2/17/23 Benavud Goes through the Door. (Multiple Participants)

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Kelsei A. Taylor
Posts: 326
Joined: Sat Oct 30, 2021 3:15 pm

2/17/23 Benavud Goes through the Door. (Multiple Participants)

Post by Kelsei A. Taylor »

[Benavud Links in]
(02/17 13:01:16) Cpt.Jericho: Hi Ben
(02/17 13:01:18) Isa =^.^=: hi Ben :)
(02/17 13:01:19) Dni_seeker 5: welcome.
(02/17 13:01:20) Tiernan Quinlan waves hello
(02/17 13:01:21) Kelsei A.T.: hello, ben :)
(02/17 13:01:21) Benavud: Hey guys
(02/17 13:01:23) Benavud waves hello
(02/17 13:01:24) ShilohOBrien: Shorah, Ben!
(02/17 13:01:31) Benavud: Thanks for coming.
(02/17 13:01:39) Robert Murry: Shorah Ben. Are you ready for this?
(02/17 13:01:46) Dni_seeker 5: i set up Teledahn before I came.
(02/17 13:01:46) Benavud: I had a good lunch and I think I'm ready to do this!
(02/17 13:01:56) Thumbs up from Kelsei A.T.
(02/17 13:02:02) NoMore: we could sing that song about a drunken writer to cheer him up...
(02/17 13:02:02) Benavud: Appreciate that, Dni_Seeker, but I was thinking we'd use my Kemo.
(02/17 13:02:04) Robert Murry: Excellent!
(02/17 13:02:11) Isa =^.^=: sounds good Ben
(02/17 13:02:12) Dni_seeker 5: you have a-
(02/17 13:02:13) Cpt.Jericho cheers
(02/17 13:02:22) Benavud: I can't tell you how much it means to me you're here.
(02/17 13:02:25) Dni_seeker 5: you got your Books back!
(02/17 13:02:29) NoMore cheers
(02/17 13:02:31) Benavud: That I won't be alone in the area past the Door.
(02/17 13:02:40) Dni_seeker 5: actually...
(02/17 13:02:49) Kelsei A.T.: well, we can all get our books back if we lose them, eventually.
(02/17 13:02:50) Robert Murry: We'll always be here for you Ben.
(02/17 13:02:52) Dni_seeker 5: the door will take us all to different places.
(02/17 13:02:54) Kelsei A.T.: some are a bit tricker than others...
(02/17 13:03:03) Benavud: Wait...what?
(02/17 13:03:17) Benavud: Dni Seeker--what do you mean, it will take us to different places?
(02/17 13:03:22) Cpt.Jericho: Yep, once you link, you're on your own, I'm afraid
(02/17 13:03:23) Kelsei A.T.: that's true, normally the doors send us to different caves if we have our relto books on us,
(02/17 13:03:43) Kelsei A.T.: I don't know if we've ever tested it with people who dont have the book though...
(02/17 13:03:43) Benavud: ...oh.
(02/17 13:03:50) Benavud is a bit puzzled...
(02/17 13:03:59) Benavud: I, uh...I didn't know that.
(02/17 13:04:11) Dni_seeker 5: And once you're inside, you have to fall into a hole in the bottom of the cave for your book to work.
(02/17 13:04:15) Benavud: So I've still got to face this thing alone?
(02/17 13:04:23) Benavud: I have to fall in a hole?
(02/17 13:04:29) ShilohOBrien winces
(02/17 13:04:31) Benavud: Hoo boy
(02/17 13:04:33) Dni_seeker 5: Unfortunately, yes.
(02/17 13:04:39) Benavud: This is...um...
(02/17 13:04:41) Robert Murry: Well, we can communicate through our KI's if we get seperated.
(02/17 13:04:46) Isa =^.^= hands you a parachute
(02/17 13:04:55) Dni_seeker 5: Lemme just buddy everyone here...
(02/17 13:04:56) NoMore: think of that in the hole as an illusion.. helped me the first time...
(02/17 13:05:07) Benavud: You know what? It doesn't matter.
(02/17 13:05:10) Benavud swallows.
(02/17 13:05:15) Benavud: I've got to do this.
(02/17 13:05:21) Sathopper: shorah all
(02/17 13:05:21) Robert Murry: That's teh spirit.
(02/17 13:05:26) Benavud: But maybe you all will at least come to Kemo with me to see me off?
(02/17 13:05:30) Kelsei A.T.: of course :)
(02/17 13:05:33) Benavud: I can buddy all of you and communicate through the KI.
(02/17 13:05:33) Isa =^.^=: hi Sathopper
(02/17 13:05:37) Robert Murry: Yes.
(02/17 13:05:40) Cpt.Jericho: Hello Sat
(02/17 13:05:46) Tiernan Quinlan nods his head
(02/17 13:05:48) Cpt.Jericho: Sure Ben.
(02/17 13:05:51) NoMore: stay easy, you got this... we're behind you...
(02/17 13:05:53) Benavud: Ok. Give me a second to buddy everyone and send the Kemo invitations.
(02/17 13:05:55) ShilohOBrien: Will do.
(02/17 13:06:10) Benavud: Hoooo. Ok.
(02/17 13:06:16) Cpt.Jericho: My offer for a few beartraps is still open.
(02/17 13:06:23) NoMore: yepp to the door we go with you...
(02/17 13:06:23) Dni_seeker 5: NO.
(02/17 13:06:32) Cpt.Jericho rattles her backpack
(02/17 13:06:33) Dni_seeker 5: no beartraps.
(02/17 13:06:55) Cpt.Jericho: Sorry, seeker, but that's all I have now. I ran pout of pocket-trebuchets
(02/17 13:07:01) Cpt.Jericho: *out
(02/17 13:07:13) Dni_seeker 5: POCKET TREBUCHETS?
(02/17 13:07:16) Kelsei A.T. starts to laugh
(02/17 13:07:23) Isa =^.^=: lol
(02/17 13:07:24) Dni_seeker 5: what are you, some kind of hunter?
(02/17 13:07:36) ShilohOBrien: Bear-ly a hunter.
(02/17 13:07:40) Cpt.Jericho: I consider myself as an adventurer
(02/17 13:07:48) NoMore: hmm... what does the Hitchhiker guide through the door cave say about trebuchets....
(02/17 13:07:56) Robert Murry pats his whip...
(02/17 13:07:57) NoMore flips pages
(02/17 13:08:00) Dni_seeker 5: Well, I'm heading to Nexus
(02/17 13:08:08) Dni_seeker 5: and after that, Eder Kemo.
(02/17 13:08:11) NoMore: ah, there... "exists"...
(02/17 13:08:14) Cpt.Jericho: Yeah, see you guys in Kemo
(02/17 13:08:14) Robert Murry: He'll be in good hands.
(02/17 13:08:24) Kelsei A.T.: gotten the invite, :)
(02/17 13:08:34) Kelsei A.T.: ill head over as well in a few moments.
(02/17 13:08:43) Kelsei A.T. leans left
(02/17 13:08:46) Benavud: Whew, that's a tedious system!
(02/17 13:08:51) Kelsei A.T.: you've got this, ben :)
(02/17 13:08:53) Benavud: Did everyone get an invite?
(02/17 13:08:55) Kelsei A.T.: and yes, it can be!
(02/17 13:09:01) Tiernan Quinlan nods his head
(02/17 13:09:02) ShilohOBrien: So to the nexus and click on private links?
(02/17 13:09:03) NoMore salutes
(02/17 13:09:03) Robert Murry: Just got it.
(02/17 13:09:12) Kelsei A.T.: yep, nexus, private links, ben's kemo.
(02/17 13:09:13) NoMore: yes should be there then
(02/17 13:09:24) Benavud: Someone needs to fix that KI system so you can invite multiple people all at once.
(02/17 13:09:29) Benavud laughs nervously
(02/17 13:09:37) Kelsei A.T.: ill pass along that request to someone...
(02/17 13:09:48) Benavud: See you in Kemo!
(02/17 13:10:39) Benavud: I won't
(02/17 13:11:01) Cpt.Jericho: I think he meant me, Ben
(02/17 13:11:07) Dni_seeker 5: Yes I meant you
(02/17 13:11:13) Benavud: Golly
(02/17 13:11:30) Dni_seeker 5: Before you lies the Scary Door.
(02/17 13:11:31) Benavud: Too late for those bear traps?
(02/17 13:11:36) Benavud: Heh, just kidding.
(02/17 13:11:40) Benavud: I think.
(02/17 13:11:46) Benavud laughs nervously
(02/17 13:11:47) Dni_seeker 5: shall we pass through?
(02/17 13:11:49) Cpt.Jericho: I have them here
(02/17 13:11:58) Benavud shakes his head
(02/17 13:12:09) Dni_seeker 5: hey, this is the door that Phil got stuck behind!
(02/17 13:12:15) NoMore: the moment to face the past is near...
(02/17 13:12:21) Benavud: Ok. I thinkn I buddied everyone.
(02/17 13:12:28) Cpt.Jericho: Yeah, seeker, encourage him...
(02/17 13:12:35) Dni_seeker 5: The literal door to your past.
(02/17 13:12:36) Benavud: If I missed anyone, I guess you'll know soon enough, heh.
(02/17 13:12:38) Robert Murry: Here we go again, Tenny. I hope this works.
(02/17 13:12:43) Kelsei A.T.: good luck, Ben :)
(02/17 13:12:49) Benavud: Hoo boy
(02/17 13:12:54) Dni_seeker 5: Experiencing anything yet?
(02/17 13:12:55) Benavud: Oh golly
(02/17 13:13:00) [PRIVATE] From Cpt.Jericho: BAAMMMMMM
(02/17 13:13:01) Robert Murry: You've got this.
(02/17 13:13:01) Kelsei A.T.: you've got this.
(02/17 13:13:03) [PRIVATE] From Cpt.Jericho: hehehe
(02/17 13:13:03) Benavud: Here goes nothing...
(02/17 13:13:10) Tiernan Quinlan: Don't worry.
(02/17 13:13:11) ShilohOBrien: Good luck!
(02/17 13:13:14) Benavud takes a deep breath.
(02/17 13:13:20) Dni_seeker 5: D'ni first...
(02/17 13:13:43) Kelsei A.T.: ...welp.
(02/17 13:13:49) Ro"Jethhe: all the way in?
(02/17 13:13:51) [BUDDIES] From Benavud in ???: Ok. I'm in a cave. Can everyone hear me ok?
(02/17 13:13:59) Kelsei A.T.: i guess. so.
(02/17 13:14:09) [BUDDIES] From Robert Murry in ???: We hear you.
(02/17 13:14:13) [BUDDIES] From Benavud in ???: Symbols on the walls
(02/17 13:14:20) [BUDDIES] From NoMore in ???: yeah I can
(02/17 13:14:22) Kelsei A.T.: i dont think we all need to head in,
(02/17 13:14:26) [BUDDIES] From Benavud in ???: And there's the hole. Almost tripped.
(02/17 13:14:29) [PRIVATE] To Benavud: we can hear you.
(02/17 13:14:30) Ro"Jethhe: why in seperate caves?
(02/17 13:14:31) [BUDDIES] From Benavud in ???: And the pillars.
(02/17 13:14:35) [BUDDIES] From Benavud in ???: The pillars...
(02/17 13:14:36) Ro"Jethhe says DOH!
(02/17 13:14:38) Kelsei A.T.: i think there was a bit ofa misunderstanding
(02/17 13:14:44) Ro"Jethhe nods his head
(02/17 13:14:47) [BUDDIES] From Benavud in ???: Oh my God
(02/17 13:14:48) Cpt.Jericho shrugs
(02/17 13:14:54) Ro"Jethhe: well here goes nothing
(02/17 13:14:56) [BUDDIES] From Benavud in ???: He took it's soul
(02/17 13:15:04) [BUDDIES] From Benavud in ???: He took it back
(02/17 13:15:11) [BUDDIES] From Benavud in ???: Imprisoned it on our Relto
(02/17 13:15:12) Cpt.Jericho: Hm
(02/17 13:15:22) [BUDDIES] From Robert Murry in ???: Yes.
(02/17 13:15:23) Kelsei A.T.: i think ill stay out here.
(02/17 13:15:26) [BUDDIES] From NoMore in ???: what soul... ...
(02/17 13:15:40) [BUDDIES] From Benavud in ???: He...he took the Bahro's soul. I can hear it screaming!
(02/17 13:15:46) Cpt.Jericho: Crap!
(02/17 13:15:50) Isa =^.^=: that door is staying open a long time?
(02/17 13:15:53) [BUDDIES] From NoMore in ???: ...oookay...
(02/17 13:15:54) [BUDDIES] From Benavud in ???: Why would he tie me up? Why would he make me listen to this?
(02/17 13:16:06) Kelsei A.T.: it's still waiting for us to clear away from it, i think
(02/17 13:16:07) [BUDDIES] From Robert Murry in ???: ?
(02/17 13:16:08) [BUDDIES] From Benavud in ???: This is supposed to be OUR Relto.
(02/17 13:16:18) [BUDDIES] From Robert Murry in ???: You remeber, Ben?
(02/17 13:16:18) [BUDDIES] From Benavud in ???: We saved the Bahro soul.
(02/17 13:16:28) [BUDDIES] From Benavud in ???: But he took it back. The pillars are all there again.
(02/17 13:16:37) [BUDDIES] From Benavud in ???: We argue
(02/17 13:16:45) [BUDDIES] From Benavud in ???: I'm crying
(02/17 13:16:48) Cpt.Jericho: This is not good what I'm hearing
(02/17 13:16:52) [BUDDIES] From Benavud in ???: I can hear the Bahro being tortured.
(02/17 13:16:59) Kelsei A.T.: Whoever it was definitely did a rude thing.
(02/17 13:17:02) [BUDDIES] From Benavud in ???: He says I need to learn that Yeesha was wrong
(02/17 13:17:05) Cpt.Jericho: Rude?
(02/17 13:17:06) Kelsei A.T.: I've been to reltos where people take the poles back.
(02/17 13:17:09) Kelsei A.T.: it's... unnerving.
(02/17 13:17:09) [BUDDIES] From Benavud in ???: Even if she was wrong, why would he do this?
(02/17 13:17:15) Isa =^.^=: it is
(02/17 13:17:16) [BUDDIES] From Benavud in ???: You can't do this to me!
(02/17 13:17:17) [BUDDIES] From Robert Murry in ???: Who, Ben?
(02/17 13:17:19) [BUDDIES] From Benavud in ???: This is our home!
(02/17 13:17:21) Kelsei A.T.: the screaming...
(02/17 13:17:29) Cpt.Jericho: It's beyond rude. It's just cruel
(02/17 13:17:33) [BUDDIES] From Benavud in ???: You can't leave me here, Rafe!
(02/17 13:17:40) Kelsei A.T.: that is true, yes.
(02/17 13:17:43) [BUDDIES] From Dni_seeker 5 in ???: RAFE?!!?
(02/17 13:17:44) [BUDDIES] From Robert Murry in ???: Rafe!!!
(02/17 13:17:47) Kelsei A.T.: oh, damn it.
(02/17 13:17:54) Kelsei A.T. glances up as it starts to rain...
(02/17 13:17:58) [BUDDIES] From NoMore in ???: the pillars weren't meant to... wait, rafe?!
(02/17 13:18:12) Kelsei A.T.: well, that's ominous timing.
(02/17 13:18:19) [BUDDIES] From Benavud in ???: He's gone.
(02/17 13:18:22) Cpt.Jericho: Yeah
(02/17 13:18:28) [BUDDIES] From Benavud in ???: I work to free myself.
(02/17 13:18:31) [BUDDIES] From Robert Murry in ???: Go on, Ben. What else?
(02/17 13:18:40) [BUDDIES] From Benavud in ???: It takes a while, but I escape the ropes.
(02/17 13:18:53) [BUDDIES] From Benavud in ???: I return the pillars.
(02/17 13:19:20) [BUDDIES] From Benavud in ???: But then I come back from the last...and the Books are gone.
(02/17 13:19:34) [BUDDIES] From Benavud in ???: Rafe's there. He's angry. Says I went back to Yeesha.
(02/17 13:19:47) [BUDDIES] From Benavud in ???: He threw the Books away.
(02/17 13:20:01) [BUDDIES] From Dni_seeker 5 in ???: No...
(02/17 13:20:08) Kelsei A.T. shakes her head
(02/17 13:20:17) [BUDDIES] From Benavud in ???: We struggle. He takes the Nexus Link.
(02/17 13:20:21) [BUDDIES] From NoMore in ???: nnnot exactly...? we have them lined up in our relto shelf...?
(02/17 13:20:27) [BUDDIES] From Benavud in ???: I'm left on a Relto with no Ages.
(02/17 13:20:50) [BUDDIES] From Benavud in ???: Rafe, why would you do this?
(02/17 13:21:07) [BUDDIES] From Benavud in ???: (through the KI, Benavud sobs)
(02/17 13:21:08) [BUDDIES] From Dni_seeker 5 in ???: How did you get back?
(02/17 13:21:36) [BUDDIES] From Robert Murry in ???: Were you imprisoned there? How did you escape?
(02/17 13:21:37) [BUDDIES] From Benavud in ???: It's Rafe Templeton.
(02/17 13:21:47) [BUDDIES] From Benavud in ???: His name is Rafe Templeton.
(02/17 13:21:57) [BUDDIES] From Benavud in ???: He's a fanatic. Crazy.
(02/17 13:22:02) [BUDDIES] From Benavud in ???: He's dangerous.
(02/17 13:22:05) [BUDDIES] To Buddies: and he fell off a cliff.
(02/17 13:22:17) [BUDDIES] From Benavud in ???: He what?
(02/17 13:22:18) [BUDDIES] To Buddies: back in december, Ben.
(02/17 13:22:26) [BUDDIES] From Benavud in ???: he did? Is he dead?
(02/17 13:22:30) [BUDDIES] To Buddies: there was an argument between him and a girl named Ami,
(02/17 13:22:30) [BUDDIES] From Dni_seeker 5 in ???: No
(02/17 13:22:36) [BUDDIES] From NoMore in ???: maybe he made up a story about the hole itself for Ben not to escape...
(02/17 13:22:36) [BUDDIES] From Dni_seeker 5 in ???: He's not dead
(02/17 13:22:42) [BUDDIES] To Buddies: no, he's... i wouldnt say fine, but he was hurt.
(02/17 13:23:00) [BUDDIES] From Benavud in ???: I don't know Ami. Must have been after my time. When he was with me, it was just the two of us. We cut off all contact with the outside world.
(02/17 13:23:10) [BUDDIES] From Benavud in ???: You can't trust him.
(02/17 13:23:11) [BUDDIES] From Robert Murry in ???: Tenny has been overseeing his care.
(02/17 13:23:15) [BUDDIES] To Buddies: why don't you come back here to Kemo. we can talk more here.
(02/17 13:23:22) [BUDDIES] To Buddies: and we can give you hugs.
(02/17 13:23:27) [BUDDIES] From Benavud in ???: No. I can't right now.
(02/17 13:23:34) [BUDDIES] From Benavud in ???: I need to go home
(02/17 13:23:43) [BUDDIES] From Benavud in ???: Back to Grandfather's workshop.
(02/17 13:23:45) [BUDDIES] To Buddies: alright. :(
(02/17 13:23:56) [BUDDIES] To Buddies: take care of yourself, ben, alright? We're here if you want to talk.
(02/17 13:24:01) [BUDDIES] From Benavud in ???: I need to think.
(02/17 13:24:07) [BUDDIES] From Benavud in ???: I'll come back soon.
(02/17 13:24:16) Kelsei A.T. glances at Tenny...
(02/17 13:24:16) [BUDDIES] From Benavud in ???: Just...I need to think right now.
(02/17 13:24:22) Tiernan Quinlan sighs
(02/17 13:24:23) [BUDDIES] From NoMore in ???: take your time, take things easy... one step after the other... you're fine...
(02/17 13:24:23) [BUDDIES] From Robert Murry in Robert Murry's Relto: Take care of yourself, Ben.
(02/17 13:24:29) Tiernan Quinlan shakes his head
(02/17 13:24:37) ShilohOBrien: What's up?
(02/17 13:24:43) [BUDDIES] From Benavud in ???: I'm turning the KI off now.
Kelsei A.T. KI# 10581205
Exotic Language Translator/Decoder.
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Kelsei A. Taylor
Posts: 326
Joined: Sat Oct 30, 2021 3:15 pm

Re: 2/17/23 Benavud Goes through the Door. (Multiple Participants)

Post by Kelsei A. Taylor »

(02/17 13:24:55) [BUDDIES] From Dni_seeker 5 in Dni_seeker 5's Relto: Dr. Quinlan. Come back to the Great Tree Hood. We need to talk. NOW.
(02/17 13:25:11) Tiernan Quinlan sighs.
(02/17 13:25:18) [BUDDIES] To Buddies: there's several of us still here in Kemo, DS5,
(02/17 13:25:25) [BUDDIES] To Buddies: why don't we talk here instead?
(02/17 13:25:26) [BUDDIES] From Robert Murry in Robert Murry's Relto: Don't hesitate to contact us, Especially Dr. Quinlan.
(02/17 13:25:27) Cpt.Jericho: Jumping Jesus on a pogostick, that was intense
(02/17 13:25:54) Cpt.Jericho: And more questions than answers again...
(02/17 13:25:58) Kelsei A.T. leans left
(02/17 13:26:03) Tiernan Quinlan leans right
(02/17 13:26:07) ShilohOBrien: That seems par for the course around here.
(02/17 13:26:13) Tiernan Quinlan shakes his head
(02/17 13:26:28) Kelsei A.T.: i think we'll have to bump up some conversations with Logan and Ami, given that.
(02/17 13:26:40) Tiernan Quinlan: Yes.
(02/17 13:26:57) Kelsei A.T.: i can't say I'm surprised,
(02/17 13:26:59) Dni_seeker 5: hello.
(02/17 13:27:18) Tiernan Quinlan: I had a suspicion, you might say.
(02/17 13:27:21) Robert Murry: Rafe.
(02/17 13:27:32) Robert Murry: I'm sorry Tenny.
(02/17 13:27:35) Kelsei A.T.: I think I remember mentioning Ben to Logan once,
(02/17 13:27:39) Tiernan Quinlan shrugs
(02/17 13:27:43) Kelsei A.T.: i vaguely remember some odd reactions there...
(02/17 13:27:57) Dni_seeker 5: Dr. Quinlan, the moment that Logan is all better, bring him to the Great Tree Hood. I need to talk to him.
(02/17 13:28:15) Tiernan Quinlan: There's not much t' be done about it at this point, really. Jus' Logan is in therapy an' he's not returnin' anytime soon.
(02/17 13:28:55) Dni_seeker 5: Did you hear *any* of what Ben just said?
(02/17 13:29:03) Tiernan Quinlan: Aye.
(02/17 13:29:07) Kelsei A.T.: we heard, DS5,
(02/17 13:29:09) Kelsei A.T.: we heard...
(02/17 13:29:14) Kelsei A.T. sighs, massages the bridge of her nose
(02/17 13:29:15) Robert Murry: Maybe it's for the best. Ben needs to recover from all of this. He doesn't need to confront Loan right now.
(02/17 13:29:24) Robert Murry: Logan
(02/17 13:29:29) Kelsei A.T.: given the way they both seemed to be screwed up by all of this...
(02/17 13:29:44) [BUDDIES] From NoMore in Benavud's Eder Kemo: heard all of it... some kind of mind manipulation by made up stories...
(02/17 13:29:45) Kelsei A.T.: who knows when this encounter with Ben even happend from Logan/Rafe's end.
(02/17 13:29:51) Dni_seeker 5: Maybe HE doesn't, but *I* will. If Logan is willing to do something like this...
(02/17 13:30:11) ShilohOBrien sighs
(02/17 13:30:22) Kelsei A.T.: I think you're taking it a bit too extreme, DS5,
(02/17 13:30:38) Tiernan Quinlan looks down at the ground tiredly.
(02/17 13:30:52) Dni_seeker 5: The Bahro have been slaves for thousands of years. And Logan imprisoned the soul of one of them in their Relto.
(02/17 13:31:11) Cpt.Jericho: At some point Logan will have to answer for what he did.
(02/17 13:31:15) Tiernan Quinlan: Jus'... I will talk t' him about this...
(02/17 13:31:17) Kelsei A.T.: he's not the only one who's done that, DS5,
(02/17 13:31:28) Robert Murry: Tenny. Why don't you take some time for yourself as well. You've been through lot.
(02/17 13:31:34) Kelsei A.T.: i've run into folks who have taken the pillars back and seen nothing wrong with it.
(02/17 13:31:39) Tiernan Quinlan: I jus' hope it doesn't set his progress back.
(02/17 13:31:51) Kelsei A.T.: it might be good for him to confront it, though,
(02/17 13:31:55) Robert Murry nods his head
(02/17 13:32:01) Tiernan Quinlan: Aye, it's necissary.
(02/17 13:32:05) Dni_seeker 5: Then he tied Ben up and made him listen to its pain.
(02/17 13:32:11) Tiernan Quinlan: Jus' not a pleasant thin'.
(02/17 13:32:26) NoMore: yepp like me... somehow the pillars didn't seem to belong into the reltos for me... the nature of the Bahro seemed different tome...
(02/17 13:33:02) Kelsei A.T.: i think the ultimate issue comes down to...
(02/17 13:33:29) Cpt.Jericho: Hunt down who's still on the loose
(02/17 13:33:32) Kelsei A.T.: did Logan do this of his own free thinking, or did it happen after he encountered whatever *bug* made him upset.
(02/17 13:33:36) Tiernan Quinlan: Err... ah, e-excuse me... I ought t'... t.. go f' a bit. I uh, have some thin's t' think about...
(02/17 13:33:40) Kelsei A.T.: take care, tenny,
(02/17 13:33:53) NoMore: bye tenny
(02/17 13:33:55) Cpt.Jericho: Sure Tiernan
[Tiernan Links away]
(02/17 13:33:58) Kelsei A.T. sighs
(02/17 13:34:49) Cpt.Jericho: Why would anyone do such a thing?
(02/17 13:34:50) Robert Murry: Jules and I will check in on him.
(02/17 13:34:50) Kelsei A.T.: don't you just *love* it when a complicated messy situation gets messier?
(02/17 13:35:17) NoMore: I wonder... are there more with whom rafe toyed around in his madness...?
(02/17 13:35:22) Dni_seeker 5: What Rafe did...
(02/17 13:35:40) Cpt.Jericho: Is Rafe even the mastermind behind this?
(02/17 13:35:47) Kelsei A.T.: that's the question,
(02/17 13:35:50) Kelsei A.T.: that really is...
(02/17 13:36:02) Kelsei A.T.: was this a thought he came to on his own, or was it something Tati Masser put in his head?
(02/17 13:36:16) ShilohOBrien: Well I need to go clear my head now. Guess I'll see you guys at the next town hall? I suppose there's gonna need to be a major debriefing soon.
(02/17 13:36:20) Dni_seeker 5: That's what I want to find out.
(02/17 13:36:21) NoMore: It's like following back the branches of a tree to the trunk...
(02/17 13:36:26) Kelsei A.T.: next wednesday, yes
(02/17 13:36:43) Dni_seeker 5: That is why I need to speak to Logan Marcus as soon as possible.
(02/17 13:36:45) ShilohOBrien: See you then.
(02/17 13:37:02) Kelsei A.T.: personally, DS5, I think we'll likely speak to Ami sooner than Logan.
(02/17 13:37:13) Kelsei A.T.: I'm going to ask Tenny to tell her to come visit us as soon as she can.
(02/17 13:37:45) Robert Murry: Do you really think that she will after this revelation?
(02/17 13:37:59) Kelsei A.T.: I suppose that all depends, Robert...
(02/17 13:38:10) Kelsei A.T.: is she the kind of person who leaves a job half finished?
(02/17 13:38:31) Cpt.Jericho: We'll see
(02/17 13:38:42) Kelsei A.T.: i'm going to go speak with Tenny,
(02/17 13:38:50) Kelsei A.T.: I think he's...
(02/17 13:39:01) Kelsei A.T.: looks like his hood.
(02/17 13:39:11) Robert Murry: Want me to tag along?
(02/17 13:39:11) Kelsei A.T.: take care, all,
(02/17 13:39:15) Kelsei A.T.: if you want to.

[Kelsei Links away]
Kelsei A.T. KI# 10581205
Exotic Language Translator/Decoder.
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