4/29/22 - Elonin Release Chatlogs.

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Kelsei A. Taylor
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4/29/22 - Elonin Release Chatlogs.

Post by Kelsei A. Taylor »

(04/29 11:57:10) Chat.log started...
(04/29 11:57:21) Kelsei A.T.: shorah, all :)
(04/29 11:57:22) Kelsei A.T. waves hello
(04/29 11:57:27) ametist': philigr, good to see you :)
(04/29 11:57:27) nita1 waves hello
(04/29 11:57:30) ondine leans left
(04/29 11:57:46) ondine leans right
(04/29 11:57:46) philipgr leans left
(04/29 11:58:14) philipgr: Shorah Kelsei :)
(04/29 11:58:26) nita1 leans right
(04/29 11:58:28) ondine leans left
(04/29 11:58:28) ametist': Shora kelsei :)
(04/29 11:58:30) Kelsei A.T. unpacks a camera from her backpack
(04/29 11:58:48) ondine: Shorah Kelsei :)
(04/29 11:58:51) philipgr: Good to see you too ametist :)
(04/29 11:58:51) Kelsei A.T.: don't mind me much, i'll just be recording the reveal :)
(04/29 11:58:51) Minasunda: shorah Kelsei :)
(04/29 11:58:56) nita1: shorah Roland
(04/29 11:59:07) ondine leans right
(04/29 11:59:08) Xavi leans left
(04/29 11:59:27) philipgr: 1956 South African time.
(04/29 11:59:54) Cody Herd: hello all
(04/29 11:59:57) nita1: maybe make some friends hee
(04/29 12:00:02) nita1: here
(04/29 12:00:17) ondine leans right
(04/29 12:00:20) Cpt.Jericho: My god Chogon in online!
(04/29 12:00:27) Cody Herd: leanleft
(04/29 12:00:33) Kelsei A.T.: shorah, Cpt.Jericho
(04/29 12:00:55) Minasunda leans right
(04/29 12:00:57) ondine leans left
(04/29 12:00:59) philipgr: Shorah Cpt. Jericho
(04/29 12:02:27) Brigid: Dude, do you have to?
(04/29 12:02:35) Minasunda: shorah Chogon :))
(04/29 12:02:41) Kelsei A.T.: shorah, chogon
(04/29 12:02:52) nita1: shorah Chogon
(04/29 12:02:52) philipgr: Shorah Chogon :)
(04/29 12:02:53) Cpt.Jericho: Hi Chogon!
(04/29 12:03:00) ondine: Shorah Chogon :)
(04/29 12:03:01) ametist': Shorah Chogon :)
(04/29 12:03:07) Cody Herd: sit
(04/29 12:03:08) nita1: yes
(04/29 12:03:08) Brigid: Shorah, Chogon
(04/29 12:03:17) Cody Herd: sit
(04/29 12:03:34) Kelsei A.T. waves hello
(04/29 12:03:40) ametist': There are a lot of space for more books in here :)
(04/29 12:03:45) Cody Herd: how do i sit myself
(04/29 12:03:53) Chogon: Need more books!
(04/29 12:03:56) Dulcamara: shorah Chogon
(04/29 12:04:03) Xavi: ctrl+7
(04/29 12:04:04) Kelsei A.T.: always more coming,
(04/29 12:04:06) Cpt.Jericho: type /sit or press ctrl 7
(04/29 12:04:06) philipgr: Plenty more books
(04/29 12:04:19) Stephany: Need more books.
(04/29 12:04:20) Cody Herd: oh okay thank you
(04/29 12:04:37) ametist': I am digging out Uncle Rebus' chest as best i can lol
(04/29 12:05:14) ametist': I bet IwonK has some 'book-cookies' prepared!
(04/29 12:05:27) IwonK passes around fresh book cookies
(04/29 12:05:32) nita1: yummmm
(04/29 12:05:41) Chogon: Cookies!!!!!
(04/29 12:05:47) philipgr thanks IwonK for her book cookies
(04/29 12:05:48) Stephany: LOL!
(04/29 12:05:50) Cody Herd: yuummm
(04/29 12:06:13) ametist': Always a treat at these occasions!
(04/29 12:07:44) Kelsei A.T. gets a few panning shots to test the camera...
(04/29 12:07:45)
(04/29 12:08:16) Cody Herd: how is everybody
(04/29 12:08:32) philipgr: Fine and how are you Cody?
(04/29 12:08:37) Brigid sideeyes the wannabe troll.
(04/29 12:08:49) Cody Herd: im doing FANTASTIC
(04/29 12:09:13) philipgr: @Cody great :)
(04/29 12:09:23) Claidi Song: Shorah everyone :))
(04/29 12:09:23) Minasunda: shorah Claidi :))
(04/29 12:09:28) EMM: Shorah
(04/29 12:09:39) Minasunda leans left
(04/29 12:09:40) Claidi Song leans right
(04/29 12:09:41) Dulcamara: shorah all
(04/29 12:09:57) philipgr: Shorah Claidi :)
(04/29 12:10:09) Dulcamara leans left
(04/29 12:10:11) Claidi Song leans left
(04/29 12:10:16) Claidi Song leans right
(04/29 12:10:21) ametist': Claidi :)
(04/29 12:10:46) Kelsei A.T. tries to find a good camera angle...
(04/29 12:10:47)
(04/29 12:11:14) Roland (Mav Hungary) leans right
(04/29 12:11:16) ondine leans left
(04/29 12:11:18) philipgr: There is a book in each observation room that explains how the wall works.
(04/29 12:11:24) Kelsei A.T.: bah, all this back lighting is killer on the lense.
(04/29 12:11:31) nita1: lol
(04/29 12:12:00) ametist': I heard Patrick is exploring more of Chiso
(04/29 12:12:15) ametist': I hope there will be something that can be restored for us to see
(04/29 12:12:23) Kelsei A.T.: yes, keeps me busy with the caltauc language samples he keeps bringing in.
(04/29 12:12:36) Dulcamara: he have to wear a good helmet then
(04/29 12:12:52) Brigid: Has Tieran gotten you all those first aid kits?
(04/29 12:12:53) ametist': Oh, so he is still finding some, cool!
(04/29 12:13:08) philipgr: He may be digging a basement or a wine cellar ... lol
(04/29 12:13:19) Kelsei A.T.: yes, we've been keeping the downstairs door locked just in case the locals notice us poking around
(04/29 12:13:38) Lycaon Alethius: Shorah!
(04/29 12:13:55) Dulcamara: shorah Lycaon Alethius
(04/29 12:13:55) Lycaon Alethius waves hello
(04/29 12:13:56) philipgr: @kelsi yes you cannot have angry local :).
(04/29 12:14:18) Kelsei A.T.: Patrick has plans to let us off our 'always lock the stairs door' requirement in the next few months,
(04/29 12:14:40) ametist': kelsei, that sounds awesome!
04/29 12:15:05) Kelsei A.T.: all i ask is nobody take anything from my desk once you can find it?
(04/29 12:15:05) Root Beere (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(04/29 12:15:16) Kelsei A.T. grins good naturedly
(04/29 12:15:16) ametist' laughs
(04/29 12:15:48) Brigid: But can we leave you tokens of our appreciation? I'm sure IwonK has a bag of cookies just for you.
(04/29 12:15:48) ametist': kelsei, promise! :)
(04/29 12:16:00) Kelsei A.T.: im always glad to take cookies.
(04/29 12:16:03) philipgr: I promise too :)
(04/29 12:16:12) IwonK hands Kelsei a bag of cookies
(04/29 12:16:29) ametist': I think IwonK would need a bakery in a corner here :)
(04/29 12:16:39) Kelsei A.T. thanks IwonK and places them in her backpack for safe keeping
(04/29 12:16:39) Cody Herd: i want a cookie
(04/29 12:16:48) IwonK: I have a whole Guild of Cookies '_
(04/29 12:17:00) ametist': yes of course lol
(04/29 12:17:01) Kelsei A.T.: fun!
(04/29 12:17:02) Dulcamara: best cookies ever
(04/29 12:17:07) Cody Herd: yyyuuuumm
(04/29 12:17:14) Brigid: Weeeeell, I in theory know how to build a wood fired oven if we can't reverse engineer some of the D'ni kitchens.
(04/29 12:17:14) ametist' laughs
(04/29 12:17:15) IwonK passes around book-shaped cookies
(04/29 12:17:17) nita1: i will take another one
(04/29 12:17:24) philipgr: Iwonk will be t6he head of the Guild of Caterers
(04/29 12:17:32) nita1: good idea
(04/29 12:17:40) Brigid: Ever tried to make cookies with a woodfire oven, Iwonk?
(04/29 12:18:03) IwonK: a firemarble oven, maybe :D :D :D
(04/29 12:18:07) nita1: i havent tried that...lol
(04/29 12:18:27) Brigid: Oooo! A sparkly oven! For sparkly cookies!
(04/29 12:18:29) ametist' enjoy the warmth from the sun, shining through the windows
Kelsei A.T. KI# 10581205
Exotic Language Translator/Decoder.
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Kelsei A. Taylor
Posts: 331
Joined: Sat Oct 30, 2021 3:15 pm

Re: 4/29/22 - Elonin Release Chatlogs.

Post by Kelsei A. Taylor »

(04/29 12:26:38) Kelsei A.T.: oh, shorah, patrick
(04/29 12:26:48) Patrick Dulebohn: Hey there.
(04/29 12:26:48) nita1 waves hello
(04/29 12:26:55) Patrick Dulebohn: And here I thought I'd beat the crowd!
(04/29 12:26:56) Patrick Dulebohn laughs
(04/29 12:26:59) Claidi Song waves
(04/29 12:27:00) philipgr: Shorah Patrick :)
(04/29 12:27:01) ondine: Shorah Patrick :)
(04/29 12:27:08) Cody Herd: we wait
(04/29 12:27:12) Kelsei A.T.: nope, crowd was forming atleast by 10
(04/29 12:27:16) Brigid: Shorah, Patrick
(04/29 12:27:18) Patrick Dulebohn: Don't worry, there's still plenty of time. I'm just dropping in to chat while we wait.
(04/29 12:27:18) nita1: how many aer here now?
(04/29 12:27:18) Dulcamara: shorah Patrick
(04/29 12:27:21) Hander: I played both for Yellow and Purple team, all works fine, except you have to double click the green button for it to work :)
(04/29 12:27:43) Cody Herd: im here
(04/29 12:27:48) Patrick Dulebohn: Yeah, the equipment is a bit old, so sometimes, needs to be...persuaded a bit.
(04/29 12:27:50) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(04/29 12:27:56) Xavi: mmm...
(04/29 12:28:10) Patrick Dulebohn: Much like a really old tablet, just keep jabbing at it until it works.
(04/29 12:28:16) Cody Herd: im just hidding
(04/29 12:28:23) Hazado: yes, we are still working on getting all the minor bugs out. Hoping to have it working better for solo players in a few months
(04/29 12:28:41) Hazado: less running around the facilities to get to the wall is the hope
(04/29 12:28:43) nita1: i count at least 30 so far
(04/29 12:28:53) Kelsei A.T.: the back and forth does seem quite tiring,
(04/29 12:28:56) philipgr: Each team has to click the green button to set the settings for the game.
(04/29 12:29:00) Brigid: By the way, does D'ni tech respond to the "Rubber Duck Debugging Method" or do you have to use whatever the D'ni had for ducks?
(04/29 12:29:02) Kelsei A.T.: speaking as someone who had to run across ae'gura for markers and hated it...
(04/29 12:29:03) Prad is worried about the old uruntu laptop in new messengers pub... jab it until it works...?
(04/29 12:29:04) Patrick Dulebohn: Both the DRC and some explorers from Germany all had a go at getting that wall working before Hazado took over. It's a real beast of a project.
(04/29 12:29:28) Hazado: They had it nearly done by the time I got my hands on it
(04/29 12:29:33) philipgr: I setup both teams and had to stand on both suit panels before I got a suit.
(04/29 12:29:40) Patrick Dulebohn: We'll continue to work out the kinks. Perhaps just a can of oil is needed or something.
(04/29 12:29:42) Patrick Dulebohn winks
(04/29 12:29:46) Hazado: The Maintainer nexus on the other hand....
(04/29 12:29:49) Hander: But you cannot set different number of blockers for each team, or I don't know how to do it
(04/29 12:29:52) Hazado: that place was a mess
(04/29 12:30:03) Kelsei A.T.: Calum once got stuck in one of those suits
(04/29 12:30:09) Hazado: each team has to agree on the number of blockers
(04/29 12:30:11) Kelsei A.T.: scared the heck out of me when he sneaked into the lower office.
(04/29 12:30:12) philipgr: Give the D'ni gremlins an age of their own :)
(04/29 12:30:20) Kelsei A.T.: i wound up splashing him with my coffee.
(04/29 12:30:23) Kelsei A.T. rolls her eyes
(04/29 12:30:24) Hazado: no different number of blockers for each side, they have to match
(04/29 12:30:25) Patrick Dulebohn laughs
(04/29 12:30:35) Patrick Dulebohn: I think I remember the aftermath of that, Kelsei.
(04/29 12:30:44) Brigid: Well, at least he was well protected against scalding liquid. :D
(04/29 12:30:46) Kelsei A.T.: yes, i had him buy me the most expensive coffee grounds i could find.
(04/29 12:30:56) Kelsei A.T.: and yes, the suit protects well against coffee as it does any element
(04/29 12:30:59) Kelsei A.T. smiles
(04/29 12:31:08) Hander: what about handicaps for newbie teams? :)
(04/29 12:31:09) Patrick Dulebohn: To be fair, it *did* make the office smell great...if you're a coffee lover, which I am.
(04/29 12:31:21) Kelsei A.T.: im just glad we got the stain out of the floor
(04/29 12:31:26) Prad: 'any element' triggers something in Prad,,,
(04/29 12:31:28) Kelsei A.T.: that would've been embarassing
(04/29 12:31:37) Brigid: How refreshing to find someone else enlightened enough to know that coffee is, in fact, it's own element.
(04/29 12:31:41) Adi: hello there
(04/29 12:31:42) Patrick Dulebohn: Luckily, it's stone, so it doesn't stain easily.
(04/29 12:31:53) Scharminius: General Adi! :)
(04/29 12:31:56) Kelsei A.T.: still had me worried a bit!
(04/29 12:31:58) Adi: heh
(04/29 12:31:58) Patrick Dulebohn: Red wine, maybe. Heh.
(04/29 12:31:59) Boywhith: Hi Adi :)\
(04/29 12:32:02) Minasunda: hello Adi :)
(04/29 12:32:04) Kelsei A.T.: shorah, Adi
(04/29 12:32:05) Adi: :):)
(04/29 12:32:06) philipgr: Shorah Adi
(04/29 12:32:31) Hazado: The other team can always put blockers in a spot that wont affect the climb
(04/29 12:32:34) Cpt.Jericho: Hi Adi
(04/29 12:32:43) Murry: Shorah Explorers!
(04/29 12:32:45) Hander: Also it would be nice to climb up the wall by using WASD only :)
(04/29 12:32:48) Lauritz: Shorah all
(04/29 12:32:50) Kelsei A.T.: dont challenge calum to a maze,
(04/29 12:32:55) Minasunda: shorah Murry :)
(04/29 12:32:57) Kelsei A.T.: or scharm, or hazado for that matter,
(04/29 12:33:02) Prad: remap keys to wasd and you have wasd
(04/29 12:33:02) Kelsei A.T.: ive heard they each have devious mazes
(04/29 12:33:09) Scharminius: >:D
(04/29 12:33:34) Patrick Dulebohn: Calum comes up with the most devious ones.
(04/29 12:33:51) Chogon: @Hazado and the Wall team: Everyone at Cyan is amazed y'all got the Wall working! Great job!
(04/29 12:33:59) Hazado: well I did have a lot of time testing various mazes
(04/29 12:34:04) Claidi Song cheers
(04/29 12:34:14) nita1 cheers
(04/29 12:34:16) Hander: no, W - up, S - down, left arrow - left, right arrow - right for me
(04/29 12:34:21) EMM cheers
(04/29 12:34:21) Kelsei A.T.: :) we're glad you're amazed.
(04/29 12:34:22) Hazado: Thank you! Happy to bring it back
(04/29 12:34:25) Chogon: multiplayer gaming takes a *lot* of testing :-)
(04/29 12:34:25) Patrick Dulebohn: Well, there's still a few things to work on, but yeah...that wall is working *much* better now.
(04/29 12:34:31) Hander: So I play with both hands :)
(04/29 12:34:46) Kelsei A.T.: i can see why the DRC never got it fully working, given the horror stories i've heard from Calum
(04/29 12:35:05) Kelsei A.T.: i can only imagine how much nonsense went into even getting it initially functioning
(04/29 12:35:13) Patrick Dulebohn: It was in a bit of a state when it was first found from what we've read.
(04/29 12:35:32) Hazado: lets just say we got trapped in the maintainer nexus and had to relto out for several months of testing
(04/29 12:35:34) Patrick Dulebohn: The Fall did a number on a great many of things, mostly due to the centuries of neglect from the absent D'ni.
(04/29 12:35:58) Patrick Dulebohn: Yes, as mysterious as that Book is, best to have it handy when going into potential danger.
(04/29 12:36:49) Kelsei A.T.: Relto is handy, but i think I might just prefer a Maintainer Suit if I ever have to step foot into an untested area, going forwards.
(04/29 12:37:03) Patrick Dulebohn: Both would be ideal, I'd say.
(04/29 12:37:08) Kelsei A.T.: oh, for sure
(04/29 12:37:17) From philipgr in Chiso Preniv: The Gahreesen nexus would be a good place for IwonK to set up a cookie stall. You would have something to eat while waiting for rescue.
(04/29 12:37:36) Patrick Dulebohn: Although I'm not sure a suit would withstand a fall from the top of the Great Shaft...and I'm not about to test that theory!
(04/29 12:37:37) ametist': Great idea phihlipgr!
(04/29 12:37:38) Patrick Dulebohn cowers
(04/29 12:37:41) Hander: Why two Nexus book?
(04/29 12:37:50) Boywhith: I won't feel comfortable in a Maintainers suit.
(04/29 12:37:57) From IwonK in Chiso Preniv: how did you know that was my evil plan to do that? xD
(04/29 12:38:00) Brigid: Unless Yeesha somehow put a decontamination function into a Relto link, we're still at risk of biologials going into new places.
(04/29 12:38:00) Kelsei A.T.: here in chiso, Hander?
(04/29 12:38:07) Hander: yes
(04/29 12:38:08) Patrick Dulebohn: It IS a bit restricting, but that's for safety concerns.
(04/29 12:38:18) philipgr: The Gahreesen nexus would be a good place for IwonK to set up a cookie stall. You would have something to eat while waiting for rescue.
(04/29 12:38:19) Kelsei A.T.: Patrick was the one who placed them, he could answer why.
(04/29 12:38:35) Patrick Dulebohn: Hm?
(04/29 12:38:41) Patrick Dulebohn: Sorry, was going over some notes.
(04/29 12:38:43) Hander: for symmetry considerations? )
(04/29 12:38:43) Patrick Dulebohn blushes
(04/29 12:38:47) Kelsei A.T.: the Nexus books, Patrick
(04/29 12:38:49) Kelsei A.T.: why two?
(04/29 12:39:01) philipgr: @Hander one book for purple team and one book for yellow team
(04/29 12:39:09) IwonK passes around purple and yellow cookies
(04/29 12:39:13) Kelsei A.T.: why two here, rather,
(04/29 12:39:14) Hander: no, here in Chiso
(04/29 12:39:16) Prad: they even did a gahreesen enter gahreesen fortress doors animation for first person perspective ... felt a bit claustrophobic but it worked...
(04/29 12:39:18) Patrick Dulebohn: Yeah, I'd say for symmetry. Until I find a proper Book back to Watcher's Pub anyway.
(04/29 12:39:29) Patrick Dulebohn: Plus, we've got hundreds of the things, which is good.
(04/29 12:39:40) Patrick Dulebohn: Given how important it was to get around, it makes sense.
(04/29 12:39:55) Patrick Dulebohn: Although I'd gladly walk all over the city.
(04/29 12:39:56) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(04/29 12:40:11) Kelsei A.T.: no thank you, running all over it for markers was enough for me!
(04/29 12:40:36) Scharminius: If putting your boot in your mouth counts as "booted", sure I guess...
(04/29 12:40:40) ametist': Earlier we talked about how these shelves need more books too
(04/29 12:40:54) Patrick Dulebohn: Eh, you just take a break here or there. Besides, it's still a fascinating place.
(04/29 12:41:09) Kelsei A.T.: :)
(04/29 12:41:15) ametist': It is!
(04/29 12:41:16) Lauritz: Not just more books but more linking books.
(04/29 12:41:25) Patrick Dulebohn: Oh yes. We're slowly filling them. Once these pillars are full, we'll start rotating Books to the shelves, starting with the Pub, then Veelay, etcetera.
(04/29 12:41:36) ametist': Linking books for sure :)
Kelsei A.T. KI# 10581205
Exotic Language Translator/Decoder.
User avatar
Kelsei A. Taylor
Posts: 331
Joined: Sat Oct 30, 2021 3:15 pm

Re: 4/29/22 - Elonin Release Chatlogs.

Post by Kelsei A. Taylor »

(04/29 12:41:53) Kelsei A.T.: i think the Pub book likely will need a more prominent permanent display, given how popular it is
(04/29 12:42:01) Patrick Dulebohn: Well, so far, it's a healthy mix of both...just not all accessible at the moment.
(04/29 12:42:03) Kelsei A.T.: though, considering the new nexus link there, it may not be necessary
(04/29 12:42:05) Cpt.Jericho: Would be nice to have Nexus link for the pub.
(04/29 12:42:11) Patrick Dulebohn: Indeed.
(04/29 12:42:14) Patrick Dulebohn: There is one now.
(04/29 12:42:15) Boywhith: Pity my books about Myst / Riven / URU are too extensive and containing too much pictures...
(04/29 12:42:22) Patrick Dulebohn: The Nexus pedestal in the Pub was fixed.
(04/29 12:42:39) Kelsei A.T.: Claum managed to get the replacement lattice piece in not too long ago
(04/29 12:42:40) Patrick Dulebohn: I actually used it to come here.
(04/29 12:42:42) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(04/29 12:42:46) Cpt.Jericho: No, I mean a direct link to the pub from my personal Nexus
(04/29 12:42:58) ametist': kelsei, thats promising!
(04/29 12:43:01) Kelsei A.T.: yes, that's what we mean, Captain,
(04/29 12:43:03) Patrick Dulebohn: Yep, it's there now. Just need to use the Nexus pedestal's KI slot.
(04/29 12:43:05) Cpt.Jericho: Ok
(04/29 12:43:16) Patrick Dulebohn: Just like the locations outside in the city.
(04/29 12:43:34) LividLiquid: That is so cool, Graizur. I wonder if it was just a coincidence or if they were a fan.
(04/29 12:43:38) Kelsei A.T.: though, the display name is a little finnickey still,
(04/29 12:43:39) Prad: replacement lattuce
(04/29 12:43:48) TikiBear leans right
(04/29 12:43:49) Patrick Dulebohn: It should appear in the list as New Messengers Pub. We used that since that's what Minasunda uses in her adverts.
(04/29 12:43:51) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(04/29 12:43:52) skyisblu leans left
(04/29 12:43:59) Kelsei A.T.: i think that might require another quick server reboot to fix at some point,
(04/29 12:44:09) Kelsei A.T.: no idea why its listing a 9 in there.
(04/29 12:44:16) Patrick Dulebohn: Also, you may need to scroll down a bit if you have a lot of city location Links.
(04/29 12:44:29) Patrick Dulebohn: Well, the lattice is probably still angry with us. Heh.
(04/29 12:44:40) Minasunda: thats nice Patrick :)
(04/29 12:44:49) Brigid: Do not taunt Happy Fun Lattice.
(04/29 12:45:02) Patrick Dulebohn: We did give it a bit of a whollop to get that terminal working. Hence the power blink that reset the visitor list and imagers.
(04/29 12:45:09) LividLiquid: Latiice: Do not bounce.
(04/29 12:45:26) Cpt.Jericho: Pour some vinegar over it, then it's sour but only one step away from being a salad
(04/29 12:45:33) Brigid: Do not apply lattice to living tissue.
(04/29 12:45:33) LividLiquid: Oh, it was Portland? That's almost certainly a fan.
(04/29 12:45:37) Patrick Dulebohn: Looks like we've got about 15 minutes. Still got some coming in.
(04/29 12:45:54) Kelsei A.T. settles up to make sure camera is working...
(04/29 12:46:01) Patrick Dulebohn: Yes, the moment you don't respect that lattice, all the KI's go screwy. Heh.
(04/29 12:46:02) Minasunda: shorah Babbel :)
(04/29 12:46:09) Boywhith: Hallo babbel :))
(04/29 12:46:22) Kelsei A.T.: shorah, babbel :)
(04/29 12:46:26) LividLiquid: So is this an audio address or will it all be over text chat?
(04/29 12:46:30) likonan: Shorah
(04/29 12:46:33) Cpt.Jericho: Checked the batteries, Kelsei?
(04/29 12:46:35) ametist': Shoarha to all newly arrived :)
(04/29 12:46:36) Kelsei A.T.: yep
(04/29 12:46:44) Prad: anyone still doing private messages to avvies? lol
(04/29 12:46:50) Claidi Song waves hello to everyone :)
(04/29 12:46:52) nita1 waves hello
(04/29 12:47:00) philipgr: @Patrick did you wack the nexus terminal with a hammer to get it working? ... lol
(04/29 12:47:12) IwonK: I can, Prad :D
(04/29 12:47:13) Murry: Shorah Claidi
(04/29 12:47:13) Kelsei A.T.: Calum tried that, philip.
(04/29 12:47:22) Boywhith greets everybody!
(04/29 12:47:24) philipgr: Shorah Babbeltje :)
(04/29 12:47:25) Kelsei A.T.: also some other tools, from what he said
(04/29 12:47:26) Kelsei A.T.: lol
(04/29 12:47:29) Prad: with a thor hammer to be exactly...
(04/29 12:47:43) Cpt.Jericho: The squeaky one?
(04/29 12:47:49) Babbeltje.40: Shorah philipgr
(04/29 12:47:56) Babbeltje.40: shorah Prad
(04/29 12:48:06) Prad: shorah Babbeltje.40
(04/29 12:48:08) LividLiquid: Can Mjolnir crack Nara?
(04/29 12:48:21) Patrick Dulebohn: Heh, now that's a good question.
(04/29 12:48:23) philipgr: I hope calum did not kick it as he would have hurt his toes.
(04/29 12:48:26) IwonK: we'll have to ask Thor to try nex time he comes :D
(04/29 12:48:30) Patrick Dulebohn: This nara was not worthy!
(04/29 12:48:32) Patrick Dulebohn laughs
(04/29 12:48:47) Prad: or fix-it-felix
(04/29 12:48:47) Babbeltje.40: shorah prad
(04/29 12:48:52) Kelsei A.T.: ...if he did kick it, he didnt tell me.
(04/29 12:48:58) Hander: What about the Descent's terminal? I've heard some work is being done (from that audio device in Kirel)
(04/29 12:49:02) Patrick Dulebohn: I suppose it depends on how dense nara is compared to vibranium?
(04/29 12:49:03) Brigid: While you're at it, ring up TonyStark! He's probably upgrade as well as fix it. :D
(04/29 12:49:11) Kelsei A.T.: though, he did kick a battery box for his computer not too recently,
(04/29 12:49:12) Patrick Dulebohn: Too soon!
(04/29 12:49:12) Claidi Song: Hey :))
(04/29 12:49:14) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(04/29 12:49:30) Kelsei A.T.: that *did* hurt his foot from what I recall.
(04/29 12:49:38) Kelsei A.T.: poor boy needs his breaks.
(04/29 12:49:48) Patrick Dulebohn: I'll say. He works too dang hard.
(04/29 12:50:11) Isa =^.^= leans left
(04/29 12:50:14) Kelsei A.T.: i'll be trying to keep him focused on Naybree for the next few months, there isnt too much left to do *there* as far as I know,
(04/29 12:50:17) Claidi Song leans right
(04/29 12:50:19) Patrick Dulebohn: Lately, I've been enjoying some quiet time in uh...oh, I should probably not mention that Age.
(04/29 12:50:21) Patrick Dulebohn looks around for a bit
(04/29 12:50:26) Brigid: We need to get him a gift certificate for a massage or something.
(04/29 12:50:33) Kelsei A.T.: so that should keep him out of a lot of trouble,
(04/29 12:50:39) Kelsei A.T.: not much problems one can get into in a Garden
(04/29 12:50:44) EMM: where patrick. where?! ;)
(04/29 12:50:59) Brigid: Patrick, you tease!!
(04/29 12:51:02) Patrick Dulebohn: It's a surprise...hopefully one that will be revealed sometime down the road.
(04/29 12:51:05) Patrick Dulebohn winks
(04/29 12:51:10) Kelsei A.T.: hopefully.
(04/29 12:51:38) Kelsei A.T. gets camera rolling...
(04/29 12:51:52) Prad nervously looks at his KI... age?... to relax?... need it now!...
(04/29 12:52:20) LividLiquid: My friend works at that Hulu office, Graizur.
(04/29 12:52:21) Patrick Dulebohn: Well, there's already a few. I recommend Eder Delin if you're not looking to get into that odd door.
(04/29 12:52:27) philipgr: @Prad you need a jakoozy in Relto
(04/29 12:52:42) Murry: Patrick, if you keep teasing us like that, we may have to revert to torture.
(04/29 12:52:53) Patrick Dulebohn: I'd be impressed if someone got one installed in there.
(04/29 12:53:05) Patrick Dulebohn: Ha! Do your worst!
(04/29 12:53:07) Patrick Dulebohn taunts you
(04/29 12:53:11) Patrick Dulebohn: Heh.
(04/29 12:53:20) Hazado: You might be able to get one in there if you took it piece by piece
(04/29 12:53:20) Murry: Heh heh
(04/29 12:53:33) Patrick Dulebohn: Besides, from what I've seen of this community, everyone likes a good surprise.
(04/29 12:53:45) Prad: true
(04/29 12:53:52) EMM: do love a good surprise
(04/29 12:53:54) Brigid: That is a question. Would we rig a hot tub's motor and heater to run off firemarbles?
(04/29 12:53:57) Lauritz: There is one in the TARDIS
(04/29 12:53:58) LividLiquid: Wait a minute. Is the arch paint in here different than it was before?
(04/29 12:54:06) IwonK passes around surprise cookies
(04/29 12:54:11) Patrick Dulebohn: If that can be done Brigid, I would love to know.
(04/29 12:54:22) Kelsei A.T.: i dont think anyone did any painting, Livid?
(04/29 12:54:30) Kelsei A.T.: but i may have missed something,
(04/29 12:54:31) Murry: That's true. I just remeber the near small uprising at AGM last month. Right Kelsei?
(04/29 12:54:36) Patrick Dulebohn: Nice! I knew someone would bring the cookies.
(04/29 12:54:36) LividLiquid: I guess I've just never noticed it.
(04/29 12:54:38) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(04/29 12:54:42) Kelsei A.T.: ive had a busy few weeks on the surface lately.
(04/29 12:54:51) LividLiquid: Weird considering I sit at this desk a LOT.
(04/29 12:55:12) Patrick Dulebohn: I think a lot of us have, Kelsei. It's good to get away for a bit for something fun like this.
(04/29 12:55:26) Metabasalt1: nothing like a new uru age to bring fans back on Moula
(04/29 12:55:32) Patrick Dulebohn: OK, I think we've got about five minutes.
Kelsei A.T. KI# 10581205
Exotic Language Translator/Decoder.
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Kelsei A. Taylor
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Re: 4/29/22 - Elonin Release Chatlogs.

Post by Kelsei A. Taylor »

(04/29 12:55:33) Ereshkigal: Hi everyone! Nice crowd today for Elonin :)
(04/29 12:55:35) Root Beere leans left
(04/29 12:55:46) Nosi La leans right
(04/29 12:55:55) philipgr: Hi Ereshkigal :)
(04/29 12:55:57) Roland (Mav Hungary) leans left
(04/29 12:55:59) Omiahn leans right
(04/29 12:56:01) Kelsei A.T.: shorah, eresh
(04/29 12:56:04) Prad: I once had the illusion that some beam would target the great zero imager at a non-adjusted off-center spot... why?... because it shows a glowing image of a marker which looks like a diameter of an invisible beam hitting that screen...
(04/29 12:56:04) Maurus waves hello
(04/29 12:56:09) Patrick Dulebohn: Things have really come alive these last few months. It's great to see.
(04/29 12:56:13) Maurus: wowee! lotta folks here!
(04/29 12:56:19) cile waves hello
(04/29 12:56:24) Kelsei A.T.: shorah, maurus
(04/29 12:56:27) LividLiquid: Right?
(04/29 12:56:39) Patrick Dulebohn: Indeed, Maurus. Best to park yourself somewhere and get comfy. We'll soon be starting.
(04/29 12:56:46) cile: hello everyone :)))
(04/29 12:56:48) Cody Herd: how many people are here??
(04/29 12:56:48) Murry: Shorah Maurus
(04/29 12:56:55) ametist': cile :)
(04/29 12:56:55) Patrick Dulebohn: Hi cile.
(04/29 12:57:01) Murry: Hello cile :))
(04/29 12:57:05) Sleeper Jan: Lots
(04/29 12:57:08) LividLiquid: Hi, Cile!
(04/29 12:57:09) Boywhith: shoraj, Cile :))
(04/29 12:57:11) ametist' laughs
(04/29 12:57:23) Patrick Dulebohn finds his mark and gets ready
(04/29 12:57:32) Christo: So glad that the Community is still going well...and new content to see was actually worth the wait!
(04/29 12:57:33) Scharminius: hi cile :)
(04/29 12:57:48) nita1: shorah Captin!
(04/29 12:57:54) Kelsei A.T. mutters under breath as camera screen flickers
(04/29 12:58:05) Patrick Dulebohn: Uh oh.
(04/29 12:58:07) Kelsei A.T.: (oh dont you dare go out on me now...)
(04/29 12:58:08) ametist' takes a deep breath
(04/29 12:58:15) nita1: its been years CQ
(04/29 12:58:24) Kelsei A.T.: apologies if i have to vanish suddenly to take care of this.
(04/29 12:58:26) Prad: it needs a lot of polishing and repair to get new ages going... writing the fixes into the age description books...
(04/29 12:58:37) Kelsei A.T.: could someone else chatlog just incase?
(04/29 12:58:40) Prad: ... so it takes time. thats alright.
(04/29 12:58:40) Murry: It's about to start...
(04/29 12:58:40) IwonK: I can provide Polishing xD
(04/29 12:58:50) Prad: lol
(04/29 12:58:50) Patrick Dulebohn: The latter is definitely only recommended for trained professionals...and at your own risk, of course.
(04/29 12:59:10) Patrick Dulebohn: Got a little under two minutes, I think.
(04/29 12:59:19) From Hazado: ive been doing chatlogs for a few hours now
(04/29 12:59:24) To Hazado: thanks
(04/29 12:59:29) Patrick Dulebohn: You may now proceed to get excited. Heh.
(04/29 12:59:38) EMM: too late
(04/29 12:59:55) Patrick Dulebohn touches up his little speech
(04/29 13:00:07) likonan gets excited
(04/29 13:00:08) Brigid: Keep your hands and arms inside the library until the link comes to a complete "whrrrrr".
(04/29 13:00:15) Kelsei A.T. mutters, and pokes at camera, trying to keep it working...
Kelsei A.T. KI# 10581205
Exotic Language Translator/Decoder.
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Kelsei A. Taylor
Posts: 331
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Re: 4/29/22 - Elonin Release Chatlogs.

Post by Kelsei A. Taylor »

(04/29 13:00:16) Patrick Dulebohn: Okay, I think it's time!
(04/29 13:00:21) Patrick Dulebohn: Hello one and all, and welcome back to Chiso Preniv!
(04/29 13:00:22) ametist' claps her hands
(04/29 13:00:23) Ereshkigal: Roote Beere, are you the same as root Beer who co-hosts RFD?
(04/29 13:00:26) nita1 claps her hands
(04/29 13:00:27) Murry claps his hands
(04/29 13:00:27) Minasunda claps her hands
(04/29 13:00:28) cile claps her hands
(04/29 13:00:30) Kelsei A.T. claps her hands
(04/29 13:00:30) Aurelias claps her hands
(04/29 13:00:31) Claidi Song claps her hands
(04/29 13:00:32) IwonK claps her hands
(04/29 13:00:33) Ereshkigal claps her hands
(04/29 13:00:33) MikeT claps his hands
(04/29 13:00:34) Dnidaz claps his hands
(04/29 13:00:34) Brigid claps her hands
(04/29 13:00:35) likonan claps his hands
(04/29 13:00:35) Nosi La claps her hands
(04/29 13:00:36) EMM claps his hands
(04/29 13:00:37) Scharminius claps his hands
(04/29 13:00:37) Root Beere leans left
(04/29 13:00:37) Christo claps his hands
(04/29 13:00:37) skyisblu claps her hands
(04/29 13:00:37) Roland (Mav Hungary) claps his hands
(04/29 13:00:38) Boywhith claps his hands
(04/29 13:00:38) ondine claps her hands
(04/29 13:00:40) Ereshkigal cheers
(04/29 13:00:40) Malim Praedari leans right
(04/29 13:00:43) billo claps his hands
(04/29 13:00:43) Cody Herd claps his hands
(04/29 13:00:46) rarified claps his hands
(04/29 13:00:46) Patrick Dulebohn: As has become a rather lovely tradition now, we've congregated here once more to celebrate another fascinating piece added to the historic puzzle that is D'ni.
(04/29 13:00:46) Chogon claps his hands
(04/29 13:00:47) zyzzyva6998 claps his hands
(04/29 13:00:47) PodHopper claps his hands
(04/29 13:00:47) Ecconia claps his hands
(04/29 13:00:48) Babbeltje.40 claps her hands
(04/29 13:00:48) Metabasalt1 claps his hands
(04/29 13:00:50) thoekenem claps his hands
(04/29 13:00:55) Maurus claps his hands
(04/29 13:00:58) Prad claps his hands
(04/29 13:01:02) philipgr claps his hands
(04/29 13:01:04) Tahm claps his hands
(04/29 13:01:07) Ahno claps his hands
(04/29 13:01:11) ZubenElGenubi claps his hands
(04/29 13:01:12) Patrick Dulebohn: Heh...have to remember to pause for applause
(04/29 13:01:14) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(04/29 13:01:30) Patrick Dulebohn: Again...
(04/29 13:01:32) Christo: pause for effect...
(04/29 13:01:34) Patrick Dulebohn: As has become a rather lovely tradition now, we've congregated here once more to celebrate another fascinating piece added to the historic puzzle that is D'ni.
(04/29 13:01:55) Patrick Dulebohn: While the Ages are a large part of our ongoing restoration efforts, we must not forget the important...and, at times, back-breaking...work being done right at home to re-open locations in the cavern as well.
(04/29 13:02:19) Patrick Dulebohn: With that in mind, I'd like to introduce you to the two restoration experts who are responsible for what you will see today.
(04/29 13:02:22) Mabe leans right
(04/29 13:02:22) Minasunda leans left
(04/29 13:02:30) Patrick Dulebohn: Please welcome Dulcamara and ametist!
(04/29 13:02:33) Aurelias claps her hands
(04/29 13:02:34) cile cheers
(04/29 13:02:34) IwonK claps her hands
(04/29 13:02:34) ZubenElGenubi claps his hands
(04/29 13:02:34) nita1 claps her hands
(04/29 13:02:35) Brigid claps her hands
(04/29 13:02:35) Hazado cheers
(04/29 13:02:35) philipgr claps his hands
(04/29 13:02:35) Ereshkigal claps her hands
(04/29 13:02:36) Karel cheers
(04/29 13:02:36) Diranda claps her hands
(04/29 13:02:36) Claidi Song claps her hands
(04/29 13:02:36) rarified claps his hands
(04/29 13:02:37) Maurus claps his hands
(04/29 13:02:37) Karel claps his hands
(04/29 13:02:38) PodHopper claps his hands
(04/29 13:02:38) Theo cheers
(04/29 13:02:38) Ecconia claps his hands
(04/29 13:02:38) Dnidaz claps his hands
(04/29 13:02:38) Boywhith claps his hands
(04/29 13:02:38) Prad claps his hands
(04/29 13:02:38) Patrick Dulebohn claps his hands
(04/29 13:02:38) thoekenem claps his hands
(04/29 13:02:39) Adi claps her hands
(04/29 13:02:39) Metabasalt1 claps his hands
(04/29 13:02:39) Scharminius claps his hands
(04/29 13:02:39) ametist' bows
(04/29 13:02:39) likonan claps his hands
(04/29 13:02:39) Lauritz claps his hands
(04/29 13:02:40) skyisblu cheers
(04/29 13:02:40) Isa =^.^= claps her hands
(04/29 13:02:40) Roland (Mav Hungary) claps his hands
(04/29 13:02:40) Kelsei A.T. claps her hands
(04/29 13:02:40) Root Beere claps her hands
(04/29 13:02:40) Nosi La claps her hands
(04/29 13:02:40) zyzzyva6998 claps his hands
(04/29 13:02:40) ondine claps her hands
(04/29 13:02:41) Minasunda claps her hands
(04/29 13:02:41) Ahno claps his hands
(04/29 13:02:42) Murry claps his hands
(04/29 13:02:42) Chogon claps his hands
(04/29 13:02:44) r'Tayrtahn claps his hands
(04/29 13:02:44) Tahm: 7clap
(04/29 13:02:44) Morten claps his hands
(04/29 13:02:44) uwe claps his hands
(04/29 13:02:44) Claidi Song cheers
(04/29 13:02:45) Dulcamara bows
(04/29 13:02:45) Cody Herd claps his hands
(04/29 13:02:46) Omiahn claps her hands
(04/29 13:02:46) ZubenElGenubi claps his hands
(04/29 13:02:47) Mabe claps his hands
(04/29 13:02:48) Evelyn claps her hands
(04/29 13:02:50) Malim Praedari claps his hands
(04/29 13:02:50) Tahm claps his hands
(04/29 13:02:51) Chogon claps his hands
(04/29 13:02:53) ScottMiller claps his hands
(04/29 13:02:59) Claidi Song whistles loudly
Kelsei A.T. KI# 10581205
Exotic Language Translator/Decoder.
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Kelsei A. Taylor
Posts: 331
Joined: Sat Oct 30, 2021 3:15 pm

Re: 4/29/22 - Elonin Release Chatlogs.

Post by Kelsei A. Taylor »

(04/29 13:03:22) ametist': yet again we are pleased to be able to open up a newly restired area to you all
(04/29 13:03:31) ametist': This time within the cavern!
(04/29 13:03:41) ScottMiller claps his hands
(04/29 13:03:44) nita1 claps her hands
(04/29 13:03:46) philipgr claps his hands
(04/29 13:03:48) Claidi Song cheers
(04/29 13:03:48) Ereshkigal: heer
(04/29 13:03:49) ametist': Uncle Rebus and his friends restored much of it.
(04/29 13:03:50) Diranda claps her hands
(04/29 13:03:51) ondine claps her hands
(04/29 13:03:52) BIG thumbs up from cile
(04/29 13:03:54) Ereshkigal cheers
(04/29 13:03:56) Jenuine claps her hands
(04/29 13:03:59) Babbeltje.40 claps her hands
(04/29 13:04:00) Cody Herd claps his hands
(04/29 13:04:01) r'Tayrtahn claps his hands
(04/29 13:04:02) ametist': Later he gave the linking book to Dulcamara
(04/29 13:04:12) Ro"Jethhe: If there was audio we woud have sub titles.
(04/29 13:04:14) ametist': and she continued the restoration.
(04/29 13:04:24) Murry: Nivlaek
(04/29 13:04:25) Claidi Song claps her hands
(04/29 13:04:33) ametist': She then called me in to assist with maing it ready to be public.
(04/29 13:04:53) Dulcamara blows you a kiss
(04/29 13:05:01) ametist': These last months many friends have been helping us to fix the last things
(04/29 13:05:05) Lauritz catches it.
(04/29 13:05:14) ametist': oling sqeeking door hinges
(04/29 13:05:20) nita1: lol
(04/29 13:05:24) ametist': hammering in spike heads
(04/29 13:05:26) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(04/29 13:05:31) ametist': carrying things back and forth
(04/29 13:05:32) Prad: lol
(04/29 13:05:45) ametist': you know all these little things that take so much time!
(04/29 13:05:47) Claidi Song: Good work!
(04/29 13:05:48) ZubenElGenubi chuckles
(04/29 13:05:52) Ereshkigal: It sounds almost like Atrus and the Averonese :)
(04/29 13:05:57) ametist': Big, big thanks to you all!!
(04/29 13:05:57) Ahno: yeah
(04/29 13:06:16) Dulcamara thanks you very much!
(04/29 13:06:20) ametist': There are still a few passages that need some work so those doors are closed off.
(04/29 13:06:27) ametist': But work is ongoing there!
(04/29 13:06:28) Claidi Song claps her hands
(04/29 13:07:04) Prad: locked doors ... makes things even more exciting and MYSTical...
(04/29 13:07:31) Boywhith is searching for the eys...
(04/29 13:07:40) ametist': The linking book that has been tucked away in Uncle Rebus chest for so long
(04/29 13:07:54) ametist': is now going to have its place here in Cghiso Preniv!
(04/29 13:08:00) nita1 claps her hands
(04/29 13:08:02) Dulcamara cheers
(04/29 13:08:03) ametist': Much better is you ask me :)
(04/29 13:08:04) Ereshkigal: Now all we need is some over-complicated Atrus-style locking mechanisms for the locked doors. Possibly involving sliders :)
(04/29 13:08:06) Roland (Mav Hungary) claps his hands
(04/29 13:08:08) Maurus cheers
(04/29 13:08:08) Lu* claps her hands
(04/29 13:08:09) philipgr claps his hands
(04/29 13:08:10) Claidi Song cheers
(04/29 13:08:11) Diranda cheers
(04/29 13:08:11) ondine claps her hands
(04/29 13:08:11) r'Tayrtahn claps his hands
(04/29 13:08:12) Patrick Dulebohn claps his hands
(04/29 13:08:12) skyisblu cheers
(04/29 13:08:12) Minasunda claps her hands
(04/29 13:08:14) Newpoppy claps her hands
(04/29 13:08:15) Cody Herd claps his hands
(04/29 13:08:15) Kelsei A.T. claps her hands
(04/29 13:08:15) laughingpineapple claps her hands
(04/29 13:08:16) Ereshkigal claps her hands
(04/29 13:08:16) Caltha claps her hands
(04/29 13:08:16) Mabe claps his hands
(04/29 13:08:16) Babbeltje.40 claps her hands
(04/29 13:08:17) Aurelias cheers
(04/29 13:08:17) PodHopper claps his hands
(04/29 13:08:17) Christo claps his hands
(04/29 13:08:18) Nosi La claps her hands
(04/29 13:08:18) ZubenElGenubi claps his hands
(04/29 13:08:18) Ecconia claps his hands
(04/29 13:08:19) Kainereth cheers
(04/29 13:08:19) Boywhith claps his hands
(04/29 13:08:19) Dnidaz claps his hands
(04/29 13:08:20) likonan claps his hands
(04/29 13:08:21) Prad claps his hands
(04/29 13:08:21) MOSTech6502 cheers
(04/29 13:08:22) Murry claps his hands
(04/29 13:08:22) Isa =^.^= claps her hands
(04/29 13:08:23) Brigid claps her hands
(04/29 13:08:23) Tahm claps his hands
(04/29 13:08:24) Evelyn cheers
(04/29 13:08:24) Claidi Song claps her hands
(04/29 13:08:25) [zane] claps his hands
(04/29 13:08:25) ZubenElGenubi cheers
(04/29 13:08:26) IwonK claps her hands
(04/29 13:08:27) Caltha cheers
(04/29 13:08:27) Ahno claps his hands
(04/29 13:08:29) [zane] cheers
(04/29 13:08:33) ZubenElGenubi claps his hands
(04/29 13:08:34) Mabe claps his hands
(04/29 13:08:37) LividLiquid claps her hands
(04/29 13:08:38) ametist': A big thanks to Patrick for making room for it, and thank you all that helped Elonin
(04/29 13:08:46) ametist': to go 'all clear'!
(04/29 13:08:53) Dulcamara thanks you very much!
(04/29 13:08:56) Patrick Dulebohn: Always room for more Books.
(04/29 13:08:58) ScottMiller claps his hands
(04/29 13:08:58) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(04/29 13:09:12) Lu* claps her hands
(04/29 13:09:20) Claidi Song: Total joy to test Elonin!
(04/29 13:09:30) philipgr: Yes it was :)
(04/29 13:09:32) ametist': So, those of you that want to explore together with us
(04/29 13:09:36) Roland (Mav Hungary) cheers
(04/29 13:09:43) Christo: My problem is not that I have too many books, my problems I don't have enough bookcases!
(04/29 13:09:56) ametist': wDulcamara will share her book with you
(04/29 13:10:18) ametist': So when she gets to the book, please form a line beside her
Kelsei A.T. KI# 10581205
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Kelsei A. Taylor
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Re: 4/29/22 - Elonin Release Chatlogs.

Post by Kelsei A. Taylor »

(04/29 13:11:01) Kelsei A.T. shuts off camera for moment, sighing in relief
(04/29 13:11:02)
(04/29 13:11:08) Kelsei A.T.: well, i got the main show moment! :)
(04/29 13:11:20) Patrick Dulebohn: Heh, another fine job, K.
(04/29 13:11:22) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(04/29 13:11:26) [zane]: Very excited for more ages... and Descent eventually :)
(04/29 13:11:33) Dulcamara: please go left side
(04/29 13:11:33) Kelsei A.T.: here's hoping it turns back on, on the other side.
(04/29 13:11:42) uwe leans left
(04/29 13:11:46) Patrick Dulebohn: We'll do our best to get that open as soon as we safely can, [zane].
(04/29 13:11:53) Ereshkigal: I should make an account on the Minkata shard, to help test
(04/29 13:12:02) Murry: I believe this a longer line than at DisneyWorld!
(04/29 13:12:04) Kelsei A.T. mutters about the camera's power being suddenly unstable...
(04/29 13:12:04)
(04/29 13:12:04)
(04/29 13:12:17) Ereshkigal: Elonin is much better than Disney Wordl :)
(04/29 13:12:25) Claidi Song: Yes~
(04/29 13:12:25) Prad: agreed
(04/29 13:12:26) Patrick Dulebohn: Oh trust me, Murry...that line is *much* longer...but we're more efficient.
(04/29 13:12:34) ametist': Ereshkigal, testers are always welcome!
(04/29 13:12:51) Murry: That's true Patrick.
(04/29 13:13:44) LividLiquid: 90 minutes is a short wait there too.
(04/29 13:13:55) Ereshkigal: Maintaine'rs guild policing lines :)
(04/29 13:14:02) laughingpineapple: explorers still confirmed to be the absolute best at queueing :)
(04/29 13:14:02) Patrick Dulebohn: I just Linked in from the surface and boy, is my Writing hand tired!
(04/29 13:14:08) Patrick Dulebohn laughs
(04/29 13:14:13) laughingpineapple: AND fiddling with sliders. but also queueing.
(04/29 13:14:21) Kelsei A.T. gets a nice long shot of the line :)
(04/29 13:14:21)
(04/29 13:14:29) Kelsei A.T.: such a nice orderly line!
(04/29 13:14:34) Ecconia: The line should go up and down the stairs :P
(04/29 13:14:35) ametist': I am suer iwonK has some cookies for that patrick :)
(04/29 13:14:35) Mabe leans left
(04/29 13:14:39) Patrick Dulebohn: I dread the day we find an Age with nothing but sliders.
(04/29 13:14:42) Heart: Autoshout everyone. ;)
(04/29 13:14:42) IwonK: I do :D
(04/29 13:14:45) uwe leans right
(04/29 13:15:02) Prad: AUTO
(04/29 13:15:03) laughingpineapple: Once inhabited by a D'ni sliders scientist...
(04/29 13:15:51) Patrick Dulebohn: Atrus...now that guy apparently knew his sliders...or so I'm told.
(04/29 13:15:52) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(04/29 13:16:05) Ereshkigal: Maybe the issue was that he DIDN't know them
(04/29 13:16:14) Kelsei A.T. starts to laugh
(04/29 13:16:26) Heart: How many can be in an age at once?
(04/29 13:16:35) Ereshkigal: Don't give Atrus ideas
(04/29 13:16:37) Patrick Dulebohn: I give Atrus credit as he seemed to be someone who was constantly learning, trying new things, open to possibilities...
(04/29 13:16:51) likonan: 150 no?
(04/29 13:16:59) [zane]: I think it varies
(04/29 13:17:10) Patrick Dulebohn: As long as there's elbow room, Heart. Heh.
(04/29 13:17:14) Kelsei A.T.: i dont believe there's any hard set limits unless it's through the nexus?
(04/29 13:17:18) LividLiquid: Inadvertentlo Relto linked and lost my spot in line. XD
(04/29 13:17:27) Murry: That kind of an age would drive you crazy. "Try moving the slider." WHICH one?? There are thousands of them?!
(04/29 13:17:29) Dulcamara: it worked only for one
(04/29 13:17:31) Kelsei A.T.: but it may be just a matter of space in the space.
(04/29 13:17:35) Patrick Dulebohn: The Nexus may read the nearby population and limit things, yeah.
(04/29 13:17:38) Dulcamara: then i have to klick again
(04/29 13:17:42) Dulcamara: so sorry
(04/29 13:17:48) Brigid: No problem
(04/29 13:18:03) Claidi Song: Elonin is worth any wait :))
(04/29 13:18:21) Patrick Dulebohn: This is true. A LOT of work went into restoring it.
(04/29 13:18:24) Dulcamara: lol
(04/29 13:18:25) Patrick Dulebohn: And it shows.
(04/29 13:18:51) ametist': And I think all irritating spike heads are gone now :)
(04/29 13:19:01) Ereshkigal: Spike heads?
(04/29 13:19:04) Kelsei A.T.: i hope the folks in Elonin know to hold and wait for the crowd to arrive for the party :)
(04/29 13:19:36) yodawave: shorah All :)))
(04/29 13:19:42) Patrick Dulebohn: Explorers here are more respectful than most, I've found.
(04/29 13:19:43) TOOO: Shorah everyone!
(04/29 13:19:50) Patrick Dulebohn: Hey there! Just in time.
(04/29 13:19:54) TOOO: lemon curry?
(04/29 13:19:56) likonan: shorah shorah
(04/29 13:19:56) Kelsei A.T.: shorah, TOOO
(04/29 13:19:56) Ereshkigal: Hi and welcome!
(04/29 13:19:57) ametist': I hope the book doesnt' get wormed out today!
(04/29 13:20:14) Ereshkigal: I hope I don't get stuck in the Void, with this much linking
(04/29 13:20:23) Lu*: Shorah TOOO and all :))
(04/29 13:20:26) Ro"Jethhe: Dulca said if ANYONE cuts in line will be banned.
(04/29 13:20:29) ametist': Shorah TOOO, Adrian, yodawave :)
(04/29 13:20:39) Ereshkigal: Hi Adrian!
(04/29 13:20:44) [zane]: Oop there have already been a few line cutters
(04/29 13:20:47) Patrick Dulebohn: Best listen to Dulcamara! Heh.
(04/29 13:20:52) TOOO: Tsk tsk
(04/29 13:21:02) ametist': Oh yes :)
(04/29 13:21:13) Heart: lol
(04/29 13:21:32) TOOO: i am what I yam :P
(04/29 13:21:48) TOOO: Hee hee hee
(04/29 13:21:51) Dulcamara: who do not want to share can link in without
(04/29 13:21:53) Boywhith: A Mayor has his own private lonking book... ;)
(04/29 13:22:11) TOOO: It's a dirty job, which is why I have to do it!
(04/29 13:22:28) TOOO: Hop hop hop
(04/29 13:22:50) TOOO: The camera angles in here are weird
(04/29 13:22:56) LividLiquid: Please don't stand inside me. It makes me uncomfortable. XD
(04/29 13:23:09) TOOO: (dramatic music!)
(04/29 13:23:11) Patrick Dulebohn: Personal boundaries, people!
(04/29 13:23:16) Patrick Dulebohn wants some space!
(04/29 13:23:17) Prad: get your *** fingers out of my nose... lol
(04/29 13:23:26) TOOO: Whoa!
(04/29 13:23:37) Patrick Dulebohn: Easy now.
(04/29 13:24:11) TOOO: Pole position?
(04/29 13:24:24) Kelsei A.T.: highway buster!
(04/29 13:24:24) Isa =^.^= (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(04/29 13:24:35) Kelsei A.T. giggles at some old injoke...
(04/29 13:24:41) ametist': Oh dear, Dulcamara have to work late today :)
(04/29 13:24:43) TambraDoll: waves to Ro...
(04/29 13:24:47) TambraDoll waves hello
(04/29 13:25:11) Patrick Dulebohn: Once again...love to see such a crowd for these things.
(04/29 13:25:15) Kelsei A.T.: im always impressed by the lines :)
(04/29 13:25:21) TOOO spots a Guild of Greeters shirt
(04/29 13:25:22) Ecconia: Its quite overhelming
(04/29 13:25:23) ametist': Me too!
(04/29 13:25:26) laughingpineapple: Warms the heart, it does
(04/29 13:25:41) Patrick Dulebohn: I dare say Dulcamara is the one that's overwhelmed at the moment...but she's doing great!
(04/29 13:25:50) Zeke365: this a huge crowd
(04/29 13:25:59) ametist': Yes, she does!
(04/29 13:26:03) TambraDoll: hi, Dulce!
(04/29 13:26:13) Prad: switched to third for eventual leaning but I see you're busy otherwise... lol
(04/29 13:26:14) Ecconia: I keep looking back the line like some kid :D
Kelsei A.T. KI# 10581205
Exotic Language Translator/Decoder.
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Kelsei A. Taylor
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Re: 4/29/22 - Elonin Release Chatlogs.

Post by Kelsei A. Taylor »

(04/29 13:26:25) ametist' laughs
(04/29 13:26:37) LividLiquid: Does anybody know if there's a name for the specific size and shape of book our Relto linking books are?
{While Editing Kelsei Note: I think they're around checkbook sized if not a little bit larger?}
(04/29 13:26:37) Patrick Dulebohn: Dulca has done quite a lot of great restoration work. I'm glad we could bring this first piece to Chiso for you all to enjoy.
(04/29 13:26:44) Hyperion:Titan of Light: Heart is a cold and hard!
(04/29 13:26:56) ametist': Its awesome to look at this!
(04/29 13:27:15) A'lyssa: shorah
(04/29 13:27:23) Cpt.Jericho: Is the line actually getting shorter?
(04/29 13:27:25) ametist': Shorah A'lyssa!
(04/29 13:27:29) Patrick Dulebohn: Hello there, A'lyssa.
(04/29 13:27:30) Ecconia is getting closer to the front *panic*
(04/29 13:27:41) Hyperion:Titan of Light: Sorry LividLiquid, I have no clue
(04/29 13:27:55) TOOO finally spots Chogon
(04/29 13:27:59) LividLiquid: I'm trying to commission a replica. Thanks anyway, Hyperion.
(04/29 13:28:04) Prad: you're pretty close scharminius and skyisblu
(04/29 13:28:17) skyisblu waves to Prad
(04/29 13:28:18) Hyperion:Titan of Light: oh, I get you. Best of luck with that project!
(04/29 13:28:18) Chogon: Hi TOOO
(04/29 13:28:41) TOOO: :)
(04/29 13:28:47) TOOO waves hello
(04/29 13:28:53) Hyperion:Titan of Light: We're heading to a new age! :)
(04/29 13:28:57) Cpt.Jericho: Looks like a bookstore on Christmas eve from here
(04/29 13:29:06) Prad: lol
(04/29 13:29:08) Chogon: Wow, you are almost to the front of the line!
(04/29 13:29:13) Hyperion:Titan of Light: good point!
(04/29 13:29:32) Heart: OH??? It's a new part of the City?
04/29 13:29:51) LividLiquid: It is, Heart!
(04/29 13:29:53) ametist': Elonin is in the cavern, yes
(04/29 13:30:00) Patrick Dulebohn: Indeed.
(04/29 13:30:02) Heart: I'm so sorry
(04/29 13:30:05) Hyperion:Titan of Light: Give her a push! She'll move! :)
(04/29 13:30:05) Cpt.Jericho: There are no new parts of the city; only newly restored
(04/29 13:30:10) Heart: It looked like i was in the correct spot
(04/29 13:30:11) Heart: LOL
(04/29 13:30:18) Patrick Dulebohn: No shoving now. Heh.
(04/29 13:30:23) Hyperion:Titan of Light: :)
(04/29 13:30:38) Patrick Dulebohn: Let Dulcamara do her thing. Again, she's doing great so far.
(04/29 13:30:49) LividLiquid: What do I do?
(04/29 13:31:00) Ecconia: Thats the question that I also fear to have...
(04/29 13:31:05) Patrick Dulebohn: Get close to the Book and wait for Dulca.
Kelsei A.T. KI# 10581205
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Kelsei A. Taylor
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Re: 4/29/22 - Elonin Release Chatlogs.

Post by Kelsei A. Taylor »

(04/29 13:31:06) Keith Lord: Ah look at you guys, and I thought it was only Brits that had queueing to an art.
(04/29 13:31:20) Kelsei A.T.: shorah, Keith
(04/29 13:31:22) Patrick Dulebohn: Hey Keith!
(04/29 13:31:24) Patrick Dulebohn waves
(04/29 13:31:26) Hyperion:Titan of Light: Stand still in front of Dulcamera
(04/29 13:31:36) Keith Lord: Hello Kelsei, Patrick.
(04/29 13:31:36) ametist': KeithLord, shorah :)
(04/29 13:31:42) Brigid: We've had lots of practice, Keith
(04/29 13:31:46) Patrick Dulebohn: I'm still wondering when we'll be doing one of these events for your work, good sir.
(04/29 13:31:55) Ecconia: Do I have to click the book? Or just wait?
(04/29 13:31:56) Dulcamara: if i should share you have to go a step back
(04/29 13:32:01) Murry: Shorah Keith
(04/29 13:32:02) Dulcamara: yes
(04/29 13:32:16) Dulcamara: i want to share
(04/29 13:32:26) Ecconia: Ohoh..,. Sorry for that
(04/29 13:32:39) Patrick Dulebohn: Close to the Book , but not *too* close.
(04/29 13:33:06) Keith Lord: Soon, Patrick, Soon. Highgarden is almost ready. It won't be too long before I send you a Linking Book for it.
(04/29 13:33:20) Hyperion:Titan of Light: I think Dulcamera is sharing her book, so we are ALL in the same instance.
(04/29 13:33:30) Patrick Dulebohn: Excellent. We'll be ready.
(04/29 13:33:43) Kelsei A.T.: i look forwards to seeing it, Keith :)
(04/29 13:33:49) ametist': Keith Lord, looking forward to that!
(04/29 13:34:33) Patrick Dulebohn: Me too. I've seen previous photos of the Ages you've encountered and I'm very intrigued. One of the many reasons I'd love to see some of it featured here.
(04/29 13:34:48) Patrick Dulebohn: When you're ready with it, of course.
(04/29 13:34:49) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(04/29 13:34:59) ametist': And a new garden age is most welcome
(04/29 13:35:22) Patrick Dulebohn: After a rough day, they're always the best.
(04/29 13:35:29) Kelsei A.T.: gardens are the best :)
(04/29 13:35:29) Ancient Lingerie (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(04/29 13:35:29) Skydiver Sanctuary (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(04/29 13:35:30) ametist': True
(04/29 13:35:57) ametist': And we have another one coming soon I think ;)
(04/29 13:36:06) Keith Lord: Well Highgarden isn't really a new Age. It's part of Fahets I discovered after first Writing the Age. It was a nice little enclosed space so we set it up as a garden area for the Third Path council.
(04/29 13:36:21) Tamon: D'ni has shorter months then the surface, we age sooner then most of ya
(04/29 13:36:34) Keith Lord: Of course they've all gone their seperate ways so I thought I'd prep it for a more public release.
(04/29 13:36:50) Kelsei A.T. nods her head
(04/29 13:36:50)
(04/29 13:36:58) [zane]: Third Path Council?
(04/29 13:36:59) Patrick Dulebohn: You've worked hard on all those Ages for years. It'll be nice to release them and have people appreciate the hard work you put into them after so long.
(04/29 13:37:18) Ro"Jethhe: Step by Step
(04/29 13:37:26) Ro"Jethhe: Inch by Inch
(04/29 13:37:29) Patrick Dulebohn: As you can see, there's quite a lot of excitement for it!
(04/29 13:37:31) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(04/29 13:37:44) Keith Lord: The restoration process is quicker when you have funded team behind you, not so much when it's just you and occasionally a couple of others.
(04/29 13:37:49) Ro"Jethhe: my ticket number is 299
(04/29 13:37:53) Kelsei A.T.: i shudder to imagine how the line will be for Naybree...
(04/29 13:38:14) PodHopper: makes one appreciate public instances...
(04/29 13:38:25) Kelsei A.T.: aye...
(04/29 13:38:30) Patrick Dulebohn: This is very true. Even so, dedicated volunteers with a zest for the work are also quite handy too...and continuously inspiring.
(04/29 13:38:37) Tamon: I hope the age is stable enough, learning the art can be tricky
(04/29 13:38:46) Kelsei A.T.: as long as folks take time to have breaks :)
(04/29 13:38:47) Patrick Dulebohn: Their excitement can be infectious.
(04/29 13:38:51) Dulcamara: come
(04/29 13:39:01) Kelsei A.T.: camera troubles aside, im glad to make it down here for this
(04/29 13:39:03) Patrick Dulebohn: Even for those of us that have been doing this for years.
(04/29 13:39:10) Patrick Dulebohn: Me too, K.
(04/29 13:39:13) Claidi Song: Yeah, it can be challenging
(04/29 13:39:19) Kelsei A.T.: it's been a stressful while and it's encouraging to see all of this.
(04/29 13:39:24) Taliana: *mutters* Just like the airport ... a nice long line, and the ones waiting on the bench for the line to be finished ...
(04/29 13:39:24) Ro"Jethhe: Is this the line for Space Mountain?
(04/29 13:39:25) Claidi Song: Oops
(04/29 13:39:26) Dulcamara: nearer
(04/29 13:39:34) Tamon: Somethng the matter young lady?
(04/29 13:39:35) Patrick Dulebohn: This, my dear...is what makes it all worth it.
(04/29 13:39:53) Tamon: Thank you dear
(04/29 13:39:58) Kelsei A.T.: :)
(04/29 13:40:13) ametist': I wonder how it looks in Elonin with all these explorers there :)
(04/29 13:40:23) Ro"Jethhe: crowded and hot
(04/29 13:40:25) Kelsei A.T.: oh i dont want to imagine that right now,
(04/29 13:40:34) Kelsei A.T.: my stage fright might spontaneously evolve into claustrophobia
(04/29 13:40:36) Dulcamara: come
(04/29 13:40:44) Patrick Dulebohn: Plus, it's also good to see Dulcamara get some recognition. She's a big name in the Age restoration circles too!
(04/29 13:40:51) Kelsei A.T.: indeed :)
(04/29 13:40:55) Dulcamara: to far
(04/29 13:41:01) Keith Lord: Quite so
(04/29 13:41:06) ametist': IwonK would bake some 'no-faint' cookies, kelsei :)
(04/29 13:41:09) Patrick Dulebohn: Close to the Book, but not *too* close.
(04/29 13:41:11) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(04/29 13:41:32) Ro"Jethhe blows you a kiss
(04/29 13:41:38) Kelsei A.T.: i suppose ill get in line now
(04/29 13:41:41) ametist': Dulcamara is one of the best!
(04/29 13:41:45) Patrick Dulebohn: Sounds good.
(04/29 13:41:48) Kelsei A.T.: you going to join us patrick?
(04/29 13:41:48) MOSTech6502 (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(04/29 13:42:02) Patrick Dulebohn: Eh, I've had a long day. You go on ahead.
(04/29 13:42:08) Kelsei A.T.: alright :)
(04/29 13:42:13) Patrick Dulebohn: I'll just people watch. Heh.
(04/29 13:42:13) Kelsei A.T.: you take your break too!
(04/29 13:42:16) Emor D'ni Lap: Thanks to both Dulcamara AND Ametist for being such persistent, prolific Agebuilders and Restorers over so many years!
(04/29 13:42:17) Kelsei A.T. leans left
(04/29 13:42:18)
(04/29 13:42:34) ametist': Thank you so much Emor!
(04/29 13:42:42) r'Tayrtahn: Amen, Emor!
(04/29 13:42:46) Patrick Dulebohn: It's a tough job, but as you can see, the rewards are quite big.
(04/29 13:42:48) Kelsei A.T.: yes, thank you for your work, Dulcamara, ametist' :)
(04/29 13:43:05) Ereshkigal: You guys have made something beautfiful!
(04/29 13:43:12) From Claidi Song in Dulcamara's Elonin: d
(04/29 13:43:15) Patrick Dulebohn: Yes, a big thank you to Dulcamara and ametist!
(04/29 13:43:28) ametist' bows
(04/29 13:44:33) Dulcamara: come near
(04/29 13:44:46) yodawave leans right
Kelsei A.T. KI# 10581205
Exotic Language Translator/Decoder.
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Kelsei A. Taylor
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Re: 4/29/22 - Elonin Release Chatlogs.

Post by Kelsei A. Taylor »

Okay, that's everything. I scrubbed out private messages and 'on surface' messages, but didn't get to do a typo pass. I've forwarded video to Calum, so I'm sure he'll get to editing and posting it later.
Kelsei A.T. KI# 10581205
Exotic Language Translator/Decoder.
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