Movement in Chiso Preniv

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Patrick Dulebohn
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Movement in Chiso Preniv

Post by Patrick Dulebohn »

Hello everyone!

I know it's been awhile since I last posted, but you know how it can get down here. ;)

I have some good news: preliminary planning has begun on opening up the passage from the lower level of the library to the surface of Chiso Preniv! No longer will we have to risk life and limb climbing out using that unsightly hole in the ceiling to reach the exterior and study the surrounding lands and the Caltauc artifacts even further.

I've teamed up with a long time friend of mine, AgeExplorer, to lead this endeavor. He's been itching to get back into the cavern and lend his expertise to anything he can get his hands on, and Chiso was his first choice. Given the D'ni collapsed the tunnel very haphazardly before they left, we'll need to properly sound out the surrounding rock to make sure things are stable and, of course, safe! That's where Age comes in.

AgeExplorer will be the one to spearhead things. He's already taken a long look at our initial melding of D'ni tech with surface tech and has come up with plans for his own hybrid invention that will help open things back up. I'm excited to see what he comes up with, and it should prove useful for future endeavors as far as safety checking cave-ins in the cavern and beyond!

So please join me in welcoming (back) AgeExplorer! Great to have you officially become a part of our restoration, my friend!
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Re: Movement in Chiso Preniv

Post by Kelsei A. Taylor »

Welcome aboard, AgeExplorer! Great to have another hand down here. Of course, the Caltauc stuff interests me a lot. Can't wait to be able to get more hands on with that stuff.
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Re: Movement in Chiso Preniv

Post by Traveler263 »

Well, and here I thought y'all were using the door the entire time and just locking it behind you. Guess that's what I get for missing all of the expeditions out there to work on other things. :lol:

Anyways, WB Age, and great to have you onboard.
Calum Traveler - KI# 34810
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Re: Movement in Chiso Preniv

Post by Murry »

Welcome AgeExplorer! I knew we could expect great things from you when we met. Looking forward to further explorations.
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Re: Movement in Chiso Preniv

Post by AgeExplorer »

Hello Everyone,

Well it's great to be back in the cavern. In truth I've been back for awhile. I obtained some much needed skillsets on the surface and then returned with a renewed knowledge base and vigor to help the restoration of D'ni. I have obtained a considerable knowledge of the D'ni rock sounding system and am in the process of creating my own device which I think will give us greater imaging capabilities of rock which will be necessary to find our way to the surface on Chiso Preniv.

Many have thought we would be exploring the field in front of the library. Sadly the area surrounding the library has a bad almost tar like quality to the soil when you venture out too far away from the foundation of the library. I sank into this tar and were it not for my Relto book would have been suffocated under the soil. No doubt this was a deliberate attempt by the D'ni to have the ground devour any Caltauc that would think of returning to the library area. Unfortunately this has also created a slurry of rock that has softened the area around our tunnel. It will require very precise imaging to see exactly where the D'ni sealed the tunnel because if we pierce the wrong spot we risk allowing the slurry of rock to fully flood the downstairs section of the library.

With Doobes permission I have begun a very careful project to ensure safety in digging out this tunnel and making sure no danger befalls the library from beyond that back door.
AgeExplorer - #36422

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Re: Movement in Chiso Preniv

Post by Traveler263 »

Well well if it isn't the old friend of the D'ni wealthy, "If I can't have it neither can you." Let's be extremely cautious about progressing, indeed.
Calum Traveler - KI# 34810
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Re: Movement in Chiso Preniv

Post by AgeExplorer »

Well it has been a long road ahead and we're still quite a ways away from getting all the equipment behind the door in Chiso working. I know for a fact that most of Chiso is solar powered and given the fact that the warm but not overwhelmingly hot sun doesn't move much in this Age (I have yet to observe sunset or night here but I am also not spending that much time on the surface of this Age) it was a great idea for the D'ni to install it. However there is another power source from below the ground. I have ruled out geothermal already for two reasons. 1) There is no evidence of any geothermal activity in this area. 2) The power output is enormous. In fact I haven't seen the D'ni generate this amount of raw electrical power before.

There is some sort of regulator I am working with on the wall in a room below the main tunnel that handles the output. It appears operational but I can't risk activating it until the rest of the circuit networks integrity is checked. This may take some more time and will delay my plans to get my latest human-D'ni hybrid inventions where they need to be. There is a HEAVY blast door the likes of which I have never seen before blocking my progress. It is clearly made of Nara and from my notes is the most secure and strong door the D'ni ever invented and was installed only in areas where there was extreme danger or a need for unprecedented security. I won't be getting through that without power and whichever combination the D'ni used to open the door. I will continue work in my new office which Doobes has provided me in Kotsahvosahn and see if progress can be made to restore that area of the cavern. Thank you to Doobes for letting me use the space and get things working. So far the efforts restoring that area have proven more successful than the underground areas of Chiso although I cannot wait to see what awaits us beyond that blast door.
Last edited by AgeExplorer on Mon Nov 13, 2023 4:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
AgeExplorer - #36422

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Patrick Dulebohn
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Re: Movement in Chiso Preniv

Post by Patrick Dulebohn »

AgeExplorer wrote: Sun Nov 12, 2023 10:24 pm Well it has been a long road ahead and we're still quite a ways away from getting all the equipment behind the door in Chiso working. I know for a fact that most of Chiso is solar powered and given the fact that the warm but not overwhelmingly hot sun doesn't move much in this Age (I have yet to observe sunset or night here but I am also not spending that much time on the surface of this Age) it was a great idea for the D'ni to install it. However there is another power source from below the ground. I have ruled out geothermal already for two reasons. 1) There is no evidence of any geothermal activity in this area. 2) The power output is enormous. In fact I don't think I've ever seen the D'ni generate this amount of raw electrical power before.

There is some sort of regulator I am working with on the wall in a room below the main tunnel that handles the output. It appears operational but I can't risk activating it until the rest of the circuit networks integrity is checked. This may take some more time and will delay my plans to get my latest human-D'ni hybrid inventions where they need to be. There is a HEAVY blast door the likes of which I have never seen before blocking my progress. It is clearly made of Nara and from my notes is the most secure and strong door the D'ni ever invented and was installed only in areas where there was extreme danger or a need for unprecedented security. I won't be getting through that without power and whichever combination the D'ni used to open the door. I will continue work in my new office which Doobes has provided me in Kotsahvosahn and see if progress can be made to restore that area of the cavern. Thank you to Doobes for letting me use the space and get things working. So far the efforts restoring that area have proven more successful than the underground areas of Chiso although I cannot wait to see what awaits us beyond that blast door.
Very interesting findings so far! When we got to the aforementioned blast door awhile, that's where work had stopped for the time being while we focused efforts in the cavern and other Ages. I'm glad you're spearheading the investigation of that particular area as it'll be nice to get outside the library without climbing through the hole in the ceiling.

The unexplained power source certainly merits more study. Might be something we could use to power more of the cavern if it can be moved and/or duplicated.

I'm also glad you're finding your new accommodations in Kotsahvosahn to your liking too. I was going to use that space myself given its a rather quiet place to work, but Chiso had a more sunny view!

We'll need to meet up at some point in my office in Chiso to discuss everything more. Might take a bit of time to sync our busy schedules though. ;)
KI #: 9653140 #ANewEraInDni
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Re: Movement in Chiso Preniv

Post by AgeExplorer »

That and you wanted a place to work with everyone in Chiso and had no idea what to do with all the stuff the D'ni left behind in Kotsahvosahn. Also you tried staying with me awhile during the testing sessions and couldn't stand the noise from the machines even from far away. As much as I would like a place in a sunnier Age I have plenty of those to link to and most of the work I am overseeing is here.
AgeExplorer - #36422

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Re: Movement in Chiso Preniv

Post by Patrick Dulebohn »

AgeExplorer wrote: Mon Nov 13, 2023 2:52 pm As much as I would like a place in a sunnier Age I have plenty of those to link to and most of the work I am overseeing is here.
Well, once you're done with this project, I could use your help in the Sakura Vale, which has very sunny days and LOTS of mechanical oddities we need to investigate (when we've gathered the proper team and supplies). :D
KI #: 9653140 #ANewEraInDni
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