10-1-22 Highgarden reveal.

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10-1-22 Highgarden reveal.

Post by Traveler263 »

(10/01 11:21:40) Chat.log started...
(10/01 11:21:45) Calum Traveler: shorah, Keith Lord :)
(10/01 11:23:54) tatayet: shorah Everyone
(10/01 11:24:02) XPlore: hello
(10/01 11:24:28) Cave woman: Shorah
(10/01 11:24:33) Oldenbuerger: shorah tatayet and XPlore
(10/01 11:25:20) Calum Traveler snaps a photo...
(10/01 11:25:32) IwonK passes around snappy cookies
(10/01 11:25:33) TikiBear poses tartily
(10/01 11:25:50) Cave woman: make it snappy
(10/01 11:26:02) IwonK: *snap!*
(10/01 11:26:05) Dni_seeker 5: There is a pun thief among us
(10/01 11:26:38) Cave woman: Punishment
(10/01 11:26:57) ametist': Shorah everyone!
(10/01 11:27:05) Claidi Song leans right
(10/01 11:27:06) ametist' leans left
(10/01 11:27:10) Prad: Don't come pun-prepared... :P
(10/01 11:27:11) Cave woman: Shorah
(10/01 11:27:29) Minasunda: shorah ametist :))
(10/01 11:27:36) ametist': Mina :)
(10/01 11:27:40) Calum Traveler: shorah ametist' :)
(10/01 11:27:47) ametist': hey calum :)
(10/01 11:27:54) Claidi Song: Shorah ametist :))
(10/01 11:27:54) IwonK: shorah Ametist :)
(10/01 11:28:05) EthanEver says DOH!
(10/01 11:28:07) Cave woman: crockadial is a lare ceramic keg of soap
(10/01 11:28:08) ametist': keith Lord
(10/01 11:28:14) ametist' bows
(10/01 11:28:22) Claidi Song: lol
(10/01 11:28:26) ametist' waves to Tiki
(10/01 11:28:29) Prad: when you call, deal the crocodile people... :D
(10/01 11:29:01) ametist': crowd already in place :)
(10/01 11:29:04) Calum Traveler: aye,
(10/01 11:29:07) Claidi Song nods her head
(10/01 11:29:36) Claidi Song: Is Highgarden a public or personal age?
(10/01 11:29:46) Dni_seeker 5: no results for "Crockadial".
(10/01 11:29:49) Keith Lord: Was nice to see Naybree so well received Calum.
(10/01 11:29:57) Calum Traveler: thanks, keith, me too
(10/01 11:30:14) Calum Traveler: and speaking of I believe highgarden instances similarly to Naybree, claidi.
(10/01 11:30:58) ametist': Its so exciting with new ages
(10/01 11:31:10) Prad: From MOULa movie making point of view Naybree was like 'Wow, where have you been all these ages...' ... :)
(10/01 11:31:20) IwonK: :D
(10/01 11:31:30) Dni_seeker 5: "Ages"?
(10/01 11:31:37) Calum Traveler starts to laugh
(10/01 11:31:43) ametist' smiles
(10/01 11:31:46) Prad roars with laughter
(10/01 11:31:54) Keith Lord: Oh yes, I have more Ages to release to you guys in the future.
(10/01 11:32:01) ametist' cheers
(10/01 11:32:02) Calum Traveler: well, id expect naybree has some cinematic views, atleast, with that day night cycle. prad,
(10/01 11:32:08) Calum Traveler: im looking forwards to 'em, Keith.
(10/01 11:32:35) tatayet: shorah Mirphak
(10/01 11:32:48) Minasunda: shorah Mir :))
(10/01 11:33:02) Prad: Enough of Naybree for now, today the day of this new age...
(10/01 11:33:04) Claidi Song: Shorah Mirphak :))
(10/01 11:33:13) Calum Traveler: yes, enough on my work, highgarden gets the focus today :)
(10/01 11:33:14) Mirphak: Shorah all :)
(10/01 11:33:17) Dni_seeker 5: Keith, could you please explain what that black-paneled Book on your desk downstairs is for?
(10/01 11:33:22) Eternal Seeker: Shorah Mirphak
(10/01 11:33:24) Ahno: New 'H'
(10/01 11:33:26) Cave woman: Shorh
(10/01 11:33:32) Minasunda leans right
(10/01 11:33:33) Mirphak leans left
(10/01 11:33:36) IwonK: I see what you did there, Ahno ;]
(10/01 11:33:41) Mirphak leans right
(10/01 11:33:41) Claidi Song leans left
(10/01 11:33:46) Calum Traveler: i believe that's an inprogress Descriptive book?
(10/01 11:33:58) Calum Traveler: probably best not to draw too much attention to that ;)
(10/01 11:34:00) Ahno: :D
(10/01 11:34:17) Mirphak leans left
(10/01 11:34:23) Eternal Seeker leans right
(10/01 11:34:29) Dni_seeker 5: Well, it stuck out like a sore thumb to ME. Remember what happened to Serene?
(10/01 11:34:36) Keith Lord: Certainly, Dni_Seeker5. It is an Age I've been working on. It'll be getting moved to a more secure location at some point. With the sabotaging that has been going on it's unwise for me to leave an in progress Korman out.
(10/01 11:34:58) Prad draws another scribble on that book, writes 'attention' on it...
(10/01 11:35:04) Keith Lord: It'll join my other projects in Sul when I get five minutes to sort my desk out
(10/01 11:35:14) Calum Traveler: ah, desk maintenance
(10/01 11:35:17) Claidi Song: It is great that explorers can now learn the Art of Writing Ages! We have so many creative explorer in MOULa
(10/01 11:35:30) Calum Traveler mumbles something about tidying his own desk up at some point...
(10/01 11:35:40) Claidi Song: Cal?

[A brief digression over time zones and a mistaken unleashing of confetti after a mistaken assumption of it being an hour later than it was ensues.]

(10/01 11:38:32) Patrick Dulebohn: Hey all. Something going on today?
(10/01 11:38:34) Patrick Dulebohn laughs
(10/01 11:38:35) Sestra leans right
(10/01 11:38:39) IwonK leans left
(10/01 11:38:40) Calum Traveler: hey, patrick,
(10/01 11:38:48) TOOO: We're an hour early, aren't we?
(10/01 11:38:49) TikiBear tries to appear casual
(10/01 11:38:53) Mirphak: hi Patrick Dulebohn
(10/01 11:39:04) TOOO: Shorah Patrick
(10/01 11:39:06) Keith Lord: Hope to have more Ages to present to you in the future. My team an I are hard at work prepping Cass and Fahets Prime for release in the near future.
(10/01 11:39:08) ametist': Just a new age :)
(10/01 11:39:08) Patrick Dulebohn: Hello everyone. Hey Keith!
(10/01 11:39:11) Patrick Dulebohn salutes
(10/01 11:39:12) Calum Traveler: i think with this crowd any metric of 'early' is long settled :P
(10/01 11:39:26) TikiBear: Yay, Keith!
(10/01 11:40:02) Patrick Dulebohn: Well, this is Mr. Lord's first release to the public, so it's definitely a big event...and I, for one, wanted to get a good spot.
(10/01 11:40:04) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(10/01 11:40:43) ametist': 12.30 Ki right?
(10/01 11:40:57) TOOO: If Fahets: Highgarden goes in the last bookstand, where will future Ages go?
(10/01 11:41:12) IwonK: there are plenty of shelves in here ;)
(10/01 11:41:14) Calum Traveler: are we waiting exactly for 12:30 to place the book or...?
(10/01 11:41:26) Patrick Dulebohn: Future Ages will go in these pedestals. They'll always feature the latest. "Older" Books will go to the shelves.
(10/01 11:41:26) Calum Traveler: i believe we'll be cycling out older books for newer ones, TOOO
(10/01 11:41:32) Calum Traveler: ish.
(10/01 11:41:40) ametist': Plenty of space on the shelves here :)
(10/01 11:41:41) TOOO: a, OK
(10/01 11:41:43) TOOO says okay
(10/01 11:41:58) Adi: so there will be the most favoured books these ones and the others will be the pleb on the shelves? :P
(10/01 11:42:08) Prad: yepp cycling out... where the oldest fan ages go, was still in discussion... they'll stay accessible of course...
(10/01 11:42:12) TOOO: If there a music stream?
(10/01 11:42:21) Patrick Dulebohn: First two that will probably move will be the Books to the Pub and Veelay. Given both their significance, I'll try to put them in prominent locations when the do move.
(10/01 11:42:23) TOOO: iS there a music stream, sorry
(10/01 11:42:50) ametist': yes, Patrick, maybe on the shelfs where the lamp is?
(10/01 11:42:55) Claidi Song: Fil is on with instrument music
(10/01 11:43:08) TOOO: Ok, thanks, Claidi :)
(10/01 11:43:12) TOOO thanks you very much!
(10/01 11:43:17) Claidi Song: YW
(10/01 11:43:20) Calum Traveler: ill likely move Naybree to one of the desks before long, for what its worth.
(10/01 11:43:45) Patrick Dulebohn: I'm still thinking of how to do it, but I will do my best to come up with a system that'll help the Books stand out and also keep track of which one is which.
(10/01 11:44:09) ShilohOBrien: Shorah, folks!
(10/01 11:44:12) Adi: we'll need a librarian!
(10/01 11:44:14) Calum Traveler: if you need me to help with some custom dust covers i can certainly help with that, patrick. :P
(10/01 11:44:30) ametist': Shorah Shilo :)
(10/01 11:44:34) Patrick Dulebohn: I think there was an old joke about the D'ni Decimal System? Heh.
(10/01 11:44:36) Prad: custom dust covers and spider webs. lol.
(10/01 11:44:47) TikiBear: LOL
(10/01 11:44:50) Claidi Song: D'ni D'ecimal
(10/01 11:45:01) ShilohOBrien: Maybe we should see if we can get the KIs to scan QR codes.
(10/01 11:45:13) [BUDDIES] To Buddies: timezone confusion yes LOL.
(10/01 11:45:48) Patrick Dulebohn: In any case, I'll figure something out.
(10/01 11:46:04) Calum Traveler: good thing the next age after Highgarden already has its location figured out, eh?
(10/01 11:46:32) Calum Traveler: there'll be some time to get the plans hammered out
(10/01 11:46:37) Patrick Dulebohn: Indeed.
(10/01 11:46:38) Claidi Song: You could come up with some options for a TownHall vote :)
(10/01 11:46:51) Calum Traveler: tis an idea,
(10/01 11:47:01) TOOO: i vote in favor of a TownHall
(10/01 11:47:14) Patrick Dulebohn: Actually yeah, wouldn't be a bad idea to crowdsource a method of archiving Books.
(10/01 11:48:03) TOOO: is there a TownHall Age? :P
(10/01 11:48:24) Calum Traveler: Great Tree (3) hood
(10/01 11:48:29) Calum Traveler: every last wednesday of the month
(10/01 11:48:36) Calum Traveler: now at 14:30 per this last town hall vote
(10/01 11:48:57) ShilohOBrien: What would be really cool is we could duplicate the Nexus terminal in here. Kind of a quick age search engine. But I don't know if you guys have enough knowledge of that tech to try.
(10/01 11:49:27) Calum Traveler: its been floated to repurpose an existing nexus shell somewhere,
(10/01 11:49:33) Calum Traveler: but those dang interfaces
(10/01 11:49:46) Claidi Song: I vote for an age search engine! But I don't know how hard it would be to set-up
(10/01 11:50:11) Prad: D'noogle search
(10/01 11:50:11) Minasunda leans left
(10/01 11:50:13) Calum Traveler grumbles about the Lattice setups...
(10/01 11:50:15) Patrick Dulebohn: A Book machine, you say? Huh...that'd actually be quite handy...although we're still a bit iffy on Nexus interfaces in general. Hence the delay on the "explorer Nexus".
(10/01 11:50:17) Willy leans right
(10/01 11:50:23) Minasunda: hi Willy :)
(10/01 11:50:32) Eternal Seeker leans right
(10/01 11:50:34) Willy leans left
(10/01 11:50:36) Calum Traveler: im still trying to get that terminal you loaned me for the Cathedral hooked up, patrick,
(10/01 11:50:40) Claidi Song leans left
(10/01 11:50:41) TOOO: i'm thirsty, I need a Bever Age
(10/01 11:50:42) Willy leans right
(10/01 11:50:57) Patrick Dulebohn groans at TOOO, then smiles
(10/01 11:51:01) Calum Traveler: not had any luck with getting it to link up at all. i think i need to replace some of the internals like we did the Pub terminal
(10/01 11:51:04) IwonK: *hiccup* about that Bever Age...
(10/01 11:51:05) ShilohOBrien clears throat.
(10/01 11:51:06) TOOO: Hee hee hee
(10/01 11:51:27) Calum Traveler doesn't want to talk more about that right now, though, grumbling in annoyance and having many other things on their plate...
(10/01 11:51:31) Patrick Dulebohn: Well good luck with it. Most of the tech is beyond me save for the basic stuff.
(10/01 11:51:32) ShilohOBrien: Remember, folks! Donate to CaveCon so we can continue to get new Ages added to this library!!
(10/01 11:51:34) Prad: that was SO obvious (about that *hiccup*)... :D
(10/01 11:51:44) TOOO starts to laugh
(10/01 11:51:45) Chogon: brb
(10/01 11:52:01) Thumbs up from Calum Traveler
(10/01 11:52:10) ShilohOBrien shows off her "I Donated!" sticker.
(10/01 11:52:11) Patrick Dulebohn: Yes, a healthy amount of funds is always appreciated! Keeps the work going, it does.
(10/01 11:52:28) Calum Traveler: aye.
(10/01 11:52:35) TOOO: already sent me donation in for October
(10/01 11:52:41) Patrick Dulebohn thanks you
(10/01 11:52:43) Calum Traveler: speaking of work ill have an announcement about Rei'schu at the AGM today.
(10/01 11:52:44) Cody Herd: when is the AG meeting
(10/01 11:52:53) Calum Traveler: 13:00, cody,
(10/01 11:52:55) Calum Traveler: kirel,
(10/01 11:52:57) Maurus: today! after this unveiling
(10/01 11:53:05) Calum Traveler: if anyones got anything they want to announce at the AGM, let me know
(10/01 11:53:09) Prad: yeah thanks for the reminder... I think it's donationg month for me too again... my treasure chamber has some stocks again...
(10/01 11:53:11) Calum Traveler: ill add you to queue
(10/01 11:53:13) Patrick Dulebohn: 13:00 KI time. It's going to be a rather breakneck speed kind of day today.
(10/01 11:53:38) Claidi Song: Probablly should add that the CavCon helps Cyan keep MOULa open. No explorer volunteers are paid. They are troopers.
(10/01 11:53:48) Calum Traveler echoes claidi's statement
(10/01 11:53:53) TOOO: Super duper troopers
(10/01 11:53:55) EthanEver does a dance
(10/01 11:53:56) Calum Traveler would point upwards if this were in a forum
(10/01 11:54:02) ShilohOBrien: Very much troopers!
(10/01 11:54:10) IwonK: Super Troupers? :P
(10/01 11:54:18) TOOO: Sure, why not?
(10/01 11:54:20) Prad: Suuper, Troopers, lights are gonna blind them, but...
(10/01 11:54:27) IwonK: ;)
(10/01 11:54:31) Prad: :D
(10/01 11:54:40) Claidi Song: lol Prad
(10/01 11:55:03) Claidi Song starts to laugh
(10/01 11:55:03) TOOO: Not box tops?
(10/01 11:55:05) ShilohOBrien: And cookies.
(10/01 11:55:11) ShilohOBrien: and booze.
(10/01 11:55:13) TOOO: Oh, of course cookies!
(10/01 11:55:14) Keith Lord: They like to decorate their work stations with them, like wallpaper
(10/01 11:55:15) IwonK: and marbles
(10/01 11:55:33) Thumbs up from Briggs
(10/01 11:55:36) TOOO: As long as they don't lose their marbles
(10/01 11:55:48) Patrick Dulebohn: Well, it's good to make your work area a home away from home. Otherwise, it'd be more work than it's worth.
(10/01 11:55:50) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(10/01 11:55:54) ShilohOBrien: if they do, nip back to your Relto and get them some.
(10/01 11:57:11) ShilohOBrien pulls a flask out of her jacket and takes a sip.
(10/01 11:57:13) Aurelias leans left
(10/01 11:57:16) skyisblu leans right
(10/01 11:57:30) TOOO: Shorah Ethan
(10/01 11:57:54) Claidi Song: Shorah sky :))
(10/01 11:58:02) TikiBear: Shorah, sky!
(10/01 11:58:04) skyisblu: Hi Claidi :D
(10/01 11:58:08) skyisblu: Hi Tiki :D
(10/01 11:58:12) Calum Traveler: shorah sky
(10/01 11:58:13) ametist' waves to sky up there :)
(10/01 11:58:30) skyisblu waves from the peanut gallery
(10/01 11:58:33) Calum Traveler spies a familiar green hat
(10/01 11:58:47) IwonK passes around peanut cookies
(10/01 11:59:12) Chogon: COOKIES!!!!!
(10/01 11:59:18) IwonK: YES :D
(10/01 11:59:22) ural: Hello all!
(10/01 11:59:23) Calum Traveler: excuse me a moment, i must consume cookie snackage....
(10/01 11:59:25) Calum Traveler: shorah ural
(10/01 11:59:29) skyisblu: LOL IwonK
(10/01 11:59:34) Calum Traveler afks to cover munching noises...
(10/01 11:59:35) Prad munches some firefox cookies...
(10/01 11:59:45) IwonK: Snack Age, you say...? ;)
(10/01 11:59:45) ametist': Yeaay, cookie time :D
(10/01 11:59:49) Briggs: Shorah :)
(10/01 11:59:59) TOOO does the Funky Bahro Boogie just cuz
(10/01 12:00:01) IwonK passes around plethora of cookies
(10/01 12:00:08) Briggs does a funky dance
(10/01 12:00:09) ametist': Shorah Briggs :)
(10/01 12:00:10) Poutrew: I'm selling water for a dollar, soda for 2, cheesy wheezies for 3 - come-n-get it before they're all gone :)
(10/01 12:00:14) Claidi Song: Shorah Briggs :)
(10/01 12:00:21) ShilohOBrien: a question. Is the second syllable in preniv pronounced like "give" or "drive"?
(10/01 12:00:52) Patrick Dulebohn: You know it's a true get together of explorers when IwonK brings oodles of cookies. Heh.
(10/01 12:00:53) ametist': Hey Ethan :)
(10/01 12:01:08) Magic Mir: Hello everyone
(10/01 12:01:11) IwonK: how can you have a meeting without cookies :D
(10/01 12:01:15) TOOO: Shorah Magic Mir
(10/01 12:01:20) ShilohOBrien: the answer will determine if I spontainously filk.
(10/01 12:01:21) Minasunda: hi Mir :)
(10/01 12:01:21) ametist': Shorah Magic Mir
(10/01 12:01:25) r'Tayrtahn: Shiloh, it's prnounced like "give"
(10/01 12:01:37) r'Tayrtahn: *pronounced
(10/01 12:01:38) Claidi Song: Shorah Magic Mir :)
(10/01 12:01:40) ShilohOBrien: darn! Can't use that line then. But thanks.
(10/01 12:01:42) Patrick Dulebohn: I pronounce it like "give", but I'm sure I've been doing it wrong. My D'ni is a bit sub-par, which is why I usually leave it to the professionals.
(10/01 12:01:51) ametist': Shorah ural!
(10/01 12:01:56) ametist': uwe :)
(10/01 12:02:12) TOOO: "It's spelled Raymond Luxury Yacht, but it's pronounced Throatwarbler Mangrove."

(10/01 12:02:25) ametist' laughs
(10/01 12:02:34) TOOO throws another coin in the Monty Python Reference Jar
(10/01 12:02:37) tatayet: Shorah ondine
(10/01 12:02:40) IwonK: lemon curry?
(10/01 12:02:50) Claidi Song: Shorah ondine :))
(10/01 12:02:55) IwonK: shorah Ondine
(10/01 12:03:00) TOOO: shorah ondine
(10/01 12:03:01) ametist': Ondine :)
(10/01 12:03:03) ShilohOBrien offers her flask. Whiskey anyone?
(10/01 12:03:08) Eternal Seeker: Shorah Ondine
(10/01 12:03:10) IwonK: *glug glug glug*
(10/01 12:03:10) Mirphak: bonsoir ondine :)
(10/01 12:03:18) Dni_seeker 5: I was afk, hello Patrick
(10/01 12:03:18) ShilohOBrien: And dont bogart it Iwonk!
(10/01 12:03:28) IwonK: *hiccup* I'll try :P
(10/01 12:03:32) TOOO looks at theat flask. Looks supiciously like Ae'gura Lake Water
(10/01 12:03:42) ShilohOBrien: such whiskey is to be sipped and savored, not chugged.
(10/01 12:03:51) IwonK: I had to refill it with something, TOOO...
(10/01 12:03:56) TOOO starts to laugh
(10/01 12:04:02) Dni_seeker 5: Don't eat any Er'cana Pellets unless you want to breathe fire
(10/01 12:04:14) Calum Traveler: lol
(10/01 12:04:27) ShilohOBrien grabs her back up flask from her jacket and offers it to TOOO, holding her other hand out to block IwonK.
(10/01 12:04:42) IwonK wiggles in place
(10/01 12:04:48) Claidi Song leans right
(10/01 12:04:49) Acorn1: Shorah!
(10/01 12:04:49) ondine leans left
(10/01 12:04:51) TOOO takes a sip, and makes a rude noise. Sorry.
(10/01 12:04:56) ShilohOBrien: I'm cutting you off, IwonK/
(10/01 12:05:03) ametist': Shorah Acorn
(10/01 12:05:09) IwonK: I'll stick to milk ;)
(10/01 12:05:15) IwonK: goes great with cookies :d
(10/01 12:05:22) ametist': Yea :)
(10/01 12:05:36) Cave woman: how many of us are in here?
(10/01 12:05:37) Patrick Dulebohn: Had to get a few pictures. Heh.
(10/01 12:05:43) Magic Mir: !count
(10/01 12:05:49) Prad: thanks for the whiskers ... but what do I do with it now?
(10/01 12:06:01) TOOO: Wear it!
(10/01 12:06:06) Chogon: 84 online so far - and they are still coming in
(10/01 12:06:10) TOOO: other than that, no idea
(10/01 12:06:19) Calum Traveler: :P
(10/01 12:06:24) Calum Traveler: be ambiguous?
(10/01 12:06:30) TOOO: i have no idea what that shirt refers to
(10/01 12:06:32) ametist': It'll be filled here today
(10/01 12:06:42) Dni_seeker 5: Ambiguous Whiskers and Lakewater Whiskey
(10/01 12:06:53) TOOO: is there an upper limit in Cheniv?
(10/01 12:06:57) ShilohOBrien holds out the flask again after taking a sip.
(10/01 12:07:02) Dni_seeker 5: "Cheniv"?
(10/01 12:07:04) Prad tries to be ambiguous... didn't work. Prad is Prad again.
(10/01 12:07:15) TOOO: chiso Peniv
(10/01 12:07:19) IwonK sips milk looking eagerly at Shiloh's flask
(10/01 12:07:19) ametist': Shorah Darryl :)
(10/01 12:07:23) Patrick Dulebohn: Ha! Did we abbreviate the Age name already?
(10/01 12:07:23) TOOO: preniv
(10/01 12:07:25) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(10/01 12:07:40) Darryl Pogue: !shorah :)
(10/01 12:07:45) Calum Traveler: shorah darryl
(10/01 12:07:47) ondine leans right
(10/01 12:07:52) Raiga Olir: Shorah gah bigtotee
(10/01 12:07:53) Patrick Dulebohn: Well, Chiso Preniv already was a bit of slang, so why not.
(10/01 12:07:53) uwe leans left
(10/01 12:08:12) Dni_seeker 5: BTW The D'ni would have spelled Er'cana "Er'Kana"
(10/01 12:08:12) Eternal Seeker: only Chiso is enough
(10/01 12:08:14) ShilohOBrien: Make D'ni a living, evolving language again!!!
(10/01 12:08:18) Prad: don't use hig for Highgarden... sounds too much like *hiccup*... :D
(10/01 12:08:18) TOOO: but, is there an upper limit on how many we can pack in here?
(10/01 12:08:29) Chogon: No limit
(10/01 12:08:36) Yali: I wonder if Rand is going to join us
(10/01 12:08:39) Briggs: Might get a bit stuffy in here at some point
(10/01 12:08:41) Esto: That's suprising. I didn't think the d'ni knew the latin alphabet lol
(10/01 12:08:42) TOOO: Hope so!
(10/01 12:08:54) Dni_seeker 5: There's no "c" in D'ni
(10/01 12:08:55) Claidi Song: Maybe HG for Highgarden?
(10/01 12:09:00) IwonK: C is for cookie
(10/01 12:09:06) TOOO: would also be nice if the DRC could make an appearance, but I'm not holding my breath
(10/01 12:09:10) Briggs: that's good enough for me
(10/01 12:09:16) IwonK: :D
(10/01 12:09:25) Prad: HG... Age Gee... fascinating...
(10/01 12:09:25) Calum Traveler: If the DRC ever make an appearance I'll eat a hat-shaped cookie!
(10/01 12:09:26) Poutrew: since Avvies are Bosons, there is no upper limit on numbers. Only hard limit is the RAM in teh servers...
(10/01 12:09:31) ShilohOBrien: If we put donuts in a summoning circle, would that summon Rand?
(10/01 12:09:31) Patrick Dulebohn: Given Chiso is not accessible from the Nexus, no, no limit. The machinery there limits population in areas for safety reasons, I believe.
(10/01 12:09:32) IwonK: cookie cookie cookie starts with C...
(10/01 12:09:40) Dni_seeker 5: I thought that the DRC doesn't exist anymore
(10/01 12:09:46) Mirphak: I see 59 avatars here
(10/01 12:09:47) TOOO: No, but donuts might summon Atrus
(10/01 12:09:53) Calum Traveler: they technically do if only on paper as an organization,
(10/01 12:09:55) Dni_seeker 5: Or Katran
(10/01 12:09:56) IwonK: let's scatter them around RANDomly, maybe that will work :P
(10/01 12:09:59) Esto: I believe they are on hiatus?
(10/01 12:10:00) ShilohOBrien: and this is a problem because?
(10/01 12:10:03) Raiga Olir: Watermellons for Rand. Donuts for Atrus
(10/01 12:10:11) Keith Lord: Nah Yeesha will rock up and be like "Oh hai humans Writing Ages now? Cool bruv!"
(10/01 12:10:15) Dni_seeker 5: No, donuts for Katran
(10/01 12:10:19) TOOO: supposedly, Victor Laxman is keeping an eye on things
(10/01 12:10:26) Calum Traveler: we do have contacts with the DRC every now and then regarding certain questions,
(10/01 12:10:28) Yali: Yeesha british confirmed
(10/01 12:10:38) Dni_seeker 5: Because donut = torus as in Katran's First Age
(10/01 12:10:39) Esto: someone has to work on the lattice
(10/01 12:10:48) Patrick Dulebohn: I'd wager all of the DRC are peeking in from time to time, although I can't confirm it.
(10/01 12:10:54) Calum Traveler: i know ive funneled certain KI lattice requests to Laxman through our friend Chogon here at times. ;)
(10/01 12:11:00) Poutrew: Gehn will appear and trap us all in Riven...
(10/01 12:11:04) Calum Traveler: (usually asking for a reboot of the system)
(10/01 12:11:15) ShilohOBrien: probably muttering something like "Those idiots are gonna get themselves killed."
(10/01 12:11:16) Keith Lord: CraftableWaffle, I like your name.
(10/01 12:11:16) Dni_seeker 5: Gehn HIMSELF is trapped in a Prison Age
(10/01 12:11:24) Yali: you mean in the dark void of space?
(10/01 12:11:32) Patrick Dulebohn: Shame we can't just whack the lattice with a hammer...my preferred method of fixing.
(10/01 12:11:34) Patrick Dulebohn laughs
(10/01 12:11:34) Dni_seeker 5: That book is not real
(10/01 12:11:43) Raiga Olir: I wonder, now that we have a book for each pedestal, are they going to put future ones on the shelves? Or move the old ones and keep the newest on the pedestals?
(10/01 12:11:46) IwonK: speaking of hammers... where is Thor?
(10/01 12:11:47) Poutrew: :0
(10/01 12:11:49) Calum Traveler: but yes, i'd wager the rest of the DRC pop in, in disguise sometimes.
(10/01 12:11:51) Cave woman: We will trap him agehn
(10/01 12:11:57) Calum Traveler: Raiga Olir we're going to trade old ones out for new ones
(10/01 12:12:00) TikiBear: LOL
(10/01 12:12:01) Calum Traveler: but put the old ones elsewhere
(10/01 12:12:04) TOOO: Gehn's Prison Age looks like D'ni, but isn't.
(10/01 12:12:09) Dni_seeker 5: No Linking Book = He cannot escape
(10/01 12:12:11) Patrick Dulebohn: Raiga Olir, new Books will be put on these pedestals while older ones will be rotated to elsewhere in the library.
(10/01 12:12:18) Yali: Fake D'ni
(10/01 12:12:30) Prad: Wha... 'Gehn will appear and trap us all in Riven... usually asking for a reboot of the system? O_o....
(10/01 12:12:41) Calum Traveler: multiple conversations here, Prad
(10/01 12:12:43) Poutrew: Ghen's prison age is the only age with a toilet writen into it...
(10/01 12:12:46) Prad: :D
(10/01 12:12:56) Patrick Dulebohn: Welcome to everyone just joining us! We're just giving everyone plenty of time to get in.
(10/01 12:12:57) Raiga Olir: First time in a long while that I've had to scroll names...
(10/01 12:13:00) TOOO: i'd still like to know the status of the Bahro War
(10/01 12:13:01) ShilohOBrien: "Aren't you Victor Laxman?" "Me? No! I'm...John. John Smith."
(10/01 12:13:02) Calum Traveler: i was remarking on Laxman, and how I send lattice reboot requests to him through chogon at times.
(10/01 12:13:03) Prad: I love chat :D
(10/01 12:13:08) TikiBear: I'm trying to figure out how we'll use the books if they're rotating.
(10/01 12:13:10) Dni_seeker 5: Elonin has the only toilet that we can see
(10/01 12:13:16) CraftableWaffle: Oh well thank you, you have a nice name too
(10/01 12:13:17) IwonK: ad use
(10/01 12:13:20) IwonK: and
(10/01 12:13:28) Calum Traveler: the gehn convo was something unrelated
(10/01 12:13:28) TOOO: any salad dressing for that lattice? :P
(10/01 12:13:46) Poutrew: I think Elonin's toilet was bacpacked into it from Home Depot
(10/01 12:13:53) TikiBear: LOL
(10/01 12:13:56) TOOO: Not Lowe's?
(10/01 12:14:08) Claidi Song: Home depot sells that style of toilet?
(10/01 12:14:14) Poutrew: Home Depot was probably running a better sale...
(10/01 12:14:16) ShilohOBrien: well, would YOU trust the plumbing in D'ni after all this time and lack of maintainance?
(10/01 12:14:19) Claidi Song: Or Lowes
(10/01 12:14:35) Calum Traveler: hmmmm
(10/01 12:14:36) Dni_seeker 5: If the lattice is not in D'ni, it's probably in Rome
(10/01 12:14:36) TOOO: welcome to another episode of D'ni Home Improvement!
(10/01 12:14:48) Raiga Olir: See, I work for Lowe's.... Don't trust them.
(10/01 12:14:51) Esto: is it a kohler or american standard?
(10/01 12:14:52) Calum Traveler: im tempted- if the crowd doesnt wanna leave highgarden for Kirel... maybe hold this months AGM in highgarden?
(10/01 12:15:06) Dni_seeker 5: you know... "romaine lettuce"?
(10/01 12:15:09) Acorn1: Great idea!
(10/01 12:15:11) Dni_seeker 5: Roman Lattive
(10/01 12:15:13) TOOO: *Rimshot!*
(10/01 12:15:15) TikiBear: ouch
(10/01 12:15:18) IwonK: romainetic <3
(10/01 12:15:26) ShilohOBrien: if you do, someone needs to go to Kirel to reroute newcomers.
(10/01 12:15:34) Patrick Dulebohn: Actually, that's a great idea, Cal! Just need to keep putting out the word of the relocation for latecomers.
(10/01 12:15:59) Dni_seeker 5: Wait, so we're going to Kirel?
(10/01 12:16:03) Adi: can we send the bot to do that?
(10/01 12:16:16) Prad: have a townhall meeting to decide if we wanna hold AGM in Highgarden for once... oh wait, my germanvogon genes snapped in... forget it...
(10/01 12:16:27) Claidi Song: lol
(10/01 12:16:29) Calum Traveler: if people dont want to reloacte to kirel for the agm, DS5,
(10/01 12:16:31) Prad: :D
(10/01 12:16:35) Calum Traveler: we'll see when its time lol
(10/01 12:16:59) ShilohOBrien: bring in some kegs! Turn Highgarden into a beer garden!
(10/01 12:17:10) Keith Lord: I like this idea
(10/01 12:17:11) Raiga Olir: Recruit the Bahro to link everyone to one or the other.
(10/01 12:17:12) Patrick Dulebohn: Would be nice to have a meeting out in the open air.
(10/01 12:17:14) Dni_seeker 5: I heard somewhere that Direbo was going to be Kirel's Garden Age
(10/01 12:17:21) Dni_seeker 5: Not Highgarden
(10/01 12:17:25) Esto: sounds like the backstory to PYST
(10/01 12:17:32) Calum Traveler: you're misunderstanding, DS5,
(10/01 12:17:37) Patrick Dulebohn: Anyone want to stop at the Pub and pick up a few things? Book's right here too. Heh.
(10/01 12:17:41) caver1: ;start log
(10/01 12:17:47) Calum Traveler: direbo and kirel's garden has nothing to do with what im saying
(10/01 12:17:47) TOOO: A beer garden? Well, that would explain the name HIGHgarden!
(10/01 12:17:55) ShilohOBrien: Ooooor, if we want to make it a Really High Garden....
(10/01 12:17:56) IwonK cheers
(10/01 12:17:56) Keith Lord: Highgarden isn't going to be Kirel's garden Age DS5
(10/01 12:18:07) Calum Traveler: what i was saying is- since the AGM is in 40 min,
(10/01 12:18:11) Dni_seeker 5: No, it would be DRUNKgarden
(10/01 12:18:12) Cody Herd: I vote lets have the AG meeting in highgarden
(10/01 12:18:13) Calum Traveler: and highgarden releases in 10,
(10/01 12:18:32) Calum Traveler: if people dont want to relocate TO Kirel for the usual AGMening,
(10/01 12:18:37) ShilohOBrien: anyone here from Colorado who knows where to get the good stuff?
(10/01 12:18:39) Calum Traveler: ...sigh,
(10/01 12:18:46) Calum Traveler: yes but no.
(10/01 12:18:51) Keith Lord: Welcome to an episode of "This is what happens when Keith gets confused about timezones!"
(10/01 12:18:51) Calum Traveler: i dont know where to find that stuff
(10/01 12:18:56) TOOO: Later, you'll have to go to the Sew Age
(10/01 12:18:59) Patrick Dulebohn: Yeah, I think it'd be easier to just have the meeting in the just-released Age versus having everyone dragged back to the cavern.
(10/01 12:19:04) Calum Traveler: fair,
(10/01 12:19:05) IwonK: EW Age? ;]
(10/01 12:19:07) Dni_seeker 5: There's a sewing Age?
(10/01 12:19:22) Poutrew: Right next to the Knitting Age
(10/01 12:19:29) Patrick Dulebohn: And no worries, Keith. I imagine 9 out of 10 here have the same troubles...especially around daylight savings time and such.
(10/01 12:19:33) TOOO waits patiently for DS5 to get the joke....
(10/01 12:19:37) IwonK: between Knitting age and the Crochet Age
(10/01 12:19:39) Patrick Dulebohn knows *he* does
(10/01 12:19:39) Raiga Olir: Alongside the broidery age.
(10/01 12:19:49) Calum Traveler: time zones are my mortal enemy
(10/01 12:19:51) ShilohOBrien: thats another thing the DRC need to give us info on if they've found it. What did the D'ni use for intoxicants? Frog venom doesn't count because that was native to Riven.
(10/01 12:19:51) Prad: yeah daylight savings time switch is always a pain...
(10/01 12:19:57) Dni_seeker 5: Agreed, Cal
(10/01 12:19:59) caver1: Does anyone know the KI numbers for Fountain Girl, Kilroy was here or Jakooth?
(10/01 12:20:03) Keith Lord: Gravity is my mortal enemy
(10/01 12:20:13) Dni_seeker 5: So go to the moon
(10/01 12:20:17) Ankh-Anapa kneels down...
(10/01 12:20:18) Calum Traveler: i do not, sorry caver1
(10/01 12:20:21) TOOO: mortality is my mortal enemy. I think that makes sense.
(10/01 12:20:27) Patrick Dulebohn: Or spaaaaaaaace!
(10/01 12:20:29) [BUDDIES] From Mir-o-Bot in D'ni-Ae'gura: Fahets Highgarden Opening at 12:30 KI : Join the crowd in Chiso Preniv!
(10/01 12:20:29) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(10/01 12:20:45) IwonK: ...the ffinal frontier ;)
(10/01 12:20:47) Dni_seeker 5: ten minutes
(10/01 12:20:57) TOOO: Time marches on
(10/01 12:21:01) Esto: dad, are you space?
(10/01 12:21:06) Calum Traveler: ten nine eight seven six five four three two one, EXPLORERS, IN SPAAAAAACEEE
(10/01 12:21:08) Ankh-Anapa: Yes, now we can be a family again
(10/01 12:21:23) TOOO: Dysfunction, but still a family
(10/01 12:21:24) r'Tayrtahn: Does anyone rememer Janai from Game Tap? I would like to get in touch with her for one of my stories.
(10/01 12:21:24) Prad: these are the voyages of the explorers... solving puzzles no one has ever solved before...
(10/01 12:21:30) r'Tayrtahn: *remember
(10/01 12:21:32) Patrick Dulebohn: Prepare yourselves for the orderly and considerate queue when Keith places the Book. Heh.
(10/01 12:21:33) Dni_seeker 5: The only place where we can go to space is the Todelmer Spacepod
(10/01 12:21:42) Raiga Olir: At least we don't schedule things according to D'ni time. What Vailee and Yahr is it now?
(10/01 12:21:43) Mirphak: 70 players are here now
(10/01 12:21:43) ShilohOBrien: IwonK, since we are christening "high" garden, do you have the "special" cookies?
(10/01 12:21:44) Ankh-Anapa: Brit mode activated
(10/01 12:21:55) TOOO: AND, if you believe THAT one...
(10/01 12:21:57) Calum Traveler: check a hood, raiga
(10/01 12:21:58) michaeltv: what will happen, a book appears, or more of an affair going to occur?
(10/01 12:22:00) Calum Traveler: lol
(10/01 12:22:02) Poutrew: So what is the name of the new age??
(10/01 12:22:13) ShilohOBrien pulls out a third flask and offers.
(10/01 12:22:15) Keith Lord: I mean if you're looking for a shorter name version for Highgarden you could just call it 420.
(10/01 12:22:17) Chogon: We are at 100 explorers (with 6 still downloading)
(10/01 12:22:23) IwonK looks around and quickly passes a definitely-not-suspicious box of cookies to Shiloh
(10/01 12:22:27) Calum Traveler: "Highgarden" is the name of the specific area. "Fahets" is the age.
(10/01 12:22:35) Calum Traveler starts to laugh
(10/01 12:22:41) michaeltv: when can we go there?
(10/01 12:22:43) Keith Lord: What Calum said
(10/01 12:22:44) ShilohOBrien slips IwonK the flask and grins maniacally.
(10/01 12:22:47) Calum Traveler: in about 8 minutes,
(10/01 12:22:51) michaeltv: cool
(10/01 12:22:54) IwonK glugs quietly
(10/01 12:23:01) Calum Traveler eyes the empty book pedestal and smiles faintly...
(10/01 12:23:02) TOOO wonders just how many flasks Shilo is carrying!
(10/01 12:23:06) Dni_seeker 5: How do you think the Todelmer Spacepod was built? Esher seemed to imply astronaut Bahro
(10/01 12:23:15) Maurus sweats profusely as they avoid making a joke with every fiber of their being
(10/01 12:23:20) Fni waves at TOOO
(10/01 12:23:28) Raiga Olir: Calum, Vailee is roughly equivalent to the month.... I don't think the clock in the 'hood would answer that.
(10/01 12:23:42) ShilohOBrien opens her jacket to show several custom sewn pockets in the lining.
(10/01 12:23:53) TOOO: i'm just glad there's no cuckoo in the D'ni clock!
(10/01 12:23:59) Poutrew: so... the linking book is going to materialize onto the pedastal, or is someone going to actually carry it over and place it there? Would be cool if it were Yeesha or a Bahro...
(10/01 12:24:19) Fni opens his jacket to show several stolen watches
(10/01 12:24:23) Keith Lord waves the Book around then tucks it back under his arm.
(10/01 12:24:28) Patrick Dulebohn: I assume Keith will make it appear with a flash and a puff of smoke, but we shall see.
(10/01 12:24:30) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(10/01 12:24:31) ShilohOBrien: I think Tweek can declassify books with his mind.
(10/01 12:24:33) Calum Traveler: oh, usually someone places the book down. ;)
(10/01 12:24:35) TOOO: hey! No flasing in the cavern, guys!
(10/01 12:24:36) IwonK: been to the Watcher's Pub, eh, Fni? :D
(10/01 12:24:43) TOOO: Flashing^
(10/01 12:24:48) Dni_seeker 5: Pun thief, watch thief, gnome thief
(10/01 12:24:50) Fni grins sheepishly
(10/01 12:24:57) TikiBear: "puff of smoke"
(10/01 12:25:00) Patrick Dulebohn: Not *that* kind of flash! Yikes.
(10/01 12:25:06) IwonK: awww...
(10/01 12:25:06) Dni_seeker 5: AGH!
(10/01 12:25:10) TikiBear: LOL
(10/01 12:25:18) [BUDDIES] From Mir-o-Bot in D'ni-Ae'gura: Fahets Highgarden Opening will start in 5 minutes : Join the crowd in Chiso Preniv!
(10/01 12:25:20) TOOO remembers the Streakers....
(10/01 12:25:27) Calum Traveler is glad to wear sunglasses at this moment...
(10/01 12:25:29) ShilohOBrien: I'm fully clothed under this jacket, thank you very much.
(10/01 12:25:34) TikiBear: I lived through that era as well.
(10/01 12:25:39) TOOO nods his head
(10/01 12:25:44) Poutrew: It Atrus were the one carrying it, he's do old by now it would take 3 more hours for him to get to the pedastal... or perhaps the book would tip him over... :)
(10/01 12:25:47) ShilohOBrien: i have very little body modesty but there is a time and a place for everything. :D
(10/01 12:25:55) TOOO: tMI
(10/01 12:26:06) Dni_seeker 5: Keith, you've got the book in your pocket, right?
(10/01 12:26:06) Calum Traveler: well im going to have to sanitize THIS chatlog...
(10/01 12:26:14) IwonK: xD
(10/01 12:26:17) ametist' laughs
(10/01 12:26:21) TOOO hands Calum a squeegee
(10/01 12:26:24) Keith Lord: My pockets aren't that big
(10/01 12:26:25) Patrick Dulebohn: Heh, I'm seeing a few people staring intently at the pedestal, ready to pounce.
(10/01 12:26:34) Calum Traveler: line up, line up,
(10/01 12:26:39) TOOO: is there a /pounce command?
(10/01 12:26:42) Calum Traveler: queueing in progress, queueing in progress...
(10/01 12:26:46) Calum Traveler: lol
(10/01 12:26:54) Raiga Olir: Line up on the trunk of the Great Tree
(10/01 12:26:57) ShilohOBrien: *David Attenborough voice* Here we see the migration of MYST fanatics...
(10/01 12:27:02) Adi: ha
(10/01 12:27:03) Patrick Dulebohn: Told you! A very considerate queue.
(10/01 12:27:03) TikiBear: LOL
(10/01 12:27:11) Keith Lord: It's nice to see so many folks turning out for this though.
(10/01 12:27:17) Maurus: oh we're jumping straight into the queue huh
(10/01 12:27:23) TOOO: this is the closest thing you're going to get to queue
(10/01 12:27:25) Ankh-Anapa: It's good to finally be here with the crowd!
(10/01 12:27:29) Patrick Dulebohn: Keith, your work is legendary in the community, so I'm not the least bit surprised.
(10/01 12:27:32) Patrick Dulebohn smiles
(10/01 12:27:34) Raiga Olir: I'll stay on the balcony and wait my turn (semi-)patiently
(10/01 12:27:43) Claidi Song: So far it appears to be like herding cats lol
(10/01 12:27:48) TOOO: meow?
(10/01 12:27:55) Patrick Dulebohn sits back and waits
(10/01 12:27:57) Keith Lord: Hello vid
(10/01 12:27:59) Calum Traveler: yes, Keith, i dare say news of YOUR age spread very far and wide compared to mine, lol. which is only to be expected. hehe
(10/01 12:28:00) IwonK: purrrr
(10/01 12:28:01) Raiga Olir: What kind of cats?
(10/01 12:28:07) Prad: Meow!
(10/01 12:28:13) michaeltv: trying to keep a view of the book placement
(10/01 12:28:14) TOOO: kitty cats :P
(10/01 12:28:21) Calum Traveler is somewhat glad he isnt the one organizing this right now...
(10/01 12:28:21) Fni waits to see if Farhet blows up
(10/01 12:28:26) IwonK passes around catnip cookies
(10/01 12:28:29) Adi: guys make sure to not hide the book for us cheap seats in the back :D
(10/01 12:28:37) uru348 passes around catnip milk
(10/01 12:28:42) Ankh-Anapa: I'll just wait back here, watching the line go might be coo- ooh, cookies!
(10/01 12:28:42) Claidi Song: Would anyone want to herd the big cats?
(10/01 12:28:45) TikiBear: ew
(10/01 12:28:48) Minasunda: lol Adi
(10/01 12:28:51) Keith Lord: I mean technically, Fahets already blew up...kinda...but yeah that's another story.
(10/01 12:28:59) Adi: i can barely see mina :D
(10/01 12:29:00) ametist': And give Keith some space to wave his wand :)
(10/01 12:29:01) Maurus: say what now
(10/01 12:29:03) Dni_seeker 5: ONE MINUTE!!!
(10/01 12:29:04) Calum Traveler: would squee herding be more appropriate?
(10/01 12:29:10) ametist' cheers
(10/01 12:29:10) IwonK: :D
(10/01 12:29:15) Claidi Song: lol
(10/01 12:29:18) TOOO has seen Fahets in the Minkata shard :)
(10/01 12:29:20) Keith Lord: You can read all about it in my autobiography "I wrote an Age then almost destroyed it"
(10/01 12:29:28) Raiga Olir wondering about Fahets blowing up...
(10/01 12:29:29) Fni: I wonder if there are farrets with faucets in fahet
(10/01 12:29:33) Poutrew: Someone ought to try writing a book to the surface of a neutron star...
(10/01 12:29:37) TOOO: *Rimshot!*
(10/01 12:29:40) IwonK: or Farrah Fawcett
(10/01 12:29:42) ametist': Geez!
(10/01 12:29:45) Calum Traveler: not without a maintainer suit they shouldnt!
(10/01 12:29:46) Mirphak: We are 80 now :)
(10/01 12:29:51) Keith Lord: Indeed
(10/01 12:29:52) vid: i hope it's available in paperback. The shrapnel of an exploding hardcover sounds concerning!
(10/01 12:29:53) ShilohOBrien: Alternate title "Why I Should Never Be Left Unsupervised".
(10/01 12:29:57) Raiga Olir: Poutrew, you're talking about a death book
(10/01 12:30:07) Chogon: 110 online
(10/01 12:30:08) [BUDDIES] From Mir-o-Bot in D'ni-Ae'gura: Fahets Highgarden Opening is starting now : Join the crowd in Chiso Preniv!
(10/01 12:30:19) ametist': Yeaayy!
(10/01 12:30:19) Patrick Dulebohn: Excellent!
(10/01 12:30:19) Keith Lord: I've written some very... experimental Ages over the years. You can do a lot with the Art...but sometime you probably shouldn't
(10/01 12:30:21) Adi cheers
(10/01 12:30:28) ametist' cheers
(10/01 12:30:32) Ankh-Anapa cheers
(10/01 12:30:36) Chogon cheers
(10/01 12:30:36) Acorn1 cheers
(10/01 12:30:38) Patrick Dulebohn: Oh yes. There's a reason the D'ni took it so seriously.
(10/01 12:30:40) michaeltv: who's got it?
(10/01 12:30:40) TOOO cheers
(10/01 12:30:40) iBear cheers
(10/01 12:30:41) Morten cheers
(10/01 12:30:42) vid claps his hands
(10/01 12:30:46) Lycaon Alethius cheers
(10/01 12:30:46) Maurus cheers
(10/01 12:30:46) ondine cheers
(10/01 12:30:49) Ythri cheers
(10/01 12:30:53) tatayet claps his hands
(10/01 12:30:55) Maurus: speech!
(10/01 12:30:57) TOOO cheers, but has no idea why
(10/01 12:30:57) Claidi Song: It so cool that explorers are now able to learn the Art :))
(10/01 12:31:00) michaeltv: bring it forward
(10/01 12:31:02) Esto cheers
(10/01 12:31:08) Fni raises a glass
(10/01 12:31:11) Calum Traveler: speech speech speech speech XP
(10/01 12:31:15) skyisblu: :D
(10/01 12:31:16) Patrick Dulebohn: Give the guy some space now. Heh.
(10/01 12:31:16) Raiga Olir: SPEECH!!!
(10/01 12:31:23) Maurus laughs
(10/01 12:31:32) michaeltv: look my view had to relocate
(10/01 12:31:36) Ankh-Anapa: I dont know if the line wants to wait for a speech XD
(10/01 12:31:48) Keith Lord: Welcome everyone, it's been a long time since I last released a Linking Book to the community.
(10/01 12:31:49) Patrick Dulebohn: Completely up to Keith.
(10/01 12:31:53) Keith Lord: About 12 years I believe, 12 long years.
(10/01 12:31:56) TOOO claps his hands
(10/01 12:32:01) Acorn1: Wow!
(10/01 12:32:02) michaeltv: Cheers
(10/01 12:32:02) Keith Lord: Not that I've been idle in that time mind you, I have Written several Ages over the years and have been restoring several more that my team an I have discovered in the cavern.
(10/01 12:32:04) Ankh-Anapa claps his hands
(10/01 12:32:05) ShilohOBrien claps her hands
(10/01 12:32:11) Lycaon Alethius: 12 years! WoW
(10/01 12:32:11) Keith Lord: But Fahets is special to me, it is the first Age I ever Wrote which is why I named it "First" in D'ni. Now it's the first explorer Written Age to come through a more official channel of release than what we used in the past.
(10/01 12:32:21) Keith Lord: I hope you enjoy this area of Fahets. Highgarden was a small garden area that the Third Path council used for relaxation. The Third Path has disbanded over the years for a myriad of reasons, so I thought it was time to open the area to you guys to enjoy.
(10/01 12:32:29) Catchen claps her hands
(10/01 12:32:31) Keith Lord: I should warn you however, that Highgarden is a remote area of Fahets and the nights there are dark and some may find it darker than others depending on what you're used to.
(10/01 12:32:34) TOOO: yay
(10/01 12:32:34) ondine claps her hands
(10/01 12:32:36) Finley Harlow claps his hands
(10/01 12:32:37) EtienneG claps his hands
(10/01 12:32:40) Keith Lord: So, with all that said. I'd like to present Fahets: Highgarden. Thank you Patrick for helping to get this area ready for release and thank you everyone for your support.
(10/01 12:32:46) Acorn1 claps her hands
(10/01 12:32:46) Raiga Olir claps his hands
(10/01 12:32:47) TOOO cheers
(10/01 12:32:47) A'lyssa claps her hands
(10/01 12:32:49) Cave woman claps her hands
(10/01 12:32:49) TikiBear cheers
(10/01 12:32:49) skyisblu cheers
(10/01 12:32:50) Lycaon Alethius cheers
(10/01 12:32:50) Adi claps her hands
(10/01 12:32:50) ametist' cheers
(10/01 12:32:50) Darryl Pogue claps his hands
(10/01 12:32:51) Morten: congratulations, Tweek!! excited to see it!
(10/01 12:32:52) Patrick Dulebohn: Glad to help. Congrats!
(10/01 12:32:53) Morten claps his hands
(10/01 12:32:53) Raingram claps his hands
(10/01 12:32:54) ShilohOBrien claps her hands
(10/01 12:32:54) Maurus claps his hands
(10/01 12:32:54) Patrick Dulebohn cheers
(10/01 12:32:55) Christian Walther claps his hands
(10/01 12:32:55) EtienneG claps his hands
(10/01 12:32:55) iBear cheers
(10/01 12:32:56) -Mowog- cheers
(10/01 12:32:56) Acorn1: Well done Tweek!
(10/01 12:32:57) Ythri claps his hands
(10/01 12:32:58) r'Tayrtahn claps his hands
(10/01 12:32:58) TOOO: woo hoo!
(10/01 12:32:58) Aurelias claps her hands
(10/01 12:32:58) Prad claps his hands
(10/01 12:32:58) Briggs claps his hands
(10/01 12:32:59) CraftableWaffle claps his hands
(10/01 12:33:00) ametist': Thank you so much Tweek!
(10/01 12:33:00) Fni reads quickly
(10/01 12:33:01) skyisblu claps her hands
(10/01 12:33:01) Ahno claps his hands
(10/01 12:33:01) iBear claps his hands
(10/01 12:33:02) uru348 claps his hands
(10/01 12:33:03) cjherkeless claps his hands
(10/01 12:33:04) michaeltv: woot
(10/01 12:33:04) IwonK claps her hands
(10/01 12:33:05) Tahm claps his hands
(10/01 12:33:06) TOOO thanks you very much!
(10/01 12:33:06) Keith Lord places book on podium
(10/01 12:33:07) Claidi Song claps her hands
(10/01 12:33:08) Calum Traveler claps his hands
(10/01 12:33:09) Catchen: Congratulations on the new age!
(10/01 12:33:11) Dni_seeker 5: THE BOOK!!!
(10/01 12:33:12) Oldenbuerger claps his hands
(10/01 12:33:12) 2ndClemens claps his hands
(10/01 12:33:13) ondine claps her hands
(10/01 12:33:14) Esto cheers
(10/01 12:33:16) Claidi Song cheers
(10/01 12:33:16) Patrick Dulebohn: Woo hoo!
(10/01 12:33:17) Mirphak claps his hands
(10/01 12:33:24) Oldenbuerger claps his hands
(10/01 12:33:25) ametist': w000T!
(10/01 12:33:30) Patrick Dulebohn: No shoving now!
(10/01 12:33:32) iBear: Congratulations on the release of your age!
(10/01 12:33:34) Claidi Song does a funky dance
(10/01 12:33:35) Chogon claps his hands
(10/01 12:33:35) skyisblu claps her hands
(10/01 12:33:36) vid: Historic times.
(10/01 12:33:37) uwe claps his hands
(10/01 12:33:38) TOOO: now we find out if it's a public or instanced age
(10/01 12:33:45) Keith Lord: Public
(10/01 12:33:46) Dni_seeker 5: I'm waiting back here until there's more room
(10/01 12:33:47) Patrick Dulebohn: It's been a long time coming, but totally worth it.
(10/01 12:33:53) Calum Traveler: congrats, keith :)
(10/01 12:33:54) Rostok cheers
(10/01 12:33:56) Calum Traveler: been a long time coming
(10/01 12:33:58) Keith Lord: Thanks
Calum Traveler - KI# 34810
-Traveler's Cavern Log-
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