6/4/21 Late Night Ae’gura Chat.

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6/4/21 Late Night Ae’gura Chat.

Post by Traveler263 »

(06/04 22:02:51) Chat.log started…
(06/04 22:02:53) Calum Traveler: evening all
(06/04 22:02:56) Night-Tripper: Hey Calum
(06/04 22:03:02) Duncan Fletcher: hi Calum Traveler
(06/04 22:03:03) Anatheia: Shorah Calum!
(06/04 22:03:09) mafasa: Why does that not surprise me Ana?
(06/04 22:03:09) Calum Traveler waves hello
(06/04 22:03:11) HenryMikel: Howdy Calum
(06/04 22:03:27) mafasa: Shorah calum
(06/04 22:03:28) Anatheia: How are you Calum?
(06/04 22:03:32) Calum Traveler: oh, alright,
(06/04 22:03:46) Night-Tripper: what news report?
(06/04 22:03:48) Anatheia: Are you tired from testing as well?
(06/04 22:04:02) Calum Traveler: heh,
(06/04 22:04:08) mafasa: What age were you just in calum?
(06/04 22:04:15) Calum Traveler: hm? what age?
(06/04 22:04:29) HenryMikel: they know!
(06/04 22:04:29) mafasa: yes
(06/04 22:04:33) Calum Traveler: i just came from the GoMePub
(06/04 22:04:40) Anatheia: Did you go check out the new Age, mafasa?
(06/04 22:04:42) Calum Traveler: before that chiso…
(06/04 22:04:44) Calum Traveler: before that… 😉
(06/04 22:04:50) mafasa: Tri something
(06/04 22:04:57) Anatheia: Yes, that one…LOL
(06/04 22:05:00) Night-Tripper: Trifocals
(06/04 22:05:10) Duncan Fletcher: Tri Tips
(06/04 22:05:14) Calum Traveler: i needed to rest my feet a bit. ive been out and about for a while
(06/04 22:06:04) Anatheia: Triathalon
(06/04 22:06:06) Calum Traveler: 😛
(06/04 22:06:30) Duncan Fletcher: triciratops
(06/04 22:06:32) Calum Traveler: do you perhaps mean… triangularbuildings?
(06/04 22:06:38) mafasa: Mafasa wishes he never asked
(06/04 22:06:52) Anatheia: square as square can be
(06/04 22:06:55) Night-Tripper: Try anything and yer a gonner
(06/04 22:07:03) Calum Traveler starts to laugh
(06/04 22:07:09) mafasa: Seems so lol
(06/04 22:07:23) Duncan Fletcher: These seem to be Tring times
(06/04 22:07:32) Calum Traveler: heh
(06/04 22:07:56) Calum Traveler: im sure if you snooped around the usual places you might find something inTREsting
(06/04 22:08:23) Duncan Fletcher: shorah Triki
(06/04 22:08:24) Calum Traveler: shorah, tiki
(06/04 22:08:30) Night-Tripper: ah yes The Sting
(06/04 22:08:34) TikiBear: Shorah, Explorers!
(06/04 22:08:42) mafasa: Mafasa really, really wishes he had never asked
(06/04 22:08:42) HenryMikel: Tre’bivdil Tre’bivdil Tre’bivdil Tre’bivdilTre’bivdil Tre’bivdil I CAN’T STAND these puns
(06/04 22:08:43) Night-Tripper: howdy Tiki
(06/04 22:08:48) TikiBear leans left
(06/04 22:08:49) Calum Traveler: XD
(06/04 22:08:50) Anatheia leans right
(06/04 22:08:58) Calum Traveler: okay you said the name i can say it
(06/04 22:09:02) mafasa: Thats the one Henry:))
(06/04 22:09:10) Night-Tripper: HM your sitting
(06/04 22:09:14) Calum Traveler: yes, i went to check if Tre’bivdil’s book had been placed before i went to bed,
(06/04 22:09:19) HenryMikel: I am Gee?
(06/04 22:09:28) Calum Traveler: gave it the ol’ once over
(06/04 22:09:44) Calum Traveler: alas someone beat me to the punch
(06/04 22:09:46) HenryMikel: Ana tried to break it as usual
(06/04 22:09:47) TikiBear: Has it?
(06/04 22:09:53) Calum Traveler: it has
(06/04 22:09:54) mafasa: Thats the new book in the library?
(06/04 22:09:55) Anatheia: LOL
(06/04 22:10:04) Calum Traveler: someone was turning like a gear
(06/04 22:10:10) Calum Traveler: yep 😉
(06/04 22:10:13) Anatheia: Yes, that was Brotha
(06/04 22:10:15) Calum Traveler: it may well be
(06/04 22:10:19) mafasa: Not a laughing matter Ana.
(06/04 22:10:19) Calum Traveler: hehe, Brotha, yes
(06/04 22:10:24) Night-Tripper: he missed it
(06/04 22:10:40) Night-Tripper: was sleeping when I went thru
(06/04 22:10:43) Calum Traveler: i suspect you’ve seen it already?
(06/04 22:10:54) Anatheia: I have.
(06/04 22:10:56) mafasa: Yep
(06/04 22:11:00) Calum Traveler: nice place, ain’t it?
(06/04 22:11:08) Night-Tripper: showed up between 530–630
(06/04 22:11:17) Anatheia: It is bright and pleasant.
(06/04 22:11:19) Calum Traveler: ah, right when i was getting dinner
(06/04 22:11:23) mafasa: Yes comfortable chairs too
(06/04 22:11:28) Duncan Fletcher: Needs a bar
(06/04 22:11:29) Calum Traveler: news hasnt broken on the discords yet heheh
(06/04 22:11:31) Anatheia: The posts?
(06/04 22:11:51) Night-Tripper: I prefer surprises like that
(06/04 22:12:03) Calum Traveler: i think i can safely schedule my little postcard post for tomorrow after the AGM
(06/04 22:12:13) TikiBear: It’s very artistic.
(06/04 22:12:26) Calum Traveler: 🙂 yes, it’s the work of… lemme make sure i get the name right
(06/04 22:12:42) Anatheia: Hey Calum! I actually ended up in a public instance of it! :-))
(06/04 22:12:56) Calum Traveler: congrats
(06/04 22:13:04) Anatheia: First time for everything.
(06/04 22:13:06) Duncan Fletcher: You still tried to break it
(06/04 22:13:12) Calum Traveler: Lontahv, i think is how his names spelled,
(06/04 22:13:24) Anatheia: But, I kept bouncing up and down on the ladder like a bungee jump.
(06/04 22:13:30) Calum Traveler: oof.
(06/04 22:13:45) mafasa: No comment
(06/04 22:13:53) Calum Traveler: I suspect Patrick will have words to say at the AGM tomorrow.
(06/04 22:13:55) Anatheia: Duncan saw it!
(06/04 22:14:11) Calum Traveler: though Tre’biv’s release may be a bit overshadowed given the other news of the day
(06/04 22:14:20) Night-Tripper: other??
(06/04 22:14:23) mafasa: That being?
(06/04 22:14:34) Anatheia: Come on Calum…spill the beans.
(06/04 22:14:36) Calum Traveler: seems the DRC went and released some documents related to some of their old Age Restoration Projects today.
(06/04 22:14:45) Night-Tripper: URU is being sold??
(06/04 22:14:48) Calum Traveler: folks have been in a tizzy all afternoon.
(06/04 22:15:08) Calum Traveler: i have a feeling there’ll be some major talk about it at the AGM tomorrow.
(06/04 22:15:10) TikiBear is adrool over the assets
(06/04 22:15:18) Night-Tripper: dont know what that entails
(06/04 22:15:26) mafasa: Today for me:)))
(06/04 22:15:33) Calum Traveler: ah yes, time zones
(06/04 22:15:43) Anatheia: Is that a word, Tiki? “adrool”?
(06/04 22:15:52) TikiBear: Of course.
(06/04 22:15:55) Calum Traveler: i think its a word, yes
(06/04 22:15:58) Anatheia: LOL
(06/04 22:15:59) Night-Tripper: at my age time zooms
(06/04 22:16:05) Duncan Fletcher tosses Tiki a towel for the puddle he is making
(06/04 22:16:17) Anatheia: Shorah Sky! :-))
(06/04 22:16:18) Duncan Fletcher: shorah Sky
(06/04 22:16:21) Calum Traveler: shorah, sky
(06/04 22:16:26) skyisblu: Hi Ana 🙂
(06/04 22:16:27) Night-Tripper: Bonsoir Tiki
(06/04 22:16:31) TikiBear: Thank you, Duncan.
(06/04 22:16:32) mafasa: Hey Sky:))
(06/04 22:16:35) Night-Tripper: I mean sky
(06/04 22:16:35) skyisblu: Hi Duncan 🙂
(06/04 22:16:41) skyisblu: Hi Calum! 🙂
(06/04 22:16:44) TikiBear: Bonsoir NT!
(06/04 22:16:50) Calum Traveler: 🙂
(06/04 22:16:50) skyisblu: Hey mafasa 🙂
(06/04 22:16:53) Anatheia: LOL
(06/04 22:16:56) Night-Tripper: lol Tiki
(06/04 22:17:07) Calum Traveler: i suspect after the cold of Serene folks will be eager for some warmer environs,
(06/04 22:17:07) TikiBear: Shorah, sky!
(06/04 22:17:10) skyisblu: Bonsoir NT! Habs are up two games 😀
(06/04 22:17:18) skyisblu: Hi Tiki 🙂
(06/04 22:17:22) Calum Traveler: Tsogal’s nice and all, but the suns a bit too bright if you ask me
(06/04 22:17:30) Calum Traveler: a bit big, too
(06/04 22:17:35) Night-Tripper: oh no will never hear the end of it
(06/04 22:17:37) TikiBear: LOL
(06/04 22:17:46) skyisblu: LOL @ NT
(06/04 22:17:56) Night-Tripper: and now back to Montreal
(06/04 22:18:02) TikiBear waves hello
(06/04 22:18:06) skyisblu: Oh, even better 😀
(06/04 22:18:11) skyisblu waves hello
(06/04 22:18:19) Calum Traveler waves hello
(06/04 22:18:38) Night-Tripper waves bonsoir
(06/04 22:18:41) skyisblu leans left
(06/04 22:18:42) Anatheia leans right
(06/04 22:19:08) skyisblu leans right
(06/04 22:19:09) Duncan Fletcher leans left
(06/04 22:19:25) skyisblu: Hi Henry 🙂
(06/04 22:19:28) skyisblu salutes
(06/04 22:19:51) Night-Tripper: this must be the After Midnight Club
(06/04 22:20:04) Calum Traveler: pre-midnight for me, 10:19 pm here
(06/04 22:20:10) mafasa: Or early birds forum:)
(06/04 22:20:25) skyisblu: It’s the “night shift”!
(06/04 22:20:27) Calum Traveler: it’s a nice quiet chat to be had, right here, hehe
(06/04 22:20:41) Anatheia: We’re almost always a chatty group.
(06/04 22:20:57) Calum Traveler: 🙂
(06/04 22:21:04) Night-Tripper: so the Habs have won 5 in a row?
(06/04 22:21:27) Anatheia: Shorah Brotha
(06/04 22:21:42) TikiBear: Shorah, Brotha!
(06/04 22:21:47) Calum Traveler: shorah, brotha
(06/04 22:21:49) Brotha: Hello!
(06/04 22:22:04) TikiBear waves hello
(06/04 22:22:09) Brotha waves hello
(06/04 22:22:16) Brotha waves hello
(06/04 22:22:22) Brotha waves hello
(06/04 22:22:26) TikiBear: Welcome to “The Night Shift”
(06/04 22:22:29) Brotha waves hello
(06/04 22:22:34) Night-Tripper waves hello
(06/04 22:22:36) skyisblu: hi Brotha “)
(06/04 22:22:57) Brotha: Hi Sky
(06/04 22:23:01) Night-Tripper: ok did someone bring a guitar?
(06/04 22:23:17) TikiBear: Don’t make me go all singing nun on you!
(06/04 22:23:25) Anatheia: Hey, that would be nice!
(06/04 22:23:43) From skuavi II in skuavi II’s Relto: hola 🙂
(06/04 22:23:43) Brotha: I got this name from Sestra
(06/04 22:23:48) skyisblu: Hourray Tiki 🙂
(06/04 22:23:52) TikiBear: Cool!
(06/04 22:23:58) Duncan Fletcher: Need a mir-o bot fire pit
(06/04 22:24:04) Night-Tripper: brother and sister?
(06/04 22:24:08) TikiBear: Yes!
(06/04 22:24:09) Brotha: Plural
(06/04 22:24:23) Calum Traveler: im ok without a firepit, tbh
(06/04 22:24:29) Calum Traveler: sometimes the flickering hurts my eyes >>;
(06/04 22:24:40) Brotha: from a clone show
(06/04 22:24:56) skyisblu: it’s too hot tonight for a fire pit
(06/04 22:24:57) TikiBear: We don’t need any grand mal, certainly.
(06/04 22:25:05) Anatheia: I like that fire pit. It reminds me of camping in the mountains.
(06/04 22:25:17) Calum Traveler: mmh, camping can be nice,
(06/04 22:25:27) Duncan Fletcher: Camping is fun
(06/04 22:25:28) Calum Traveler: ive a lot of fond memories of going camping with my grandparents and cousins
(06/04 22:26:09) Anatheia: Most of my camping has been in the Tetons and southern Utah.
(06/04 22:26:17) TikiBear: Ooh!
(06/04 22:26:34) Calum Traveler: Utah. Heh. The one time i went camping in Utah it was on a night i insisted we should sleep in the car
(06/04 22:26:46) Anatheia: LOL…what happened?
(06/04 22:26:53) Calum Traveler: …i got overruled and a wind storm swept through, nearly colapsing our tents on us
(06/04 22:26:58) Calum Traveler: needless to say we slept in the car!
(06/04 22:27:07) Night-Tripper: last time I went camping the rain follwed me everywhere
(06/04 22:27:16) Anatheia: Oh! That has happened to me two or three times!
(06/04 22:27:31) Duncan Fletcher: Montana, Idaho, WA State, Wyoming and Colorado here
(06/04 22:27:37) skyisblu: It isn;t camping without a little rain 🙂
(06/04 22:27:50) Duncan Fletcher: Staying dry
(06/04 22:27:52) Night-Tripper: but constant rain
(06/04 22:27:57) Anatheia: Once when the tent collapsed it was a torrential rain.
(06/04 22:28:21) Calum Traveler: oof.
(06/04 22:28:50) Calum Traveler: im not sure whats worse, wind or rain
(06/04 22:29:07) Anatheia: Are you gentlemen leaving?
(06/04 22:29:07) Night-Tripper: well I must wander
(06/04 22:29:15) TikiBear: Take care, NT!
(06/04 22:29:15) Night-Tripper waves goodbye
(06/04 22:29:21) TikiBear waves goodbye
(06/04 22:29:21) Calum Traveler: i should be getting to bed myself. 🙂
(06/04 22:29:24) mafasa: You off Henry?
(06/04 22:29:25) Night-Tripper leans left
(06/04 22:29:26) Anatheia leans right
(06/04 22:29:26) HenryMikel: Bye NT
(06/04 22:29:28) Calum Traveler: have a good night, all.
(06/04 22:29:32) Calum Traveler waves goodbye
(06/04 22:29:34) TikiBear: Good night, Calum!
(06/04 22:29:36) HenryMikel: I needed to stand
(06/04 22:29:39) TikiBear waves goodbye
(06/04 22:29:41) Anatheia leans left
(06/04 22:29:41) mafasa: Night henry:))
(06/04 22:29:44) skyisblu waves goodbye
(06/04 22:29:51) skyisblu: bonsoir NT 🙂
(06/04 22:29:52) mafasa leans right
(06/04 22:29:53) Duncan Fletcher: good night
(06/04 22:29:59) Anatheia leans left
(06/04 22:30:02) …Chat.log stopped.
Calum Traveler - KI# 34810
-Traveler's Cavern Log-
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