5/1/23 Chiso Hangout. Multiple speakers.

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5/1/23 Chiso Hangout. Multiple speakers.

Post by Traveler263 »

(05/01 12:17:09) Patrick Dulebohn: Wow...something going on today?
(05/01 12:17:11) Patrick Dulebohn laughs
(05/01 12:17:14) Maurus laughs
(05/01 12:17:14) Veo2: Nah
(05/01 12:17:15) Olorin: The lighs ... are moving
(05/01 12:17:20) TOOO: Shorah Patrick
(05/01 12:17:21) Olorin: Is it normal?
(05/01 12:17:26) philipgr: Shorah Patrick :)
(05/01 12:17:28) Jules Lavisham: Shorah, Patrick!
(05/01 12:17:44) Patrick Dulebohn: Hey there, Jules. Hello everyone!
(05/01 12:17:56) Calum Traveler: shorah patrick
(05/01 12:17:59) Minasunda: shorah Patrick :)
(05/01 12:18:05) Patrick Dulebohn: TGMChrist! I've heard there's been good progress over at the memorial.
(05/01 12:18:07) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(05/01 12:18:16) TGMChrist: Yep.
(05/01 12:18:21) Patrick Dulebohn: Good to hear!
(05/01 12:18:49) Olorin: There is a hole in the roof
(05/01 12:18:55) Patrick Dulebohn: We've still got quite a bit of time until things kick off, so let's chat for awhile.
(05/01 12:18:55) Olorin: Irs not safe for books
(05/01 12:18:56) Calum Traveler: yes there is!
(05/01 12:19:10) Patrick Dulebohn: Yes, we have yet to fix that. How embarrassing.
(05/01 12:19:12) Patrick Dulebohn blushes
(05/01 12:19:14) Mr. Nice Hat: Nothing a bit of ramen noodles and hot glue wont fix!
(05/01 12:19:23) TOOO: And duct tape!
(05/01 12:19:25) Patrick Dulebohn: Guess I've been busy in the tunnels as of late.
(05/01 12:19:28) Calum Traveler: to be fair, it's not the most damning piece of structural damage in an age,
(05/01 12:19:30) Calum Traveler: or in D'ni,
(05/01 12:19:35) Jules Lavisham: Duct tape or WD40.
(05/01 12:19:35) Prad: Fix it,Felix.
(05/01 12:19:37) philipgr: It lets the pgeons in.
(05/01 12:19:45) philipgr: pigeins&
(05/01 12:19:45) Jules Lavisham: With either of these, you can fix the *world*
(05/01 12:19:46) Calum Traveler mumbles something about Naybree's ongoing geological instabilities.
(05/01 12:19:54) philipgr: pigeons^
(05/01 12:19:56) Prad: dark winged duct tape, to be exact...
(05/01 12:20:00) Patrick Dulebohn: They are the miracle cure for any DIY project.
(05/01 12:20:08) TOOO: I *still* think Naybree sounds like a bowling tournament!
(05/01 12:20:16) Babbeltje.40: shorah N'Chaka
(05/01 12:20:18) EdisonRex: heh
(05/01 12:20:22) Calum Traveler: that's not the worst comparison ive heard, TOOO
(05/01 12:20:27) Olorin: if you use noodles to fix the roof then i will eat the roof
(05/01 12:20:28) TOOO starts to laugh
(05/01 12:20:35) Calum Traveler: between war tanks, thunder, and bowling alleys...
(05/01 12:20:37) Calum Traveler: well,
(05/01 12:20:46) Calum Traveler: collapsing rock is a very loud, booming noise.
(05/01 12:20:49) TOOO: No, I didn't see any wells
(05/01 12:20:52) Jules Lavisham: I am reliably informed that Udon is the superior noodle.
(05/01 12:21:01) TGMChrist: I will talk more of the Fall of D'ni Memorial Island on AGM this week.
(05/01 12:21:05) Maurus: Well, we got the word out on the TCT feed, Calum, so hopefully folks are taking the needed precautions when they visit for now. ;)
(05/01 12:21:11) Calum Traveler: mhm, thanks for that.
(05/01 12:21:22) Calum Traveler: hopefully the shaking will clear up in a few months.
(05/01 12:21:27) Patrick Dulebohn: I look forward to it, TGMChrist. I've only been able to glance at the work on your desk briefly.
(05/01 12:21:29) Calum Traveler: if it doesn't, that means something worse is happening.
(05/01 12:21:30) Rik: Naybree has problems?
(05/01 12:21:36) Calum Traveler: yes, sink hole formed,
(05/01 12:21:41) Calum Traveler: big active ongoing collapse right now
(05/01 12:21:42) Patrick Dulebohn: Oh my!
(05/01 12:21:45) philipgr: Shake, rattle and roll
(05/01 12:21:48) Jules Lavisham: It's going a bit wrong, Rik.
(05/01 12:21:56) Calum Traveler: if you head there, youll hear a lot of booming and rocks breaking
(05/01 12:21:56) Rik: yikes
(05/01 12:22:08) Calum Traveler: and depending on time of day, you might be able to see the smoke cloud going up
(05/01 12:22:12) Rik: I was there a few days ago, no issues
(05/01 12:22:15) TGMChrist: I was there Calum.
(05/01 12:22:17) Riatero: So crowdy :D
(05/01 12:22:23) Minasunda: shorah Chogon :)
(05/01 12:22:28) Calum Traveler: shorah, chogon :)
(05/01 12:22:29) Patrick Dulebohn: Yep. Best to just have a seat and enjoy the company.
(05/01 12:22:32) TOOO: Shorah Chogon!
(05/01 12:22:33) Olorin: shorah mina
(05/01 12:22:41) Mirphak: shorah Chogon
(05/01 12:22:42) EdisonRex: shorah Chogon
(05/01 12:22:43) philipgr: Shorah Chogon :)
(05/01 12:22:43) ondine: Shorah Chogon :)
(05/01 12:22:47) Patrick Dulebohn: Also, it's the best place to get rumblings about the work we're doing. We like to talk shop a lot here.
(05/01 12:22:48) Jules Lavisham: Shorah there, Chogon.
(05/01 12:22:50) Chogon: what are all these people doing here? Oh, right :)
(05/01 12:22:51) Briggs waves hello
(05/01 12:22:51) TGMChrist: Shorah Chogon.
(05/01 12:22:52) Rik: shorah, Chogon!
(05/01 12:22:53) PodHopper: Shorah Chogon :)
(05/01 12:23:01) Prad: lol Chogon
(05/01 12:23:02) skyisblu: LOL
(05/01 12:23:05) Patrick Dulebohn: They know where the party is, Chogon. Heh.
(05/01 12:23:07) TOOO: Yes, it's a sit-in
(05/01 12:23:07) Jules Lavisham: Well, if you want rumblings, Naybree is the place to go at the moment...
(05/01 12:23:13) skyisblu: hi Chogon :D
(05/01 12:23:15) Jules Lavisham: ... heh. Sorry, Cal.
(05/01 12:23:16) Calum Traveler: just stay off the tops of the cliffs for now
(05/01 12:23:21) Chogon: Party!
(05/01 12:23:24) Patrick Dulebohn: Ha! I meant the metaphorical type, Jules.
(05/01 12:23:25) Patrick Dulebohn laughs
(05/01 12:23:25) Sleeper Jan: claps
(05/01 12:23:27) Calum Traveler: you're liable to fall through the world if the ground falls out from under you at the wrong moment.
(05/01 12:23:38) Jules Lavisham laughs
(05/01 12:24:04) Patrick Dulebohn: Although that is troubling to hear about Naybree. Sorry I haven't had time to follow up. As ever, be careful there.
(05/01 12:24:06) Prad: and the world falls when you fall through the world... don't be Riven...
(05/01 12:24:07) Olorin: I like to fall through worlds. All the air in the hair
(05/01 12:24:17) Calum Traveler: it's fine, Patrick
(05/01 12:24:21) Riatero: I didn't even know there was this much outfit options
(05/01 12:24:22) Calum Traveler: there's not much any of us can do right now.
(05/01 12:24:33) Calum Traveler: just give it time
(05/01 12:24:36) Calum Traveler: hope it stops soon
(05/01 12:24:36) Patrick Dulebohn nods
(05/01 12:24:37) Chogon: 120+ people online so far
(05/01 12:24:39) Rik: I love Naybree
(05/01 12:24:41) TOOO: !
(05/01 12:24:54) ametist': Thats good crowd :)
(05/01 12:25:02) Calum Traveler: i'd like to open beach access *sometime* this year, but, we'll see.
(05/01 12:25:10) TOOO: You never know when you're going to find another abandoned journal in Naybree
(05/01 12:25:21) Patrick Dulebohn: I hope so too. You put a lot of work into that Age, and it's be a shame to abandon it now over a few shakes.
(05/01 12:25:24) Calum Traveler has other projects to attend to that are presently on hold due to trying to keep ontop of Naybree's shaking...
(05/01 12:26:06) Calum Traveler: worst case scenario we pull it from the active circles here and put the book downstairs, Patrick.
(05/01 12:26:09) Patrick Dulebohn: Olorin has the right idea...a Maintainer's suit. Quite durable when exploring the unknown.
(05/01 12:26:28) Olorin: Always be safe
(05/01 12:26:38) Patrick Dulebohn: Definitely recommended in the underground tunnels at the moment...at least if you go further down then we've already fixed.
(05/01 12:26:46) Calum Traveler: yes, Descent...
(05/01 12:26:50) Patrick Dulebohn: Er, those tunnels being back on Earth, that is.
(05/01 12:26:54) Robert Murry: Sestra
(05/01 12:26:54) Briggs: Hardhats are fine by me
(05/01 12:27:07) Patrick Dulebohn: Those will work too.
(05/01 12:27:09) Calum Traveler: elevators seemed to be working mostly fine last me, Kelsei, and Ehren went through it the other night.
(05/01 12:27:16) TOOO: Very much looking forward to riding the elevator in Descent!
(05/01 12:27:19) Mr. Nice Hat: The best safety is common sense, that's what I say
(05/01 12:27:22) Calum Traveler: well, mostly.
(05/01 12:27:30) Patrick Dulebohn: Yeah, they can be quite fickle at times, but at least they're running.
(05/01 12:27:31) Calum Traveler: sometimes the wheels spun but the breaks didnt release.
(05/01 12:27:33) Prad: the scent of descent...
(05/01 12:27:43) Patrick Dulebohn: Just need to hammer out the kinks...perhaps literally!
(05/01 12:27:49) Calum Traveler: hopefully.
(05/01 12:28:02) TOOO: Wouldn't the Davies brothers object?
(05/01 12:28:16) Olorin: are we doing descent puns again? I thought we have to be decent tonight
(05/01 12:28:24) TOOO: Hee hee hee
(05/01 12:28:28) ShilohOBrien: Cyan should collaberate with Black Phoenix Alchemy Labs or Succrabae for Myst perfumes. Then we can have the Scent of Decent.
(05/01 12:28:35) Calum Traveler: also, Patrick, i think somethings off with the ventilator fans
(05/01 12:28:45) Patrick Dulebohn: Oh believe me, I've heard all the jokes...and given our mixed audience, let's be careful with what we say about it.
(05/01 12:28:46) Calum Traveler: we noticed the fan was holding a charge even when the generator was off,
(05/01 12:28:47) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(05/01 12:29:11) Patrick Dulebohn: Really? Interesting.
(05/01 12:29:12) philipgr: Boom
(05/01 12:29:17) Olorin: I volunteer to do the descent
(05/01 12:29:18) Robert Murry: By the way Patrick.
(05/01 12:29:18) Calum Traveler: and some of the fog down there was a bit more... orangey than it otherwise should have been.
(05/01 12:29:20) Olorin: just yeet me in
(05/01 12:29:23) Patrick Dulebohn: I wonder if there's some sort of backup batter somewhere.
(05/01 12:29:28) Patrick Dulebohn: Er, battery.
(05/01 12:29:33) Olorin: The suit will protect me
(05/01 12:29:34) Robert Murry: Thanks for getting the elevators working.
(05/01 12:29:35) Briggs: I say it's a capacitor
(05/01 12:29:35) Calum Traveler: im worried a capacitor is holding a charge erroneously,
(05/01 12:29:41) ShilohOBrien: Scent notes of Descent: petrichor, petrichor and more petrichor.
(05/01 12:29:47) Calum Traveler: most D'ni tech shuts down when you kill the power.
(05/01 12:29:49) Patrick Dulebohn: Something else to look at, I suppose.
(05/01 12:29:57) Calum Traveler: we probably want to make sure that's not going to explode or something,
(05/01 12:30:07) Prad: when the capacitor itself is defective... that can really happen...
(05/01 12:30:08) Calum Traveler: hello, Semjay :)
(05/01 12:30:10) Briggs: What's the worst that could happen
(05/01 12:30:11) AlanD: Capacitors go bad really quickly in old gear you know.
(05/01 12:30:18) Calum Traveler: big boom and sinkholes, briggs?
(05/01 12:30:23) Patrick Dulebohn: I suppose we're just lucky the fans haven't flown off into the ceiling yet. Heh.
(05/01 12:30:26) ametist': Shorah Semjay!
(05/01 12:30:26) philipgr: Shorah Semjay :)
(05/01 12:30:27) Murry: The lady of the hour! Shorah Semjay.
(05/01 12:30:31) Patrick Dulebohn: Semjay! Welcome.
(05/01 12:30:32) AlanD: Orange mist isn't a good sign
(05/01 12:30:33) Patrick Dulebohn smiles
(05/01 12:30:35) TOOO: Shorah Semjay!
(05/01 12:30:41) Robert Murry: Ah Shorah Semjay.
(05/01 12:30:41) Calum Traveler: no, it's not. alan,
(05/01 12:30:43) Calum Traveler: hence my concerns
(05/01 12:30:44) Dimitrios: shorah
(05/01 12:30:47) Patrick Dulebohn: The lady of the hour, everyone.
(05/01 12:30:50) skyisblu: hi Semjay LD
(05/01 12:30:54) Prad cheers
(05/01 12:30:56) skyisblu: * :D
(05/01 12:30:56) Lambda waves hello
(05/01 12:30:58) Ahno cheers
(05/01 12:31:00) Jules Lavisham: Shorah, Semjay!
(05/01 12:31:03) TOOO cheers
(05/01 12:31:06) Nosila: hey Semjay :))
(05/01 12:31:06) TGMChrist: Shorah Semjay.
(05/01 12:31:07) AlanD: A very large electrolytic gone boom?
(05/01 12:31:09) Semjay: Shorah, everyone
(05/01 12:31:10) TOOO: Yay
(05/01 12:31:13) Calum Traveler: i didnt notice anything on the toxic air tests, but orange is a very peculiar color
(05/01 12:31:21) Babbeltje.40: shorah Semjay
(05/01 12:31:26) N'Chaka: HelloSemjay
(05/01 12:31:33) Nosila: -www.urutunes.com/nosila to listen to the music of Kalamee while you wait ;)
(05/01 12:31:42) Mr. Nice Hat: Orange Myst? Oh dear, that poor island!
(05/01 12:31:55) ondine: Shorah Semjay :)
(05/01 12:31:56) Calum Traveler: (Ty nosila!)
(05/01 12:31:56) AlanD: Surplus sun tan lotion?
(05/01 12:31:59) Patrick Dulebohn: Eh, probably kicked up from all the work we've been doing to finish. It'll probably settle back down before long now that most of the big stuff is done.
(05/01 12:32:01) Olorin: Why is Ro Jethhe and Ra Jethhe? Are they replicating?
(05/01 12:32:06) ShilohOBrien: Maybe it's spores from the lake algae? That's orange. And it's had a LONG time to build up in the ventilation.
(05/01 12:32:35) TOOO: Is the Nosila stream running? I'm having trouble activating it
(05/01 12:32:40) Robert Murry: Latest Geological surveys are on your desk, patrick.
(05/01 12:32:41) Patrick Dulebohn: That'd be a long distance for them to travel, but I wouldn't say no yet since I'm not sure.
(05/01 12:32:43) Calum Traveler: the intakes in that area are a long way away from the lake, Shiloh,
(05/01 12:32:48) Calum Traveler: but again, not impossible
(05/01 12:32:50) Nosila: it should be running ok
(05/01 12:32:57) Calum Traveler: if its the case, that might mean filters need replacing
(05/01 12:33:00) philipgr: Patrick has Jules sweep the place. Probably dust from that
(05/01 12:33:13) Calum Traveler grumbles
(05/01 12:33:16) Jules Lavisham laughs
(05/01 12:33:17) AlanD: Not looking for hidden doors again, surely
(05/01 12:33:19) Patrick Dulebohn: Only when he misbehaves. Heh.
(05/01 12:33:29) Calum Traveler: geeze, to think taht the Great Shaft is as temperamental as a Great Furnace :P
(05/01 12:33:38) Olorin: I wish Eddie could make it to Chiso
(05/01 12:33:44) Prad: Ain't misbehavin'
(05/01 12:33:47) Patrick Dulebohn: That'd be the lava cavern, I think.
(05/01 12:33:47) Jules Lavisham: Only when I flex my punnery gland, you mean
(05/01 12:34:01) Patrick Dulebohn: Hmm...I don't see why we couldn't bring our friend Eddie here. I'll see what I can do!
(05/01 12:34:02) Calum Traveler: oh, right, almost forgot about that thing, Patrick
(05/01 12:34:07) Jules Lavisham: Located next to the pineal gland, or so I'm told
(05/01 12:34:22) Calum Traveler: we oughta make sure the lava chamber isnt funneling gasses into the main chambers,
(05/01 12:34:26) AlanD: Are you ready Eddie? They've only got ham or cheese...
(05/01 12:34:31) Calum Traveler: that could get very bad very quickly,
(05/01 12:34:33) Ro"Jethhe wished Dusty was back in Minkata.
(05/01 12:34:52) Patrick Dulebohn: At last glance, everything seemed sturdy and nothing was leaking. I'm not too worried. I think it's mostly temperature control that's a problem at the moment.
(05/01 12:34:55) Briggs: Didn't we fix your Dusty the other day, Ro?
(05/01 12:35:01) Calum Traveler: hopefully
(05/01 12:35:03) Prad: An Eddamer...
(05/01 12:35:05) Ro"Jethhe shrugs
(05/01 12:35:14) Briggs: We were both there!
(05/01 12:35:20) Calum Traveler: let's poke at that in the next few days, and ill let you know if we see any changes.
(05/01 12:35:24) Ro"Jethhe will check after this Grand Opening.
(05/01 12:35:30) Calum Traveler: hopefully nothing fni is happening there
(05/01 12:35:40) Patrick Dulebohn: Heh...hopefully.
(05/01 12:35:44) [PRIVATE] To Patrick Dulebohn: im sorry i couldnt resist the pun
(05/01 12:35:48) Rik: I could never find Dusty
(05/01 12:35:49) Maurus laughs
(05/01 12:35:53) [PRIVATE] From Patrick Dulebohn: Yes...I see what you did there. :P
(05/01 12:36:13) TOOO: I usually found Dusty before finding the final kiva
(05/01 12:36:31) Calum Traveler grins
(05/01 12:36:34) Patrick Dulebohn: Dusty is quite the elusive one, I'll admit.
(05/01 12:36:39) Calum Traveler: yes, dusty is being a bit evasive,
(05/01 12:36:40) TOOO nods his head
(05/01 12:36:47) Murry: Love this music.
(05/01 12:36:55) TOOO: :)
(05/01 12:37:03) PodHopper: oh Nosila's stream is on?
(05/01 12:37:07) Calum Traveler: yes
(05/01 12:37:10) TOOO: Yep
(05/01 12:37:10) Isa =^.^= nods her head
(05/01 12:37:21) Olorin nods his head
(05/01 12:37:24) Patrick Dulebohn: Got about 23 minutes or so. Everyone continue to get comfy.
(05/01 12:37:25) Nosila: Yep... www.urutunes.com / nosila
(05/01 12:37:32) Robert Murry: Takes me back to the peruvian jungles.
(05/01 12:37:36) Nosila: relax and enjoy :)
(05/01 12:37:41) TOOO: Does anyone sit like this in real life?
(05/01 12:37:49) Olorin: yes
(05/01 12:37:53) Talknrock: Yes
(05/01 12:37:53) Calum Traveler: often.
(05/01 12:38:02) TOOO: I would think your foot would go numb
(05/01 12:38:02) Jules Lavisham: Frequently.
(05/01 12:38:06) Calum Traveler: it can
(05/01 12:38:11) AlanD: My foot goes numb after a while
(05/01 12:38:14) Olorin: I love the feeling of numbed foot
(05/01 12:38:17) Woz: Veo, your ADHD flaring up again?
(05/01 12:38:19) Olorin: then you walk funny
(05/01 12:38:20) Mr. Nice Hat: This is the traditional D'ni sit! They call it Numb'Ni
(05/01 12:38:28) AlanD: You leave my foot alone, Olorin!
(05/01 12:38:29) GooberChilla: pffft!!!!
(05/01 12:38:30) TOOO: *Rimshot!*
(05/01 12:38:33) Calum Traveler: :P
(05/01 12:38:46) Patrick Dulebohn: Oh, the D'ni puns. I have a feeling our linguists are scoffing silently as we speak.
(05/01 12:38:48) TOOO: No breaking wind
(05/01 12:38:48) Patrick Dulebohn laughs
(05/01 12:39:07) Ro"Jethhe wonders how the linking book for Kalamee will appear while we are all here.
(05/01 12:39:08) EdisonRex: you break it, you fix it.
(05/01 12:39:16) AlanD: Scoffing silently? IwonK must have some soft and silent cookies then :)
(05/01 12:39:17) Prad: "then you walk funny" - "we always walk funny - we're the Jets" (musical "West Side Story")
(05/01 12:39:33) Patrick Dulebohn: IwonK has every kind of cookie you can think of and more!
(05/01 12:39:35) Ro"Jethhe: if it's not broken why fix it.
(05/01 12:39:36) TOOO: "And will our voices be heard/Or will they Break Like The Wind?" (I love Spinal Tap)
(05/01 12:39:57) Prad: If it's not fixed then break it... :P
(05/01 12:40:04) Jules Lavisham: Stonehenge is a hell of a place, TOOO
(05/01 12:40:05) Ro"Jethhe starts to laugh
(05/01 12:40:18) Patrick Dulebohn: Hey now, no breaking anything here or in Kalamee when it's time...especially wind. Heh.
(05/01 12:40:26) TOOO: It was in danger of being crushed by dwarves!
(05/01 12:40:28) Maurus rolls his eyes
(05/01 12:40:29) Babbeltje.40: er komt vast wel een film door mina sunda
(05/01 12:40:43) Rik: don't crush that dwarf
(05/01 12:40:50) Calum Traveler: yes, please be careful when exploring ages and interacting with machinery,
(05/01 12:40:54) Jules Lavisham: I have a colleague who attends the solstace. Definitely an experience.
(05/01 12:40:59) Calum Traveler: you never know when something might start sending you spinning in circles
(05/01 12:41:21) Prad: and no boinging, oi...
(05/01 12:41:26) TOOO: Aww
(05/01 12:41:39) Lambda: You break it, you bought it
(05/01 12:41:44) Ro"Jethhe: 21 minutes and counting, still plenty of time for a potty break for anyone.
(05/01 12:41:52) AlanD: No, the tigger's springs have been oiled so he goes 'squelch' now
(05/01 12:41:58) Patrick Dulebohn: So...anyone got a head count of people here right now? We're packed into this dusty ol' library now!
(05/01 12:42:01) TOOO: Ewwwwq
(05/01 12:42:12) Rik: Is the potty downstairs?
(05/01 12:42:19) Olorin: How we will go in the new age? A fisure will open right here or an army of bahro will sent us there
(05/01 12:42:20) TOOO: Check Elonin
(05/01 12:42:23) Ahno: In Elonin... lol
(05/01 12:42:24) Calum Traveler: just up the stairs from elonin
(05/01 12:42:25) Maurus: Chiso Preniv Roomba When???
(05/01 12:42:29) Ro"Jethhe: You can find the potty room in Elonin.
(05/01 12:42:32) philipgr: Behind the locked grey door
(05/01 12:42:37) Calum Traveler: a book will be placed on a podium, Olorin
(05/01 12:42:38) Rik: right
(05/01 12:42:43) Patrick Dulebohn: Nothing that exciting, Olorin. Just a Book placed at the empty pedestal over there.
(05/01 12:42:52) Hazado: around 100
(05/01 12:42:53) Olorin: oh
(05/01 12:42:58) Ro"Jethhe is amazed!
(05/01 12:43:00) Emor D'ni Lap: you have to solve a puzzle to use the toilet in Elonin
(05/01 12:43:03) Calum Traveler: hint, its NOT the one im sitting at :P
(05/01 12:43:10) Calum Traveler: hm? No you dont.
(05/01 12:43:14) Prad: rotfl Emor
(05/01 12:43:15) Nosila: www.urutunes.com/nosila to listen to the music of Kalamee :)
(05/01 12:43:17) Emor D'ni Lap: YES YOU DO CALUM
(05/01 12:43:18) Do'Tsahvahn: How many people can fit in this room before we violate the fire codes?
(05/01 12:43:20) Ro"Jethhe is amazed how 100 explorers can be here and NOT at Work or School.
(05/01 12:43:28) TOOO: There's a second bathroom in Elonin
(05/01 12:43:30) Calum Traveler: theres two restrooms in elonin
(05/01 12:43:41) Calum Traveler: one is right up the stairs from the link in,
(05/01 12:43:45) Emor D'ni Lap: and the puzzle is harder for the second toilet!
(05/01 12:43:55) Patrick Dulebohn: I just got out of work at my surface job, dropped into the Great Shaft...not literally...and then came here.
(05/01 12:43:56) Calum Traveler: theres no puzzle for the first one
(05/01 12:44:06) Babbeltje.40: you only need 1 toilet:)
(05/01 12:44:10) AlanD: The new euphamism for 'back in a minute' is 'just off to Elonin' ...
(05/01 12:44:11) Ro"Jethhe: yes BUT one is a Pay Toilet.
(05/01 12:44:20) Calum Traveler rolls eyes
(05/01 12:44:21) Talknrock: Who says we aren't at work
(05/01 12:44:21) TOOO: You have to go to the Sew Age! Hee hee hee
(05/01 12:44:24) Olorin: There are so many people today
(05/01 12:44:24) Emor D'ni Lap: Ro at least gets the joke
(05/01 12:44:58) Ro"Jethhe: Olorin you should of been here when Chiso Preniv opened there were over 300.
(05/01 12:45:05) TOOO: !
(05/01 12:45:20) Patrick Dulebohn: Yes, we packed that Watcher's Pub like sardines, we did.
(05/01 12:45:23) Prad: as long as it's not sleeping time for the screen...
(05/01 12:45:25) Olorin: 300? imposssible
(05/01 12:45:25) Rik: What day was that, Ro?
(05/01 12:45:26) Sathopper: Nosila nice music
(05/01 12:45:27) Riatero: How many players can be in same room in this game :O
(05/01 12:45:41) AlanD: I don't think it's fire codes, more like floor loading you need to worry about
(05/01 12:45:42) TOOO: Depends on the room
(05/01 12:45:45) Lambda: This room is much better for the crowd
(05/01 12:45:47) EdisonRex: it's why the capacity got bumped to 500 there IIRC
(05/01 12:45:47) Nosila: oh, I can't take credit, it's the music for Kalamee
(05/01 12:46:01) Emor D'ni Lap: written by.....
(05/01 12:46:02) Calum Traveler: depends on the room for sure. this room is very big.
(05/01 12:46:03) EdisonRex: but it was very laggy
(05/01 12:46:05) Prad: There "just for the record" gets a whole new meaning...
(05/01 12:46:13) Olorin: the raylights are kinda trippy from this side
(05/01 12:46:18) Mevvah: Ther's music?
(05/01 12:46:26) Chogon: 140 explorers online
(05/01 12:46:27) Calum Traveler: https://nosilaradio.caster.fm/
(05/01 12:46:29) Prad: Nosila stream on urutunes
(05/01 12:46:33) TOOO: !
(05/01 12:46:38) LividLiquid: They make my video card cry, but they really tie the age together.
(05/01 12:46:40) philipgr: There is a record player in Elonin
(05/01 12:46:48) AlanD: More avatars increase lag, the client has to update all of them
(05/01 12:46:48) Ro"Jethhe wonders why Althea and a few others, their noes are getting longer like Pinocchio. :-D
(05/01 12:46:51) Do'Tsahvahn makes sure he's not standing under the second floor walkway in case it becomes overloaded.
(05/01 12:47:04) Nosila: the music of Kalamee, you will have to ask Semjay who composed it ;)
(05/01 12:47:13) Riatero: We have playing it time to time and this is the first time I have seen alot of people :O
(05/01 12:47:22) Patrick Dulebohn: Got about 13 minutes!
(05/01 12:47:24) Mevvah: oh very nice, Nosila!
(05/01 12:47:36) TOOO: My how time fries
(05/01 12:47:37) AlanD: Big events always draw crowds, Riatero
(05/01 12:47:48) AlanD: they like a banana, TOOO
(05/01 12:47:55) Robert Murry: Mev
(05/01 12:47:56) Babbeltje.40: shorah Crewcut
(05/01 12:47:56) AlanD: Fried, obviously
(05/01 12:47:59) TOOO: Fry like a banana?
(05/01 12:48:04) Emor D'ni Lap: Okay Nosila! "Semjay, who composed the music we are hearing?"
(05/01 12:48:05) Crewcut leans left
(05/01 12:48:15) Babbeltje.40 waves hello
(05/01 12:48:15) maluhia leans right
(05/01 12:48:38) Patrick Dulebohn continues to make adjustments to his speech
(05/01 12:48:44) TOOO: Time fries are not to be confused with French fries
(05/01 12:48:51) Patrick Dulebohn: Don't worry, it won't be too long, I promise.
(05/01 12:48:53) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(05/01 12:49:01) Prad: adjustments... try moving the slider, Patrick...
(05/01 12:49:09) Mevvah laughs
(05/01 12:49:12) Patrick Dulebohn: Thankfully, this has no slider! Heh.
(05/01 12:49:12) Prad: :D
(05/01 12:49:22) Calum Traveler: just pen and paper,
(05/01 12:49:27) Calum Traveler: or keystrokes on a kiboard :P
(05/01 12:49:30) ametist': You have done it a couple of times now patrick :)
(05/01 12:49:37) Olorin: I think there are laptops down there if you have a powerpoint Patrick
(05/01 12:49:58) Maurus: KI-strokes >.>
(05/01 12:50:00) Patrick Dulebohn: That's true, but I didn't want to drag that up here. I'm being lazy, I guess.
(05/01 12:50:02) Patrick Dulebohn laughs
(05/01 12:50:04) TOOO: Thank Yahvo there's no slider! Otherwise we'd all be dumped out the window!
(05/01 12:50:05) AlanD: Sliders? Is someone running a barbecue down there?
(05/01 12:50:08) Mr. Nice Hat: Perhaps the powerpoint has not yet been written
(05/01 12:50:26) Calum Traveler: yeah, i ran downstairs to use the laptop on my desk for the postcard post,
(05/01 12:50:26) Ro"Jethhe: This event should be live on twitch.tv.
(05/01 12:50:27) TOOO: *Rimshot!*
(05/01 12:50:39) Calum Traveler: didnt want to drag that upstairs
(05/01 12:50:44) Nosila: The music is by Semjay! (she told me to tell you)
(05/01 12:50:46) Babbeltje.40: Thanks for labor day good choice
(05/01 12:50:52) Nosila: But... it is not her singing ;)
(05/01 12:51:07) TOOO: Huh
(05/01 12:51:07) Semjay: Yes. But it's not me singing
(05/01 12:51:13) Murry: It is Beautiful Semjay.
(05/01 12:51:14) Emor D'ni Lap: TY Nosila!
(05/01 12:51:41) Sathopper: Who composed the music? Wonderfull
(05/01 12:51:50) Nosila: Semjay :)
(05/01 12:51:59) [PRIVATE] To Semjay: very nice music, i love it :)
(05/01 12:52:05) Robert Murry: I am definitely mesmerised by the music, Semjay.
(05/01 12:52:15) Prad: Cool.
(05/01 12:52:15) Sathopper: Me to
(05/01 12:52:47) Olorin: 8 minut
(05/01 12:52:59) Rik: how many people now?
(05/01 12:53:05) AlanD: Lots
(05/01 12:53:11) TOOO: A multitude!
(05/01 12:53:13) Mr. Nice Hat: More than five!
(05/01 12:53:16) Massygo: too many
(05/01 12:53:17) LividLiquid: Enough that I'm lagged to hell and back. XD
(05/01 12:53:19) Sathopper: hopefully the server won't crash
(05/01 12:53:29) Dah'mpa: congrats for the music, Semjay, amazing
(05/01 12:53:33) Chogon: just crossed over to 150 explorers online
(05/01 12:53:36) Talknrock: Oh please no crashes
(05/01 12:53:40) AlanD: Server unlikely to. Clients, possibly
(05/01 12:53:41) TOOO is amazed!
(05/01 12:53:47) Olorin: only 14gorahn left
(05/01 12:53:50) LividLiquid: Agreed. This is amazing, Semjay.
(05/01 12:53:54) Prad: It will Hi-Hat or cymbal instead...
(05/01 12:54:00) Briggs: Server handled nearly 500 of us without issue, just hope your PC doesn't burst into flames
(05/01 12:54:12) Calum Traveler: the KI network should hold fine.... the Kis themselves... finnickey.
(05/01 12:54:13) Rutger Hiland waves hello
(05/01 12:54:24) TOOO: With my luck, it'll most likely burst into ice!
(05/01 12:54:30) Sathopper: @Calum I hope not like to see somthing of Kalamee
(05/01 12:54:35) Patrick Dulebohn: It really is a wonderful song. It really goes well when touring the Age, so I highly recommend you all listen to it as you explore.
(05/01 12:54:46) Mevvah: same here, TOOO, my furnace is on the fritz and it is a chilly day!
(05/01 12:55:01) TOOO: We have rain, here
(05/01 12:55:12) Mevvah: rain off-and-on here
(05/01 12:55:12) Rik: Does it play in the background on Kalamee?
(05/01 12:55:20) TOOO: Yes!
(05/01 12:55:22) Semjay: Yes
(05/01 12:55:35) Olorin: only 9 gorahn left
(05/01 12:55:37) Patrick Dulebohn: Hello there, Ereshkigal!
(05/01 12:55:39) Olorin: 8
(05/01 12:55:40) philipgr: Hi Ereshkigal :)
(05/01 12:55:44) AlanD: Is your work on the net anywhere, Semjay? Bandcamp or the like?
(05/01 12:55:47) Patrick Dulebohn: 5 minutes!
(05/01 12:55:47) Jules Lavisham: Shorah Eresh!
(05/01 12:55:53) Calum Traveler: shorah eresh
Calum Traveler - KI# 34810
-Traveler's Cavern Log-
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