I know a lot of you have been very diligent in keeping the location of our "office" on the lower floor secure until now and I thank you for that...but I'm thinking it'll soon be time to open that up to the public at large.
With that in mind, in the next few months, I'm asking you all to properly secure any sensitive materials such as unvetted Linking Books or research papers so that, one day soon, we'll be able to allow visitors to Chiso to come down and get a sneak peek at what we're working on for future openings.
I know this'll be a bit of a gear shift and may cause our quiet work area to be a bit noisier, but in the ongoing spirit of transparency, I feel this will be a proper step forward. Besides, I think explorers have touched literally every nook and cranny in the place and still haven't found the hidden button and door. They deserve a bit of a reward for their vigilence, yeah?

Let me know what you think.