News On the Town (The TOWN HALL Thread, 1)

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Kelsei A. Taylor
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News On the Town (The TOWN HALL Thread, 1)

Post by Kelsei A. Taylor »

Version 1 of our Town Hall Thread for the moment. I'll likely remake it later down the road for better organizing.

So Far we've had 1 Town Hall To Date, for the Month of JUNE.

Had an alert this afternoon- the Overflow Station got ransacked again. Looks like a small group of individuals in wood-carved masks went around smashing up the control equipment. We got them on Camera- Calum's paranoia panned out yet again- among other things. Hence, why I think we need to hold a Town Hall about this. Get the community up to date on events.

Despite the apparent damage, it's not all bad news, but for the moment, I've got bigger concerns. I'll be heading to Rei'schu in a few minutes to try to see if I can wrangle Calum back into the Cavern to take a look at the equipment. If there's one thing that'll bring him back, it's the Cavern Lake, I'm sure.
Last edited by Kelsei A. Taylor on Wed Jul 27, 2022 5:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Kelsei A.T. KI# 10581205
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Tiernan Quinlan
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Re: Think we need to hold a Town Hall.

Post by Tiernan Quinlan »

I agree. Things have gotten to the point where folks are askin' me questions about things and I haven't the answers. I've been telling folk to talk to Carl, Kelsei or Jules. I was tellin' folks to talk to Calum for a while, but since he's been away, recoverin' from his adventure, I'd rather he focus on recovery, not answering questions.

Kels, we need t' meet up with Jules and perhaps Carl? about this an' make plans.

Let me know when y'all are free and we can go from there.
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Re: Think we need to hold a Town Hall.

Post by Dni_seeker 5 »

So when is this town hall meeting going to be?
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Re: Think we need to hold a Town Hall.

Post by Gondar »

Hang on a second... that didn't click until just now.

Wooden masks? Why hand-carved wood? It's far easier to get some generic plastic thing, and far more anonymous, or of course the usual generic black ski masks...

I agree for a town hall, but I'd also suggest taking the photos of the masks and comparing them to artwork from any of the known inhabited ages we've got access to. You'd only use a wooden mask like that if you were a: trying to make a statement by using a mask of a specific belief/culture, or b: unfamiliar with earth manufacturing practices and such. (or c: both). Mostly cause a cheap plastic mask is easy to buy for pocket change. Same for say a balaclava. Heck, there's countless ways to cover up a face.

(on the other hand, it does solve what bugged me about the change in MO... if those are specific faces of something from a culture, there *is* a message behind the attack that we just missed due to differing upbringing)
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Kelsei A. Taylor
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Re: Think we need to hold a Town Hall.

Post by Kelsei A. Taylor »

That's a good point, Gondar.

By my initial comparison, the masks seemed to be styled after D'ni artwork, as far as I can tell from the footage we have. You know the styles seen in the windows at the Library, or the paintings in the Museum? The kind of long faced, sort of stylized things? Reviewing it again and making specific comparisons, I think those are actually the specific sources of inspiration for the masks.

So it's definitely not something from an *Age* but it's... The closest thing I can compare it to is that one scene from one of those recent Spiderman movies where Spidey takes on some thieves wearing Avengers Halloween Masks, if that makes any sense? Not exactly something you'd pick up at just any time of year from a convenience store.


Calum texted me this morning on my phone saying he was heading to the Overflow station to look at the damages- so I think it's safe to say he's back officially now. We'll see what he has to say after he inspects the damages.
Kelsei A.T. KI# 10581205
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Re: Think we need to hold a Town Hall.

Post by Traveler263 »

Well. That was a lot of catchup I had to do just here on the forums. Taking a few weeks off sure does leave the messages to clog up. I fear my email or KI inboxes. :oops:

ANYWAYS. I'm back and I've completed my inspection of the damages.

The control equipment is totally smashed. And by totally smashed, I mean they basically stripped everything in the control consoles to their base components, and THEN smashed them to bits.

It's s pretty thorough job to the point it's hard to tell if any of the smashed bits are really what was originally there or not.

Kelsei was right to pass along her concerns, plus Gondar's questions from yesterday to me. No sign of any direct message via written words. Which is itself a message. Nothing but smashed equipment, that is. That alone is kind of a message itself in its own way in a superficial kind of- What am I even writing?

I think this is meant to be some kind of 'get out or we'll make your lives miserable' message, designed to get people to be depressed, unmotivated, and unwilling to continue. It's blatant escalation from previous acts of sabotage, thefts, and messages left for folks.

I think it's incredibly likely they stole the parts, and left broken debris behind to disguise that fact.
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Carl Palmner
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Re: Think we need to hold a Town Hall.

Post by Carl Palmner »

Yeah, this is really bad. I agree with the idea for a town hall. It's time to take some action to protect ourselves from these people--and to try to find out who they are.
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Jules Lavisham
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Re: Think we need to hold a Town Hall.

Post by Jules Lavisham »

Just caught up with all that's been going on. Bad business. I'm in favour of the Town Hall idea, let's see if we can put something on in the next few days.

Also, good to have you back Cal.
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Re: Think we need to hold a Town Hall.

Post by Traveler263 »

I'll nth the town hall idea too, btw.

And thanks, Jules.
Calum Traveler - KI# 34810
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Kelsei A. Taylor
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Re: Think we need to hold a Town Hall.

Post by Kelsei A. Taylor »

Minasunda's been notified: Town Hall is this Wednesday, 1400 KI, in the Great Tree Hood.

I know it's not the best time, but it's the best all of our schedules allow right now.
Kelsei A.T. KI# 10581205
Exotic Language Translator/Decoder.
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