(01/31 14:12:07) Calum Traveler tiredly slogs up the stairs
(01/31 14:12:33) Calum Traveler: sorry im late, robert. had to stuff a sandwich down my throat before i keeled over.
(01/31 14:12:38) Robert Murry: Shorah Calum

(01/31 14:12:49) Calum Traveler leans right
(01/31 14:12:55) Robert Murry leans left
(01/31 14:13:56) Robert Murry: Tired, huh?
(01/31 14:14:16) Calum Traveler: it's. been a year crammed into the span of two months
(01/31 14:14:27) Calum Traveler: Naybree shenanigans aside, surface life has been very hectic
(01/31 14:15:15) Calum Traveler: but that's life, eh?
(01/31 14:15:22) Robert Murry: Yeah. I hear you. I took a fall recently and injured my knee.
(01/31 14:15:39) Calum Traveler: i heard, how's that healing up?
(01/31 14:15:59) ALotOf: Hi NoMore
(01/31 14:16:09) NoMore: Hi ALotOf
(01/31 14:16:12) Robert Murry: No stitches, but it's healing up fine.
(01/31 14:16:18) Calum Traveler: shorah ALotOf, NoMore,
(01/31 14:16:23) Calum Traveler: good to hear that, Robert,
(01/31 14:16:25) Calum Traveler: shorah, thoekenem
(01/31 14:16:35) Robert Murry: Shorah folks!
(01/31 14:16:44) thoekenem: shorah
(01/31 14:16:53) NoMore: 'Teledahn tubbies, gamer buddies!'
(01/31 14:16:53) ALotOf: 'Teledahn tubbies, gamer buddies!'
(01/31 14:17:05) BIG thumbs up from NoMore
(01/31 14:17:11) BIG thumbs up from ALotOf
(01/31 14:17:53) Robert Murry: Is that siniliar to TeleTubbies?

(01/31 14:18:13) NoMore: Well more kind of a platformer

(01/31 14:18:16) Calum Traveler blinks tiredly, and opens a rather full looking journal to near the very end to review notes.
(01/31 14:19:12) ALotOf: And NoMore still has to crack my hihscore ...

(01/31 14:19:21) NoMore is waiting...
(01/31 14:19:37) ALotOf shrugs
(01/31 14:20:33) [BUDDIES] To Buddies: town hall starting in about 10ish min
(01/31 14:21:36) Calum Traveler: hey, Robert, have you spoken with Diranda or Tiernan lately? I don't think I've heard from them since december.
(01/31 14:22:02) Calum Traveler: i got a postcard from Jules yesterday, so I know where he's been recently, atleast.
(01/31 14:22:16) Robert Murry: Not since our hiking adventure in Naybree.
(01/31 14:22:52) Calum Traveler nods
(01/31 14:23:15) Calum Traveler: ill try to reach out privately to check in. i know how busy my january's been,
(01/31 14:23:19) Calum Traveler: who knows about them.
(01/31 14:23:39) Robert Murry: They did leave in a hurry. I hope everything is fine.
(01/31 14:23:56) Calum Traveler frowns, and nods in agreement
(01/31 14:24:03) Calum Traveler: yeah. hopefully...
(01/31 14:24:17) ALotOf: our surface schedule is tight as well...
(01/31 14:24:28) [BUDDIES] To Buddies: town hall in about 5ish minutes, great tree (3) hood.
(01/31 14:24:35) NoMore: didn't hear from Diranda in a while, too...
(01/31 14:25:14) Calum Traveler: shorah, Eresh,
(01/31 14:25:20) Ereshkigal: Hi everyone!
(01/31 14:25:22) Calum Traveler: good to see you!
(01/31 14:25:31) Robert Murry: Hi Eresh

(01/31 14:25:54) Ereshkigal: Good to see you too, Calum

(01/31 14:26:29) Calum Traveler: hopefully your january has been less hectic than mine
(01/31 14:27:04) ALotOf: Heard BatPrad sailed somewhere into proximity of City Proper... he might have said something like through the mist the buildings look almost like blue boxes, lol...
(01/31 14:27:21) Ereshkigal: Oooh, outside Ae'gura?
(01/31 14:27:26) Calum Traveler: given the color of stone seen at a distance, i wouldnt be surprised,
(01/31 14:27:44) Calum Traveler: plus, orange lighting from the lake causes your eyes to become more sensitive to blue
(01/31 14:27:58) Calum Traveler: there's a bit of a blue tint to everything in Ae'gura, if you're paying attention
(01/31 14:28:08) Ereshkigal: I'd love to see that... I miss the sense of scale. This City was so much more than just its Palace District
(01/31 14:28:24) Calum Traveler: i think Kirel's a good example of it, comparing the hoods to it.
(01/31 14:28:28) Robert Murry: Blue boxes. Shaped like British Police boxes?
(01/31 14:28:35) ALotOf: lol
(01/31 14:28:44) Calum Traveler: the blue hues aren't just the lamps- but there's a lot of how your eyes take in things...
(01/31 14:28:50) Calum Traveler: now, I didnt want to say that, Robert,
(01/31 14:29:01) Calum Traveler: XP
(01/31 14:29:02) Robert Murry: Shorah Buddy
(01/31 14:29:07) ALotOf: yeah the lamps at ferry terminal in Ae'Gura are blue...
(01/31 14:29:08) Calum Traveler: shorah, Buddy
(01/31 14:29:12) Buddy: Shorah all!
(01/31 14:29:35) Ereshkigal: Synthetic lapis lazuli perhaps? I can see the D'ni inventing something like that as an ornamental stone, the way they have alabaster for the windows in some of the buildings here in Ae'gura
(01/31 14:30:05) Calum Traveler: alright, all, the time is now 14:30 KI, and we're now beginning our first Town Hall of 2024! welcome, and I hope your december and january up until now was pleasant.
(01/31 14:30:28) ALotOf: at the great stairs and behind they have orange-yellow lights...
(01/31 14:30:34) Calum Traveler: our first order of business is the general roundup news stuff, and then a recap of our hike in Naybree.
(01/31 14:30:43) Calum Traveler checks notes
(01/31 14:30:57) ALotOf: yeah must be luminescent crystals or something...
(01/31 14:30:57) Calum Traveler: first off, I got a postcard from Jules yesterday
(01/31 14:31:11) Calum Traveler: he was just at Arundel Castle!
(01/31 14:31:19) Ereshkigal: Oh how beautiful!
(01/31 14:31:28) NoMore: cool
(01/31 14:31:29) Robert Murry: Ah, Arundel.
(01/31 14:31:34) Thumbs up from ALotOf
(01/31 14:31:51) Calum Traveler: he's touring around the UK Historical sites, trying to shift his schollarly focuses away from D'ni a bit because, well, that hasn't gone well in his academic circles, so I hear.
(01/31 14:32:14) Calum Traveler: personally, I'm just glad to see he's doing something that's got his spirits up.
(01/31 14:32:21) Robert Murry: He is very disappointed in that.
(01/31 14:32:32) Calum Traveler: anything that helps keep your mind in positive states, yknow?
(01/31 14:32:51) Calum Traveler: he seemed quite a bit out of it, latter half of last year, yknow?
(01/31 14:32:52) Robert Murry: I should catch up to him and visit.
(01/31 14:32:54) Calum Traveler nods
(01/31 14:33:01) Calum Traveler: didn't get to chat much in Naybree, yeah.
(01/31 14:33:18) Calum Traveler: in more forwards facing Restoration news...
(01/31 14:33:21) Robert Murry: No, but he did seem down.
(01/31 14:33:41) ALotOf: kind of depressed maybe
(01/31 14:33:58) Calum Traveler: Patrick was encouraged by our restoration of the Library and Museum doors in Ae'gura, and decided to set his sights on Kirel next while some issues with Descent get sorted out.
(01/31 14:34:24) Calum Traveler: for those who've gotten used to it like me, you might be wondering, 'what missing doors?'
(01/31 14:34:34) Calum Traveler: but yeah, Kirel's book room used to have doors, and the DRC pulled them back in 07.
(01/31 14:35:03) Calum Traveler: initial test runs seem to be going well on that front, and given that, we're looking into the Classroom and Seed Room doors for Kirel, as well.
(01/31 14:35:21) NoMore: cool cool
(01/31 14:35:38) Calum Traveler: Kelsei seems to have some ideas for repurposing the Classroom into a general information hub, too, but we've made no progress there yet...
(01/31 14:36:26) Calum Traveler: Work on Tikibear and Ametist's age project continues apace, but no ETA yet on when it'll be released.
(01/31 14:36:43) Calum Traveler: no change on Varia since last time, and...
(01/31 14:36:45) Buddy: What are these ages called?
(01/31 14:36:48) Calum Traveler frowns, double checking notes...
(01/31 14:36:57) Calum Traveler: Tiki and Ametist's project is called Mirtahm,
(01/31 14:37:13) Calum Traveler: Varia is an island in the cavern lake somewhere,
(01/31 14:37:20) Calum Traveler: nearish to K'veer,
(01/31 14:37:25) Buddy: Interesting
(01/31 14:37:37) NoMore: is Varia something from the intangibles?
(01/31 14:37:42) Calum Traveler: no,
(01/31 14:37:46) NoMore: ah okay
(01/31 14:37:59) ural: Miss anything?
(01/31 14:38:04) Calum Traveler: it's a project helmed by Professor Marius... Marrius? Marrus? No, that's someone else. Marius, isn't it, Robert?
(01/31 14:38:09) Ereshkigal: Hi ural!
(01/31 14:38:10) Calum Traveler: sorry, my head is a bit hazy on names r/n
(01/31 14:38:20) ural: Hello
(01/31 14:38:22) Ereshkigal: Oooh I remember professor Marius
(01/31 14:38:23) Calum Traveler: nothing too major, ural, just announced that we'll be doing some work in Kirel,
(01/31 14:38:25) Robert Murry: Yep.
(01/31 14:38:33) Robert Murry scowls.
(01/31 14:38:42) Calum Traveler: Mirtahm is continuing apace, and Varia has had no major updates since I last did a pass over of the place.
(01/31 14:38:45) ural: Yes, keeping on top..
(01/31 14:38:48) Ereshkigal: Varia was a residential place, right?
(01/31 14:38:53) Calum Traveler: considering I wasn't allowed access to the main island, yeah,
(01/31 14:38:58) Calum Traveler: something similar to K'veer, yes, Eresh.
(01/31 14:39:19) Calum Traveler: anyways, as I keep trying to say there's also another Cavern Area that just entered our initial foray checks
(01/31 14:39:39) Calum Traveler: you may be familiar with the name "Explorer's Emporium"?
(01/31 14:39:47) ural: Yes
(01/31 14:39:54) Calum Traveler: apparently it's a little gift shop that's being set up by one E. Darrington
(01/31 14:39:59) ural: Been there few times
(01/31 14:39:59) Robert Murry: Oh, HER...
(01/31 14:40:05) NoMore: what is an 'Emporium'?
(01/31 14:40:08) Calum Traveler: a shop,
(01/31 14:40:18) NoMore: okey dokey
(01/31 14:40:19) Calum Traveler: a little side-of-the-wall kind of place for goodies and trinkets.
(01/31 14:40:25) Calum Traveler: something like that.
(01/31 14:40:33) Robert Murry: Hmph.
(01/31 14:40:47) Calum Traveler: anyways, yeah, I haven't seen much beyond the intial slate of things to be sold,
(01/31 14:40:53) Ereshkigal: You don't approve, Roert?
(01/31 14:40:53) Buddy: Where will it be located?
(01/31 14:41:07) Ereshkigal: I've never heard of either Darrington or her emporium
(01/31 14:41:09) Calum Traveler: it's in a Hood, all I know is it's called the "Explorer's Emporium Hood"
(01/31 14:41:22) Buddy: Got it.
(01/31 14:41:24) Calum Traveler: apparently it's had some trial runs in years past?
(01/31 14:41:32) Robert Murry: Just don't ask where she got her "merchandise".
(01/31 14:41:38) Calum Traveler: this seems like it will be its official opening.
(01/31 14:42:00) Calum Traveler: hopefully she's learned her lesson since then, id hope?
(01/31 14:42:02) ural: Think i know where...
(01/31 14:42:22) Ereshkigal: Was she one of the people behind those thefts that happened last year? Including a garden gnome?
(01/31 14:42:28) Calum Traveler: not as far as im aware, no
(01/31 14:42:40) Calum Traveler: the name never came up during that investigation
(01/31 14:42:58) Robert Murry: No, she wasn't involved.
(01/31 14:43:09) Calum Traveler: but if she does get her fingers involved in anything nefarious in the future, I'm sure someone will be on the case
(01/31 14:43:15) NoMore: but interesting thought.
(01/31 14:43:16) Calum Traveler: not my headache at this time,
(01/31 14:43:21) NoMore laughs
(01/31 14:43:34) Calum Traveler flips pages of journal...
(01/31 14:43:44) Calum Traveler: ah... right, yeah.
(01/31 14:44:03) Calum Traveler: so, one last majorish piece of news...
(01/31 14:44:20) Calum Traveler: There's been some poking at the GZ system with all the Kirel work on the slate
(01/31 14:44:47) Calum Traveler: I *think* between the data we've got from Naybree's functioning marker, Diranda's poking at the system, and other reports of strange coordinate displays,
(01/31 14:44:55) Calum Traveler: we might have gotten Kirel's coordinate situation figured out
(01/31 14:45:20) Calum Traveler: initial test runs are looking promising to not have it be an exact mirrored copy of the strangeness with the Hoods sharing the same coordinate values
(01/31 14:45:20) [BUDDIES] From Babbeltje.40 in New Messengers Pub: hahahahah ik kan echt niet zonder
(01/31 14:45:56) Calum Traveler: if this pans out we might be able to apply the fix to wider areas and adjust some of the places where the KI Coordinates aren't quite working right in places
(01/31 14:46:12) Calum Traveler: notable example is when you stand at the GZ itself, the coordinate values seem to invert 180*
(01/31 14:46:16) Buddy: Excellent!
(01/31 14:46:21) Calum Traveler: IE: the zero line is pointing the wrong way.
(01/31 14:46:35) Calum Traveler: we'll keep you in the loop as we work on further GZ coordinate system updates.
(01/31 14:46:54) ALotOf: GZ coordinates are spherical iirc...
(01/31 14:46:55) Calum Traveler: if things go well, we might even be able to jumpstart some of the Maintainer Markers in the various ages!
(01/31 14:47:22) Calum Traveler: alright, that's general restoration news out of the way
(01/31 14:47:25) Buddy: Great!
(01/31 14:47:31) Calum Traveler: let's talk the big kahuna of an event from December.
(01/31 14:47:34) Calum Traveler takes a deep breath
(01/31 14:47:46) ALotOf: did all ages have maintainer markers, or just some? I think some didn't so there the compass showed zeroes for everything...
(01/31 14:47:52) ural: One q?
(01/31 14:48:11) Calum Traveler: most ages the D'ni Maintainers approved had markers
(01/31 14:48:11) ural: See varia in near future?
(01/31 14:48:31) Calum Traveler: though some ages like Er'cana and Ahnonay, seem to have them in places we can't find
(01/31 14:48:43) Calum Traveler: Varia, really, I wouldnt expect that any time soon, ural,
(01/31 14:49:00) ural: K
(01/31 14:49:17) Calum Traveler: right then.
(01/31 14:49:19) Calum Traveler: so.
(01/31 14:49:19) [BUDDIES] From Magic Bot: Select English to chat with me with the command: Setlang En. Selectionnez le Francais pour dialoguer avec moi avec la commande: Setlang Fr.
(01/31 14:49:36) [BUDDIES] From Magic Bot: These players have asked me to tell you that they have info to share: podhopper, malaclypse. If you want to know these ads, PM: ADVERT
(01/31 14:49:46) Calum Traveler: Last December I lead a group of explorers into the mountains of Naybree.
(01/31 14:50:17) Calum Traveler: we took some canooes out and went across the lake to shore to look for signs of life, as well as survey potential damages from the lunar decay
(01/31 14:50:29) Calum Traveler: needless to say, we ran into... *quite a lot*
(01/31 14:50:47) Robert Murry snorts.
(01/31 14:50:51) Calum Traveler: the age does have native life, but it doesn't seem to be civilization based at this time
(01/31 14:51:04) Calum Traveler: we found some D'ni ruins, and more statues left behind by Athsheba during her time in the age...
(01/31 14:51:23) Calum Traveler works mouth for a moment
(01/31 14:51:41) Calum Traveler: we also ran into a camp site setup by people who weren't part of our group.
(01/31 14:52:11) NoMore: freaky
(01/31 14:52:12) Calum Traveler: for those who've seen that weird journal in Naybree near the chopped up root, we now have confirmation that this guy isn't just working for some random weirdo,
(01/31 14:52:29) Calum Traveler: he's part of a larger group of scientists calling themselves "The Calendar Men"
(01/31 14:52:44) Calum Traveler: they have their little nicknames set up after the months of the year,
(01/31 14:52:51) Calum Traveler: January, February, March, Etc.
(01/31 14:53:26) Calum Traveler: this fits the pattern of that guy, "December," who had his hands on one of the stolen Rei'schu crystals that wound up in Detective Harry Williams' hands uh... geeze, two years ago now?
(01/31 14:53:47) Robert Murry nods
(01/31 14:53:50) Calum Traveler: I want to stress now that I don't think they mean any genuine harm,
(01/31 14:54:06) Calum Traveler: January and February, the scientists we ran into, seemed to be doing much the same thing we were
(01/31 14:54:08) ALotOf is amazed!
(01/31 14:54:23) Calum Traveler: surveying the age, examining what's there, getting startled by the ghostly apparitions that appeared.
(01/31 14:54:42) Calum Traveler: that said they do seem to have signed some rather aggressive non compete contracts,
(01/31 14:54:51) Calum Traveler: offers to have them come work with us were rejected.
(01/31 14:55:21) Calum Traveler: we also have good reason to believe that Haru'sara, that thief from Rei'schu, is shacking up with them, given some remarks made by those two scientists.
(01/31 14:55:32) Calum Traveler: as long as they're keeping him out of trouble, I say good enough.
(01/31 14:55:46) Calum Traveler: how that whole meetup happened, I'm not going to speculate.
(01/31 14:55:47) Robert Murry frowns
(01/31 14:56:21) Calum Traveler: frankly, I'm less concerned over the Scientists and what they're doing, and more so by what was left in Naybree by its previous owners.
(01/31 14:56:46) Calum Traveler: while we were exploring the mountains, we found various statues Athsheba carved, containing metal and nara flutes,
(01/31 14:57:00) Calum Traveler: when placed in the water, they generated strange noises, like whispers and other things.
(01/31 14:57:22) Calum Traveler: while we explored, we also encountered ghostly apparitions,
(01/31 14:57:32) Calum Traveler: it turns out these things were actually part of a giant imager setup,
(01/31 14:57:44) Calum Traveler: Athsheba had modified it all, and pointed some of the emitters outwards into the age,
(01/31 14:57:48) ALotOf: oh wow
(01/31 14:58:08) Calum Traveler: so, things got spread out across the age, and it all seemed to be set up as one giant trap.
(01/31 14:58:23) Calum Traveler: the main imager room was guarded by button lock doors,
(01/31 14:58:31) Calum Traveler: two sets of two on each side of the door
(01/31 14:58:42) Calum Traveler: Athsheba marked it all with "Don't feed the birds"
(01/31 14:58:55) Calum Traveler: well, both the scientists and ourselves fed the danged birds, it seemed.
(01/31 14:59:15) Robert Murry whistles and looks up at the ceiling.
(01/31 14:59:18) Calum Traveler: that whole passageway ended up colapsed because Athsheba left a bunch of conveniently placed firemarbles everywhere.
(01/31 14:59:43) Calum Traveler: and, wouldnt you know it, the two suspiciously carved up marbles to fit into the birds mouths cracked under the pressure.
(01/31 14:59:43) Robert Murry: SkyisBlue was injured.
(01/31 14:59:46) ALotOf: it's like with the button labeled 'dont push the button', which is like an invitation to explorers to push the button...
(01/31 14:59:56) Calum Traveler: she's fine, now, but yeah, it was scarry for a moment.
(01/31 15:00:07) Calum Traveler: be careful when running in dark, wet, and slippery caves, people.
(01/31 15:00:40) Calum Traveler: needless to say, Athsheba really didnt want people inside that imager room.
(01/31 15:00:46) Calum Traveler: which really begs the question. Why?
(01/31 15:01:01) Calum Traveler looks conflicted for a moment
(01/31 15:01:19) Calum Traveler: the modifications she made to the imager revealed a hiding place,
(01/31 15:01:35) Calum Traveler: inside of it, we found a box,
(01/31 15:01:47) Calum Traveler: and inside that box we found... a Link to a place in D'ni.
(01/31 15:01:53) Calum Traveler: an underwater place.
(01/31 15:02:21) Calum Traveler: It was a hidden D'ni workshop of some kind, and I'm annoyed to report that it's a Tetsonot situation.
(01/31 15:02:48) Calum Traveler: I have the link secured for the time being, and i'm not going to send anyone there to investigate it for the time being.
(01/31 15:03:17) Calum Traveler: for starters, this place seemed to be a hidden Writer's Room workshop meant for the original recipient of Eder Naybree, a retired Master from the Guild of Writers.
(01/31 15:03:44) ALotOf: interesting
(01/31 15:03:55) Calum Traveler: needless to say, the potential for damaged books, or illicit ages unapproved by the Guild of Writers is very high.
(01/31 15:04:39) Calum Traveler: it's likely the Link to this place was found by Athsheba during her time in Naybree, and she decided to hide it away
(01/31 15:04:57) Calum Traveler: whatever possessed her to do that with that kind of dedication to fake a haunting and rig an explosive trap?
(01/31 15:05:02) Calum Traveler: that has me *concerned.*
(01/31 15:06:15) Calum Traveler: so yeah. we will be keeping this area under lock and key for the foreseeable future, and any future explorations will be heavily monitored.
(01/31 15:06:36) Calum Traveler: needless to say, the fact that it's underwater and leaking lake water into the place is already a major red flag.
(01/31 15:07:10) Calum Traveler: i have other projects that require my attention and I won't be focusing on another one right now.
(01/31 15:07:34) Calum Traveler: so yeah, in conclusion... listen to the ominous warnings left behind by the crazed girl who faked a haunting.
(01/31 15:07:47) Calum Traveler: dont feed the birds.
(01/31 15:08:04) Robert Murry: Definitely.
(01/31 15:08:21) Calum Traveler: ill be trying to get a published account of this adventure printed up
(01/31 15:08:38) Buddy: Very scary guys.
(01/31 15:08:39) ALotOf: sounds like a place like Atlantis.... sunken ruins...
(01/31 15:08:42) Calum Traveler: but i havent had the time, so if you wind up stumbling upon my early draft somewhere, just know it might be riddled with gramatical errors, lol.
(01/31 15:09:13) Calum Traveler: i'd also like to continue the series of novels we have in Chiso,
(01/31 15:09:22) Calum Traveler: the Heritage Documents and the AITC journals,
(01/31 15:09:37) Calum Traveler: a carrying on log of events from our new restoration onwards from Chiso's release
(01/31 15:09:49) Calum Traveler: just. gotta find the time for that.
(01/31 15:09:54) Calum Traveler: oh. right, that reminds me
(01/31 15:09:56) Calum Traveler: Chiso.
(01/31 15:10:02) Calum Traveler: Patrick had a note for me
(01/31 15:10:09) Calum Traveler searches KI for a moment...
(01/31 15:10:50) Calum Traveler: "In the coming months as new Ages are released in Chiso Preniv, old Ages will be cycled off of the ring of podiums onto the nearby bookshelf. The one with the lamps."
(01/31 15:11:15) Calum Traveler: so yeah, if youve seen those new lamps in Chiso near the back window, that's what that's for.
(01/31 15:11:28) Calum Traveler: Old age books will be cycled onto the shelf as new ones are cycled in,
(01/31 15:11:44) NoMore: cool. so the library fills with books one by one...
(01/31 15:11:47) Calum Traveler: indeed,
(01/31 15:12:23) Calum Traveler: The first Books to be migrated over will be Serene, Trebivdil, and Vothol Gallery
(01/31 15:12:34) NoMore: Indiahno Jones will be pleased. He does research there for his digging sites...
(01/31 15:13:02) Calum Traveler: right then. i think that's everything on my end. Robert, got anything to add?
(01/31 15:13:19) Robert Holt: No, just checking in
(01/31 15:13:35) Robert Murry: Not really.
(01/31 15:13:35) Robert Holt: Oh, that Robert, sorry
(01/31 15:13:46) Calum Traveler starts to laugh
(01/31 15:13:57) NoMore: lol
(01/31 15:13:58) Calum Traveler: okay, i set myself up for that one.
(01/31 15:14:05) Robert Holt: my bad!
(01/31 15:14:09) Calum Traveler: you're fine!
(01/31 15:14:10) Robert Murry: I may try to visit Jules and cheer him up.
(01/31 15:14:12) ALotOf: haha
(01/31 15:14:21) Calum Traveler:

(01/31 15:14:39) Robert Murry: The world needs more Robert's.
(01/31 15:14:46) Thumbs up from Robert Holt
(01/31 15:14:58) Robert Murry grins
(01/31 15:15:02) Calum Traveler chuckles tiredly, and mutters, "I was almost a Rob"
(01/31 15:15:13) Robert Holt: You were almost robbed?
(01/31 15:15:20) NoMore: lol
(01/31 15:15:23) Calum Traveler: no, no, my mom almost named me Robert.
(01/31 15:15:28) Calum Traveler: then she went with another, just as common name.
(01/31 15:15:42) Robert Murry shakes his head and chuckles.
(01/31 15:15:45) Calum Traveler grumbles something about running into too many people with the same name
(01/31 15:16:03) Calum Traveler: alright, ill wrap it up here then
(01/31 15:16:08) Calum Traveler: thanks for coming everyone
(01/31 15:16:13) Calum Traveler: and ill see you all at the AGM this saturday,
(01/31 15:16:15) Calum Traveler: hopefully.
(01/31 15:16:18) ALotOf claps his hands
(01/31 15:16:21) NoMore claps his hands
(01/31 15:16:23) Robert Holt claps his hands
(01/31 15:16:24) Calum Traveler: as long as surface life doesn't drag me away suddenly again >>;
(01/31 15:16:25) Ereshkigal claps her hands
(01/31 15:16:26) Robert Murry: Goodbye everyone.
(01/31 15:16:27) Buddy: A good start to 2024!
(01/31 15:16:27) Lucario1829 claps his hands
(01/31 15:16:29) Ereshkigal: Thanks a lot!!!
(01/31 15:16:33) Robert Murry waves hello
(01/31 15:16:38) Calum Traveler: chatlog will be posted to the forums and shared on discord as usual
(01/31 15:16:51) Thumbs up from NoMore
(01/31 15:16:52) Calum Traveler: thanks for coming, everyone
(01/31 15:17:00) Buddy: Bye all!
(01/31 15:17:00) Lucario1829 waves goodbye
(01/31 15:17:01) Calum Traveler slumps to the floor
(01/31 15:17:05) Robert Holt: Have a good one!
(01/31 15:17:17) ...Chat.log stopped.