Search found 17 matches

by Patrick Dulebohn
Mon Dec 27, 2021 11:53 pm
Forum: Explorer Discussions
Topic: The Glaze Of Eyes Gazing at Shelves...
Replies: 63
Views: 30932

Re: The Glaze Of Eyes Gazing at Shelves...

@Patrick would it be alright if I took a look at some of the books the DRC left us? I'm not sure whether it's just the lull between holidays, or if I just enjoyed stocking Chisos shelves a bit much the other day, but I'm rather itching to delve through and sort some unsorted tomes right now. Sure! ...
by Patrick Dulebohn
Thu Dec 16, 2021 10:18 pm
Forum: Explorer Discussions
Topic: A new Age on the horizon
Replies: 9
Views: 5325

A new Age on the horizon

It's official now...Tiam has gone though the final checks and is ready for public release! I've been informed that they'd like to have a little get together on Monday next week (the 20th) at around 13:00 KIT for the unveiling of the Book, so be sure to keep that time open so you can join us! We'll h...
by Patrick Dulebohn
Thu Dec 16, 2021 10:13 pm
Forum: Explorer Discussions
Topic: Snow in Serene
Replies: 7
Views: 4556

Re: Snow in Serene

Kelsei A. Taylor wrote: Wed Dec 15, 2021 10:39 pm The storms are always very pretty in Serene- hopefully this one will stick around some.
I just hope they don't get too strong. There's no way I'm doing that much shoveling of walkways ever again unless absolutely necessary. :D
by Patrick Dulebohn
Tue Dec 14, 2021 6:32 pm
Forum: Explorer Discussions
Topic: Chiso Library Reshelving?
Replies: 14
Views: 8281

Re: Chiso Library Reshelving?

We'd love to feature your work, Jules! Get in touch with me privately and we'll discuss placing it somewhere in Chiso in the near future. I wanted to mention again to all reading this thread that we'll take in any works people would like to donate for posterity! This includes any writings, paintings...
by Patrick Dulebohn
Sun Nov 07, 2021 1:15 am
Forum: Explorer Discussions
Topic: The Path to D'ni (Great Shaft and Beyond)
Replies: 4
Views: 3332

The Path to D'ni (Great Shaft and Beyond)

Hello all! As you all know, my team of dedicated and enthusiastic volunteer explorers and I have been working on getting the full path to D'ni reopened for explorers eager to experience the trek themselves and I thought I'd take a break to update (I'm actually typing this up in one of the bunks in t...
by Patrick Dulebohn
Thu Nov 04, 2021 2:58 am
Forum: Explorer Discussions
Topic: Seasonal GoMePub Changes.
Replies: 8
Views: 5057

Re: @Patrick: Fall Changeover in Pub

It was a nice excuse to come back down from the "big project" to do a little redecorating. Definitely not looking forward to next month's deco though. :lol:
by Patrick Dulebohn
Sun Oct 31, 2021 5:56 pm
Forum: Explorer Discussions
Topic: In the Lime Light... (Cavern Lake Discussion Thread)
Replies: 56
Views: 31439

Re: In the Lime Light... (Cavern Lake Discussion Thread)

It would seem you've all been busy while I've been (somewhat) away! Glad to hear things are back on track after a bit of excitement (also very relieved Wayne is OK!). Here's hoping the lake algae is finally healing and flourishing. I think all would agree we could at least use more light to work wit...