8/31/22 August Town Hall.

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8/31/22 August Town Hall.

Post by Traveler263 »

(08/31 14:06:44) Chat.log started...
(08/31 14:06:55) Isa =^.^=: hi Ben :)))
(08/31 14:07:38) Calum Traveler: ben, good to see you :)
(08/31 14:08:14) Isa =^.^= nods her head
(08/31 14:08:27) Tiernan Quinlan: Hullo Ben.
(08/31 14:08:33) Benavud: Hey guys. Long time no see.
(08/31 14:08:39) Jules Lavisham: Shorah all
(08/31 14:08:40) Isa =^.^=: how are you Ben?
(08/31 14:08:43) Jules Lavisham waves hello
(08/31 14:08:44) Calum Traveler: :)
(08/31 14:08:54) Jules Lavisham: Ben! Long time no speakee!
(08/31 14:09:01) Benavud: Hey, Dr. Quinlan! Hey, Jules!
(08/31 14:09:05) Benavud: Yeah, it's been a little while.
(08/31 14:09:10) Benavud: I've been up on the surface.
(08/31 14:09:12) Jules Lavisham: How've you been keeping, that man?
(08/31 14:09:23) Benavud: I'm good.
(08/31 14:10:01) Jules Lavisham: Glad to hear. Had a few explorers asking after you.
(08/31 14:10:14) Calum Traveler: yeah, some folks were quite concerned the other night,
(08/31 14:10:35) Benavud: Concerned?
(08/31 14:10:38) Isa =^.^=: shorah Cpt
(08/31 14:10:43) Cpt.Jericho waves hello
(08/31 14:10:46) Calum Traveler: hadnt heard from you in a while, they were worried.
(08/31 14:10:51) Jules Lavisham: Shorah Capt, Isa
(08/31 14:11:00) Benavud: Oh. Yeah, sorry. Maybe I should have said something.
(08/31 14:11:08) Jules Lavisham: Nice to see you Dr Murry
(08/31 14:11:09) Benavud: I went to the surface.
(08/31 14:11:18) Robert Murry: Jules.
(08/31 14:11:19) Calum Traveler: we all got a bit busy the last while, it's understandable.
(08/31 14:11:41) Jules Lavisham: Glad you could make it as well, Tenny
(08/31 14:11:44) Calum Traveler: to the surface, huh? Make any memory connections?
(08/31 14:12:03) Benavud: Sort of.
(08/31 14:12:19) Benavud: Oh hi Jericho!
(08/31 14:12:26) Benavud: Ha, I didn't even see you there!
(08/31 14:12:28) Cpt.Jericho: Hi Ben
(08/31 14:12:45) Benavud: It's good to be back, I think.
(08/31 14:12:53) Calum Traveler smiles to Tenny, reassuringly.
(08/31 14:13:04) Tiernan Quinlan waves hello
(08/31 14:13:31) Cpt.Jericho: It is, Ben. The surface is vastly overrated if you ask me.
(08/31 14:13:44) Benavud: ...maybe.
(08/31 14:13:47) Jules Lavisham: I dunno, Cpt. It does hve Stonehenge.
(08/31 14:13:49) Calum Traveler: for sure, Captain. Kelsei's sorry she couldn't make it, but she's been dealing with stress from her surface workplace and just quit this week,
(08/31 14:13:59) Cpt.Jericho: If you can afford it, Jules
(08/31 14:14:06) Calum Traveler: she told me she was going to sleep it off for most of the week, if not longer.
(08/31 14:14:14) Calum Traveler: cant blame her, some of the nonsense shed messaged me about
(08/31 14:14:20) Calum Traveler shakes their head in disbelief...
(08/31 14:14:26) Benavud: I hope Miss Taylor feels better.
(08/31 14:14:37) Jules Lavisham: I've got a few folks on the inside, as it were. Solstice is... an experience.
(08/31 14:14:52) Calum Traveler: ill relay that to her, Ben :)
(08/31 14:15:30) [BUDDIES] To Buddies: just a reminder, Town Hall in about 5 min,
(08/31 14:15:53) Robert Murry: Say Jules, can I get a key to the liquor cabinet?
(08/31 14:16:18) [BUDDIES] From Jules Lavisham in Great Tree's(3) Hood: Town Hall starting in about 5 mins in the Great Tree (3) Hood
(08/31 14:16:19) Cpt.Jericho: I've got a universal key for it. It's called crowbar.
(08/31 14:16:26) Robert Murry: Someone keeps stealing my bottle of Scotch and leaving cookies behind.
(08/31 14:16:32) Calum Traveler: heh,
(08/31 14:16:35) Benavud: I don't think I've been to Stonehenge. I guess I might've been.
(08/31 14:16:52) Jules Lavisham: I think that can be arranged, Robert
(08/31 14:16:55) Benavud laughs at Jericho.
(08/31 14:17:03) Jules Lavisham: Need to start filling that thing up
(08/31 14:17:20) Robert Murry: Differsent types; Relaxing cookies, Moonshine, cookies, and what the heck are Wonky cookies?
(08/31 14:17:35) Calum Traveler: heheh,
(08/31 14:17:42) Calum Traveler: Iwonk's specialty, hah
(08/31 14:17:45) Cpt.Jericho: A variety of Wonka cookies?
(08/31 14:18:00) Benavud: I guess not a lot of people come to these things?
(08/31 14:18:23) Cpt.Jericho: Hah, I knew it: Those Oompaloompa's are drinking.
(08/31 14:19:46) Robert Murry: Oh well, at least the coffee is good.
(08/31 14:19:53) Calum Traveler: well, it's a smaller crowd than i was expecting but we might as well get started, jules,
(08/31 14:20:09) Calum Traveler: probably for the best to have a quiet one every now and then,
(08/31 14:20:13) Cpt.Jericho: Hey Red, long time no see!
(08/31 14:20:18) Calum Traveler: ill just have to repeat the Rei'schu stuff at the AGM,
(08/31 14:20:18) Jules Lavisham: Right you are Cal
(08/31 14:20:26) Calum Traveler: ah, there's folks now
(08/31 14:20:29) Red Gunner: shorah
(08/31 14:20:32) Jules Lavisham: Ah, there we go
(08/31 14:20:34) Benavud: Hey everyone!
(08/31 14:20:54) Jules Lavisham: I'll give it another minute or two, let people get settled
(08/31 14:20:58) Calum Traveler: right on the nose, had me worried there, folks, lol
(08/31 14:21:07) Jules Lavisham flicks through his notes
(08/31 14:21:09) Ereshkigal: Hi Benavud!! Nice to see you!
(08/31 14:21:14) Benavud: Hi Eresh!
(08/31 14:21:24) Benavud: I've been up on the surface for a while.
(08/31 14:21:32) Calum Traveler: before we begin, i have a joke for you all!
(08/31 14:21:41) Calum Traveler: What do you call a science show about orbital mechanics?
(08/31 14:21:51) Calum Traveler: inspir-rotation-al!
(08/31 14:21:56) Benavud starts to laugh
(08/31 14:21:57) Calum Traveler: :D
(08/31 14:21:59) Tiernan Quinlan laughs
(08/31 14:22:02) Isa =^.^=: lol
(08/31 14:22:03) Cpt.Jericho says DOH!
(08/31 14:22:06) Semjay groans
(08/31 14:22:11) Jules Lavisham: Ok:
(08/31 14:22:36) Jules Lavisham: What do you call the bit where a human's head meets the horses's body?
(08/31 14:22:43) Jules Lavisham: The epicentaur.
(08/31 14:22:46) Calum Traveler starts to laugh
(08/31 14:22:48) Isa =^.^=: lol
(08/31 14:22:56) Ereshkigal laughs
(08/31 14:23:01) Benavud starts to laugh
(08/31 14:23:17) Jules Lavisham: ... that actually went down better than with my students
(08/31 14:23:34) Calum Traveler: alright, that's some moo-d breakers in place, time to get the cows moving and start this event, ythink?
(08/31 14:23:39) Tiernan Quinlan chuckles.
(08/31 14:23:41) Cpt.Jericho: Why do bugs not go tochurch?
(08/31 14:23:47) Cpt.Jericho: They are in sects
(08/31 14:23:51) Robert Murry wishes he had his Scotch right about now.
(08/31 14:23:54) Calum Traveler grins
(08/31 14:23:56) Jules Lavisham slow claps
(08/31 14:23:57) Isa =^.^= starts to laugh
(08/31 14:24:02) Jules Lavisham: I approve
(08/31 14:24:09) Jules Lavisham: Right then right then!
(08/31 14:24:10) Calum Traveler: alright alright, this is the town hall, not joke fest. we can make an event for that later.
(08/31 14:24:12) Ereshkigal: Some jokes you really need to be drunk for :)
(08/31 14:24:21) Tiernan Quinlan grins.
(08/31 14:24:24) Cpt.Jericho: Amen
(08/31 14:24:25) Robert Murry: Amen
(08/31 14:24:26) Jules Lavisham: Shorah everybody, and welcome to the third of our explorer Town Halls!
(08/31 14:24:53) Jules Lavisham: We seem to hae fallen into a nice routine of these little get-togethers taking place on the last Wednesday of the month
(08/31 14:25:15) Jules Lavisham: so in the interests of keeping the regularity of them going we're going to stick with this scheduling for the time being
(08/31 14:25:19) Calum Traveler: baring any scheduling conflicts, we should stick to that, but will sign post any deviances.
(08/31 14:25:32) Calum Traveler: we'll message Minasunda, etc,
(08/31 14:25:38) Jules Lavisham: As with the monthly AGM, this will of course be subject to any Mysterium or holiday related change,
(08/31 14:25:57) Jules Lavisham: so keep an eye on Minasunda's announcements, the Guild of Messenger's calendar,
(08/31 14:26:15) Jules Lavisham: the Town Hall thread on the Beneath forums, all the usual places.
(08/31 14:26:38) Calum Traveler: we apologize for the somewhat sloppy messaging on this one, tis been an exhausting month
(08/31 14:26:49) Jules Lavisham: As with previous Town Halls, transcripts for tonight will be posted in the Transcripts sub-forum on Beneath
(08/31 14:27:04) Jules Lavisham: Before we start in earnest, the usual rules apply.
(08/31 14:27:30) Jules Lavisham: No pressing the blue button, comments not from myself or Calum kept to a minimum unless called on please
(08/31 14:27:50) Jules Lavisham: any issues that crop up during should be PM'd to Calum and if it's something up for discussion,
(08/31 14:27:56) Jules Lavisham: we'll table it as and when.
(08/31 14:28:03) Jules Lavisham: All good?
(08/31 14:28:09) Thumbs up from Ereshkigal
(08/31 14:28:17) Calum Traveler: signposting this in advance: we'll be doing a Q&A next month's town hall,
(08/31 14:28:25) Calum Traveler: neither jules nor i have the energy for it today.
(08/31 14:28:33) Jules Lavisham: Yes. It has, uh...
(08/31 14:28:37) Jules Lavisham: it's been a Week.
(08/31 14:28:44) Calum Traveler: between Mysterium for me, and everything else, its been a Month!
(08/31 14:28:54) Jules Lavisham: That as well.
(08/31 14:29:05) Jules Lavisham: Right! Let's get underway.
(08/31 14:29:13) Calum Traveler: (dont forget to grab your mysterium shirts if you havent yet!)
(08/31 14:29:23) Calum Traveler zips the shameless plug
(08/31 14:29:28) Jules Lavisham: Firstly, we should probably start off by addressing the elephant in the room that bought last month's Town Hall to a premature end.
(08/31 14:29:56) Jules Lavisham: For those who are unaware, the individuals who have taken it upon themselves to vandalise areas of the restoration
(08/31 14:30:07) Jules Lavisham: ... well, they decided to pay us a little in-person visit.
(08/31 14:30:28) Jules Lavisham: I won't go into the nature of their threats, quite frankly they're unworthy of contemplation.
(08/31 14:30:33) Calum Traveler grumbles something inaudible under breath...
(08/31 14:30:38) Catchen: Sorry I'm late
(08/31 14:30:50) Jules Lavisham: We have, however, taken steps to ensure the safety of the explorer community,
(08/31 14:30:55) Calum Traveler: ( :) no problem, catchen, have a seat and settle in!)
(08/31 14:31:06) Ereshkigal: Welcome, Catchen!
(08/31 14:31:11) Jules Lavisham: and we can assure those who are in attendance that the events of last month will not be repeated.
(08/31 14:31:22) Jules Lavisham nods to Robert
(08/31 14:31:37) Jules Lavisham: As a follow-on to that,
(08/31 14:31:40) Calum Traveler: given recent events, i think its safe to say they're likely going to lie low for a while.
(08/31 14:31:45) Calum Traveler: if they have any smarts to them, that is.
(08/31 14:32:04) Jules Lavisham: we mentioned at our last meeting about a lead that we were following up in respect of the true identity of these sabateurs,
(08/31 14:32:20) Jules Lavisham: particularly in regards to a somewhat cryptic message left on one of the Hood imagers for us to find -
(08/31 14:32:27) Jules Lavisham: "Speak to Harlan".
(08/31 14:32:32) Jules Lavisham: Well, in that time,
(08/31 14:32:44) Jules Lavisham: the man himself has chosen to make himself known to us.
(08/31 14:32:48) Ereshkigal certainly hopes they stay away. The explorers do not deserve to be threatened like this; all are welcome in D'ni.
(08/31 14:33:07) Jules Lavisham: He is Harlan Mason, the leader of a group here in D'ni known as the Children of the New Seed.
(08/31 14:33:27) Benavud: Wait
(08/31 14:33:27) Jules Lavisham: Membes of this group conduct themselves in Cavern in deference to the teachings of Yahvo
(08/31 14:33:32) Benavud: The Children of the New Seed?
(08/31 14:33:42) Calum Traveler: yes, Ben, do you recognize that name?
(08/31 14:33:51) Benavud: I...I think so. But I can't remember from where.
(08/31 14:33:59) Calum Traveler: hm, we'll talk about it later
(08/31 14:34:02) Benavud: It's...familiar. Sorry. I'll be quiet now.
(08/31 14:34:04) Robert Murry: hmm...
(08/31 14:34:07) Calum Traveler: it might be important, but i dont want you to get a headache right now
(08/31 14:34:08) Calum Traveler: :)
(08/31 14:34:10) Catchen: I've heard the name but I don't know where from
(08/31 14:34:16) Calum Traveler: id heard it too, for what its worth
(08/31 14:34:23) Calum Traveler: i have an old journal entry from 2020 mentioning it
(08/31 14:34:29) Jules Lavisham: On the face of it, the group seems relatively benign.
(08/31 14:34:39) Jules Lavisham: Based on our encounter with Mr Mason,
(08/31 14:35:03) Jules Lavisham: it would appear that those responsible for the acts of sabotage and threats of violence towards explorers were formerly members of this group
(08/31 14:35:07) Robert Murry: Aurelias
(08/31 14:35:12) Jules Lavisham: and have subsequently splintered off
(08/31 14:35:13) Aurelias: Yes?
(08/31 14:35:21) Robert Murry: Sorry Adding friends.
(08/31 14:35:30) Calum Traveler: KI mishaps,
(08/31 14:35:36) Jules Lavisham: - under the leadership of an individual known only to us this time as Rafe -
(08/31 14:35:49) Jules Lavisham: to pursue an agenda that only they themselves know the shape of at this time.
(08/31 14:36:13) Jules Lavisham: Mr Mason has committed his full co-operation in thwarting whatever machinations this splinter group have in mind,
(08/31 14:36:19) Jules Lavisham: which at this time we have chosen to accept.
(08/31 14:36:33) Benavud pales.
(08/31 14:36:37) Calum Traveler: negotiations and friendship building- something of a theme i think.
(08/31 14:36:42) Jules Lavisham: I should street that in the past month there have been no further incidents sabotage reported
(08/31 14:36:52) Calum Traveler eyes Ben, worried.
(08/31 14:36:59) Calum Traveler: stress as well,
(08/31 14:37:00) Jules Lavisham: and no sighings of the five individuals we have identified.
(08/31 14:37:08) Jules Lavisham: Stress, yes, quite so.
(08/31 14:37:12) Jules Lavisham coughs
(08/31 14:37:39) Robert Murry: Do you have a KI # for Mr. Mason?
(08/31 14:37:48) Jules Lavisham: It's our read on things that the incident at last month's Town Hall represented nothing more that one last desperate attempt
(08/31 14:37:55) Calum Traveler: i dont have it on me, sorry.
(08/31 14:37:57) Catchen: Question
(08/31 14:38:01) Calum Traveler: Jules or Tenny might have it?
(08/31 14:38:04) Calum Traveler glances between them
(08/31 14:38:07) Calum Traveler: Yes, Catchen?
(08/31 14:38:10) Jules Lavisham: to intimidate the explorer community into vacating the Cavern
(08/31 14:38:26) Catchen: Does anyone have any idea *why* they want to sabotage this restoration?
(08/31 14:38:43) Calum Traveler: they seem to think they're D'ni,
(08/31 14:39:10) Robert Murry raises an eyebrow.
(08/31 14:39:19) Jules Lavisham: It's not uncommon for New Religious Movements to splinter and move in somewhat extreme directions, Catchen.
(08/31 14:39:33) Calum Traveler: that's all the rhetoric im going to dare repeat right now: they think theyre d'ni and that we dont belong.
(08/31 14:39:33) Catchen: Oh so it's one of those?
(08/31 14:39:48) Jules Lavisham: It would appear so.
(08/31 14:39:56) Catchen: And I'm assuming from context that them being D'ni is a *literal impossibility*
(08/31 14:39:59) Jules Lavisham: And Robert, yes, I have Mr Mason's KI.
(08/31 14:40:15) Jules Lavisham: Happy to share afterwards.
(08/31 14:40:17) Calum Traveler: less a literal impossibility, more statisticly unlikely, given theyre using surface names
(08/31 14:40:36) Mir-o-Bot is linking to Er'cana for at least 1.0 minute(s)... PM me "link" to follow me.
(08/31 14:40:40) Robert Murry: Thanks, Jules.
(08/31 14:40:43) Calum Traveler: and from what I gathered, Harlan's group are surface dwellers in origin, so any splinters from them would be as well.
(08/31 14:40:52) Ereshkigal: Wouldn't a DNA test, blood tests, doctor's visit etc tht they've had any time in their lives break down their D'ni illusion? D'ni and humand are genetically distinct; it would have shown up
(08/31 14:41:18) Calum Traveler: obviously, if there were D'ni down here, and they're hiding away for whatever reason, that'd be up to them to talk about,
(08/31 14:41:24) Jules Lavisham: I suspect that things such as "objective truth" and "reality" aren't really things that will sway them, Eresh
(08/31 14:41:24) judyg: shorah. sorry to interrupt
(08/31 14:41:31) Calum Traveler: DNA tests arent infallible, tho, so....
(08/31 14:41:54) Calum Traveler shrugs
(08/31 14:42:06) Jules Lavisham: In any event, we will of course remain vigilant and continue our monitoring of this group
(08/31 14:42:08) Benavud: DNA tests! Ha!
(08/31 14:42:10) Calum Traveler nods
(08/31 14:42:11) Benavud: Sorry. Sorry.
(08/31 14:42:18) Benavud: Shutting up.
(08/31 14:42:24) Calum Traveler smiles at Ben
(08/31 14:42:33) Jules Lavisham: and do our best to ensure nothing further will come from their actions.
(08/31 14:42:39) Calum Traveler quickly whispers 'shorahs' to those who have sneaked in.
(08/31 14:42:45) Jules Lavisham: Right!
(08/31 14:42:57) Jules Lavisham: Turning our attention to other, more considerably POSITIVE matters,
(08/31 14:43:08) Calum Traveler: yes, positive, future motion,
(08/31 14:43:09) judyg apologizes for her tardine
(08/31 14:43:12) Jules Lavisham: it seems opening up our workspace in the Chiso basement has been well received
(08/31 14:43:18) judyg: tardiness
(08/31 14:43:20) Calum Traveler smiles to judyg, says 'its alright'
(08/31 14:43:29) Calum Traveler: oh yes, lots of folks down there
(08/31 14:43:31) Jules Lavisham: and its been good to make the acquaintances of you all in our own work setting
(08/31 14:43:37) Calum Traveler: Kelsei's remarked someone keeps swiping her zandies candies boxes.
(08/31 14:43:45) Jules Lavisham: Feel free to pop by as and when
(08/31 14:43:49) Calum Traveler coughs politely,
(08/31 14:44:12) Jules Lavisham: and don't hesitate to come introduce youselves if you happen to catch us at our desks
(08/31 14:44:20) Calum Traveler: we're also aware of some issues with the main door, but we're working to sort that out,
(08/31 14:44:27) Robert Murry: Probably the same Cookie Monster stealing my Scotch.
(08/31 14:44:29) Calum Traveler: the mechanism wasn't prepared for the influx of people using it on the regular.
(08/31 14:44:53) Ereshkigal: A cookie monster might be Iwonk :D
(08/31 14:44:58) Jules Lavisham: Yes, if you ARE going to help yourselves to our snacks, please occasionally leave some for us to find after.
(08/31 14:45:18) Jules Lavisham: My personal favourite is Jelly Babies, if you're keeping track.
(08/31 14:45:27) judyg: :)
(08/31 14:45:35) Ereshkigal: 4th Doctor?
(08/31 14:45:37) Robert Murry: The cookies Are pretty good...
(08/31 14:45:40) Cpt.Jericho: Nah, iwonk isn't a cookie monster. She the bearer of cookies. Cookiecifer.
(08/31 14:45:46) Calum Traveler: we're still on course for a September 9th release for Eder Naybree,
(08/31 14:45:52) Jules Lavisham chuckles at Ereshkigal
(08/31 14:46:00) Calum Traveler: no official event is planned for that, but i suspect yall will do something in celebration for it
(08/31 14:46:25) Calum Traveler: and i think we're still on track for an october release for highgarden? The butterfly catching continues apace.
(08/31 14:46:26) Ereshkigal looks forward to it!
(08/31 14:46:30) Jules Lavisham: As for Highgarden, well,
(08/31 14:46:42) Jules Lavisham: reports are that Tweek is still tackling those pesky butterflies,
(08/31 14:46:49) Calum Traveler glances at Jules and smiles in apology.
(08/31 14:46:52) Jules Lavisham: but October still continues to look good for release.
(08/31 14:46:54) Calum Traveler: yeah. they're a bit slippery.
(08/31 14:47:07) Calum Traveler: Highgarden's definitely befitting the october atmosphere, imho.
(08/31 14:47:24) Jules Lavisham: Yes. Ideal for Spooky Season, as the kids call it.
(08/31 14:47:48) Jules Lavisham: Right, let's see, what else...
Calum Traveler - KI# 34810
-Traveler's Cavern Log-
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Re: 8/31/22 August Town Hall.

Post by Traveler263 »

(08/31 14:47:51) Calum Traveler: Descent?
(08/31 14:47:56) Jules Lavisham: Ah yes!
(08/31 14:48:28) Jules Lavisham: I am very pleased to report that our work on the restoration of the pathway from the surface to here in D'ni is progressing VERY nicely indeed.
(08/31 14:48:30) Tehlrov K'hris pays extra close attention...
(08/31 14:48:37) Calum Traveler: As Patrick announced a while back, the release of Descent is likely to take place over the course of several 'stages'
(08/31 14:49:35) Calum Traveler: the first stage will be the main shaft itself, and possibly some tunnels on either end.
(08/31 14:49:51) Calum Traveler: i'm not sure yet if the route to the Caldera is secure yet, or not.
(08/31 14:49:58) Calum Traveler: you know how lavatubes are.
(08/31 14:50:19) Catchen: ...Lava tubes, you say
(08/31 14:50:28) Calum Traveler: for those helping us on that side of thing, you know where to go for the usual instructions and where theyre posted.
(08/31 14:51:06) Jules Lavisham: Nothing set in stone yet re timeframes,
(08/31 14:51:16) Robert Murry: I may be doing a geological inspection for Patrick up there.
(08/31 14:51:30) Jules Lavisham: but at our current rate of progress, we're looking at a potential release...
(08/31 14:51:37) Jules Lavisham: I'd say before the year is out, Cal?
(08/31 14:51:42) Calum Traveler: if we're lucky
(08/31 14:51:56) Jules Lavisham: Yes. As you can imagine, this isn't something we want to rush.
(08/31 14:52:06) Calum Traveler: i think Patrick's optimistic for Q3, but more realisticly id say Q4,
(08/31 14:52:47) Calum Traveler: but we'll see how things go.
(08/31 14:52:58) Calum Traveler: as long as there arent any earthquakes or major incidents that shake things up...
(08/31 14:53:03) Calum Traveler gives a hopeful smile
(08/31 14:53:25) Calum Traveler: if there's more news to make on that, id expect it at the AGM this weekend.
(08/31 14:53:38) Calum Traveler: Patrick may have something to say, or he may not. who knows with that guy.
(08/31 14:53:53) Calum Traveler: cant blame him for just wanting to sit in the audience at times, though
(08/31 14:53:56) Benavud: Patrick's the guy in charge?
(08/31 14:54:00) Calum Traveler: of Descent, yes,
(08/31 14:54:03) Calum Traveler: Patrick Dulebohn,
(08/31 14:54:13) Jules Lavisham: Also has the biggest desk in Chiso.
(08/31 14:54:21) Benavud nods as if he understands all of this completely--which, of course, he doesn't.
(08/31 14:54:24) judyg: :)
(08/31 14:54:27) Calum Traveler chuckles
(08/31 14:54:29) Jules Lavisham: Not that anybody's measuring.
(08/31 14:54:40) Calum Traveler: alright, that leaves us with the last measure of the evening i believe: Rei'schu?
(08/31 14:54:40) judyg starts to laugh
(08/31 14:55:05) Jules Lavisham: Yes! I believe you had some news on that front.
(08/31 14:55:10) Calum Traveler: Right. At the first town hall yall voted for opening diplomatic negotiations with those folks.
(08/31 14:55:36) Calum Traveler: after a big pollen season over august delayed things, things are finally settling down there enough we're feeling its close to time to start making official forays
(08/31 14:55:46) Calum Traveler: so, there's a couple of ways i can see us handling this,
(08/31 14:56:06) Calum Traveler: the first and foremost is that i'd like to start gathering contact info for folks who want to assist us in the negotiation with the people of Rei'schu,
(08/31 14:56:25) Catchen: What kind of negotiations will these be? What sort of experience is required?
(08/31 14:56:27) Calum Traveler: i've created a thread on our forums...
(08/31 14:56:51) Calum Traveler: viewforum.php?f=2
(08/31 14:56:56) Cpt.Jericho: The only form of negotiating I'm at is when negotiations have failed...
(08/31 14:57:07) Cpt.Jericho: *good
(08/31 14:57:09) Calum Traveler: you can find it under the usual directory under the Rei'schu ambassadorial thread,
(08/31 14:57:23) Calum Traveler: if you're on the forums, please leave a message there saying youre interested
(08/31 14:57:48) Calum Traveler: if you're not on the forums
(08/31 14:57:57) Calum Traveler: ill accept KI Mail here (34810)
(08/31 14:58:04) Calum Traveler: or you can contact me on discord:
(08/31 14:58:12) Calum Traveler: calumTraveler#2464
(08/31 14:58:54) Calum Traveler: essentially, id like to see who's available, and at what times, and on what platforms, and try to arrange a pre-mission meeting to figure out what our overall goals are.
(08/31 14:59:18) Calum Traveler: depending on circumstances this could either be handled through the thread on the forums, or in a special discord channel, or here in cavern,
(08/31 14:59:43) Calum Traveler: im a bit open to all three at the moment, but id need to know who's actively wanting to get involved in this first.
(08/31 15:00:24) Jules Lavisham: Anyone who's ever wanted to take a crack at handling this sort of First Contact scenario,
(08/31 15:00:31) Jules Lavisham: well, it's your time to shine.
(08/31 15:00:32) Calum Traveler: once we're sure of what our side of things are, we'll suit up with maintainer suits, and properly head into Rei'schu...
(08/31 15:00:42) Calum Traveler: there's then the matter of how to document this,
(08/31 15:01:09) Calum Traveler: it might be somewhat dependant on how we gather and meet first,
(08/31 15:01:43) Calum Traveler: we may post a dialogue summary afterwards, or we could record the process as we go through with it.
(08/31 15:01:55) Calum Traveler: its something of one of those up in the air as the people involved are comfortable with things.
(08/31 15:02:42) Calum Traveler: obviously, if this first meeting with the locals goes well, we'll do further ones down the road.
(08/31 15:03:07) Calum Traveler: i want to make this clear to yall. this is going to be your show- if you're getting involved in this.
(08/31 15:03:25) judyg: ok. on that note, maybe.....
(08/31 15:04:00) Calum Traveler: whatever happens as a result of this...
(08/31 15:04:05) Calum Traveler: yeah.
(08/31 15:04:16) Calum Traveler: im not an experienced diplomat at all. i cant say what's going to happen for sure.
(08/31 15:04:59) judyg: may i ask, is it now possible to get different color texts?
(08/31 15:05:49) Robert Murry: Well I'm in. I've made first contact with a few lost tribes in my past experiences.
(08/31 15:06:18) Calum Traveler: i think that does it for this town hall for now, jules?
(08/31 15:06:29) Jules Lavisham: I reckon so!
(08/31 15:06:42) Jules Lavisham: Thank you all for coming out.
(08/31 15:06:44) Calum Traveler: alright, cool. thanks for coming all- chat log will be put up on the forums later.
(08/31 15:06:45) Ereshkigal: I'd also love to make contact!
(08/31 15:06:55) Benavud claps his hands
(08/31 15:06:57) Ereshkigal: I'll put it on th forum as well
(08/31 15:07:00) Isa =^.^= claps her hands
(08/31 15:07:01) Cpt.Jericho claps her hands
(08/31 15:07:05) Catchen: I would also be interested in this expedition, but I'm having a bit of trouble with KI right now
(08/31 15:07:05) Ereshkigal claps her hands
(08/31 15:07:07) Aurelias claps her hands
(08/31 15:07:08) Robert Murry claps his hands
(08/31 15:07:08) judyg claps her hands
(08/31 15:07:08) Catchen claps her hands
(08/31 15:07:12) Jules Lavisham: Next Town Hall will be at the same time on Wednesday 28th September.
(08/31 15:07:15) Benavud: I didn't understand a lot of that, but it was fun anyway :)
(08/31 15:07:41) Jules Lavisham: Glad you enjoyed it, Ben.
(08/31 15:07:56) Ereshkigal: You're welcone, Benavud! Where re you staying, btw? On the Surface?
(08/31 15:08:03) Benavud: I'm a little worried about the saboteurs, but I guess if you guys think they're gone, at least for a while....
(08/31 15:08:11) Calum Traveler answers a few questions over KI....
(08/31 15:08:16) Robert Murry: Don't feel bad Benavud, I'm new to this as well.
(08/31 15:08:19) Benavud: Hi, Eresh! I'm not staying anywhere on the surface anymore. I'm back in my Relto.
(08/31 15:08:29) Jules Lavisham: Oh, Ben, you're a member of this Hood now right?
(08/31 15:08:32) Red Gunner: me/ is bemused
(08/31 15:08:39) Benavud: Yeah, I am, Jules!
(08/31 15:08:47) Jules Lavisham: Thinking I might join.
(08/31 15:08:54) Jules Lavisham: Since I'm becoming a regular of sorts.
(08/31 15:09:06) Benavud: Um, I'm sorry I didn't tell anyone I was leaving the cavern for a little while. I needed to see the surface, see what I might remember up there.
(08/31 15:09:13) Benavud: Sure, Jules, I can do that.
(08/31 15:09:28) Calum Traveler: judy, as for your question about the KI Colors, I'll make something of a statement tomorrow at the AGM, just to gauge the community reaction.
(08/31 15:09:36) Benavud: Oh, and, uh, Dr. Quinlan?
(08/31 15:09:37) Cpt.Jericho: Don't worry Ben, you earned a little vacation
(08/31 15:10:00) Tiernan Quinlan: Yes, Ben?
(08/31 15:10:01) Cpt.Jericho: AGM tomorrow?
(08/31 15:10:08) Ereshkigal: Thanks everyone, and see you later!
(08/31 15:10:09) Benavud: Can you...can you have another blood test done?
(08/31 15:10:16) Calum Traveler: AGM's saturday
(08/31 15:10:18) Calum Traveler: but this saturday,
(08/31 15:10:19) Tiernan Quinlan: Err, certainly.
(08/31 15:10:21) Benavud: I think...well, I'm pretty sure the first one was false.
(08/31 15:10:22) Calum Traveler: (tomorrow's thursday)
(08/31 15:10:27) Cpt.Jericho: Ah, thought so
(08/31 15:10:49) Tiernan Quinlan: Ah... well, sure I can do another if y'd like.
(08/31 15:10:57) Benavud: Everywhere I went on the surface, I saw stuff I recognized. I'm sorry, I know people were excited about me being a Bookworlder or a D'ni, but I don't think I am.
(08/31 15:11:00) judyg: :)
(08/31 15:11:08) Benavud: Thanks, Dr. Quinlan.
(08/31 15:11:16) Tiernan Quinlan: Certainly, Ben.
(08/31 15:11:21) Calum Traveler: chat colors that anyone can modify outside of their own KI is something of a controversial opinion from a surprisingly diverse amount of folks, and we want to make sure what we do, if we do it, isn't going to be prone to trolling.
(08/31 15:11:21) Jules Lavisham: Well, good thing that sort of thing doesn't determine the quality of your character, Ben.
(08/31 15:11:41) judyg: no worries Ben, you'll get there. hopefully with positive results
(08/31 15:11:43) Benavud: Heh
(08/31 15:11:48) Benavud is a bit puzzled...
(08/31 15:11:54) Jules Lavisham: Regardless of where you hail, you're alright by us, and that's what matters.
(08/31 15:12:01) Tiernan Quinlan nods.
(08/31 15:12:06) Benavud: I still want to try to figure out my past, though, and what I was doing down here.
(08/31 15:12:51) Benavud: Anyone feel like exploring an Age? Doesn't have to be a Yeesha Age. I'm interested in all of them right now. I have no idea which ones I might have seen already.
(08/31 15:12:59) judyg: i would guess, you were curious, and exploring. like the rest of us! :)
(08/31 15:13:28) Calum Traveler: i could certainly go for an age visit if yall are.
(08/31 15:13:31) judyg: i'm game. name the place and we'll go!
(08/31 15:13:34) Benavud: Heh, yeah, maybe so, judyg. But I'd really like to remember.
(08/31 15:13:42) Robert Murry: Sure Ben.
(08/31 15:13:43) Isa =^.^=: sure Ben, anywhere you'd like
(08/31 15:14:03) judyg: well, where haven't you been, ben?
(08/31 15:14:12) Catchen: Thanks everyone, I'll see you all later hopefully!
(08/31 15:14:21) Benavud: I've already seen most of Gira and Kemo. I think there's still plenty of Gahreesen I haven't seen yet. There was a whole second building that I never went into.
(08/31 15:14:21) Isa =^.^=: see you Catchen
(08/31 15:14:24) Calum Traveler: later, catchen :)
(08/31 15:14:27) Jules Lavisham: See you later Catchen, glad you could make it down.
(08/31 15:14:47) Benavud: And I've heard people talk about a "Path of the Shell" Age. I haven't been there--at least, not since losing my memory.
(08/31 15:14:48) judyg: you sure you want to go back there?
(08/31 15:14:56) Benavud nods his head
(08/31 15:15:00) Benavud: Yeah. I want to remember.
(08/31 15:15:04) Jules Lavisham: I myself need to take off. Pesky GMT and whatnot.
(08/31 15:15:11) Calum Traveler: take care, Jules,
(08/31 15:15:17) Calum Traveler: ill handle the thread work :)
(08/31 15:15:17) Jules Lavisham: But thank you all for coming out tonight,
(08/31 15:15:19) Isa =^.^=: g'night Jules
Calum Traveler - KI# 34810
-Traveler's Cavern Log-
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