(09/25 14:13:11) [BUDDIES] To Buddies: hoods open
(09/25 14:13:40) [BUDDIES] To Buddies: TOWN HALL in 15 Minutes!!
(09/25 14:15:50) Calum Traveler: shorah, dreamer
(09/25 14:15:58) Calum Traveler looks quite a bit frazzled and tired
(09/25 14:16:05) Calum Traveler: shorah, Quill,
(09/25 14:16:19) [PRIVATE] From Quill: Shorah, Calum
(09/25 14:16:27) Dreamer3: Shorah Calum : - ) I hope the day gets less frazzl-y
(09/25 14:16:31) Calum Traveler: we'll be holding the town hall up here in the community hall
(09/25 14:16:36) Calum Traveler: either set of stairs by the fountain
(09/25 14:16:43) Calum Traveler: we'll see.
(09/25 14:16:54) Calum Traveler: it's been one of those... uh...
(09/25 14:16:58) Calum Traveler: one of those times.
(09/25 14:17:27) Calum Traveler: shorah, ural
(09/25 14:17:37) ural: Hello
(09/25 14:19:01) Quill: Will Ella be making an appearance today?
(09/25 14:19:16) Calum Traveler: as far as i know, no
(09/25 14:19:24) Calum Traveler: it's just me today,
(09/25 14:19:34) Calum Traveler: Dr. Murry had something come up suddenly.
(09/25 14:19:36) Calum Traveler: more on that later.
(09/25 14:20:08) Calum Traveler checks time...
(09/25 14:20:10) Calum Traveler: ten minutes
(09/25 14:20:16) Quill: "Just you" is plenty. Always a pleasure.
(09/25 14:20:19) [BUDDIES] To Buddies: town hall in ten min.
(09/25 14:20:34) Calum Traveler smiles slightly
(09/25 14:21:46) Calum Traveler: shorah, NoMore
(09/25 14:22:19) NoMore: shorah folks
(09/25 14:22:22) NoMore salutes
(09/25 14:22:47) Calum Traveler says hey
(09/25 14:22:55) LeneeMission: hi
(09/25 14:23:26) NoMore: hello
(09/25 14:23:29) Calum Traveler: shorah, Lenee
(09/25 14:23:35) LeneeMission: hi all
(09/25 14:23:40) Calum Traveler checks KI nervously...
(09/25 14:24:16) Calum Traveler: 5 min til start.
(09/25 14:24:22) [BUDDIES] To Buddies: town hall in 5 min
(09/25 14:24:31) NoMore: run little kitties run
(09/25 14:24:35) ural: Iskye prob finishing lunch..
(09/25 14:25:05) Calum Traveler: lunch, is good.
(09/25 14:25:08) Calum Traveler: im gonna get food after this
(09/25 14:25:19) Calum Traveler: im thinking mac n cheese...
(09/25 14:25:28) NoMore: food, glorious food (musical oliver)
(09/25 14:26:11) NoMore wondering how linux n cheese would taste ...
(09/25 14:26:11) [BUDDIES] To Buddies: repeating, Town hall in about 4 min
(09/25 14:26:23) Calum Traveler: shorah 348
(09/25 14:26:33) uru348 waves hello
(09/25 14:27:44) NoMore munching some D'nitos
(09/25 14:27:57) Calum Traveler eyes the bag of D'nitos enviously
(09/25 14:28:04) Anatheia: !shorah fellow explorers

(09/25 14:28:10) Calum Traveler: shorah, anatheia
(09/25 14:28:18) Calum Traveler: town hall just about to start in 2 min
(09/25 14:28:19) Anatheia: Hi there, Calum!
(09/25 14:28:41) Calum Traveler:

(09/25 14:28:54) Kenny Biber: Shorah

(09/25 14:28:59) Calum Traveler: alright, this is probably going to be a shorter-ish town hall than usual,
(09/25 14:29:19) Calum Traveler: not a lot to go over but what there is, is important
(09/25 14:29:31) Calum Traveler eyes the clock, waiting for the hour to turn over...
(09/25 14:29:41) NoMore looks around for a bit
(09/25 14:29:47) Buddy: Shorah y'all
(09/25 14:29:53) Calum Traveler fights back a tired yawn, and looks quite ready to fall asleep on their feet for a moment
(09/25 14:29:59) Calum Traveler: shorah, Buddy
(09/25 14:30:00) Anatheia: .shorah Kenny and Buddy

(09/25 14:30:05) Calum Traveler: shorah, Kenny
(09/25 14:30:21) NoMore gets infected by yawn
(09/25 14:30:27) NoMore yawns
(09/25 14:30:30) Calum Traveler tiredly blinks eyes and lightly slaps self on the cheek to wake up
(09/25 14:30:42) Calum Traveler: Alright, the Time is 2:30, and we['re about to start the town hall
(09/25 14:30:47) [BUDDIES] To Buddies: town hall starting
(09/25 14:31:04) Anatheia claps her hands
(09/25 14:31:11) Calum Traveler: alright, welcome everyone to the September Town Hall.
(09/25 14:31:14) Calum Traveler: it's just me today.
(09/25 14:31:15) Calum Traveler: uh
(09/25 14:31:22) Calum Traveler: so that brings me to the first topic as a matter of fact
(09/25 14:31:51) Calum Traveler: about an hour or so ago, one of Dr. Robert Murry's contacts messaged him about a strange artifact coming through their possession from a potential artifact smuggler,
(09/25 14:32:07) Calum Traveler: it's a plain old ordinary journal book, blank, and unassuming except for one notable feature.
(09/25 14:32:24) NoMore flinches
(09/25 14:32:24) Calum Traveler: it has a crystal emblem on the cover, engraved with a symbol we became familiar with in Rei'schu.
(09/25 14:32:47) Calum Traveler: we're not certain if this is legitimate, or a reproduction,
(09/25 14:32:58) Calum Traveler: Runa'mei hasn't been informed of any book thefts in recent days,
(09/25 14:33:17) Calum Traveler: but she and Robert are investigating to see if they can track down where the book came from,
(09/25 14:33:23) Calum Traveler: if it's a replication, who made it, and why,
(09/25 14:33:41) Calum Traveler: and if it's legitimate, where the *heck* its supplier got the book from.
(09/25 14:34:01) Calum Traveler: either way, we have our suspicions that Haru'sara is involved.
(09/25 14:34:20) Calum Traveler: i suppose it was only a matter of time before he reared his head again.
(09/25 14:35:22) Calum Traveler: i'd like to put out a warning to folks, if you happen to come across a blue-green book with a crystal emblem in the center- with a symbol engraved that looks vaguely like an eye? please let me know.
(09/25 14:35:43) Anatheia: Absolutely, Calum
(09/25 14:35:45) Calum Traveler: it's probable that if the indicated book is a recreation we're about to see a flood of the things.
(09/25 14:36:01) Buddy: Like?
(09/25 14:36:10) Calum Traveler shrugs
(09/25 14:36:18) NoMore: oof --- yeah now knowing what to be aware of ...
(09/25 14:36:19) LeneeMission: have fun all
(09/25 14:36:25) Calum Traveler: later, Lenee,
(09/25 14:36:27) Buddy: Anything and Everything!
(09/25 14:36:32) Calum Traveler: anything and everything, yes,
(09/25 14:36:42) Calum Traveler: id just like folks to be aware if they crop up anywhere.
(09/25 14:36:53) Calum Traveler: theyre not officially sanctioned, and are either stolen, or copied.
(09/25 14:37:05) Calum Traveler: moving on from that topic...
(09/25 14:37:45) Calum Traveler: i'd like to reiterate that rumors about the Emporium and its curator are not that funny. Just today i had someone asking me if the Emporium was being delayed in its release, and I've had no indication from anyone on the matter.
(09/25 14:38:14) Calum Traveler: we still have no set schedule, as of yet.
(09/25 14:38:34) Calum Traveler: many things that are upcoming are inching closer to being ready, but again, surface life has been a pain for all of us in the restoration.
(09/25 14:38:45) NoMore: they probably still stock up the store or something ...
(09/25 14:39:06) Calum Traveler: i can say that we're expecting a delivery of shirt items- including the delayed Mysterium 2024 shirts
(09/25 14:39:23) Calum Traveler: im not sure if we'll be redecorating the pub or not once they arrive so folks can get them or if we'll be waiting for next year
(09/25 14:39:23) Dreamer3: Where will the Emporium live?
(09/25 14:39:26) Buddy: Hurray!
(09/25 14:39:36) Calum Traveler: the initial book to the Emporium will be found in Chiso Preniv
(09/25 14:40:00) NoMore: ah already missed the 2024 shirts ...
(09/25 14:40:08) Calum Traveler: im told we're also due in for Radio Free D'ni's tenth anniversary shirt, as well as a new shirt designed to celebrate the new Riven Remake.
(09/25 14:40:38) NoMore: "coming in 1997"

(09/25 14:40:53) Dreamer3: Will the clothing be for our relto wardrobes only, or can it be taken to the surface?
(09/25 14:41:10) Calum Traveler: i think the former

(09/25 14:41:22) Calum Traveler: the shirts arent coming from Cyan, so-
(09/25 14:41:25) Calum Traveler shrugs
(09/25 14:41:39) Calum Traveler: umm what else...
(09/25 14:41:54) Calum Traveler stares ahead tiredly for a long moment...
(09/25 14:41:59) Calum Traveler: OH!
(09/25 14:42:01) Calum Traveler: Right!
(09/25 14:42:06) Dreamer3: Yeah!
(09/25 14:42:17) Calum Traveler: Skyisblu's desk is going to be installed soonish as well
(09/25 14:42:23) Calum Traveler: again, no direct timeline of events-
(09/25 14:42:40) Calum Traveler: also, I'd like to remind folks to please do not meddle with any construction equipment,
(09/25 14:43:19) Calum Traveler: especially anything relating to *Concrete mixers*
(09/25 14:43:28) Buddy: Is jumping on top of it considered "meddling"?
(09/25 14:43:40) Calum Traveler: i know, the temptation is high to run across wet concrete, but it's a pain for everyone involved.
(09/25 14:43:49) Calum Traveler: i mean-
(09/25 14:43:52) Calum Traveler: i dont know, buddy
(09/25 14:43:54) Calum Traveler: is it?
(09/25 14:43:59) Calum Traveler: is it not?
(09/25 14:44:01) Buddy: Nope!
(09/25 14:44:07) Calum Traveler: my brain is too tired to debate the specifics.
(09/25 14:44:18) Buddy:

(09/25 14:44:31) Calum Traveler: ...oh, yeah, i've got a note from Ami at the overflow station,
(09/25 14:44:34) uru348: Some people on the surface run across wet concrete knowingly
(09/25 14:44:51) Calum Traveler: while they're still dealing with power issues, they have managed to get the pistons on one of the mixer machines operating,
(09/25 14:45:09) Calum Traveler: notably, the same machine that Wayne Todd a few years back now lost his relto book to.
(09/25 14:45:22) Calum Traveler: it's very large machinery with a large gear that the mixer blades interlock on.
(09/25 14:45:29) Calum Traveler: it's no wonder that poor book got chewed up the way it did.
(09/25 14:46:20) Calum Traveler: id like to remind folks that when the Overflow Station does hopefully finally release to please wear protective equipment such as a Maintainer Suit while interacting with that machinery, when necessary.
(09/25 14:46:26) Dreamer3: I've been worrying a lot about the overflow station.
(09/25 14:46:35) Calum Traveler: the damned place has just been cursed, imho, Dreamer.
(09/25 14:47:00) Calum Traveler: between all the setbacks i faced while working there, and now the constant flow of power issues that have plagued the place since Ami took over...
(09/25 14:47:05) NoMore: must be a large place, considering its functionality considering the cavern ...
(09/25 14:47:32) Calum Traveler: the available areas we've been able to explore are quite small, in comparison to somewhere like Ae'gura.
(09/25 14:47:56) Calum Traveler: but we believe the facility does go deeper into the rockface- it has to, inorder to connect to the nearby pellet test silos.
(09/25 14:48:10) NoMore: only know it from tales anyway ,,,
(09/25 14:48:15) NoMore shrugs
(09/25 14:48:17) Calum Traveler: whether or not we'll be able to access those areas, time will tell.
(09/25 14:48:26) Calum Traveler: i'd wager probably not, though, given the state of the place...
(09/25 14:48:38) Calum Traveler: right, i suppose i should give a narrative description of the place,
(09/25 14:49:19) Calum Traveler: for those unaware, the Overflow Station is a facility located somewhere on the cavern wall- it's initial arrival point is a lakeside dock yard, similar to Ae'gura's ferry terminal or the Memorial Island's docks,
(09/25 14:49:29) Calum Traveler: there's a short staircase from there to a large plaza area,
(09/25 14:49:44) Calum Traveler: it has a waterworks channel running through the middle of it, with a giant statue at the far end.
(09/25 14:50:05) Calum Traveler: this statue depicts a man riding a giant lizard riding a giant boat, sailing through an artistic rendition of what we suspect was meant to be Kerath's Arch.
(09/25 14:50:09) ural: Like naybree?
(09/25 14:50:19) Calum Traveler: no, a bit more artificial, ural.
(09/25 14:50:32) Anatheia: What was the purpose of the Overflow Station, Calum?
(09/25 14:50:33) Calum Traveler: like, a fountain or something like that.
(09/25 14:50:55) Calum Traveler: the Overflow Station's purpose seems to be aimed towards regulating the feeding of Pellet food into the lake algae system
(09/25 14:50:59) Calum Traveler: to prevent algae blooms,
(09/25 14:51:11) Calum Traveler: we're aware of a few other facilities like this that seem to be functioning fine,
(09/25 14:51:16) Anatheia: Interesting...
(09/25 14:51:21) Calum Traveler: but the one we're dealing with is... less fortunate.
(09/25 14:51:54) Calum Traveler: one of the silos has suffered a colapse, and the emergency flood control gates had to be closed to prevent heavy metal leakage into the lake ecosystem
(09/25 14:52:19) Calum Traveler: beyond that, it's suffered some kind of earthquake damage that's disconnected the power systems quite thoroughly from the rest of the Cavern infrastructure grid.
(09/25 14:52:30) Anatheia: Oh, wow! Glad to here everything is under control there.
(09/25 14:52:33) Buddy: Will the pellet meter be coming back to the Ferry Terminal soon?
(09/25 14:52:34) Calum Traveler: it does have some form of back up power generation in the form of two large gears on either side of the statue,
(09/25 14:52:44) Calum Traveler: I can't answer that at this time, Buddy
(09/25 14:53:07) Calum Traveler: unfortunately, those emergency generators aren't connecting to the grid properly
(09/25 14:53:14) Calum Traveler: part of the ongoing power issues
(09/25 14:53:26) Anatheia: That's a shame.
(09/25 14:53:32) Calum Traveler: on either side of the channel, near the stairs, are two nearly identical silo doors.
(09/25 14:53:57) Calum Traveler: they lead to mirrored staircases that lead to control rooms that, during brief power interactions, seem to have been designed to monitor and control the various aspects of the facility.
(09/25 14:53:58) Dreamer3: Sounds a little like the Great Zero
(09/25 14:54:26) NoMore: maybe they brought some fuel powered generators - like the ones in Ae'Gura for additional lighting with the red lanterns ...
(09/25 14:54:38) Calum Traveler: the two control rooms continue down the hallway to a junction, each marked by a cylindrical airlock door around a maintainer suit dispenser chamber.
(09/25 14:55:06) Calum Traveler: the airlocks can be opened to either block off the suits, opened to access a joining hallway between the two suit chambers, or access either mixing chamber just beyond.
(09/25 14:55:28) Calum Traveler: in the middle of the joining hallway is a doorway into a familiar pub-shaped room.
(09/25 14:55:41) Calum Traveler: it's sort of like the Watchers Pub layout, except missing an upper floor.
(09/25 14:55:55) Calum Traveler: in the middle where the imager would have been is instead a large model of the cavern,
(09/25 14:56:18) Calum Traveler: this is where the water from the plaza channel seems to come from, go through, and then cycle back around.
(09/25 14:56:34) Calum Traveler: like a giant water wheel of sorts,
(09/25 14:56:58) Calum Traveler: at the far end of the pub area, across from the entry door, is a further chamber door hallway, and another airlock door.
(09/25 14:57:14) Calum Traveler: this theoretically leads into the rest of the facility, but we've been unable to open it thusfar.
(09/25 14:57:27) Calum Traveler: inside of this small hallway is a table imager, sunken into the floor.
(09/25 14:57:40) Calum Traveler: we/ve been unable to power it on so we don't know what it was for.
(09/25 14:58:01) Calum Traveler: at the corners of the pub room are four small alcoves with lever-control setups,
(09/25 14:58:10) Calum Traveler: the levers that control the emergency flood gates manually.
(09/25 14:58:48) Calum Traveler: finally, at the midway point, where in Watcher's we'd see the balcony looking at the great tree or the alchove containing er'cana and ahnonay,
(09/25 14:58:55) Calum Traveler: are two identical balconies that overlook the mixer chambers.
(09/25 14:59:04) Calum Traveler: finally, the meat and potatoes of this place.
(09/25 14:59:36) Dreamer3: We've just been doing the appetizers?
(09/25 14:59:43) NoMore: lol
(09/25 14:59:44) Calum Traveler: the mixers are mounted to ceiling suspended central columns, which are suspended in place over the water flow channels,
(09/25 15:00:06) Calum Traveler: there are many support beams holding it all in place,
(09/25 15:00:33) Calum Traveler: the mixers are directly suspended below a small catwalk from the airlock to the central column, where ladders can be found allowing traversal upwards and downwards.
(09/25 15:01:02) Calum Traveler: the mixer blades are on a ring shaped device similar to Er'cana's mixer pools, and are set to lower on a set of eight gigantic pistons.
(09/25 15:01:24) Calum Traveler: the mixer ring will lock into place on a gear below, and upon connecting, can be powered on to spin.
(09/25 15:01:45) Calum Traveler: we believe this is meant to agitate the water and ensure it travels down the channel to the lake at speed,
(09/25 15:02:06) NoMore: and to crush lost relto books ...
(09/25 15:02:12) Calum Traveler: yeah, that XD
(09/25 15:02:16) NoMore:

(09/25 15:02:30) Calum Traveler: there's also a potential this is where additional lake food could be introduced to the mix, but that's just a hypothesis of mine.
(09/25 15:02:41) Calum Traveler: there's no evidence for that feature at this time.
(09/25 15:02:43) Anatheia: Please excuse me...the surface calls.
(09/25 15:02:46) Calum Traveler: later, anatheia
(09/25 15:02:48) Anatheia waves goodbye
(09/25 15:02:51) Calum Traveler: as it always does, the surface takes priority
(09/25 15:02:52) Calum Traveler waves goodbye
(09/25 15:02:56) Dreamer3: Take care, Anatheia : )
(09/25 15:03:00) NoMore: seeya
(09/25 15:03:01) Buddy: It would certainly mix in air to the water, which the algae needs.
(09/25 15:03:03) ural: Bye:)
(09/25 15:03:08) Calum Traveler: that is true, Buddy
(09/25 15:03:23) Anatheia: Thanks, Calum and Dreamer!
(09/25 15:03:25) Buddy: Bye, and thanks again Calum!
(09/25 15:03:48) Calum Traveler: regardless, each mixer is a massive piece of machinery, and the provided maintainer suits seem to have been provided for security while working on the machinery.
(09/25 15:03:54) Dreamer3: Take care, Buddy : )
(09/25 15:04:17) Buddy: You too Dreamer3!
(09/25 15:04:19) Calum Traveler: alright, i think that's all the major important things, so just to do a *recap as we close out!*
(09/25 15:04:38) NoMore: it's certainly good that there is something like an overflow station controlling the lake algae nutrition ... people sometimes mix insane pellet recipes in their silos and try to feed the lake with it ...
(09/25 15:05:08) Calum Traveler: Robert Murry and Runa'mei are investigating potential artifact thefts and/or replications from Rei'schu- be on the look out for blue-green books with crystals on the center covers- an eye like symbol will be carved into it.
(09/25 15:05:25) Calum Traveler: no delays are expected in the Explorer's Emporium release.
(09/25 15:05:34) Calum Traveler: Sky's Desk is coming soonish,
(09/25 15:05:46) Calum Traveler: New shirts are coming soon!
(09/25 15:06:02) Calum Traveler: aaaaaaaand.... there has been some small progress at the Overflow Station.
(09/25 15:06:12) Calum Traveler: but stable power remains an issue
(09/25 15:06:42) Calum Traveler: any questions?
(09/25 15:06:47) Dreamer3: Thanks for the updates, CT! : - )
(09/25 15:07:11) Calum Traveler: you're very welcome.
(09/25 15:07:16) Dreamer3: Any guesses what would happen if we opened one of the books?
(09/25 15:07:25) Calum Traveler: the one found is a blank journal,
(09/25 15:07:28) Quill: Yes, forgive my ignorance, but who is Haru'sara?
(09/25 15:07:30) Cpt.Jericho: Big Badaboom?
(09/25 15:07:36) Dreamer3: : )
(09/25 15:07:40) Calum Traveler: Haru'sara is a former Town Mayor of the Age of Rei'schu.
(09/25 15:07:55) Calum Traveler: he was disposed from his position during our first diplomatic negotiations with the age.
(09/25 15:08:05) Cpt.Jericho: And he's mad as a hatter.
(09/25 15:08:12) Calum Traveler: afterwards, he stole many important religious artifacts, and fled to the Cavern.
(09/25 15:08:15) Theo: Disposed or deposed?
(09/25 15:08:24) Calum Traveler: deposed,
(09/25 15:08:30) Calum Traveler: sorry, my brain typos when im hungry.
(09/25 15:08:34) Dreamer3: Deposed and disposed of
(09/25 15:08:38) Quill: Oh my!
(09/25 15:08:54) Calum Traveler: regardless, Haru'sara's kept himself quiet for a really long time.
(09/25 15:09:04) Dreamer3: I have some algae pellets if you need a snack, Calum
(09/25 15:09:08) Calum Traveler: the books- stolen or replicas- are probably his doing.
(09/25 15:09:16) Calum Traveler: no thanks, Dreamer. I know what's been going into those.
(09/25 15:09:18) Calum Traveler flinches
(09/25 15:09:32) Dreamer3: : )
(09/25 15:09:44) uru348: How about pellet chips?
(09/25 15:09:49) Calum Traveler: no thanks.
(09/25 15:09:53) Calum Traveler: ive got dinner in mind already.
(09/25 15:10:05) Calum Traveler: if there's no other questions, I think i'll get to that- oh, shorah, Captain,
(09/25 15:10:08) Calum Traveler: didn't see you come in.
(09/25 15:10:10) Cpt.Jericho: Better get it into ypur tummy as well, Cal.
(09/25 15:10:17) Calum Traveler: thanks.
(09/25 15:10:19) Theo: We need Iwonk for Cookies.
(09/25 15:10:26) Dreamer3 claps his hands
(09/25 15:10:32) Calum Traveler: i'll try to get the chatlog up later in the usual places.
(09/25 15:10:35) Calum Traveler: bow
(09/25 15:10:36) Calum Traveler bows
(09/25 15:10:41) NoMore claps his hands
(09/25 15:10:42) Dreamer3 kneels down...
(09/25 15:10:42) Calum Traveler: thanks for listening, all.
(09/25 15:10:48) uru348 claps his hands
(09/25 15:10:48) ural claps his hands
(09/25 15:10:54) Cpt.Jericho claps her hands
(09/25 15:11:02) NoMore: some interesting news again ... the cavern lives
(09/25 15:11:12) ...Chat.log stopped.