At the AGM today, I made the announcement that I would be occasionally live streaming the restoration of a Newly Discovered Age over on my Twitch channel ( ), but I'd like to give some context for the Age Itself.
During July, around the middle of the month, one of our Maintainers, Jes'ka, asked me if there were any projects I could put her on. I pointed her towards what I thought would be a monotonous re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-search of the Gahreesen book lockers, in case there was something that had been missed over the years by no doubt countless explorers.
Well, one broken open locker and a search of its contents later, imagine my surprise when Jes'ka messaged me saying she'd discovered a functioning Linking Book to a Maintainers Guild related Age.
This Age- Gahlahno- is what I believe to be the Maintainers' version of the Surveyors Guild's Minkata. However, where the Surveyors went with the dry badlands of Minkata of which you can see for quite a while, the Maintainers' Gahlahno is the opposite. With constant rainfall, its ground is wet, marshy swamp lands, with mist and fog so thick you can barely see maybe three car-lengths in front of you, if you are lucky. ...And only about two feet in front of you if you're not so lucky.
We have recovered some documentation that boil down to the a Test Proctor's Cheat Sheet to ensure the Age's inbuilt systems are working, which we'll be using in reference while we work on the Age.
That's about it for this announcement post. More to come in the future.
The Misty Wetlands of Gahlahno.
- Traveler263
- Posts: 477
- Joined: Sat Oct 30, 2021 2:25 pm
The Misty Wetlands of Gahlahno.
Calum Traveler - KI# 34810
-Traveler's Cavern Log-
-Traveler's Cavern Log-
Re: The Misty Wetlands of Gahlahno.
Fun fact, I actually couldn't break the locker open. Bent two crowbars in half trying with a six foot cheater bar. I hope we can figure out what alloy those were made out of because it was strong. Ended up finding the keys buried under some rubble, along with a few scraps of cloth and leather. Tools made from D'ni alloys would definitely cut down on maintenance.
KI# 13545219
- Traveler263
- Posts: 477
- Joined: Sat Oct 30, 2021 2:25 pm
Re: The Misty Wetlands of Gahlahno.
Updates about Gahlahno from Town Hall:
Phase 1 Mapping is completed. Hoping to move onto Phase 2 work in the coming months.
Phase 1 Mapping is completed. Hoping to move onto Phase 2 work in the coming months.
Calum Traveler - KI# 34810
-Traveler's Cavern Log-
-Traveler's Cavern Log-