(11/08 10:57:58) Runa'mei waves hello
(11/08 10:58:01) IwonK: shorah

(11/08 10:58:13) Runa'mei: i was just coming up to check on the fissure,
(11/08 10:58:26) Runa'mei: calum sent me word the work crew pulled the barricades
(11/08 10:58:53) Runa'mei is checking something out
(11/08 10:59:14) IwonK: &#%^&& I forgot how to jump

(11/08 10:59:15) Runa'mei: seems the vines on the clifftops have very grown out since the last time i was up here
(11/08 11:00:27) IwonK: woohooo! get your swim suit, Runa

(11/08 11:00:29) IwonK: weeeeeeeeeeee
(11/08 11:00:47) Runa'mei:

(11/08 11:01:12) Runa'mei: im not seeing any smoke from the fissure, and i'm not hearing any loud noises.
(11/08 11:01:38) IwonK: I'll get to the... bottom of it in a while

(11/08 11:01:48) Runa'mei looks around for a bit
(11/08 11:01:57) Runa'mei: it is quite deep looking
(11/08 11:02:25) Runa'mei: i can see why Calum was concerned.
(11/08 11:02:45) Runa'mei: oh, Chezahcen, how large is this thing?
(11/08 11:03:05) IwonK: why don't you take a look?

(11/08 11:03:06) Runa'mei: !!
(11/08 11:03:10) Runa'mei: well, i will be
(11/08 11:03:16) Runa'mei: i just sliped a bit down the side.
(11/08 11:03:27) IwonK: keep slippin

(11/08 11:04:26) IwonK: a word of advice, do not swim under the warning sign in the pipe
(11/08 11:04:36) Runa'mei: i will keep that in mind
(11/08 11:05:05) Runa'mei: my word, this fissure is massive...
(11/08 11:05:13) IwonK: keep slippin

(11/08 11:05:38) Runa'mei: slowly making my way down
(11/08 11:06:11) Runa'mei: oh
(11/08 11:06:12) Runa'mei: what
(11/08 11:06:15) Runa'mei: what in the-
(11/08 11:06:52) Runa'mei: that.
(11/08 11:07:06) Runa'mei: iwonk.
(11/08 11:07:11) IwonK: that's my name

(11/08 11:07:11) Runa'mei: i dont mean to alarm you
(11/08 11:07:19) Runa'mei: but there seems to be a very large nest of creatures down here
(11/08 11:07:27) IwonK: yep

(11/08 11:07:37) IwonK: cute, aren't they?

(11/08 11:07:48) Runa'mei: cute is one word, I suppose.
(11/08 11:08:01) IwonK: super cute is two

(11/08 11:08:37) Runa'mei: they seem to be giving an agitation response, i dont want to alarm them too much by staying in here for long
(11/08 11:08:52) IwonK: they like cookies, I think

(11/08 11:09:07) IwonK: they are sweet so they like sweet things

(11/08 11:09:25) Runa'mei kneels and leaves a small offering of snack bars...
(11/08 11:09:32) Runa'mei: i mean you no harm, strange ones.
(11/08 11:10:08) Runa'mei: i will be back in a moment, iwonk.
(11/08 11:10:16) Runa'mei: i see no exit except by my Relto.
(11/08 11:10:21) IwonK: yep
(11/08 11:11:35) Runa'mei: I... oh, that's interesting.
(11/08 11:11:57) Runa'mei: oh! calum put up the fountain decorations
(11/08 11:12:15) IwonK: already?

(11/08 11:12:31) IwonK: I guess it's Christmas time in here

(11/08 11:12:49) Runa'mei hums along with the crystals for a few cycles...
(11/08 11:16:37) Runa'mei lights a fire
(11/08 11:21:23) Runa'mei: this is very relaxing
(11/08 11:21:51) IwonK: just like those buddies down here

(11/08 11:22:56) Runa'mei:

(11/08 11:23:12) Runa'mei: well, as long as they stay in their nest and tolerate those who venture down there peacefully,
(11/08 11:23:31) IwonK: always have some cookies on ya and you will be fine

(11/08 11:25:05) IwonK: nice beat guys!
(11/08 11:25:50) Runa'mei: another statue of Chezahcen,
(11/08 11:26:05) Runa'mei kneels down...
(11/08 11:26:11) IwonK: Marble Goddess, yeah

(11/08 11:27:58) IwonK: ok, little ones, wonky auntie has to relto out

(11/08 11:30:49) Cody Herd: heyo
(11/08 11:31:18) Runa'mei: hello, Cody
(11/08 11:36:58) Runa'mei settles and writes in her journal
(11/08 11:46:51) Runa'mei: i think i will wander the cavern for a time,
(11/08 11:46:56) Runa'mei: see you at the Messengers Pub
(11/08 11:47:02) IwonK: there is a lot to be seen ::)
(11/08 11:47:04) IwonK: