(08/30 14:36:01) Tiernan Quinlan: (I do have some cool ideas for 'Little Stories' though, so please feel free to chat with me)
(08/30 14:36:24) Tiernan Quinlan: (This Log will be posted on Beneath and my websites too)
(08/30 14:36:49) Tiernan Quinlan bows
(08/30 14:36:57) Cpt.Jericho: ByeTiernan
(08/30 14:36:58) blutec claps her hands
(08/30 14:37:01) Tiernan Quinlan: Thanks f' comin' guys!
(08/30 14:37:06) NoMore claps his hands
(08/30 14:37:11) ALotOf claps his hands
(08/30 14:37:19) NoMore cheers
(08/30 14:37:23) Tiernan Quinlan: Grab cookies an' whatever y' want, I have some boxes to put stuff in.
(08/30 14:37:32) ALotOf: thanks for the invite
(08/30 14:37:46) Tiernan Quinlan waves goodbye
(08/30 14:37:53) blutec waves goodbye
(08/30 14:37:59) ALotOf: YOu'll need that first aid kit NoMore
(08/30 14:38:07) NoMore: ah thanks for reminder ALotOf
(08/30 14:38:08) uru348 claps his hands
(08/30 14:39:50) NoMore: (Hope I wasn't too stereotype with my avvies)
(08/30 14:40:08) ...Chat.log stopped.