10/25/23 - Naybree Survey Chat. (Calum, Runa'mei, Robert, Cpt.Jericho, NoMore)

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10/25/23 - Naybree Survey Chat. (Calum, Runa'mei, Robert, Cpt.Jericho, NoMore)

Post by Traveler263 »

[Robert Murry and Runa'mei link into Eder Naybree within moments of eachother. Calum is already present, supervising survey equipment near the link in point.]
(10/25 12:22:54) Robert Murry waves hello
(10/25 12:23:00) Runa'mei: sorry, Calum, my KI shut down unexpected- Oh, Hello Robert
(10/25 12:23:06) Robert Murry: Shorah Runa'ei
(10/25 12:23:41) Calum Traveler: its fine, runa,
(10/25 12:23:42) Robert Murry: What brings you two here?
(10/25 12:23:47) Calum Traveler: survey work
(10/25 12:23:55) Runa'mei: idle wandering
(10/25 12:24:08) Runa'mei: thought I'd give Calum some company while he works.
(10/25 12:24:23) Robert Murry: Ah, I just finished a bunch of that in Descent for Doobes.
(10/25 12:24:25) Runa'mei: it's been a pleasant morning,
(10/25 12:25:03) Calum Traveler: mhm, descent work eh?
(10/25 12:25:08) Robert Murry: I thought I would come here for a little relaxation.
(10/25 12:25:17) Calum Traveler: always a good place for that
(10/25 12:25:24) Runa'mei nods her head
(10/25 12:25:38) Calum Traveler: quaking is simmering down for sure,
(10/25 12:25:50) Calum Traveler: i think the cliffs will be safe to open in a couple of weeks
(10/25 12:26:01) Calum Traveler: ill get some folks in to help clear out the debris in the channel, i think.
(10/25 12:26:15) Robert Murry: Murry and I have discovered a great deal in our research. Lots of new rocks and minerals.
(10/25 12:26:30) Runa'mei: wouldn't they be old rocks?
(10/25 12:26:41) Calum Traveler blinks
(10/25 12:26:48) Runa'mei smiles
(10/25 12:27:16) Robert Murry: Was that a joke coming from you? Calum and Kelsei must be rubbing off on you. :)
(10/25 12:27:22) Runa'mei: it was! and she is.
(10/25 12:27:41) Robert Murry: Ha ha. That's good.
(10/25 12:27:50) Runa'mei smiles awkwardly
(10/25 12:27:53) Runa'mei: was it a good joke?
(10/25 12:28:08) Robert Murry: Yes it was.
(10/25 12:28:19) Calum Traveler: love me a good joke
(10/25 12:28:30) Calum Traveler: and it was XD
(10/25 12:28:46) Runa'mei nods, and mumbles a 'thanks'
(10/25 12:28:59) Robert Murry: So, I hear the tremors are subsiding here.
(10/25 12:29:05) Calum Traveler: yep.
(10/25 12:29:15) Calum Traveler: just running through a confirmation pass
(10/25 12:29:24) Robert Murry: Anymore signs of our trespassers?
(10/25 12:29:28) Calum Traveler: not sure why there's still smoke in the air from the crater, or what the noises are
(10/25 12:29:37) Calum Traveler: the shaking has gone weirdly silent
(10/25 12:29:48) Calum Traveler: not from me, no
(10/25 12:29:52) Runa'mei shakes her head
(10/25 12:30:01) Runa'mei: months of searching, and nothing to show for it.
(10/25 12:30:53) Runa'mei: i think they've gone underground in a private age
(10/25 12:31:06) Robert Murry: Sorry I haven't been around much to help. It's been a busy few months of exploring and surveying.
(10/25 12:31:30) Calum Traveler: its fine, rob
(10/25 12:32:02) Calum Traveler: ive been doing much little about nothing given surface work
(10/25 12:32:13) Calum Traveler: what was that phrase you said earlier, runa?
(10/25 12:32:19) Robert Murry nods his head
[Cpt.Jericho links in]
(10/25 12:32:34) Runa'mei: Kada Lufrith, Dried out by the Daily Grind.
(10/25 12:32:39) Cpt.Jericho waves hello
(10/25 12:32:41) Runa'mei: shorah, Captain
(10/25 12:32:43) Calum Traveler: shorah cpt
(10/25 12:32:45) Robert Murry waves hello
(10/25 12:32:50) Cpt.Jericho: Hi all
(10/25 12:32:58) Robert Murry: Shorah Captain
(10/25 12:33:40) Cpt.Jericho: Still earthquakes here?
(10/25 12:33:44) Calum Traveler: but yeah that, Runa', that's definitely how ive been feeling lately. too much surface responsibilities to juggle.
(10/25 12:33:47) Calum Traveler: no, technically
(10/25 12:33:58) Calum Traveler: the seismic sensors are showing little activity
(10/25 12:34:03) Calum Traveler: dont know what the smoke and noises are.
(10/25 12:34:08) Calum Traveler: hold on, KI message...
(10/25 12:34:52) Runa'mei: maybe once you open things up, I could go down there and look, Calum?
(10/25 12:35:03) Calum Traveler: mmrh.
(10/25 12:35:20) Robert Murry: I could help as well.
(10/25 12:35:22) Calum Traveler: not sure that's safe, even with the quaking stopping.
(10/25 12:35:32) Calum Traveler: i don't know if there's a bottom to that fissure.
(10/25 12:35:50) Cpt.Jericho: There's only one way to find out
(10/25 12:35:54) Runa'mei: can't be worse than some of the pits in Rei'schu I've climbed through.
(10/25 12:36:25) Calum Traveler: tell you what, I'll let you have first dibs at it when we pull the barricades down, Runa',
(10/25 12:36:41) Calum Traveler: just keep your Relto on hand.
(10/25 12:36:46) Runa'mei nods
(10/25 12:37:02) Runa'mei: I'll do such,
(10/25 12:37:28) Runa'mei: I can't imagine there'll be anything dangerous beyond rocks and a few small insects.
(10/25 12:37:49) Runa'mei: Naybree doesn't seem to have much in the way of oversized wildlife. It's refreshing, in a way.
(10/25 12:38:14) Cpt.Jericho: With the right poison a bug can kill you
(10/25 12:38:19) Calum Traveler: true
(10/25 12:38:55) Runa'mei confers her translation necklace, not quite sure that came through right...
(10/25 12:39:14) Runa'mei: ...why would you want to eat an insect?
(10/25 12:39:41) Cpt.Jericho: I mean, the insect may sting you.
(10/25 12:39:49) Runa'mei: oh! venom!
(10/25 12:40:07) Runa'mei: yes, that's true. a sting or a bite can be quite deadly.
(10/25 12:40:43) Calum Traveler: still, you'd be surprised. some cultures here do eat insects as a source of protein.
(10/25 12:40:52) Calum Traveler: though, they avoid the poisonous ones, usually.
(10/25 12:41:04) Cpt.Jericho: Uhm
(10/25 12:41:06) Calum Traveler mumbles something about people breeding deadly spice peppers
(10/25 12:41:24) Cpt.Jericho: I know of tribes that eat giant spiders
(10/25 12:41:33) Robert Murry: I've seen afew like that in south American Jungles that were quite deadly.
(10/25 12:41:33) Runa'mei: really? fascinating.
(10/25 12:41:51) Runa'mei: we generally try to leave the arachnids alone in that regard.
(10/25 12:42:01) Cpt.Jericho: Yeah, me too
(10/25 12:42:33) Cpt.Jericho: Rule of thumb: If it has more than four legs, don't eat it
(10/25 12:43:21) Runa'mei: i'll keep that in mind for Earth cuisine.
(10/25 12:43:36) Runa'mei: atleast, for the non seafood types.
(10/25 12:43:59) Cpt.Jericho: Meh, crustacean are the insects of the sea
(10/25 12:44:04) Calum Traveler: meanwhile i avoid some seafood types for allergy reasons.
(10/25 12:44:11) Calum Traveler shrugs
(10/25 12:44:46) Cpt.Jericho: Anyway, nothing beats an honest steak.
(10/25 12:45:12) Calum Traveler: prefer me chicken or pork, never could handle the taste of beef well.
(10/25 12:45:56) Robert Murry: The Crabs in Rei'schu can feed a whole village.
(10/25 12:46:02) Runa'mei: oh, speaking of chickens, i've heard that they've been having success in establishing new chicken colonies back on Rei'schu, raised from hatchlings.
(10/25 12:46:21) Calum Traveler: that's good to hear.
(10/25 12:46:36) Cpt.Jericho: Yeah, let the chicken eat the bugs
(10/25 12:46:43) Robert Murry: We'll have to send some chiken recipes for them to try out.
(10/25 12:46:50) Runa'mei: ill probably go visit again sometime soon. i want to see the hatchlings! they sound adorable.
(10/25 12:47:25) Cpt.Jericho: They are yellow, fluffy and cheep a lot
(10/25 12:47:35) Calum Traveler nods his head
(10/25 12:47:41) Calum Traveler: fluffy and fluffy
(10/25 12:47:54) Runa'mei smiles
(10/25 12:50:21) Calum Traveler: speaking of fluffy, i think i ought to start packing up the equipment.
(10/25 12:50:37) Robert Murry: Need some help?
(10/25 12:50:41) Calum Traveler: maybe get something to snack on before the town hall...
(10/25 12:50:47) Calum Traveler: sure,
(10/25 12:50:59) Cpt.Jericho: What kind of equipment do you have that it comes in mind when you think about "fluffy"?
(10/25 12:51:07) Calum Traveler: the foam packaging
(10/25 12:51:19) Calum Traveler holds up a foam insert for cradling a sensor
(10/25 12:51:26) Runa'mei starts to laugh
(10/25 12:51:31) Cpt.Jericho: I see...
(10/25 12:51:40) Calum Traveler: idk, my brain is weird somedays
(10/25 12:51:47) Calum Traveler: always has, always will,
(10/25 12:51:56) Robert Murry: Somedays?
(10/25 12:52:01) Robert Murry: Heh.
(10/25 12:52:06) Calum Traveler: rob, would you hand me that telescope?
(10/25 12:52:07) Cpt.Jericho: Not weirder than mine, believe me...
(10/25 12:52:16) Robert Murry: Sure.
(10/25 12:52:40) Calum Traveler prepares a box, and shuffles the equipment inside
(10/25 12:52:41) Cpt.Jericho: Or is mine rather twisted than weird??
(10/25 12:52:47) Cpt.Jericho shrugs
(10/25 12:53:16) Calum Traveler: i think its a matter of semantics
(10/25 12:53:31) Calum Traveler: somedays id describe my mind more as fractured than twisted or warped or weird...
(10/25 12:53:39) Calum Traveler looks around, frowning
(10/25 12:53:39) Robert Murry: Have they started importing the pigs to Rei'schu yet?
(10/25 12:53:46) Calum Traveler: now where did I put that sensor?
(10/25 12:53:55) Robert Murry: To your left.
(10/25 12:53:57) Runa'mei: I don't know. I haven't asked.
(10/25 12:54:01) Calum Traveler snags the sensor.
(10/25 12:54:02) Calum Traveler: thanks,
(10/25 12:54:12) Calum Traveler frowns, inspecting the device for a moment
(10/25 12:54:22) Calum Traveler: ...weird, this was one of my clifftop sensors. whats it doing down here?
(10/25 12:54:34) Cpt.Jericho: Be careful with the pigs.
(10/25 12:54:36) Calum Traveler shrugs and packs it away
(10/25 12:54:52) Cpt.Jericho: If they get away and turn feral they can become a problem
(10/25 12:55:13) Runa'mei: I've been doing my research on it when I've been staying with Kelsei,
(10/25 12:55:33) Robert Murry: Nothing Runa'mei couldn't handle.
(10/25 12:55:37) Runa'mei: They'd fit in right at home if they got loose...
(10/25 12:55:40) Runa'mei frowns
(10/25 12:55:44) Runa'mei: yes, I suppose so.
(10/25 12:55:58) Calum Traveler counts equipment...
(10/25 12:56:06) Cpt.Jericho: Well, it's your ecosystem
(10/25 12:56:06) Calum Traveler: okay, no, I'm short a sensor.
(10/25 12:56:23) Calum Traveler: scuse me a min. im gonna look for it
(10/25 12:56:34) Calum Traveler checks the bushes
(10/25 12:56:57) Calum Traveler kneels down...
(10/25 12:56:59) Cpt.Jericho: What does it look like?
(10/25 12:57:12) Calum Traveler: sorta like a maintainer marker top
(10/25 12:57:18) Calum Traveler: but surface made
(10/25 12:57:24) Cpt.Jericho: Ok
(10/25 12:57:29) Calum Traveler: yknow. black plastic, blinking lights
(10/25 12:57:42) Calum Traveler kneels down...
(10/25 12:57:51) Calum Traveler is a bit puzzled...
(10/25 12:57:54) Robert Murry: Nothing over here.
(10/25 12:58:01) Calum Traveler: swear I had it...
(10/25 12:58:12) Calum Traveler: maybe I...?
[Calum wanders off further into Naybree, searching near the bridge.]
(10/25 12:58:31) Calum Traveler is checking something out
(10/25 12:58:40) Runa'mei: maybe a Bird took it?
(10/25 12:58:48) Cpt.Jericho: Have you searched your pockets?
(10/25 12:58:49) Calum Traveler: well I hope not
(10/25 12:59:00) Calum Traveler checks pockets... only finding feathers and lint
(10/25 12:59:08) Cpt.Jericho: Was worth a try
(10/25 12:59:10) Robert Murry searches behind some boulders.
(10/25 12:59:11) Calum Traveler: hrm
(10/25 12:59:22) Calum Traveler: maybe I brought one over...?
[Calum wanders into the back half of the garden, searching around the second rest gazebo]
(10/25 12:59:44) Runa'mei looks to Robert and shrugs
(10/25 12:59:58) Robert Murry shakes his head
(10/25 13:00:14) Runa'mei: I'd wager a bird took it when none of us were looking.
(10/25 13:00:35) Calum Traveler looks around for a bit
(10/25 13:00:45) Cpt.Jericho: Haven't seen any birds around here
(10/25 13:00:51) Runa'mei points up
(10/25 13:00:57) Runa'mei: they circle overhead,
(10/25 13:01:02) Cpt.Jericho: Oh, that one?
(10/25 13:01:27) Robert Murry: If a bird did, it could be up on the cliffs.
(10/25 13:01:30) Runa'mei: there's at least four I've spotted so far
(10/25 13:01:39) Calum Traveler: that'd explain how one of my clifftop sensors got down here
(10/25 13:02:03) Calum Traveler: ill just write it off for now and go up and check later.
(10/25 13:02:22) Runa'mei: do you think i should name them?
(10/25 13:02:26) Calum Traveler: the birds?
(10/25 13:02:29) Runa'mei: yes
(10/25 13:02:49) Calum Traveler: as long as you don't feed them knock yourself out.
(10/25 13:02:52) Calum Traveler: ah
(10/25 13:02:55) Calum Traveler: that's a saying.
(10/25 13:02:59) Runa'mei nods her head
(10/25 13:03:13) Runa'mei: i think I shall, then!
(10/25 13:03:57) Calum Traveler: aight...
(10/25 13:04:04) Robert Murry: How about Moe, Larry, Curly and Shemp. :)
(10/25 13:04:09) Calum Traveler finishes putting stuff back into the boxes...
(10/25 13:04:32) Runa'mei: hmm... I was thinking more giving them something in my native tongue.
(10/25 13:04:47) Cpt.Jericho: Who's Shemp?
(10/25 13:05:00) Cpt.Jericho: The 4th Stoogee?
(10/25 13:05:07) Robert Murry: Yes.
(10/25 13:05:43) Cpt.Jericho: Then I say we name them Chico, Harpro Groucho and Zeppo :P
(10/25 13:05:56) Robert Murry laughs
(10/25 13:05:56) Runa'mei: im unfamiliar with any of these names.
(10/25 13:06:24) Robert Murry: They're comedy teams from films.
(10/25 13:06:49) Runa'mei: ...ah.
(10/25 13:06:51) Cpt.Jericho: Yeah, and so far I was only aware of three Stooges
(10/25 13:07:02) Runa'mei: are they new?
(10/25 13:07:51) Cpt.Jericho: I think they are all dead.
(10/25 13:08:54) Runa'mei: ...okay. old then. very old
(10/25 13:09:05) Runa'mei: as old as those rocks of yours, I'd wager, Robert.
(10/25 13:09:11) Robert Murry: Shemp took over for Curly when Curly became ill.
(10/25 13:09:41) Robert Murry thinks for a bit.
(10/25 13:09:50) Calum Traveler chuckles at Runa'mei's joke
(10/25 13:09:51) Robert Murry: I'm getting old.
(10/25 13:10:01) Cpt.Jericho: Ah, so he was the second third Stoogee
(10/25 13:11:13) Cpt.Jericho: Anyway they are older than Rock'n'Roll
(10/25 13:11:25) Runa'mei leans right
(10/25 13:11:32) Robert Murry leans left
(10/25 13:11:34) Runa'mei gives Robert a hug
(10/25 13:11:47) Runa'mei: dont worry about age, time marches on for all of us.
(10/25 13:11:58) Robert Murry: So true.
(10/25 13:12:24) Calum Traveler: you say that meanwhile someone casually asks about the Riven Lyst and I feel like I've aged a thousand years.
(10/25 13:12:25) Cpt.Jericho: Age is like falling: It's not the falling that should be feared but the impact
(10/25 13:12:33) Runa'mei: what's the Riven Lyst?
(10/25 13:12:37) Calum Traveler: ...
(10/25 13:12:44) Calum Traveler: ouch
(10/25 13:12:47) Calum Traveler: very ouch
(10/25 13:12:59) Robert Murry: Ah boy.
(10/25 13:13:00) Runa'mei: sorry
(10/25 13:13:13) Calum Traveler: youre fine. just... me.
(10/25 13:13:17) Calum Traveler: my brain
[NoMore links in]
(10/25 13:13:59) Calum Traveler: shorah, nomore
(10/25 13:14:02) Runa'mei: hello,
(10/25 13:14:07) Runa'mei waves hello
(10/25 13:14:07) Cpt.Jericho: Hello
(10/25 13:14:13) Robert Murry: Shorah NoMore :)
(10/25 13:14:15) NoMore: shorah
(10/25 13:14:25) Calum Traveler finishes packing up the equipment back into its crates... and sighs
(10/25 13:14:37) Calum Traveler: i do not have the energy to haul all of this right this moment.
(10/25 13:14:43) Calum Traveler stays seated to rest
(10/25 13:15:22) Robert Murry: Are you getting enough rest, Calum?
(10/25 13:15:26) Calum Traveler: meh
(10/25 13:15:34) Runa'mei: i believe that means 'probably not'
(10/25 13:15:54) Calum Traveler: surface life wears me down
(10/25 13:16:02) Calum Traveler: and sleep schedule does not exist
(10/25 13:16:05) Calum Traveler: 404 not found
(10/25 13:16:31) Calum Traveler: one of these days... itll be calm enough for me to catch up on that sleep deficite
(10/25 13:16:47) Calum Traveler yawns
(10/25 13:16:52) Robert Murry: Maybe you should pay Tenny a visit and get a check-up...
(10/25 13:17:21) Calum Traveler: not sure what he could do my surface doc hasnt... though considering taht guys retired and i gotta get a new one...
(10/25 13:17:27) Calum Traveler: bleh, surface stuff
(10/25 13:18:15) Cpt.Jericho: The surface is only the smallest part of the things that are.
(10/25 13:18:21) Calum Traveler: indeed
(10/25 13:18:29) Calum Traveler: but the most exposed to annoyances
(10/25 13:18:39) Calum Traveler: surface area and all that
(10/25 13:18:44) NoMore: yeah surface stuff - me nad best buddy ALotOf know what really matters...
(10/25 13:18:50) Calum Traveler: :)
(10/25 13:19:14) Runa'mei leans left
(10/25 13:19:22) Calum Traveler leans right
(10/25 13:20:05) Runa'mei: maybe you should come over for dinner? Kelsei's making... well, I'm not entirely sure.
(10/25 13:20:28) Calum Traveler: nah, i wont intrude. ive got my own dinner to make.
(10/25 13:20:42) Runa'mei: if you're sure?
(10/25 13:20:53) Calum Traveler: yeah
(10/25 13:21:19) Calum Traveler: alright, im gonna pack up this stuff and haul it to relto, then get ready for the town hall...
(10/25 13:21:40) Calum Traveler grabs the equipment straps and shrugs them around the shoulders...
(10/25 13:21:46) NoMore salutes
(10/25 13:21:46) Calum Traveler: later, all. see ya there...
(10/25 13:21:54) Robert Murry: Bye
[Calum Links out]
(10/25 13:22:03) Runa'mei frowns
(10/25 13:22:22) Robert Murry: What the matter Runa'mei?
(10/25 13:22:39) Runa'mei: just something Kelsei said the other day,
(10/25 13:22:50) Runa'mei: 'why do both of the people I care about push themselves to the edge?'
(10/25 13:22:51) NoMore: okay
(10/25 13:23:13) Runa'mei: i didn't quite understand it then, but I think I get it now.
(10/25 13:23:26) NoMore: people have ambitions...
(10/25 13:23:28) Robert Murry: Sometimes people don't know when to stop.
(10/25 13:23:38) Runa'mei: it is a hard lesson to learn, Robert
(10/25 13:23:49) Runa'mei: I've been struggling to learn it myself.
(10/25 13:24:40) Runa'mei: bouncing between one hunt and the next has not left me with a lot of downtime.
(10/25 13:24:44) Robert Murry: I still have to tell myself to take a break every now and then.
(10/25 13:25:09) Runa'mei: it's something I've been getting better at, but it still seems all so... far away, as a skill?
(10/25 13:25:41) NoMore: ALotOf seems to me bit like that - trying rtgi for raytracing on games, trying to compile UnReal on Linux, improving C++ programming skills - and having time for some video games...
(10/25 13:25:43) Robert Murry: More like a necessity.
(10/25 13:26:10) Runa'mei: I feel like I wasted the last few months looking for phantoms.
(10/25 13:26:20) Runa'mei: it certainly was a waste of energy.
(10/25 13:26:45) Runa'mei: Haru'sara has definitely gone underground somewhere. I'll say one thing about that man, he knows when to keep quiet.
(10/25 13:27:08) Runa'mei: never seemed like it, but that was just in my limited experiences with him.
(10/25 13:27:09) NoMore: we grow with our projects, whether we finish them or not...
(10/25 13:27:15) Cpt.Jericho: It's either that, or we're not listening.
(10/25 13:27:22) Runa'mei nods to NoMore
(10/25 13:27:32) Robert Murry: I've been keeping an eye out in Descent for him. Nothing so far.
(10/25 13:27:56) NoMore: then he probably not in descent - logic
(10/25 13:28:12) Cpt.Jericho: He's not in my Relto either
(10/25 13:28:14) NoMore: what would be the next place to look for?
(10/25 13:28:15) Runa'mei: Every lead I managed to track down regarding him and his thieves, and whoever else he might be working with, pointed me to dead ends and abandoned sites.
(10/25 13:28:25) Robert Murry: Perhaps you are right about him. He may have gone to a private age,
(10/25 13:28:47) Runa'mei: I think so. It's why I returned rather than keep chasing down nothing.
(10/25 13:29:04) Runa'mei sighs
(10/25 13:29:14) NoMore: a phantom prey
(10/25 13:29:19) Runa'mei: the best way to avoid a hunter is to go somewhere they cannot
(10/25 13:29:28) Cpt.Jericho: The question that arises is: What is he up to?
(10/25 13:29:55) Runa'mei: And that, I do not know.
(10/25 13:29:57) Cpt.Jericho: If we know that we can get him when he returns
(10/25 13:30:01) Robert Murry: We'll have to wait until he makes the next move. Then, we can try to move in on him.
(10/25 13:30:51) Runa'mei: all I can do is hope that he won't start with the equivalent of unleashing a giant crab on us.
(10/25 13:30:52) Robert Murry: I can help now that I've finished up my work for Doobes on Descent.
(10/25 13:30:52) Runa'mei: again.
(10/25 13:31:08) Cpt.Jericho: I have a beartrap with his name on its teeth.
(10/25 13:31:10) NoMore laughs
(10/25 13:31:18) Runa'mei smirks
(10/25 13:31:25) NoMore: unleash giant crab
(10/25 13:31:29) Runa'mei: I'd like to see the look on his face.
(10/25 13:31:49) Robert Murry: You'll need a beartrap for this fellow.
(10/25 13:32:03) Cpt.Jericho wonder if she should build a crabtrap - just in case.
(10/25 13:32:32) NoMore remembers the quab-step ... friggin dance...
(10/25 13:32:46) Runa'mei: well, I'm getting hungry,
(10/25 13:33:00) Cpt.Jericho: Quabs have only four legs ;)
(10/25 13:33:06) Runa'mei: i think I'll go and see if I can help Kelsei with dinner prep.
(10/25 13:33:14) Runa'mei: take care, everyone,
(10/25 13:33:17) Robert Murry: I'm going to get ready for the Town Hall.
(10/25 13:33:19) Runa'mei waves goodbye
(10/25 13:33:26) Runa'mei: have fun, Robert.
(10/25 13:33:34) Cpt.Jericho: Me too, Robert.
(10/25 13:33:39) Robert Murry: Bye
(10/25 13:33:42) Cpt.Jericho: See you guys there
(10/25 13:33:46) Robert Murry: Yes
(10/25 13:33:49) Runa'mei: Shorah!
Calum Traveler - KI# 34810
-Traveler's Cavern Log-
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