7/26/23 July Town Hall.

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7/26/23 July Town Hall.

Post by Traveler263 »

TY To Jules for the Chatlog. Mine got fried.

(07/26 21:18:52) Chat.log started...
(07/26 21:19:01) [ Auto Shout Enabled ]
(07/26 21:19:49) [BUDDIES] From Calum Traveler in Great Tree's Hood: townhall starts in 10
(07/26 21:20:13) Dni_seeker 5: hello
(07/26 21:20:15) Calum Traveler: shorah,
(07/26 21:20:24) Jules Lavisham: Evening, DS5.
(07/26 21:20:28) Calum Traveler: and hey, Jules, been a while too.
(07/26 21:20:36) [BUDDIES] From Calum Traveler in Great Tree's Hood: great tree 3 hood,
(07/26 21:20:42) [BUDDIES] From Calum Traveler in Great Tree's Hood: if you wanna join in.
(07/26 21:20:56) Jules Lavisham: Hello hello, Cal!
(07/26 21:21:03) Calum Traveler: :)
(07/26 21:21:08) Jules Lavisham: Still sporting the shorts, I see.
(07/26 21:21:13) Calum Traveler: its been hot.
(07/26 21:21:17) Dni_seeker 5: has Runa'mei found anything?
(07/26 21:21:20) Calum Traveler: gotta stay cool how you can.
(07/26 21:21:26) Calum Traveler: Runa'mei's not reported back yet,
(07/26 21:21:37) Jules Lavisham: Quite so.
(07/26 21:21:50) Calum Traveler: lessee...
(07/26 21:21:52) Carl Palmner: Hey Seeker, Jules.
(07/26 21:21:55) Jules Lavisham: Sadly the initially promised heatwave on my side of the pond has failed to materialise.
(07/26 21:22:05) Carl Palmner: LOL, sadly?
(07/26 21:22:09) Jules Lavisham: Evenin' Carl
(07/26 21:22:25) Dni_seeker 5: PHEW!
(07/26 21:22:30) Jules Lavisham: I for one was looking forward to a spot of uninterrupted photosynthesis
(07/26 21:22:44) Dni_seeker 5: Oh, welcome back Carl. And hello to you too, Robert
(07/26 21:22:46) Jules Lavisham: A mild bronzing, as it were
(07/26 21:23:03) Calum Traveler: howdy, robert,
(07/26 21:23:05) Robert Murry leans left
(07/26 21:23:11) Calum Traveler leans right
(07/26 21:23:24) Jules Lavisham: Nothing drastic, just to keep the pores happy
(07/26 21:23:34) Jules Lavisham: Evening Rob
(07/26 21:23:58) Robert Murry: Hi Calum
(07/26 21:24:20) Robert Murry: Jules! I haven't seen you in Ages.
(07/26 21:24:40) Jules Lavisham checks his KI
(07/26 21:24:49) Jules Lavisham: Ah, yes. We seem to be in the Great Tree Hood
(07/26 21:24:55) Jules Lavisham: As opposed to Great Tree (3)
(07/26 21:25:00) Calum Traveler: alright, yeah, we should relocate to 3
(07/26 21:25:01) Robert Murry: I was just in there.
(07/26 21:25:04) Calum Traveler: dont wanna confuse folks
(07/26 21:25:07) Jules Lavisham: Agreed
(07/26 21:25:09) Jules Lavisham: Right
(07/26 21:25:19) Jules Lavisham: See you all momentarily!
(07/26 21:26:13) Calum Traveler: sorry about that folks
(07/26 21:26:39) Calum Traveler: that's what i get for not using my eyes
(07/26 21:26:45) Calum Traveler says DOH!
(07/26 21:26:55) Jules Lavisham: Me arriving before the lecturer. Aaah, this brings back memories.
(07/26 21:27:22) Dni_seeker 5: You are in the right hood
(07/26 21:27:31) Dni_seeker 5: Sorry about the linking in and out
(07/26 21:27:45) Robert Murry: Jules, we need to get together sometime soon and catch up. So much to tell you.
(07/26 21:28:04) Jules Lavisham: Yes, I understand you've been doing some work in the Great Shaft?
(07/26 21:28:22) NoMore: "Everythings allright, yes everythings allright" (Cheeses Crisps Supertaste)...
(07/26 21:28:43) Robert Murry: Indeed. Lots of new discoveries that I think you'll be interested in.
(07/26 21:29:20) Jules Lavisham: Oh fantastic. Yes, let's do that. I need to get up to speed with all that's been happening.
(07/26 21:29:23) [BUDDIES] From Calum Traveler in Great Tree's(3) Hood: Town Hall Starting: Great Tree (3) Hood!
(07/26 21:29:32) Robert Murry: I hear you been working on a new find. Bronze Age? Wow.
(07/26 21:30:07) NoMore: Iron Age
(07/26 21:30:09) Calum Traveler: Alright, Welcome, all, to our July 2023 Town Hall. im going to give a few more minutes for folks to pile into the conference room
(07/26 21:30:23) Calum Traveler: apologies for getting the wrong hood at first
(07/26 21:30:25) Dni_seeker 5: "Bronze Age"?
(07/26 21:30:32) Robert Murry: Hey Carl! Good to see you, too.
(07/26 21:30:35) Calum Traveler: as in the time period, i believe, DS5
(07/26 21:30:44) Jules Lavisham: Yes, exciting find on the outskirts of Salisbury. Something to keep the mind ticking over in the last month or so.
(07/26 21:30:56) Jules Lavisham: In between a bit of a rest cure.
(07/26 21:31:03) Carl Palmner: Hey Robert!
(07/26 21:31:04) Sleeper Jan: hey carl
(07/26 21:31:09) Calum Traveler: surface life is always important to take care of,
(07/26 21:31:12) Carl Palmner: Yeah, it's been awhile. Hey Sleeper!
(07/26 21:31:20) Carl Palmner: Been busy on the surface.
(07/26 21:31:24) Calum Traveler: i believe our friends Diranda and Tenny are dealing with surface matters still, too.
(07/26 21:31:32) Carl Palmner: Planning a wedding while working full-time will do that to you :)
(07/26 21:31:52) Calum Traveler whistles sharply.
(07/26 21:31:57) Calum Traveler: Alright folks! Let's start up...
(07/26 21:31:58) Carl Palmner: Going to try to be better about chronicling events down here, though.
(07/26 21:32:06) Robert Murry: A wedding? Congrats!
(07/26 21:32:33) Calum Traveler: Welcome to the Town hall, we've got a few bits of ground to cover...
(07/26 21:32:51) Calum Traveler: i think we're all familiar with the ruleset by now, and also, im a bit hungry so ill skip over that.
(07/26 21:33:11) NoMore: awed-duingpoing if it's Selenitic style...
(07/26 21:33:13) Calum Traveler: In Extant Age News:
(07/26 21:33:35) Calum Traveler: Eder Naybree's quaking is not abating, but its also not worsening
(07/26 21:34:02) Calum Traveler: it has slowed somewhat from the initial tremmoring, but at the rate it's slowing I'm not expecting any noticable decline until September.
(07/26 21:34:16) Calum Traveler: unfortunate, but it'll be beach season then, I guess.
(07/26 21:34:18) Robert Murry: Hmm.
(07/26 21:34:55) Calum Traveler: Elonin, and Tiam, some work is being done on the locks there. I think something's been sticking in the mechanisms and they need an oiling?
(07/26 21:34:56) Calum Traveler shrugs
(07/26 21:35:26) Calum Traveler: Eder Bahvahnter, I believe we're still looking into the water leak in the office...
(07/26 21:35:27) NoMore: old D'ni technology again...
(07/26 21:35:47) Calum Traveler: in *New* Release Fronts....
(07/26 21:36:13) Calum Traveler: I can say that we're cleared for a second round of exploratory work in an Age worked on by TikiBear and Ametist,
(07/26 21:36:39) Calum Traveler: im not sure if I'm cleared to say the name yet or not
(07/26 21:37:03) Buddy: Age X
(07/26 21:37:06) Calum Traveler: We've also had a request for eyes on an Island near K'veer in the Cavern lake,
(07/26 21:37:23) Calum Traveler: i think the project manager is some Professor... Uh... forgive me if I butcher the name...
(07/26 21:37:32) Robert Murry: Ah yes.
(07/26 21:37:33) Calum Traveler squints at notes
(07/26 21:37:47) Calum Traveler: Marius?
(07/26 21:37:50) Calum Traveler: Professor Marius.
(07/26 21:37:59) Calum Traveler: And an assistant Maya Jenkins.
(07/26 21:38:11) Calum Traveler: the Island is called "Varia"
(07/26 21:38:14) Robert Murry: I believe Jules and I are aquainted with them.
(07/26 21:38:25) Jules Lavisham inhales sharply
(07/26 21:38:47) Calum Traveler: Kelsei had a similar reaction when I mentioned those names,
(07/26 21:39:02) Calum Traveler: I think I've heard of it before, but my brain is so scattered lately I dont have a clue where
(07/26 21:39:22) Calum Traveler: Regardless, the island is... something, to say the least.
(07/26 21:39:30) Robert Murry looks at Jules.
(07/26 21:39:45) Calum Traveler: Moving along, the Memorial Island is entering its final stages. I believe we're on track for a release sometime after September
(07/26 21:39:46) Jules Lavisham mutters "Oxford man..."
(07/26 21:39:57) Robert Murry snorts.
(07/26 21:40:08) Robert Murry: Sorry.
(07/26 21:40:25) Calum Traveler: Keith Lord has indicated he's working on some final things and will want some eyes on it soon.
(07/26 21:40:40) Calum Traveler: Island looks good as it was last time I saw it, for what its worth.
(07/26 21:40:41) ural: Prime peeps going to get a look soon?
(07/26 21:41:11) Calum Traveler: I think we're looking at opening things up to the MinkataPrime KI Network sometime in august,
(07/26 21:41:11) Jules Lavisham: Excellent. Glad to hear that's coming together.
(07/26 21:41:32) Calum Traveler: for now it's still locked to MinkataAlpha KI access,
(07/26 21:41:53) Robert Murry: Good, I've been looking for a distraction, or two.
(07/26 21:42:01) Calum Traveler: I've heard from Patrick that he's looking into a more permanent solution for Age book storing in Chiso,
(07/26 21:42:32) Calum Traveler: but I haven't seen anything manifest. He's been bouncing between coordinating with the Varia project and TikiBear and Ametist's Age.
(07/26 21:42:39) Calum Traveler: along with all that Descent work,
(07/26 21:43:06) Robert Murry nods.
(07/26 21:43:15) Calum Traveler: I'm assuming we'll get official announcements on KI network expansion for Descent from him when he's ready,
(07/26 21:43:31) Calum Traveler: but I'm making no promises there because "Surface Life writes the plot"
(07/26 21:43:41) Calum Traveler: as we were all discussing earlier. lol
(07/26 21:44:07) Calum Traveler checks notes...
(07/26 21:44:26) Carl Palmner: Would love to see more of Descent.
(07/26 21:44:27) Calum Traveler: Ahhh... we're still trying to sort out the issues with the Neighborhood Podiums for the new welcoming speeches,
(07/26 21:45:21) Calum Traveler: and our acquaintance Ami has agreed to take on managing the Overflow Station project.
(07/26 21:45:34) Thumbs up from Dni_seeker 5
(07/26 21:45:36) Carl Palmner: Ami's in charge of the Overflow Station?
(07/26 21:45:37) Robert Murry: Good.
(07/26 21:45:42) Calum Traveler: yeah, I asked her to take over
(07/26 21:45:48) Jules Lavisham: Excellent news.
(07/26 21:45:53) Calum Traveler: she seemed to have a good eye for undoing the damage the others were doing,
(07/26 21:45:56) Carl Palmner: Interesting, given her past.
(07/26 21:46:06) Robert Murry: I trust her.
(07/26 21:46:07) Carl Palmner: Ok. As long as you trust her.
(07/26 21:46:11) NoMore: well she has 'gained' experience there, so why not... :)
(07/26 21:46:18) Calum Traveler: I'm viewing it a bit as a trust exercise, both for us and for her
(07/26 21:46:32) Calum Traveler: i think she could use a little self confidence boost to renew some self trust in herself,
(07/26 21:47:01) Buddy: Again, what is the Overflow Station?
(07/26 21:47:13) Buddy: Sorry
(07/26 21:47:18) Calum Traveler: A location in the Cavern, which regulates Pellet affected Lake Water to the greater Lake
(07/26 21:47:37) Calum Traveler: think of it like a filter that the D'ni built to ensure that overfeeding and algae blooms don't happen.
(07/26 21:47:48) Calum Traveler: it's taken some damages ancient and recent alike,
(07/26 21:47:50) Carl Palmner: Calum's working on getting it available to explorers. There were some...setbacks...a few months ago.
(07/26 21:47:53) Robert Murry: She has been trying to help since ... well, you know.
(07/26 21:48:08) Calum Traveler: honestly, the project hasn't moved much since my focus has been drawn to Naybree due to the quaking.
(07/26 21:48:14) Robert Murry grimaces.
(07/26 21:48:17) Calum Traveler: hence, my passing it off to Ami.
(07/26 21:48:31) Dni_seeker 5: that lumberjack...
(07/26 21:48:35) Calum Traveler: hopefully she'll have the time and focus needed to get things going.
(07/26 21:48:56) Buddy: Will we be able to get the cavernb lake to glow?
(07/26 21:49:06) Calum Traveler: it was close, a while back
(07/26 21:49:18) Calum Traveler: but a surge of heavy metal content from the overflow station itself caused a setback
(07/26 21:49:39) Calum Traveler: we sealed off the affected area, and things seemed to be moving towards recovery,
(07/26 21:49:57) Calum Traveler: but it's still something we're hoping gets back to the full day night cycle,
(07/26 21:50:07) NoMore: heavy metal content and a slow rock...
(07/26 21:50:17) Dni_seeker 5: Those True Seeds guys were NOT helping.
(07/26 21:50:21) Calum Traveler sighs, and checks over notes, feeling like he missed something...
(07/26 21:50:39) Calum Traveler: i think the only remaining local-to-Cavern news thing to recap is....
(07/26 21:50:47) Calum Traveler squints...
(07/26 21:50:56) Calum Traveler: ...damn it, past me why couldn't you right cleaner...
(07/26 21:50:59) Carl Palmner: Has there been any word from the remaining True Seed members? Or Benavud?
(07/26 21:51:00) Dni_seeker 5: The Gahrohevtee?
(07/26 21:51:10) Calum Traveler: True Seed have been absent,
(07/26 21:51:14) Calum Traveler: i havent heard from Ben in a while,
(07/26 21:51:20) Calum Traveler: i was going to ask you, actually,
(07/26 21:51:26) Calum Traveler: but i guess that answers that, lol
(07/26 21:51:30) Calum Traveler: right, the Gahrohevtee.
(07/26 21:51:33) Jules Lavisham coughs
(07/26 21:51:37) Calum Traveler: so, not Cavern-directly related news.
(07/26 21:51:43) Jules Lavisham: Sorry, the WHAT
(07/26 21:51:48) Carl Palmner: Yeah, I haven't spoken to him. As far as I know, he's still living in that part of D'ni he won't give us access to.
(07/26 21:51:49) Calum Traveler: so....
(07/26 21:51:49) Dni_seeker 5: Gahrohevtee
(07/26 21:51:56) Calum Traveler: for those that weren't paying attention
(07/26 21:52:02) Calum Traveler: back at the start of this month was MYSTERIUM
(07/26 21:52:07) Calum Traveler: at Cyan HQ in Spokane Washington,
(07/26 21:52:17) Calum Traveler: they teased us their new Riven remake...
(07/26 21:52:22) Calum Traveler: so, to set the stage,
(07/26 21:52:22) Robert Murry: You haven't heard Jules? We really need to catch up.
(07/26 21:52:35) Calum Traveler: Rand Miller was doing a QNA panel with Richard V.W.
(07/26 21:52:44) Calum Traveler: annd... uh.
(07/26 21:52:57) Calum Traveler: well, They talked about how they went out into New Mexico's desert to do research on Riven,
(07/26 21:53:08) Calum Traveler: to gain knowledge they might have missed during their first attempt at the game.
(07/26 21:53:26) Calum Traveler: They found a fissure plate fragment,
(07/26 21:53:36) Calum Traveler: one embossed or engraved or otherwise marked with a Gahrohevtee.
(07/26 21:54:05) Calum Traveler: and Rand Miller, bless his soul, decided to show it on livestream for everyone to see.
(07/26 21:54:09) Jules Lavisham: ...
(07/26 21:54:14) Jules Lavisham: What.
(07/26 21:54:18) Carl Palmner: Very cool.
(07/26 21:54:22) Robert Murry: I got to examine it closely. Game changer.
(07/26 21:54:33) Calum Traveler: Cool, yes, but it brings forth a lot of possible issues that we never considered before.
(07/26 21:54:38) Dni_seeker 5: What has me concerned is that "everyone" includes the Lumberjack and his friends
(07/26 21:55:02) Jules Lavisham: I mean, yes, phenominally signficiant arcaelogical find,
(07/26 21:55:05) Calum Traveler: For starters, the implication Rand was laying down on us was that he believed Gehn was placing this symbol on the Fissure Plates to 'stabilize' the Fissure on Riven.
(07/26 21:55:19) Robert Murry: The lore folks are having a field day with it.
(07/26 21:55:31) Calum Traveler: now, i think it also bears stressing that we *do not know* what this Gahrohev' actually does.
(07/26 21:55:52) Jules Lavisham: So
(07/26 21:55:55) Calum Traveler: Rand laid out the possibility that this is either a Boiler Plate "Stability" symbol,
(07/26 21:56:00) Calum Traveler: or Gehn's best attempt at remembering it.
(07/26 21:56:03) Jules Lavisham: correct me if I'm wrong
(07/26 21:56:10) Robert Murry: The plate is in remarkably good shape.
(07/26 21:56:17) Robert Murry: You're correct.
(07/26 21:56:25) Jules Lavisham: but anyone and their dog can transcribe this to a linking book
(07/26 21:56:41) Jules Lavisham: and something that -we do not know about- may or may not subsequently happen
(07/26 21:56:48) Carl Palmner shrugs
(07/26 21:56:51) Calum Traveler: regardless, the implications are that this symbol affected the age *while not* being applied to a Book with Ink
(07/26 21:57:00) Calum Traveler: just metal, applied over the Fissure,
(07/26 21:57:02) Calum Traveler: like a giant seal.
(07/26 21:57:09) Carl Palmner: I don't see how that matters. There are plenty of explorers who have learned enough Gahrohevtee to Write Ages already.
(07/26 21:57:20) Robert Murry: Perhaps you and I should try to examine it sometime together, Jules.
(07/26 21:57:25) Calum Traveler: yes, im going to get to that, Jules,
(07/26 21:57:44) Calum Traveler: I've already advised our Writers to not publicly share the wider known symbol set
(07/26 21:57:44) Jules Lavisham: Right. Ok.
(07/26 21:57:53) Carl Palmner: Right--that's what interests me, too. Gehn apparently had reason to believe he could change an Age from *within the Age itself.*
(07/26 21:57:54) Jules Lavisham: Sorry, just
(07/26 21:58:00) Jules Lavisham: bit to take in, this.
(07/26 21:58:00) Calum Traveler: there's no reason for us to drop that policy just because one *potential* gylph has leaked.
(07/26 21:58:20) Robert Murry: The glyph is a bit complex.
(07/26 21:58:30) Calum Traveler: we dont know if this symbol is just absurdly rare (for being "Boilerplate") or Gehn flat out typo'd it in his transcription.
(07/26 21:58:46) Calum Traveler: and we all know what kind of Writer Gehn was,
(07/26 21:59:06) Calum Traveler: he preferred copying text from extant Age Books,
(07/26 21:59:22) Calum Traveler: all I know is that *I've* never seen this particular glyph before in my studies.
(07/26 21:59:36) Robert Murry: Nor have a lot of us.
(07/26 21:59:44) Dni_seeker 5: So... if that's the case, where'd it come from?
(07/26 21:59:53) Calum Traveler: If not from an ancient tome, Gehn's imagination.
(07/26 22:00:12) Calum Traveler: and if that's the case, the fact it did *anything* to stabilize the age, if we take the theory at face value, has *astounding* implications.
(07/26 22:00:49) Calum Traveler: Keith and I talked briefly on the subject, and in Keith's own experimentation with Gahrohevtee, he's noted that sometimes the symbols can be carved onto some elements to produce effects in the age itself,
(07/26 22:00:59) Calum Traveler: but we dont know if that applies to *every* element in existence
(07/26 22:01:06) Carl Palmner: Like--does this mean we can change Ages we Write from within the Ages themselves? Or put mechanisms into those Ages by which explorers can alter them from inside?
(07/26 22:01:20) Robert Murry: I still can't believe where they found it. I've searched that area many times before.
(07/26 22:01:27) Dni_seeker 5: The Bahro Slates seemed to have that power.
(07/26 22:01:57) Dni_seeker 5: um...
(07/26 22:02:11) Dni_seeker 5: What happened to Calum?
(07/26 22:02:21) NoMore: crash
(07/26 22:02:24) Jules Lavisham: Hrm
(07/26 22:02:34) Carl Palmner: I think his hand slipped onto his Relto book. I've had that happen before.
(07/26 22:02:35) Robert Murry sighs.
(07/26 22:02:40) Carl Palmner: I'm sure he'll be back momentarily.
(07/26 22:02:47) Buddy: Maybe Ami turned on him! :)
(07/26 22:02:55) Dni_seeker 5: Huh. The MOMENT I mention the Bahro Slates, the Bahro start screaming and then Calum vanishes.
(07/26 22:03:17) Robert Murry starts to chuckle.
(07/26 22:03:25) Carl Palmner: I think it's just a coincidence. Pretty sure I saw his hand fingering the edge of his Relto book.
(07/26 22:03:53) Carl Palmner: It's a good method for caution--keeping one hand near it, ready to Link out at any time.
(07/26 22:03:58) Dni_seeker 5: This reminds me of an incident back at an AGM: A Bahro screamed and then I found myself in the Nexus. For a while, I was CONVINCED that the Bahro had KIDNAPPED me.
(07/26 22:04:02) Carl Palmner: But it also means sometimes we Link by accident.
(07/26 22:04:02) Robert Murry: Jules, you've got to get a chance to examine this plate. It will blow your mind.
(07/26 22:04:20) Jules Lavisham: Yes, I think it rather will.
(07/26 22:04:27) [BUDDIES] From Calum Traveler in Calum Traveler's Relto: well my Ki chose a WONDERFUL time to short circuit
(07/26 22:05:00) Jules Lavisham: Typical. I take a sabbatical, and everything we know about the Art is thrown into relief.
(07/26 22:05:05) NoMore: Ki short circuit
(07/26 22:05:21) [BUDDIES] From Calum Traveler in Calum Traveler's Nexus: hrmf
(07/26 22:05:35) Robert Murry: Like I said. We've got a lot to talk about.
(07/26 22:05:48) Jules Lavisham: Definitely.
(07/26 22:05:51) Carl Palmner: Yeah, I'm very curious about what this means for our Writers. For example, would it be possible to add a Gahrohevtee to something inside an Age that could be interacted with? If so, puzzles could be created in which explorers could alter the Age itself while inside it.
(07/26 22:06:06) Calum Traveler: sorry all, my KI chose a *wonderful* moment to absolutely fry itself
(07/26 22:06:26) Calum Traveler: i had to relto out and shake it off
(07/26 22:06:37) Robert Murry: The writer's are in a frenzy, Carl.
(07/26 22:06:46) Calum Traveler glares at his KI
(07/26 22:06:50) Carl Palmner: I believe it. Welcome back Calum.
(07/26 22:06:58) Robert Murry: Welcome back!
(07/26 22:07:13) Calum Traveler: geeze, i cant remember my KI choosing a worse moment to crash out like that than my first time hosting Heritage Night.
(07/26 22:07:27) Calum Traveler: boy, that was an inopportune moment.
(07/26 22:07:30) NoMore: a gahrohevtee can be found inside the big tree in the cleft on the wall... maybe it's still an 'age stabilizer' after all....
(07/26 22:07:39) Carl Palmner: You just hit me in the memories, Calum :)
(07/26 22:07:42) Dni_seeker 5: so what was that about certain substances?
(07/26 22:07:46) Calum Traveler: right so,
(07/26 22:07:48) Carl Palmner: *sniff* Heritage Night *sniff*
(07/26 22:07:52) Calum Traveler: obviously not going to state what substances
(07/26 22:08:08) Calum Traveler: we don't know for sure whether it's all substances, or just a few simple ones like the "Book and Ink" requirement
(07/26 22:08:09) Robert Murry hands Carl a hanky.
(07/26 22:08:12) Dni_seeker 5: i mean, I know what you're talking about because of our discussion in Naybree
(07/26 22:08:25) Calum Traveler: because obviously you can write out an entire book in normal paper and ink and not have a link form
(07/26 22:08:44) Calum Traveler: but there's a few substances that I'm personally wary of, and that Runa'mei is also wary of.
(07/26 22:09:01) Robert Murry: Should we tell them where it was found? And where it might have come?
(07/26 22:09:03) Calum Traveler: as you may or may not know, that whole encounter that lead me to Rei'schu in the first place was because of crystals in an age I wrote,
(07/26 22:09:16) Calum Traveler: well, obviously the Fissure plate came from Riven, Robert,
(07/26 22:09:33) Calum Traveler: but it clearly didn't land at the Cleft itself,
(07/26 22:09:37) Calum Traveler: i dont know the exact location.
(07/26 22:09:52) Robert Murry: Somewhere in the desert.
(07/26 22:10:06) Dni_seeker 5: NOT AGAIN!
(07/26 22:10:29) Robert Murry: Ah KI's!
(07/26 22:11:02) Jules Lavisham: Does anyone have Laxman on speed-dial?
(07/26 22:11:06) NoMore: korroded interior
(07/26 22:11:08) Dni_seeker 5: not me
(07/26 22:11:22) [BUDDIES] From Calum Traveler in Calum Traveler's Relto: and there my KI goes AGAIN.
(07/26 22:12:19) Robert Murry: Cal's back!
(07/26 22:12:21) Buddy: Could someone explain to me what Gahrohev and Gahrohevtee are?
(07/26 22:12:29) Dni_seeker 5: the symbols of the Art
(07/26 22:12:31) Calum Traveler: Gahrohevtee are the symbols of The Art
(07/26 22:12:42) Calum Traveler: you write them in the Descriptive Book, and you get a Link
(07/26 22:12:57) Calum Traveler: anyways, TLDR the point I was trying to make
(07/26 22:13:21) Robert Murry: In a book, yes. But on a metal Plate?
(07/26 22:13:21) Calum Traveler: Rei'schu's crystals are very similar to the Vertigo Crystals which I wrote to combine elements of two crystals we know have a similar effect to the Art
(07/26 22:13:31) Calum Traveler: Tay's agate crystal windows, and the Rime crystals,
(07/26 22:13:55) Calum Traveler: and we know that Rei'schu developed a replacement for aged out an unusable linking books via their crystals,
(07/26 22:14:03) Calum Traveler: crystals that have been stolen repeatedly in recent months,
(07/26 22:14:34) Calum Traveler: so, Runa'mei went off on another hunt for the thieves to try and find them before they take the dumb idea of putting Symbols onto things that have POWER
(07/26 22:15:00) Calum Traveler: because whether or not the Art works on metal plates, or if it only did ANYTHING because of proximity to the Star Fissure,
(07/26 22:15:04) Calum Traveler: or if they even did anything at all
(07/26 22:15:21) Calum Traveler: hte idea is now *out there* and if someone's dumb enough to use a chainsaw in Naybree and set off a cliff colapse?
(07/26 22:15:35) Calum Traveler: they might be dumb enough to carve a symbol into something they shouldn't that could destabilize an entire age.
(07/26 22:15:42) Dni_seeker 5: The Lumberjack Journal seems to imply that these guys are SCIENTISTS, so I wouldn't put them beyond them to do this kind of experiment.
(07/26 22:16:16) Calum Traveler: so, to TLDR all of that.... yeah. Rand put a potentially Gehn Brand Bootleg Gahrohevtee into the open
(07/26 22:16:21) Calum Traveler: and we don't have a *clue* what it does.
(07/26 22:16:32) Jules Lavisham: This seems... ill-advised.
(07/26 22:16:34) Calum Traveler glances at KI.
(07/26 22:16:41) Calum Traveler: well, it's very Zandi of Rand,
(07/26 22:16:51) Robert Murry: Which is why the palte is under lock-and-key, so nobody tries anything foolish.
(07/26 22:17:01) Robert Murry: plate
(07/26 22:17:16) Calum Traveler: Jeff wasn't the biggest fan of the DRC's ways of doing things, but I think even he understood the need to keep Gahrohevtee out of the public eye.
(07/26 22:17:32) Calum Traveler: and why I've advised our writers to not let the wider known symbolsets out into the public, Robert,
(07/26 22:17:45) Robert Murry: Agreed.
(07/26 22:17:55) Calum Traveler: the, uh, unfortunate reality of the situation is that I can't even entirely be concerned about those scientists either
(07/26 22:18:09) Calum Traveler: a Symbol is out there showing the way these things are formatted,
(07/26 22:18:28) Calum Traveler: if carving the Art into things *Can* have an effect
(07/26 22:18:45) Calum Traveler: anyone, theoretically, can now carve a random slew of D'ni letters into any shape they want to and it might well actually do something.
(07/26 22:19:07) Buddy: Chaos!
(07/26 22:19:13) Dni_seeker 5: indeed.
(07/26 22:19:16) Jules Lavisham: So you're saying any daft banana with a chisel and a cursory knowledge of D'ni...
(07/26 22:19:20) Carl Palmner: Have to go. Sorry!
(07/26 22:19:22) NoMore: disco balls an coavern ceilings
(07/26 22:19:26) Calum Traveler: could carve a Volcano into a garden yeah
(07/26 22:19:29) Calum Traveler: later, Carl
(07/26 22:19:30) Calum Traveler: take care
(07/26 22:19:36) Jules Lavisham: Later Carl
(07/26 22:19:37) Calum Traveler takes a deep breath
(07/26 22:19:43) Jules Lavisham: Well
(07/26 22:19:48) Jules Lavisham: I'm not sleeping tonight
(07/26 22:20:02) Calum Traveler: it's very much a shakeup none of us were expecting.
(07/26 22:20:08) Robert Murry: welcome to the club, Jules.
(07/26 22:20:15) Calum Traveler runs hand through hair.
(07/26 22:20:18) Jules Lavisham: I grew up with SimCity.
(07/26 22:20:29) NoMore: the lion sleeps tonight
(07/26 22:20:32) Calum Traveler: if we're lucky, we'll find the crystal thieves before they do something reckless
(07/26 22:20:38) Jules Lavisham: I've seen what that power can do to people.
(07/26 22:20:46) Calum Traveler: if we're not, we'll be fortunate that they do it in an age that is NOT Earth
(07/26 22:21:07) Calum Traveler: i would certainly hope that anyone who wants to experiment like this will NOT be reckless enough to experiment in our own home age.
(07/26 22:21:44) Calum Traveler: hopefully, most folks will be sane and cautious about this.
(07/26 22:21:48) Buddy: Even pigs are smart enough to know that they shouldn't go to the bathroom where they eat.
(07/26 22:22:14) Calum Traveler: onto some lighter news, tangential to that.
(07/26 22:22:35) Calum Traveler: it seems that in their digging around out in the desert, Rand and Richard VW did find some stuff related to Riven,
(07/26 22:22:43) Calum Traveler: and possibly also to Atrus' early years,
(07/26 22:23:14) Calum Traveler: their reprint of The Book of Atrus and the Riven remake itself have been teased to have 'clarifications' made to things that were murky or unclear or 'best guessed' back in the 90s,
(07/26 22:23:28) Calum Traveler: archaeologically speaking, I'm happy to hear it,
(07/26 22:23:37) Robert Murry: Same here.
(07/26 22:23:54) Jules Lavisham: Very much so here.
(07/26 22:24:06) Calum Traveler: I'm not sure when the first print run of the new BOA will come out, but hopefully it will be soon.
(07/26 22:24:35) Calum Traveler: i'm sure we'll have many more lore shakeups to deal with from it as well.
(07/26 22:24:52) Calum Traveler takes a moment to breath...
(07/26 22:24:55) Calum Traveler eyes the KI again...
(07/26 22:25:23) Robert Murry: I've already ordered my copy.
(07/26 22:25:31) Calum Traveler: i'm not going to chance it busting on me again, so I'll open the floor to discussions
(07/26 22:25:54) Calum Traveler: i'm officially 'ending' the town hall here, with the thanks for coming and all that.
(07/26 22:26:12) Calum Traveler: if my KI crashes again I'll be working to get it fixed.
(07/26 22:26:20) Robert Murry: Thank you, Calum.
(07/26 22:26:25) NoMore claps his hands
(07/26 22:26:26) Calum Traveler: thank you all for coming, and listening to this update.
(07/26 22:26:29) Jules Lavisham: Yes, many thanks Calum.
(07/26 22:26:42) Sleeper Jan: till next time
(07/26 22:26:42) Buddy: Thank you for the update Calum. Got to go... cheers!
(07/26 22:26:43) Calum Traveler: same time next month,
(07/26 22:26:44) Sleeper Jan: thanks
(07/26 22:26:49) Isa =^.^= waves goodbye
(07/26 22:26:55) Calum Traveler: later, all
(07/26 22:26:58) Sleeper Jan: byeeeeeeeee
(07/26 22:27:07) Calum Traveler sits down and pokes at his KI...
(07/26 22:27:20) Jules Lavisham exhales
(07/26 22:27:23) Jules Lavisham: Blimey.
(07/26 22:27:28) NoMore: I guess aegura plaza stage is still in repair...
(07/26 22:27:37) Calum Traveler: i need to poke Hazado about it,
(07/26 22:27:42) Dni_seeker 5: this has me VERY concerned.
(07/26 22:27:43) Calum Traveler: but he's been busy,
(07/26 22:27:46) Robert Murry: A lot to take in eh?
(07/26 22:27:52) Jules Lavisham: To say the least.
(07/26 22:28:00) Dni_seeker 5: no, Calum and I already talked about this.
(07/26 22:28:13) Dni_seeker 5: But it was a lot to take in THEN.
(07/26 22:28:26) Calum Traveler: the situation is... less than ideal.
(07/26 22:28:57) Dni_seeker 5: at least Naybree's getting better. But if those smugglers decide to do something stupid...
(07/26 22:29:07) Calum Traveler peers at the KI...
(07/26 22:29:20) Calum Traveler: aaahh... something's jammed into the power button....
(07/26 22:29:27) Calum Traveler: or, the button itself is...
(07/26 22:29:30) Robert Murry: Sometime soon let's get together at the pub for drink, Jules. There's been a great deal that I need to tell you.
(07/26 22:29:35) NoMore: don't break it, Calum
(07/26 22:29:42) Calum Traveler: i've broken plenty of KIs,
(07/26 22:29:46) Calum Traveler: i know how to fix it if it does
(07/26 22:29:50) NoMore: lol
(07/26 22:29:55) Jules Lavisham: Yes, absolutely Rob. I should be in a position soon where I can start popping up again with some regularity,
(07/26 22:30:05) Calum Traveler: yeah, i think we should do another wine-n-dine thing
(07/26 22:30:10) Jules Lavisham: Oho
(07/26 22:30:10) NoMore: good to know when I need mine repaired one day...
(07/26 22:30:11) Calum Traveler: kelsei liked your last one :)
(07/26 22:30:15) Robert Murry: Just let me know.
(07/26 22:30:15) Jules Lavisham: There's a thought
(07/26 22:30:30) Calum Traveler gazes at the Ki and then sighs
(07/26 22:30:35) Calum Traveler: i'll fiddle with it later
(07/26 22:30:48) Jules Lavisham: I did grab some nice red from my colleague Professor Dickinson when I visited him recently
(07/26 22:30:48) Robert Murry: Hmm.. I'm up for that.
(07/26 22:30:57) Calum Traveler: dont forget to grab your shirts from the pub on your next visit, too, Jules.
(07/26 22:30:59) Jules Lavisham: Sure I can put it to good use
(07/26 22:31:08) Calum Traveler: shirt? shirts? etc.
(07/26 22:31:14) Jules Lavisham: Will do Cal
(07/26 22:31:27) Calum Traveler: im going to head out... ah, Jules, if you can forwards me the chatlog?
(07/26 22:31:29) Dni_seeker 5: Let's hope that those things don't lead to more crazy problems.
(07/26 22:31:32) Calum Traveler: i think mine is utterly fried.
(07/26 22:31:40) Calum Traveler: the chatlog that is
(07/26 22:31:42) Jules Lavisham: Right, onwards. Nice to see you all again, I'll keep in touch.
(07/26 22:31:45) Jules Lavisham: Will do Cal.
(07/26 22:31:50) Jules Lavisham waves goodbye
(07/26 22:31:51) Robert Murry: I'll bring some cheese that I got from Rand. He does have a particuliar taste.
(07/26 22:32:01) Calum Traveler waves goodbye
(07/26 22:32:02) NoMore: not running short on shirts... shorts...
(07/26 22:32:06) Jules Lavisham: Aha, *exceptional*.
(07/26 22:32:15) Robert Murry waves goodbye
(07/26 22:32:24) ...Chat.log stopped.
Calum Traveler - KI# 34810
-Traveler's Cavern Log-
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