Tiernan, Carl, Gondar and others4/16/2022
Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2022 4:52 am
(04/16 19:07:11) Chat.log started...
(04/16 19:07:19) Tiernan Quinlan: Carl?
(04/16 19:07:26) Cody Herd: well i have to go i will see you all later
(04/16 19:07:30) Tiernan Quinlan: Oh... heh... didn't see ya' there.
(04/16 19:07:32) Carl Palmner: Yeah. We need to talk, man.
(04/16 19:07:41) Prad: bye cody
(04/16 19:07:44) Carl Palmner: About the clinic.
(04/16 19:07:47) Tiernan Quinlan: Ah, okay.
(04/16 19:08:10) judyg: bye cody
(04/16 19:08:11) Carl Palmner: What are we going to do about...you know, about what happened?
(04/16 19:08:19) judyg: nice chatting with you:)
(04/16 19:08:43) Tiernan Quinlan: Tha'? Well, I've already cleaned up most of th' mess.
(04/16 19:09:00) Carl Palmner: Good. That's good. But I mean, what are we going to do in the future?
(04/16 19:09:20) Carl Palmner: Are you taking precautions? You're not going anywhere alone, are you?
(04/16 19:09:49) Tiernan Quinlan: Well, keepin' th' place locked up f' now when I'm not there. Err... well, yes. Why?
(04/16 19:10:19) Carl Palmner: Because people who are willing to trash a patient room and spray-paint "Go home" on the wall are the kind of people who are also likely to get violent.
(04/16 19:10:30) Carl Palmner: You should have someone with you whenever you're working in the clinic.
(04/16 19:10:48) Tiernan Quinlan: Well... I-I suppose...
(04/16 19:11:07) Tiernan Quinlan: If someone decided t' try an' hurt me, I can handle m'self.
(04/16 19:11:13) Carl Palmner: Yeah...
(04/16 19:11:21) Tiernan Quinlan: I don' think it's somethin' t' worry about though...
(04/16 19:11:24) Carl Palmner: Don't take this the wrong way, Tenny, but you're not exactly a bodybuilder.
(04/16 19:11:36) Tiernan Quinlan: Well, tha's true.
(04/16 19:11:37) Carl Palmner: This is serious. We have to find out who it is that considers you an enemy.
(04/16 19:11:49) Carl Palmner: Somebody down here wants you gone.
(04/16 19:11:52) Gondar: not to mention, and sorry to interrupt... that's assuming it's not more than one person. You could take one. Can you take on a gang?
(04/16 19:12:04) Carl Palmner: Gondar has a really good point.
(04/16 19:12:21) Carl Palmner: You do realize this is a serious threat, right?
(04/16 19:12:43) Tiernan Quinlan looks over at Gondar. "Well..."
(04/16 19:13:02) Carl Palmner: Tenny. It's a big deal.
(04/16 19:13:03) Gondar: and even if not directly to you, as I suggested earlier, you are a noticable target, enough to choose as a "GO HOME" vandalism. So you're a public target.
(04/16 19:13:12) Carl Palmner nods his head
(04/16 19:13:15) Tiernan Quinlan sighs.
(04/16 19:13:23) Tiernan Quinlan: That does make sense.
(04/16 19:13:27) Carl Palmner: We need to figure out who it is as soon as possible.
(04/16 19:13:32) Carl Palmner: This is not okay behavior.
(04/16 19:13:41) Carl Palmner: I've never seen anybody down here do anything like this.
(04/16 19:13:53) Tiernan Quinlan: Unfortunately. I jus' find it difficult t' believe tha' someone might turn t' violence.
(04/16 19:13:59) Carl Palmner: You guys agree with me, right?
(04/16 19:14:06) Gondar: definitely.
(04/16 19:14:08) Tiernan Quinlan: I certainly do.
(04/16 19:14:28) Gondar: We never thought the *bahro* would turn to violence, but eventually they were pushed to it. For very horrible consequences.
(04/16 19:14:29) Carl Palmner: Ciao, Prad, Seth, thoe, judy? Bacdk me up here.
(04/16 19:14:37) Gondar: sometimes when a person's back is to the wall, they escalate.
(04/16 19:14:49) Tiernan Quinlan hmmms...
(04/16 19:15:03) Carl Palmner: Yeah. This isn't a small matter.
(04/16 19:15:12) Tiernan Quinlan: Ach...
(04/16 19:15:22) Carl Palmner: I'll ask around, see if anyone knows anything.
(04/16 19:15:40) Gondar: it's simple safety. He's not asking body armor and armed guards. Just someone else. Besides, should always have someone else at the clinic if you're there, you're just one person.
(04/16 19:15:57) judyg: i need to hear more of the story before i can back anyone. this is new news for me
(04/16 19:16:01) Carl Palmner: Exactly. Thanks, Gondar. That's exactly what I'm seeing.
(04/16 19:16:24) Carl Palmner: Well, Judy, basically, somebody trashed one of the patient rooms in the clinic. Broke all the equipment. Flipped the bed.
(04/16 19:16:36) Carl Palmner: And wrote "Go home" in red spray patin on the wall.
(04/16 19:16:58) Carl Palmner: Dr. Quinlan here is new to the cavern. I think it's pretty clear someone wants to make him feel unwelcome.
(04/16 19:17:29) Tiernan Quinlan: There's a few explorers who were helpin' w' th' Clinic an' Diranda's work. They offered to help out more if we needed.
(04/16 19:17:44) Gondar: personally I'm not 100% sure it's so directly targetted, but either way he is a target.
(04/16 19:17:48) Carl Palmner: Good. Use them. And let me know when you're working down there. I can come around sure.
(04/16 19:17:53) Tiernan Quinlan: One'a them was doin' security while we were movin' things down.
(04/16 19:18:06) Tiernan Quinlan: Alright, I will, Carl.
(04/16 19:18:16) Tiernan Quinlan smiles weakly.
(04/16 19:18:20) Carl Palmner sniffs
(04/16 19:18:30) Carl Palmner: Hey, how much have you had, Tenny?
(04/16 19:18:33) Tiernan Quinlan: Err, I-I suppose I didn't realize how serious this was.
(04/16 19:18:40) Tiernan Quinlan: Only two lagers.
(04/16 19:18:48) Carl Palmner raises his eyebrows.
(04/16 19:18:55) Tiernan Quinlan: Jus'...
(04/16 19:18:58) Carl Palmner: Does anyone know if that's a lot? I don't drink.
(04/16 19:19:06) Tiernan Quinlan: F'me? It is.
(04/16 19:19:20) Carl Palmner frowns.
(04/16 19:19:22) Tiernan Quinlan: Not th' bes' w' drinkin'. Don't do it often.
(04/16 19:19:29) Gondar: oooh. So we should've cut you off at one. Good to know for future.
(04/16 19:19:41) Tiernan Quinlan grins.
(04/16 19:19:44) judyg: he ordered another guiness
(04/16 19:19:45) Carl Palmner: Ok. Just...you know, be careful, all right? I mean, who treats the doctor when the doctor is the one who gets hurt?
(04/16 19:19:48) Thumbs up from Tiernan Quinlan
(04/16 19:19:49) Carl Palmner: Not a great situation.
(04/16 19:19:56) Tiernan Quinlan: Tha's true
(04/16 19:19:57) judyg: but i drank it all (hic)
(04/16 19:20:06) Tiernan Quinlan: Heee
(04/16 19:20:08) Gondar: yeah. We have people about who do first aid, but that's it.
(04/16 19:20:10) judyg: there's more on the way(hic)
(04/16 19:20:10) Carl Palmner: I gotta go.
(04/16 19:20:15) Carl Palmner: Take care of him, ok, guys?
(04/16 19:20:17) Gondar waves goodbye
(04/16 19:20:22) Carl Palmner: I'll see what I can do to get to the bottom of this.
(04/16 19:20:30) Tiernan Quinlan nods.
(04/16 19:20:32) Carl Palmner looks worried.
(04/16 19:20:33) SethToo waves hello
(04/16 19:20:35) Tiernan Quinlan waves goodbye
(04/16 19:20:36) ...Chat.log stopped.
(04/16 19:07:19) Tiernan Quinlan: Carl?
(04/16 19:07:26) Cody Herd: well i have to go i will see you all later
(04/16 19:07:30) Tiernan Quinlan: Oh... heh... didn't see ya' there.
(04/16 19:07:32) Carl Palmner: Yeah. We need to talk, man.
(04/16 19:07:41) Prad: bye cody
(04/16 19:07:44) Carl Palmner: About the clinic.
(04/16 19:07:47) Tiernan Quinlan: Ah, okay.
(04/16 19:08:10) judyg: bye cody
(04/16 19:08:11) Carl Palmner: What are we going to do about...you know, about what happened?
(04/16 19:08:19) judyg: nice chatting with you:)
(04/16 19:08:43) Tiernan Quinlan: Tha'? Well, I've already cleaned up most of th' mess.
(04/16 19:09:00) Carl Palmner: Good. That's good. But I mean, what are we going to do in the future?
(04/16 19:09:20) Carl Palmner: Are you taking precautions? You're not going anywhere alone, are you?
(04/16 19:09:49) Tiernan Quinlan: Well, keepin' th' place locked up f' now when I'm not there. Err... well, yes. Why?
(04/16 19:10:19) Carl Palmner: Because people who are willing to trash a patient room and spray-paint "Go home" on the wall are the kind of people who are also likely to get violent.
(04/16 19:10:30) Carl Palmner: You should have someone with you whenever you're working in the clinic.
(04/16 19:10:48) Tiernan Quinlan: Well... I-I suppose...
(04/16 19:11:07) Tiernan Quinlan: If someone decided t' try an' hurt me, I can handle m'self.
(04/16 19:11:13) Carl Palmner: Yeah...
(04/16 19:11:21) Tiernan Quinlan: I don' think it's somethin' t' worry about though...
(04/16 19:11:24) Carl Palmner: Don't take this the wrong way, Tenny, but you're not exactly a bodybuilder.
(04/16 19:11:36) Tiernan Quinlan: Well, tha's true.
(04/16 19:11:37) Carl Palmner: This is serious. We have to find out who it is that considers you an enemy.
(04/16 19:11:49) Carl Palmner: Somebody down here wants you gone.
(04/16 19:11:52) Gondar: not to mention, and sorry to interrupt... that's assuming it's not more than one person. You could take one. Can you take on a gang?
(04/16 19:12:04) Carl Palmner: Gondar has a really good point.
(04/16 19:12:21) Carl Palmner: You do realize this is a serious threat, right?
(04/16 19:12:43) Tiernan Quinlan looks over at Gondar. "Well..."
(04/16 19:13:02) Carl Palmner: Tenny. It's a big deal.
(04/16 19:13:03) Gondar: and even if not directly to you, as I suggested earlier, you are a noticable target, enough to choose as a "GO HOME" vandalism. So you're a public target.
(04/16 19:13:12) Carl Palmner nods his head
(04/16 19:13:15) Tiernan Quinlan sighs.
(04/16 19:13:23) Tiernan Quinlan: That does make sense.
(04/16 19:13:27) Carl Palmner: We need to figure out who it is as soon as possible.
(04/16 19:13:32) Carl Palmner: This is not okay behavior.
(04/16 19:13:41) Carl Palmner: I've never seen anybody down here do anything like this.
(04/16 19:13:53) Tiernan Quinlan: Unfortunately. I jus' find it difficult t' believe tha' someone might turn t' violence.
(04/16 19:13:59) Carl Palmner: You guys agree with me, right?
(04/16 19:14:06) Gondar: definitely.
(04/16 19:14:08) Tiernan Quinlan: I certainly do.
(04/16 19:14:28) Gondar: We never thought the *bahro* would turn to violence, but eventually they were pushed to it. For very horrible consequences.
(04/16 19:14:29) Carl Palmner: Ciao, Prad, Seth, thoe, judy? Bacdk me up here.
(04/16 19:14:37) Gondar: sometimes when a person's back is to the wall, they escalate.
(04/16 19:14:49) Tiernan Quinlan hmmms...
(04/16 19:15:03) Carl Palmner: Yeah. This isn't a small matter.
(04/16 19:15:12) Tiernan Quinlan: Ach...
(04/16 19:15:22) Carl Palmner: I'll ask around, see if anyone knows anything.
(04/16 19:15:40) Gondar: it's simple safety. He's not asking body armor and armed guards. Just someone else. Besides, should always have someone else at the clinic if you're there, you're just one person.
(04/16 19:15:57) judyg: i need to hear more of the story before i can back anyone. this is new news for me
(04/16 19:16:01) Carl Palmner: Exactly. Thanks, Gondar. That's exactly what I'm seeing.
(04/16 19:16:24) Carl Palmner: Well, Judy, basically, somebody trashed one of the patient rooms in the clinic. Broke all the equipment. Flipped the bed.
(04/16 19:16:36) Carl Palmner: And wrote "Go home" in red spray patin on the wall.
(04/16 19:16:58) Carl Palmner: Dr. Quinlan here is new to the cavern. I think it's pretty clear someone wants to make him feel unwelcome.
(04/16 19:17:29) Tiernan Quinlan: There's a few explorers who were helpin' w' th' Clinic an' Diranda's work. They offered to help out more if we needed.
(04/16 19:17:44) Gondar: personally I'm not 100% sure it's so directly targetted, but either way he is a target.
(04/16 19:17:48) Carl Palmner: Good. Use them. And let me know when you're working down there. I can come around sure.
(04/16 19:17:53) Tiernan Quinlan: One'a them was doin' security while we were movin' things down.
(04/16 19:18:06) Tiernan Quinlan: Alright, I will, Carl.
(04/16 19:18:16) Tiernan Quinlan smiles weakly.
(04/16 19:18:20) Carl Palmner sniffs
(04/16 19:18:30) Carl Palmner: Hey, how much have you had, Tenny?
(04/16 19:18:33) Tiernan Quinlan: Err, I-I suppose I didn't realize how serious this was.
(04/16 19:18:40) Tiernan Quinlan: Only two lagers.
(04/16 19:18:48) Carl Palmner raises his eyebrows.
(04/16 19:18:55) Tiernan Quinlan: Jus'...
(04/16 19:18:58) Carl Palmner: Does anyone know if that's a lot? I don't drink.
(04/16 19:19:06) Tiernan Quinlan: F'me? It is.
(04/16 19:19:20) Carl Palmner frowns.
(04/16 19:19:22) Tiernan Quinlan: Not th' bes' w' drinkin'. Don't do it often.
(04/16 19:19:29) Gondar: oooh. So we should've cut you off at one. Good to know for future.
(04/16 19:19:41) Tiernan Quinlan grins.
(04/16 19:19:44) judyg: he ordered another guiness
(04/16 19:19:45) Carl Palmner: Ok. Just...you know, be careful, all right? I mean, who treats the doctor when the doctor is the one who gets hurt?
(04/16 19:19:48) Thumbs up from Tiernan Quinlan
(04/16 19:19:49) Carl Palmner: Not a great situation.
(04/16 19:19:56) Tiernan Quinlan: Tha's true
(04/16 19:19:57) judyg: but i drank it all (hic)
(04/16 19:20:06) Tiernan Quinlan: Heee
(04/16 19:20:08) Gondar: yeah. We have people about who do first aid, but that's it.
(04/16 19:20:10) judyg: there's more on the way(hic)
(04/16 19:20:10) Carl Palmner: I gotta go.
(04/16 19:20:15) Carl Palmner: Take care of him, ok, guys?
(04/16 19:20:17) Gondar waves goodbye
(04/16 19:20:22) Carl Palmner: I'll see what I can do to get to the bottom of this.
(04/16 19:20:30) Tiernan Quinlan nods.
(04/16 19:20:32) Carl Palmner looks worried.
(04/16 19:20:33) SethToo waves hello
(04/16 19:20:35) Tiernan Quinlan waves goodbye
(04/16 19:20:36) ...Chat.log stopped.