August Town Hall

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August Town Hall

Post by Traveler263 »

(08/28 14:02:31) Chat.log started...
(08/28 14:02:32) Dread Pirate Roberts hums a few bars: "soap, soap, soap, soap"
(08/28 14:03:05) Prad hums a bit "baby shark" ....
(08/28 14:03:07) IwonK watches Milky Way from Mars' surface
(08/28 14:03:16) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(08/28 14:03:17) IwonK claps her hands
(08/28 14:03:18) Dreamer3 claps his hands
(08/28 14:03:21) Prad claps his hands
(08/28 14:03:21) Minasunda claps her hands
(08/28 14:03:22) Root Beer 7 claps her hands
(08/28 14:03:23) Eternal Seeker claps his hands
(08/28 14:03:23) Dread Pirate Roberts claps his hands
(08/28 14:03:23) ondine claps her hands
(08/28 14:03:24) PodHopper claps his hands
(08/28 14:03:29) Dreamer3 kneels down...
(08/28 14:03:31) Calum Traveler: ty for the music, fil!
(08/28 14:03:31) IwonK thanks you very much!
(08/28 14:03:31) IwonK: thank you, Fil :)
(08/28 14:03:32) Musica3: They're all me/clap
(08/28 14:03:38) Anatheia: Thanks so much, Fil!
(08/28 14:03:39) Dread Pirate Roberts: thanks fil
(08/28 14:03:44) Anatheia claps her hands
(08/28 14:03:46) Dread Pirate Roberts: another great show
(08/28 14:03:47) IwonK waves goodbye
(08/28 14:03:47) IwonK: hasta la Windows 7!
(08/28 14:03:48) Minasunda: thank you Fil :)
(08/28 14:03:49) Dreamer3: Thanks for another musical money Fil!
(08/28 14:03:51) Musica3 claps her hands
(08/28 14:03:55) Minasunda thanks you
(08/28 14:03:55) Calum Traveler: alright, i gotta bounce to Great Tree (3) hood for the Town Hall (in about 20-30 min!)
(08/28 14:03:56) Prad: out is hung now. was fun.
(08/28 14:03:56) Dreamer3: Musical morning!
(08/28 14:03:58) Anatheia waves goodbye
(08/28 14:04:02) Eternal Seeker: thank you Fil
(08/28 14:04:04) ondine: Thanks Fil :)
(08/28 14:04:05) Prad: hasta la Linux
(08/28 14:04:08) PodHopper thanks you very much!
(08/28 14:04:11) Dread Pirate Roberts waves goodbye
(08/28 14:04:12) Eternal Seeker: great music again
(08/28 14:04:12) Calum Traveler: take care fil
(08/28 14:04:16) Anatheia: G'bye everyone!
(08/28 14:04:24) Eternal Seeker waves goodbye
(08/28 14:04:26) PodHopper: Bye Fil :)
(08/28 14:04:26) Minasunda: adios Fil :)
(08/28 14:04:27) Calum Traveler: ill see those of you who're heading to the town hall there.
(08/28 14:05:46) [BUDDIES] From Fil in Fil's Relto: orey borey!
(08/28 14:05:52) [BUDDIES] To Buddies: Town Hall starts in about 25 minutes!
(08/28 14:06:02) [BUDDIES] To Buddies: here in Great Tree (3) hood!
(08/28 14:06:10) Calum Traveler nods to Robert
(08/28 14:06:16) Calum Traveler: shorah, Murry
(08/28 14:06:24) Calum Traveler prepares what few notes he has...
(08/28 14:06:30) Robert Murry: Shorah Calum
(08/28 14:06:55) Calum Traveler: how goes the Riven playthrough? Finished yet?
(08/28 14:07:16) Robert Murry: Finshed before Mysterium.
(08/28 14:07:23) Calum Traveler: nice
(08/28 14:07:31) Calum Traveler: i feel like i asked you that there lol
(08/28 14:07:35) Calum Traveler: it's... been a month.
(08/28 14:07:50) Calum Traveler looks very tired all of a sudden, and exhales slowly.
(08/28 14:07:52) Robert Murry: Found it hard not to talk about it during the spoilers ban.
(08/28 14:08:08) Calum Traveler: yes, im probably going to lift that today, a bit.
(08/28 14:08:15) Calum Traveler: atleast for folks who have finished it.
(08/28 14:08:26) Calum Traveler: but we have other things to go over first before that.
(08/28 14:08:41) Calum Traveler: I saw Miss Darrington over in DRC18's Tsogal earlier
(08/28 14:08:53) Calum Traveler: she said she just plans to sit in the audience though, but it's good to know she's here
(08/28 14:08:56) Robert Murry: Skyisblu had not started it yet.=, so I couldn't compare notes with her.
(08/28 14:09:13) [PRIVATE] To Robert Murry: her KI#, if you need it, is 11945676
(08/28 14:09:28) NoMore: skyisblu - notes - musical notes? Hmm ...
(08/28 14:09:33) NoMore is a bit puzzled...
(08/28 14:09:37) Calum Traveler: Riven notes, rather, NoMore
(08/28 14:09:41) NoMore: :)
(08/28 14:09:51) Robert Murry: Wai.., Darrington? She's here?
(08/28 14:09:56) Calum Traveler: should be
(08/28 14:10:05) Calum Traveler: looks like she's doing a tour of Chiso at the moment.
(08/28 14:10:11) Calum Traveler: well, she's got 20 minutes.
(08/28 14:10:29) Robert Murry lost in thoght...
(08/28 14:10:42) Calum Traveler: It's amusing that she's here, considering I was going to touch on the Emporium today.
(08/28 14:10:54) Calum Traveler: hadn't coordinated that with her.
(08/28 14:11:11) [BUDDIES] To Buddies: town hall in 20 min, in this very hood
(08/28 14:11:28) Calum Traveler: shorah, everyone, town hall in about 19 min now.
(08/28 14:11:41) Calum Traveler: i hope everyone's had a good last couple of months.
(08/28 14:11:44) Calum Traveler: it's been exhausting for me.
(08/28 14:12:04) Calum Traveler: oh, by the way, Murry, Kelsei sends her regards. She wanted to be here but surface work is keeping her busy still.
(08/28 14:12:27) Calum Traveler: apparently some idiots at her surface job decided to sabotage their systems... including payroll.
(08/28 14:12:35) Calum Traveler grimaces and shakes their head
(08/28 14:12:39) Robert Murry: She seems to stay busy.
(08/28 14:12:39) Calum Traveler: i can't understand some people.
(08/28 14:12:55) Calum Traveler: since the last four months, it's been excessively for her.
(08/28 14:13:08) Calum Traveler: i've talked a bit with Runa'mei in the mean time. Poor Kelsei is super overworked it sounds like.
(08/28 14:13:21) Calum Traveler: if what Kelsei talked to me about this morning is true, then, yeah, i can see why.
(08/28 14:13:29) Robert Murry: How is Runa
(08/28 14:13:42) Calum Traveler: enjoying not having any hanging demands over her head.
(08/28 14:13:59) Calum Traveler: i think she's relishing the slower pace of just making sure Kelsei's taking care of herself the last few months.
(08/28 14:14:09) ural waves hello
(08/28 14:14:10) Calum Traveler: it's apparently much lower stress than... well. Runa's usual jobs.
(08/28 14:14:24) Calum Traveler: shorah, everyone, we are up in the community hall!
(08/28 14:14:28) ural: comunity room
(08/28 14:14:29) Calum Traveler: Town hall Starts in 15 min!
(08/28 14:14:39) ural: follow me
(08/28 14:15:10) Calum Traveler: shorah, properly, Miss Darrington. :)
(08/28 14:15:14) Calum Traveler says hey
(08/28 14:15:20) Robert Murry: Hello Ella.
(08/28 14:15:47) Calum Traveler: It's a funny coincidence you showed up today. I had plans to discuss the Emporium a bit today.
(08/28 14:15:56) Robert Murry: Long time no see.
(08/28 14:15:57) Calum Traveler: dont worry, I've got my notes prepared ;)
(08/28 14:16:47) Calum Traveler checks time...
(08/28 14:16:54) Calum Traveler: 14 minutes!
(08/28 14:17:00) Calum Traveler: ah, the other Murry arrives!
(08/28 14:17:41) Ella Darrington: Good evening
(08/28 14:17:42) NoMore: ger. "empor" = engl. "aloft" ... Emporium sounding a bit like an Aloftium to germans ... :)
(08/28 14:17:54) Calum Traveler chuckles
(08/28 14:17:58) Murry: Robert, I wanted to warn you... Oh. Never mind.
(08/28 14:17:59) [PRIVATE] From ural: New explorer with me
(08/28 14:18:06) Calum Traveler: well, there certainly is an upper floor.
(08/28 14:18:15) [PRIVATE] To ural: roger that
(08/28 14:18:28) Calum Traveler: alright, so, i'm told we have a new explorer here today!
(08/28 14:18:32) Calum Traveler: welcome to D'ni!
(08/28 14:19:03) [PRIVATE] From ural: Name.. iskye
(08/28 14:19:06) Calum Traveler: i'll give a brief rundown of things. before the Town Hall starts.
(08/28 14:19:37) Murry: iSkye
(08/28 14:19:39) Calum Traveler: This is the Town Hall, our usually monthly event where we discuss recent events the last month in the Cavern. Uh, but since we've skipped the last few months due to surface obligations, we've got a small bit more
(08/28 14:20:26) Calum Traveler: basically, rather than the All Guilds Meet where we talk about upcoming things in the community at-large, this is more of an end-of-month Recap for news of the Restoration's workload.
(08/28 14:20:53) Calum Traveler: we discuss news regarding Age Restoration work, or potential things we can set into motion with a vote, occasionally.
(08/28 14:21:24) Calum Traveler: essentially, the ongoing news of the Restoration. :)
(08/28 14:22:13) Calum Traveler: so yeah, welcome to D'ni! I hope you enjoy your stay!
(08/28 14:23:02) Calum Traveler: If you have any questions about things, feel free to ask away, and we'll do our best to answer them.
(08/28 14:23:20) NoMore: even some stuff which happening alongside the restorations - sabotages, rivalties, age discoveries ...
(08/28 14:23:31) Calum Traveler: yes, well, it is a news recap.
(08/28 14:23:50) Calum Traveler: fortunately that business with the sabotage seems to be difinitevly concluded.
(08/28 14:24:14) Calum Traveler looks quite wary, remembering it all.
(08/28 14:24:40) Calum Traveler: 5 minutes before the town hall, i'll give a quick recap of the rules, which are very similar to the All Guilds Meet Rules
(08/28 14:25:07) Calum Traveler: oh, right, also, if you're unaware, the All Guilds Meet is held in Kirel at the first saturday of every month! 1300 KI time. :)
(08/28 14:25:23) Calum Traveler clears throat
(08/28 14:26:42) Calum Traveler: first rule is, if we have topics that require questions, feel free to ask, but I request that you try to keep them until the speaker is done talking on the subject, incase something we're going to say has answers to this questions.
(08/28 14:27:03) Calum Traveler: second rule is... don't press that blue button behind me. The system is janky and puts out a bunch of garbled D'ni nonsense.
(08/28 14:27:18) Calum Traveler: we're still trying to sort that out and get proper orientation recordings put in -_-;
(08/28 14:27:36) Calum Traveler: third rule is... be polite to one another!
(08/28 14:28:11) Calum Traveler: fourth rule... we're trying to keep spoilers to a minimum for the sake of new explorers! keep in mind that new folk may not want a full explanation on something but just a nudge or hint.
(08/28 14:28:23) Calum Traveler: fifth... uh...
(08/28 14:28:30) Thumbs up from NoMore
(08/28 14:28:37) Calum Traveler: don't hesitate to buddy list?
(08/28 14:28:43) Calum Traveler: idk, my brain slipped on a fifth one.
(08/28 14:28:56) Calum Traveler: but there must be five! I hate ending on a 4.
(08/28 14:29:13) NoMore: D'ni numbers are 5 based
(08/28 14:29:25) Calum Traveler: alright then, it's now 14:30 KI time, and we'll now begin on our AUGUST 2024 TOWN HALL!
(08/28 14:29:33) Calum Traveler: welcome aboard.
(08/28 14:29:48) Sweeney Todd: 'sit
(08/28 14:29:52) Calum Traveler: so, let's see where did we last leave off on... Riven's Release wasn't it?
(08/28 14:30:00) Calum Traveler: i'll circle back around to the subject of the new Riven Remake later.
(08/28 14:30:47) Calum Traveler: starting off with generic restoration news... It's been a hectic last several months for everyone in our little volunteer group.
(08/28 14:31:11) Calum Traveler: several of us have lost a few family members, or had other surface-life obligations interrupt our workflow.
(08/28 14:31:22) Calum Traveler: we're still trucking along, though! as we can...
(08/28 14:32:13) Calum Traveler: in that news, Patrick is promising more work on Descent to be completed in the nearish future and the first leg to be opened up... but again, things are slow going due to surface life interjections.
(08/28 14:32:40) Buddy: Hurray!
(08/28 14:32:41) Calum Traveler: conversely, moving quite close to being ready for release is Miss Ella Darrington's Explorer's Emporium!
(08/28 14:33:06) Robert Murry: Hmmm...
(08/28 14:33:08) Calum Traveler: i'm pleased to announce we've given the structural integrity pass of her D'ni-hood based shop a green light.
(08/28 14:33:09) Buddy: Hurray again!
(08/28 14:33:17) NoMore claps his hands
(08/28 14:33:34) Calum Traveler: I'm told the Emporium will release when the shop is fully stocked and ready to open, but we don't have a fixed date for that *yet*
(08/28 14:33:46) Calum Traveler: book, as always, will be accessed through Chiso Preniv.
(08/28 14:33:55) Calum Traveler: related to that, some minor changes to Chiso.
(08/28 14:34:13) Calum Traveler: The Serene Linking Book will be moved to the illuminated bookshelf,
(08/28 14:34:33) Calum Traveler: and the books on display will be reorganized a bit to better serve a counter clockwise release order- i believe.
(08/28 14:34:59) Calum Traveler: to aid in lessening confusion, Patrick and Keith "Tweek" Lord have collabed to create a display signboard
(08/28 14:35:21) Calum Traveler: something of a map near the books showing the names of the ages currently on display and what podium they're on.
(08/28 14:35:40) Buddy: Very good!
(08/28 14:35:47) Calum Traveler: folks have been asking for a map for a while now, so it's about time one's being installed.
(08/28 14:35:58) Calum Traveler: I do have a note from Ami, regarding the Overflow Station.
(08/28 14:36:00) Robert Murry: It should be noted that the books moved to the bookshelf will still be linkable.
(08/28 14:36:12) Calum Traveler: yes, much like your relto bookshelf
(08/28 14:37:02) Calum Traveler: Ill quote: "The Power systems are still giving us trouble. We might have to install our own wiring and circumvent the local powergrid, as something well beyond our ability to reach to repair seems to be the issue."
(08/28 14:37:52) Calum Traveler: in the end i think it's a good thing i passed the area off to Ami to work on. It sounds like that place is a lot more work than it seems on the surface...
(08/28 14:38:01) Calum Traveler: i've got my hands full with a lot of things.
(08/28 14:38:46) Buddy: It's good that you were abler to off-load at least one thing
(08/28 14:38:52) Theo: Shorah b'shemtee !!
(08/28 14:38:56) Calum Traveler: let's see... ah, we have some folks arriving after the last announcements.
(08/28 14:39:02) ural: Hello theo
(08/28 14:39:04) Calum Traveler: yes, Buddy, it's quite the conundrum.
(08/28 14:39:11) Calum Traveler: i'll do a quick recap of the important beats:
(08/28 14:39:42) Calum Traveler: Explorer's Emporium has passed structural integrity checks, and the building is cleared for opening, whenever Miss Darrington is ready to open.
(08/28 14:40:10) Calum Traveler: Chiso is getting a revamp of the book ring, Serene is moving to the bookshelf, and a map is being added to show the locations and names of the current books on display.
(08/28 14:40:29) Sleeper Jan: shorah all
(08/28 14:40:31) Calum Traveler: Overflow Station, Power continues to be an issue. The original power grid seems to be beyond repair.
(08/28 14:40:33) Calum Traveler: shorah, jan.
(08/28 14:40:43) ural: Hello jan
(08/28 14:40:48) Calum Traveler: now then, onto the last Age-Release subject on the docket.
(08/28 14:41:29) Calum Traveler: shortly after Mysterium this year, one of our Eager Maintainers, Jes'ka, discovered a linking book to what we now believe to be the Maintainer's Guild version of The Surveyor's Guild's Minkata.
(08/28 14:41:45) Calum Traveler: This age is called "Gahlahno"
(08/28 14:41:56) Calum Traveler: it is...
(08/28 14:42:03) Calum Traveler: very wet. constantly raining. and very foggy.
(08/28 14:42:23) NoMore: foggy
(08/28 14:42:25) NoMore cheers
(08/28 14:42:36) Calum Traveler: yes, so very foggy you can barely see a few feet infront of you.
(08/28 14:42:47) ural: Wow!!
(08/28 14:42:53) Sleeper Jan: we have a very dark age already
(08/28 14:42:53) Dreamer3: I hope the kivas are waterproof
(08/28 14:42:56) Sleeper Jan: wont be a change
(08/28 14:42:56) Buddy: Sounds dangerous!
(08/28 14:43:03) Calum Traveler: oh, it's not dark
(08/28 14:43:08) Calum Traveler: infact it's quite bright.
(08/28 14:43:19) Calum Traveler: the fog and the rain is... very light grey.
(08/28 14:43:31) Theo: A place where Rust Never Sleeps?
(08/28 14:43:46) NoMore: when it's a bright sun shining onto the fog, fog itself can be light ...
(08/28 14:43:57) Dreamer3: is it clear at night?
(08/28 14:44:04) Calum Traveler: we havent observed it being clear once.
(08/28 14:44:09) Calum Traveler: it's constantly raining and foggy.
(08/28 14:44:30) Calum Traveler: we believe the conditions were written to be as static as possible.
(08/28 14:44:42) Buddy: When can we visit it?
(08/28 14:44:56) Calum Traveler: uncertain at this time, we're still in the initial phases of exploring the age.
(08/28 14:44:58) Theo: How well do Linking Books hold up under such circumstances? Relto books?
(08/28 14:45:09) Calum Traveler: infact, we've only recently just completed our phase 1 ground survey.
(08/28 14:45:24) Calum Traveler: we've been wearing plastic sealant bags around our books while working in the age just to be safe.
(08/28 14:45:32) Calum Traveler: i wouldnt recommend going there without a maintainer suit, however.
(08/28 14:45:44) Calum Traveler: even raincoats can only do so much
(08/28 14:46:07) Calum Traveler: we believe Gahlahno to be a training age built around the idea of teaching people to navigate exclusively through the KI's GPS system.
(08/28 14:46:30) ural: Wow
(08/28 14:46:40) Sweeney Todd hopes for hardhats with headlams
(08/28 14:46:43) Calum Traveler: and given documentation we've recovered, it seems to be a 'find your path as you progress through the age' sort of situation.
(08/28 14:46:47) ural: Have to those markers...
(08/28 14:47:01) Theo: Shame that GPS doesn't include a compass.
(08/28 14:47:05) Dreamer3: Will the ki gps work there? I thought it was calibrated to the great zero?
(08/28 14:47:21) Calum Traveler: Fun Fact: Maintainer Markers are *supposed* to put out coordinates within the ages.
(08/28 14:47:38) Calum Traveler: those little things you'll find in Teledahn, Kemo, Gira, Delin, Tsogal, Etc?
(08/28 14:47:46) Calum Traveler: they're *supposed* to be mini Great Zeros of a sort.
(08/28 14:47:48) NoMore: in non-cavern ages, a 'maintainer marker' is sufficient for the KI GPS to work ...
(08/28 14:48:05) Calum Traveler: Naybree's Maintainer Marker, for example, is a functioning-in-age Maintainer Marker,
(08/28 14:48:16) Calum Traveler: if you head to Eder Naybree, you'll find that the KI-Coordinates work there.
(08/28 14:48:32) Calum Traveler: much to the same, Gahlahno's Maintainer Marker *also* appears to function perfectly...
(08/28 14:48:42) Calum Traveler: though we've noticed a few areas where the fog seems to interfeer with the signal.
(08/28 14:48:57) Calum Traveler: we're not sure if that's intentional or not.
(08/28 14:49:35) Calum Traveler: Gahlahno is quite expansive- much like Minkata.
(08/28 14:49:45) Calum Traveler: however, where the Surveyors went with an endless flat plane...
(08/28 14:49:50) ural: Easy to get lost??
(08/28 14:49:53) Calum Traveler: Gahlahno has a lot of vertical, and looping tunnels.
(08/28 14:49:55) NoMore: Found out that thing the hard way - tested a coordinate I found in a book in the cavern and it lead me there to location which posed even more questions - interpreting that coordinate age-local was the solution to my misunderstanding ...
(08/28 14:50:36) Calum Traveler: also quite a few dead end tunnels, and water drainage pitfalls.
(08/28 14:51:08) Dreamer3: Water drainage pitfalls are my favorite.
(08/28 14:51:25) Calum Traveler: we've just completed the mapping phase (Phase 1), and we'll be moving onto further Restoration Work in the coming Months and Weeks.
(08/28 14:51:58) Calum Traveler: now then, onto other restoration news...
(08/28 14:52:25) Calum Traveler: we're hoping to have Kirel's doors put in and functioning properly in the coming month,
(08/28 14:52:35) Calum Traveler: as well as the new lighting in the community room.
(08/28 14:53:27) Calum Traveler: further, I'm pleased to announce that we're beginning exploratory dives into the Marker Mission coding to attempt to restore the missing D'ni mission types, as well as generate our own type of Marker System...
(08/28 14:53:36) Calum Traveler: no dates set on when this will come to fruition,
(08/28 14:54:00) Calum Traveler: but the ideal of this custom marker mission type will be something of a museum tour style audio-log system.
(08/28 14:55:03) Calum Traveler: if we can get it functioning, we will be releasing a series of audio-book style readings of historical Chatlogs from the DRC Restorations in 2003-2004, and 2006-2007,
(08/28 14:55:19) Buddy: Sounds educational... good for newbies.
(08/28 14:55:26) Calum Traveler: the Heritage Documents are nice and all, but they aren't perfect and all encompassing.
(08/28 14:55:41) Calum Traveler: as always, the audio logs *will* have accompanying subtitles
(08/28 14:56:01) Calum Traveler: like our Kirel Audio Updates.
(08/28 14:56:20) ural: Nice!
(08/28 14:56:24) Calum Traveler: so make sure you have that feature enabled if you are hard of hearing.
(08/28 14:56:53) Buddy: or understand written English better than verbal
(08/28 14:57:07) Calum Traveler: one final note on that regard, it's my hope that we will be able to install age-specific podiums to give you their associated audio log missions, but i have no idea if that's feasible yet.
(08/28 14:57:20) Calum Traveler: we're still in the exploratory phase
(08/28 14:57:32) Calum Traveler: i need to finish gathering up all the chatlogs that i can.
(08/28 14:57:57) Calum Traveler: on that note...
(08/28 14:58:10) Calum Traveler: let's cycle back to the Riven Remake, in brief.
(08/28 14:58:20) Calum Traveler: ill try to avoid major spoilers.
(08/28 14:58:31) Calum Traveler: as many of you know, but some may not,
(08/28 14:58:37) NoMore: translators needed? (german, french) - seen that the MOULa game data is prepared for localization in the distant future ...
(08/28 14:58:38) ural: Still stuck..
(08/28 14:58:57) Calum Traveler: the Myst Games by Cyan Worlds are adaptations of Catherine's Journals discovered by the DRC back in the 80s/90s.
(08/28 14:59:09) ural: Wow
(08/28 14:59:12) Calum Traveler: translation is a bit far off yet, NoMore
(08/28 14:59:21) NoMore: okay
(08/28 14:59:30) Calum Traveler: obviously, over the years, everyone's knowledge of D'ni as a language has improved,
(08/28 14:59:49) Calum Traveler: and even as recently as the last couple of years, we've begun to understand documentation written in Rivenese,
(08/28 15:00:16) Calum Traveler: so, when it comes down to it, the Earliest Games in the Myst Game Series Timeline were... a bit scuffed.
(08/28 15:00:44) Calum Traveler: some inaccuracies, obviously, exist due to Artistic License- the very nature of taking a real life story and adapting it to a video game format.
(08/28 15:00:58) Calum Traveler: but also, when we compare the Original 1997 Riven to the new Riven Remake released this year...
(08/28 15:01:15) Calum Traveler: we'll notice that when Cyan re-translated the documents, and went out into the desert exploring, finding new Riven Remnants...
(08/28 15:01:28) Calum Traveler: even our own Patrick has discovered one such new object in his work in the Cleft Caldera.
(08/28 15:01:39) Dreamer3 becomes nervous as his core tenets of faith are brought into question . . .
(08/28 15:01:42) Calum Traveler: ...that there are many things that seem clearer now.
(08/28 15:02:05) Calum Traveler: like we were hearing a story in 97 that had been passed through a few too many ears.
(08/28 15:02:34) Calum Traveler: i wont explain what those are, but what i will say is that Cyan is continuing to Update their Riven Remake, even going as far to add additional corrections that were missed.
(08/28 15:03:10) Calum Traveler: all I'll say is, the Endings have some additional detail that make me very interested and concerned regarding a certain topic.
(08/28 15:03:43) Buddy: Oh, what topic?
(08/28 15:03:49) Calum Traveler: all of that is to say, I'm going to continue to recommend we keep a Spoiler Free Policy on the Riven Remake until it seems Cyan is done with the updates to the Remake.
(08/28 15:03:57) Calum Traveler: The Expanse, Buddy.
(08/28 15:04:17) Calum Traveler: that's all I'll say on it for now.
(08/28 15:04:44) Calum Traveler: so, i guess what i'm trying to say with all of this is,
(08/28 15:04:58) Calum Traveler: keep an open mind on things as you review 97's Riven with the New Remake.
(08/28 15:05:23) Calum Traveler: as with any new revelation regarding a new understanding of historical facts, we're in uncharted territory.
(08/28 15:05:43) Calum Traveler: who knows what those journals of Catherine mention that haven't been passed along to us yet.
(08/28 15:06:29) Calum Traveler: D'ni's History, and the history of those descended from it, is something that we will continue to have our understanding of reshaped over the coming decades,
(08/28 15:06:45) Calum Traveler: especially as it seems Cyan is interested in making new D'ni-related Game Content.
(08/28 15:07:05) Calum Traveler: just a few weeks ago, infact, a large group of Cyan's staff came through Ae'gura and Kirel, examining the architecture.
(08/28 15:07:06) Theo: Finally!
(08/28 15:07:33) Buddy: Are you telling us that the Riven remake will be periodically updated with new content/learnings?
(08/28 15:07:34) Calum Traveler: While I have no exact confirmation on what they were doing, I can only assume they were doing what Game Designers always do in early stages of game development
(08/28 15:07:39) Calum Traveler: Get Reference Photos.
(08/28 15:07:46) Calum Traveler: I'm not saying that it will be, but that it *has*
(08/28 15:07:48) Robert Murry: Such nice people.
(08/28 15:08:03) Calum Traveler: the original endings it had on release was pretty much visually identical to the 97 endings
(08/28 15:08:15) NoMore: Yeah Prad briefly met one of those after skyisblus last cooking stream session ...
(08/28 15:08:20) Calum Traveler: same atmosphere, same general indications of things being pretty much the same
(08/28 15:08:24) Calum Traveler: just 2d>3d
(08/28 15:08:33) Calum Traveler: of a recent update, something was *added*
(08/28 15:08:44) Calum Traveler: i won't say what it was because, obviously, Spoilers.
(08/28 15:08:54) Calum Traveler: but something *was added to every Riven-side ending*
(08/28 15:09:10) Calum Traveler: and it's something very large, and concerning to my sensibilities as an Age Writer.
(08/28 15:09:32) Calum Traveler: i dont know if Cyan just hadn't finished the effects before release, or if it was a discovery made after and quickly put in...
(08/28 15:09:37) Calum Traveler: but... yeah.
(08/28 15:10:03) Calum Traveler: an update was put in that did change some things across the game that are very concerning when put together in context.
(08/28 15:10:18) Buddy: Did they mention it in their patch notes?
(08/28 15:10:33) Calum Traveler: i don't know if they did or not.
(08/28 15:10:44) Calum Traveler: i haven't had time to even boot up the game myself to view the new endings.
(08/28 15:10:55) Calum Traveler: but i have seen videos others have posted.
(08/28 15:11:05) Theo: Not especially likely to be in the notes.
(08/28 15:11:23) Calum Traveler: what im trying to say here is... we are *entering* a New Era of D'ni history.
(08/28 15:11:39) Calum Traveler: we are going to begin learning things that *will* challenge our established understanding of events.
(08/28 15:11:55) Calum Traveler: and as any ostensibly archeology-related group as our community is must be prepared for,
(08/28 15:11:59) Dreamer3: Gehn was the good guy all along
(08/28 15:12:08) Calum Traveler: it's to allow new information to change our understanding of what has come before.
(08/28 15:12:29) Calum Traveler: i know that outside of archeology, when a franchise establishes new, contradictory information, people shout and scream 'retcon'
(08/28 15:12:59) Calum Traveler: but we should try to keep our heads and remember that Cyan want D'ni history as accurately portrayed as possible within their games, even if they *do* have to make compromises for a better game experience.
(08/28 15:13:17) NoMore: (Indiahno Jones would shout 'this belongs into a museum!')
(08/28 15:13:24) Calum Traveler: does anyone have any questions about this topic?
(08/28 15:13:28) Theo: Shouldn't they scream it?
(08/28 15:13:50) Calum Traveler: Cyan, theo? or Indiahno Jones?
(08/28 15:14:08) Theo: People in general.
(08/28 15:14:42) Calum Traveler: when it comes to D'ni, we should bare in mind that the games and novels have a silent 'based on true events' sticker on them.
(08/28 15:15:04) Calum Traveler: Cyan doesn't promote it because to do otherwise would let a lot of the world know that this is what's going on down here.
(08/28 15:15:08) Theo: It sounds like Cyan will have to include Age Writers on an inside track to avoid problems.
(08/28 15:15:29) Calum Traveler: While I wish they'd informed us about some of Riven's changes, I can understand why they didn't.
(08/28 15:15:48) Calum Traveler: as it is, the information Cyan has presented us in Riven has borne striking parallels with things I've been researching on my own.
(08/28 15:16:00) Calum Traveler: especially related to Rei'schu's distant cataclysm.
(08/28 15:16:38) Calum Traveler: there are... countless indications across D'ni culture, now that we're looking at it under a new lens, that they may have been *very* aware of the Expanse's nature.
(08/28 15:16:43) Calum Traveler: and sought to avoid it when possible.
(08/28 15:17:09) Calum Traveler: but that's all I'm going to say about that right now.
(08/28 15:17:46) Calum Traveler: any other questions?
(08/28 15:18:01) Buddy: I need to replay the '97 version before playing the new one.
(08/28 15:18:13) Calum Traveler: indeed, it'd be a good parallel to contrast.
(08/28 15:18:28) [PRIVATE] From Theo: Who would one talk to at Cyan about these issues?
(08/28 15:18:31) Calum Traveler: if nobody else has any other questions, i'd like to wrap things up and go get dinner.
(08/28 15:18:42) [PRIVATE] To Theo: not a clue. and i doubt youd get an answer anyways.
(08/28 15:18:48) [PRIVATE] To Theo: not without an NDA to sign.
(08/28 15:18:48) Buddy: Ella, when do you think that your Emporium will be open?
(08/28 15:18:49) Dreamer3: Thanks for the updates!
(08/28 15:19:11) Calum Traveler: no problem, everyone.
(08/28 15:19:24) [PRIVATE] From Caddis: Do you know if the new one will run on Winows 7 Pro?
(08/28 15:19:27) NoMore: Indiahno Jones still tries to get a closer look at City Proper every now and then - rows his boat across the lake ... that archeologist is addicted to that piece of history, it seems ...
(08/28 15:19:32) Robert Murry watches Ella.
(08/28 15:19:43) Calum Traveler: as i said earlier, Buddy, no release date has been decided as far as i'm aware
(08/28 15:19:54) [PRIVATE] To Caddis: steam has system requirements,
(08/28 15:20:01) [PRIVATE] To Caddis: im not sure myself
(08/28 15:20:13) [PRIVATE] From Caddis: Thanks
(08/28 15:20:27) Buddy: Okay, I was hoping that Ella might have a better idea herself.
(08/28 15:20:37) Buddy: No problem
(08/28 15:20:42) Dreamer3: Ella is still raiding cavern tombs for emporium content.
(08/28 15:20:51) Buddy: lol
(08/28 15:20:54) NoMore: :D
(08/28 15:20:55) Ella Darrington: I am still stocking the shelves, Buddy.
(08/28 15:20:59) Calum Traveler: hm? Come on now, rumors aren't nice.
(08/28 15:21:17) Dreamer3 looks sheepish and apologizes
(08/28 15:21:23) Robert Murry snorts quietly.
(08/28 15:21:42) Calum Traveler: i've heard too many about myself 'snorting crystals' regarding past events
(08/28 15:22:00) Calum Traveler: while an exaggeration of the truth, it's still got too much potential to hurt feelings in the end.
(08/28 15:22:25) Calum Traveler: best not to indulge in such things, i find, regardless of whatever facts started such things.
(08/28 15:22:45) Calum Traveler: jokes aside, i really must get going now. a hungry tummy waits for no soul.
(08/28 15:22:50) Calum Traveler: take care, everyone.
(08/28 15:22:52) Calum Traveler waves goodbye
(08/28 15:22:54) Buddy: Thanks for the updates Calum. You covered a lot today.
(08/28 15:23:01) Theo waves goodbye
(08/28 15:23:03) Calum Traveler: i had a few months of updates to cover, afterall
(08/28 15:23:05) BIG thumbs up from NoMore
(08/28 15:23:06) Dreamer3 claps his hands
(08/28 15:23:09) Caddis: Thank You
(08/28 15:23:10) Calum Traveler: take care, everyone
(08/28 15:23:12) ural claps his hands
(08/28 15:23:13) Calum Traveler relto's out.
(08/28 15:23:29) ...Chat.log stopped.
Calum Traveler - KI# 34810
-Traveler's Cavern Log-
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