I know it's been awhile since I last posted, but you know how it can get down here.

I have some good news: preliminary planning has begun on opening up the passage from the lower level of the library to the surface of Chiso Preniv! No longer will we have to risk life and limb climbing out using that unsightly hole in the ceiling to reach the exterior and study the surrounding lands and the Caltauc artifacts even further.
I've teamed up with a long time friend of mine, AgeExplorer, to lead this endeavor. He's been itching to get back into the cavern and lend his expertise to anything he can get his hands on, and Chiso was his first choice. Given the D'ni collapsed the tunnel very haphazardly before they left, we'll need to properly sound out the surrounding rock to make sure things are stable and, of course, safe! That's where Age comes in.
AgeExplorer will be the one to spearhead things. He's already taken a long look at our initial melding of D'ni tech with surface tech and has come up with plans for his own hybrid invention that will help open things back up. I'm excited to see what he comes up with, and it should prove useful for future endeavors as far as safety checking cave-ins in the cavern and beyond!
So please join me in welcoming (back) AgeExplorer! Great to have you officially become a part of our restoration, my friend!