9/9/22 Patrick visits Eder Naybree.

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Kelsei A. Taylor
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Joined: Sat Oct 30, 2021 3:15 pm

9/9/22 Patrick visits Eder Naybree.

Post by Kelsei A. Taylor »

(09/09 12:37:50) angelmyst looks for a towel
(09/09 12:38:08) angelmyst does a dance
(09/09 12:38:13) Kelsei A.T.: towels... now theres an idea
(09/09 12:38:19) Prad: don't panic
(09/09 12:38:23) IwonK: don't forget your towel ;)
(09/09 12:38:27) angelmyst: dance shake it off
(09/09 12:38:34) angelmyst: like a puppy
(09/09 12:38:39) Kelsei A.T. starts to laugh
(09/09 12:38:59) angelmyst bows
(09/09 12:39:10) Kelsei A.T. leans against the rope railing...
(09/09 12:39:25) EtienneG leans right
(09/09 12:39:27) N'Chacka points
(09/09 12:39:28) ondine leans left
(09/09 12:39:36) Murry: Grumble, grumble...tired of the water.
(09/09 12:39:43) Kelsei A.T.: its a very wet age :)
(09/09 12:39:45) Briggs: Yeah I just fell back in
(09/09 12:39:51) ondine leans left
(09/09 12:40:06) Patrick Dulebohn waves hello
(09/09 12:40:09) Kelsei A.T.: would you believe at one point calum and i were debating trying to keep people out of the water?
(09/09 12:40:10) Briggs: Howdy, Patrick
(09/09 12:40:15) Kelsei A.T.: oh, hello, Patrick :)
(09/09 12:40:25) Kelsei A.T. waves hello
(09/09 12:40:26) IwonK: hi Patrick :D
(09/09 12:40:26) Patrick Dulebohn: Heh, I'd heard a Book was dropped into Chiso today.
(09/09 12:40:28) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(09/09 12:40:34) IwonK: shorah mafasa :)
(09/09 12:40:36) Murry: Hi Patrick
(09/09 12:40:36) Kelsei A.T.: yes, Chogon was kind enough to deliver it
(09/09 12:40:38) Patrick Dulebohn: Hey Kelsei!
(09/09 12:40:44) Briggs: oh no I'm too far away to hear him
(09/09 12:40:50) Patrick Dulebohn: Glad it's finally been opened.
(09/09 12:40:51) EtienneG leans left
(09/09 12:40:58) N'Chacka leans right
(09/09 12:41:01) ondine: Shorah patrick :))
(09/09 12:41:07) Patrick Dulebohn: Heh, sorry. My voice sometimes doesn't carry as much as I'd like.
(09/09 12:41:19) Patrick Dulebohn: Let's go join the crowd, shall we?
(09/09 12:41:33) Briggs: It's all good, I'm trapped in the sog again :P
(09/09 12:41:36) Kelsei A.T.: mind the bridge, heheh,
(09/09 12:41:36) Scharminius: shorah :D
(09/09 12:41:59) Briggs: Is there a way out of here? Where the chiso book is
(09/09 12:42:06) Kelsei A.T.: just the book
(09/09 12:42:13) Kelsei A.T.: it's pretty trapped in there, with the roots
(09/09 12:42:20) Patrick Dulebohn: Wow, it had been awhile since I last visited Naybree. You guys cleaned it up quite nicely!
(09/09 12:42:32) Kelsei A.T.: mhm, between me, calum, and jules' many tools...
(09/09 12:42:48) EMM: Shorah all
(09/09 12:42:51) Patrick Dulebohn: Definitely good to get outside.
(09/09 12:42:57) EMM: hey Patrick
(09/09 12:42:57) Patrick Dulebohn: Lovely night for it too.
(09/09 12:42:58) EMM waves hello
(09/09 12:42:58) Kelsei A.T. leans against the fountain, and dips hand into the water...
(09/09 12:43:02) Patrick Dulebohn: Hi there, EMM.
(09/09 12:43:26) angelmyst: Does the eder have day and night?
(09/09 12:43:30) EMM: Water's nice and cool
(09/09 12:43:34) Kelsei A.T.: there's a day night cycle, yes
(09/09 12:43:37) Briggs: Heh, it feels like I only managed to visit here when it's night time. Now that it's fully open, maybe I can change that
(09/09 12:43:38) Patrick Dulebohn looks around for a bit
(09/09 12:43:44) Kelsei A.T.: im hoping to get a clock put in to help tell the time
(09/09 12:43:47) angelmyst: nice
(09/09 12:43:47) Kelsei A.T.: but that might be a while,
(09/09 12:43:54) Patrick Dulebohn: They're a pain to calibrate.
(09/09 12:43:58) Kelsei A.T.: they are,
(09/09 12:44:08) Babbeltje.40: shorah a;;
(09/09 12:44:12) Kelsei A.T.: shorah, babbel :)
(09/09 12:44:17) Murry: We are going to need towels. :)
(09/09 12:44:17) Scharminius: is that something explorers will be called on to erm... help calibrate? :)
(09/09 12:44:23) Kelsei A.T.: no, no, scharm,
(09/09 12:44:34) Briggs: you know how much we love to calibrate stuff
(09/09 12:44:42) Kelsei A.T.: it'll be pretty simple, overall
(09/09 12:44:45) Patrick Dulebohn: Heh, no. That's more a one or two person job. The lake pellets, however...
(09/09 12:44:48) Kelsei A.T.: just need to program a clock with the right 15 hour cycle
(09/09 12:44:52) Prad: calibnrate by marker runs _P
(09/09 12:44:55) Prad: :P
(09/09 12:44:58) Kelsei A.T. groans
(09/09 12:45:05) Kelsei A.T.: dont remind me about the lake, Patrick.
(09/09 12:45:16) Scharminius: "Calibrate! Calibrate! C'mon let's Calibrate!" (from an old Celebrex commercial) or was that Celebrate? :P
(09/09 12:45:17) Briggs: You mean you don't need to jump off any bridges to calibrate the clock? Amazing
(09/09 12:45:29) Patrick Dulebohn: Heh, sorry.
(09/09 12:45:37) Kelsei A.T.: no, it's mostly just setting up a device with the right time schedule
(09/09 12:45:37) Prad: lol scharm...
(09/09 12:45:37) Patrick Dulebohn: If only it were that simple, Briggs!
(09/09 12:45:38) Patrick Dulebohn laughs
(09/09 12:45:47) Kelsei A.T.: d'ni clocks are set to 25 hours, and surface clocks 12/24
(09/09 12:45:54) Kelsei A.T.: naybree is around 15 hours, similar to the Pod age,
(09/09 12:46:36) Patrick Dulebohn: The Sakura Vale is similar. I'm calling it that now because I believe there's a similarly-named area in Keith's Fahets Age.
(09/09 12:46:49) Kelsei A.T.: his 'crimson' vale, yes?
(09/09 12:46:55) Patrick Dulebohn: I think so.
(09/09 12:47:15) Kelsei A.T.: we've talked about that in chiso a few times, already, patrick, so it's a good idea to introduce a distinction
(09/09 12:47:24) Kelsei A.T.: better to have different names for similar areas.
(09/09 12:47:34) Patrick Dulebohn: Yep. I'll have to coordinate with Keith on that.
(09/09 12:47:37) Kelsei A.T.: or, atleast, different distinctions... for similar names...
(09/09 12:47:42) Kelsei A.T. nods
(09/09 12:48:07) Kelsei A.T. yawns tiredly.
(09/09 12:48:13) Patrick Dulebohn: So I've been taking it easy for the most part lately. Taking on small projects lately to recharge my batteries for the bigger ones.
(09/09 12:48:31) Patrick Dulebohn: Just came out of the Ahnonay Cathedral, in fact. Was looking into fixing that rather twitchy set of doors.
(09/09 12:48:33) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(09/09 12:48:34) EtienneG leans right
(09/09 12:48:39) Babbeltje.40 leans left
(09/09 12:48:43) Kelsei A.T.: that's nice, patrick,
(09/09 12:48:45) Kelsei A.T.: :)
(09/09 12:48:49) Kelsei A.T.: ive been similarly taking it easy.
(09/09 12:49:09) Kelsei A.T.: quit my surface job in the last few weeks. there were... ill tides rumbling.
(09/09 12:49:11) Patrick Dulebohn: I think the work we've done recently coupled with Mysterium kind of wore everyone out.
(09/09 12:49:17) Prad: phone call with sister... being bit afk
(09/09 12:49:23) Kelsei A.T.: yes, Mysterium wore me out too
(09/09 12:49:38) Patrick Dulebohn: Don't forget to pick up your shirts in the Pub, by the way. We'll be taking down the deco soon!
(09/09 12:49:50) Patrick Dulebohn: Then you won't see them until next year. Heh.
(09/09 12:49:50) Kelsei A.T.: Kelly forwarded me a picture of Calum just.... snoozing on one of the tables at Mysterium,
(09/09 12:50:01) Briggs: I've completely stuffed every drawer in my closet with those nice shirts :)
(09/09 12:50:03) Kelsei A.T.: really kind of adorable,
(09/09 12:50:09) Kelsei A.T.: but such a mood, too...
(09/09 12:50:16) Patrick Dulebohn: Ha! Pillow and everything or...?
(09/09 12:50:18) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(09/09 12:50:24) Kelsei A.T.: a stack of shirts for a pillow
(09/09 12:50:31) Patrick Dulebohn: Ah, that'll work.
(09/09 12:50:31) Kelsei A.T.: 2019 reds!
(09/09 12:50:33) Kelsei A.T. laughs
(09/09 12:51:08) Patrick Dulebohn: So I'm hoping to do a bunch of little fixes here or there with some of the nagging details of what's been released so far.
(09/09 12:51:38) Patrick Dulebohn: This includes previously-released Ages and cavern areas from the DRC and such.
(09/09 12:51:55) Kelsei A.T.: i know there was some stuff from Teledahn Calum wanted to look at.
(09/09 12:51:57) Patrick Dulebohn: I'm sure many of you can think of quite a few things that need fixing in those places. Heh.
(09/09 12:52:11) Briggs nods his head
(09/09 12:52:45) Patrick Dulebohn: Luckily, some of them should be easy. I've almost got the Cathedral doors working properly.
(09/09 12:53:05) IwonK: shorah Babbel :)
(09/09 12:53:05) Patrick Dulebohn: So they won't slam shut abruptly like they've been doing.
(09/09 12:53:52) Babbeltje.40: hi prad
(09/09 12:54:00) Patrick Dulebohn: As I said, along with new releases of Ages and cavern locations, we'll be doing some much-needed maintenance too.
(09/09 12:54:28) Patrick Dulebohn: I believe both ametist and Keith Lord have stuff in the works...and of course, Keith has a release planned for sometime next month.
(09/09 12:54:39) Kelsei A.T.: Highgarden, yes, though i dont know when,
(09/09 12:54:58) Aurelias: Will Highgarden be public, too?
(09/09 12:55:06) Patrick Dulebohn: It'll likely be another low key one though. A big hooplah is up to whoever restored the Age or cavern location.
(09/09 12:55:32) Kelsei A.T.: there was apparently a crowd forming well before chogon showed up,
(09/09 12:55:36) Patrick Dulebohn: We're happy to do both. Plus, I think a stealth release will keep you guys guessing...and you know how I love to tease.
(09/09 12:55:38) Patrick Dulebohn laughs
(09/09 12:55:52) Briggs: Haha
(09/09 12:55:59) Kelsei A.T.: i think ametists' newest project will be a total surprise when it lands, as well as the where,
(09/09 12:56:01) Prad: stealth release... sounds cool... :D
(09/09 12:56:03) Patrick Dulebohn: Seems some others in the restoration have the same sense of humor...or evil if you prefer.
(09/09 12:56:05) Patrick Dulebohn: Heh.
(09/09 12:56:23) Kelsei A.T.: i believe calum has ideas on stealth dropping other areas later down the line
(09/09 12:56:26) Kelsei A.T.: cleverly hidden books,
(09/09 12:56:33) Kelsei A.T.: just waiting to see how long it takes for people to notice....
(09/09 12:56:36) Kelsei A.T. shakes her head
(09/09 12:56:42) LividLiquid: An Eder that nature reclaimed. I love it.
(09/09 12:56:46) Kelsei A.T.: i swear, that boy...
(09/09 12:56:47) Patrick Dulebohn: Well, when I first came down to the cavern, Payiferen was the first Age released. It was also with little to no fanfare, and folks just discovered it by themselves.
(09/09 12:56:53) Briggs: Cleverly hidden boots
(09/09 12:57:09) N'Chacka points
(09/09 12:57:19) IwonK: shorah LL :D
(09/09 12:57:23) Kelsei A.T.: speaking of Payiferen, Patrick, did you borrow Calum's Pod 12 book recently?
(09/09 12:57:27) LividLiquid: Shorah!
(09/09 12:57:30) Patrick Dulebohn: Eh, I kinda like it this way. We can keep things trimmed down, but at the same time, best to let nature take its course.
(09/09 12:57:36) Kelsei A.T.: he messaged me yesterday saying he was missing the spare copy he kept in his desk in Chiso,
(09/09 12:57:37) Prad: these boots are made for walking, and thats what they gonna do...
(09/09 12:57:42) Patrick Dulebohn: We'll keep the path clear at least, yeah?
(09/09 12:57:48) Kelsei A.T.: yes, for sure we'll keep the path clean
(09/09 12:58:12) Patrick Dulebohn: Nope, I don't borrow Books without asking first.
(09/09 12:58:14) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(09/09 12:58:15) Kelsei A.T.: hrm
(09/09 12:58:19) Kelsei A.T.: it wasnt me either, so...
(09/09 12:58:27) Kelsei A.T.: knowing calum he probably just misplaced it.
(09/09 12:58:31) Patrick Dulebohn: Hmm...hopefully ti wasn't lost.
(09/09 12:58:32) angelmyst: A door run in here would be brutal
(09/09 12:58:45) Kelsei A.T.: im sure it'll turn up
(09/09 12:58:48) Patrick Dulebohn: Ha! Let's hope the Bahro don't come and visit.
(09/09 12:58:59) Kelsei A.T.: oh, i think the Bahro will respect the claims on this place
(09/09 12:59:08) Kelsei A.T.: Chezahcen has her eyes on this place, it seems...
(09/09 12:59:13) Kelsei A.T. glances back at the giant face statue...
(09/09 12:59:22) LividLiquid: Oh, jeez. Did the D'ni do a Colonialism again?
(09/09 12:59:23) Kelsei A.T. swears it's looking at her...
(09/09 12:59:25) Patrick Dulebohn: Although I have heard of D'ni equivalent teamwork exercises similar to those doors in Delin and Tsogal. One may have influenced the other, but we can't be certain.
(09/09 12:59:36) Kelsei A.T.: no, LividLiquid, not technically
(09/09 12:59:46) Kelsei A.T.: Naybree became home to a young girl after the fall
(09/09 12:59:53) LividLiquid: OH!
(09/09 12:59:55) Kelsei A.T.: she lived here for quite a while, carved the statues,
(09/09 13:00:00) N'Chacka: callme
(09/09 13:00:10) Kelsei A.T.: their origin in design comes from Rei'schu, though
(09/09 13:00:17) Kelsei A.T.: it was here, in Naybree, I found the descriptive book.
(09/09 13:00:21) Briggs: The electric mouse pokemon
(09/09 13:00:28) angelmyst: Is there a history of the Eder book somewhere?
(09/09 13:00:28) Kelsei A.T.: hidden in one of the little nooks in the walls
(09/09 13:00:33) LividLiquid: I don't know who that is. I heard them mentioned at the AGM. I'm a little behind the times, I'm afraid.
(09/09 13:00:41) Kelsei A.T.: i left a journal here, somewhere, angelmyst :)
(09/09 13:00:55) Kelsei A.T.: to tldr, Naybree was written during the period the DRC called the "Garden Binge"
(09/09 13:00:59) angelmyst: I saw the plant description book
(09/09 13:01:07) Kelsei A.T.: it was a retirement gift for a well known guild master, at the time
(09/09 13:01:22) Patrick Dulebohn: The Descriptive Book is locked away somewhere, yes? The one in Chiso is a regular Linking Book? That's the policy for safety's sake. Can't let anything happen to the former.
(09/09 13:01:25) Kelsei A.T.: after some time, his family passed it along to private collections until it wound up in a public library sometime before the Fall.
(09/09 13:01:38) Kelsei A.T.: Yes, I have the Rei'schu book secured
(09/09 13:01:55) Patrick Dulebohn: Good. Again, gotta be careful with those as you know.
(09/09 13:01:56) Patrick Dulebohn winks
(09/09 13:01:58) Kelsei A.T.: the Naybree book is a normal linking book- I think it's the one I pulled from the DRC archives.
(09/09 13:02:06) Patrick Dulebohn: Ah, good.
(09/09 13:02:08) Kelsei A.T.: but im not sure, could be Calum wrote a new one
(09/09 13:02:13) angelmyst: Yes, well Aitrus thoght Releeshan was secure as well
(09/09 13:02:17) Kelsei A.T.: i know he's written two other books here,
(09/09 13:02:28) Kelsei A.T.: dont know what he plans to do with them though.
(09/09 13:03:01) LividLiquid: This place is pretty incredible.
(09/09 13:03:05) Patrick Dulebohn: Good rule of thumb, everyone. If you happen to find a Descriptive Book, best to keep it as safe as possible. If it's tampered with or, worse, destroyed, corresponding Linking Books to it will cease to work too.
(09/09 13:03:24) Patrick Dulebohn: Luckily, their fairly durable...but not *too* durable.
(09/09 13:03:38) Kelsei A.T.: we've gotten future links to Rei'schu sorted out into new Linking Books, so I can keep the Descriptive under lock and key and out of the public eye
(09/09 13:03:47) Briggs: I've only seen one, once, in a house in the cavern. At least, it was thick enough to be a descriptive book
(09/09 13:03:49) Kelsei A.T.: im not playing around with a descriptive book for an inhabited age.
(09/09 13:04:20) Patrick Dulebohn: Nope. I think we've all heard the stories of what happens if you muck about with the Art.
(09/09 13:04:35) Kelsei A.T.: Serene is a prime example,
(09/09 13:04:43) Prad: you end up in dada-ism...
(09/09 13:04:46) LividLiquid: Oh, yeah. I won't even futz with data that hasn't been backed up. I'm not about to mess with a descriptive book.
(09/09 13:04:47) Kelsei A.T.: not that many realized it at first.
(09/09 13:05:11) Kelsei A.T.: i dont think any of us realized what happened to Serene until we replaced that oddity journal with Andy's proper commentary
(09/09 13:05:27) Kelsei A.T. remembers Calum being very shaken by it...
(09/09 13:05:30) Prad waves hello
(09/09 13:05:48) Kelsei A.T.: yes, dont meddle with descriptive books,
(09/09 13:05:54) angelmyst: Thought this was a sinister plant branch...but it is a broken lamp.
(09/09 13:06:04) Kelsei A.T.: many broken lamps here,
(09/09 13:06:08) LividLiquid: That moon is huge! (Slash close by!)
(09/09 13:06:15) Kelsei A.T.: which one? :P
(09/09 13:06:25) Patrick Dulebohn: Eh, still plenty to keep things well-lit during the night.
(09/09 13:06:39) angelmyst: to the right of the spinning oblisk
(09/09 13:06:42) LividLiquid: Is it ever day here?
(09/09 13:06:43) Kelsei A.T. sees the sky lightening...
(09/09 13:06:49) Patrick Dulebohn: Oh yes.
(09/09 13:06:54) Kelsei A.T.: yes, infact, id say the sky is brightening right this minute, livid ;)
(09/09 13:06:58) Prad: this garden has day-night-cycle...
(09/09 13:07:03) LividLiquid: Second moon!
(09/09 13:07:22) angelmyst: can we get on the ridge and watch the sun rise??
(09/09 13:07:30) Briggs: Sure
(09/09 13:07:31) Kelsei A.T.: yes. there's ways, though its very tight
(09/09 13:07:33) Patrick Dulebohn: Yes, so far, only Veelay is an Age that, at least where we've been able to Link in, is in perpetual darkness.
(09/09 13:07:49) Briggs: I'm trying to dry off, though, so I'm not going to go back up there
(09/09 13:07:53) Aurelias: Please tell me one of those moons is named Muad'dib :)
(09/09 13:07:56) LividLiquid: I'm excited to see this place in the daylight, but it's absolutely gorgeous right now.
(09/09 13:07:57) Kelsei A.T.: the D'ni maintained that for long term stability, didnt they? With Veelay?
(09/09 13:08:04) Patrick Dulebohn: Yes.
(09/09 13:08:11) LividLiquid: That makes sense.
(09/09 13:08:11) Patrick Dulebohn: Actually, the Ronay. The Age is that old.
(09/09 13:08:26) Kelsei A.T.: Aurelias, no, but Calum anmed them Mizar and Alcor- not that we know what the original names were.
(09/09 13:08:31) Briggs: Isn't it the only pre-D'ni age we've seen so far?
(09/09 13:08:45) Kelsei A.T.: or if the D'ni even named them
(09/09 13:08:46) LividLiquid: Remind me: The Ronay is what the people of Garternay were called?
(09/09 13:08:51) Kelsei A.T.: yep,
(09/09 13:09:10) Patrick Dulebohn: I believe so. Presumably, the majority of the Ages from Garternay went elsewhere. Remember, the D'ni were a relatively small offshoot.
(09/09 13:09:10) LividLiquid: Oh, wow. Yeah. Pre-split.
(09/09 13:09:29) Briggs: Right, it's lucky we got to see it at all
(09/09 13:09:33) Briggs: Greetings :)
(09/09 13:09:35) Patrick Dulebohn: Hello there! Welcome to Eder Naybree.
(09/09 13:09:37) Patrick Dulebohn smiles
(09/09 13:09:50) Scharminius: General Dulebohn! :D
(09/09 13:10:05) Kelsei A.T.: XD
(09/09 13:10:06) Patrick Dulebohn: Wha? "General"? Oh my.
(09/09 13:10:09) Briggs: So, where's the buffet?
(09/09 13:10:11) Kelsei A.T.: General Kenobiii
(09/09 13:10:20) Kelsei A.T.: iiimean Doobes!
(09/09 13:10:22) Patrick Dulebohn: Heh, I see now.
(09/09 13:10:43) Murry: YES!
(09/09 13:10:58) Kelsei A.T.: fun fact about naybree
(09/09 13:11:01) LividLiquid: Lotta' hidden nooks.
(09/09 13:11:11) Kelsei A.T.: as the night turns to day, and the sun starts warming up the air, you'll start to see clouds forming
(09/09 13:11:19) LividLiquid: Neat!
(09/09 13:11:35) Patrick Dulebohn: Eders are usually known for their hiding spots.
(09/09 13:11:37) angelmyst: tricky jump to stay on ridge
(09/09 13:11:46) Kelsei A.T.: eyup. and yep,
(09/09 13:11:48) LividLiquid: Oh? I've not found any in any others.
(09/09 13:12:01) Patrick Dulebohn: The vegetation is rather slick, so be careful.
(09/09 13:12:04) Kelsei A.T.: getting up top is very hard. its very slippery up there. lots of holes.
(09/09 13:12:11) Briggs: Everything is wet
(09/09 13:12:12) Kelsei A.T.: keep your Reltos handy
(09/09 13:12:14) IwonK: there is a LOT to explore here, LL ;)
(09/09 13:12:23) Briggs: and yet, no mold
(09/09 13:12:26) Patrick Dulebohn: Exactly. As we say many, many times, be careful out there!
(09/09 13:12:51) Patrick Dulebohn: We may be a bit more relaxed than the DRC, but we still believe in safety much like they did.
(09/09 13:13:08) Briggs taps his hardhat
(09/09 13:13:16) Prad: there seems end of path angel... have already tried...
(09/09 13:13:16) Kelsei A.T.: Calum's gone a bit overboard with the horse barriers in the cathedral
(09/09 13:13:18) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(09/09 13:13:19) VrouwDinges: shorah Minasunda
(09/09 13:13:45) Kelsei A.T.: four by a window, two on either side of a broken pathway, an absurd amount around one giant statue...
(09/09 13:13:45) Briggs: Horse barriers... that sounds... familiar
(09/09 13:13:48) Patrick Dulebohn: Well, can never be too careful. Has Calum gotten an engineering team in there to check structural stability yet?
(09/09 13:13:52) Kelsei A.T.: the big orange and white striped things
(09/09 13:13:59) Prad: the dead horse in watchers...?
(09/09 13:14:08) Patrick Dulebohn: Yes, your "old friends" from the city and such.
(09/09 13:14:10) Patrick Dulebohn laughs
(09/09 13:14:12) Briggs: Oh I thought maybe he took my joke advise and put an actual horse there
(09/09 13:14:16) Briggs: advice
(09/09 13:14:23) Kelsei A.T.: not yet, patrick,
(09/09 13:14:35) Kelsei A.T.: i think he was planning on getting people in within the next month but that was before mysterium
(09/09 13:14:42) Kelsei A.T.: i think he just wants to take the next few months easy
(09/09 13:14:49) LividLiquid: Y'know, I'm gonna' come back with a better camera. Back in a bit.
(09/09 13:14:55) LividLiquid: *Poof*
(09/09 13:14:57) Patrick Dulebohn: Understandable, Kelsei.
(09/09 13:15:07) Kelsei A.T.: we've had a few quakes there, though- some rocks fell from above a... year or so back?
(09/09 13:15:09) Kelsei A.T.: nothing recently,
(09/09 13:15:18) Kelsei A.T.: but it did crush one statue, unfortunately.
(09/09 13:15:24) angelmyst waves hello
(09/09 13:15:38) Kelsei A.T.: thankfully it was just one of the cat statues, but even so...
(09/09 13:15:45) Patrick Dulebohn: Sounds similar to what happened with the Vothol Gallery. Had to recheck its structural viability for awhile.
(09/09 13:15:50) IwonK: shorah X :)
(09/09 13:15:52) Kelsei A.T. nods
(09/09 13:15:58) Patrick Dulebohn: Hello IwonK!
(09/09 13:16:06) Kelsei A.T. sees the cliffs starting to light up orange...
(09/09 13:16:12) Kelsei A.T.: sunrise soon, id think
(09/09 13:16:18) Patrick Dulebohn: Ah, just in time!
(09/09 13:16:38) IwonK: hi Doobes :D
(09/09 13:16:40) [X]: So far... i like green
(09/09 13:16:48) Prad: yes today right X
(09/09 13:16:54) Kelsei A.T. is checking something out
(09/09 13:16:59) IwonK: green age, green energy ;)
(09/09 13:17:06) Kelsei A.T.: sun should be coming up from around.... *Thataway*
(09/09 13:17:08) [X]: Really!? i'm here for the opening! cool!
(09/09 13:17:12) Kelsei A.T. points at the far end of the age...
(09/09 13:17:13) Kelsei A.T. points
(09/09 13:17:16) Patrick Dulebohn: Indeed. When was the last very "green" Age or area of one we had before this? Negilahn?
(09/09 13:17:26) [X]: Yeah!
(09/09 13:17:28) Kelsei A.T.: negilahn, i think
(09/09 13:17:28) [X]: My other fave
(09/09 13:18:01) Patrick Dulebohn: One of these days, we'll find a way out of those pods and get to exploring the surroundings...with Relto Books at the ready, of course.
(09/09 13:18:11) Kelsei A.T. chuckles
(09/09 13:18:17) Kelsei A.T.: Pod 12 is already basically that,
(09/09 13:18:18) Patrick Dulebohn: As you know, some *big* wildlife in that particular Age.
(09/09 13:18:18) [X]: That would be great! suba tanks and all
(09/09 13:18:24) Kelsei A.T.: it's a maze of lava tunnels out there,
(09/09 13:18:24) [X]: Scuba too
(09/09 13:18:29) Briggs: Hmm let's see, we have a rather red area in Vothol... any other primary color ages?
(09/09 13:18:33) Patrick Dulebohn: Well, we probably won't go outside the pod in Tetsonot, obviously, but still...
(09/09 13:18:35) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(09/09 13:18:47) [X]: obviously
(09/09 13:18:50) Prad: Tiam is blueish
(09/09 13:18:54) Prad: mostly
(09/09 13:18:58) Patrick Dulebohn: As is Veelay.
(09/09 13:18:59) [X]: We got water! i like water!
(09/09 13:19:03) Kelsei A.T.: that said, given the geo-volcanic activity... maybe folks may want to stear clear of... no, what am I saying?
(09/09 13:19:14) Patrick Dulebohn: The cooler colors of those Ages are quite soothing.
(09/09 13:19:17) Kelsei A.T.: you all are the folks who heard "Giant mega fauna murder beasts" in Rei'schu and wanted to go visit.
(09/09 13:19:20) Briggs nods his head
(09/09 13:19:31) Kelsei A.T.: of course people would want to go stomping around in an active volcanic area
(09/09 13:19:37) [X]: Wow! vibrant! this is nice
(09/09 13:19:38) Kelsei A.T. laughs
(09/09 13:19:39) Patrick Dulebohn: Again, hold on tight to those Relto Books!
(09/09 13:19:52) [X]: Is this only a public age?
(09/09 13:20:13) Scharminius: Yeah, a lot of folks enjoyed Haven's wildlife, everyone loves a bit of danger :)
(09/09 13:20:14) Kelsei A.T. nods
(09/09 13:20:37) Patrick Dulebohn: Well, just use safari rules and use extra caution when out in the wild.
(09/09 13:20:39) Patrick Dulebohn winks
(09/09 13:20:48) Prad: dang! danger... the dangest...
(09/09 13:20:52) Kelsei A.T.: hehehe
(09/09 13:20:52) Briggs: Have you noticed there are no birds here?
(09/09 13:21:00) Prad: :D
(09/09 13:21:05) Kelsei A.T.: i think they avoid the tree, briggs,
(09/09 13:21:22) IwonK: Briggs, it's night, the birds are sleeping ;)
(09/09 13:21:23) Briggs: Interesting! They usually love a good tree
(09/09 13:21:23) Altrad: bahro scared the birds.
(09/09 13:21:32) Patrick Dulebohn: That and I'm quite sure we're all scaring them off while we party here.
(09/09 13:21:36) Briggs: that's also fair
(09/09 13:21:45) Kelsei A.T.: the fernboos seem to have a lot of bird picking to keep them trimmed at times,
(09/09 13:21:50) [X]: is this calums age?
(09/09 13:21:52) Kelsei A.T.: but this back half of the garden is...
(09/09 13:21:59) Kelsei A.T.: calum and I both worked on it, yes, X :)
(09/09 13:22:01) Briggs: I guess I don't usually notice birds until they're gone
(09/09 13:22:06) Patrick Dulebohn: They restored the Age, yes.
(09/09 13:22:12) Kelsei A.T.: well, let me just say, briggs, ive not once seen a bird in this back half of the garden
(09/09 13:22:13) Briggs: So the tree is upside down, what's it look like on the other side? You been there?
(09/09 13:22:17) Scharminius: I thought of Malacandra (C. S. Lewis sci-fi book about Mars), where only the channels and valleys had a thick enough atmosphere to support life, and a cataclysm in the past had killed off all the birds
(09/09 13:22:18) Prad: the birds restored the age...
(09/09 13:22:18) [X]: fantastic! well done kelsei!!
(09/09 13:22:29) Kelsei A.T.: other... side?
(09/09 13:22:31) Briggs: Poor birds
(09/09 13:22:33) Kelsei A.T.: do you mean under ground?
(09/09 13:22:35) Scharminius: ("Out of the Silent Planet" being the book)
(09/09 13:22:35) Prad: :)
(09/09 13:22:49) Kelsei A.T.: no, we havent dug under ground yet, but id expect more of the same- roots and branches
(09/09 13:22:49) angelmyst as always trying to climb a tree
(09/09 13:22:56) Kelsei A.T.: something vaguely mushroom like, probably.
(09/09 13:23:10) Briggs: I guess I was expecting some kind of canopy but now that you say it out loud it doesn't make a lot of sense for there to be another side
(09/09 13:23:15) Briggs: except for the other side of the planet
(09/09 13:23:21) Briggs: So, let's get walkin!
(09/09 13:23:23) Altrad: if I'm swimming, is there a way to dive ?
(09/09 13:23:33) angelmyst cheers
(09/09 13:23:35) Kelsei A.T.: no diving, please
(09/09 13:23:38) angelmyst: made it
(09/09 13:23:45) Briggs: Yay
(09/09 13:23:46) Kelsei A.T.: some folks were getting stuck on the mud down there if they touched bottom
(09/09 13:24:11) Briggs: I tried to swim down to escape the chiso hole, but failed
(09/09 13:24:24) Kelsei A.T. snorts at 'chiso hole'
(09/09 13:24:31) Briggs: :P
(09/09 13:25:06) Kelsei A.T.: by the way, speaking of mysterium decorations
(09/09 13:25:14) Briggs: Well congratulations on a sucessful launch with 0 injuries (so far). I'm off for now, take care!
(09/09 13:25:16) Kelsei A.T.: im pretty sure calum stole some of those riven daggers for the bridge
(09/09 13:25:24) Kelsei A.T.: later, briggs
(09/09 13:25:32) Patrick Dulebohn: See ya Briggs!
(09/09 13:25:52) Kelsei A.T. squints at the little knives holding the ropes in place...
(09/09 13:26:03) Patrick Dulebohn: I should probably get back to the Ahnonay Cathedral to keep banging away at those doors. I'll fix those darn things yet!
(09/09 13:26:11) Kelsei A.T.: good luck, patrick :)
(09/09 13:26:12) Kelsei A.T. waves goodbye
(09/09 13:26:12) Patrick Dulebohn: Enjoy Eder Naybree, everyone!
(09/09 13:26:12) Prad: indeed
(09/09 13:26:15) Patrick Dulebohn salutes
Kelsei A.T. KI# 10581205
Exotic Language Translator/Decoder.
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