11/18/23 Fall of D'ni Memorial Island, Pre Release and Post Release Chatlogs.

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11/18/23 Fall of D'ni Memorial Island, Pre Release and Post Release Chatlogs.

Post by Traveler263 »

[Unsanitized chatlog, provided by Runa'mei.]
(11/18 09:13:16) Le Cyclope: shorah
(11/18 09:19:26) Runa'mei waves hello
(11/18 09:26:14) Korora: .Shorah
(11/18 09:26:47) Runa'mei waves hello
(11/18 09:26:56) Korora: Waiting for something?
(11/18 09:30:07) Runa'mei leans right
(11/18 09:30:10) Kelsei A.T. leans left
(11/18 09:30:35) [PRIVATE] To Korora: sorry, yes! new area release at 1200 KI
(11/18 09:31:01) Kelsei A.T.: hey,
(11/18 09:31:01) Runa'mei: hi,
(11/18 09:33:12) Le Cyclope: afk
(11/18 09:35:46) Runa'mei: shorah
(11/18 09:35:48) ural: Hi
(11/18 09:35:49) Kelsei A.T.: hello ural
(11/18 09:35:59) ural: Kind of early?
(11/18 09:36:19) Kelsei A.T.: as per tradition
(11/18 09:36:30) ural: Oh
(11/18 09:36:58) Kelsei A.T.: i joke but seriously, there have been age releases with crowds gathered since even earlier than this
(11/18 09:37:11) ural: Wow!
(11/18 09:37:28) Kelsei A.T.: early bird gets the worm and such
(11/18 09:37:29) ural: I come few mins before
(11/18 09:37:35) ural: Yes
(11/18 09:37:51) Kelsei A.T.: i expect the crowd will grow a bit larger in the coming hours
(11/18 09:38:17) ural: Hope the returned greeters show...
(11/18 09:38:48) Kelsei A.T.: depends on their schedules id think
(11/18 09:38:57) ural: Ken and race girl as tizane
(11/18 09:39:17) ural: Yes, ken is in my time zone
(11/18 09:39:25) Thumbs up from Kelsei A.T.
(11/18 09:39:59) ural: Maybe robyn shows up as well
(11/18 09:40:26) Runa'mei: one can hope
(11/18 09:51:02) ural: How many are new here?
(11/18 09:52:17) [PRIVATE] From ural: Are you the other world visitor?
(11/18 09:52:24) [PRIVATE] To ural: i am, yes.
(11/18 09:52:57) [PRIVATE] From ural: Nice to meet you
(11/18 09:53:35) [PRIVATE] To ural: thank you, nice to meet you too :)
(11/18 09:58:08) [PRIVATE] From ural: Want to tell me bout the place you are from?
(11/18 09:58:12) Kelsei A.T.: i think almost everyone is afk,
(11/18 09:58:44) ural: Possible
(11/18 09:59:20) [PRIVATE] To ural: Rei'schu is a very large world, full of very large things. Held together by very large crystals stitching the landscape together.
(11/18 09:59:25) [PRIVATE] To ural: the animals there are very large, as well.
(11/18 09:59:42) ural: Wow!
(11/18 10:00:55) [PRIVATE] To ural: the wildlife can sometimes become... out of control.
(11/18 10:01:17) [PRIVATE] To ural: it is the job of hunters like myself to take them down when they become a problem for the ecosystem.
(11/18 10:02:28) [PRIVATE] To ural: there are many ruins that are scattered across the landscape, that were ruins from long before the cataclysm that required the crystals to mend the world.
(11/18 10:03:08) [PRIVATE] To ural: i don't know if anyone has ever successfully mapped all of them, given how the world has drifted over time.
(11/18 10:03:26) [PRIVATE] To ural: not everything was stitched down, and so it floats aimlessly.
(11/18 10:07:31) [PRIVATE] To ural: i hope that satisfies some curiosity? :)
(11/18 10:09:15) [PRIVATE] From ural: Yes, it does
(11/18 10:09:28) [PRIVATE] From ural: Add you as buddy?
(11/18 10:09:36) [PRIVATE] To ural: sure :)
(11/18 10:09:44) philipgr: Shorah
(11/18 10:09:52) ural: Hello
(11/18 10:09:54) Runa'mei: shorah philip
(11/18 10:09:59) Kelsei A.T. waves hello
(11/18 10:10:13) philipgr: Hello Runa'mei
(11/18 10:10:16) philipgr waves hello
(11/18 10:11:53) Qwiksilver: shorah folks
(11/18 10:11:59) Kelsei A.T.: shorah Qwiksilver
(11/18 10:12:29) Qwiksilver: the eary crowd is here
(11/18 10:12:35) Kelsei A.T.: indeed
(11/18 10:13:34) Runa'mei: i got here around 9, and there were a few folks flitting in and out already.
(11/18 10:13:50) Kelsei A.T.: very early crowd!
(11/18 10:14:56) Qwiksilver: chasing relto pages?
(11/18 10:15:11) Kelsei A.T. shrugs
(11/18 10:15:23) Runa'mei: i didnt ask.
(11/18 10:16:49) Qwiksilver: it this keeps up I may have to request a larger relto
(11/18 10:17:00) Kelsei A.T. starts to laugh
(11/18 10:17:38) Kelsei A.T.: aren't they working on converting that temple into an apartment of sorts, Runa?
(11/18 10:17:44) Runa'mei: apparently, yes,
(11/18 10:19:02) philipgr: My Relto needs a cellar as it is running out of space
(11/18 10:19:04) Runa'mei: i haven't been keeping track of the progress there, though.
(11/18 10:20:12) Kelsei A.T.: a cellar would be nice, anywhere really
(11/18 10:20:17) Runa'mei: i suppose so.
(11/18 10:21:18) Runa'mei: isnt there one in Elonin?
(11/18 10:21:24) Kelsei A.T.: i think so, yes. heh
(11/18 10:22:36) philipgr: Not in Elonin
(11/18 10:23:26) Qwiksilver: yes there is but its full of spiders
(11/18 10:23:49) Runa'mei: oh, thats not so bad.
(11/18 10:24:13) TvHex: have i made it?
(11/18 10:24:14) Qwiksilver: Arachnophobia
(11/18 10:24:28) Kelsei A.T.: you have indeed made it!
(11/18 10:24:34) philipgr: Oops sorry I thought you were referring to Relto pages
(11/18 10:24:41) TvHex: hello everyone!
(11/18 10:24:49) philipgr: Hello
(11/18 10:24:49) Qwiksilver: noon time Tv
(11/18 10:24:52) Cody Herd: hi guys
(11/18 10:24:55) TvHex: how are you all
(11/18 10:25:08) Runa'mei: ah, yes, that could make some people hesitate i suppose, Qwiksilver
(11/18 10:25:08) Qwiksilver: in anticipation mode
(11/18 10:25:14) Runa'mei: doing alright!
(11/18 10:25:30) Kelsei A.T.: i'm fine, thanks :)
(11/18 10:25:35) TvHex: do we know which pedistool it will be on?
(11/18 10:25:43) Kelsei A.T.: the empty one
(11/18 10:25:46) Qwiksilver: the empty one?
(11/18 10:25:49) Qwiksilver: lol
(11/18 10:25:50) TvHex: ah i didnt notice that haha
(11/18 10:25:59) Cody Herd points
(11/18 10:26:05) philipgr: The empty one
(11/18 10:26:07) TvHex: im quite new to the game so could i ask what is this place?
(11/18 10:26:19) Kelsei A.T.: this is Chiso Preniv,
(11/18 10:26:25) TvHex: i mostly come to moula for language lessons but i wanted to be more involved in the community
(11/18 10:26:31) Qwiksilver: the new Library
(11/18 10:26:40) TvHex: ah so new ages will be put here?
(11/18 10:26:47) Kelsei A.T.: it's a "Another Archive" library we explorers have co-opted for our age storing purposes
(11/18 10:26:47) Cody Herd: why are there new lights here?
(11/18 10:27:00) Kelsei A.T.: that shelf is where age books are going to go as they transition off of the ring
(11/18 10:27:07) Qwiksilver: and work place downstairs
(11/18 10:27:17) Qwiksilver: I think
(11/18 10:27:19) Kelsei A.T.: yes, our offices are downstairs too :)
(11/18 10:27:38) TvHex: so is this new age a fan made age?
(11/18 10:27:45) TvHex: and is this place also made by you guys?
(11/18 10:27:45) Qwiksilver: with a door that one day may lead somewhere?
(11/18 10:27:46) Kelsei A.T.: its not an Age, technically
(11/18 10:27:53) Kelsei A.T.: it's a Cavern location
(11/18 10:28:37) Kelsei A.T.: but yes, the place that's opening today was worked on wholesale by two explorers,
(11/18 10:29:04) Kelsei A.T.: Christopher Therburg designed a memorial that is installed there, and Keith Lord helped make sure the place was up to code
(11/18 10:29:31) TvHex: i just started learning how to make a age so hopefully one day i can make one too :)
(11/18 10:29:36) TvHex: this place is very nice though
(11/18 10:29:42) Kelsei A.T.: Qwiksilver that door downstairs leads outside. The path is currently unstable, and being worked on
(11/18 10:29:50) Kelsei A.T.: one day, hopefully,
(11/18 10:30:28) TvHex: so all these shelves might one day be filled with places built by explorers?
(11/18 10:30:37) Kelsei A.T.: or books written by,
(11/18 10:30:47) Kelsei A.T.: some of the shelves near the link in house normal books
(11/18 10:31:18) TvHex: ah i see
(11/18 10:31:20) Kelsei A.T.: a few historical documents, some novelizations of events, atleast one new fiction novel!
(11/18 10:31:41) Kelsei A.T.: i think there's even a book on some Jalak games Calum wrote up for display
(11/18 10:32:31) Qwiksilver: hope to be back later
(11/18 10:32:35) Qwiksilver: bye all
(11/18 10:32:38) Kelsei A.T. waves goodbye
(11/18 10:32:43) Runa'mei: later Qwiksilver
(11/18 10:33:05) Qwiksilver passes out drinks and cookies for the waiting crowd
(11/18 10:33:19) TvHex: so the guild of writers are people who create places and/or write books right?
(11/18 10:33:26) Qwiksilver waves goodbye
(11/18 10:33:37) Kelsei A.T.: essentially, yes :)
(11/18 10:33:42) ghoul leans left
(11/18 10:33:45) Malim Praedari leans right
(11/18 10:34:10) TvHex: man it still baffles me how amazing this community is
(11/18 10:34:17) TvHex: im glad to be getting into it again
(11/18 10:34:17) ghoul waves hello
(11/18 10:34:21) TvHex waves hello
(11/18 10:34:24) Kelsei A.T.: welcome back :)
(11/18 10:34:24) Malim Praedari waves hello
(11/18 10:34:38) TvHex: myst speedrunning was how i got into the community
(11/18 10:35:04) Kelsei A.T.: ah, speed running, a tried and true passtime
(11/18 10:35:20) TvHex: yup! im the top canadian speedrunner for myst 2020
(11/18 10:35:28) philipgr: Shorah malim
(11/18 10:35:40) Kelsei A.T.: nice
(11/18 10:36:12) TvHex: im gonna go explore some of the ages for a bit ill be back soon!
(11/18 10:36:25) Kelsei A.T.: enjoy :)
(11/18 10:36:29) Runa'mei: happy exploring
(11/18 10:49:44) Kelsei A.T.: shorah, ethan
(11/18 10:51:17) Cody Herd: shorah ethan
(11/18 10:56:59) Minasunda: shorah everyone :)
(11/18 10:57:09) Runa'mei: shorah mina
(11/18 10:57:14) Kelsei A.T.: shorah Minasunda :)
(11/18 10:57:25) Cody Herd: shorah Mina
(11/18 10:57:41) Minasunda says hey
(11/18 10:57:47) Christopher Therburg: Shorah Mina
(11/18 11:00:05) Dejah Thoris: Shorah Minasunda!
(11/18 11:00:29) Minasunda: shorah Dejah :)
(11/18 11:00:43) Dejah Thoris: Shorah everyone! Happy Saturday
(11/18 11:01:03) Kelsei A.T.: shorah :) happy saturday
(11/18 11:02:39) philipgr: Shorah Mina
(11/18 11:04:24) Minasunda: shorah philipgr
(11/18 11:04:41) Rock Ardemar: shorah all
(11/18 11:04:43) Minasunda: shorah Rock :))
(11/18 11:04:49) Rock Ardemar: Minasunda :))
(11/18 11:04:58) Minasunda leans left
(11/18 11:05:00) Dejah Thoris: Shorah Rock
(11/18 11:05:02) Rock Ardemar leans right
(11/18 11:05:12) Rock Ardemar: Long time
(11/18 11:05:19) Minasunda: ohh yes :))
(11/18 11:05:23) Rock Ardemar: but a pleasure to be back on such an important day
(11/18 11:05:46) Minasunda: good to see you :))
(11/18 11:05:51) Rock Ardemar: you too :))
(11/18 11:05:57) Rock Ardemar: I hope you are well and happy
(11/18 11:06:16) Kelsei A.T.: doing alright :)
(11/18 11:06:25) Rock Ardemar: :))
(11/18 11:06:35) Minasunda: yes I hope you too :)
(11/18 11:06:37) Willy: Shorah All .-)
(11/18 11:06:43) Rock Ardemar: yes :) thanks
(11/18 11:06:47) Minasunda: hallo Willy :))
(11/18 11:06:51) Rock Ardemar: SHorah Willy
(11/18 11:06:55) Dejah Thoris: Shorah Willy
(11/18 11:07:50) Willy: wo ist hier der Nulp bradwurst stand ??
(11/18 11:08:25) Minasunda: vielleicht im Keller ;)
(11/18 11:08:58) Willy: oh nee noch am heizen !
(11/18 11:09:07) Minasunda starts to laugh
(11/18 11:09:43) Minasunda: I wish the Buddielist would stay closed lol
(11/18 11:10:17) Minasunda: shorah Chogon :)
(11/18 11:10:31) Kelsei A.T.: shorah chogon
(11/18 11:10:33) EMM: Shorah all
(11/18 11:10:35) Runa'mei: shorah chogon
(11/18 11:10:55) Minasunda leans left
(11/18 11:10:57) Willy leans right
(11/18 11:11:05) philipgr: Shorah Chogon
(11/18 11:11:29) Rock Ardemar: shorah !! :)
(11/18 11:12:08) Christopher Therburg: Shorah Chogon
(11/18 11:12:55) Kelsei A.T.: shorah, DS5
(11/18 11:13:07) r'Tayrtahn: .shorah Chogon :-)
(11/18 11:13:18) Kelsei A.T.: shorah rtay
(11/18 11:13:27) Brun: shorah
(11/18 11:13:29) Runa'mei: shorah r'Tayrtahn\
(11/18 11:13:30) Chogon: must be something going on :-D
(11/18 11:13:36) Kelsei A.T.: i wonder :D
(11/18 11:13:36) Minasunda: lol
(11/18 11:13:43) Dni_seeker 5: Wait...
(11/18 11:13:56) r'Tayrtahn: .shorah Kelsei and Runa'Mei :-)
(11/18 11:16:26) philipgr: Shorah r'Tay :)
(11/18 11:16:58) r'Tayrtahn: horah phil :-)
(11/18 11:17:02) r'Tayrtahn: *.shorah
(11/18 11:17:15) Christopher Therburg: I'm so excited for it.
(11/18 11:17:34) Kelsei A.T.: im excited for you, Christopher, :)
(11/18 11:17:55) Dni_seeker 5: is this pedestal finally going to have a book placed on it? I didn't really get all the details, only that an event was going to happen -- wait, is this THE MEMORIAL ISLAND?
(11/18 11:18:05) Kelsei A.T.: yes, DS5, it is
(11/18 11:18:17) Hypatia*1: what time is it?
(11/18 11:18:20) Runa'mei: 11:18
(11/18 11:18:37) Kelsei A.T.: events at 12
(11/18 11:18:56) Christopher Therburg: We still have some time.
(11/18 11:19:16) r'Tayrtahn: Noon KI time, Hypatia
(11/18 11:20:46) Eternal Seeker says hey
(11/18 11:20:52) Kelsei A.T. says hey
(11/18 11:20:54) Minasunda: shorah :)
(11/18 11:20:56) Kelsei A.T.: shorah, seeker
(11/18 11:20:56) Eternal Seeker: Shorah all
(11/18 11:21:34) Sestra leans right
(11/18 11:21:34) Kelsei A.T.: shorah ondine :)
(11/18 11:21:36) ondine leans left
(11/18 11:21:57) ondine leans left
(11/18 11:21:59) Kelsei A.T. leans right
(11/18 11:22:18) Kelsei A.T.: shorah Anatheia
(11/18 11:22:25) ondine leans left
(11/18 11:22:31) philipgr: Shorah Seeker
(11/18 11:22:45) philipgr: Shorah ondive
(11/18 11:22:53) philipgr: Shorah ondine
(11/18 11:23:08) Anatheia: Good to see you, Kelsei
(11/18 11:23:11) philipgr: Shorah Anatheia
(11/18 11:23:23) Anatheia: .shorah philipgr
(11/18 11:23:25) Kelsei A.T.: good to see you too.:) it's been a while hasnt it?
(11/18 11:23:33) ondine leans right
(11/18 11:23:39) Anatheia: Yes, it has, Kels
(11/18 11:24:29) ondine leans right
(11/18 11:24:37) Moiram leans left
(11/18 11:24:49) Anatheia leans right
(11/18 11:24:51) Sestra leans left
(11/18 11:24:51) ondine leans left
(11/18 11:25:05) philipgr leans right
(11/18 11:25:47) ondine leans left
(11/18 11:25:49) norm7629 leans right
(11/18 11:26:12) [BUDDIES] From Minasunda in Chiso Preniv: shorah Mir :))
(11/18 11:26:15) Kelsei A.T.: im going to go sit over by the podium for now, if that's alright, Runa?
(11/18 11:26:24) Runa'mei: sure. go ahead
(11/18 11:26:47) Kelsei A.T. leans left
(11/18 11:28:39) [BUDDIES] From Minasunda in Chiso Preniv: shorah Mirphak :))
(11/18 11:29:53) Runa'mei: are these events always this crowded?
(11/18 11:30:09) Kelsei A.T.: pretty much! :D
(11/18 11:30:13) Runa'mei is amazed!
(11/18 11:30:16) norm7629: rare
(11/18 11:30:35) norm7629: eventa
(11/18 11:30:42) Cave woman: Shorah all
(11/18 11:30:49) Kelsei A.T.: shorah cw
(11/18 11:30:51) Christopher Therburg: Half an hour until the opening.
(11/18 11:30:52) Minasunda says hey
(11/18 11:30:56) Anatheia: And this is a very special Age.
(11/18 11:31:20) Dni_seeker 5: New book today!
(11/18 11:31:33) Dni_seeker 5: Hello
(11/18 11:31:59) Karia kneels down...
(11/18 11:32:14) WauschelErwin: good thing i havent started this for arroudn two years and now by accident its a event soon
(11/18 11:32:54) Kelsei A.T.: good timing :)
(11/18 11:33:03) WauschelErwin: true ^^
(11/18 11:33:16) Mirphak: Shorah b'shemtee
(11/18 11:33:28) skyisblu: Hi everyone :)
(11/18 11:33:34) Kelsei A.T.: shorah sky
(11/18 11:33:40) skyisblu: Hi Kelsei :D
(11/18 11:33:40) Runa'mei: hello sky, :)
(11/18 11:33:42) Minasunda leans left
(11/18 11:33:43) Eternal Seeker: Hi Sky
(11/18 11:33:43) Mirphak leans right
(11/18 11:33:51) Anatheia: .shorah sky :-))
(11/18 11:34:04) Mirphak: salur skyisblu :)
(11/18 11:34:10) Murry: HI Sky :)
(11/18 11:34:13) ondine: Bonsoir Sky :))
(11/18 11:34:26) Runa'mei: shorah murry
(11/18 11:34:42) Murry: Shorah Runa'mei
(11/18 11:34:44) ondine: Shorah Murry :)
(11/18 11:34:49) Kelsei A.T.: shorah murry
(11/18 11:34:55) Murry: Shorah ondine :)
(11/18 11:34:56) Kelsei A.T. checks her buddies list...
(11/18 11:35:10) Cody Herd: hey guys
(11/18 11:35:21) Anatheia: Hello Cody :)
(11/18 11:35:35) Someone Else: Shorah, I have an unrelated question, is Magic Bot from Michel back online, and if so, could I have the KI # please?
(11/18 11:35:48) Kelsei A.T.: that is a lot of names right now, love it when its full like this, but makes it hard to see when specific people are online.
(11/18 11:35:49) Ro"Jethhe: 27527
(11/18 11:35:54) Someone Else: thanks Ro
(11/18 11:35:58) Ro"Jethhe: YW
(11/18 11:36:35) Someone Else: the bot is an old player, ki # is low!
(11/18 11:36:39) Korora: First time I ever made a grand opening down here.
(11/18 11:37:07) Cody Herd: who is hosting the event
(11/18 11:37:10) Kelsei A.T.: its always a great time :)
(11/18 11:37:22) Kelsei A.T.: Patrick Dulebohn should be speaking, but he's not here yet.
(11/18 11:37:29) TOOO: arrgh! I've got invisibug! BRB
(11/18 11:37:33) Kelsei A.T. frowns
(11/18 11:37:41) Dni_seeker 5: oh no...
(11/18 11:37:50) Dni_seeker 5: Invisibug is evil
(11/18 11:37:51) LividLiquid: Is there Is there an audio stream or will this all be in chat?
(11/18 11:37:56) Ro"Jethhe salutes
(11/18 11:38:04) Kelsei A.T.: all KI chat, LividLiquid :)
(11/18 11:38:09) muumuu: Hi skyisblu
(11/18 11:38:11) LividLiquid: TY
(11/18 11:38:24) TOOO: Much better. Shorah everyone!
(11/18 11:38:31) Kelsei A.T.: shorah TOOO
(11/18 11:38:34) Runa'mei says hey
(11/18 11:38:35) Rock Ardemar: Shorah TOOO :)
(11/18 11:38:40) Dni_seeker 5: hello TOOO
(11/18 11:38:43) philipgr: Shorah TOOO
(11/18 11:38:48) Mirphak: Hi TOOO
(11/18 11:39:05) TOOO: Is there a music stream?
(11/18 11:39:10) Dni_seeker 5: The Book is on its way
(11/18 11:39:20) Kelsei A.T.: not that im aware of, TOOO
(11/18 11:39:25) TOOO thanks you
(11/18 11:39:32) <sniffle> Cody Herd is sad
(11/18 11:39:47) Kelsei A.T.: dont forget to /autoshout
(11/18 11:40:00) Kelsei A.T.: we have enough folks the KI range might be kicking in
(11/18 11:40:02) Prad: AUTO
(11/18 11:40:12) Ro"Jethhe: I believe AutoShout is the default now.
(11/18 11:40:15) Kelsei A.T.: ah, there's Patrick,
(11/18 11:40:18) Kelsei A.T.: it's not, Ro"Jethhe
(11/18 11:40:23) Kelsei A.T.: atleast not on the current KI OS
(11/18 11:40:25) Ro"Jethhe: ok thanks
(11/18 11:40:47) Kelsei A.T.: next version should hopefully have that, though.
(11/18 11:40:56) Thumbs up from Ro"Jethhe
(11/18 11:41:35) Kelsei A.T.: ah, there's Patrick now :)
(11/18 11:41:43) Patrick Dulebohn waves hello
(11/18 11:41:48) skyisblu: Hi Patrick :D
(11/18 11:41:53) Rock Ardemar: Shorah Doobes :)
(11/18 11:41:53) Anatheia waves back.
(11/18 11:41:55) Patrick Dulebohn: Hey there, everyone!
(11/18 11:41:58) Kelsei A.T.: reminder, dont forget to /autoshout
(11/18 11:42:00) TOOO: Shorah Patrick!
(11/18 11:42:00) Murry: Shorah Patrick
(11/18 11:42:00) philipgr: Hi Patrick :)
(11/18 11:42:01) Minasunda: shorah Doobes :)
(11/18 11:42:03) Korora: .Shorah
(11/18 11:42:04) LividLiquid: Doobes!
(11/18 11:42:10) Anatheia: .shorah Patrick
(11/18 11:42:16) Dni_seeker 5: so who's giving the speech? If you're talking about Autoshout, there must be a speech.
(11/18 11:42:16) ondine: Shorah Patrick :)
(11/18 11:42:17) Rock Ardemar claps his hands
(11/18 11:42:18) Mirphak: Hello Patrick Dulebohn
(11/18 11:42:20) Patrick Dulebohn: Literally just breezed in to the cavern from the surface, but I wouldn't miss this for the world.
(11/18 11:42:22) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(11/18 11:42:22) Someone Else: Shorah Patrick
(11/18 11:42:30) Ro"Jethhe: I hope someone baked some D'ni Memorial cookies. ;-D
(11/18 11:42:40) Patrick Dulebohn looks around for IwonK
(11/18 11:42:42) Cody Herd: hi Patrick
(11/18 11:42:45) Christopher Therburg waves hello
(11/18 11:42:45) Christopher Therburg: hello
(11/18 11:42:46) Murry: Is Iwonk here?
(11/18 11:42:54) Kelsei A.T.: i dont see Iwonk, maybe busy on the surface
(11/18 11:42:59) Dni_seeker 5: I hope NOT, they'll probably cause D'ni ghosts to haunt anyone who eats them.
(11/18 11:43:06) Ro"Jethhe cringes
(11/18 11:43:18) LividLiquid passes around substitute memorial donuts.
(11/18 11:43:21) TOOO: IwonK is not in AGE PLAYERS
(11/18 11:43:34) Ankh-Ryo: At long last. The Donuts.
(11/18 11:43:48) skyisblu: she should be soon ;)
(11/18 11:43:56) TOOO: Atrus has been waiting a long time for those donuts!
(11/18 11:43:58) Murry: She just arrived at Relto.
(11/18 11:44:02) Kelsei A.T. cheers
(11/18 11:44:07) Patrick Dulebohn: Looks like we've got about 17 minutes. How you feeling, Christopher?
(11/18 11:44:08) LividLiquid: Yeah, she's online. We'll have our cookies soon.
(11/18 11:44:10) Ro"Jethhe: just love fresh baked and still warm.
(11/18 11:44:11) Prad: lol TOOO
(11/18 11:44:18) Christopher Therburg: Good and excited.
(11/18 11:44:24) Patrick Dulebohn: Also, is Keith here? Hard to sift through the crowd.
(11/18 11:44:26) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(11/18 11:44:32) TOOO: And there was much rejoicing! (yay!)
(11/18 11:44:34) Kelsei A.T.: i think he said he cant make it, surface obligations.
(11/18 11:44:46) Patrick Dulebohn: Aw. That's a shame.
(11/18 11:44:46) Murry: Hi Iwonk :)
(11/18 11:44:52) IwonK: shorah everyone :)
(11/18 11:44:52) TOOO: Shorah IwonK
(11/18 11:44:57) Kelsei A.T.: HIwonk!
(11/18 11:44:59) Korora: !Shorah
(11/18 11:45:01) Sestra: Shorah IwonK :)
(11/18 11:45:04) Christopher Therburg: I heard Keith is making food.
(11/18 11:45:05) philipgr: Shorah IwonK :)
(11/18 11:45:09) darkwingduck: hey sis:)
(11/18 11:45:09) Murry: Now it's a party!
(11/18 11:45:13) ondine: Shorah IwonK :)
(11/18 11:45:15) darkwingduck: hi all:)))))
(11/18 11:45:18) LividLiquid: Wonky! We were just talking about you!
(11/18 11:45:18) Christopher Therburg: Shorah IwonK
(11/18 11:45:24) TOOO: Haunted cookies?
(11/18 11:45:29) IwonK passes around well-timed cookies
(11/18 11:45:30) Runa'mei: No, I dont think Cookies are easily haunted
(11/18 11:45:31) Cody Herd sneezes
(11/18 11:45:36) Ro"Jethhe: A Pot Luck would be nice.
(11/18 11:45:36) Runa'mei: crystals, maybe, but cookies?
(11/18 11:45:38) Murry: Hi Briggs
(11/18 11:45:39) Korora: Gesundheit.
(11/18 11:45:40) Mirphak: .shorah IwonK
(11/18 11:45:41) TOOO: Bless you! (angelic choir)
(11/18 11:45:43) Briggs: Hey :)
(11/18 11:45:46) IwonK: my haunted cookies are but they are still bakin'
(11/18 11:45:50) Mirphak: Hi Briggs
(11/18 11:45:50) Runa'mei: shorah briggs
(11/18 11:45:54) Kelsei A.T.: hey briggs
(11/18 11:46:00) Ro"Jethhe: I can smell them baking.
(11/18 11:46:02) TOOO: Shorah Briggs
(11/18 11:46:08) Briggs: Howdy all :D
(11/18 11:46:10) IwonK: haunting smell, eh? :D
(11/18 11:46:12) skyisblu: Hi Briggs :D
(11/18 11:46:30) Christopher Therburg: Iwonk's cookies are the best.
(11/18 11:46:36) Korora: Was her Er'cana restored to the original purpose of food production?
(11/18 11:46:41) TOOO: (I'm tempted to bring my mermaids in, but I don't want to crash the server.)
(11/18 11:46:44) LividLiquid: So many varieties.
(11/18 11:46:55) CaptainQuery waves hello
(11/18 11:47:05) Isa =^.^= leans left
(11/18 11:47:11) TOOO: Shorah Isa
(11/18 11:47:14) skyisblu: iSA :D
(11/18 11:47:16) Patrick Dulebohn: Sorry, still prepping my speech. Always a last-minute kind of thing.
(11/18 11:47:18) Patrick Dulebohn laughs
(11/18 11:47:21) Isa =^.^=: Hi SKY hi TOO
(11/18 11:47:23) Isa =^.^=: Shorah all
(11/18 11:47:28) Anatheia: .shorah Cap't :-))
(11/18 11:47:37) Anatheia: .shorah Isa :-))
(11/18 11:47:37) Ro"Jethhe: Still remember the day Patrick opened Chiso Previn there were over 300 players here.
(11/18 11:47:38) philipgr: Shorah Isa
(11/18 11:47:38) Patrick Dulebohn: I won't drone on too long, Christopher, I promise.
(11/18 11:47:41) Mirphak: shorah Isa =^.^=
(11/18 11:47:41) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(11/18 11:47:44) Isa =^.^=: Hi Philip
(11/18 11:47:47) LividLiquid: Isa!
(11/18 11:47:48) Dotar Sojat: Shorah everyone!
(11/18 11:47:50) Isa =^.^=: Hi Mirphak
(11/18 11:47:52) TvHex: .shorah! im back
(11/18 11:47:53) Kelsei A.T.: shorah isa,
(11/18 11:47:53) Ro"Jethhe: And when Elonin opened over 200 that day.
(11/18 11:47:59) Christopher Therburg: It's no problem Patrick.
(11/18 11:47:59) FaxPaladin: Shorah all
(11/18 11:48:02) Dni_seeker 5: I wouldn't do that if I were you, mermaids don't go together with D'ni islands, online puzzle games, and haunted cookies.
(11/18 11:48:06) WauschelErwin: shorah isa
(11/18 11:48:06) LividLiquid: That was huge.
(11/18 11:48:08) Oscar52: sorah everyone
(11/18 11:48:19) ural: Hello all!!!
(11/18 11:48:26) Korora: I cook with a stove and oven on my, Tiam with a D'ni-to American power adapter.
(11/18 11:48:26) Dni_seeker 5: (don't ask me how I know that, I have my ways.)
(11/18 11:48:27) Isa =^.^=: Hi ural :)
(11/18 11:48:30) Runa'mei: hello, everyone
(11/18 11:48:38) Anatheia: .shorah ural :)
(11/18 11:48:38) [BUDDIES] From Minasunda in Chiso Preniv: shorah Luuuu :))
(11/18 11:48:55) Runa'mei: i will refrain from asking,
(11/18 11:49:22) CyMa: Shorah biv-rov
(11/18 11:49:27) Makobeats kneels down...
(11/18 11:49:39) Patrick Dulebohn: Got about 11 minutes to go. Feel free to relax until it's time for the queue. I'm sure you can guess which pedesal Christopher will be placing the Book.
(11/18 11:49:42) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(11/18 11:49:43) Rock Ardemar: Salut Janeerah :)) Bien te revoir
(11/18 11:49:53) Sestra: Shorah Lu :))
(11/18 11:49:55) Minasunda leans left
(11/18 11:49:59) Dni_seeker 5: Of course, there's only ONE PEDESTAL LEFT IN THE CIRCLE
(11/18 11:50:02) Isa =^.^=: Lol
(11/18 11:50:03) uwe leans right
(11/18 11:50:04) Patrick Dulebohn waves to his old friend Rock Ardemar
(11/18 11:50:08) Oscar52: btw im recording
(11/18 11:50:11) Rock Ardemar waves back
(11/18 11:50:17) TOOO: I see you shiver with antici pation.
(11/18 11:50:22) WauschelErwin: abend uwe
(11/18 11:50:22) IwonK: hi mom! I'm being recorded!
(11/18 11:50:29) Teem Ranger: Shorah shorah bing bang, ting, tang, walla walla bing bang.
(11/18 11:50:32) Patrick Dulebohn: Everyone wave for the camera!
(11/18 11:50:32) ondine: Salut Jan :)
(11/18 11:50:34) LividLiquid: I'm on my low-end PC laid up with a fractured ankle. I hope it doesn't crash with all the people here.
(11/18 11:50:38) Prad: lol IwonK
(11/18 11:50:39) Shocksound kneels down...
(11/18 11:50:44) Ro"Jethhe: Lights - Camera - Action!
(11/18 11:50:47) uwe: guten abend Erein :)
(11/18 11:50:48) Kelsei A.T.: oh dear, hope that ankle heals up, Livid
(11/18 11:50:48) Patrick Dulebohn: Hey IwonK!
(11/18 11:50:49) Isa =^.^=: Ouch LL :(
(11/18 11:50:54) IwonK: hiii :D
(11/18 11:50:58) uwe: *Erwin
(11/18 11:50:59) LividLiquid: Thank you, Kelsei.
(11/18 11:51:04) Runa'mei: broken bones are annoying, rest well, friend.
(11/18 11:51:05) Mirphak: Bonsoir Sleeper Jan, guten abend uwe
(11/18 11:51:07) TOOO: Take care of that ankle, LL!
(11/18 11:51:08) Korora: Ouch. Praying for a swift healing, Livid.
(11/18 11:51:19) TvHex: this is amazing
(11/18 11:51:23) TvHex: so many people!
(11/18 11:51:41) Sleeper Jan: salut mir
(11/18 11:51:42) LividLiquid: Stepped offstage at my karaoke show onto a spilled drink and fractured it twice. Super fun. The swelling is really impressive. Heh.
(11/18 11:51:50) D'eux waves hello
(11/18 11:51:50) D'eux: Hey Ro
(11/18 11:51:51) Sleeper Jan: ouch
(11/18 11:51:51) Kelsei A.T.: ouch!
(11/18 11:51:54) Rock Ardemar: Yes, such a good comeback
(11/18 11:51:55) TvHex: .shorah rehn!
(11/18 11:51:56) Ro"Jethhe waves hello
(11/18 11:51:57) Isa =^.^=: Oh wow LL, what's the recovery time on that?
(11/18 11:51:59) TvHex waves hello
(11/18 11:52:03) Sleeper Jan: waves to rock
(11/18 11:52:08) LividLiquid: The good news is, I'll be at a whole mess of events down here this week!
(11/18 11:52:08) Chogon: we topped 100 explorers a few minutes ago - still climbing
(11/18 11:52:09) r'Tayrtahn waves hello
(11/18 11:52:10) Rock Ardemar waves to Jan
(11/18 11:52:13) Dni_seeker 5: I'm going to guess that by "fun" you mean the karaoke show, not the ankle. Sorry about that.
(11/18 11:52:14) Patrick Dulebohn: We're almost there. Only about 8 minutes left!
(11/18 11:52:26) Patrick Dulebohn: Yes, sorry about the ankle! Ouch!
(11/18 11:52:27) uwe: bonsoir Mirphak & Lu :)
(11/18 11:52:29) LividLiquid: I did mean the ankle, but I was being sarcastic.
(11/18 11:52:37) Mirphak: I see 77 people now
(11/18 11:52:40) Oscar52: so many people :D
(11/18 11:52:47) Murry: Hi LU :)
(11/18 11:53:02) Patrick Dulebohn: Everyone feel free to have a seat so as not to get too bunched up. We'll be starting soon!
(11/18 11:53:17) philipgr: Shorah Lu :)
(11/18 11:53:18) Prad: holding breath
(11/18 11:53:20) Christopher Therburg: Wow, so many people here today. I'm blushed.
(11/18 11:53:25) Ahno: not moving
(11/18 11:53:26) Isa =^.^=: :D
(11/18 11:53:30) Tahm: laaaag
(11/18 11:53:38) Mirphak: Hey Christopher Therburg
(11/18 11:53:46) Runa'mei: it is quite the crowd
(11/18 11:53:52) Ro"Jethhe nods his head
(11/18 11:53:53) Christopher Therburg: Shorah Mirphak
(11/18 11:53:57) TOOO: Watta mob!
(11/18 11:54:00) D'eux laughs
(11/18 11:54:07) Kelsei A.T.: a very good crowd :)
(11/18 11:54:07) Prad: a crowd is a debug crow
(11/18 11:54:17) Night-Tripper leans right
(11/18 11:54:18) Anatheia leans left
(11/18 11:54:20) Ro"Jethhe: just hope the CYAN Server doesn't crash.
(11/18 11:54:22) TOOO: yeah, that's the ticket!
(11/18 11:54:35) Korora: You mean a crow that keeps the garden pests down?
(11/18 11:54:41) Kelsei A.T.: i think your KI is more likely to have issues than the full lattice, Ro,
(11/18 11:54:48) Magic Mir: I'm sur it can support all of us :)
(11/18 11:54:50) Chogon: Hey! I juggling as best I can - LOL
(11/18 11:54:55) Ro"Jethhe says a little prayer.
(11/18 11:54:59) Ro"Jethhe kneels down...
(11/18 11:55:13) Kelsei A.T.: juggle away, chogon.
(11/18 11:55:13) TOOO: Shorah Chogon!
(11/18 11:55:13) Patrick Dulebohn gives a nod and a wave to Chogon
(11/18 11:55:16) Prad: monitor looks like swiss alpes lol
(11/18 11:55:19) rarified crosses his fingers.
(11/18 11:55:26) Ro"Jethhe: Thanks Chogon you're the best.
(11/18 11:55:30) ural: Hello chogon
(11/18 11:55:38) Korora: .Shorah
(11/18 11:55:42) Isa =^.^=: Hi Eresh :)
(11/18 11:55:45) Dni_seeker 5: Anyone want a salad? Got plenty of Lattice... er, Lettuce
(11/18 11:55:48) Kelsei A.T.: shorah eresh
(11/18 11:55:52) skyisblu: Hi Eresh :)
(11/18 11:55:53) Runa'mei: hi eresh, :)
(11/18 11:55:55) philipgr: Shorah Ereshkigal
(11/18 11:55:56) [BUDDIES] From Minasunda in Chiso Preniv: shorah Yod :))
(11/18 11:55:58) TOOO: *Rimshot!*
(11/18 11:56:04) Ro"Jethhe: Rabbit food and cookies are you kidding?!
(11/18 11:56:06) Oscar52: what a view
(11/18 11:56:07) Korora: Lattice trees need plenty maintenance, don't they?
(11/18 11:56:08) ondine: Shorah Eresh :)
(11/18 11:56:43) Dni_seeker 5: Lettuce doesn't grow on trees. But if you're talking about NARAYAN'S Lattice Tree, then yes they do.
(11/18 11:57:00) Oscar52: normally all this is so empty. is strange to see so many people XD
(11/18 11:57:17) ondine leans left
(11/18 11:57:19) Patrick Dulebohn: Alright, I think I'm about ready. Got about three minutes left!
(11/18 11:57:22) uwe leans right
(11/18 11:57:31) Prad: it was a call from the desert which drew us here - or such...
(11/18 11:57:34) LividLiquid: We all love an excuse to gather, but a new age is the best one.
(11/18 11:57:44) TOOO: Any excuse for a party!
(11/18 11:57:44) Rock Ardemar: indeed
(11/18 11:57:48) Ankh-Ryo: I never miss a memorial if I can help it
(11/18 11:57:50) Night-Tripper: call for dessert?
(11/18 11:57:54) Kelsei A.T.: any excuse for a party indeed
(11/18 11:57:57) Patrick Dulebohn: Not to say there aren't other fantastic events that happen in the cavern.
(11/18 11:57:58) TOOO: :)
(11/18 11:57:59) Patrick Dulebohn winks
(11/18 11:58:13) TOOO: Nudge nudge wink wink
(11/18 11:58:14) Kelsei A.T.: many events happening weekly and monthly!
(11/18 11:58:19) Ro"Jethhe: Be sure to het a head count for today.
(11/18 11:58:20) FaxPaladin: I think this is the first of these I've been able to make.
(11/18 11:58:30) Christopher Therburg: I think I'm ready.
(11/18 11:58:31) Patrick Dulebohn: Brought to you by some very hard-working people who keep things going while we're working!
(11/18 11:58:42) Ro"Jethhe cheers
(11/18 11:58:53) darkwingduck: no panic right? lol... i say, give it the beans Doobes:) full send :))))
(11/18 11:59:08) Korora: Don't spill 'em, though.
(11/18 11:59:18) Mirphak: And we are 100 here now
(11/18 11:59:18) TvHex: man this is a bad time to forget how to save a screenshot haha
(11/18 11:59:21) Dni_seeker 5: Spill the beans? On what?
(11/18 11:59:23) Patrick Dulebohn: Heh, I never do!
(11/18 11:59:27) TOOO: I've heard beans are good for the heart!
(11/18 11:59:38) TvHex: 1 min!
(11/18 11:59:38) rarified: They're already on my shirt :P
(11/18 11:59:40) Korora: So, apparently, has Izzy Moonbow.
(11/18 11:59:43) Patrick Dulebohn: I feel you guys like surprises, so I try to bite my tongue on some things.
(11/18 11:59:43) Chogon: 126 explorers online - must be making their way here
(11/18 11:59:45) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(11/18 11:59:47) Dni_seeker 5: On the Memorial Island? I think it's too late for that.
(11/18 11:59:50) Night-Tripper: beans and weiners on toast
(11/18 12:00:11) philipgr: Beanstalks lead to giants
(11/18 12:00:12) Anatheia: Ewwww...that sounds disgusting, NT.
(11/18 12:00:15) Mirphak: only 25 are not yet in Chiso
(11/18 12:00:19) Patrick Dulebohn: Right then...it's time!
(11/18 12:00:22) Isa =^.^=: Lol Ana
(11/18 12:00:24) Patrick Dulebohn: Thank you all for coming once again!
(11/18 12:00:25) Dni_seeker 5: AGREED!
(11/18 12:00:26) Prad: I can do screenshots on my Win7 and Linux avvies - not on my Win8.1 avvie (something with DirectX there)
(11/18 12:00:30) rarified claps his hands
(11/18 12:00:34) skyisblu claps her hands
(11/18 12:00:35) TOOO claps his hands
(11/18 12:00:37) CyMa sneezes
(11/18 12:00:39) Korora claps his hands
(11/18 12:00:40) Ro"Jethhe: NT go easy on the beans, warm air rises.
(11/18 12:00:41) TvHex claps his hands
(11/18 12:00:41) Karel claps his hands
(11/18 12:00:41) Isa =^.^= claps her hands
(11/18 12:00:43) uru348 claps his hands
(11/18 12:00:44) MindWalker claps his hands
(11/18 12:00:46) D'eux claps his hands
(11/18 12:00:47) Korora: Gesundheit.
(11/18 12:00:47) LividLiquid cheers
(11/18 12:00:48) Dotar Sojat claps his hands
(11/18 12:00:49) r'Tayrtahn claps his hands
(11/18 12:00:49) Ro"Jethhe claps his hands
(11/18 12:00:51) Le Cyclope claps his hands
(11/18 12:00:52) Massygo claps his hands
(11/18 12:00:53) mtn'man cheers and cheers
(11/18 12:00:54) Runa'mei claps her hands
(11/18 12:00:54) Dejah Thoris claps her hands
(11/18 12:00:55) Ankh-Ryo claps her hands
(11/18 12:00:55) D'eux cheers
(11/18 12:00:55) Ythri claps his hands
(11/18 12:00:56) philipgr claps his hands
(11/18 12:00:56) ondine claps her hands
(11/18 12:00:57) Kelsei A.T. claps her hands
(11/18 12:00:58) FaxPaladin claps his hands
(11/18 12:01:01) Murry claps his hands
(11/18 12:01:01) Patrick Dulebohn: It's been a little while, but we're finally back to celebrate a new Linking Book added to the Chiso Preniv pedestals and to our ever-growing restoration of D'ni.
(11/18 12:01:03) Someone Else claps his hands
(11/18 12:01:04) Ro"Jethhe does a funky dance
(11/18 12:01:04) Mirphak claps his hands
(11/18 12:01:04) Moiram claps his hands
(11/18 12:01:05) Rock Ardemar claps his hands
(11/18 12:01:08) thoekenem claps his hands
(11/18 12:01:09) Yahveno claps his hands
(11/18 12:01:13) Shocksound claps his hands
(11/18 12:01:17) ural: clap
(11/18 12:01:17) Sestra claps her hands
(11/18 12:01:18) D'eux claps his hands
(11/18 12:01:18) r'Tayrtahn claps his hands
(11/18 12:01:22) Patrick Dulebohn: The D'ni have a very rich history and culture, and while there are many defining moments in that history, few can compare to the tragic and devastating loss they experienced at the end of their vast empire.
(11/18 12:01:25) Shocksound claps his hands
(11/18 12:01:27) Ro"Jethhe: Oh Boy now comes the LAG :-(
(11/18 12:01:32) TOOO remembers when Cate Alexander clapped HIS hands!
(11/18 12:01:34) ghoul nods her head
(11/18 12:01:43) TvHex cheers
(11/18 12:01:46) Patrick Dulebohn: Thankfully, they, as a people, live on in the Age of Releeshahn, but they are merely a fraction of the D'ni citizens that passed away during what is commonly referred to as "The Fall".
(11/18 12:01:47) Isa =^.^=: Hi Mak
(11/18 12:01:59) Runa'mei nods her head
(11/18 12:02:00) TOOO cheers
(11/18 12:02:00) Patrick Dulebohn: It is with that in mind that this new island in the D'ni cavern will be presented to you today.
(11/18 12:02:11) Ro"Jethhe claps his hands
(11/18 12:02:19) skyisblu nods her head
(11/18 12:02:23) Patrick Dulebohn: What you'll see today is the tireless work of not only Keith Lord, who earlier brought us Fahets: Highgarden, but also quite noteworthy, it is the idea of one of our colleagues here, Christopher Therberg.
(11/18 12:02:40) Rock Ardemar claps his hands
(11/18 12:02:41) Kodak kneels down...
(11/18 12:02:41) Patrick Dulebohn: He is the primary reason we are here today, and what you will see is the result of his brilliant work, along with Keith.
(11/18 12:02:45) D'eux is amazed!
(11/18 12:02:49) Korora claps his hands
(11/18 12:02:51) Kodak kneels down...
(11/18 12:02:53) Patrick Dulebohn: So without further ado, I give you Christopher Therburg!
(11/18 12:02:56) Patrick Dulebohn claps his hands
(11/18 12:02:57) skyisblu claps her hands
(11/18 12:02:57) TvHex claps his hands
(11/18 12:02:58) rarified claps his hands
(11/18 12:02:58) Isa =^.^= claps her hands
(11/18 12:02:59) D'eux claps his hands
(11/18 12:02:59) Christopher Therburg: Thanks Patrick.
(11/18 12:02:59) Runa'mei claps her hands
(11/18 12:02:59) Kodak claps his hands
(11/18 12:02:59) Ro"Jethhe cheers
(11/18 12:02:59) Rock Ardemar claps his hands
(11/18 12:02:59) Salvo Ludus cheers
(11/18 12:03:00) Ythri claps his hands
(11/18 12:03:00) Sestra claps her hands
(11/18 12:03:00) TOOO cheers
(11/18 12:03:00) Karel claps his hands
(11/18 12:03:00) Anatheia claps her hands
(11/18 12:03:01) r'Tayrtahn claps his hands
(11/18 12:03:01) Someone Else claps his hands
(11/18 12:03:01) Cody Herd: clap
(11/18 12:03:01) Korora claps his hands
(11/18 12:03:01) ondine claps her hands
(11/18 12:03:02) iBear claps his hands
(11/18 12:03:02) FaxPaladin claps his hands
(11/18 12:03:02) mtn'man claps
(11/18 12:03:03) Dotar Sojat claps his hands
(11/18 12:03:03) Ankh-Ryo claps her hands
(11/18 12:03:04) Le Cyclope claps his hands
(11/18 12:03:05) Shocksound claps his hands
(11/18 12:03:06) thoekenem claps his hands
(11/18 12:03:06) philipgr claps his hands
(11/18 12:03:06) TvHex cheers
(11/18 12:03:06) darkwingduck claps his hands
(11/18 12:03:07) Makobeats claps his hands
(11/18 12:03:07) TOOO claps his hands
(11/18 12:03:08) Lambda claps his hands
(11/18 12:03:09) TvHex cheers
(11/18 12:03:09) Christopher Therburg: Shorah everyone.
(11/18 12:03:10) ural claps his hands
(11/18 12:03:10) Murry claps his hands
(11/18 12:03:11) Chogon claps his hands
(11/18 12:03:14) Korora waves hello
(11/18 12:03:14) Dni_seeker 5: Co coffin y
(11/18 12:03:14) CyMa claps his hands
(11/18 12:03:14) Cave woman claps her hands
(11/18 12:03:16) ghoul waves hello
(11/18 12:03:17) D'eux: Shorah!
(11/18 12:03:17) Mirphak claps his hands
(11/18 12:03:22) Christopher Therburg: Wow, thats very exciting for me. I'm apologize for being a little nervous, it's the first time I'm doing something like this.
(11/18 12:03:23) norm7629 claps his hands
(11/18 12:03:32) Malim Praedari waves hello
(11/18 12:03:33) Patrick Dulebohn smiles
(11/18 12:03:42) Christopher Therburg: Anyway.
(11/18 12:03:46) TOOO knows all about stage fright
(11/18 12:03:53) darkwingduck: all good chris:)
(11/18 12:03:55) Christopher Therburg: After three years of work and restoration, it's finally time to reveal the Fall of D'ni Memorial Island, or Bahn'tefoonet in D'ni. Bahn'tefoonet means Memorial Island in D'ni.
(11/18 12:04:00) Mak Raves leans left
(11/18 12:04:11) Ro"Jethhe is amazed!
(11/18 12:04:13) ghoul leans right
(11/18 12:04:17) Mak Raves leans left
(11/18 12:04:20) Christopher Therburg: I'm really grateful to Keith, also known as Tweek, and everyone else who worked on this island that everything worked out so well in restoring and turning this island into a memorial site.
(11/18 12:04:28) D'eux claps his hands
(11/18 12:04:32) Korora claps his hands
(11/18 12:04:33) TvHex cheers
(11/18 12:04:41) Christopher Therburg: It was a life's work for me and without Tweek, who volunteered to continue and finish the island with me, this work would have been much slower and would be released at a later.
(11/18 12:04:43) Kodak: A very fitting monument to honor those whose history we stand in
(11/18 12:04:44) Rik claps his hands
(11/18 12:04:44) Malim Praedari leans left
(11/18 12:04:55) Murry: emrai
(11/18 12:04:56) D'eux nods his head
(11/18 12:04:59) Mak Raves leans right
(11/18 12:05:04) Christopher Therburg: He is at the moment not there sadly, but I heard that he will come later eventually.
(11/18 12:05:24) Christopher Therburg: A summary of the project itself and why I have planned all of this.
(11/18 12:05:39) Christopher Therburg: Five to three years earlier, I took a closer view at the cavern and noticed that the DRC or someone else didn't erected a memorial to the "Fall of D'ni", one of the worst events, if not the worst, in D'ni history.
(11/18 12:06:01) D'eux nods his head
(11/18 12:06:03) Christopher Therburg: I wanted to change that and it would be nice to build a memorial that fits the style of D'ni architecture. This memorial is meant to commemorate the D'ni who perished in this cataclysm.
(11/18 12:06:20) Christopher Therburg: The Fall of D'ni, was attack on the D'ni civilization by Veovis and A'gaeris, who used an unknown biochemical agent to kill most of the empire's population in Leesahn 8, 9400 DE.
(11/18 12:06:31) <sniffle> D'eux is sad
(11/18 12:06:44) Korora bows his head.
(11/18 12:06:52) TvHex bows
(11/18 12:06:54) Runa'mei closes her eyes
(11/18 12:06:55) Christopher Therburg: I had considered placing the memorial in Ae'gura, but there were some complications with two locations where the memorial should have been. Calum suggested then that I should place the memorial in a special location outside of Ae'gura.
(11/18 12:06:56) TOOO: (I suspect it's the same virus Ahlsender released)
(11/18 12:07:22) Christopher Therburg: Then I remembered this little island with the broken stalagmite near Ae'gura that I saw while exploring the cavern about eight years ago. We thought this would be a better location for it and it also have a nice view of Ae'gura and the whole D'ni cavern.
(11/18 12:07:40) D'eux nods his head
(11/18 12:07:41) Patrick Dulebohn nods
(11/18 12:07:48) Christopher Therburg: This island, which was formerly a small D'ni park, worked very well as a memorial place and after two years of restoration it's finally ready.
(11/18 12:07:56) D'eux claps his hands
(11/18 12:07:58) TOOO cheers
(11/18 12:08:00) Runa'mei claps her hands
(11/18 12:08:00) Kodak claps his hands
(11/18 12:08:03) Salvo Ludus cheers
(11/18 12:08:03) Kelsei A.T. claps her hands
(11/18 12:08:04) Le Cyclope claps his hands
(11/18 12:08:04) Cody Herd claps his hands
(11/18 12:08:05) Isa =^.^= claps her hands
(11/18 12:08:06) skyisblu cheers
(11/18 12:08:07) CyMa claps his hands
(11/18 12:08:08) Makobeats claps his hands
(11/18 12:08:08) philipgr claps his hands
(11/18 12:08:08) Korora cheers
(11/18 12:08:08) Thumbs up from rarified
(11/18 12:08:08) Rock Ardemar claps his hands
(11/18 12:08:09) TvHex claps his hands
(11/18 12:08:09) ondine claps her hands
(11/18 12:08:09) thoekenem claps his hands
(11/18 12:08:10) Emrai claps his hands
(11/18 12:08:11) Rik claps his hands
(11/18 12:08:11) ural claps his hands
(11/18 12:08:11) GooberChilla claps her hands
(11/18 12:08:11) r'Tayrtahn claps his hands
(11/18 12:08:12) Babbeltje.40 claps her hands
(11/18 12:08:12) Someone Else claps his hands
(11/18 12:08:13) Anatheia claps her hands
(11/18 12:08:13) Shocksound claps his hands
(11/18 12:08:13) iBear claps his hands
(11/18 12:08:14) Ro"Jethhe claps his hands
(11/18 12:08:14) Karel claps his hands
(11/18 12:08:15) Briggs claps his hands
(11/18 12:08:16) Mirphak claps his hands
(11/18 12:08:16) Christopher Therburg: We hope that the memorial will respects the deceased D'ni and that mostly new explorers will have a better understanding of the context of why it happened and why the D'ni City is empty now.
(11/18 12:08:16) Davide claps his hands
(11/18 12:08:17) Saxy claps her hands
(11/18 12:08:18) darkwingduck claps his hands
(11/18 12:08:18) Cave woman claps her hands
(11/18 12:08:19) Moiram claps his hands
(11/18 12:08:24) LINDOR claps his hands
(11/18 12:08:27) Ro"Jethhe snaps his fingers
(11/18 12:08:33) ural claps his hands
(11/18 12:08:38) Christopher Therburg: We also hope that this island will also become a place of peace in the upcoming years.
(11/18 12:08:39) TOOO claps his hands
(11/18 12:08:42) D'eux nods his head
(11/18 12:08:45) Korora is still unable to fathom the depths of A'gaeris' spite.
(11/18 12:08:47) Kodak: We have done our best to fill it
(11/18 12:08:51) Cave woman: amen
(11/18 12:09:03) Christopher Therburg: But I've talked long enough, it's now time to officially open the island.
(11/18 12:09:08) TvHex cheers
(11/18 12:09:09) Salvo Ludus cheers
(11/18 12:09:10) CyMa: cjeer
(11/18 12:09:10) D'eux claps his hands
(11/18 12:09:11) Karel cheers
(11/18 12:09:12) Ro"Jethhe cheers
(11/18 12:09:13) Yahveno claps his hands
(11/18 12:09:13) TOOO claps his hands
(11/18 12:09:13) Patrick Dulebohn smiles
(11/18 12:09:13) iBear cheers
(11/18 12:09:14) Isa =^.^= claps her hands
(11/18 12:09:14) CyMa: cheer
(11/18 12:09:14) skyisblu cheers
(11/18 12:09:14) LividLiquid claps her hands
(11/18 12:09:14) Korora cheers
(11/18 12:09:14) Anatheia cheers
(11/18 12:09:15) Kodak cheers
(11/18 12:09:15) Rik cheers
(11/18 12:09:18) MindWalker claps his hands
(11/18 12:09:19) Massygo claps his hands
(11/18 12:09:19) r'Tayrtahn claps his hands
(11/18 12:09:20) FaxPaladin claps his hands
(11/18 12:09:20) thoekenem claps his hands
(11/18 12:09:20) Shocksound claps his hands
(11/18 12:09:21) Murry claps his hands
(11/18 12:09:21) PodHopper claps his hands
(11/18 12:09:21) K'laamas: .prad kotsahvtee .prad edertee .yahvo pilelen yeret veelayon
(11/18 12:09:21) Cave woman claps her hands
(11/18 12:09:25) norm7629 claps his hands
(11/18 12:09:26) TvHex cheers
(11/18 12:09:26) LINDOR cheers
(11/18 12:09:27) uwe claps his hands
(11/18 12:09:27) Dni_seeker 5: THE BOOK!!!
(11/18 12:09:27) MindWalker cheers
(11/18 12:09:29) Anatheia: Bravo!
(11/18 12:09:30) D'eux thanks you
(11/18 12:09:30) Renlar claps his hands
(11/18 12:09:30) Briggs: Congratulations!
(11/18 12:09:30) Le Cyclope claps his hands
(11/18 12:09:31) Someone Else: the book!
(11/18 12:09:33) Patrick Dulebohn claps his hands
(11/18 12:09:34) Christopher Therburg places the book on the pedestal.
(11/18 12:09:35) Cody Herd claps his hands
(11/18 12:09:35) TvHex: congrats!!
(11/18 12:09:35) Kelsei A.T. claps her hands
(11/18 12:09:39) Ro"Jethhe: Can we use a Bot to link there?
(11/18 12:09:39) EMM claps his hands
(11/18 12:09:39) Sestra claps her hands
(11/18 12:09:40) Korora claps his hands
(11/18 12:09:40) Cody Herd cheers
(11/18 12:09:42) ural: Clap
(11/18 12:09:42) Rock Ardemar claps his hands
(11/18 12:09:42) Salvo Ludus: Woohoo!!!
(11/18 12:09:42) RuudKooiman claps his hands
(11/18 12:09:42) Davide claps his hands
(11/18 12:09:42) Shocksound cheers
(11/18 12:09:43) Attex claps his hands
(11/18 12:09:46) Karia claps her hands
(11/18 12:09:46) Babbeltje.40 claps her hands
(11/18 12:09:47) Anatheia: Congrats, Christopher Therburg!
(11/18 12:09:47) Lambda claps his hands
(11/18 12:09:48) Someone Else claps his feet
(11/18 12:09:48) TOOO: yay book!
(11/18 12:09:50) rarified claps his hands
(11/18 12:09:53) Christopher Therburg: You can now enter the island, but in one line please. We meet there.
(11/18 12:09:54) Magic Mir: In chiso, yes
(11/18 12:09:55) skyisblu: Lol Zekh Astram :D
(11/18 12:09:56) mtn'man thanks you for all of your hard work
(11/18 12:09:57) Murry claps his hands
(11/18 12:09:58) r'Tayrtahn claps his hands
(11/18 12:10:00) Chogon claps his hands
(11/18 12:10:12) ondine claps her hands
(11/18 12:10:15) Murry: K'la
[Runa'mei links to the island, but her KI crashes on arrival.]
Last edited by Traveler263 on Sat Nov 18, 2023 9:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Calum Traveler - KI# 34810
-Traveler's Cavern Log-
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Re: 11/18/23 Fall of D'ni Memorial Island, Pre Release and Post Release Chatlogs.

Post by Traveler263 »

(11/18 12:14:07) Chat.log started...
(11/18 12:14:30) Runa'mei: sorry, my KI crashed on arrival
(11/18 12:14:45) Dni_seeker 5: The MOMENt the book appeared i crashed
(11/18 12:14:51) Makobeats: heh, I crashed because I accidentally opened my relto book
(11/18 12:15:12) Dni_seeker 5: maybe you unleashed the ghosts
(11/18 12:15:17) Kelsei A.T.: it happens, runa
(11/18 12:15:58) mtn'man points and laughs at people bouncing off of each other
(11/18 12:16:00) Makobeats: The D'ni just want us to celebrate with them, since they can't celebrate with us XD
(11/18 12:16:40) K'laamas: I don't think "celebrate" is the right word...
(11/18 12:17:00) Makobeats: Well, celebrate the opening of the memorial. But yeah, may not be the right word.
(11/18 12:17:02) r'Tayrtahn: I think this is the most orderly linking procession, yet!
(11/18 12:17:22) Ankh-Ryo: commemorate, perhaps?
(11/18 12:17:26) skyisblu: i think you are right about that, r'Tay :)
(11/18 12:17:30) Dni_seeker 5: everybody stand in line, one by one
(11/18 12:17:30) Makobeats: Much better, Ankh
(11/18 12:17:34) Babbeltje.40: Sathopper hoi
(11/18 12:17:40) Yahveno: So close
(11/18 12:17:51) Sestra leans right
(11/18 12:18:22) r'Tayrtahn: @sky: :-))
(11/18 12:18:25) uru348: Us being in it is another matter,
(11/18 12:19:14) Runa'mei: nice to meet you properly, patrick
(11/18 12:19:20) Runa'mei nods and links through
(11/18 12:19:33) Ro"Jethhe: Would be nice if when we click on the memorial Plexs they would look larger so we could read them.
(11/18 12:19:39) Runa'mei: ooof. finally
(11/18 12:19:54) Christopher Therburg: I will talk about it at a moment.
(11/18 12:20:00) Kelsei A.T.: glad you made it )
(11/18 12:20:01) Kodak: Is this center fresco a replica of the King's Chamber floor?
(11/18 12:20:22) Briggs: Congratulations again, Christopher, on bringing your vision to life.
(11/18 12:20:32) D'eux nods his head
(11/18 12:21:14) TOOO: Whew!
(11/18 12:21:20) iBear: Christopher, where will you be starting the tour?
(11/18 12:21:24) FaxPaladin kneels down...
(11/18 12:21:25) TOOO needs a moment to breathe!
(11/18 12:21:29) Kelsei A.T.: congratulations, Christopher Therburg, its a lovely place :)
(11/18 12:21:53) Lu* claps her hands
(11/18 12:21:54) TvHex kneels down...
(11/18 12:21:59) Runa'mei gazes at the memorial for a long moment
(11/18 12:22:02) TOOO claps his hands
(11/18 12:22:13) Runa'mei kneels down...
(11/18 12:22:16) Salvo Ludus: This place looks like it could have been part of the game from the very beginning. It fits in to the cavern so well
(11/18 12:22:19) Dni_seeker 5: so many people here... we're going to crash again.
(11/18 12:22:40) Karel leans right
(11/18 12:22:42) Minasunda leans left
(11/18 12:22:43) Briggs: hmm
(11/18 12:22:43) Runa'mei whispers a prayer to the fallen
(11/18 12:22:44) Yahveno: I look forward to reading the transcript of the ceremony. I definitely kept crashing through it
(11/18 12:22:46) Shocksound sheds tear
(11/18 12:22:55) Kodak: It's a fitting place to do so, at least
(11/18 12:22:59) TOOO kneels down...
(11/18 12:23:00) Massygo leans left
(11/18 12:23:07) Minasunda leans right
(11/18 12:23:16) Ro"Jethhe: Never fear Chogon is near.
(11/18 12:23:23) Makobeats: Where will the transcript be posted? I'm definitely close to crashing.
(11/18 12:23:23) Le Cyclope kneels down...
(11/18 12:23:32) TOOO: I haven't crashed yet, but the lag is exhausting!
(11/18 12:23:34) Kelsei A.T.: ill try to post it to the beneath forums
(11/18 12:23:39) Korov'ev claps his hands
(11/18 12:23:42) Kodak: I would also like to know where to read that- ah, thank you
(11/18 12:23:43) Kelsei A.T.: and to discord
(11/18 12:23:52) MagicYoda bows
(11/18 12:23:52) Zekh Astram: You can almost physically feel the reverence of this place
(11/18 12:23:52) Makobeats: Thanks!
(11/18 12:23:55) Kelsei A.T.: im sure itll also get copied to guild of messengers
(11/18 12:24:03) Le Cyclope leans left
(11/18 12:24:09) ondine leans right
(11/18 12:24:16) TOOO: *pant* *pant* *pant* *shirt* *pant* *pant*
(11/18 12:24:24) Yahveno: in the year 2023, I'm finally not lagging
(11/18 12:24:29) Kodak: I am very eager to hear about the symbolism and themes incorporated into this work of art
(11/18 12:24:57) Briggs: Now I must return to packing. Enjoy the opening celebrations :)
(11/18 12:25:03) Kelsei A.T.: later briggs
(11/18 12:25:05) Patrick Dulebohn: Heh, I still love this view of Ae'gura. I rarely see it from out here on the lake.
(11/18 12:25:11) Zekh Astram: What was this island before the fall though ?
(11/18 12:25:13) Makobeats: Is that healthy cavern algae surrounding the monument?
(11/18 12:25:19) Kodak: A park!
(11/18 12:25:51) [PRIVATE] To Christopher Therburg: thank you for this. I'm sure my grandmother would appreciate it.
(11/18 12:26:03) TOOO sits on the fidget bench
(11/18 12:26:04) CyMa kneels down...
(11/18 12:26:14) [PRIVATE] To Christopher Therburg: i know i do.
(11/18 12:26:19) Korora kneels down...
(11/18 12:26:22) Babbeltje.40 leans right
(11/18 12:26:28) Crewcut leans left
(11/18 12:26:34) Lu* waves hello
(11/18 12:26:36) Kelsei A.T.: i believe Keith found them somewhere and wanted to use them, K'laamas
(11/18 12:26:44) CyMa bows
(11/18 12:26:50) Sathopper leans left
(11/18 12:26:52) Yahveno kneels down...
(11/18 12:27:04) Dni_seeker 5: There aren't even any vowels!
(11/18 12:27:19) Korora: Probably the same reason the Gahro-Hev topside reads like a cat walked across a keyboard
(11/18 12:27:23) Korov'ev says DOH!
(11/18 12:27:31) Ro"Jethhe: This is better than the Memorials in Washington D. C.
(11/18 12:27:36) ondine leans left
(11/18 12:27:39) Lu* leans right
(11/18 12:27:48) Ankh-Ryo: That's not hard to do, there's no ducks here
(11/18 12:27:52) Kodak: The D'ni were very advanced and no longer needed vowels
(11/18 12:27:56) Ro"Jethhe groans
(11/18 12:28:15) TOOO: So, no vowel movement? (Sorry, couldn't resist)
(11/18 12:28:21) Dni_seeker 5: !
(11/18 12:28:23) Ankh-Ryo groans
(11/18 12:28:23) rarified groans
(11/18 12:28:28) Zekh Astram: If Yeesha ever decides to deface the monument with a hand symbol, it wil mean she's still mad
(11/18 12:28:29) Rik starts to laugh
(11/18 12:28:30) Ro"Jethhe: TOOO that's horrible!
(11/18 12:28:30) TOOO: Hee hee hee
(11/18 12:28:31) Korov'ev starts to laugh
(11/18 12:28:32) Mak Raves leans right
(11/18 12:28:40) ondine leans left
(11/18 12:28:54) Bert_2: test
(11/18 12:28:59) Kelsei A.T.: how was the line management, patrick?
(11/18 12:29:02) Ro"Jethhe: Just remember January 06
(11/18 12:29:10) Bert_2: aha, I can at least say things, even though I can't move
(11/18 12:29:27) Dni_seeker 5: There's a spot where there's no text or symbols or anything...
(11/18 12:29:35) Prad: taking the gaming PC avvie - that one is responsive lol
(11/18 12:29:35) Korora needs a break from politics lest he go mad.
(11/18 12:30:09) Ro"Jethhe blows you a kiss
(11/18 12:30:09) Ro"Jethhe: to Minasunda
(11/18 12:30:27) Korora: In the immortal words of Shakespeare: Are we all met?
(11/18 12:30:28) Yahveno: What do the lamps say on them?
(11/18 12:30:39) Zekh Astram: Yeah, what's written on the lamps ?
(11/18 12:30:43) @r@s: Does anyone have an exlorer count? I am impressed that I am not experiencing lag with this many here.
(11/18 12:30:44) Dni_seeker 5: nonsense words without vowels
(11/18 12:30:54) Ro"Jethhe: R.I.P. ?
(11/18 12:30:55) Dni_seeker 5: I am experiencing lag
(11/18 12:31:03) TOOO: kilroy was here
(11/18 12:31:07) Isa =^.^= starts to laugh
(11/18 12:31:08) Yahveno: Same two words twice
(11/18 12:31:11) Prad: Rarely. Important. Person. ?
(11/18 12:31:12) Chogon: 140 explorers online now - was as high as 145
(11/18 12:31:20) Patrick Dulebohn: I believe they mean something, but as I've said many time, my grasp of D'ni is quite terrible.
(11/18 12:31:20) Cave woman: I ignore people I encounter in public who wear political clothing whether I agree with their message or disagree. No point to arguing withstrangers let alone friends
(11/18 12:31:21) Ro"Jethhe: if we all sit down the lag wouldn't be as bad
(11/18 12:31:22) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(11/18 12:31:26) Rik: Is this visible from the city?
(11/18 12:31:32) Kelsei A.T.: no, Rik
(11/18 12:31:34) ondine leans right
(11/18 12:31:38) Mirphak leans left
(11/18 12:31:44) Kelsei A.T.: it's obscured by the stalagmites around the harbor
(11/18 12:31:49) Kodak: No, we are on the other side of the King's Arch
(11/18 12:31:51) Kelsei A.T.: also, is very small.
(11/18 12:31:51) Rik: ah
(11/18 12:32:14) Patrick Dulebohn: Yes, this is a tiny island compared to, say, K'veer, so it's hard to spot from Ae'gura.
(11/18 12:32:28) Kelsei A.T.: even K'veer is impossible to see from Ae'gura
(11/18 12:32:32) rarified: Well done Christopher Therburg and Tweek!
(11/18 12:32:44) Zekh Astram: Thank you Guild of Restorers
(11/18 12:32:47) Zekh Astram claps his hands
(11/18 12:32:51) Yahveno claps his hands
(11/18 12:32:52) Patrick Dulebohn: Yes, very well done! A fitting monument to the D'ni lost.
(11/18 12:32:55) Patrick Dulebohn claps his hands
(11/18 12:32:56) TOOO thanks you very much!
(11/18 12:33:00) Runa'mei: a good memorial, indeed.
(11/18 12:33:01) Chogon claps his hands
(11/18 12:33:02) Korora claps his hands
(11/18 12:33:03) Salvo Ludus cheers
(11/18 12:33:05) Isa =^.^= claps her hands
(11/18 12:33:06) CyMa claps his hands
(11/18 12:33:07) Runa'mei sniffs faintly.
(11/18 12:33:11) Salvo Ludus claps his hands
(11/18 12:33:14) FaxPaladin claps his hands
(11/18 12:33:16) TOOO cheers
(11/18 12:33:17) Rik claps his hands
(11/18 12:33:17) Le Cyclope claps his hands
(11/18 12:33:19) Mak Raves: We need a platform with a scope near the Grand Zero Point.
(11/18 12:33:19) Davide claps his hands
(11/18 12:33:21) Shocksound claps his hands
(11/18 12:33:22) Tenderah: Thank you Christopher and Tweek!
(11/18 12:33:22) Sathopper claps his hands
(11/18 12:33:23) Saxy cheers
(11/18 12:33:28) Kelsei A.T. looks to Runa'mei and whispers, 'Are you alright?'
(11/18 12:33:31) Moiram claps his hands
(11/18 12:33:31) ondine leans right
(11/18 12:33:33) Runa'mei nods
(11/18 12:33:35) Rik sneezes
(11/18 12:33:46) Zekh Astram looks at Kelsei
(11/18 12:33:54) TOOO: Hey! This is nothing to sneeze at!
(11/18 12:34:00) Patrick Dulebohn laughs
(11/18 12:34:10) ondine leans left
(11/18 12:34:11) MagicYoda: leanright
(11/18 12:34:11) Korora laughs
(11/18 12:34:14) MagicYoda: leanright
(11/18 12:34:16) MagicYoda: leanright
(11/18 12:34:19) Kelsei A.T. gently takes Runa'mei's left hand with her right and gives it a squeeze
(11/18 12:34:25) MagicYoda leans right
(11/18 12:34:32) Runa'mei smiles, and whispers, 'thanks'
(11/18 12:34:41) LividLiquid: Is the ki slot downstairs being covered up temporary?
(11/18 12:34:50) Rik looks
(11/18 12:34:53) Sestra leans left
(11/18 12:34:53) Kodak: I doubt it
(11/18 12:34:59) Kelsei A.T.: i believe its covered up until the lattice is hooked up to something
(11/18 12:35:11) MagicYoda: afk
(11/18 12:35:12) norm7629: ???
(11/18 12:35:16) Murry: Runa'mei, this must mean a great deal to you.
(11/18 12:35:18) Kelsei A.T.: after the trouble Calum went through with the Messengers Pub podium i dont think anyone wanted to work on it
(11/18 12:35:19) Korov'ev: it's hiding the cookies
(11/18 12:35:21) Korora: Gotta do the Weaving to keep Narayan going.
(11/18 12:35:22) Kodak: Chiso Prinev's links are disconnected from the DRC's network
(11/18 12:35:23) Dni_seeker 5: To D'ni! To The Restoration! To Atrus! To Christopher and Tweek! To the Survivors of Releeshahn! And... to remembering those who died in this moment of tragedy.
(11/18 12:35:24) TOOO: Where's Victor Laxman when you need him?
(11/18 12:35:30) norm7629: I was talking about here
(11/18 12:35:30) MagicYoda: afk
(11/18 12:35:36) Patrick Dulebohn: Yeah, it's currently inactive, much like how the one in the Messengers' Pub was awhile back.
(11/18 12:35:39) Runa'mei: it is... poignant, Murry,
(11/18 12:35:53) Murry: I understand.
(11/18 12:35:55) Kodak: Oh I have been gone a LONG time, that's up and running no?
(11/18 12:36:00) Runa'mei: i think my Grandmother would approve.
(11/18 12:36:01) Kodak: *now
(11/18 12:36:03) Patrick Dulebohn: Hopefully, like the one in the Pub, we can get it fixed someday.
(11/18 12:36:11) Zekh Astram: After all this time, finally some mourning, given form
(11/18 12:36:14) Yahveno: The journal explains the writing on the lamps
(11/18 12:36:17) Murry: Yes, I think she would.
(11/18 12:36:18) Rik: The tour was gonna start a few minutes ago
(11/18 12:36:27) Zekh Astram: It's like validating D'ni 's last moments in history
(11/18 12:36:32) Rik: There's a journal?
(11/18 12:36:35) Runa'mei smiles faintly
(11/18 12:36:42) rarified: It's time for lunch for me. Respect!
(11/18 12:36:44) LividLiquid: There's a journal?>
(11/18 12:36:44) Tenderah: Yahveno, thanks
(11/18 12:36:46) Kelsei A.T.: yes, down by the tent, Zekh
(11/18 12:36:53) Kelsei A.T.: er, Rik
(11/18 12:36:55) rarified waves goodbye
(11/18 12:37:00) Yahveno: Most welcome, Tenderah
(11/18 12:37:01) Kelsei A.T.: later, rarified
(11/18 12:37:14) Saxy: Thanks for all your work, TGMChrist, Doobes, Tweek, and Chogon!
(11/18 12:37:27) mtn'man: Indeed
(11/18 12:37:41) Korora: I'll have to revisit this later. .Shorah
(11/18 12:37:42) Patrick Dulebohn: Well, mostly for the other three. I just provide the library to store things.
(11/18 12:37:45) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(11/18 12:37:48) Keith Lord: Don't mind me, just running around taking some photos to show the rest of the Restoration Guild. They're busy with other projects currently.
(11/18 12:37:56) Kelsei A.T.: shorah, keith
(11/18 12:37:58) Patrick Dulebohn: Plus a bit of consulting here and there.
(11/18 12:37:58) Isa =^.^=: shorah Keith Lord
(11/18 12:38:00) Kelsei A.T.: glad you could make it
(11/18 12:38:03) MarkMeydrech81: hi all, so i must have missed the speech at the beginning. is there any guides who are fgoing to discuss this place soon?
(11/18 12:38:08) Kodak: I look forward to seeing those projects someday
(11/18 12:38:09) Patrick Dulebohn: Hey, there's Keith! Welcome!
(11/18 12:38:14) Zekh Astram: The place speaks for itself
(11/18 12:38:19) Zekh Astram: And it is loud
(11/18 12:38:21) Keith Lord: Heyo Patrick.
(11/18 12:38:22) Kodak: Soon, Mark
(11/18 12:38:40) Makobeats: Sorry, I missed a bit there. What's inactive? The podiums/imagers/something else in the guilds?
(11/18 12:38:50) Kelsei A.T.: the nexus terminal, Makobeats
(11/18 12:38:53) MarkMeydrech81: lol Zekh, i know but some talking will be nice
(11/18 12:38:56) Kelsei A.T.: slot is nonfunctioning
(11/18 12:38:56) Makobeats: Ahhh gotcha, thank you!
(11/18 12:39:00) Kodak: The city's district linking network podiums
(11/18 12:39:28) Minasunda leans left
(11/18 12:39:29) Runa'mei takes a shaky breath
(11/18 12:39:33) Zekh Astram: (I know we have voicechat, that people seem to forget, but it feels appropriate that everyone tries to stay quiet here)
(11/18 12:39:39) Lu* leans right
(11/18 12:39:53) Tenderah: I keep looking for the horn of Jurgen Windcaller on top of that stone
(11/18 12:39:54) Patrick Dulebohn: That said, even if we do fix it, we really need to reprogram the Nexii's main screen to better list future locations and prevent endless scrolling.
(11/18 12:39:58) @r@s: Zekh, I agree
(11/18 12:40:23) TOOO: You mean, like submenus on the Nexus?
(11/18 12:40:39) Korov'ev: definitely not "rifoon"....
(11/18 12:40:59) Patrick Dulebohn: Yep. Also, we still have plans for a second Nexus designated for this restoration's work.
(11/18 12:41:00) Lu* leans right
(11/18 12:41:04) Patrick Dulebohn nods to Keith
(11/18 12:41:21) Thumbs up from TOOO
(11/18 12:41:23) mtn'man: mmmmm
(11/18 12:41:40) Keith Lord: Indeed, which is partly why the KI activation on the Nexus point down stairs hasn't been connected yet.
(11/18 12:41:40) darkwingduck leans left
(11/18 12:41:40) Patrick Dulebohn: This is mostly just to keep things better organized for you all. Hopefully.
(11/18 12:41:42) Lu* leans right
(11/18 12:41:42) Patrick Dulebohn smiles
(11/18 12:41:48) Tenderah searches for J'mee
(11/18 12:41:57) TOOO: now, we just have to wait for Descent to be completed
(11/18 12:42:10) Kelsei A.T.: shorah, brian,
(11/18 12:42:11) Babbeltje.40 leans right
[Runa'mei links out due to emotional high, during such, her KI crashed and required a reboot.]
Calum Traveler - KI# 34810
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Re: 11/18/23 Fall of D'ni Memorial Island, Pre Release and Post Release Chatlogs.

Post by Traveler263 »

(11/18 12:44:51) Chat.log started...
(11/18 12:45:13) Murry: Bye Kelsei.
(11/18 12:45:14) LividLiquid: Tke look in the distance.
(11/18 12:45:15) Kelsei A.T.: a small island on the lake
(11/18 12:45:17) Kelsei A.T.: later murry
(11/18 12:45:24) LividLiquid: You'll know where immediately
(11/18 12:45:26) [ Auto Shout Enabled ]
(11/18 12:45:35) laughingpineapple: bye everyone. I'm glad this place exists.
(11/18 12:45:53) mtn'man: Bahn'tefoonet
(11/18 12:45:57) Brian Fioca: Oh for a second I thought we were at the Arch
(11/18 12:45:58) Runa'mei: \
(11/18 12:46:08) Zekh Astram: No the arch is visible from the island's docks
(11/18 12:46:09) Christopher Therburg: Here we have the main memorial courtyard with the memorial itself.
(11/18 12:46:09) Brian Fioca: Apologies, I'm new here :)
(11/18 12:46:10) LividLiquid: We cn see it from here.
(11/18 12:46:19) Patrick Dulebohn: Nope...but there's certainly a nice view of Ae'gura from here!
(11/18 12:46:28) D'eux: Incredible piece of work.
(11/18 12:46:33) Kelsei A.T. looks to Runa'mei and whispers a welcome back
(11/18 12:46:36) D'eux points
(11/18 12:46:39) Runa'mei smiles and nods
(11/18 12:46:39) Rock Ardemar: amazing
(11/18 12:46:41) EMM: Got booted. I miss the tour?
(11/18 12:47:00) Kodak: Just started!
(11/18 12:47:05) Christopher Therburg: During the clean up of the island I found some remants of a fountain at the courtyard.
(11/18 12:47:07) EMM cheers
(11/18 12:47:15) Shocksound: im going to head out before i crash, been nice seeing this place so packed
(11/18 12:47:16) @r@s: That really is a nice sculpture.
(11/18 12:47:17) Saxy laughs
(11/18 12:47:19) Zekh Astram: Imma check the view once again, it's truly pretty
(11/18 12:47:22) Brian Fioca points
(11/18 12:47:27) PodHopper: no tour, but you did miss the introduction speech
(11/18 12:48:01) Keith Lord: Yeah I love the design TGM came up with for the memorial sculpture.
(11/18 12:48:13) Keith Lord: Its one of the reasons I offered to help with restoring the island
(11/18 12:48:16) Babbeltje.40 leans right
(11/18 12:48:22) Kelsei A.T.: its a very good design,
(11/18 12:48:27) Salvo Ludus: You missed the part where we all sang a song
(11/18 12:48:49) TOOO: And then atre pizza!
(11/18 12:48:56) Babbeltje.40: is there an choir here
(11/18 12:49:03) Prad: song song song sing sing sing sing song... good morning starshine...
(11/18 12:49:20) Patrick Dulebohn: Wait, there was pizza? I know I was cutting things a bit close with my arrival, but nobody saved me a slice?
(11/18 12:49:28) Kelsei A.T.: i did not see pizza
(11/18 12:49:38) Prad: delivered by Hiro the pizza boy
(11/18 12:49:42) Kelsei A.T.: though now that you mention it i could go for some...
(11/18 12:49:43) D'eux: Got booted... what did I miss?
(11/18 12:49:46) MarkMeydrech81: missed pizza? darn
(11/18 12:49:47) Dni_seeker 5: I don't remember any pizza. I think these are more like SALAD days.
(11/18 12:49:49) PodHopper: Pizza at the Plaza!
(11/18 12:49:51) Salvo Ludus: It had pinapple. It was an abomination!
(11/18 12:49:55) TOOO: *Rimshot!*
(11/18 12:49:58) Kelsei A.T.: dinner, runa?
(11/18 12:50:06) Runa'mei nods, not really saying anything
(11/18 12:50:09) D'eux is checking something out
(11/18 12:50:12) Babbeltje.40: its oke, i am going see you next in karaoke:)
(11/18 12:50:25) Christopher Therburg: Okay anyway.
(11/18 12:50:27) Mak Raves: I love pinapple on pizza, too. Very much.
(11/18 12:50:27) Kelsei A.T.: later, babbel
(11/18 12:50:33) Isa =^.^=: me too Mak
(11/18 12:50:36) TOOO swims through the lag
(11/18 12:50:36) D'eux bows
(11/18 12:50:45) Christopher Therburg: Again, During the clean up of the island I found some remants of a fountain at the courtyard. But it was so severely damaged during the Fall that a rebuild of it was very impossible.
(11/18 12:50:53) Mak Raves: Especially Diablo Pizza with pineapple.
(11/18 12:50:56) TOOO: Aww
(11/18 12:50:56) MarkMeydrech81: the Rock eats pinapple pizza
(11/18 12:51:00) Christopher Therburg: Through the fragments I can still see that the fountain had the same architecture as the fountains in the garden ages of Eder Kemo, Eder Tsogahl and Eder Delin.
(11/18 12:51:15) Mak Raves: hot and sweet, the perfect combination on Pizza
(11/18 12:51:17) Dni_seeker 5: Indeed -- pineapple on pizza was an invention of the Devil.
(11/18 12:51:24) LINDOR bows
(11/18 12:51:37) Keith Lord likes pineapple on pizza
(11/18 12:51:58) TOOO: I'm sure that explains something
(11/18 12:52:03) Keith Lord: :P
(11/18 12:52:12) TOOO: Lol
(11/18 12:52:15) MarkMeydrech81: lol I remember having it young, it wasnt so bad when you had a taste for sweet thngs like ham
(11/18 12:52:32) K'laamas: I confirm the accuracy of the D'ni writing on the Memorial ;)
(11/18 12:52:35) gabby: sit
(11/18 12:52:37) Rock Ardemar: excellent work
(11/18 12:52:41) Keith Lord: Better than pinecones on pizza at any rate.
(11/18 12:52:42) Rock Ardemar: congrats
(11/18 12:53:03) MarkMeydrech81: what does the D'ni letters say, my D'ni is a bit rusty
(11/18 12:53:09) Christopher Therburg: I started with the memorial in 2019 and finished it in 2021.
(11/18 12:53:22) TOOO claps his hands
(11/18 12:53:34) gabby: sit
(11/18 12:53:37) Rock Ardemar claps his hands
(11/18 12:53:41) D'eux: I'm sure the D'ni would be honoured to see so many gathered here
(11/18 12:53:50) TOOO: Gabby, try Ctrl+7
(11/18 12:54:00) Christopher Therburg: Yup, they would be.
(11/18 12:54:02) Doobes: Whew. Sorry for Patrick's abrupt departure. Now I'm back and "off-duty" now. :D
(11/18 12:54:09) Dni_seeker 5: PINECONES! Putting pineapple on pizza is demonic, but PINECONES? That is a MORTAL SIN!
(11/18 12:54:12) TOOO: Shorah Doobes
(11/18 12:54:28) gabby kneels down...
(11/18 12:54:32) Kelsei A.T.: sometimes you just need to change your KI
(11/18 12:54:45) TOOO: Pinecones on pizza: the Eighth deadly sin!
(11/18 12:54:48) Rock Ardemar: hehe :) Welcome Doobes
(11/18 12:54:57) Doobes: Heh, indeed. Luckily, I've hoarded several KIs. :P
(11/18 12:54:58) bunny: Its good to see so many people here
(11/18 12:55:09) D'eux: Thank you Christopher and Keith for your incredible work.
(11/18 12:55:13) D'eux thanks you very much!
(11/18 12:55:25) Keith Lord: Thanks D'eux.
(11/18 12:55:33) Ahno: what about ground-apples (fr. pommes de terre) pizza ... :P
(11/18 12:55:33) Doobes: Definitely an amazing collaboration. Things came together quite nicely!
(11/18 12:55:41) D'eux nods his head
(11/18 12:55:47) iBear: Christopher, thank you so much for all your hard work; and Keith too! This place looks amazing. If you can, please tell us more about it.
(11/18 12:55:59) Ereshkigal: Ha, nice
(11/18 12:56:05) Rock Ardemar: Stunning
(11/18 12:56:07) K'laamas: Ahno> Right to jail
(11/18 12:56:12) Doobes: Alright. Don't want to press my luck and figure I'll let someone else enjoy the bandwidth. Take care, everyone!
[Runa'mei's KI crashes again, necessitating another restart.]
Calum Traveler - KI# 34810
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Re: 11/18/23 Fall of D'ni Memorial Island, Pre Release and Post Release Chatlogs.

Post by Traveler263 »

(11/18 12:57:45) Chat.log started...
(11/18 12:58:25) Runa'mei takes a shaky breath
(11/18 12:58:53) Kelsei A.T.: 07
(11/18 12:58:57) Kodak: Thank you very much, Christopher! This is beautiful
(11/18 12:59:16) Ereshkigal: This place should have some cupboard to take off shoes before going up, like at a temple or a Buddhist shrine
(11/18 12:59:27) Prad: the stonehenge of the Fall...
(11/18 12:59:30) Ereshkigal: This is an amazing place guy!s
(11/18 12:59:31) TOOO: i'd appreciate some news on the bahro War (although it's probably over by now)
(11/18 12:59:41) Zekh Astram: The dust of the cave keept it dirty, it has no roof
(11/18 13:00:21) Christopher Therburg: So, are we ready for the silent minute?
(11/18 13:00:30) Kodak: I am, yes
(11/18 13:00:32) Thumbs up from Salvo Ludus
(11/18 13:00:35) LividLiquid: Yes.
(11/18 13:00:36) Rock Ardemar: of course
(11/18 13:00:37) D'eux nods his head
(11/18 13:00:40) TOOO nods his head
(11/18 13:00:40) Emrai: Yes
(11/18 13:00:42) Zekh Astram: Ah.. sure why not
(11/18 13:00:42) bunny kneels down...
(11/18 13:00:49) Zekh Astram kneels down...
(11/18 13:00:49) EMM kneels down...
(11/18 13:00:55) Salvo Ludus kneels down...
(11/18 13:00:55) Ankh-Ryo kneels down...
(11/18 13:00:55) Prad kneels down...
(11/18 13:01:00) K'laamas kneels down...
(11/18 13:01:02) James99 kneels down...
(11/18 13:01:03) TOOO kneels down...
(11/18 13:01:06) D'eux kneels down...
(11/18 13:01:07) Ankh-Ryo kneels down...
(11/18 13:01:09) Mirphak kneel
(11/18 13:01:19) Mirphak kneels down...
(11/18 13:01:21) Emrai kneels down...
(11/18 13:01:21) TOOO: Try /kneel
(11/18 13:01:26) bunny kneels down...
(11/18 13:01:28) James99 kneels down...
(11/18 13:01:33) A'lyssa kneels down...
(11/18 13:01:35) Ankh-Ryo: kneel
(11/18 13:01:37) Ereshkigal kneels down...
(11/18 13:01:39) bunny: I just get right back up :(
(11/18 13:01:48) EMM kneels down...
(11/18 13:01:50) TOOO: Ow! my knee!
(11/18 13:01:53) D'eux: Best to sit maybe
(11/18 13:01:59) bunny: Sit is better yeah
(11/18 13:02:01) Prad kniet runter...
(11/18 13:02:05) K'laamas kneels down...
(11/18 13:02:27) Ereshkigal kneels down...
(11/18 13:02:41) GooberChilla kneels down...
(11/18 13:02:45) Christopher Therburg: We hope the fallen D'ni will find their peace.
(11/18 13:02:53) D'eux nods his head
(11/18 13:02:57) Runa'mei nods
(11/18 13:03:15) Kodak: We can only hope.
(11/18 13:03:34) K'laamas: .prad kotsahveet. prad edereet .yahvo pilelen yeret veelayot
(11/18 13:04:04) Salvo Ludus kneels down...
(11/18 13:04:13) K'laamas: "In rock they lived, in rock they rest. May Yahvo receive their souls."
(11/18 13:04:21) Christopher Therburg: So, I want to thank anyone for being there at this beautiful, memorable place.
(11/18 13:04:30) bunny claps her hands
(11/18 13:04:35) D'eux nods his head
(11/18 13:04:38) Kodak: Thank you for restoring it!
(11/18 13:04:38) TOOO claps his hands
(11/18 13:04:39) Ereshkigal claps her hands
(11/18 13:04:42) Rock Ardemar claps his hands
(11/18 13:04:43) D'eux claps his hands
(11/18 13:04:43) Kodak claps his hands
(11/18 13:04:49) DanTheMystFan claps his hands
(11/18 13:04:49) Ereshkigal sheds tear
(11/18 13:04:51) D'eux claps his hands
(11/18 13:04:52) Rock Ardemar: Thank you Christopher !!
(11/18 13:04:55) Christopher Therburg: I'm happy that this place is finally open.
(11/18 13:04:55) <sniffle> D'eux is sad
(11/18 13:04:56) Salvo Ludus claps his hands
(11/18 13:04:57) A'lyssa claps her hands
(11/18 13:05:10) GooberChilla: me nod her head
(11/18 13:05:21) Salvo Ludus: Amazing place. Great job!
(11/18 13:05:27) Runa'mei: i appreciate it, Christopher Therburg. thank you.
(11/18 13:05:31) Christopher Therburg: But now I need a deserve break.
(11/18 13:05:37) D'eux claps his hands
(11/18 13:05:40) GooberChilla nods her head
(11/18 13:05:47) Runa'mei: me too. i think
(11/18 13:05:51) James99 claps his hands
(11/18 13:05:51) Creekwriter kneels down...
(11/18 13:05:52) Runa'mei: dinner sounds... good, kels.
(11/18 13:05:56) D'eux waves goodbye
(11/18 13:06:04) Kelsei A.T.: alright, we'll go get some pizza. :)
(11/18 13:06:07) Creekwriter: 7
(11/18 13:06:08) TOOO waves goodbye
(11/18 13:06:14) Kelsei A.T.: take care, everyone
(11/18 13:06:15) Prad: still have to send in uru karaoke card
(11/18 13:06:16) Kelsei A.T.: have a good day
(11/18 13:06:20) Kelsei A.T. waves goodbye
(11/18 13:06:22) TheScar: .shorah :)
(11/18 13:06:23) Prad: before story night europe begins
(11/18 13:06:57) Christopher Therburg: I still have an age to restore that I found a few months ago. But break first.
[Runa'mei shares her Relto with Kelsei, and both leave]
Calum Traveler - KI# 34810
-Traveler's Cavern Log-
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