(03/25 21:34:49) skyisblu: hey Kelsei!
(03/25 21:34:55) Kelsei A.T.: oh, hello!
(03/25 21:34:58) Kelsei A.T. waves hello
(03/25 21:34:59) skyisblu waves hello
(03/25 21:35:07) Kelsei A.T. leans right
(03/25 21:35:10) skyisblu leans left
(03/25 21:35:33) skyisblu: Quiet night in the cavern tonight
(03/25 21:35:40) Kelsei A.T.: hm, yes, seems so for the moment
(03/25 21:35:43) Kelsei A.T.: a lovely time, though
(03/25 21:36:03) skyisblu: It is

(03/25 21:36:22) skyisblu: What have you been up to?
(03/25 21:36:37) Kelsei A.T.: surface work, mostly. and... well. Runa'mei's been keeping me company most days.
(03/25 21:37:05) Kelsei A.T.: she's slowly been digging through my personal library when she isn't surprising me with meals she's conspired to learn from my mother!
(03/25 21:37:16) Kelsei A.T.: i swear, i've had more childhood favorite dishes in the last few months than I have in years.
(03/25 21:37:19) Kelsei A.T. blushes
(03/25 21:37:22) skyisblu: How is she finding it? The surface is rather different than what she is used to
(03/25 21:37:37) Kelsei A.T.: i think she's rather enjoying the difference in culture,
(03/25 21:37:44) Kelsei A.T.: atleast, the lack of responsibilities in her life.
(03/25 21:38:02) skyisblu: So true - it must be freeing, in a way
(03/25 21:38:09) Kelsei A.T.: she was always that destined huntress from a young age, it was quite stifiling for her.
(03/25 21:38:19) Kelsei A.T.: she never got to be a kid or a teenager, even by Rei'schu's standards.
(03/25 21:38:24) skyisblu: I wonder if she'll have a tough time going back....
(03/25 21:38:48) Kelsei A.T.: she goes back and forth now and then. the other day Calum was over at the temple they're renovating into an apartment,
(03/25 21:39:01) Kelsei A.T.: apparently Kura'quen called her over when the gardeners found him just poking at the flowers.
(03/25 21:39:12) skyisblu: Oh dear
(03/25 21:39:22) skyisblu: Gertting himself into trouble again, huh?
(03/25 21:39:25) Kelsei A.T. sighs
(03/25 21:39:29) skyisblu laughs
(03/25 21:39:30) Kelsei A.T.: fortunately, no, atleast not yet.
(03/25 21:39:43) Kelsei A.T.: i worry that given everything in his surface life the last few months...
(03/25 21:39:45) Kelsei A.T. shakes her head
(03/25 21:39:57) skyisblu: Oh. Right.
(03/25 21:40:10) Kelsei A.T.: i doubt he'll go so far as to run off into another age's wilderness, but... i do worry.
(03/25 21:40:36) skyisblu: At least the apartment is proving a distraction of sorts?
(03/25 21:40:57) Kelsei A.T.: i would hope so.
(03/25 21:41:07) Kelsei A.T.: he didnt seem to be doing much, Runa told me.
(03/25 21:41:16) Kelsei A.T.: just. sat there. like he didn't really know what to do with himself
(03/25 21:41:26) Kelsei A.T.: there was a phrase she said, before his grandmother passed, oh what was it now...
(03/25 21:41:45) Kelsei A.T.: Te ark petarama... renda ou'shi... shiraga?
(03/25 21:41:59) Kelsei A.T.: ou'shiriaga?
(03/25 21:42:04) Kelsei A.T.: yes, i think that was it.
(03/25 21:42:06) Kelsei A.T.: Te ark petarama renda ou'shiriga.
(03/25 21:42:20) skyisblu waits expectantly for the English version
(03/25 21:42:21) Kelsei A.T.: she said it meant 'to be haunted by an incoming death.'
(03/25 21:42:32) skyisblu: Ah, I see
(03/25 21:42:50) Kelsei A.T. nods
(03/25 21:43:41) Kelsei A.T.: Calum said he's put in an application for a local shop, and I hope he gets it.
(03/25 21:43:45) Kelsei A.T.: he could use the social company.
(03/25 21:44:06) Kelsei A.T.: i hate to see him being alone for long.
(03/25 21:44:31) skyisblu: Well, that's good news, at least - it's nice to get out and see a change of scenery
(03/25 21:44:45) Kelsei A.T.: indeed. though i could do without the snow we got hit with last night.
(03/25 21:44:54) Kelsei A.T.: seems like we keep getting hammered just when the last of it's melted.
(03/25 21:45:07) skyisblu: More snow? Oh dear - will you ever be able to shovel yourselves out?!
(03/25 21:45:11) Kelsei A.T.: there was a bit of hail, actually, right before it snowed.
(03/25 21:45:17) Kelsei A.T.: sort of transitioned to it midway through
(03/25 21:45:17) skyisblu: Yikes!
(03/25 21:45:23) Kelsei A.T.: fortunately my car wasn't damaged,
(03/25 21:45:30) skyisblu: Oh good
(03/25 21:45:58) Kelsei A.T.: Runa'mei seems amused by the constant snow, though
(03/25 21:46:17) Kelsei A.T.: "I've seen more standing in one place for a month than I have traveling a whole moon for three."
(03/25 21:46:29) Kelsei A.T.: apparently it snows on the moons, rarely.
(03/25 21:47:06) skyisblu: Wait. How does she get to the moons?
(03/25 21:47:13) Kelsei A.T.: same way anyone gets around on Rei'schu,
(03/25 21:47:14) Kelsei A.T.: linking.
(03/25 21:47:32) Kelsei A.T.: i have no idea how the initial connection happened, but apparently once there was a bridge up there...
(03/25 21:47:40) Kelsei A.T.: they use the Hunting Grounds as an intermediary.
(03/25 21:47:48) skyisblu shakes her head
(03/25 21:47:57) skyisblu: Of course they use linking.
(03/25 21:48:23) Kelsei A.T.: I was surprised too! it makes sense, of course, but I have to wonder how that happened in the first place.
(03/25 21:48:37) Kelsei A.T.: maybe people were displaced up there during the calamity that shook the world?
(03/25 21:48:47) Kelsei A.T. ponders the implications of that for a long moment
(03/25 21:48:57) skyisblu: ...you might be right. It would make sense
(03/25 21:49:40) Kelsei A.T.: when I asked, Runa'mei was just in the dark as i am.
(03/25 21:49:46) Kelsei A.T.: apparently it's not a thing anyone questions.
(03/25 21:50:11) Kelsei A.T.: or if they did, they stopped wondering about it a long time ago.
(03/25 21:51:17) skyisblu: I don't remember from the diplomatic mission - did they have extensive historical records?
(03/25 21:51:39) Kelsei A.T.: not much survived from before the Cataclysm,
(03/25 21:52:06) skyisblu: That would explain why there is no written history, then
(03/25 21:52:11) Kelsei A.T.: believe me, i've looked into a lot trying to piece together the creation myth
(03/25 21:52:12) skyisblu: Makes sense
(03/25 21:52:44) Kelsei A.T.: there's so many variations even just on Rei'schu's end before you even count what became the 'final' version of Athsheba's family was promoting
(03/25 21:53:19) Kelsei A.T.: i've been trying to piece it together by noting the common themes as hopefully historical fact, but the ending just gets... weird.
(03/25 21:53:43) Kelsei A.T.: the Cataclysm truly was a hectic moment and people after the fact were clearly prone to historical revisionism.
(03/25 21:54:04) Kelsei A.T.: i've found atleast three accounts that directly contradict eachother.
(03/25 21:54:37) skyisblu: When you have no way to prove what happened before, I guess you can pretty much make that part of history up
(03/25 21:54:59) skyisblu laughs
(03/25 21:55:06) Kelsei A.T.: the irony is that most of the starting story just *before* the cataclysm is fairly consistent, but the actual event itself is...
(03/25 21:55:10) Kelsei A.T.: it's as fractured as the world became.
(03/25 21:55:25) Kelsei A.T.: it's like someone shattered the mirror of reality and countless possibilities existed all at once.
(03/25 21:56:00) skyisblu: yes
(03/25 21:56:01) Kelsei A.T.: and until Chezahcen stitched it all back together again, that might've been how it was.
(03/25 21:56:16) Kelsei A.T.: it's funny how varied her role is depending on version
(03/25 21:56:38) Kelsei A.T.: she was supposedly just a child during the whole thing, but some versions have her literally piecing together the world while these four guardian deities mended the fissures,
(03/25 21:57:00) Kelsei A.T.: others have her holding things together to keep them from flying off into the abyss until something else mended it, or...
(03/25 21:57:02) Kelsei A.T. shakes her head
(03/25 21:57:28) Kelsei A.T.: i really dont think anyone knew for sure what happened, so they ascribe their best theories to it as any religious text would.
(03/25 21:57:40) skyisblu nods her head
(03/25 21:57:42) Kelsei A.T.: shorah, Henry,
(03/25 21:57:53) HenryMikel: Shorah Kelsei
(03/25 21:58:01) skyisblu waves hello
(03/25 21:59:44) Kelsei A.T.: i keep meaning to try that pizza recipie of yours, btw, sky,
(03/25 21:59:59) Kelsei A.T.: just haven't had the time to crack down and try it yet.
(03/25 22:00:36) skyisblu: I might make one tomorrow - it's so tasty

(03/25 22:01:02) Kelsei A.T.: if i can scrounge the kitchen away from Runa'mei, I might just give it a try.
(03/25 22:01:28) skyisblu: Or get her involved too!
(03/25 22:01:30) Kelsei A.T.: i think she's planning to make something big tomorrow, given the way she practically kicked me out of my own kitchen tonight!
(03/25 22:01:37) Kelsei A.T.: i may wait and see what that is.
(03/25 22:01:44) skyisblu: Huh - do they have pizza in Reis'chu?
(03/25 22:01:53) Kelsei A.T.: i think something similar, but the name escapes me
(03/25 22:02:36) skyisblu: I should sit down with her sometime and trade recipes

(03/25 22:03:08) skyisblu: I'd be curious to see all the similarities - and differences - in our cuisines
(03/25 22:03:14) Kelsei A.T.: given the way she's digging into Earth's culinary aptitude, and seems to be learning what she can from my mother... I'd hazard a guess her cooking skills before coming to Earth were 'camp fire roughing'
(03/25 22:03:25) Kelsei A.T.: either that, or...
(03/25 22:03:33) Kelsei A.T. blushes a bit, and coughs to clear her throat.
(03/25 22:03:43) Kelsei A.T.: well, i dont know.
(03/25 22:03:54) skyisblu smiles
(03/25 22:04:14) Kelsei A.T.: i'm just glad she's doing something she's enjoying.
(03/25 22:04:31) skyisblu: That's very true
(03/25 22:05:31) Kelsei A.T.: when you grow up spending most of your life at other people's beck and call, it's hard to disentangle from that.
(03/25 22:05:58) skyisblu nods her head
(03/25 22:06:15) Kelsei A.T. sighs, and mutters something about being a magnet for people like that...
(03/25 22:09:01) Kelsei A.T. yawns
(03/25 22:09:10) Kelsei A.T.: i think i should probably head to bed.
(03/25 22:09:45) skyisblu: It was nice catching up with you, Kelsei

(03/25 22:09:53) Kelsei A.T.: indeed, it was great talking with you too
(03/25 22:10:03) Kelsei A.T.: we should do it more often
(03/25 22:10:05) Kelsei A.T. leans left
(03/25 22:10:06) skyisblu leans right
(03/25 22:10:11) skyisblu: We should

(03/25 22:10:19) Kelsei A.T.: goodnight, all,
(03/25 22:10:22) skyisblu: Have a good night