Molly, Tenny and Kelsei in the New GoMe Pub_1010122

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Tiernan Quinlan
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Molly, Tenny and Kelsei in the New GoMe Pub_1010122

Post by Tiernan Quinlan »

(10/10 18:53:28) Chat.log started...
(10/10 18:55:29) Tiernan Quinlan orders a couple of Guinness'.
(10/10 18:56:03) Molly Kincade: "Thank you, sweetie!"
(10/10 18:56:33) Tiernan Quinlan: "Of course, Granmum!"
(10/10 19:04:43) Molly Kincade sips her lager and relaxes.
(10/10 19:07:07) Tiernan Quinlan smiles. "It's pretty amazin' what everyone's done since you were last here, isn't it?"
(10/10 19:07:23) Molly Kincade: Oh yes, definitely!
(10/10 19:12:25) Cody Herd: hello
(10/10 19:12:36) Molly Kincade: Hello there!
(10/10 19:12:43) Tiernan Quinlan waves hello
(10/10 19:31:18) Tiernan Quinlan: "I think it's been so active, each time I was able t' visit, there was more things added an' goin' on."
(10/10 19:31:40) Kelsei A.T. waves hello
(10/10 19:31:44) Kelsei A.T.: shorah, tenny
(10/10 19:31:52) Molly Kincade: "Hello there!"
(10/10 19:31:56) Molly Kincade waves hello
(10/10 19:32:09) Kelsei A.T.: oh, hello, you must be molly?
(10/10 19:32:15) Tiernan Quinlan: "Hullo there, Kels!"
(10/10 19:32:57) Kelsei A.T. sits tiredly at the table and smiles
(10/10 19:33:16) Tiernan Quinlan: "Kelsei, I'd like t' introduce m' granmum, Molly Kincade."
(10/10 19:33:37) Kelsei A.T.: a pleasure to meet you :)
(10/10 19:33:54) Molly Kincade chuckles. "Kelsei? What an interesting name!"
(10/10 19:34:02) Kelsei A.T. smiles.
(10/10 19:34:14) Kelsei A.T.: well, my parents did want something more unique, heh.
(10/10 19:34:35) Molly Kincade: "It's lovely!"
(10/10 19:34:42) Kelsei A.T.: atleast it's spelled roughly how it sounds, rather than looking nothing like it.
(10/10 19:34:59) Tiernan Quinlan chuckles softly.
(10/10 19:35:39) Molly Kincade: Ah, like Tiernan's name. In Irish it's spelled quite different than it sounds to the American ear.
(10/10 19:36:40) Kelsei A.T.: i was more thinking of how some american parents spell their children's names... very strangely,
(10/10 19:36:46) Kelsei A.T.: despite having normal pronounciations.
(10/10 19:36:55) Tiernan Quinlan grins.
(10/10 19:37:36) Kelsei A.T.: though as a linguist im more familiar with names being written one way and sounding very different than expected
(10/10 19:37:53) Tiernan Quinlan: How have thin's been goin' f' you, Kels? Would y' like a drink?
(10/10 19:38:06) Kelsei A.T.: oh, not right now, thanks though, tenny
(10/10 19:38:22) Tiernan Quinlan: Sure thin'.
(10/10 19:38:33) Kelsei A.T.: im rather tired, personally. lots of work, then got caught up in traffic on the way home
(10/10 19:38:39) Kelsei A.T.: two sets of construction traffic!
(10/10 19:38:57) Tiernan Quinlan sips his Guinness.
(10/10 19:39:07) Tiernan Quinlan: Two?
(10/10 19:39:08) Kelsei A.T. leans her arm on the table and rests her chin in her hand, sighing.
(10/10 19:39:10) Kelsei A.T.: yes, two.
(10/10 19:39:14) Kelsei A.T.: two different sets.
(10/10 19:39:20) Kelsei A.T.: first one i had to sit through.
(10/10 19:39:28) Kelsei A.T.: second one i gave up and made a K turn to get out
(10/10 19:39:39) Kelsei A.T.: they were taking down a traffic light in that ase.
(10/10 19:39:42) Kelsei A.T.: case.*
(10/10 19:40:09) Tiernan Quinlan nods his head
(10/10 19:40:29) Molly Kincade: So, Kelsei, you don't live here in the Cavern?
(10/10 19:40:37) Kelsei A.T.: no, as nice as it'd be.
(10/10 19:40:59) Kelsei A.T.: i do have family obligations on the surface and if i suddenly was homeless theyd be concerned.
(10/10 19:41:27) Kelsei A.T.: my cousin might understand, but she'd be about the only one, really.
(10/10 19:41:42) Molly Kincade: Ah, so you're the only one who is involved with the Cavern in your family then. That makes sense.
(10/10 19:41:46) Kelsei A.T.: Dawn and I were both down here in 2007,
(10/10 19:41:57) Kelsei A.T.: but im the only one still regularly involved with things.
(10/10 19:42:17) Molly Kincade: Heh. I've been involved with the research here since... well, a while now, isn't it. Tenny?
(10/10 19:42:23) Kelsei A.T.: last time Dawn was down here was to film some short video with some friends of hers not too long ago, but she doesnt pop in frequently.
(10/10 19:42:48) Tiernan Quinlan nods.
(10/10 19:42:56) Tiernan Quinlan: Short video?
(10/10 19:43:01) Kelsei A.T.: oh, some silly thing,
(10/10 19:43:16) Kelsei A.T.: one of them made a replica of Relto in some video game
(10/10 19:43:32) Kelsei A.T.: so they filmed something in a hood briefly as setup,
(10/10 19:43:50) Tiernan Quinlan: Really? What game, do you know?
(10/10 19:43:52) Kelsei A.T.: ill have to send you the link later, tenny,
(10/10 19:44:00) Kelsei A.T.: i think Calum plays it too, but im not sure,
(10/10 19:44:13) Kelsei A.T.: honestly games arent really my thing these days.
(10/10 19:44:16) Kelsei A.T.: just dont have the time.
(10/10 19:44:57) Tiernan Quinlan: Ah, okay!
(10/10 19:45:28) Kelsei A.T.: give me a moment, ill look it up...
(10/10 19:45:45) Kelsei A.T. opens her laptop and scuttles through saved Youtube links...
(10/10 19:46:32) Kelsei A.T. fires off a quick email to Tenny
(10/10 19:46:35) Kelsei A.T.: there you go
(10/10 19:46:40) Kelsei A.T.: feel free to check it out whenever
(10/10 19:47:38) Tiernan Quinlan: I shall, thank y' Kelsei.
(10/10 19:47:43) Kelsei A.T.: no problem,
(10/10 19:48:01) Molly Kincade: Molly sips her drink and thinks a moment.
(10/10 19:48:04) Kelsei A.T.: my cousin plays one of the two main characters in it, as i recall.
(10/10 19:48:10) Kelsei A.T. chuckles
(10/10 19:48:27) Kelsei A.T.: and before you ask, no, she isn't *too* usually fixated on her looks like that.
(10/10 19:48:41) Kelsei A.T.: all part of the story, and all that, eheh.
(10/10 19:48:57) Tiernan Quinlan grins and nods.
(10/10 19:49:28) Molly Kincade: So, Kelsei. How long have you been in the Cavern?
(10/10 19:50:07) Kelsei A.T.: personally? In and out since 2007,
(10/10 19:50:38) Molly Kincade: Surprised I haven't run into you before this, then.
(10/10 19:50:48) Kelsei A.T.: i usually kept a low profile,
(10/10 19:51:06) Kelsei A.T.: and used a KI that didn't have my actual name on it, but, well... you drop it into the lake *one time*...
(10/10 19:51:32) Molly Kincade: I was attached to a research team from Arizona State, so I suppose we ran in different circles.
(10/10 19:51:43) Kelsei A.T.: oh, yes, i went for linguistics,
(10/10 19:51:58) Kelsei A.T.: i specialize in piecing together exotic, foreign languages,
(10/10 19:52:06) Molly Kincade: Mostly I worked on translations for the archaeological team.
(10/10 19:52:32) Kelsei A.T.: i was a lot younger then, only a teen, back in 07,
(10/10 19:52:44) Kelsei A.T.: i didnt go to college for study until a few years after,
(10/10 19:52:46) Molly Kincade laughs.
(10/10 19:53:13) Kelsei A.T.: so we very likely just existed in different circles.
(10/10 19:53:21) Kelsei A.T. nods in agreement
(10/10 19:53:25) Molly Kincade: Oh, I was younger then too.
(10/10 19:54:26) Kelsei A.T.: aren't we all?
(10/10 19:54:43) Molly Kincade laughs
(10/10 19:54:54) Tiernan Quinlan grins.
(10/10 19:55:00) Tiernan Quinlan: Ah well...
(10/10 19:55:43) Molly Kincade tilts her head to the side. "So, do you know this Logan Masters fella who Tenny seems so fond of?"
(10/10 19:56:06) Kelsei A.T.: Logan? Oh, we've met a few times, yes,
(10/10 19:56:26) Kelsei A.T.: he seems nice, if a bit shy!
(10/10 19:56:50) Molly Kincade: He does seem very shy.
(10/10 19:56:57) Kelsei A.T. looks at Tenny and remarks with a smirk, "Atleast someone's managed a relationship."
(10/10 19:57:21) Tiernan Quinlan shrugs a little.
(10/10 19:57:23) Kelsei A.T.: yes, well, i think it's mostly just a group socialization thing.
(10/10 19:57:32) Kelsei A.T.: he seems much more comfortable in one on one conversations,
(10/10 19:58:32) Kelsei A.T.: i have my own version of that kind of ease of talking- I tend to get stage fright with large crowds
(10/10 19:58:39) Kelsei A.T.: especially if I have to perform or do some task.
(10/10 19:58:49) Kelsei A.T.: i've gotten over it a bit, but it's still... nerves, you know?
(10/10 19:59:05) Molly Kincade: Oh! Who doesn't? I still get anxious every time I have to speak to a group...
(10/10 19:59:30) Tiernan Quinlan: You do? Y' can't tell at all, grandmum.
(10/10 19:59:58) Kelsei A.T. smiles
(10/10 20:00:06) Kelsei A.T.: i believe the phrase is 'fake it til you make it'?
(10/10 20:00:13) Molly Kincade winks.
(10/10 20:00:19) Molly Kincade: It certainly is!
(10/10 20:01:44) Kelsei A.T. smiles
(10/10 20:02:21) Kelsei A.T. checks the time...
(10/10 20:02:27) Kelsei A.T.: ah, i think I ought to get going.
(10/10 20:02:38) Tiernan Quinlan seems sleepy.
(10/10 20:02:40) Kelsei A.T.: im a tad exhausted after the day ive had
(10/10 20:02:44) Tiernan Quinlan: Aye, me too.
(10/10 20:02:50) Kelsei A.T.: it's a pleasure meeting you, Molly :)
(10/10 20:02:56) Molly Kincade tilts her head.
(10/10 20:03:01) Kelsei A.T.: and Tenny, get some rest, yea? ;)
(10/10 20:03:06) Molly Kincade smiles.
(10/10 20:03:07) Kelsei A.T.: translators orders! :P
(10/10 20:03:21) Molly Kincade: "I'll make sure he does! He's been running himself ragged."
(10/10 20:03:38) Molly Kincade waves goodbye
(10/10 20:03:42) Kelsei A.T. waves goodbye
(10/10 20:03:54) Kelsei A.T. leans left
(10/10 20:04:00) Tiernan Quinlan leans right
(10/10 20:04:08) Kelsei A.T.: take care, :)
(10/10 20:05:04) ...Chat.log stopped.
Dr. Tiernan 'Tenny' Rory Quinlan, MD, PhD
Sanctuary Clinic, Ae'gura
KI: 11690335
Sanctuary by Tenny Quinlan
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