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Keep your eyes on Naybree's Skies.

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2024 5:41 pm
by Traveler263
Over the last month I've been doing occasional solo treks out into Naybree's Mountain region, trying to hunt down any other traces of D'ni occupation belonging to the original owner of the Age.

I wasn't able to find anything relating to that Guild Master yet, but I did find the remnants of a tower belonging to one of the intermediary owners of the Age after it passed from the Guild Master's family. The building appears to have belonged to someone I think was an Astronomer of sorts- either officially or amateur, I can't tell given the desolation of the structure.

I was able to find something that seemed to be portion of a stone-carved celestial star chart of sorts noting notable celestial phenomenon that occurred on a fixed cycle. Things like planetary orbits and the like. One of the things I found to be notable was a depiction of a Meteor Shower, preluded to by a mass migration of local wildlife.

Given the encounter we had in Naybree's forests back in December, I find it incredibly likely we're nearing the time for a meteor shower to scream overhead. But I'm uncertain of the exact timing as of this moment. It could be months from now, it could be years, It could be days.

My rough plan for now is to set up a more firm observation station on the beach to keep a better eye on the skies while I try to figure out how to align the wrecked start chart with the Age's current day/night cycle and orbits.

If we're lucky I'll have everything in place before we get quite the light show!

That's all for now!
