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4/17/23 - Various Talks Pre Bahvanter Opening.

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2023 11:43 pm
by Traveler263
(04/17 11:27:43) Calum Traveler: shorah patrick
(04/17 11:27:50) Patrick Dulebohn: Hello there!
(04/17 11:27:56) Claidi Song: Shorah Patrick :)
(04/17 11:28:04) Murry: Doobes!!
(04/17 11:28:09) Calum Traveler waves hello
(04/17 11:28:09) Minasunda: shorah Patrick :)
(04/17 11:28:10) Patrick Dulebohn waves hello
(04/17 11:28:21) Patrick Dulebohn: Heh, I heard we've got a bit of an event today!
(04/17 11:28:21) Murry waves hello
(04/17 11:28:22) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(04/17 11:28:28) Calum Traveler: i am somewhat regretting my sleeveless attire :P
(04/17 11:28:30) Sestra: Shorah Patrick :))
(04/17 11:28:37) Calum Traveler: well, short sleeve
(04/17 11:28:56) Patrick Dulebohn: Probably good I'm getting some fresh air. Been spending WAY too much time in underground tunnels as of late.
(04/17 11:29:03) Calum Traveler: yes, verily
(04/17 11:29:04) Cody Herd: you look fine Calum
(04/17 11:29:13) Minasunda says hey
(04/17 11:29:21) Calum Traveler: its a tad chilly tho!
(04/17 11:29:33) Patrick Dulebohn: Eh, this is just Minnesota on a good day. Ha!
(04/17 11:29:33) Calum Traveler waves hello
(04/17 11:29:39) Murry waves hello
(04/17 11:29:39) Calum Traveler: shorah sky
(04/17 11:29:39) skyisblu: hI everybody :D
(04/17 11:29:40) Claidi Song: Shorah sky
(04/17 11:29:50) Patrick Dulebohn: Hi there sky!
(04/17 11:29:50) Murry: Shorah Sky :))
(04/17 11:30:01) Minasunda: shorah Sly :)
(04/17 11:30:10) Claidi Song starts to laugh
(04/17 11:30:14) IwonK: shorah, everyone :)
(04/17 11:30:20) Claidi Song: Shorah IwonK
(04/17 11:30:22) Minasunda: hi Iwonk
(04/17 11:30:25) Murry: Shorah Iwonk :))
(04/17 11:30:36) Patrick Dulebohn: Hello there, IwonK!
(04/17 11:30:47) Calum Traveler: hiwonk
(04/17 11:30:53) Sestra: Shorah IwonK :))
(04/17 11:30:54) IwonK passes around classical cookies
(04/17 11:31:08) Minasunda: *sky
(04/17 11:31:16) skyisblu: Nice shirt, IwonK :)
(04/17 11:31:22) IwonK: yours too :D
(04/17 11:31:26) skyisblu: Lol
(04/17 11:31:49) IwonK: where do we sit?
(04/17 11:31:52) Murry: I wonder where you got those?
(04/17 11:31:56) Claidi Song: Shorah ondjine
(04/17 11:31:57) Patrick Dulebohn: Yeah, this is nice. I tell you what, Calum...if you want to keep warm, there's always work to be done in the Great Shaft!
(04/17 11:31:58) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(04/17 11:32:01) IwonK: I have nooooooo idea, Murry :D
(04/17 11:32:04) Patrick Dulebohn: Although...that's almost complete.
(04/17 11:32:06) Claidi Song: oops, Shorah ondine :))
(04/17 11:32:13) skyisblu leans right
(04/17 11:32:14) ondine leans left
(04/17 11:32:24) Calum Traveler: im sure ill be down there with you in a matter of days or weeks
(04/17 11:32:24) Murry: Hi Ondine :))
(04/17 11:32:29) Calum Traveler: how're those elevators coming along?
(04/17 11:32:36) Calum Traveler: shorah ondine
(04/17 11:32:40) Murry leans left
(04/17 11:32:41) ondine leans left
(04/17 11:32:43) Patrick Dulebohn: Which is good, because I need a break. Any more time down there and I'll turn into a mushroom or something.
(04/17 11:32:45) Calum Traveler leans left
(04/17 11:32:47) Murry leans right
(04/17 11:32:50) ondine leans right
(04/17 11:32:52) Calum Traveler leans right
(04/17 11:33:00) IwonK leans left
(04/17 11:33:01) Patrick Dulebohn: Quite well. They were a bit fickle at first, but the lower one is almost running smoothly...if a bit fast.
(04/17 11:33:03) Murry: Sorry. I'm out of practice.
(04/17 11:33:09) IwonK leans right
(04/17 11:33:09) ondine leans left
(04/17 11:33:15) Patrick Dulebohn: One has to grip the railing so as not to fly up into the ceiling!
(04/17 11:33:15) Calum Traveler: let's not tower-of-terror folks, patrick!
(04/17 11:33:23) Olorin: Is there another way to get coordinates in the City without creatin a marker game?
(04/17 11:33:32) ondine leans left
(04/17 11:33:38) skyisblu: Don't turn into a mushroom in here, we might confuse you with one of the local varieties ;)
(04/17 11:33:38) Calum Traveler: no, Olorin, you gotta do the 14 calibration missions
(04/17 11:33:42) Patrick Dulebohn: Hello there ondine!
(04/17 11:33:49) ondine leans left
(04/17 11:33:53) Minasunda leans right
(04/17 11:33:56) Murry: Doobes has been keeping Robert and me busy with geological surveys.
(04/17 11:33:57) Claidi Song leans left
(04/17 11:34:02) ondine leans right
(04/17 11:34:16) Patrick Dulebohn: Indeed. Given all the damage we've seen, those are a must.
(04/17 11:34:21) skyisblu: Find anything good, Murry ?
(04/17 11:34:26) [PRIVATE] To Patrick Dulebohn: when you're ready to go about the speech, just let me know and ill turn on a camera to record
(04/17 11:34:33) Patrick Dulebohn: Last thing we need is a cave-in if we can help it.
(04/17 11:34:47) Claidi Song: Cave-in?
(04/17 11:34:52) Murry: Are long falls.
(04/17 11:34:55) [PRIVATE] From Patrick Dulebohn: Sure. It's still starting at 12:00, right?
(04/17 11:34:59) [PRIVATE] To Patrick Dulebohn: yes
(04/17 11:35:05) [PRIVATE] From Patrick Dulebohn: Kewl.
(04/17 11:35:10) IwonK: *sniff sniff*
(04/17 11:35:11) Murry: OR
(04/17 11:35:14) IwonK: nice smell :D
(04/17 11:35:25) Eternal Seeker: Shorah all
(04/17 11:35:33) Calum Traveler: shorah seeker
(04/17 11:35:34) Patrick Dulebohn: Well, one of the reasons the path hasn't been open yet is structural damage...including cave-ins that need to be cleared.
(04/17 11:35:37) ondine: Shorah ET :)
(04/17 11:35:40) Claidi Song: Yeah, like a forest and flowers and meadow
(04/17 11:35:56) Minasunda: hi ET :))
(04/17 11:36:02) Calum Traveler: given recent events in Naybree i think i can say that a colapsing wall of rock is a serious thing to want to be careful around.
(04/17 11:36:08) Claidi Song: Shorah ET :))
(04/17 11:36:37) Patrick Dulebohn: In any case, we've kept the elevators at the very top and bottom so nobody uses them just yet. Final checks and whatnot.
(04/17 11:36:47) Murry: So far the damage has been minimal along the route. Keep your fingers crossed.
(04/17 11:36:55) Eternal Seeker leans left
(04/17 11:36:57) ondine leans left
(04/17 11:36:57) Patrick Dulebohn: If all goes well, we'll be able to open up the entirety of the Great Shaft and some of the tunnels surrounding this summer.
(04/17 11:37:01) Eternal Seeker leans right
(04/17 11:37:14) Calum Traveler hums in agreement
(04/17 11:37:16) Calum Traveler: if all goes well.
(04/17 11:37:27) TOOO: Shorah everyone!
(04/17 11:37:28) Minasunda leans left
(04/17 11:37:31) Eternal Seeker leans right
(04/17 11:37:37) Eternal Seeker leans left
(04/17 11:37:39) Patrick Dulebohn: I do caution that you bring a Linking Book with you if you intend to use the spiral path. Use it at your own risk!
(04/17 11:37:43) TOOO: is there a music stream?
(04/17 11:37:45) skyisblu: HI Starman850!!! :D
(04/17 11:37:46) Willy leans right
(04/17 11:37:53) Patrick Dulebohn: Just be careful. We're not as strict as the DRC, but we still value your safety!
(04/17 11:37:54) Calum Traveler: not yet, TOOO
(04/17 11:37:57) Olorin: I want to take risk and to the spiral path
(04/17 11:38:00) Minasunda: not yet - later
(04/17 11:38:01) Calum Traveler: babbel's classical is at 1300
(04/17 11:38:02) TOOO thanks you very much!
(04/17 11:38:11) Minasunda: 12:10 KI
(04/17 11:38:22) Patrick Dulebohn: We've cleared as much debris from it as we could to prevent potential tripping, but even so...tread carefully.
(04/17 11:38:33) ondine leans right
(04/17 11:38:38) Willy leans left
(04/17 11:38:45) Claidi Song: For those of you who may be confused, Patrick is talking about working on bring the Descent to MOULa so we can all walk all the way down, etc. He and Cal and Murry are talking as IC characters, right now
(04/17 11:38:54) Eternal Seeker leans right
(04/17 11:38:54) Claidi Song leans left
(04/17 11:38:56) TOOO: :)
(04/17 11:39:16) Olorin: I want to try to find that path, should be a fun adventure
(04/17 11:39:23) Claidi Song: Shorah TOOO
(04/17 11:39:26) TOOO: i think I'll hold off on exploring until the OFFICIAL opening.:0
(04/17 11:39:35) Calum Traveler: tis a 2 hour hike at full speed, the shaft,
(04/17 11:39:41) TOOO: :)
(04/17 11:39:42) Patrick Dulebohn: So yes, I know you all have been waiting ever-so-patiently for the path to D'ni to open...and bit by bit, we will do exactly that until it's completely open!
(04/17 11:39:42) Calum Traveler: im not exaggerating when i say that.
(04/17 11:39:53) skyisblu: 2 hours - better bring some snacks
(04/17 11:40:01) Calum Traveler: its even longer if you take it slower,
(04/17 11:40:08) Murry: Oh, how I have missed you, Prad. And your puns....
(04/17 11:40:10) Patrick Dulebohn: The Great Shaft has quite a bit of history behind it, so we're excited to open it up to further exploration.
(04/17 11:40:12) Claidi Song: But their may be short cuts, thankfully
(04/17 11:40:20) Calum Traveler: hence the elevators, ;)
(04/17 11:40:38) Olorin: I want to walk all the way up to the Surface by foot
(04/17 11:40:39) skyisblu: I would still bring snacks
(04/17 11:40:42) Patrick Dulebohn: Yes, for those that don't want to do all that walking or running.
(04/17 11:40:43) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(04/17 11:40:46) Calum Traveler: now if only we can get them speeding at safe speeds, lol
(04/17 11:40:47) Olorin: I need to do more exercise
(04/17 11:40:49) TOOO: so, we're finally going to get the Shaft! (Sorry, couldn't resist)
(04/17 11:41:01) Murry: I don not recommend repelling. That was not fun.
(04/17 11:41:01) Calum Traveler: its fine, TOOO, we've heard all the puns
(04/17 11:41:03) Claidi Song: and I hope skydiving will be still possible
(04/17 11:41:04) Patrick Dulebohn: Too many easy jokes there, TOOO. Heh.
(04/17 11:41:19) TOOO: :)
(04/17 11:41:21) IwonK passes around funny cookies
(04/17 11:41:27) Calum Traveler: heck, even the old DRC notes are full of them...
(04/17 11:41:28) Patrick Dulebohn: I suppose we could just call it by its D'ni name to avoid the giggles.
(04/17 11:41:35) Claidi Song: Please, keep it fam friendly, tho
(04/17 11:41:39) Calum Traveler: regahro tiwah
(04/17 11:41:42) Calum Traveler:
(04/17 11:41:54) Calum Traveler: i dont think i can pull that off,
(04/17 11:42:07) Claidi Song: Tiwah, for short
(04/17 11:42:14) Patrick Dulebohn: Ah, but it's an opportunity to brush up on your D'ni.
(04/17 11:42:20) Murry: Yeah, I've missed this.
(04/17 11:42:26) Calum Traveler: but yeah, the jokes are as old as Descent is. we've heard 'em all.
(04/17 11:42:32) Calum Traveler: no need to rehash em lol
(04/17 11:42:35) Prad: wow that eder is huge... much to discover...
(04/17 11:42:37) TOOO: Lol
(04/17 11:42:39) Patrick Dulebohn: We could abbreviate it RT, but we've got an rTay in the community, so that'd just be confusing.
(04/17 11:42:41) Patrick Dulebohn laughs
(04/17 11:42:59) Calum Traveler: theres a reason i just keep sticking to "Descent"
(04/17 11:42:59) Claidi Song: ahhhh, yes lol
(04/17 11:43:11) Claidi Song: Me, too
(04/17 11:43:24) Patrick Dulebohn: Indeed. It's a nice code name for it that avoids some mischievous comments.
(04/17 11:43:24) Prad: the scent...?
(04/17 11:43:25) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(04/17 11:43:32) Prad: :D
(04/17 11:43:43) Claidi Song: It has been descented
(04/17 11:43:46) Patrick Dulebohn: Although when one is going from D'ni TO the surface...does it then become Ascent?
(04/17 11:43:49) Murry: So does anyone know any "descent" jokes? ;)
(04/17 11:43:56) TOOO: It's a decent Sescent
(04/17 11:43:58) Prad: lol Patrick
(04/17 11:44:00) TOOO: Drat
(04/17 11:44:06) TOOO: It's a decent Descent
(04/17 11:44:14) Calum Traveler: im going to stick with Descent to avoid confusion :P
(04/17 11:44:16) Mir-o-Bot is linking to Ae'gura for at least 1.0 minute(s)... PM me "link" to follow me.
(04/17 11:44:18) Calum Traveler: mainly my own
(04/17 11:44:26) Minasunda: shorah Dulca :)
(04/17 11:44:32) Prad: so much about 'code name that avoids mischievous comments'...
(04/17 11:44:33) Calum Traveler hums a melody to the words "Ascend Descent Rise Up Abscond..."
(04/17 11:44:37) TOOO: Or, we could call it "Yahooooooooo....!"
(04/17 11:44:45) Olorin: so the Descent is only doable from Surface to D'ni?
(04/17 11:44:48) ondine: Shorah Dulca :))
(04/17 11:45:03) Claidi Song: Shorah Dulca :))
(04/17 11:45:04) TOOO: Shorah Dulcamara
(04/17 11:45:04) Calum Traveler: one day it may be traversable in reverse, but that day is not in the near future,
(04/17 11:45:07) Calum Traveler: shorah, Dulcamara!
(04/17 11:45:09) Patrick Dulebohn: All I know is that sometimes, the project feels like a Descent into madness. Heh.
(04/17 11:45:12) skyisblu: HI Dulcamara :)
(04/17 11:45:15) Murry: Shorah Dulca :)
(04/17 11:45:19) Patrick Dulebohn: Hi there, Dulca!
(04/17 11:45:20) Claidi Song: But Today is about Bahvahnter
(04/17 11:45:23) Calum Traveler: indeed
(04/17 11:45:30) Calum Traveler: enough about Descent and other projects :P
(04/17 11:45:31) Dulcamara: Shorah to all
(04/17 11:45:37) TOOO: Or, as I call it, Eder Unpronounceable
(04/17 11:45:40) Patrick Dulebohn: This is true! Quite a peaceful Age, is it not?
(04/17 11:45:51) Calum Traveler: i go with "Bah- van- ter"
(04/17 11:45:54) Claidi Song leans right
(04/17 11:46:00) Dulcamara: Nice to see so many people but hard to find the names in the list
(04/17 11:46:09) Babbeltje.40: shorah all
(04/17 11:46:13) Calum Traveler: shorah babbel
(04/17 11:46:15) skyisblu: Hi Babbel :D
(04/17 11:46:16) Eternal Seeker: Shorah Dulca
(04/17 11:46:18) TOOO: you would expect an Eder Age to be peaceful
(04/17 11:46:19) IwonK: Shroah Babbel :)
(04/17 11:46:21) Murry: Shorah Babbel :)
(04/17 11:46:23) Eternal Seeker: Shorah Babbel
(04/17 11:46:24) Minasunda: shorah Babbel :)
(04/17 11:46:26) ondine: Shorah Babbel :)
(04/17 11:46:27) TOOO: Shorah Babbel
(04/17 11:46:31) Calum Traveler: i think about half of us are just on the other side of the river,
(04/17 11:46:31) Isa =^.^=: Hi Babbel :)
(04/17 11:46:38) maluhia is stuffing IwonK's classical cookies in her mouth
(04/17 11:46:39) Calum Traveler: the rest seem to be scattered about the age :3
(04/17 11:46:40) Sestra: Shorah Babbel :))
(04/17 11:47:01) IwonK: I can see most of you quite clearly :D
(04/17 11:47:25) TOOO: Shorah ametist"
(04/17 11:47:26) Prad: It's by the river of bahvanter, where we sat down, yeah yeah...
(04/17 11:47:26) skyisblu: hi ametist' :D
(04/17 11:47:26) Olorin: you can't see me
(04/17 11:47:34) Calum Traveler gets out a camera and starts field checks...

Re: 4/17/23 - Various Talks Pre Bahvanter Opening.

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2023 11:45 pm
by Traveler263
(04/17 11:47:36) Minasunda: shorah ametist :))
(04/17 11:47:40) ondine: Shorah ametist :))
(04/17 11:47:42) Claidi Song: Shorah ametist :))
(04/17 11:47:42) Calum Traveler: shorah, ametist'!
(04/17 11:47:45) Patrick Dulebohn: Looks like we've got about 12 minutes or so. Everyone get comfy.
(04/17 11:47:48) Calum Traveler: and briggs, hi!
(04/17 11:47:49) Isa =^.^=: Shorah Ametist :)
(04/17 11:47:51) Eternal Seeker: Shorah Ametist
(04/17 11:47:52) Briggs: Hello :)
(04/17 11:47:55) Murry: Drat. My coffee is gone. Hmm... Is it 5 o'clock somewhere yet?
(04/17 11:48:02) Minasunda says hey
(04/17 11:48:03) Dulcamara: Shorah ametist
(04/17 11:48:05) Mir-o-Bot is linking to city for at least 1.0 minute(s)... PM me "link" to follow me.
(04/17 11:48:06) Patrick Dulebohn: Most likely, Murry!
(04/17 11:48:06) Olorin: Shorahmetist
(04/17 11:48:11) Claidi Song: Shorah Briggs
(04/17 11:48:12) Calum Traveler: (most of us are gathered by the elevated round platform just past the river on the plains side of the age)
(04/17 11:48:23) Murry: Shorah Ametist :)
(04/17 11:48:36) Murry: Shorah Briggs
(04/17 11:48:50) Prad: always looking on the plains side of the age...
(04/17 11:49:06) Claidi Song: Meadow side?
(04/17 11:49:20) ondine leans left
(04/17 11:49:25) Murry: Shorah Jules :)
(04/17 11:49:27) Claidi Song: Grasslands lol
(04/17 11:49:28) uwe leans right
(04/17 11:49:33) Calum Traveler: shorah, jules,
(04/17 11:49:37) Jules Lavisham: Shorah, all!
(04/17 11:49:43) TOOO: Shorah Jules!
(04/17 11:49:50) skyisblu: Hi Jules :D
(04/17 11:49:52) ondine: Shorah Jules :)
(04/17 11:49:57) Patrick Dulebohn: Hey there, Jules!
(04/17 11:50:00) Isa =^.^=: Shorah Jules
(04/17 11:50:26) ametist' leans right
(04/17 11:50:27) Minasunda: Dulca and Ametist, where you want to go ?
(04/17 11:50:41) Claidi Song: Shroah Isa
(04/17 11:50:42) Patrick Dulebohn: Heh, I was just about to ask. I recall mention of a fountain?
(04/17 11:50:43) Zekh Astram: Shorah, fellow humans
(04/17 11:50:51) Isa =^.^=: Hi Claidi
(04/17 11:50:51) Patrick Dulebohn: Shorah, Zekh!
(04/17 11:50:56) Jules Lavisham: Hey hey! Feels good to finally clear enough of the work schedule to make an unveiling.
(04/17 11:51:07) ondine: shorah Zekh :)
(04/17 11:51:10) Zekh Astram: A new Age and people are already going to the highest climbing spots like we're playing "The Floor Is Lava"
(04/17 11:51:17) ametist': Mina, here at the big old tree
(04/17 11:51:18) Eternal Seeker leans right
(04/17 11:51:22) uwe leans left
(04/17 11:51:23) Minasunda: that is for Babbel - not sure if Dulca and Ametist too
(04/17 11:51:27) Patrick Dulebohn: Tell me about it, Jules. Any more time spent in those tunnels underground and I was going to turn into a mole or something.
(04/17 11:51:29) Calum Traveler: big tree?
(04/17 11:51:29) Patrick Dulebohn laughs
(04/17 11:51:30) Calum Traveler: aight!
(04/17 11:51:32) Minasunda: thanks :)
(04/17 11:52:04) Olorin: Remember, always have your relto book with you
(04/17 11:52:06) Claidi Song cheers
(04/17 11:52:18) Prad: and don't panic
(04/17 11:52:18) Ro"Jethhe: Good day and Shorah everyone, nice turn out today.
(04/17 11:52:23) Calum Traveler: shorah, ro,
(04/17 11:52:27) ondine leans left
(04/17 11:52:29) ametist' leans right
(04/17 11:52:31) Jules Lavisham: There've been stranger supervillain origin stories, Patrick
(04/17 11:52:35) Ro"Jethhe: Where is everyone gathering?
(04/17 11:52:41) Calum Traveler: big tree, by the pond
(04/17 11:52:46) Ro"Jethhe thanks you
(04/17 11:52:50) ondine leans left
(04/17 11:52:52) Prad: the lilly pond
(04/17 11:53:00) Ro"Jethhe: watch out for the leaping frog you could get warts
(04/17 11:53:05) ametist': hello there Patrick :)
(04/17 11:53:06) Patrick Dulebohn: Whew! Well that's my exercise for the day. Jump jump jump!
(04/17 11:53:11) Zekh Astram: what are warts ?
(04/17 11:53:20) Prad: leaping ytram
(04/17 11:53:21) Patrick Dulebohn: Good to see you both, Dulca and ametist.
(04/17 11:53:22) Calum Traveler: lets not go down that rabbit hole right now
(04/17 11:53:23) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(04/17 11:53:24) Claidi Song: Ducla and ametist have you named the frog?
(04/17 11:53:37) ametist': Nope :)
(04/17 11:53:39) Olorin waves hello
(04/17 11:53:40) TOOO: Alas, poor tree. I knew him, Horatio!
(04/17 11:53:40) Patrick Dulebohn: Got another 8 minutes or so.
(04/17 11:53:46) Ro"Jethhe: Ribit the frog
(04/17 11:53:50) IwonK: how about Froggy McFrogface? ;)
(04/17 11:53:52) Mir-o-Bot is linking to spyroom for at least 1.0 minute(s)... PM me "link" to follow me.
(04/17 11:53:54) Eternal Seeker: call him Patrick
(04/17 11:53:56) Patrick Dulebohn: Or six. Silly KI.
(04/17 11:53:56) Dulcamara: It is froggy
(04/17 11:53:57) Zekh Astram: I name it OmegaYeesha, licker of Ages
(04/17 11:53:58) Olorin: I can confirm the pond water is good and fresh
(04/17 11:54:05) Olorin: well done
(04/17 11:54:06) Ro"Jethhe: just not Kermit
(04/17 11:54:12) Claidi Song: Needs a short name
(04/17 11:54:15) Sestra leans left
(04/17 11:54:17) skyisblu leans right
(04/17 11:54:24) Calum Traveler gets camera ready
(04/17 11:54:28) uwe leans right
(04/17 11:54:30) Sestra leans right
(04/17 11:54:30) Prad: D'nermit?
(04/17 11:54:31) ondine leans left
(04/17 11:54:43) Ro"Jethhe: What about Crook?
(04/17 11:54:44) Dulcamara: Yes it must be short because he jump befor you can vcall him
(04/17 11:55:17) Minasunda leans left
(04/17 11:55:19) Zekh Astram: Anyone knows what Bahvahnter means ?
(04/17 11:55:24) Eternal Seeker: Call him Dolly
(04/17 11:55:28) uwe leans right
(04/17 11:55:36) Patrick Dulebohn: Heh, my D'ni is questionable at best.
(04/17 11:55:42) Zekh Astram: Boo
(04/17 11:55:47) TOOO: Call him The Frog.
(04/17 11:55:52) Ro"Jethhe: Cody the Toady
(04/17 11:55:54) Zekh Astram: Frogginator
(04/17 11:56:04) Eternal Seeker: Frog with curls
(04/17 11:56:12) Olorin: Lotad
(04/17 11:56:16) Prad: Hello Dolly
(04/17 11:56:18) Zekh Astram: Crapaud
(04/17 11:56:22) Patrick Dulebohn: Call the frog Glenn. Anyone who gets that reference gets first ride on the Descent elevators.
(04/17 11:56:23) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(04/17 11:56:27) Claidi Song: Maybe Vahnter?
(04/17 11:56:33) Murry groans...
(04/17 11:56:37) TOOO: Monty Python fans: Call him Ethel the Frog!
(04/17 11:56:39) Ro"Jethhe: Glenn or Gehn?
(04/17 11:56:39) Calum Traveler is a bit puzzled...
(04/17 11:56:40) ametist' leans right
(04/17 11:56:40) uwe leans left
(04/17 11:56:41) Olorin waves hello
(04/17 11:56:42) Zekh Astram: I'm french, I have the exclusive power to name frogs
(04/17 11:56:46) Prad: Miller
(04/17 11:56:58) Claidi Song: Not Gehn, she's a nice frog
(04/17 11:57:08) Prad: Glenn Miller
(04/17 11:57:13) Claidi Song: Lu is coming so more French lol
(04/17 11:57:16) Ro"Jethhe: Sorry Zekh Grenouille is much toooo long.
(04/17 11:57:16) Jules Lavisham: Zekh is correct, it was specifically written into the Entente Cordiale
(04/17 11:57:21) Olorin: I'm french too. Call him Plliwral
(04/17 11:57:27) Olorin: Poliwag
(04/17 11:57:28) Zekh Astram: Damn **cking right
(04/17 11:57:29) maluhia leans left
(04/17 11:57:36) Prad: J'ai su que j'ai vu Lu...
(04/17 11:57:37) Crewcut leans right
(04/17 11:57:46) Claidi Song: How about Paddy
(04/17 11:57:47) Talknrock: Some pool party
(04/17 11:57:51) IwonK: Praddy?
(04/17 11:57:52) Ro"Jethhe: or Lilly
(04/17 11:57:54) Wayne Todd waves hello
(04/17 11:57:57) Ro"Jethhe: Lilly Pond
(04/17 11:58:00) Olorin: Lilly is good
(04/17 11:58:04) TOOO: *Rimshot!*
(04/17 11:58:06) Claidi Song: Or, Lily
(04/17 11:58:11) Zekh Astram: I happen to like Lilly
(04/17 11:58:14) Ro"Jethhe: Thats perfect
(04/17 11:58:16) Ro"Jethhe: Lily.
(04/17 11:58:19) IwonK: Lilly!
(04/17 11:58:20) Olorin: or Lily Rose
(04/17 11:58:25) Patrick Dulebohn: Works for me!
(04/17 11:58:25) Ro"Jethhe: like one of the flowers in Elonin
(04/17 11:58:26) Jules Lavisham: In return, the UK got first dibs on all translated puns. Hence the runaway success of the Asterix books.
(04/17 11:58:28) IwonK: or Lily :)
(04/17 11:58:29) Claidi Song: Shorah Nosila :)
(04/17 11:58:38) Nosila: hey Claidi :)
(04/17 11:58:40) IwonK: Li-ly! Li-ly! Li-ly!
(04/17 11:58:43) skyisblu: Hi Semjay :)
(04/17 11:58:43) Wonky Potato Cookie: yeah@
(04/17 11:58:46) Ro"Jethhe roars with laughter
(04/17 11:58:50) skyisblu: Hi Nosila :)
(04/17 11:58:50) ametist' smiles
(04/17 11:58:51) Zekh Astram: Books ? They're graphic novels
(04/17 11:58:57) Dulcamara: I do not know that the frog is female
(04/17 11:59:05) Sleeper Jan: salut les gars
(04/17 11:59:06) Ro"Jethhe: that's from Blazing Saddles
(04/17 11:59:07) ondine: Shorah Nosila ;)
(04/17 11:59:08) Nosila: hey sky :)
(04/17 11:59:09) TOOO: i would've liked Ethel the Frog, but I can live with Lily. :)
(04/17 11:59:12) Ro"Jethhe: lilly lilly lilly
(04/17 11:59:20) Dulcamara: Ihave not chekd it out
(04/17 11:59:20) TOOO: Shorah Nosila
(04/17 11:59:23) Claidi Song: Shorah Semjay :))\
(04/17 11:59:26) Nosila: hey everyone! :))
(04/17 11:59:27) Claidi Song: :))
(04/17 11:59:28) skyisblu: I like Lily :D
(04/17 11:59:30) Olorin: The pond is safe for swimming
(04/17 11:59:30) Semjay leans right
(04/17 11:59:33) Claidi Song leans left
(04/17 11:59:38) Zekh Astram: Thanks Olorin
(04/17 11:59:40) Ro"Jethhe: that settles it the Frog's name Lily
(04/17 11:59:42) Patrick Dulebohn: Got about a minute or so, then we'll start.
(04/17 11:59:45) skyisblu: :D
(04/17 11:59:48) Prad: Eddie, Dusty, Lilly... age not even officially opened and the frog already has a name lol...
(04/17 11:59:53) Patrick Dulebohn: The suspense is palpable!
(04/17 11:59:55) maluhia: Way behind us
(04/17 12:00:03) Dulcamara: lillo
(04/17 12:00:03) TOOO: getting IN the pond is easy, getting out is a bit of a challenge
(04/17 12:00:05) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(04/17 12:00:07) Patrick Dulebohn: That's how we roll, Prad!
(04/17 12:00:11) Prad: :D
(04/17 12:00:15) IwonK rolled a single six-sided die with a result of 5.
(04/17 12:00:15) Claidi Song: Lillo, good name
(04/17 12:00:15) Zekh Astram: Just don't fall, Patrick.. or it's all on camera
(04/17 12:00:17) Wonky Potato Cookie rolled a single six-sided die with a result of 1.
(04/17 12:00:21) IwonK rolled a single six-sided die with a result of 6.