Why did I just see an order for stationary pass through my email inbox?

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Why did I just see an order for stationary pass through my email inbox?

Post by Traveler263 »

Someone's ordered a lot of stationary with a custom logo for some reason. I'm not sure why I Was CC'd into the email chain. Anyone know anything?
Calum Traveler - KI# 34810
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Re: Why did I just see an order for stationary pass through my email inbox?

Post by Traveler263 »

Just noticed The email chain lists a text description of the logo along with an image.

"A stylized DR over AA, which reflect into W"?

i think its supposed to be read "DRAAW"? Again, anyone know anything? I'm going to ask Ami if she knows anything. I think I see one of the other CC'd emails is someone from her work crew at the Overflow Station.
Calum Traveler - KI# 34810
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Re: Why did I just see an order for stationary pass through my email inbox?

Post by Traveler263 »

Spoke with Ami. Apparently her group of workers at the Overflow Station nominated her to be president of their own little union group which might just be a joke? She's not entirely certain and sounded quite flustered when I spoke with her over the phone just now.

Apparently it's "D'ni Restoration Accomplished Assocation Workers."
Calum Traveler - KI# 34810
-Traveler's Cavern Log-
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