2/21/22 – Calum and Jules talk, GoMePub
- Traveler263
- Posts: 494
- Joined: Sat Oct 30, 2021 2:25 pm
2/21/22 – Calum and Jules talk, GoMePub
(02/21 13:42:42) Chat.log started…
(02/21 13:42:48) AdrianGreen: time to upgrade
(02/21 13:42:57) Calum Traveler: what do you think im doing?
(02/21 13:43:03) Calum Traveler: breaking the thing further?
(02/21 13:43:20) Calum Traveler fishes around inside the terminal some more…
(02/21 13:43:35) AdrianGreen: caught any fish
(02/21 13:43:43) Calum Traveler pulls out a fragment of lattice
(02/21 13:43:56) Calum Traveler: yep, knew there was a broken chunk in there somewhere.
(02/21 13:44:33) AdrianGreen: got it replaces
(02/21 13:44:43) Calum Traveler: no replacements on hand
(02/21 13:44:46) AdrianGreen: replaced
(02/21 13:44:48) Calum Traveler: im gonna have to hunt them down
(02/21 13:45:50) AdrianGreen: good hunting. Your replacement should be there somewhere
(02/21 13:45:50) Calum Traveler: ah, shorah, Jules
(02/21 13:46:05) Calum Traveler yelps as the Nexus sparks again
(02/21 13:46:15) Jules Lavisham: Shorah Cal!
(02/21 13:46:17) Minasunda: shorah Jules
(02/21 13:46:20) From Guild of Cookies in Guild of Cookies’ Hood: none!
(02/21 13:46:22) Calum Traveler shakes maintainer gloved hands out.
(02/21 13:46:27) Jules Lavisham: Shorah all
(02/21 13:46:34) AdrianGreen: shorah jules
(02/21 13:46:59) AdrianGreen: great repaire Calum
(02/21 13:47:01) Calum Traveler waves hello
(02/21 13:47:17) Jules Lavisham: Aah, doing a spot of DIY there Cal?
(02/21 13:47:30) Calum Traveler: yeah, following up Patricks’ work on the terminal
(02/21 13:47:42) Calum Traveler: he wanted to see about reconnecting it to the Lattice,
(02/21 13:47:51) Calum Traveler leans against the book stand,
(02/21 13:48:08) Calum Traveler: the non-lattice functional parts seem intact, atleast
(02/21 13:48:17) Calum Traveler: but the Lattice linking parts are all… eh…
(02/21 13:48:21) Calum Traveler: a bit sparky and crumbly.
(02/21 13:48:28) From Guild of Cookies in Guild of Cookies’ Hood: this hood is private
(02/21 13:48:29) Calum Traveler waggles hand to side in annoyance
(02/21 13:48:50) Jules Lavisham: Ulp.
(02/21 13:49:05) Jules Lavisham: Going to take much of a going over?
(02/21 13:49:24) Calum Traveler: nah
(02/21 13:49:33) Calum Traveler: should be a straight up replacement job once I can find the replacement parts
(02/21 13:50:11) Calum Traveler: just gotta find the parts, that’s all
(02/21 13:50:33) Calum Traveler: sorry for being a little spacey, just a bit distracted. been a busy couple of days,
(02/21 13:51:19) lsa: shorah
(02/21 13:51:23) Calum Traveler: shorah, isa,
(02/21 13:51:24) Bozodo: Shorah Isa
(02/21 13:51:24) Jules Lavisham: Been working on that garden age?
(02/21 13:51:28) Calum Traveler: yeah, Naybree,
(02/21 13:51:29) Minasunda: shorah Isa
(02/21 13:51:31) lsa: may I sit?
(02/21 13:51:34) Calum Traveler: thanks for your help the other day, btw
(02/21 13:51:36) Sleeper Jan: welcome
(02/21 13:51:40) AdrianGreen: shorah Isa
(02/21 13:51:46) Jules Lavisham: Shorah Isa
(02/21 13:52:08) Eternal Seeker: Shorah Isa
(02/21 13:52:10) Calum Traveler: i think Naybree should be ready to go in the next Month.
(02/21 13:52:12) Jules Lavisham: My pleasure! Been the longest time since I got to swing something sharp
(02/21 13:52:32) Calum Traveler: ive given Kelsei the go ahead to give a book over to Patrick for inclusion in Chiso
(02/21 13:53:00) Jules Lavisham: That’s excellent news!
(02/21 13:53:05) Calum Traveler: so that should be taken care of just as soon as they have some kind of meeting
(02/21 13:53:30) Calum Traveler: but Patrick’s busy
(02/21 13:53:35) Calum Traveler: lots of stuff goin’ on these days.
(02/21 13:53:44) Calum Traveler: i feel bad for pestering on things. >>;
(02/21 13:54:11) Jules Lavisham: Yes, so I hear. Managed to grab him for a few words earlier today, there’s some writing I’ve come across that could make a good addition to the Chiso library
(02/21 13:54:43) Calum Traveler: yeah, that’s life, though. busy busy busy.
(02/21 13:54:53) Calum Traveler: took last night off to build a model kit,
(02/21 13:55:09) Calum Traveler: tis a good destresser, but then there’s always stuff like this…
(02/21 13:55:14) Calum Traveler kicks at the nexus terminal
(02/21 13:55:50) Calum Traveler kneels down to peer inside again…
(02/21 13:55:53) Jules Lavisham: Mmm. Something of a balancing act.
(02/21 13:55:56) Calum Traveler: yep
(02/21 13:56:01) AdrianGreen: is terminal still working or did it break
(02/21 13:56:06) Calum Traveler: it’s always been broken,
(02/21 13:56:25) Calum Traveler: but between Patrick’s recent work and if I can find the replacement parts,
(02/21 13:56:30) Calum Traveler: it should be working as good as new again
(02/21 13:56:50) Calum Traveler digs around and fishes out another small chunk of lattice…
(02/21 13:56:55) Calum Traveler compares removed fragments…
(02/21 13:56:57) AdrianGreen: too old
(02/21 13:57:05) Calum Traveler: ahha, there we go, i think that’s everything i need for a ‘full’ part
(02/21 13:57:13) Jules Lavisham: Would definitely be handy. Having this place accessible from the Nexus will open it up as a social hub in a big way.
(02/21 13:57:26) Calum Traveler holds up a ‘completed’ fragment of lattice
(02/21 13:57:42) Calum Traveler: i was missing a piece! that’s why the last two parts didn’t fit together.
(02/21 13:57:52) Jules Lavisham peers at the fragmented part
(02/21 13:58:01) Calum Traveler: yeah, for sure. having this thing working again is a great next step,
(02/21 13:58:17) Calum Traveler: alongside getting Tiam in the danged Nexus properly,
(02/21 13:58:23) Calum Traveler: it’ll help make navigating to the pub a bit easier
(02/21 13:58:41) Calum Traveler kneels down and starts sealing up the terminal again…
(02/21 13:58:47) Jules Lavisham: So, you’ve got to score a replacement one of those, do you
(02/21 13:58:57) Calum Traveler: yeah, time to dig through the DRC’s archives again
(02/21 13:59:06) Jules Lavisham: Any ideas where you’re going to turn up one of those?
(02/21 13:59:17) Calum Traveler: same place Laxman got his Lattice replacement parts, id imagine
(02/21 13:59:29) Calum Traveler: i just gotta see if I can get access to that “Annex” of his…
(02/21 14:00:00) Calum Traveler: given the wheels of bureaucracy tho,
(02/21 14:00:05) Calum Traveler: i dont expect that to go expediently.
(02/21 14:00:20) Jules Lavisham: Times like these it would be handy to have someone from the OG restoration committee at arm’s reach
(02/21 14:00:21) Calum Traveler seals up the side of the terminal with the wrench- hammering it back into place- Klang Klang Klang
(02/21 14:00:43) Calum Traveler: closest we get to that is Chogon, alas,
(02/21 14:01:05) Calum Traveler: but he just reboots the system whenever it needs a kick
(02/21 14:01:15) Calum Traveler pulls off maintainer gloves and shoves them back into work bag.
(02/21 14:01:21) Jules Lavisham: Ah, percussive maintenance
(02/21 14:01:35) Calum Traveler: mh
(02/21 14:01:47) Calum Traveler: i do wish someone from the DRC would come down at some point,
(02/21 14:01:57) AdrianGreen: did you use a hamer
(02/21 14:01:58) Calum Traveler: i’d like to give Laxman a piece of my mind about the mess Gahreesen’s in.
(02/21 14:02:05) Calum Traveler: no, i used a wrench,
(02/21 14:02:15) Calum Traveler shakes head, grumbling
(02/21 14:02:24) Calum Traveler: if only it were that easy to get the Wall Systems working,
(02/21 14:02:35) Calum Traveler: something in the last audio update we tried scrabled the systems,
(02/21 14:02:47) Calum Traveler: power surges and weird audio artifacts all over the second building,
(02/21 14:03:00) Calum Traveler: i swear i keep hearing a voice mumbling D’ni over the speakers,
(02/21 14:03:13) Jules Lavisham: That’s perculiar
(02/21 14:03:22) AdrianGreen: strang
(02/21 14:03:23) Calum Traveler: that’s old Tech for you,
(02/21 14:03:28) Calum Traveler: i got stuck in an airlock the other day
(02/21 14:03:36) Calum Traveler: bridge side door opened, but the internal one didnt
(02/21 14:03:47) Calum Traveler: then i got stuck when the bridge side closed and refused to open for either me or Hazado,
(02/21 14:04:06) Calum Traveler: i think ive ranted about that before though, lol,
(02/21 14:04:20) lsa: shorah Eebets
(02/21 14:04:23) AdrianGreen: to much banging
(02/21 14:04:37) Jules Lavisham: Blimey. That place is a spinning deathtrap.
(02/21 14:04:42) Calum Traveler: yep
(02/21 14:04:53) Calum Traveler: KI dispenser on the upper floor was sparking too, the other morning
(02/21 14:04:57) AdrianGreen: shorah Eebets
(02/21 14:05:02) Calum Traveler: i shut the damned thing off and thoroughly disconnected it from the Lattice,
(02/21 14:05:11) Calum Traveler: utter nonsense,
(02/21 14:05:19) Calum Traveler: how does one audio system update cause all of that?
(02/21 14:05:32) Jules Lavisham: Hmm.
(02/21 14:05:37) Calum Traveler shrugs
(02/21 14:06:23) Calum Traveler: btw, do you got any idea why Kelsei would’ve ordered a crate full of jackets?
(02/21 14:06:43) Jules Lavisham: Jackets?
(02/21 14:06:45) Calum Traveler: jackets
(02/21 14:06:51) Calum Traveler: deep green, whisker marked
(02/21 14:06:59) Calum Traveler: or butterfly marked
(02/21 14:07:03) Calum Traveler: honestly, i cant tell what the symbol is
(02/21 14:07:13) Calum Traveler: nice fleece though
(02/21 14:07:28) Jules Lavisham: Hmm. Not a symbol whose significance immediately leaps to mind
(02/21 14:07:39) AdrianGreen: GREEN GREAT
(02/21 14:07:48) Calum Traveler: i asked her and she just asked me where I got my vest!
(02/21 14:08:19) Calum Traveler: i think she’s enjoying being a bit mysterious, if you ask me.
(02/21 14:08:43) Jules Lavisham: Aah, the old “needlessly enigmatic” thing.
(02/21 14:09:05) Calum Traveler: i think she’s just getting restless,
(02/21 14:09:26) Calum Traveler: cant imagine why else she’d willingly dive into the DRC archives,
(02/21 14:09:34) Calum Traveler: or why she was so insistent we restore Naybree,
(02/21 14:09:38) Calum Traveler: not a lot of work, but…
(02/21 14:09:40) Calum Traveler shrugs
(02/21 14:09:52) Jules Lavisham: Well, can’t fault a person for wanting to keep their mind ticking over
(02/21 14:09:57) Calum Traveler: yeah, same,
(02/21 14:10:04) Calum Traveler: gotta do something that isn’t the same old same old
(02/21 14:10:07) Calum Traveler: especially these days.
(02/21 14:10:08) Jules Lavisham: We could all do with the distractions we can find
(02/21 14:10:12) Calum Traveler: yep
(02/21 14:10:18) Calum Traveler: Naybree’s been a good break for me, from the other stuff
(02/21 14:10:29) Calum Traveler: i think once i get back to those projects ill be able to move them along better
(02/21 14:10:43) Jules Lavisham: Mmm, I’m looking forward to giving the place a thorough going over beyond what I saw the other day
(02/21 14:11:00) Calum Traveler: hopefully soon
(02/21 14:11:11) Jules Lavisham: Particularly looking forward to going over those translations
(02/21 14:11:17) Calum Traveler starts to laugh
(02/21 14:11:28) Calum Traveler: you’re gonna have to talk with Kelsei about that.
(02/21 14:12:01) Calum Traveler: she’s kept her notes secret even from me, except for whatever she puts in her reports
(02/21 14:12:20) Calum Traveler: but then again, i havent asked to see her inprogress stuff
(02/21 14:12:36) Calum Traveler: my own process is messy enough i dont wanna disturb her on that.
(02/21 14:12:39) Jules Lavisham: May need to wait until she shows the rest of the community then.
(02/21 14:12:43) Calum Traveler nods his head
(02/21 14:13:04) Jules Lavisham: Unless I catch her in a good mood
(02/21 14:13:09) Jules Lavisham grins
(02/21 14:13:10) Calum Traveler:
(02/21 14:13:21) Calum Traveler: best come in hand with the most expensive coffee you can find
(02/21 14:13:58) Calum Traveler: you might be able to ply her good graces there,
(02/21 14:14:07) Jules Lavisham: Duly noted. You don’t know if she goes in for tea as well, do you?
(02/21 14:14:17) Calum Traveler: no idea
(02/21 14:14:22) Calum Traveler: i rarely even see her drinking coffee,
(02/21 14:14:41) Calum Traveler: i havent even seen her drinking any since I bought her the expensive stuff the other day…
(02/21 14:14:50) Calum Traveler narrows eyes suspiciously
(02/21 14:15:02) Calum Traveler: do you think… she was trying to get me to buy her something expensive??
(02/21 14:15:10) Calum Traveler: just for the sake of it?
(02/21 14:15:22) Calum Traveler: i mean, i did deserve some recompence for scaring her like that,
(02/21 14:15:45) Jules Lavisham laughs
(02/21 14:16:01) Jules Lavisham: Oh lad
(02/21 14:16:13) Eternal Seeker: yes
(02/21 14:16:41) Sleeper Jan: waves
(02/21 14:16:49) Minasunda says hey
(02/21 14:16:52) Jules Lavisham: There’s clearly a lesson to be learned here
(02/21 14:16:56) Calum Traveler: probably
(02/21 14:17:07) Calum Traveler checks time…
(02/21 14:17:26) Calum Traveler: hrm, though i suspect the lesson for today is that i need to get some food soon, probably…
(02/21 14:17:34) Calum Traveler: geeze, how’d it get to be so late?
(02/21 14:17:42) Jules Lavisham: Good plan. I’m going to grab something at the bar then head myself.
(02/21 14:17:54) Jules Lavisham: Hoping to poish off the talking points for the next Kirel audio this week
(02/21 14:17:56) Calum Traveler: i think im gonna order myself some pizza.
(02/21 14:18:05) Calum Traveler: yeah, hope you can talk with Patrick about that.
(02/21 14:18:41) Jules Lavisham: Mmm. He’s given me autonomy on putting the thing together, but I feel he should at least have sign-off rights on it
(02/21 14:18:51) Calum Traveler: good luck to you and Kelsei both on getting a meeting out of him
(02/21 14:18:59) Calum Traveler: man is busy as a bee,
(02/21 14:19:54) Calum Traveler: i think he’s a bit obsessed with Direbo, if you ask me,
(02/21 14:19:59) Jules Lavisham: Mmm. Hopefully should leave me enough time to sort out some recording times with Ty and the others
(02/21 14:20:11) Calum Traveler: Direbo… that’s fine. a part of me’s hoping he leaves it at that.
(02/21 14:20:23) Calum Traveler: have you seen the weather reports from Tahgira?
(02/21 14:20:39) Calum Traveler: we might need Maintainer Suits just to get around there, with those temps.
(02/21 14:20:49) Jules Lavisham: Oh wow, that’s deteriorated a bit
(02/21 14:21:13) Calum Traveler: yeah, that planet is on a downward slope alright.
(02/21 14:21:26) Calum Traveler: we’ll see if the temperatures ‘warm up’ any
(02/21 14:21:32) Calum Traveler: but considering the way it’s been…
(02/21 14:21:48) Calum Traveler: honestly, i wouldnt vote for allowing access to that place or Noloben, if it came to it.
(02/21 14:21:54) Calum Traveler: too many safety concerns.
(02/21 14:22:02) Sleeper Jan: how so?
(02/21 14:22:06) Jules Lavisham: Has Noloben’s weather deteriorated as well?
(02/21 14:22:09) Calum Traveler: no,
(02/21 14:22:12) Calum Traveler: Noloben’s stable
(02/21 14:22:14) Calum Traveler: just…
(02/21 14:22:19) Calum Traveler: …it feels wrong to me,
(02/21 14:22:27) Calum Traveler: the last time we know a human went there
(02/21 14:22:30) Calum Traveler: Sharper shot a bahro
(02/21 14:23:00) Calum Traveler: and we know nothing about the current state of all that Bahro War nonsense
(02/21 14:23:08) Calum Traveler: …it just doesnt seem safe to me to risk it
(02/21 14:23:12) Jules Lavisham: Hrm. That is a concern.
(02/21 14:23:17) Calum Traveler: Tahgira, just…
(02/21 14:23:27) Calum Traveler: Maintainer Suits required, maybe
(02/21 14:23:38) Calum Traveler: that place is perpetual blizzard mode,
(02/21 14:23:51) Calum Traveler: i cant see us letting folks wander around it unprotected,
(02/21 14:24:09) Calum Traveler: not after warning folks about Serene and still having people come in bare foot and in shorts and tank tops on Release day.
(02/21 14:24:30) Calum Traveler: but ill probably get outvoted on that,
(02/21 14:24:35) Calum Traveler scowls slightly…
(02/21 14:24:37) Sleeper Jan: hm
(02/21 14:24:46) Jules Lavisham: Absolute madlads, some of these explorers. I’m surprised we weren’t picking toes out of the snow
(02/21 14:24:53) Calum Traveler: me too.
(02/21 14:25:23) Calum Traveler: you can see my concerns, on that regard, right?
(02/21 14:25:39) Jules Lavisham: Taghira definitely.
(02/21 14:25:40) Calum Traveler: Laki and Todelmer seem safe enough, I guess,
(02/21 14:25:55) Calum Traveler: I know im probably way over reacting about Noloben, but…
(02/21 14:26:00) Calum Traveler: everything about that age puts me off,
(02/21 14:26:09) Calum Traveler mumbles something about Wheely…
(02/21 14:26:22) Jules Lavisham: Noloben… there’s an argument to be made for its preservation.
(02/21 14:26:36) Calum Traveler: yeah, im well aware of those arguments,
(02/21 14:26:42) Calum Traveler: historical site, can’t loose sight of terrible things,
(02/21 14:26:51) Calum Traveler: im not against it from that front
(02/21 14:26:52) Calum Traveler: its just.
(02/21 14:26:59) Calum Traveler: it doesn’t feel Safe to me.
(02/21 14:27:07) Calum Traveler: like tempting fate and walking on your own grave.
(02/21 14:28:07) Jules Lavisham: Well, the counter argument would be if the War was still going on and the Bahro wanted us
(02/21 14:28:12) Jules Lavisham: dead,
(02/21 14:28:13) AdrianGreen: you are depresive
(02/21 14:28:23) Jules Lavisham: it would have happened already by now
(02/21 14:28:27) Calum Traveler: mrh,
(02/21 14:28:38) Calum Traveler: it’s probably just my own anxiety flaring up,
(02/21 14:28:42) Calum Traveler: but it’s just…
(02/21 14:28:53) Calum Traveler: idk,
(02/21 14:28:56) Calum Traveler: i cant explain it.
(02/21 14:29:02) Calum Traveler: just doesnt feel like its a good idea.
(02/21 14:29:03) Sleeper Jan: offers tea to cal
(02/21 14:29:07) Calum Traveler: thanks, jan.
(02/21 14:29:16) Calum Traveler takes a sip
(02/21 14:29:25) lsa: when I have anxiety flare ups, I try to distance myself from the thing that is causing it…for a little while
(02/21 14:29:26) Jules Lavisham: No, I absolutely do get that.
(02/21 14:29:31) Calum Traveler: of course, it may also be my stomach grumbling at me to eat that’s making me feel bad, too.
(02/21 14:29:34) lsa: it can help.
(02/21 14:29:38) Jules Lavisham: We’ll see what comes of future restoration plans
(02/21 14:29:41) Calum Traveler: thanks,
(02/21 14:29:47) Calum Traveler: point’s moot if the DRC say ‘no’ anyways
(02/21 14:30:04) Calum Traveler: so im trying not to worry about it too much.
(02/21 14:30:05) Calum Traveler: just…
(02/21 14:30:05) Sleeper Jan: what’s the next place in the works to open here?
(02/21 14:30:09) Calum Traveler: hrm…
(02/21 14:30:14) Calum Traveler: Elonin or Naybree, id imagine
(02/21 14:30:16) Jules Lavisham: Mmm. Lets worry about these problems after we’ve caused them, hey?
(02/21 14:30:18) Calum Traveler: if i can fast track Naybree,
(02/21 14:30:26) Calum Traveler: probably Elonin first,
(02/21 14:30:46) Calum Traveler: it’s been in the trenches longer, so to speak.
(02/21 14:31:07) Calum Traveler: yeah, i guess, Jules.
(02/21 14:31:10) Calum Traveler: idk.
(02/21 14:31:26) Calum Traveler: feels like one of those things we ought to be trying not to cause problems with though.
(02/21 14:31:28) lsa: hi Indiahno
(02/21 14:31:33) Calum Traveler: ah well, anyways
(02/21 14:31:38) Calum Traveler: i think im gonna bounce and get that food.
(02/21 14:31:39) Minasunda: shorah Indi
(02/21 14:31:41) Calum Traveler packs up bags.
(02/21 14:31:52) Indiahno Jones: hi people
(02/21 14:31:55) Calum Traveler: thanks for letitng me vent a bit, i guess, Jules. ^^;
(02/21 14:31:59) Jules Lavisham: Good plan. Let me know if you need any help scoring these replacement parts
(02/21 14:31:59) lsa: hello mojoe
(02/21 14:32:04) Bozodo: Hi Indy
(02/21 14:32:10) Calum Traveler: ill let ya know
(02/21 14:32:15) mojoe: hi
(02/21 14:32:16) Jules Lavisham: Not a problem, Cal.
(02/21 14:32:17) Sleeper Jan: cal said pizza?
(02/21 14:32:20) Minasunda: shorah mojoe
(02/21 14:32:20) Sleeper Jan: i’d take one
(02/21 14:32:23) To Buddies: take care all, be back later. waves
(02/21 14:32:32) Minasunda: bye Cal
(02/21 14:32:34) Calum Traveler slugs everything over shoulder and gives a wave
(02/21 14:32:38) Calum Traveler: take care, all, have a nice day.
(02/21 14:32:40) Jules Lavisham waves goodbye
(02/21 14:32:41) lsa: cya Calum
(02/21 14:32:42) Sleeper Jan: bye cal
(02/21 14:32:44) Calum Traveler reltos….
(02/21 14:33:09) …Chat.log stopped.
Calum Traveler - KI# 34810
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