(07/14 14:08:45) Kelsei A.T.: shorah cpt,
(07/14 14:09:34) Kelsei A.T. mumbles something, scribbling into a notebook...
(07/14 14:10:55) Kelsei A.T.: ...no no, that translation doesn't work out, it's probably...
(07/14 14:11:08) Kelsei A.T. scratches something out, and rewrites it...
(07/14 14:11:10) Cpt.Jericho: ...sausages?
(07/14 14:11:18) Kelsei A.T.: hm? No, that's not the word,
(07/14 14:11:51) Kelsei A.T.: i am getting hungry though.
(07/14 14:12:02) Kelsei A.T. digs through her desk to check for snacks...
(07/14 14:12:14) Cpt.Jericho: Well, sausages at least are the answer for that question
(07/14 14:12:46) Kelsei A.T.: maybe
(07/14 14:12:59) Kelsei A.T. fetches a bag of animal shaped crackers and pops it open
(07/14 14:13:31) Kelsei A.T. munches on a handful of crackers as she reviews her notes...
(07/14 14:15:15) Kelsei A.T.: hrm... definite misappropriation of religious imagery there, original author...
(07/14 14:15:26) Kelsei A.T. scribbles in a note
(07/14 14:17:55) Kelsei A.T. frowns
(07/14 14:18:06) Kelsei A.T.: hold on... why is that a different pronoun?
(07/14 14:18:11) Kelsei A.T. reviews over the entire document over...
(07/14 14:18:57) ural: Hello
(07/14 14:19:09) Kelsei A.T.: hello
(07/14 14:19:21) Kelsei A.T. continues to reread her notes, frowning at them...
(07/14 14:19:28) ural: New?
(07/14 14:20:03) Kelsei A.T.: me? no.
(07/14 14:20:09) ural: Ohh
(07/14 14:20:23) Kelsei A.T.: working on some translation work,
(07/14 14:20:30) Cpt.Jericho: Hi ural
(07/14 14:20:37) ural: Seeing so many names lately
(07/14 14:20:44) ural: Hello
(07/14 14:21:03) ural: That i dont recognize
(07/14 14:21:21) Kelsei A.T.: yes, it is nice to see lots of new faces

(07/14 14:22:23) ural: What year did you join uru??
(07/14 14:23:17) Kelsei A.T.: i first came down a... oh, he disappeared.
(07/14 14:23:53) Kelsei A.T. bundles up the depleted cracker bag and tosses it in the trash bin
(07/14 14:24:55) Kelsei A.T. stands up, yawns, and stretches her arms and back
(07/14 14:25:27) Cpt.Jericho: What are you working on?
(07/14 14:26:19) Kelsei A.T.: it's been
(07/14 14:26:21) Kelsei A.T.: eh
(07/14 14:26:34) Kelsei A.T.: something related to the cathedral, mostly
(07/14 14:26:42) Cpt.Jericho: Ah
(07/14 14:26:51) Kelsei A.T.: Runa'mei reviewed a document I did for there a while back, but found it... contrasting.
(07/14 14:27:05) Kelsei A.T.: so i'm comparing my original notes with things she could source from Rei'schu.
(07/14 14:27:07) ural: Crashed, sorry
(07/14 14:27:15) Cpt.Jericho: I see
(07/14 14:27:21) Kelsei A.T.: KIs tend to do that, unfortunately,
(07/14 14:27:44) Kelsei A.T.: i've been finding there's quite a lot of discrepancies between the versions of the story
(07/14 14:28:08) Kelsei A.T.: most of the general underpinnings are the same, but there's definite changes the D'ni version of the story underwent- that much was obvious from the start, but it's...
(07/14 14:28:09) Cpt.Jericho: Like in the four gospels?
(07/14 14:28:18) Kelsei A.T. nods, considering
(07/14 14:28:31) Kelsei A.T.: something like that, yes.
(07/14 14:29:02) Kelsei A.T.: it's strange, really. the amount of revisionism that went on really goes to paint a more fantastical picture than what seemed to really happen.
(07/14 14:29:21) Kelsei A.T.: also, I'm beginning to suspect the D'ni writers decided to change around the genders of the central two protagonists for whatever reason.
(07/14 14:29:37) Cpt.Jericho shrugs
(07/14 14:29:37) Cpt.Jericho: Like the stories of people doing fly fishing.
(07/14 14:29:41) Kelsei A.T. shrugs
(07/14 14:29:55) Kelsei A.T.: something like that, yes,
(07/14 14:30:02) Cpt.Jericho: Where a sardine becomes a whale after a few years
(07/14 14:30:06) Kelsei A.T. starts to laugh
(07/14 14:30:20) Kelsei A.T.: oh, yes, something like that indeed, in most of the mundane respects.
(07/14 14:31:17) Kelsei A.T.: unfortunately the endeavors related to the actual calamity that befel Rei'schu seem to somewhat closer to eachother in the depictions, likely because nobody really knew what happened and it was a fantastical story from the onset.
(07/14 14:32:05) Cpt.Jericho: I see
(07/14 14:32:38) Kelsei A.T.: there's a lot of extra emphasis placed on the 'knife' that caused it in the D'ni version,
(07/14 14:33:10) Kelsei A.T.: though, that seems to vary depending on the actual teller of the tale
(07/14 14:33:23) Kelsei A.T.: I've reviewed a few versions of the myth from Rei'schu that put even more emphasis on it than others.
(07/14 14:33:45) Kelsei A.T.: what people reach for in the wake of a tragedy when it comes to excuses is fascinating, and sad.
(07/14 14:33:59) Cpt.Jericho: Well, people to emphasize things they consider important
(07/14 14:34:24) Cpt.Jericho: or handy to make their point
(07/14 14:34:24) Kelsei A.T.: Calum thinks its only importance was that it was used as a carving tool, much as a writer uses a pen to ink words to paper.
(07/14 14:34:51) Kelsei A.T.: I'm uncertain that his theory about it being used to carve a Gahrohevtee is anywhere near accurate.
(07/14 14:35:09) Kelsei A.T. shakes her head
(07/14 14:35:36) Kelsei A.T.: still, I can't blame him for being paranoid. The very idea that placing one of the words of the Art into an age, physically, would have an effect on it outside of the Book is...
(07/14 14:35:46) Kelsei A.T.: it's terrifying to consider, given what we know of the Bahro's abilities.
(07/14 14:36:17) Kelsei A.T.: Personally, I think most of the damage had to have been done to the Descriptive book first.
(07/14 14:36:46) Cpt.Jericho: Well, that's far from my field of expertise to judge.
(07/14 14:36:49) Kelsei A.T.: mine too
(07/14 14:36:56) Kelsei A.T.: I do words, but not *those* words.
(07/14 14:37:16) Kelsei A.T. shakes her head
(07/14 14:37:42) Kelsei A.T.: honestly, I'm just going to focus on what I do best for the time being.
(07/14 14:37:48) Kelsei A.T. pats her notebook and smiles
(07/14 14:37:57) Kelsei A.T.: Translations, and re-translating old work.
(07/14 14:38:27) Kelsei A.T.: between me and Runa'mei, I think we might be able to tense out the specific changes made for the D'ni version of the Myths and get a bit closer to the truth of it.
(07/14 14:38:53) Cpt.Jericho: Which one is the older version?
(07/14 14:39:05) Kelsei A.T.: we're working to find the oldest versions from Rei'schu
(07/14 14:39:18) Kelsei A.T.: the D'ni version is decidedly the 'newest' version on our side of the link.
(07/14 14:39:36) Kelsei A.T.: it was riddled with anachronisms, too.
(07/14 14:39:51) Cpt.Jericho: Makes it the least reliable form my point of view
(07/14 14:39:56) Kelsei A.T.: indeed,
(07/14 14:40:02) ural: Interesting
(07/14 14:40:17) Kelsei A.T.: it's a good contrasting point, though, in retrospect,
(07/14 14:40:18) Cpt.Jericho: It's not like the D'ni didn't know trickery
(07/14 14:40:35) Kelsei A.T.: I'm going to be leaving a copy of both my original translations and the newest version in the Cathedral, when we have that ready,
(07/14 14:40:42) Kelsei A.T.: that way people can compare and contrast for themselves.
(07/14 14:40:57) Kelsei A.T.: given the family of the Cathedral Island had turned it all into a cult,
(07/14 14:41:05) Kelsei A.T.: trickery isn't surprising,
(07/14 14:41:31) Kelsei A.T.: really, though, the amount of cults that D'ni had is frankly a bit annoying from an archeological perspective.
(07/14 14:41:41) Kelsei A.T.: so many versions of the same myths and legends, all differing...
(07/14 14:41:51) Kelsei A.T.: it's a miracle anyone ever gets anything accurately written down anywhere.
(07/14 14:42:17) Cpt.Jericho: They probably used artistic license whenever possible
(07/14 14:42:33) Kelsei A.T.: oh, no doubt,
(07/14 14:42:46) Kelsei A.T.: i'm fairly certain the D'ni version of the myth is *chock full* of it.
(07/14 14:43:19) Cpt.Jericho: Yeah, like reading the reports of battles you actually fought in
(07/14 14:43:27) Kelsei A.T. nods her head
(07/14 14:43:51) Cpt.Jericho: You wouldn't believe what the brass thinks is important
(07/14 14:44:00) Kelsei A.T.: oh, i have my suspicions
(07/14 14:44:06) Cpt.Jericho: Or what they rather omit
(07/14 14:44:12) Kelsei A.T.: the amount of nonsense I've seen from my surface job alone...
(07/14 14:44:13) Kelsei A.T. snorts
(07/14 14:44:26) Kelsei A.T.: well, the less said about *that* the better.
(07/14 14:44:42) Cpt.Jericho: Yep, or this place starts to swarm with feds
(07/14 14:45:01) Kelsei A.T.: let's hope that never happens.
(07/14 14:45:23) Cpt.Jericho: I'm sure they have a deployment in the cavern
(07/14 14:45:35) Cpt.Jericho: With all them foreigners around
(07/14 14:45:48) Cpt.Jericho: Probably looking for tunnels leading to Mexico
(07/14 14:45:59) Kelsei A.T.: eh,
(07/14 14:46:12) Kelsei A.T.: i don't think that'd be why they'd be down here,
(07/14 14:46:28) Kelsei A.T.: the Books and the Technology probably are a bigger fascination.
(07/14 14:46:36) ural: Yes
(07/14 14:46:39) Cpt.Jericho: You think they're not crazy enough? Rest assured they are
(07/14 14:46:59) Kelsei A.T.: though I think the International angle of the site lends it something of an "Atlantis" situation.
(07/14 14:47:33) Cpt.Jericho: Well, there points of D'ni history that are similar to Atlantis
(07/14 14:47:44) Kelsei A.T.: I'm sure that we've probably got many eyes on us from around the world down here,
(07/14 14:48:11) Kelsei A.T.: but if they're around, they're wisely keeping away from actively interfering lest it become an international incident.
(07/14 14:48:43) ural: Hard to belive
(07/14 14:48:56) Cpt.Jericho: Well, never underestimate the stupidity of bureaucrats
(07/14 14:49:01) Kelsei A.T.: it's either that, or we have friends in high places hiding the Cavern from the stupid ones.
(07/14 14:49:19) Kelsei A.T.: i think i'd like to believe that one more, personally.
(07/14 14:49:47) Cpt.Jericho: It's certainly a version that lets you sleep at night
(07/14 14:50:17) Kelsei A.T.: indeed.
(07/14 14:50:27) Kelsei A.T. checks the time...
(07/14 14:50:43) Kelsei A.T.: ah, it's almost time for Iwonk's stream. I think I'll head out for that now

(07/14 14:50:51) Cpt.Jericho: Ok, see you
(07/14 14:50:52) Kelsei A.T.: thank you for the chat, Cpt.
(07/14 14:50:57) Cpt.Jericho: My pleasure
(07/14 14:51:01) Kelsei A.T. fetches her notebook and tucks it away in a pocket.
(07/14 14:51:05) Kelsei A.T. nods to ural
(07/14 14:51:12) Kelsei A.T.: pleasure to meet you,

(07/14 14:51:13) ural: Interesting story, ideas
(07/14 14:51:33) Cpt.Jericho: Is this where the booze is hidden?
(07/14 14:51:37) Kelsei A.T.: yes, stories can be very interesting... it's all how the people telling them execute them
(07/14 14:51:38) Kelsei A.T.: ah, no, cpt.
(07/14 14:51:44) Kelsei A.T.: that's over by jules' desk
(07/14 14:51:50) Kelsei A.T.: the locked cabinet
(07/14 14:51:53) Kelsei A.T.: in the corner
(07/14 14:51:57) Cpt.Jericho: Then why's there's skulls on them crates?
(07/14 14:52:01) Kelsei A.T.: dont ask me,
(07/14 14:52:04) Kelsei A.T.: i didnt bring those ones
(07/14 14:52:21) Kelsei A.T. points
(07/14 14:52:26) Kelsei A.T.: if you're looking for drinks
(07/14 14:52:34) Kelsei A.T.: you may want to ask Jules for the key, next time you see him.
(07/14 14:52:41) Cpt.Jericho: This looks more like chemistry...
(07/14 14:53:03) Kelsei A.T.: well, Jules does want to keep his stash hidden from prying eyes, lol
(07/14 14:53:12) Kelsei A.T.: i joke, i joke
(07/14 14:53:27) Cpt.Jericho: Well, I've seen a universal key in the messengers pub
(07/14 14:53:38) Kelsei A.T.: ...the hammer?

(07/14 14:53:41) Cpt.Jericho: Hehehe
(07/14 14:53:44) Kelsei A.T. starts to laugh
(07/14 14:53:50) Kelsei A.T.: well, that's a thought
(07/14 14:53:52) ural: Lol
(07/14 14:53:53) Kelsei A.T.: anyways, im off
(07/14 14:53:57) Kelsei A.T.: have a good night, you two
(07/14 14:53:59) Kelsei A.T. waves goodbye
(07/14 14:54:05) Cpt.Jericho waves goodbye
(07/14 14:54:26) ...Chat.log stopped.