(12/05 12:50:09) *Jodok*: yes nice to finally meet you mrs darrington 
(12/05 12:50:25) Ella Darrington: It's "Miss"
(12/05 12:50:42) Daniel452: ooops, sorry. Miss Darrington
(12/05 12:50:56) Ro"Jethhe is sorta bummed...
(12/05 12:51:00) TOOO: when in doubt, just say Ms.
(12/05 12:51:07) Ro"Jethhe: Mac OS Rules
(12/05 12:51:10) Daniel452: True ...
(12/05 12:51:16) Ro"Jethhe: down with Win11
(12/05 12:51:31) caver1: How many are in here now?
(12/05 12:51:31) IwonK: soon(TM)
(12/05 12:51:34) Ro"Jethhe: when is that?
(12/05 12:51:36) skyisblu:

(12/05 12:51:40) Calum Traveler: a lot, caver.
(12/05 12:51:43) Ro"Jethhe: my iPhone?
(12/05 12:51:46) Dreamer3: Ack! I missed the Darrington entrance! Shorah Ella : - )
(12/05 12:51:53) Edua: Aren't all Windows users going to be forced to upgrade to Win11 since Win10's EoLing?
(12/05 12:51:58) ural: hello ella
(12/05 12:52:02) Daniel452: yup.
(12/05 12:52:08) Patrick Dulebohn: Either that or go offline, Edua.
(12/05 12:52:12) Ro"Jethhe: support for Win10 ends next year
(12/05 12:52:14) ural: already on 11
(12/05 12:52:16) ametist': Anticipation grows...
(12/05 12:52:23) caver1: I'm using win7.
(12/05 12:52:23) Chogon: 99 in cavern 9 still logging in
(12/05 12:52:25) Calum Traveler: if their computers can handle the upgrade, im sure theyll handle it. but that's talk for another time i think

(12/05 12:52:26) Daniel452: Towards end of next year ...
(12/05 12:52:28) Patrick Dulebohn: 8 minutes!
(12/05 12:52:28) Dreamer3: Shorah Cave woman : - )
(12/05 12:52:29) Eolus: working great pn linux hehe
(12/05 12:52:32) Angelo Wizard: Shorah everyone!
(12/05 12:52:35) Edua: Well, you're not a Windows user anymore if you're offline, so...
(12/05 12:52:35) Claidi Song jumps up and down
(12/05 12:52:44) Es.Ster: Shorah Angelo
(12/05 12:52:48) Ro"Jethhe: Hold the phone gotta surface
(12/05 12:52:50) Angelo Wizard:

(12/05 12:52:58) Ro"Jethhe: only joking
(12/05 12:53:00) Ehren: This is like... the dumbest time to talk about operating systems. Is that what this event was?
(12/05 12:53:01) Daniel452: Shorah, Angelo!
(12/05 12:53:17) Ro"Jethhe: only killing time
(12/05 12:53:31) mistermetropolis: Shorah everyone
(12/05 12:53:31) Patrick Dulebohn: We're just chatting to fill the time, Ehren. We'll get down to business in 7 minutes or so.
(12/05 12:53:36) Claidi Song: How are you, Ella?
(12/05 12:53:40) Angelo Wizard: I told Myst Me? I'd be her, just didn't say when!
(12/05 12:53:41) IndigoMoon: this is a good crowd
(12/05 12:53:58) Ro"Jethhe: 7 minutes feels like an eternity
(12/05 12:54:32) Patrick Dulebohn: I will admit, OS talk can be quite dull, but you can never control the conversation for too long with this large of a group.
(12/05 12:54:35) TOOO: Tick tick tick tick tick tick...
(12/05 12:54:35) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(12/05 12:54:51) Dreamer3: Final jeopardy round music . . .
(12/05 12:55:07) Ro"Jethhe: I can name that tune is 3 notes
(12/05 12:55:07) Patrick Dulebohn: OK, I can see several of you glancing at your KIs every five seconds or so. Stop that!
(12/05 12:55:09) Patrick Dulebohn laughs
(12/05 12:55:21) Patrick Dulebohn: 5 minutes!
(12/05 12:55:42) Dreamer3 checks KI to see if it's really only been 5 seconds
(12/05 12:55:48) skyisblu: lol
(12/05 12:55:50) Ro"Jethhe: Fast Food is bad for you Calum
(12/05 12:55:54) Calum Traveler stands guard and puts on their best 'Intimidating guard' look... unfortunately, it's nowhere near as impressive as Runa'mei's gaze
(12/05 12:56:00) Maurus: Patrick Dulebohn I just think the interface is so beautiful, okay??
(12/05 12:56:05) Maurus laughs
(12/05 12:56:05) Mark Gabrielson: how is the weater in spokane?
(12/05 12:56:13) Patrick Dulebohn: Fair enough, Maurus!
(12/05 12:56:32) Esto: someone already ate all the slow food
(12/05 12:56:39) *Jodok*: lol prad
(12/05 12:56:45) Calum Traveler: all i have are cookies, because cookies are provided.
(12/05 12:56:48) Daniel452: lOL
(12/05 12:56:50) Calum Traveler: im getting proper dinner later.
(12/05 12:56:57) Dreamer3: The line will be forming right behind this desk that I'm sitting on.
(12/05 12:56:59) r'Tayrtahn: lol@Prad
(12/05 12:57:00) ShilohOBrien gets ready to pop the cork on the bubbly.
(12/05 12:57:00) Edua: So that's why we put food in running refrigerators...
(12/05 12:57:05) Calum Traveler: im going to treat myself to pizza,
(12/05 12:57:06) Daniel452: just had mine ...
(12/05 12:57:15) Esto nods
(12/05 12:57:19) Ro"Jethhe is thinking about rushing the podium to link in first.
(12/05 12:57:26) Calum Traveler glares ar Ro"Jethhe
(12/05 12:57:31) Es.Ster: lol
(12/05 12:57:32) TOOO: It's called fast food because either either a) you want to go on a fast afterwards or b) it's so greasy it passes through you reallt FAST!
(12/05 12:57:35) IwonK: another fight?
(12/05 12:57:36) Calum Traveler is waiting...
(12/05 12:57:39) Ro"Jethhe groans
(12/05 12:57:45) Patrick Dulebohn: Again...Ella's Book...she gets first dibs at Linking.
(12/05 12:57:48) Patrick Dulebohn winks
(12/05 12:57:50) Calum Traveler: i reiterate
(12/05 12:57:51) mistermetropolis: I've never been to a release before. It's so wonderful to see everyone still here after all these years.
(12/05 12:57:52) Patrick Dulebohn: 3 minutes!
(12/05 12:57:53) Calum Traveler: No. Cutting. The. Line.
(12/05 12:57:57) Claidi Song: I pink a, TTOO
(12/05 12:57:59) Calum Traveler: shorah mistermetropolis!
(12/05 12:58:04) Claidi Song: *TOOO
(12/05 12:58:08) Calum Traveler: we're a small, patient, and persistent bunch

(12/05 12:58:09) TOOO: Lol
(12/05 12:58:11) Dreamer3: Ro Jethe 2 gets ready to trip Ro Jethe 1
(12/05 12:58:21) TOOO: we're patient, dammit!!
(12/05 12:58:22) Calum Traveler reiterates, "Patient."
(12/05 12:58:22) mistermetropolis: shorah Calum
(12/05 12:58:33) IndigoMoon: my first release too
(12/05 12:58:34) IwonK: Ro"Jethhe, keep Ro' Jethhe from another fight

(12/05 12:58:46) ametist' waves hello
(12/05 12:58:47) Twilight: my first release also
(12/05 12:58:55) Ehren: Who can be patient faster?
(12/05 12:59:06) Daniel452: And mine ...
(12/05 12:59:09) Aaron Prince: one minute
(12/05 12:59:10) Calum Traveler: i hope it's a good one, Twilight, indigoMoon

(12/05 12:59:17) IwonK passes around patience cookies
[A wild Ro' approaches the podium again]
(12/05 12:59:18) Calum Traveler shoos Ro away
(12/05 12:59:19) Patrick Dulebohn: One minute! Cue the excited breathing!
(12/05 12:59:27) IndigoMoon: it will be

(12/05 12:59:27) ural: 5th release
(12/05 12:59:30) skyisblu cheers
(12/05 12:59:33) Maurus does a little drumroll with his fingers
(12/05 12:59:38) Calum Traveler: i wish Runa'mei were here. She'd have a better time at this book guarding thing.
(12/05 12:59:40) TOOO: *Rimshot!*
(12/05 12:59:41) Edua: Should've set up a confetti dispenser on the podium tied to the time, really.
(12/05 12:59:51) Dreamer3: Urgent announcement: I've just been informed that some of the "people" here are actually holographic facsimiles trying to fake their way into the Emporium!
(12/05 12:59:57) Calum Traveler: do you want to clean that up, Edua?
(12/05 13:00:05) Patrick Dulebohn: Alright folks...let's do this!
(12/05 13:00:06) IndigoMoon: oh no!
(12/05 13:00:07) Calum Traveler: Dreamer3, lmao,
(12/05 13:00:10) Patrick Dulebohn: Welcome back here to Chiso Preniv, everyone!
(12/05 13:00:13) Claidi Song: Uh, Cal, there's no book to guard yet
(12/05 13:00:14) mistermetropolis: Yaaaaay
(12/05 13:00:15) *Jodok* claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:17) Maurus cheers
(12/05 13:00:17) Edua: I'll get the broom from the one Age that has any, sure.
(12/05 13:00:19) Peni: yaay
(12/05 13:00:20) ametist': w0000T!
(12/05 13:00:21) IndigoMoon claps her hands
(12/05 13:00:21) Calum Traveler nods to Claidi
(12/05 13:00:21) r'Tayrtahn claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:24) mistermetropolis claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:25) skyisblu claps her hands
(12/05 13:00:26) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:28) ametist' cheers
(12/05 13:00:29) Mark Gabrielson: how many are here - stats
(12/05 13:00:29) Daniel452 claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:30) *Jodok* claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:30) Claidi Song claps her hands
(12/05 13:00:30) Cody Herd claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:30) neurovac claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:30) Sestra claps her hands
(12/05 13:00:31) TGMChrist claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:32) Karel claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:32) Eolus claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:33) Le Cyclope claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:34) mistermetropolis: a lot
(12/05 13:00:34) Chogon claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:34) Aaron Prince claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:35) Ashtonia claps her hands
(12/05 13:00:35) Babbeltje.40 claps her hands
(12/05 13:00:36) GooberChilla claps her hands
(12/05 13:00:36) PodHopper claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:36) Mabe claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:37) Massygo claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:37) philipgr claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:38) RicKy claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:38) Dreamer3 claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:39) Twilight claps
(12/05 13:00:39) Nosila claps her hands
(12/05 13:00:39) Es.Ster claps her hands
(12/05 13:00:39) TOOO claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:39) Esto claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:41) ural claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:41) Edua claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:41) ondine claps her hands
(12/05 13:00:42) N'Chaka claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:43) Maurus claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:44) Eolus claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:44) ShilohOBrien claps her hands
(12/05 13:00:44) Kenny Biber claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:45) Dreamer3 claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:46) Cave woman claps her hands
(12/05 13:00:46) Aaron Prince claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:46) Patrick Dulebohn: I know it's been awhile since we've had one of these get togethers, but I'm glad to see the turnout as strong as ever!
(12/05 13:00:51) Murry claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:52) Myown Evil Twin claps his hands
(12/05 13:00:55) Angelo Wizard claps his hands
(12/05 13:01:01) Patrick Dulebohn: 2024 has been a rough year for many of us, and as such, much of the work we've been doing has gone a bit slower.
(12/05 13:01:06) *Jodok*: my compliments to all involved
(12/05 13:01:17) Patrick Dulebohn: Thanks largely to you all and your unwavering support, we press on and continue our goal of restoring D'ni Ages and new areas of the cavern.
(12/05 13:01:28) Daniel452 claps his hands
(12/05 13:01:31) Patrick Dulebohn: It is the latter that brings us here today.
(12/05 13:01:34) Aaron Prince claps his hands
(12/05 13:01:44) Patrick Dulebohn: Our guest of honor is a relatively new face to the restoration, but has been a denizen of the cavern for quite awhile.
(12/05 13:01:46) ShilohOBrien claps her hands
(12/05 13:01:57) Patrick Dulebohn: She is responsible for restoring what you will be seeing today.
(12/05 13:01:59) Robert Murry: HOLD IT, DARRINGTON
(12/05 13:02:09) Calum Traveler: Oi, Robert,
(12/05 13:02:14) Calum Traveler: no line cutting
(12/05 13:02:15) IwonK holds it
(12/05 13:02:19) skyisblu: Robert, calm down
(12/05 13:02:19) Patrick Dulebohn: I've only had the pleasure of meeting her last month, introduced by Semjay, but I'm excited to see what she will present to us...
(12/05 13:02:32) Patrick Dulebohn: ...since I wasn't allowed a sneak peek! Ha!
(12/05 13:02:45) Maurus laughs
(12/05 13:02:45) Patrick Dulebohn: Without further delay, I would like to introduce to you all...Ella Darrington!
(12/05 13:02:51) Ella Darrington: Thank you Patrick.
(12/05 13:02:51) Dreamer3 cheers
(12/05 13:02:52) r'Tayrtahn claps his hands
(12/05 13:02:52) Maurus claps his hands
(12/05 13:02:52) Eolus claps his hands
(12/05 13:02:52) mistermetropolis claps his hands
(12/05 13:02:54) rarified claps his hands
(12/05 13:02:56) Ashtonia claps her hands
(12/05 13:02:56) Chogon claps his hands
(12/05 13:02:56) Lucario1829 cheers
(12/05 13:02:57) neurovac claps his hands
(12/05 13:02:57) Buddy claps his hands
(12/05 13:02:57) IndigoMoon claps her hands
(12/05 13:02:57) Massygo claps his hands
(12/05 13:02:58) TGMChrist claps his hands
(12/05 13:02:58) PodHopper claps his hands
(12/05 13:03:00) Le Cyclope claps his hands
(12/05 13:03:00) ural claps his hands
(12/05 13:03:00) Ro"Jethhe claps his hands
(12/05 13:03:00) GooberChilla claps her hands
(12/05 13:03:00) louisa claps her hands
(12/05 13:03:00) *Jodok* claps his hands
(12/05 13:03:01) Aaron Prince claps his hands
(12/05 13:03:01) Cody Herd claps his hands
(12/05 13:03:01) Es.Ster claps her hands
(12/05 13:03:01) Emor D'ni Lap applauds Miss Darrington
(12/05 13:03:02) Mabe claps his hands
(12/05 13:03:03) Minasunda claps her hands
(12/05 13:03:03) Dreamer3 cheers
(12/05 13:03:03) Nosila claps her hands
(12/05 13:03:03) ondine claps her hands
(12/05 13:03:03) Twilight claps her hands
(12/05 13:03:03) Peni claps her hands
(12/05 13:03:05) Esto claps his hands
(12/05 13:03:05) ShilohOBrien claps her hands
(12/05 13:03:06) Patrick Dulebohn claps his hands
(12/05 13:03:06) Kenny Biber claps his hands
(12/05 13:03:07) Cave woman claps her hands
(12/05 13:03:08) Daniel452 claps his hands
(12/05 13:03:08) TikiBear claps his hands
(12/05 13:03:09) Calum Traveler tenses up, keeping eyes on the audience
(12/05 13:03:09) philipgr claps his hands
(12/05 13:03:09) Claidi Song claps her hands
(12/05 13:03:11) Murinna Mermaid claps her hands
(12/05 13:03:12) Babbeltje.40 claps her hands
(12/05 13:03:14) N'Chaka claps his hands
(12/05 13:03:15) Theo claps his hands
(12/05 13:03:17) Veo2 claps his hands
(12/05 13:03:18) Edua claps his hands
(12/05 13:03:23) Buddy thinks Ella is quite fetching.
(12/05 13:03:33) Myown Evil Twin cheers
(12/05 13:03:37) Ella Darrington: [A Culled 'Dropped to Age Chat' DM, apparently replying wish sarcasm to a comment about if was a fictional creation of Semjay's.]
(12/05 13:04:04) Ella Darrington: Semjay and I are absolutely overwhelmed by the amount of people here! Thank you, everyone!
(12/05 13:04:11) *Jodok*: are you semjay?
(12/05 13:04:21) Ella Darrington: It means a lot to us, knowing that we have your support.
(12/05 13:04:23) Esto: Lisan al gaib!
(12/05 13:04:41) Patrick Dulebohn: Quiet please.
(12/05 13:04:41) Ella Darrington: We would like to thank everyone who has been involved in bringing this new area to MOULa.
(12/05 13:04:47) Buddy: She looks real to me.
(12/05 13:05:10) Calum Traveler: i think we had a sarcastic chat fail there, people.
(12/05 13:05:14) Ella Darrington: Also, thank you in advance, to those of you who are filming this event - it is really interesting to see people play through our creations and to hear their comments as they play.
(12/05 13:05:16) TOOO: Lol
(12/05 13:05:28) Claidi Song: Semjay will be presenting at AGM in two days
(12/05 13:05:31) Calum Traveler: (Yall know what happens when you dm someone who's shut off the KI. It drops to age chat.)
(12/05 13:05:44) Ella Darrington: The Explorers' Emporium is the only retail establishment in the Cavern.
(12/05 13:06:01) Ella Darrington: I have a wide range of goods for sale to the discerning explorer.
(12/05 13:06:19) Ella Darrington: I do not stock cheap rubbish. There are many artisan crafted items - some have been made and supplied by some lovely people here today! (I'll take off my 10 percent commission, of course)
(12/05 13:06:34) skyisblu cheers
(12/05 13:06:38) *Jodok* starts to laugh
(12/05 13:06:40) Claidi Song:

(12/05 13:06:40) Dreamer3: Only fair.
(12/05 13:06:47) rarified hopes there are cookies
(12/05 13:06:49) Eolus sneezes
(12/05 13:06:57) Kainereth: um, what currency are we using?
(12/05 13:06:58) TOOO forgot his devit card, darnnit
(12/05 13:07:00) Ella Darrington: All types of currency are accepted - if you can pay by chip and pin.
(12/05 13:07:06) DR CrisGer AH: Hopefully Cake
(12/05 13:07:07) mistermetropolis: bahrocoin
(12/05 13:07:07) TOOO: Debit
(12/05 13:07:08) Esto: d'ni munny
(12/05 13:07:10) Daniel452: Now my mouse won't let me walk at all.
(12/05 13:07:23) r'Tayrtahn readies his pradnureetee...
(12/05 13:07:28) louisa: Bitcoin
(12/05 13:07:30) Emor D'ni Lap: please cut the chatter and let Miss Darrington speak?
(12/05 13:07:36) Ella Darrington: The Emporium is located in some vacant cottages I found in a distant neighbourhood and I have refurbished them in the latest Art-Nouveau style.
(12/05 13:07:39) Calum Traveler shooshes the audience,
(12/05 13:07:48) Eolus: Gotta have my drypto-coins ready
(12/05 13:08:02) Ella Darrington: But it isn't quite finished. There are still some deliveries waiting to be unpacked.
(12/05 13:08:02) TOOO: D'nitos - the crunchy snack that reminds you of ancient stone ruins!
(12/05 13:08:17) IndigoMoon: lol
(12/05 13:08:27) Ella Darrington: Please stay out of my private appartment - unless you are the contractor come to refurbish my bathroom. (The recent plumbing disaster has ruined the floor)
(12/05 13:08:45) Patrick Dulebohn: Oh dear.
(12/05 13:08:45) Eolus laughs
(12/05 13:08:45) Ella Darrington: Oh, and if you go into the cellar, it is at your own risk.
(12/05 13:08:49) fayers leans left
(12/05 13:09:00) Robert Holt leans right
(12/05 13:09:01) fayers leans right
(12/05 13:09:01) Ella Darrington: All breakages must be paid for.
(12/05 13:09:07) Robert Holt leans left
(12/05 13:09:26) Robert Murry: Darrington, I want to talk to you. Where are you hiding those artifacts?
(12/05 13:09:29) Ahno: advebture awaits ... cracked and damaged areas ...

(12/05 13:09:30) IwonK gets her superglue ready just in case
(12/05 13:09:35) Ella Darrington: So now... it gives me great pleasure to declare the Explorers' Emporium well and truly OPEN!
(12/05 13:09:35) Calum Traveler: robert, no line cutting
(12/05 13:09:40) mistermetropolis claps his hands