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4/24/24 April Town hall

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2024 9:06 pm
by Traveler263
(04/24 14:04:57) Chat.log started...
(04/24 14:04:58) Dreamer3 leans left
(04/24 14:04:59) N'Chaka: bbyyyyyyeeeeeeee
(04/24 14:05:00) ondine waves goodbye
(04/24 14:05:01) thoekenem leans right
(04/24 14:05:03) Lucario1829: see some of you around quite soon!
(04/24 14:06:35) Calum Traveler: shorah, robert
(04/24 14:06:51) Robert Murry: Shorah Calum
(04/24 14:07:07) [BUDDIES] From Fil in Fil's Relto: Cheeseburger, cheeseburger, cheeseburger!
(04/24 14:07:59) Calum Traveler: shorah, prad
(04/24 14:08:13) [BUDDIES] To Buddies: town hall in about 20-ish minutes here in Great Tree (3)
(04/24 14:08:20) Robert Murry: Shorah Prad
(04/24 14:08:32) Prad: shorah
(04/24 14:09:40) Prad: I think I remember NoMore and ALotOf being in a Teledahn Tubbies natch tonight....
(04/24 14:10:20) Prad: ai they bith nught nit show up... I think ALotOf is still in the leads...
(04/24 14:10:54) Prad: *I think they not show up*
(04/24 14:11:19) Calum Traveler: i expect a bit of a lower energy night tonight
(04/24 14:11:26) Calum Traveler: apparently the KI network is having some issues
(04/24 14:11:41) Calum Traveler: so that's fine, prad. :)
(04/24 14:11:43) Calum Traveler: give them my regards
(04/24 14:12:43) Robert Murry: What does the winner receive, Prad?
(04/24 14:13:05) Prad: alright...sounds like the ones you repaired on your desk - only a different issue
(04/24 14:13:54) Prad: The winner receives anothre slice of his Relto rotating advertising pillar, Murry...
(04/24 14:19:34) Calum Traveler: 10 min til
(04/24 14:19:51) [BUDDIES] To Buddies: 10 min til town hall
(04/24 14:22:03) Lucario1829: brb
(04/24 14:24:11) Prad: How's the Reischu huntress doing? Only heard about her from NoMore/ALotOf
(04/24 14:24:47) Calum Traveler: Runa'mei's doing alright,
(04/24 14:25:07) Calum Traveler: admittedly ive been out of the loop a lot this last month or two
(04/24 14:25:30) Ereshkigal: Hi everyone!
(04/24 14:25:35) Calum Traveler: shorah eresh
(04/24 14:25:37) Lucario1829: shorah eresh!
(04/24 14:25:53) Robert Murry: Hi Eresh :)
(04/24 14:26:54) Prad: so Kelsei kept a bit contact to Runamei... but good to know she's alright...
(04/24 14:26:56) Dreamer3: Shorah Eresh and all : - )
(04/24 14:27:31) Calum Traveler: yes, they're staying together, prad
(04/24 14:28:35) Calum Traveler stifles a yawn
(04/24 14:29:04) Calum Traveler: this is probably going to be a short town hall because i dont have too much to talk about and id like to go get some food soonish,
(04/24 14:29:10) Calum Traveler: lunch didnt stick with me as well as id have liked
(04/24 14:30:06) Calum Traveler: alright, the time is now 14:30 and it's time for the April 2024 town hall
(04/24 14:30:17) Lucario1829 shovels chia seed pudding into his mouth
(04/24 14:30:41) [BUDDIES] To Buddies: town hall starting.
(04/24 14:30:52) Dreamer3: Shorah, lsa : )
(04/24 14:30:57) Calum Traveler: shorah, isa
(04/24 14:31:04) Isa =^.^=: hi Calum, shorah all
(04/24 14:31:08) Ereshkigal: Hey Isa!
(04/24 14:31:14) Lucario1829: shorah isa!
(04/24 14:32:03) Calum Traveler: i dont have too much to talk about today that wont also get echoed at the next AGM,
(04/24 14:32:16) Prad finshed looking up 'skiffle' in tje dictionary. gives up...
(04/24 14:32:26) Calum Traveler: for those who were paying attention you'll know i've been absent for a multitude of reasons.
(04/24 14:32:50) Calum Traveler: one of which is that for the last while i've been doing some solo explorations of Naybree's mountains, looking for more signs of past D'ni occupation in the age.
(04/24 14:33:20) Calum Traveler: i havent found anything related to the original owner yet, but i did find the remnants of a structure from a subsequent owner
(04/24 14:33:24) Dreamer3: Be careful of the crevices.
(04/24 14:33:25) Calum Traveler: some kind of observatory tower,
(04/24 14:33:26) Prad: Naybree mountains are vast,,,,
(04/24 14:33:40) Calum Traveler: atleast that's what ive gathered from the remnants
(04/24 14:33:55) Calum Traveler: the place seemed totaled. looked like someone swung a wrecking ball against it. I'd wager a subsequent owner.
(04/24 14:34:33) Ereshkigal: why would they destroy it?
(04/24 14:34:47) Calum Traveler: no clue, maybe someone wasn't a fan of astronomy?
(04/24 14:34:48) Calum Traveler shrugs
(04/24 14:35:06) Calum Traveler: i managed to find the remnant of an advanced stone made kind of star chart,
(04/24 14:35:17) Calum Traveler: kindof an interlinked circles within circles sort of thing
(04/24 14:35:17) Prad: or they would try to keep some technology knowkedge...
(04/24 14:35:31) Calum Traveler: but there wasn't a lot to recover that i could take with me
(04/24 14:35:51) Calum Traveler: i've gathered one small chunk of debris, though, and it looks to be depicting a meteor shower,
(04/24 14:36:07) Calum Traveler: which indicates one happens in the age in a somewhat re-occuring manner.
(04/24 14:36:10) Prad: did you make sketches?
(04/24 14:36:26) Calum Traveler: of what i could recover, yes,
(04/24 14:36:29) Cindi Dani: Bingo...
(04/24 14:36:35) Ereshkigal: Could the meteors have destroyed the observatory?
(04/24 14:36:45) Calum Traveler: i cant fathom why it would be that targeted, Eresh,
(04/24 14:37:02) Calum Traveler: like, it was in a very specific radius and much like someone shot it with a shotgun.
(04/24 14:37:08) Calum Traveler: it seemed very targeted.
(04/24 14:37:10) Cindi Dani waves hello
(04/24 14:37:19) Daniel452 waves hello
(04/24 14:37:23) Ereshkigal: Hi Cindi, Daniel!
(04/24 14:37:26) Robert Murry: Could be the earthquakes like those we experienced lately.
(04/24 14:37:28) Calum Traveler: like, imagine you have a jenga tower and you hit it with a handfull of marbles,
(04/24 14:37:32) Isa =^.^=: hi Cindi :D
(04/24 14:37:37) Isa =^.^=: shorah Daniel :)
(04/24 14:37:42) Robert Murry: Hi Cindy :)
(04/24 14:37:46) Calum Traveler: the tower was much like that,
(04/24 14:37:48) Calum Traveler: shorah cindi, daniel,
(04/24 14:37:53) Daniel452: Shorah everyone!
(04/24 14:37:58) Prad: it was within a radius where normally acidwents dont hapopen?... interesting...
(04/24 14:38:06) Calum Traveler: like i said, it did seem fairly targeted,
(04/24 14:38:20) Calum Traveler: if it was a meteor strike that would've had to have been called down specifically on that area by someone like a Bahro,
(04/24 14:38:27) Daniel452: Can I ask, how we get updated as to the location of these meetings? I don't have discord ...
(04/24 14:38:37) Calum Traveler: this hood, every last wednesday of the month
(04/24 14:38:38) Dreamer3: Can the Bahro call down meteors?
(04/24 14:38:50) Calum Traveler: 14:30 KI time
(04/24 14:38:56) Daniel452: Ah, okay, thanks Calum :)
(04/24 14:39:06) Calum Traveler: i mean, potentially, Dreamer3, but i can't imagine why they would,
(04/24 14:39:10) Dreamer3: It's also on the guild of messengers event calendar.
(04/24 14:39:29) Calum Traveler: anyways, there were some other fragments i couldn't take with me that seemed to depict mass wildlife migrations
(04/24 14:39:55) Calum Traveler: given what we saw while we were in naybree back in december, I'm inclined to believe that the mass marching of wildlife we saw wasn't due to the imagers, but maybe due to an oncoming meteor shower.
(04/24 14:40:03) Cindi Dani: (Gome website outdated...)
(04/24 14:40:08) [PRIVATE] From Prad: I think he means your calum wecsite - since "not discord" - PM he that in PM if you remember ,,,
(04/24 14:40:36) Calum Traveler: oh, right, if someone needs to catch up on chatlogs for past town halls
(04/24 14:40:39) Calum Traveler: we have a transcripts section
(04/24 14:40:46) Daniel452: The Calendar said Aegura, Tokota Courtyard, unfortunately.
(04/24 14:40:52) Calum Traveler: viewforum.php?f=8
(04/24 14:40:59) Calum Traveler: ugh, yeah, that never got updated back
(04/24 14:41:07) Calum Traveler: that ended up being a one-off.
(04/24 14:41:24) Daniel452: Thanks for the info!
(04/24 14:41:38) Calum Traveler: might try to move it back there someday
(04/24 14:41:49) Calum Traveler: but it's fallen by the wayside
(04/24 14:42:17) Daniel452: Unlike the Great Tree, thank goodness!
(04/24 14:42:30) Calum Traveler: anyways. um. right, so, i believe a meteor shower is coming soon, but im unsure of when
(04/24 14:42:43) Dreamer3: The meteor shower sounds like it would be fun to watch, but maybe dangerous . . .
(04/24 14:43:02) Calum Traveler: my plan is to set up a station on the beach
(04/24 14:43:12) Calum Traveler: telescopes, recording equipment, etc
(04/24 14:43:17) Daniel452: Sounds cool!
(04/24 14:43:26) Calum Traveler: hopefully ill get it all in place before the shower happens
(04/24 14:44:04) Calum Traveler: we have considered in the past the potential that a meteor shower might have been involved in triggering the moon's decaying orbit
(04/24 14:44:21) Calum Traveler: im interested in seeing if any strike the moons, and alter their course further.
(04/24 14:44:57) Calum Traveler: beyond that, it should be a relatively harmless show. the chances of a meteor striking anywhere mainland on earth is already astronomically low,
(04/24 14:45:07) Calum Traveler: i cant imagine it'll be any more dangerous than on earth.
(04/24 14:45:15) Lucario1829: i really hope im there to see it!
(04/24 14:45:20) Daniel452: Hope not ...
(04/24 14:45:39) Calum Traveler: so, naybree meteor shower, one of two things to talk about done. okay
(04/24 14:45:42) Calum Traveler: now for the second
(04/24 14:45:49) Daniel452: That's hope they don't crash, that is ...
(04/24 14:45:50) Calum Traveler: again, sorry this one is so short today,
(04/24 14:46:11) Buddy: I'm not sure.... if the wild life migration and the shower are linked.
(04/24 14:46:16) Calum Traveler: it's been a long standing issue most folks have been content to let slide- myself included- but with the start of a weekly Ayoheek tournament club
(04/24 14:46:29) Buddy: the animals more know something we don't
(04/24 14:46:40) Prad: I've seen destruction on one of the age exits of Naybree...
(04/24 14:46:51) Calum Traveler: we've been working hard to fix the issues on the scoreboards,
(04/24 14:46:55) Prad: *the pipe exits"
(04/24 14:47:10) Calum Traveler: and I'm pleased to announce that in the next few months we'll be having that go out
(04/24 14:47:13) Calum Traveler: THAT SAID
(04/24 14:47:15) Lucario1829 cheers
(04/24 14:47:22) Calum Traveler: we're a bit undecided about how to go about their sorting
(04/24 14:47:36) Calum Traveler: as the DRC left them coded, they'll only list out a roster of hood members on the boards
(04/24 14:47:56) Prad: yeah important decision
(04/24 14:47:59) Calum Traveler: however, the requests to get the imagers showing the scores requested that anyone who plays the heek game in a hood should have their name showing
(04/24 14:48:12) Calum Traveler: to that end ive created a short survey poll
(04/24 14:48:28) Calum Traveler: apologies for the text garble
(04/24 14:48:36) Calum Traveler: please have a chatlog ready if you dont yet
(04/24 14:48:39) Daniel452: No problem :))
(04/24 14:48:41) Calum Traveler: ... sp=sharing
(04/24 14:48:53) Calum Traveler: it's a single question poll,
(04/24 14:49:27) Calum Traveler: we're *probably* going to try to set it up in the same measure of the pellet scores- the recent fix we did for them to allow, on request, the locking down of the imager's pellet score uploads,
(04/24 14:49:35) Daniel452: How do I start a chatlog, please?
(04/24 14:49:36) Calum Traveler: either global, hoodies only, or no uploads,
(04/24 14:49:38) Prad: phew too late for log...
(04/24 14:49:38) Calum Traveler: (/startlog)
(04/24 14:49:45) Calum Traveler: i can paste the link again.
(04/24 14:49:59) Isa =^.^=: yes please
(04/24 14:50:00) Daniel452: Thanks.
(04/24 14:50:01) Calum Traveler: ... sp=sharing
(04/24 14:50:03) Isa =^.^=: ty
(04/24 14:50:16) Prad: /thumbsup
(04/24 14:50:23) Dreamer3: Can you post one more time, I just got the log started
(04/24 14:50:25) Thumbs up from Daniel452
(04/24 14:50:27) Calum Traveler: ... sp=sharing
(04/24 14:50:31) Cindi Dani: lol
(04/24 14:50:35) Buddy: Will you post this link on Doscord?
(04/24 14:50:39) Calum Traveler: already have
(04/24 14:50:44) Calum Traveler: multiple times
(04/24 14:50:45) Buddy: Thanks
(04/24 14:50:52) Calum Traveler: ive also asked Minasunda to pass it along to the discords she frequents
(04/24 14:51:07) Calum Traveler: ill probably pass it along a few more times until the next AGM too
(04/24 14:51:27) Calum Traveler: anyways, at this point i think the poll will most likely determine what we leave as the default setting for the imager uploads,
(04/24 14:51:38) Calum Traveler: atleast, as far as heek scores go
(04/24 14:52:04) Calum Traveler: so if, say, 'hoodmates only' wins, then on request we can have select hoods be updated to 'global scoring'
(04/24 14:52:06) Calum Traveler: or such
(04/24 14:52:35) Prad: sounds like a simple decision - bout double check it before click...
(04/24 14:52:37) Calum Traveler: admittedly i kinda threw the poll together without much insight into what the end outcome would be beyond 'this is what people want from it.'
(04/24 14:52:41) Lucario1829: thank you for working on this!i can assure you everyone at ayoheek night will be happy to have the board working, no matter the outcome
(04/24 14:53:02) Lucario1829: at least i hope so lol
(04/24 14:53:11) Calum Traveler: ideally we can have a best of both worlds situation
(04/24 14:53:20) Calum Traveler shrugs
(04/24 14:53:28) [PRIVATE] From mafasa in EderBahvahnter EderBahvahnter: Shorah calum
(04/24 14:53:41) Calum Traveler: there's also talks of including a toggle within the KI itself for the pellet scores and heek scores restrictions
(04/24 14:53:45) Calum Traveler: but adding menus to the KI is...
(04/24 14:53:51) Calum Traveler: "here be dragons" kinda territory
(04/24 14:53:56) Dreamer3: How do you access a chatlog after you've created it?
(04/24 14:54:03) Daniel452: oo er ...
(04/24 14:54:23) Cindi Dani: In your Uru file, on your PC
(04/24 14:54:24) Calum Traveler: if you link up your KI to the computer iirc the link is something like
(04/24 14:54:32) Calum Traveler: Users\USERNAME\Documents\Uru Live\Log
(04/24 14:54:48) Dreamer3: Thanks
(04/24 14:54:57) Calum Traveler: i just have a shortcut saved already so i just click it whenever i need it ^^;;;
(04/24 14:55:12) Cindi Dani: yay
(04/24 14:55:17) Prad: KI additions dangerous like "limiting pellet scores" ...?
(04/24 14:55:41) Calum Traveler: less dangerous, more hair tugging frustrating
(04/24 14:55:50) Calum Traveler: nobody wants to deal with the GUI stuff in the KI
(04/24 14:56:10) Calum Traveler: its something of its own beast,
(04/24 14:56:35) Calum Traveler: beyond that there's no agreement on who would control the score upload setting, if it'd be available to all hoodies or if just one person in particular
(04/24 14:56:38) Daniel452: Best practice is 'Feed it Often'
(04/24 14:56:38) Prad: From what I've read so far I'd going rather towards a global option - much like a pellet score...
(04/24 14:57:05) Calum Traveler: i know some hoodies can argue over a hood's public/private settings without even realizing it.
(04/24 14:57:11) Calum Traveler: atleast it was a thing years ago, yknow?
(04/24 14:57:16) Isa =^.^= nods her head
(04/24 14:57:28) Prad: ... even on the risk to some have wanted some pellet score wanted for eternity as a memorial...
(04/24 14:57:47) Calum Traveler: as a reminder, pellet scores CAN be restricted
(04/24 14:57:51) Calum Traveler: but it's on a hood-by-hood basis
(04/24 14:58:00) Calum Traveler: and has to be requested to the system admin Chogon
(04/24 14:58:06) Prad: ... or have some Ayoheek score kept for eternity...
(04/24 14:58:10) Daniel452: Right.
(04/24 14:58:19) Calum Traveler: ayoheek scores will not be static like pellet scores, however,
(04/24 14:58:25) Calum Traveler: the way the system works is setup differently
(04/24 14:58:37) Calum Traveler: it will update your heekscoring regardless of where you play a heek game,
(04/24 14:58:50) Daniel452: Thanks for doing the difficult work?
(04/24 14:58:57) Daniel452: !
(04/24 14:59:02) Calum Traveler: so wherever your score does display, it'll display your current score, maybe after a relink
(04/24 14:59:13) Lucario1829: sounds good!
(04/24 14:59:17) Calum Traveler: imagers seem to have an unrelated issue where sometimes they don't like to update themselves until someone links in.
(04/24 14:59:42) Calum Traveler: i cant take any of the credit personally
(04/24 14:59:59) Daniel452: Even so ...
(04/24 15:00:09) Calum Traveler: a lot of that's going to Dgelessus and Hazado for figuring out what was broken and implementing the fix
(04/24 15:00:28) Daniel452: Thanks to all who do the work :))
(04/24 15:00:38) Lucario1829: ^
(04/24 15:00:40) Cindi Dani: I agree fully
(04/24 15:00:43) Calum Traveler: indeed
(04/24 15:00:43) Dreamer3: Yep.
(04/24 15:00:54) Prad: lol ALotOf is currently porting some stuff for the MOSS Uru server from old to new... he knows some of that pain...
(04/24 15:01:14) Calum Traveler: alright, that's about it from me.
(04/24 15:01:17) Daniel452: Ouch1
(04/24 15:01:22) Daniel452: !
(04/24 15:01:26) Calum Traveler: ill likely repeat the Heek Score bits at the AGM
(04/24 15:01:29) Lucario1829: real time moss in d'ni..... lol
(04/24 15:01:39) Daniel452 claps
(04/24 15:01:42) Dreamer3: Thanks for the updates, Traveler : )
(04/24 15:01:44) Lucario1829 claps his hands
(04/24 15:01:45) Calum Traveler: thanks all for coming
(04/24 15:01:47) Isa =^.^= claps her hands
(04/24 15:01:50) Dreamer3 claps his hands
(04/24 15:01:51) Calum Traveler: sorry for cutting it short but i need to go eat
(04/24 15:01:51) Isa =^.^=: thanks
(04/24 15:01:54) Calum Traveler: lunch really didnt last me
(04/24 15:01:54) Prad: lol Deamer
(04/24 15:01:57) Calum Traveler waves goodbye
(04/24 15:01:57) Ereshkigal claps her hands
(04/24 15:01:58) Lucario1829: go get some good food!
(04/24 15:02:00) Isa =^.^= waves goodbye
(04/24 15:02:04) Lucario1829 waves goodbye
(04/24 15:02:06) Ereshkigal: Enjoy, Calum!
(04/24 15:02:06) Mir-o-Bot is linking to city for at least 1.0 minute(s)... PM me "link" to follow me.
(04/24 15:02:08) Daniel452: boost the blood sugar !
(04/24 15:02:09) Calum Traveler: take care all
(04/24 15:02:10) Buddy: Thank you for the update!
(04/24 15:02:14) Prad: happy knitting
(04/24 15:02:21) Prad: *eating*
(04/24 15:02:25) Cindi Dani laughs
(04/24 15:02:26) Calum Traveler: heh
(04/24 15:02:29) Lucario1829 starts to laugh
(04/24 15:02:32) Calum Traveler: alright thanks all, take care
(04/24 15:02:33) Daniel452: lol
(04/24 15:02:51) ...Chat.log stopped.