New Book

Today Keira and I headed out into the upper levels of Ae’gura to see if we could locate some more blank books and bottles of ink.

We spent the morning searching half a dozen locations but without any luck, with more explorers searching the city for resources for Age writing I fear the supply will soon run out, for all of us.

We need to take stock of what we have left over the next few days…

However our search was not in vain, I happened to stumble upon a Book which was hidden under the mess that littered what appeared to be a study. Keira decided to stay at the house a while longer to see if any documentation regarding the Age could be found whilst I headed back to Tehren to get the Book checked over.

Tomorrow I shall arrange for the initial visit to the Age to take place, from looking at the Linking Panel it seems to Link to a small courtyard of sorts, aside from that we’ve been unable to tell what the rest of the Age may look like.

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