(09/14 13:08:14) Tiernan Quinlan: Hullo Ben. Please, call me Tenny.
(09/14 13:08:21) Tiernan Quinlan grins sheepishly.
(09/14 13:08:26) Benavud: Right. Of course. Sorry, Dr. Quinlan.
(09/14 13:08:33) Tiernan Quinlan laughs
(09/14 13:08:39) Tiernan Quinlan: Tenny...
(09/14 13:08:43) Tiernan Quinlan grins.
(09/14 13:08:58) Benavud: Anybody do anything fun this week?
(09/14 13:09:08) Calum Traveler: going shopping tomorrow, likely
(09/14 13:09:14) Calum Traveler: hanging out in naybree otherwise.
(09/14 13:09:21) Cpt.Jericho: Not really, doing research
(09/14 13:09:27) Benavud: I heard about Naybree. I still need to check it out.
(09/14 13:09:31) Benavud: Cool, research for what?
(09/14 13:09:41) Cpt.Jericho: I'm looking for a tomb
(09/14 13:09:47) Semjay: Proudly wearing my Naybree top
(09/14 13:09:47) Benavud: Oh! Whose?
(09/14 13:09:58) Benavud: Semjay, it looks great!
(09/14 13:10:04) Cpt.Jericho: The oldest know ancestor of mine.
(09/14 13:10:10) Calum Traveler: ah, fun
(09/14 13:10:17) Benavud: Oh! That would be fun to know.
(09/14 13:10:29) Benavud: Heh, I still don't even remember who my parents are.
(09/14 13:10:30) Tiernan Quinlan: Ah, actually Ben, I wanted to talk t'you.
(09/14 13:10:33) Calum Traveler sips at water a bit
(09/14 13:10:35) Cpt.Jericho: I thought I could find stuff in the library, but that thing is HUGE
(09/14 13:10:42) Benavud: Sure, Dr. Quinlan. Go ahead!
(09/14 13:11:16) Benavud: Yeah, I know, Jericho. I went back to the basement there with Jules last Friday.
(09/14 13:11:34) Benavud: We couldn't find what we were looking for, either.
(09/14 13:11:44) Tiernan Quinlan: Err, well, it's about th' test results. M' friend Dr. Tharakan got back t' me yesterday. Dunno if y' want t' talk about this in public.
(09/14 13:11:53) Cpt.Jericho: Well, the problem is more that I keep finding too much.
(09/14 13:12:03) Benavud: Yeah, go ahead. These people are my friends. You can talk about anything in front of them

(09/14 13:12:11) Cpt.Jericho: Just not what I'm looking for
(09/14 13:12:17) Benavud: Do they confirm I'm human after all?
(09/14 13:12:18) Tiernan Quinlan glances around.
(09/14 13:12:29) Calum Traveler smiles sympathetically towards Cpt.Jericho
(09/14 13:12:40) Tiernan Quinlan: Err, well. No. Th' test results were th' same.
(09/14 13:12:46) Benavud: ...
(09/14 13:13:00) Calum Traveler: huh
(09/14 13:13:00) Cpt.Jericho: Ben, don't be too keen on being human
(09/14 13:13:01) Benavud: Well, it has to be some kind of fluke. Maybe like a weird mutation or something.
(09/14 13:13:09) Benavud: I definitely grew up on the surface. I'm positive.
(09/14 13:13:16) Calum Traveler: doesnt rule out an ancestor
(09/14 13:13:25) Tiernan Quinlan: Dr. Tharakan doublechecked my results against his own research an' it's coming back th' same, Ben.
(09/14 13:13:27) Calum Traveler: some folks claim theyre descended from D'ni down here,
(09/14 13:13:49) Cpt.Jericho: I was born in a bunker, Ben. That doesn't make me D'ni
(09/14 13:13:56) Calum Traveler: its also a somewhat common theory that the Call is just d'ni blood reaching back to the place.
(09/14 13:13:59) Benavud frowns.
(09/14 13:14:01) Calum Traveler shrugs
(09/14 13:14:15) Tiernan Quinlan: We've done a number of tests against known samples of D'ni DNA at the lab an' it's still th' same.
(09/14 13:14:20) Benavud: Yeah, but you said before that the test says I'm 100% not a surfacer.
(09/14 13:14:29) Benavud: Wait...what?
(09/14 13:14:37) Benavud: You compared my DNA to D'ni DNA this time?
(09/14 13:14:54) Tiernan Quinlan: We kind of had to.
(09/14 13:15:04) Cpt.Jericho: With D'NA?
(09/14 13:15:06) Benavud: And...what are you saying, exactly?
(09/14 13:15:08) Tiernan Quinlan: All possibilities needed to be explored.
(09/14 13:16:16) Benavud: You're not saying I'm D'ni?
(09/14 13:16:23) Tiernan Quinlan: We collected some samples from Kadish, which was the only deceased D'ni we have available, jus' to make sure we considered all possibilities.
(09/14 13:16:33) Benavud: Ok...
(09/14 13:16:55) Cpt.Jericho: We try to look in the Cleft if we can find Yeesha's hairbrush
(09/14 13:17:01) Cpt.Jericho: *could try
(09/14 13:17:07) Benavud looks tense.
(09/14 13:17:23) Tiernan Quinlan: So, aye. Th' results indicate you're D'ni, Ben.
(09/14 13:17:32) Benavud: No.
(09/14 13:17:33) [ERROR] Error: Don't know how to "/angry"
(09/14 13:17:34) Tiernan Quinlan sighs.
(09/14 13:17:38) Benavud stomps his foot.
(09/14 13:17:39) Cpt.Jericho: Relax, Ben
(09/14 13:17:45) Benavud: The results are wrong. I'm human!
(09/14 13:18:04) Benavud: I know I'm human! I know the Chicago Bulls, and Dire Straits, and Minecraft!
(09/14 13:18:10) Tiernan Quinlan: It's okay, Ben. Really it is.
(09/14 13:18:19) Benavud: I'm not D'ni! I'm human! I'm just like the rest of you!
(09/14 13:18:22) Calum Traveler: genetics dont dictate what your culture is, rasied with
(09/14 13:18:32) Tiernan Quinlan rubs the back of his neck anxiously.
(09/14 13:18:33) Benavud: This can't be true.
(09/14 13:18:38) Calum Traveler: just because i got some scottish dna in me doesnt mean im a scott,
(09/14 13:18:42) Benavud: There's a mistake somewhere. There has to be.
(09/14 13:18:45) Cpt.Jericho: Ben, what's so bad about being D'nI
(09/14 13:18:54) Tiernan Quinlan tilts his head.
(09/14 13:19:08) Calum Traveler grimaces
(09/14 13:19:13) Benavud: Because...because I'm one of you! I remember surface things! I grew up there! I'm not an outsider!
(09/14 13:19:20) Calum Traveler: yeah, you grew up there,
(09/14 13:19:22) Calum Traveler: thats what counts
(09/14 13:19:24) Benavud: Look, I have to go.
(09/14 13:19:27) Calum Traveler: not whats in your blood
(09/14 13:19:27) Tiernan Quinlan glances at Calum.
(09/14 13:19:32) Benavud: I can't...
(09/14 13:19:36) Benavud: I have to be alone now.
(09/14 13:19:39) ...Chat.log stopped.