There have been several attempts at restoring D’ni. From the initial attempt by Atrus to the several attempts by the DRC (and to some degree the explorers and explorer groups). This is a collection of archived information from the later DRC period of restoration. Notebooks, letters, forum posts, transcripts, and site updates. The can all be found here chronicling the restoration attempts.
A lot of these sections are works in progress as I transfer the information over from the old archives.
Ages & Areas - Studies of the various Ages and areas of D’ni and those Written by explorers.
Artifacts - Detailed list and locations for artifacts like Relto Pages, clothing, Calendar Roses, and more.
Bahro Studies - Research into the Bahro and the Bahro Glyphs that have been researched over the course of several years.
Documents & Journals - Collection of Journals, Documents, Letters and Maps discovered in the D’ni cavern and its Ages.
People & Groups - Information about people and groups of interest in D'ni history and the restoration effort.
DRC Biographies - Biographies of the D’ni Restoration Council members.
DRC: Contest - D’ni Restoration Council contests and the winners and their submissions.
DRC: FAQ - D’ni Restoration Council’s frequently asked questions.
DRC: D’ni FAQ - D’ni Restoration Council’s frequently asked questions about D’ni.
DRC: Forum Discussions - D’ni Restoration Council forum discussions that took place between 2002 and 2010.
DRC: Imager Messages - Imager notes and alerts posted by the D’ni Restoration Council.
DRC: Interviews & Press - Various interviews and press releases from the D’ni Restoration Council.
DRC: KI Mail*** - KI messages and images released by members of the D’ni Restoration Council.
DRC: Projects List - The D’ni Restoration Council’s projects between 2002 and 2008.
DRC: Sights & Sounds - KI Images, Restoration Documents and sound samples from the D’ni Restoration Council’s restoration of D’ni.
DRC: Timeline - Timeline of the D’ni Restoration Councils movements and updates of the restoration process.
Exploration Guides - Collection of guides for navigating the various Ages.
Maps - Collection of maps from the various Ages and areas of D'ni.
Prophecies - Collection of all known D’ni prophecies, their meanings and the status of them.
Restoration Archive*** - Detailed account of the restoration process, Ages released, items discovered, restoration groups, visits by DRC members and transcripts of said visits.
SR: Project List - The Subterranean Restorations projects.
SR: Timeline - Timeline of the Subterranean Restorations movements and updates of the restoration process.
TTP: FAQ - The Third Path’s frequently asked questions
TTP: Forum Discussions - The Third Path forum discussions that took place between 2003 and 2011.
TTP: Project List - The Third Path projects share the same page as the Beneath project page.
TTP: Timeline - Timeline of The Third Path’s movements and updates of the restoration process.
Transcripts - Transcripts of conversations with DRC members and other notable figures.