(01/29 14:28:44) Calum Traveler: welcome, everyone, to the January 2025 Town Hall, where we'll cover some recent Restoration News, as well as some upcoming project news. I have a few things to cover today, so we'll try to keep things snappy.
(01/29 14:29:04) Thumbs up from ALotOf
(01/29 14:29:09) NoMore cheers
(01/29 14:30:01) Calum Traveler: in the most major of things to cover, I'd like to start with a mighty thanks to everyone who showed up for the Explorers' Emporium release last month.
(01/29 14:30:26) Calum Traveler: it was a bit of a stressful day for me personally, but in retrospect, beyond a few minor scuffles, everything went off fantastically.
(01/29 14:30:39) Calum Traveler pauses...
(01/29 14:30:46) Calum Traveler looks at Robert Murry
(01/29 14:31:00) Calum Traveler: Although, I'd like to remind folks...
(01/29 14:31:18) Robert Murry: I smooth things with Harrington...
(01/29 14:31:20) Dreamer3: That was fun!
(01/29 14:31:23) Cpt.Jericho: That age has a nice assortment of axes and spades. But lacks in the beartrap department.
(01/29 14:31:34) Calum Traveler: Darrington, isn't it?
(01/29 14:31:47) Robert Murry: I meant Darrington.
(01/29 14:31:51) Calum Traveler: Right.
(01/29 14:31:55) Calum Traveler shakes head slightly
(01/29 14:32:13) ALotOf: Ah yes Prad told us ... we had an after-launch party with him ...
(01/29 14:32:22) Calum Traveler: right, well,
(01/29 14:32:52) Calum Traveler: on the subject of the Emporium's Release, beyond the tussup Robert had over a multitude of rumors I've heard regarding miss Ella Darrington,
(01/29 14:33:14) Calum Traveler: the only major issue that really happened was that impatient line jumper.
(01/29 14:33:24) Robert Murry mumbles to himself.
(01/29 14:33:25) Calum Traveler: i don't know what he expected to do, considering Ella had the key to the front door.
(01/29 14:33:59) Calum Traveler: i'd just like to remind folks that we have these procedures for good reasons, and lines are for everyones safety.
(01/29 14:34:12) Calum Traveler: the last thing we need is a moshpit of people crushing each other rushing for a book.
(01/29 14:34:26) Dreamer3 nods respectfully
(01/29 14:35:07) Calum Traveler: beyond that... i don't think I have anything else to go over specifically. Kelsei keeps insisting I need to go and look at something in the basement but I haven't had the time.
(01/29 14:35:19) Calum Traveler: surface life has been very busy for me lately, hah
(01/29 14:35:39) Calum Traveler: moving onto Upcoming Projects...
(01/29 14:36:14) Calum Traveler: I've heard from Keith Lord that the bridge in Highgarden is hopefully going to be finished in the coming months, but I haven't seen any- pardon the pun- concrete evidence of that happening just yet.

(01/29 14:36:31) NoMore: lol
(01/29 14:36:35) Calum Traveler: i did see some resource requests being funneled to another project of his specific restoration team's,
(01/29 14:36:36) Buddy: Boo!!!
(01/29 14:36:50) Calum Traveler: but I'm sworn to secrecy on what that project is for the moment.
(01/29 14:37:48) Securicor: The extra lighting in Highgarden has been great!
(01/29 14:37:55) Calum Traveler: I'm pleased to report that the priestesses of Rei'schu are mostly happy with their renovation work and have begun letting our restoration survey teams to inspect the immediate area for what we've provisionally been calling "the Rei'schu Apartment"
(01/29 14:38:25) Calum Traveler: I'm pleased to note, however, that the temporary name there has been put aside in favor of a proper native-tongue name.
(01/29 14:38:29) ALotOf: yeah some of the plants have blossomed and spend some extra light with their photoluminescence ,,,
(01/29 14:38:32) Calum Traveler: "Vo'at Veknen"
(01/29 14:38:37) Robert Murry: Shorah Semjay

(01/29 14:38:46) Calum Traveler: in the Rei'schuian language- Ah, shorah Semjay-
(01/29 14:38:49) Dreamer3: Lovely name.
(01/29 14:39:05) Calum Traveler: in the Rei'schuian language "Vo'at Veknen" translates to, roughly, "Gift House (on the) Stitch(ed) Cliff."
(01/29 14:39:33) Calum Traveler: some questions on why "Gift House" specifically was used, to which I'm told it just sounded better when prefixed with Rei'schu,
(01/29 14:39:49) Calum Traveler: EX: "Rei'schu: Vo'at Veknen" instead of "Rei'schu: Schu'at Veknen"
(01/29 14:40:24) Calum Traveler: i think there's also some extra sneaky wordplay at work, but that's what I was told was the official reason.
(01/29 14:41:00) Calum Traveler: beyond thaaaaat....
(01/29 14:41:03) Calum Traveler shuffles notes...
(01/29 14:41:32) Dreamer3: Is it true that the Myst island rocket is being repurposed as a tram between the Great Zero and Kerath's arch?
(01/29 14:41:35) Calum Traveler: I'm told there's been some minor confusion over the temple being a 'nunery' and I'd like to put to rest any concerns that the converted Temple was used for training purposes by the Priestesses.
(01/29 14:41:59) Calum Traveler: it was never a 'nunery', so rest assured, there's no religious or ethical concerns...
(01/29 14:42:01) ALotOf: ger. 'Gift' = engl. 'poison' in high german ... northern german uses 'gift' in the sense of 'Gegebenes'/'Geschenk' which leads to extra confusion even among germans lol ...
(01/29 14:42:08) Calum Traveler: ...I'm afraid I've never heard that, Dreamer.
(01/29 14:42:29) Calum Traveler: Moving on...
(01/29 14:42:59) Calum Traveler: A new age has been submitted for inspection- another one from the Uncle Rebus collection.
(01/29 14:43:12) Calum Traveler: this one, I'm told, is called "Sameehn"
(01/29 14:43:17) Buddy: Yeah!
(01/29 14:43:30) Calum Traveler: it seems to be something of a small farm? It's a quaint little place.
(01/29 14:44:04) Calum Traveler: I don't foresee any major structural issues with the area from my brief passovers, so ideally it'll be out sometime this year. But, as always, I make no promises when it comes to Restoration Timelines.
(01/29 14:44:06) Securicor: Like Samhain, the harvest?
(01/29 14:44:09) ural: Not a farm...
(01/29 14:44:13) Calum Traveler: i'm not sure, Securicor,
(01/29 14:44:14) NoMore: what is the 'uncle rebus collection'?
(01/29 14:44:16) ural: But quiet..
(01/29 14:44:39) Calum Traveler: Uncle Rebus is an explorer who has amassed quite a collection of Books to places, which he's handed out to certain people to do work on as he sees fit.
(01/29 14:44:50) NoMore: ah okay
(01/29 14:44:58) Calum Traveler: Elonin and Tiam are an example of links from his collection.
(01/29 14:45:07) Calum Traveler: or, atleast, Tiam is?
(01/29 14:45:19) Calum Traveler: i might be getting Elonin confused with the 'apparently haunted' Mirtahm.
(01/29 14:45:27) ALotOf: I remember something, NoMore ... I'll tell you later ...
(01/29 14:45:42) Calum Traveler: anyways, beyond thaaaat....
(01/29 14:46:11) Calum Traveler: i have no news from the Descent team beyond that they took a break over December.
(01/29 14:46:24) Calum Traveler: We've not had any calls yet for renewed inspections
(01/29 14:46:39) Calum Traveler checks notes...
(01/29 14:46:52) Calum Traveler: oh, right, I have a note here from Ami, who's heading up the Overflow Station project.
(01/29 14:47:19) Calum Traveler: they've been making some progress here and there over the last while, restoring the machinery there to the best of their ability. The power routing remains a concern, however.
(01/29 14:47:55) Calum Traveler: Also, apparently as part of a practical joke the work crew decided to "Vote" Ami as the Union President of their little group- and didn't inform her about it until they were already ordering stationary.
(01/29 14:48:22) Calum Traveler: So if you see any papers or flyers marked with "DRAAW" or the "D'ni Restoration Accomplished Assosciation Workers" - that's them.
(01/29 14:48:28) Calum Traveler shrugs
(01/29 14:48:39) Calum Traveler: i have no idea if this is a serious unionization project or not.
(01/29 14:48:56) Calum Traveler: Ami seemed to think they're just pulling her leg.
(01/29 14:49:26) Calum Traveler checks notes one final time....
(01/29 14:49:57) Calum Traveler: I don't see anything else on the agenda that requires immediate attention today, so I'll open things up to questions.
(01/29 14:50:30) Calum Traveler: annny questions?
(01/29 14:50:53) Calum Traveler: ....don't all shout at once...
(01/29 14:51:16) ALotOf: yeah the noise is killing me ...
(01/29 14:51:30) Cpt.Jericho: I have many questions. But none are relevant to this meeting.
(01/29 14:51:42) Calum Traveler: go ahead and ask something, i may be able to answer?
(01/29 14:51:44) ALotOf: any other asleep projects worth mentioning ... ?
(01/29 14:51:55) Calum Traveler: ah, ALotOf,
(01/29 14:52:01) Cpt.Jericho: You asked for it: #1 What's for dinner?
(01/29 14:52:11) ALotOf: lol
(01/29 14:52:26) Robert Murry: I just wanted to apologize for the commotion at the Emporium Opening. I thought that i had found the person behind the missing artifacts.
(01/29 14:52:33) Cpt.Jericho: Toldcha, not relevant...
(01/29 14:52:36) Calum Traveler: i've heard something about a collection of books for D'ni Pods, but nothing has crossed my desk regarding it yet.
(01/29 14:52:48) Calum Traveler: Cpt.Jericho, personally? I'm debating pizza.
(01/29 14:53:08) Calum Traveler: weren't you and Runa'mei looking into a source of counterfeit books, Robert?
(01/29 14:53:08) Cpt.Jericho: Good choice.
(01/29 14:53:20) Calum Traveler: where did the whole 'missing artifacts' thing come from?
(01/29 14:53:23) Robert Murry: However, Ella and SkyIsBlu have shown me my error.
(01/29 14:53:27) Dreamer3: There's some grilled shroomie tail at the Messenger's pub, Jericho.
(01/29 14:53:41) Calum Traveler: don't tell me that klepto from the 'True Seeds' is back at his old tricks again?
(01/29 14:54:04) Robert Murry: Yes, we're still looking for the books, but we think we know who has them.
(01/29 14:54:16) Calum Traveler: oh?
(01/29 14:54:29) RedUhuru: Speaking of books... any planned update to a memorial book?
(01/29 14:54:43) Robert Murry: More when we have more evidence.
(01/29 14:55:04) Calum Traveler: I know there's something in the works, RedUhuru, but Patrick hasn't pushed it past a spellchecker yet, afaik.
(01/29 14:55:12) Calum Traveler: well, fair enough, Robert.
(01/29 14:55:14) RedUhuru: Thanks.
(01/29 14:55:18) Calum Traveler: always good to have proof and not leap to conclusions.
(01/29 14:55:25) Calum Traveler: or leap off a balcony to Line Cut,
(01/29 14:55:30) Calum Traveler: For That Matter.
(01/29 14:55:35) Robert Murry mumbles about getting hit in the arm numerous times.
(01/29 14:55:43) ural: New age with tunnels.. update?
(01/29 14:55:50) Calum Traveler: new age with tunnels...?
(01/29 14:55:52) Calum Traveler: uhh...
(01/29 14:55:53) ALotOf: Indiahno is looking for a specific book for that 'Pod age' he told me between the lines ... maybe there's a second copy somewhere ...
(01/29 14:55:58) Calum Traveler racks brain...
(01/29 14:56:20) Calum Traveler: the only age with Tunnels that's coming to mind *right this second* is an old project of a friend of mine that I helped recover some months ago.
(01/29 14:56:33) ural: Ohhh
(01/29 14:56:35) Calum Traveler: he had a bunch of books in a storage locker that had gotten water damage and he asked me to help try to recover them.
(01/29 14:56:59) Calum Traveler: i *was* able to help him recover links to four of the five projects,
(01/29 14:57:06) Calum Traveler: the fifth is still giving me trouble, though.
(01/29 14:57:13) Calum Traveler: one of them was an age with very large tunnels...
(01/29 14:57:17) Calum Traveler pauses
(01/29 14:57:25) Calum Traveler: Unless you mean Pod 12 and it's myriad Lava Tubes?
(01/29 14:57:41) ural: Possible
(01/29 14:57:44) Calum Traveler: in which case, I'm going to block off access to those during its first release,
(01/29 14:58:01) Calum Traveler: I haven't gotten all of that finished yet, but once I do, I'll be submitting the oasis area for inspection.
(01/29 14:58:40) Calum Traveler considers for a moment longer....
(01/29 14:58:47) Calum Traveler shrugs
(01/29 14:58:58) Calum Traveler: sorry, nothing else is coming to mind regarding tunnels.
(01/29 14:59:10) Calum Traveler: i may just be forgetting though
(01/29 14:59:21) Calum Traveler: my memory has been quite rough the last few... uh...
(01/29 14:59:23) Calum Traveler: while.
(01/29 14:59:52) ALotOf: memcheck
(01/29 14:59:53) Calum Traveler: Robert? anything about 'tunnels' come to mind?
(01/29 14:59:57) Calum Traveler: that isn't Descent, I mean.
(01/29 15:00:16) Robert Murry: Just Descent. we're still exploring it.
(01/29 15:00:23) Calum Traveler: ...wait, oh, i did just remember a project
(01/29 15:00:23) Cpt.Jericho: Tiam is basically a tunnel age
(01/29 15:00:31) Calum Traveler: Gahlahno, that does have a lot of tunnels
(01/29 15:00:35) Calum Traveler: a lot of flooded tunnels at that.
(01/29 15:00:45) Ereshkigal: It's not the Age with the crystals right, from a few years ago? The one with crystals that had mind-warping effects?
(01/29 15:00:48) Calum Traveler: progress there is... kinda non existent at the moment due to its conditions.
(01/29 15:00:56) Calum Traveler: no, Eresh,
(01/29 15:01:03) Calum Traveler: believe me when I say *That Age* is safely secure.
(01/29 15:01:16) Robert Murry: Indeed.
(01/29 15:01:17) Calum Traveler: I don't even have access to it anymore- Kelsei and Patrick's orders.
(01/29 15:01:32) Robert Murry looks at Calum.
(01/29 15:01:42) Calum Traveler scratches the back of their head, embarrassed.
(01/29 15:01:46) Robert Murry: For good reason, too.
(01/29 15:01:57) Calum Traveler: yeah. nobody wants a repeat of me sleep walking everywhere.
(01/29 15:02:04) RedUhuru: hmmm
(01/29 15:02:12) Robert Murry shakes his head
(01/29 15:02:15) ALotOf: ohmmm
(01/29 15:02:19) Calum Traveler: any other questions?
(01/29 15:02:36) Calum Traveler: oh, wait,
(01/29 15:02:41) Calum Traveler: i just remembered something.
(01/29 15:03:03) Calum Traveler: we're aware of an upload bug to the Kirel and Chiso audio playback podiums, where the latest files are playing at a much lower setting than intended.
(01/29 15:03:26) Calum Traveler: we're trying to debug what's going wrong there, but have no progress report to give.
(01/29 15:03:39) Calum Traveler: right then, I think I'll wrap things up with a summary.
(01/29 15:03:43) Calum Traveler: in short:
(01/29 15:03:46) NoMore: try moving the slider
(01/29 15:03:55) Calum Traveler: Explorers' Emporium released! Give it a visit!
(01/29 15:04:09) Calum Traveler: Bridge work in Highgarden is expected to progress 'soonish'
(01/29 15:04:31) Calum Traveler: New Age Sameehn has been put into the first phases of testing.
(01/29 15:04:50) Calum Traveler: Rei'schu "Apartment" project is in review, and has a new name of "Vo'at Veknen"
(01/29 15:05:20) Calum Traveler: other projects are slowly progressing, uhhh...
(01/29 15:05:26) Calum Traveler: did i miss anything?
(01/29 15:05:27) NoMore: I've found many funny spots for skydiving in current Highgarden age ...
(01/29 15:05:49) Calum Traveler: oh, right, please don't line cut lest it lead to mosh pits and people getting hurt.
(01/29 15:05:54) Calum Traveler: i think we can leave it there?
(01/29 15:06:17) Buddy: Thanks again Calum!
(01/29 15:06:28) Calum Traveler: thank you all for being here!
(01/29 15:06:29) Calum Traveler bows
(01/29 15:06:33) Cpt.Jericho claps her hands
(01/29 15:06:37) Quill: Thank you!
(01/29 15:06:37) Robert Murry claps his hands
(01/29 15:06:38) Dreamer3 kneels down...
(01/29 15:06:41) RedUhuru cheers
(01/29 15:06:42) Securicor claps his hands
(01/29 15:06:42) Augur claps his hands
(01/29 15:06:46) Dreamer3 claps his hands
(01/29 15:06:47) Ereshkigal claps her hands
(01/29 15:06:47) Semjay claps her hands
(01/29 15:06:49) Quill claps his hands
(01/29 15:06:55) uru348 claps his hands
(01/29 15:06:56) Ereshkigal: Thanks a lot, Calum!
(01/29 15:06:59) Buddy claps his hands
(01/29 15:07:02) Calum Traveler: alright, im going to go get some food. i'll be uploading the chatlog after I get back.
(01/29 15:07:03) Dreamer3: Thanks for the updates! : - )
(01/29 15:07:13) uru348 claps his hands
(01/29 15:07:23) Calum Traveler: you can find it at the usual places on the Beneath forums, viewforum.php?f=8
(01/29 15:07:25) Robert Murry: I'm going to do some testing.
(01/29 15:07:32) Calum Traveler: and Ill be putting links in the usual discord channels,
(01/29 15:07:38) Calum Traveler: thanks for coming, everyone
(01/29 15:07:39) RedUhuru: I love news that says more than "We are working hard to give you the best possible experience"

(01/29 15:07:39) Calum Traveler waves goodbye
(01/29 15:07:42) Robert Murry waves goodbye
(01/29 15:07:54) RedUhuru waves goodbye
(01/29 15:07:56) Calum Traveler: we do try, RedUhuru
(01/29 15:08:07) Ereshkigal: See you later, Dreamer!
(01/29 15:08:13) Calum Traveler: take care, everyone
(01/29 15:08:13) RedUhuru: Thanks for real updates! Yay!
(01/29 15:08:17) ...Chat.log stopped.