05/24/23 - Jules, Kelsei, Runa'mei and others in the GoMe Pub
Posted: Wed May 24, 2023 9:44 pm
(05/24 19:48:46) Kelsei A.T.: shorah, jules
(05/24 19:48:58) Runa'mei waves hello
(05/24 19:49:02) Jules Lavisham: Shorah, Kelsei!
(05/24 19:50:01) Jules Lavisham: Be over in a moment, just dropping off assorted whatnots behind the bar
(05/24 19:50:08) Kelsei A.T.:
(05/24 19:50:36) Jules Lavisham secretes several bottles and a covered plate away
(05/24 19:51:27) Jules Lavisham: There we go. IwonK officially has some competition for tasties today.
(05/24 19:51:33) Jules Lavisham waves hello
(05/24 19:51:43) Runa'mei: hello, Jules.
(05/24 19:51:47) Jules Lavisham: Shorah, all
(05/24 19:51:48) IwonK: my cookies never lose
(05/24 19:52:01) IwonK passes around the bestest cookies
(05/24 19:52:02) Jules Lavisham: Ah, hello there Runa'mei! Long time no see!
(05/24 19:52:06) Kelsei A.T. thanks you very much!
(05/24 19:52:32) Runa'mei: I've been busy. Had some business that required my attention back home admist other things.
(05/24 19:53:01) Runa'mei: You'd be surprised how fast time flies when dealing with things you'd rather not be.
(05/24 19:53:50) Kelsei A.T. grumbles about work
(05/24 19:54:10) Jules Lavisham: I can imagine. The feeling is known.
(05/24 19:54:14) Kelsei A.T.: that it is.
(05/24 19:54:40) Kelsei A.T.: ah, i think i lost fil's stream
(05/24 19:54:45) Kelsei A.T. fiddles with the radio
(05/24 19:54:45) IwonK: me too
(05/24 19:54:45) Jules Lavisham: Surface affairs have been taking up a lot of my own time as well.
(05/24 19:54:55) Jules Lavisham: Yeah, just conked out for me too.
(05/24 19:55:12) Kelsei A.T.: ah, there we go
(05/24 19:55:20) Kelsei A.T.: got it back,
(05/24 19:55:39) Kelsei A.T.: life is annoying like that, isnt it? minor inconveniences stacking up.
(05/24 19:55:49) Kelsei A.T.: shorah, Schiavona
(05/24 19:55:50) IwonK: hi Schiavona
(05/24 19:55:59) Minasunda says hey
(05/24 19:56:06) Jules Lavisham: Shorah Schiavona
(05/24 19:56:24) Schiavona: Shorah everyone! Surface work's been really kicking my butt recently
(05/24 19:56:40) Jules Lavisham: Seems to be the going thing right now.
(05/24 19:57:10) Jules Lavisham: Work's been trying to get me onto the networking game more and more since the beginning of the year.
(05/24 19:57:21) Schiavona: Yeah, and that'll be all I say about it. No bummers allowed.
(05/24 19:57:47) Kelsei A.T.: work has been exhausting and busy, and thats really all there is to say on the matter.
(05/24 19:57:47) Jules Lavisham: Mind you, some of the events have been rather fun at times.
(05/24 19:58:09) Jules Lavisham: Last night's was actually more my thing. Cheese and Wine tasting.
(05/24 19:58:26) Schiavona: Oooh, that sounds tasty.
(05/24 19:59:16) Jules Lavisham: Indeed! Anything that involves port, stilton and combinations thereof gets my approval in all things
(05/24 20:00:09) Kelsei A.T.: shorah, pod
(05/24 20:00:19) Schiavona: Shorah, Pod!
(05/24 20:00:20) Minasunda: shorah Pod
(05/24 20:00:21) IwonK: hi Pod
(05/24 20:00:26) PodHopper: Shorah everyone
(05/24 20:00:35) Jules Lavisham: Managed to steal away a few choice bits, keeping them for after
(05/24 20:00:54) IwonK: hi Isa
(05/24 20:01:06) Runa'mei: I think I'll try some if they arent all eaten first, Jules.
(05/24 20:01:13) Kelsei A.T.: shorah isa
(05/24 20:01:14) Schiavona: Shorah Isa!
(05/24 20:01:21) PodHopper: Shorah Isa
(05/24 20:01:22) Kelsei A.T.: shorah fil!
(05/24 20:01:23) Isa =^.^=: hi all
(05/24 20:01:28) IwonK: shoraaaaaaaaaaah Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil
(05/24 20:01:31) Runa'mei: shorah, isa, fil
(05/24 20:01:33) Schiavona: Shorah Fil!
(05/24 20:01:36) PodHopper: Shorah Fil
(05/24 20:01:48) Jules Lavisham: Absolutely, Runa'mei! Have you been introduced to cheese yet?
(05/24 20:01:56) Fil waves hello
(05/24 20:01:56) Jules Lavisham: Shorah, Fil
(05/24 20:02:11) Runa'mei: ive tried some earth cheeses, yes
(05/24 20:02:12) Minasunda: shorah Fil
(05/24 20:02:23) Jules Lavisham: Splendid
(05/24 20:02:30) Jules Lavisham: I try not to oversell cheese
(05/24 20:02:36) Jules Lavisham: but it *does* change your world forever
(05/24 20:03:05) Schiavona: cheese is one thing, but *melted* cheese? hoo boy.
(05/24 20:04:06) IwonK passes around cheese cookies
(05/24 20:04:29) Kelsei A.T.: ah, cheese
(05/24 20:04:45) IwonK: cheesy
(05/24 20:04:49) Kelsei A.T.: doing alright, but tired.
(05/24 20:04:51) IwonK: yep
(05/24 20:04:56) Kelsei A.T.: audio is a little low, fil
(05/24 20:04:58) Minasunda: yes
(05/24 20:05:27) Schiavona: Glad to finally get away from endless tech demos. But I already said I wouldn't talk about it.
(05/24 19:48:46) Kelsei A.T.: shorah, jules

(05/24 19:48:58) Runa'mei waves hello
(05/24 19:49:02) Jules Lavisham: Shorah, Kelsei!
(05/24 19:50:01) Jules Lavisham: Be over in a moment, just dropping off assorted whatnots behind the bar
(05/24 19:50:08) Kelsei A.T.:

(05/24 19:50:36) Jules Lavisham secretes several bottles and a covered plate away
(05/24 19:51:27) Jules Lavisham: There we go. IwonK officially has some competition for tasties today.
(05/24 19:51:33) Jules Lavisham waves hello
(05/24 19:51:43) Runa'mei: hello, Jules.
(05/24 19:51:47) Jules Lavisham: Shorah, all
(05/24 19:51:48) IwonK: my cookies never lose

(05/24 19:52:01) IwonK passes around the bestest cookies

(05/24 19:52:02) Jules Lavisham: Ah, hello there Runa'mei! Long time no see!
(05/24 19:52:06) Kelsei A.T. thanks you very much!
(05/24 19:52:32) Runa'mei: I've been busy. Had some business that required my attention back home admist other things.
(05/24 19:53:01) Runa'mei: You'd be surprised how fast time flies when dealing with things you'd rather not be.
(05/24 19:53:50) Kelsei A.T. grumbles about work
(05/24 19:54:10) Jules Lavisham: I can imagine. The feeling is known.
(05/24 19:54:14) Kelsei A.T.: that it is.
(05/24 19:54:40) Kelsei A.T.: ah, i think i lost fil's stream
(05/24 19:54:45) Kelsei A.T. fiddles with the radio
(05/24 19:54:45) IwonK: me too
(05/24 19:54:45) Jules Lavisham: Surface affairs have been taking up a lot of my own time as well.
(05/24 19:54:55) Jules Lavisham: Yeah, just conked out for me too.
(05/24 19:55:12) Kelsei A.T.: ah, there we go
(05/24 19:55:20) Kelsei A.T.: got it back,
(05/24 19:55:39) Kelsei A.T.: life is annoying like that, isnt it? minor inconveniences stacking up.
(05/24 19:55:49) Kelsei A.T.: shorah, Schiavona

(05/24 19:55:50) IwonK: hi Schiavona

(05/24 19:55:59) Minasunda says hey
(05/24 19:56:06) Jules Lavisham: Shorah Schiavona
(05/24 19:56:24) Schiavona: Shorah everyone! Surface work's been really kicking my butt recently

(05/24 19:56:40) Jules Lavisham: Seems to be the going thing right now.
(05/24 19:57:10) Jules Lavisham: Work's been trying to get me onto the networking game more and more since the beginning of the year.
(05/24 19:57:21) Schiavona: Yeah, and that'll be all I say about it. No bummers allowed.
(05/24 19:57:47) Kelsei A.T.: work has been exhausting and busy, and thats really all there is to say on the matter.
(05/24 19:57:47) Jules Lavisham: Mind you, some of the events have been rather fun at times.
(05/24 19:58:09) Jules Lavisham: Last night's was actually more my thing. Cheese and Wine tasting.
(05/24 19:58:26) Schiavona: Oooh, that sounds tasty.
(05/24 19:59:16) Jules Lavisham: Indeed! Anything that involves port, stilton and combinations thereof gets my approval in all things
(05/24 20:00:09) Kelsei A.T.: shorah, pod
(05/24 20:00:19) Schiavona: Shorah, Pod!
(05/24 20:00:20) Minasunda: shorah Pod

(05/24 20:00:21) IwonK: hi Pod

(05/24 20:00:26) PodHopper: Shorah everyone

(05/24 20:00:35) Jules Lavisham: Managed to steal away a few choice bits, keeping them for after
(05/24 20:00:54) IwonK: hi Isa

(05/24 20:01:06) Runa'mei: I think I'll try some if they arent all eaten first, Jules.
(05/24 20:01:13) Kelsei A.T.: shorah isa
(05/24 20:01:14) Schiavona: Shorah Isa!
(05/24 20:01:21) PodHopper: Shorah Isa

(05/24 20:01:22) Kelsei A.T.: shorah fil!
(05/24 20:01:23) Isa =^.^=: hi all
(05/24 20:01:28) IwonK: shoraaaaaaaaaaah Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil

(05/24 20:01:31) Runa'mei: shorah, isa, fil
(05/24 20:01:33) Schiavona: Shorah Fil!
(05/24 20:01:36) PodHopper: Shorah Fil

(05/24 20:01:48) Jules Lavisham: Absolutely, Runa'mei! Have you been introduced to cheese yet?
(05/24 20:01:56) Fil waves hello
(05/24 20:01:56) Jules Lavisham: Shorah, Fil
(05/24 20:02:11) Runa'mei: ive tried some earth cheeses, yes
(05/24 20:02:12) Minasunda: shorah Fil

(05/24 20:02:23) Jules Lavisham: Splendid
(05/24 20:02:30) Jules Lavisham: I try not to oversell cheese
(05/24 20:02:36) Jules Lavisham: but it *does* change your world forever
(05/24 20:03:05) Schiavona: cheese is one thing, but *melted* cheese? hoo boy.
(05/24 20:04:06) IwonK passes around cheese cookies

(05/24 20:04:29) Kelsei A.T.: ah, cheese
(05/24 20:04:45) IwonK: cheesy

(05/24 20:04:49) Kelsei A.T.: doing alright, but tired.
(05/24 20:04:51) IwonK: yep

(05/24 20:04:56) Kelsei A.T.: audio is a little low, fil
(05/24 20:04:58) Minasunda: yes
(05/24 20:05:27) Schiavona: Glad to finally get away from endless tech demos. But I already said I wouldn't talk about it.