Todah Berries

Todah Berries

I’ve been so worn out lately. Cass is requiring a lot of input from me, given that I’m the chief historian most of the books being placed in the Age fall to me to either be written/compiled or to be checked out. Then I have my experiments with Fahets to keep an eye on.

I’m about ready to lie down under a tree and sleep for a few weeks.

Kez and I have taken to spending more time on Kehrahn, both of us are under considerable stress at the moment and it’s nice to get away and just relax somewhat.
So we’ve been cataloging some of the wildlife around the lake, a pretty diverse selection.
Kez likes the little starburst flowers personally my favorites are what we call the Ghostcap mushrooms, tiny little white mushrooms that seem to glow with brightness.

We did, however, discover some odd berries, some very odd berries. The remind me greatly of acorns, they have a hard lower cup which cradles the actual fruit. I picked on of the smaller ones to study and to eventually try.
They’re pretty tasty, nice and sweet and kind of safe to eat. I say kind of because whilst they didn’t poison me or anything of the sort, they did make me trip the heck out.
Turns out the Todah Berries as we called them are hallucinogenic in nature.

I’ve taken a few more samples to take back with me for further study, probably not the best idea to go around eating them though.

Harbingers Wing

Progress on Cass has been coming along nicely, I’ve been trying to give the Age my attention when I’m not working on my experiments relating to Fahets.

We have been having some discussion as to whether we should release all the museum wings at once or bit by bit. In the end we have decided to open it up one wing at a time, we won’t feel so inclined to rush it that way.

So the Harbingers Wing will be the first opened, not sure when yet. Whilst the artifacts are easy to install, it’s actually the information books that will take the time as they need to be written and approved.

Yesterday I worked on the new floor plan, originally we were going to have a Guild of Maintainers helmet from one of their suits on the display, but then a team discovered an in tact suit that was on display elsewhere. Amazingly it was in pretty good condition given the state of the building it was in, so we have been cleaning it up to move to Cass instead.

Hopefully people will enjoy what we’ve found to display there.

Trail of Destruction

Work on Cass has been progressing nicely, the central hallway is now stable and completed and work has moved on to what I call “The Harbingers Wing”.

The new expansion for the Age has created 4 museum wings dedicated to various aspects of D’ni. The Harbingers Wing which deals with D’ni past. The Restorers Wing, which deals with the DRC and their restoration attempt. The Grower Wing, which deals with Yeesha and the journey as well as the Bahro and their freedom. And finally the Explorers Wing, which deals with the new inhabitants of D’ni, us.

The Harbingers series of portraits have already been hung in their new home, as well as replicas of paintings found in the Ae’gura museum and the Ri’neref one that we discovered elsewhere.

One of the spare Rehevkor from the Archive has also been submitted as well as a damaged Descriptive Book. We also decided that the Seed from the Tehren prayer rooms should find a home there too given that its former home is in a bad shape.

Currently the work is being overseen by Keira and Steve, which allows me to step back for a few days to focus on some other issues that have been slowly coming to fruition over a long period of time.
Some instabilities have wormed their way in to Fahets it would seem.
It started at the beginning of the year, slight tremors at first that have been gradually getting worse. Reports have been coming in from other explorers and Path members of fissures (not Fissures mind you) opening up here and there.
As a result I have gathered the Descriptive Book for the Age and taken it to Cass for further study.
Whilst I am loathe to squander precious resources that are in short supply, I need to look into Writing some experimental Ages to see if I can predict the decay and counter it..

Cass Developments

Figured I’d post a new KIimage of the new area of Cass and how the work is progressing.

Tinkered with the software after some suggestions from Nad and my wife about KIimages being bigger on Beneath, realized I have been posting smaller images for a lot longer than I really needed to, force of habit I guess.

Wondering if I should perhaps go through the older KIimages and see about re-exporting them under the new file size.


Fahets Wildlife Growth

It was quite a shock Linking into Fahets once again, had grown accustom to the silence that greeted me, or the near silence. Sometimes a breeze would rustle the grass, or the slight creaking of the Norapods.

Today it was different, in contrast it was almost a cacophony of sound. In our absence the wildlife in Fahets has continued to grow, expand and flourish, the air was buzzing with activity from insects and the sounds of birds.

My desire to catalog the wildlife has me thinking about climbing out of the basin and exploring the surrounding area.

Not sure how long this will continue for, as thick clouds have gathered in the sky above and I can hear the rumble of thunder, sounds like it’s going to be a bad one. Hopefully the pump will continue working nicely until we install the new, less botched together, version.


Need to remove the book of commentary for now so it doesn’t get ruined. Perhaps it is also time to look into protecting the Link in point and books with a structure or something to shield from the rain.

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